#David Lasee
scotianostra · 1 year
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The Battle of Hadden Rig was a battle fought on August 24th 1542, except maybe it wasn't.
To explain this I have to tell you about how much of the dates in history from centuries past can be identified, in this instance it is down to the the feast day of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, rather than post a date the chroniclers would merely say it was a certain saints day or so many days either side to whatever christian feast, The Battle of Hadden Rig was on St. Bartholomew's day, so the dates all correspond to them aye? Naw, because the calendars changed in 1752, St. Bartholomew's day was originally on September 11th on the old style Julian calendar, nowadays the Catholic Church honours him on August 24th, oh and to muddy the waters a wee bit more Eastern Christianity observe June 11th to honour him. We also have the fact that the actual date September 11th in the Gregorian calendar actually corresponds to August 29th!!! So with that in mind I'll get on with telling you about Hadden Rig.
I think this little known battle is largely forgotten about is due to the numbers involved and the exact location being relatively unknown, I will post a link to this afterwards.
With Scotland now ruled by the young James V under the influence of his English mother, hopes for improved Anglo-Scottish relations were high. However, in 1534 Henry VIII broke the link between Rome and the English church appointing himself as its Supreme Head. Suppression of the Abbeys and plundering of the wealth of the church followed.
Such action was strongly opposed by James V who was heavily influenced by the staunchly Catholic and pro-French magnate Cardinal David Beaton. With Scotland resisting the English move towards religious reform, tensions between the two nations increased significantly. The death of Queen Margaret in 1541 removed the final impediment to war.
Henry VIII demanded that James meet him in York to discuss a religious settlement between the two nations but the Scottish King failed to attend. An English army then raided the Scottish borders under the Command of Robert Bowes.
The only real source for what happened is from the book "The History of the Wars in Scotland: From the Battle of the Grampian Hills In The Year 85, To The Battle Of Culloden In The Year 1746, which was first published in 1783, so a guid few years after the battle. This is directly from that book.
Henry of England, being disgusted at his nephew's connections with France, and finding that Henry of England, Francis had sufficient employment at home, resolved to invade Scotland, both by sea and land.
He, ' appointed a very considerable army to rendezvous upon the borders, under the command of Sir Robert Bowes, one of his wardens, the Earl of Angus, and his brothers. James had nominated the Earl of Huntly to command his army on the borders, consisting of 10,000 men; and his lieutenant was Sir Walter Lindsay of Torphichen, who had seen a great deal of foreign service, and was esteemed an' excellent-officer.
Huntly acquitted himself admirably Well in his commission, and was so well served by his spies, as to have certain intelligence that the English intended to surprise and burn Jedburgh and Kelso.
The English army, under Bowes and the Doug lases, continued still on the borders; and the Scottish nobility and gentry had resolved ’not to attack them on their own ground, nor to act offensively, unless their enemies invaded Scotland. Huntly being informed that the English had ad advanced, on the 24th of August, to a place called Haddonrig, and that they had destroyed a great part of“ the Scottish and debatable lands, resolved to engage them; and the English Were astonished when they saw the Scottish drawn up in order of battle about day-break. Neither party could now retreat without fighting; and Torphichen, who led the van. consisting of 2000 of the best troops of Scotland, charged the enemy so furiously, that Huntly gained a complete and easy victory.
Above 2,000 of the English were killed, and 600 taken prisoner among whom Were their General Bowes, Sir William Mowbray, and about sixty of the most distinguished northern barons; the Earl of Angus escaped by the swiftness of his horse. The loss of the Scottish was so inconsiderable that it is not mentioned.
Of course Henry VIII was not to let this go and got his revenge in November at Solway Moss, more on that in Novembers post.
The following link lets you know where we are in the understanding of the battle as of a couple of years ago, it calls into question the above account, although now mentioning it, it also asks questions about the location, and disputes the numbers.
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year
David a plecat în veșnicie! Să mijlocim pentru familia Obreja!
Biserica Speranța Bârlad Ce scurtă este viața și ce repede trece! Avem o datorie sfânta, marcată de dragostea Domnului de a ne ruga pentru cei doborâți de durere, pentru cei din valea plângerii. Să mijlocim pentru familia Obreja, Dumnezeu să lase mângâiere. Cu dragoste, Ciprian Bârsan
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paginadepsihologie · 1 year
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AVERTISMENT! Această carte CHIAR nu vrea să fie citită. Dacă vreți să citiți o carte simpatică, luați-vă alta! Pentru că această carte mușcă, se-ncâlcește și vă păcălește. Dar… dacă o mângâiați grijuliu și drăgăstos, o să vă lase s-o citiți. Și o să fie o carte ilustrată plină de viață, pisicoasă și absolut magică, scrisă de un domn amuzant pe nume David Sundin.
🔗 https://bit.ly/3MWRErQ
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museachilles88 · 1 year
Flying Saucers everywhere in the sky. Alien lasers vs human soldiers on the ground., beautiful, colorful, cosmic, futuristic, detailed, golden hour, iridescent, vibrant, mark brooks, frank frazetta, david mann, kilian eng, jeff koons, digital painting, hyperrealism, surrealism, octane render, trending on artstation - made with @get_starryai #aiart #digitalart #starryaifeatured https://starryai.com/app/user/Corpserest/creation/963179347/
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sneezest · 2 years
According to police reports and witness accounts, on July 3, 2021, then-Green Bay Correctional Institute officer Shane Nolan called Dessiray Koss a derogatory term for LGBTQ people, threw her into an active fire pit and tried to strangle her when she fought back. Koss is openly gay and was at her private residence at the time of the incident. The attack was sudden and unprovoked, according to Koss and her sister, who said she witnessed the assault.
By July 15, Brown County prosecutors had charged Nolan with one felony charge and one misdemeanor — substantial battery and disorderly conduct, respectively — both with hate crime modifiers that would add nearly seven more years of prison time and thousands of dollars in fines if he was convicted.
Brown County District Attorney David Lasee, the prosecuting attorney in the case, negotiated the plea agreement without Koss' knowledge, according to Nick Ross, anti-violence program advocate for Diverse + Resilient Appleton. Ahead of the last hearing on Tuesday, Lasee informed Koss that he would change the felony charge to three misdemeanors without hate crime enhancement.
Lasee would not recommend any jail time, Koss was told. Brown County Circuit Court Judge Kendall Kelley will ultimately determine the charges and a sentence if there's a conviction.
Kathy Flores, the anti-violence program director at Diverse + Resilient Appleton, suspects that the hate crime charges were dropped because it would mean a "sure verdict" for the prosecuting attorney.
"A sure verdict is almost always the case when it comes to hate crimes in the LGBTQ community," Flores said. "The reason we are pushing for this is because it's what the victim's family wants. We don't trust the criminal justice system to do the right thing."
Because Nolan is connected to local law enforcement, Flores said it's hard not to be cynical about why a Brown County prosecutor is going lighter on the defendant. 
"In this case, it feels like the call is coming from inside the house," Flores said.
Lasee's office did not respond to a message from the Press-Gazette.
Flores said nowhere is considered safe for the LGBTQ community, but it's especially so in northeast Wisconsin. Over the last year of working with Appleton-based clients, Flores said the organization has served about 150 people, a majority of whom are victims of hate violence.
In a majority of those cases, victims do not report to the police. And for those who do report, it's hard for such enhancements to "stick," said Flores.
"I have yet to work on a case of hate violence where the hate violence enhancer actually stuck," Flores said.
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
Michelangelo’s David
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 4,477
Warnings: SMUT, SEX, a HELL of a lot of foreplay, vampires, swearing, slight Stony.
Request: Nah.
Summary: You’re a vampire. You consider Natasha to be a Goddess. One night in a dingy motel may just change your relationship forever.
A/N: This is a whole lot of gay shit. SO much sex. Istg, you better not be under 18, bc I will end you motherfucker. I’d rather not get into shit bc of that okay? Thanks to @romanova-maximoff-danvers for telling me how vampires work, bc I didn’t know that shit. This is my first smut work, so... take that for what you will.
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(Not my GIF)
The sudden voice behind her, caused the red-headed woman to jump.
Before you caused her skin to separate from her body, out of shearer fright. She had been resting along the railing, outside, in front of her motel door. You had quick access to her, as she was in the room adjacent to you. The rest of the Avengers resided in all the other rooms, of the run down motel. Some 'sharing' or more commonly known as 'Tony and Steve are fucking'.
She spun around, to meet the stiff person. Glaring into her eyes, she asked, "Why are you awake?"
"I'm a Vampire. We don't sleep... well, not at night, at least."
"I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me." She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest, causing her ample bosom, to tighten, and protrude upwards. The low cut of her tank top, making them almost visible, along with her black bra, that was lining the neck of her shirt.
"Aww, is the dark and dangerous, Black Widow, scared?" you asked, in a voice, like when you would talk to a dog. Letting your arms flop down in front of you, as you waddled over to her, in a playful manner.
"Y/N..." she warned.
"What?" you asked innocently. Gripping the sides of her tense shoulders, rubbing them, gently, with your thumbs. Looking down at the much shorter woman.
Natasha glared at you, causing you to regret what you said, slightly... slightly.
Thinking it best you apologised, as to not set your impending death in stone, by the beautiful woman in front of you.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to see if you were alright..." you said, bashfully.
She smiled at you, "It's alright." She looked you up and down, noticing how stiff you were. You were naturally stiff anyway, but to the natural eye, you just seemed like you had good posture.
But now. You closely resembled, Michelangelo's David. You look like you had been carved out of solid marble.
Natasha was suddenly pulled back to when she walked in on you, half naked. As you were patching yourself up, after a fierce battle, with a most recent villain.
Natasha walked along one of the many, corridors, in the tower, passing doors that lead to each of the team members rooms.
Already knowing her destination, she paid them no mind. Not to the sounds of blaring TVs. Not to the snores, not to the conversations, and not to the music of Wanda strumming away on her guitar.
Natasha cared for only one person at that moment, that person being you, wanting to see if you were alright.
She opened your door without knocking. Stopping still in her tracks, as she stared at the sight before her. Her mouth falling open slightly.
You were clad, in only your underwear. Your combat suit left discarded, crumpled on the floor. She stared at you closely, as you dabbed at your bleeding side. You were regretting "feeding" before your mission. Your blood far runnier than you would like it to be, as you were patching yourself up.
She felt it again, the pulsing throughout her body. Heat running through her body, from her head to her toes. The warmth sticking around in a private place. Natasha had been feeling this quite a lot lately. Whenever you trained, worked out, spared. Not just with her either. She would watch you, as you rolled on the floor, playfully sparring with Clint, with a smile upon your face. And it was just a disaster when she sparred with you. She felt this on missions. You kicking ass always managed to make her blood rush. Which caused her to become continuously distracted, as the more time drew on.
But now. Now. Natasha didn't know what she was supposed to do when she saw you again. She just knew that she would think of you like this again, and become more distracted than she ever was before.
You looked up, happily surprised to see Natasha standing there. Letting your arms drop to your sides, no embarrassment at being caught in your just your underwear. If it was one thing Natasha could say about you, was that you were confident in your body. Throwing the green-eyed woman, a happy smile. Caused her face to flush, coating it with red, the blush running down her neck. Her composure completely destroyed. She uttered a stuttered apology and exited the room. Quickly walking to her own, the feeling of embarrassment washing in. Leavening you, staring at the door, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Yep. Definitely, Michelangelo's David. She confirmed, still looking you up and down.
"You seem tense," she stated.
"Of course, I'm tense. I'm a fucking Vampire. I've technically been dead for hundreds of years."
"That's not what I meant," Natasha clarified. Still looking at you, as you were now, stood a few feet away, "You just seem tenser, than usual."
You watched her, her eyebrows raising, in a silent indication, that you can talk to her if needed.
You huffed out a sigh, looking up, into the starry night sky. You were literally in the middle of nowhere. The whole reason you were out here in the first place, and not surrounded by the busy city of New York, was a Steve planned trip. A road trip to be exact. And now, here you were. You had been surprised when Tony had suggested staying here. But then again, the minute you booked the whole motel for your gang, Tony and Steve ran off, commandeering the room the old receptionist gave them.
You look back down, right into emerald green eyes. Deciding to tell her the truth, it's not like you could lie to her anyway...
"It- It's just been a long time, is all..." you uttered out. Not daring to look her in the eyes. Now peering intently at the floor between her, and your feet.
"What's been a long time?" Natasha asked cluelessly.
You snapped your eyes up, looking into hers, your eyes hard and telling. You watched as realisation faded into her.
"Ohh..." she said, understanding lased her voice. Dazed out, eyes wide, staring towards your body. "How long?" Natasha asked, finally snapping back into reality. Looking into your eyes.
"I don't know," you shrugged, "I just know, it's been a while."
"And you haven't thought about actually trying to get laid?" Natasha joked, trying her hardest to ignore the pang of jealousy that ran through her at the thought of you with someone else.
Shrugging, you replied, "I don't think anyone would want to have sex with a vampire, you know?" You looked into Natasha's pity filled eyes, before you continued, "Everyone's too scared of me."
"I'm not scared of you."
"Well, do you want to have sex with me?" you joked.
With a new surge of courageous confidence, she slowly walked towards you. Hips swaying more than usual. With a look in her eye, that looked like she could eat you alive.
Suddenly, you felt nervous, exceptionally so. The nerves building, higher and higher, as she slowly meandered her way towards you. The look in her eyes was unsettling to you. You were usually the one who, literality, ate people... well you didn't, but you could.
Deciding on changing the subject, hoping to make yourself more comfortable. Under her watchful gaze. It's not like you didn't like it, you did. But, she was the Black Widow. She flirted and killed to get what she wanted. You would never admit this, to anyone, but she quite intimidated you.
"Um, why are you out here, anyway?" you asked, nervously.
"Tony and Steve, are in the room next to mine," you looked behind you slightly, at the door that held them. Hearing the muffled bangs, and moans, coming from inside. That undoubtedly wasn't the only thing 'coming'. Realisation hit, understanding that the walls in the old motel rooms, were as thin as paper.
You turned back around to her, now stood right in front of you. Her eyes dark. This, in turn, caused you to jump a little. Not expecting the close proximity that you were in.
"Payback," she purred. Grabbing hold of the opening of your grey jacket. Using it to pull herself forward, leaning into you, using her toes, to raise herself to be close to your, shocked face.
She was residing on the tips of her toes, unable to get any taller.
You still towered her, tilting your face down slightly to meet hers, still standing stiffer than a solder.
The tip of her nose only reached your lips. She tilted her face up, staring seductively into your eyes, as she glided her nose against your own. Still griping, tightly onto your jacket. The zipper leaving indents into her palms. Natashas arms pressing against her, forcing her breasts up, as she tried to pull you closer, but was unable to. Instead, she chose to push herself farther into you, asking, "I can help with that... do you wanna continue this elsewhere?"
It was at this point that a wave of euphoric scent washed your way. Sweet as sugar, honey-laced, and burning hotter than the sun. It has been aeons since you smelled this scent directed at you. You couldn't remember it ever being so strong, sweet, and powerful.
The smell triggered something inside of you. Something raw and almost animalistic. Your eyes clearly darkened if Natasha's reaction was anything to go by. However, you still felt nervous, considering you couldn't remember the last time you had sex. Especially with someone so fucking good looking.
"Why can't we stay out here?"
At this Natasha cocked an eyebrow at you. A smirk finding its way onto her face, residing there. Her eyes grew darker, shocking you. As you did not know that green eyes could get any darker.
"Well, aren't you just the kinky one?" Natasha's words caused you to realise what you said and how it sounded. Raising your palm, colliding it with your face. Causing Natasha to give you a slight chuckle. "And, because. Clint's watching us."
You peered over her shoulder, her grip and stance unrelenting, to your movements. Seeing a curious Clint, spying through his window, across from you, on the floor below. You shot him a quick glare, eyes shifting dangerously, and he closed the curations, with a frightened face. Just as Natasha turned her head, looking out from the corner of her eyes, noticing the moving curations. Emitting a small giggle, before fully focusing on the side of your face.
Your eyes grew wide, with the unbelievable noise that blew against your cheek. Slowly turning your head to face hers, a toothy smile on her face, biting her lip, when she saw you looking at them. Your eyes grew wide once again, the familiar wetness grew at your core.
Grabbing her hands from your jacket. You pushed them down, watching Natasha's face drop, thinking you were rejecting her. But instead, you pulled her towards your room, making a bright smile grow on her face.
Once inside, your lips crashed into one another's. Your hands quickly griping her hips, sliding around to her lower back. And hers, wrapping around your neck, tugging you further towards her.
Your lips moved across her plump ones, her tongue slipped into your mouth, she tasted of cherries and lust. Your fangs grazed atop her wandering tongue, drawing a muffled moan from her throat.
Drawing back from your kiss, your lips travelled down Natasha's neck, feeling her racing pulse throb through her veins. Her nails digging into the side of your jaw, as she panted above you, leaning her head back, so you had more room to explore.
Your lips soon returned to her kiss-swollen ones, Natasha muttering against them.
"You don't know how long I've wanted this."
"Well, we won't have to wait much longer," you husked.
Natasha pulled back, bringing your lower lip with her. Making you let out a low moan. Before letting it go, with a small pop.
Panting, you gazed longingly at Natasha, the lust in her eyes more intoxicating than any drug, any alcohol, any rush you have ever felt in your life. It felt almost as if your cold, stiff body was being reborn, from the warm glow of this goddess before you.
Faster than she could imagine, you crouched down, gripping the backs of Natasha's thighs, your hands resting just below her ass. Pulling her up to press her tightly against your body. Your movements soon registered in Natasha's mind, pressing a hard kiss to the underside of your jaw, she wrapped her arms and legs around you. As you keened at the kiss.
The only way Natasha could show her joy of being around the same height -abet a tad taller- as you, was to kiss you in earnest. She relished in being pressed up against you, your bodies moulding perfectly into one another. She knew from this moment that she would have to get used to straddling your waist, to be as close as humanly possible to you; while standing that is.
You began backing up towards the bed, falling in what felt like slow motion, to land on your back against the firm cotton sheets. Natasha moving her leg's just in time, for them to rest on either side of your waist. The heels of your boots scraped against the shabby carpet floor, to push you further up the bed, dragging the old sheets along with you.
You were both unrelenting in your bid for dominance as you sprawled across the bed, teeth and tongues ran across swollen lips, exploring the crevices of each other's mouths. You being mindful of how hard you were going, as not to accidentally cut Natasha with your fangs. It had been a long while since you were this worked up, -in any way- therefore you didn't want to lose control if you tasted her blood.
Natasha gave a slight grunt, impatience showing through, unhappy with how long it was taking for her to gain control. She pulled away, moving in a sitting position. Grinding down briefly on your crotch, staring you in the eyes, as she slowly began shedding her black leather jacket. Throwing it across the room.
Pulling the zipper of your jacket down, she bit her lip, knowing she would only turn you on more. Her eyes still unwavering from yours. You sat up slightly, helping her pull it from your body. It flying to join the other across the room, as your lips reattached.
Natasha's hands wandered down to rest between her spread legs, fumbling with the button of your jeans. The usual flawlessly composed spy, above you, now rendered a complete mess. So much so that she had to break away from your kiss, to evaluate the button. Finally managing to unfasten it. Natasha gave you a quick lustful kiss, before she stood from you, dragging your jeans, boots, and socks from your body.
Swinging her leg over your hips, Natasha straddled you once again.
"You're really sexy, you know that?" Natasha complimented, just watching you. Her hands resting on your abdomen, fingers and thumbs caressing you over your white tank-top.
"You should see my view right now," you smirked.
A groan raised from your chest, Natasha spurred on from your words, began rocking against your hips. Her own sounds of pleasure releasing from her plump open lips.
Slowly moving your arms down from above your head, smirk still upon your face, as you knew Natasha was too focused on the lust within your eyes, -and her own pleasure- to notice what you were doing. Placing your hands on Natasha's jean covered thighs, you rubbed them gently. Tilting your head to the side, giving her a smouldering look. Her lips puckered out in response, eyes blinking slowly, as she steadily moved down to kiss you again.
A yelp filled the room, as you threw Natasha down onto the mattress below you, red hair splayed out around her on the pillows. Breasts bouncing as she panted from being surprised.
You sat in front of her, her legs resting on your hips, knees buckled, and her heels gently pressing into your lower back. Your hands residing on her thighs.
"This view's pretty fucking good, too."
"Only pretty good?" Natasha rasped, a bright smile on her face.
You hummed. "You look like a goddamn work of art." Gliding your hands down to unfasten her black jeans, slowly popping the button, you cooed, "I wonder what you'd look like without anything on."
"Probably as good as you would?"
Smirking you pulled her pants and socks from her body, seeing as she kicked her shoes off as soon as she walked through the door.
Your hands grazed her waistline, where her black tank-top had ridden up. Rubbing your thumbs into her soft skin, getting increasingly higher as the seconds ticked by.
"How opposed are you to me ripping this tight little tank-top from your body, and fucking you so hard you can't talk for a week?"
"Oh, God," Natasha whined lustfully, "There's nothing I want more."
Natasha's tongue ran against your lips as you pressed against her, removing your hands from her waist to grip her top, tarring it from her body. Pushing the tattered pieces off the bed.
You moved to pepper kisses all along Natasha's neck, travelling down her chest. Pausing to listen to the melody of moans sounding from Natasha's throat, as you sucked many dotted bruises onto her breasts. Her hands gripped your scalp, trying to push you further down her stomach, and to the place she needed you most. But you were far too busy nipping sparse marks onto her abdomen.
Finally, to Natasha's relief, you were settled above her legs, peering up at her. Your fingers curled around the thin strap of fabric, that sat between her legs. Slowly you pulled the thong down. Uncovering Natasha's wet pussy. Watching her glistening core, you continued to drag the slightly damp fabric down her legs. Your eyes snapping to the thong, as it continued its way past her knees, ignoring her dripping sex, much to Natasha's dismay. With the cold air, and you between her legs, made her pussy weep. She moved her hips every which way, grinding into thin air, as to try and gain some sort of friction, but couldn't get far off the bed, if at all, thanks to your arm holding her waist down.
She groaned into the night air, grabbing the bed sheets under her. As her thong was finally stripped off her body and thrown to the floor.
Natasha's "tormentor" as she would have called you at this moment, relaxed by her legs. Your thumb flicked over Natasha's clit, making her jump, and push into the pressure. As soon as the pleasure had been gifted, it was taken away. Natasha wined at the lost contact, soon gasping when your lips met the bottom of her pubic bone, in a short kiss.
"Someone's excited," you cooed, your warm breath tickling her core, making Natasha whimper once more.
Natasha nodded her head, vigorously. You knew she wanted you. She wanted you so bad. And she showed it in her actions. Her eyes were clamped tight shut, her lips slightly parted, breathy moans and small whimpers escaping them regularly. Natasha's head moved from side to side, leaving an impression in the pillow, between where her hands gripped it tightly.
"Ah, ah ah. You can use your words, can't you?" you asked, "Let me hear your beautiful voice, baby."
A moan escaped her, her eyes flickering open to meet yours. At the look in her eyes, you were sure that you had just seen heaven. Her pupils were blown out, obscuring the green of her eyes. Want filled them, along with lust, and begging. But what you cherish the most about them was the intense feeling of adoration pouring from them. And it was all directed at you.
"Yes," Natasha confirmed, her voice hoarse and breathy.
"Tell me what you want, baby? How do you feel?" You knew you were teasing her. Too much? You'd have to answer that question later. You didn't know when you were going to get a chance like this again, so you were milking it for all you could. Hopefully leaving Natasha wanting more.
Natasha moaned again, flinging her head back before she met your eyes once again.
"You make me feel so good, baby."
"Mhm, tell me more."
She groaned. "I've never felt this way before, in my life. You don't know how much I want you. How much I need you. I feel like if you don't touch me, I'll explode right here."
Natasha's words left your mouth dry. Licking your lips, you nodded your head, as you tried to get the moisture back into your mouth. You coughed, hoping that would stop your voice from breaking when you spoke.
"Yeah. Yeah. That was... that was good." You coughed once again. "What do you want me to do to you, darlin'?"
Natasha shuddered slightly at the pet name. Giving you the assurance that, that would be the go to.
"I want you to fuck me, Y/N. I want you to plough me into the mattress. Make me scream. Let's give Steve and Tony a run for their money."
Now it was your turn to groan at the other woman, her words made your stomach clench, realising wetness to your throbbing core. Moving up her body, you kissed her roughly. As you moved to rest between her legs. Your tank top and underwear rubbing against her almost bare body. Your thumbs rubbing over her ribs.
Natasha broke away from your kiss with a cry, "You're wearing too many clothes."
"You're still wearing your bra," you sassed breathlessly.
"I don't care. It's still more than what I am."
You hummed, moving to kiss Natasha's neck, nipping and sucking at it. Your lips tingled thanks to Natasha's moans vibrating through her throat. You smirked, travelling down her soft body, peppering kisses on Natasha's bra covered chest. Letting your fangs come out to play, drawing them lightly across her skin, a lewd moan tumbling from her lips. As your arms moved around her back, unclasping her bra, and slipping it from her body.
"Oh, now this is really unfair."
"I know, darlin'. I know."
Further and further down you went, lips brushing her skin, making Natasha shiver. Curse words tumbling from her mouth, in whispered prayer. Placing her legs over each of your shoulders, you began teasing her more, brushing your lips lightly over Natasha's core, causing her to cry out. Impatience coursing through her veins, her hips bucked up to meet your lips. You placed your hands firmly on her pelvic, halting her movements almost instantly.
"Hey, hey, now. Be a good girl, alright?" you asked, peering into her lustful eyes. "Okay?"
Natasha nodded. "Okay."
"Good girl," you cooed.
Moving your hands down to her core, entrapping her legs as you did. Using your thumbs to pull her lips apart, you gave her clit a soft kiss, Natasha moaning out in the pleasure that had finally been given to her. Gently you began gliding your tongue over her swollen clit, guiding it down to her entrance, and back up again.
"Oh God, Y/N."
"Yeah, baby?" you spoke into Natasha's glistening pussy.
"Fuck, don't stop. Please keep going."
"I wasn't planning on stopping."
You kissed and lapped at her pussy for some time, drawing whimpers, moans, and gasps from Natasha's chest. Her breasts heaving and blushed, the redness flowing up her neck and cheeks.
Natasha was so worked up, thanks to you removing your mouth whenever she had gotten close to her orgasm. Instead, you moved to suck and nibble at her inner thighs, as she came down from he pleasure filled highs. Knowing she was starting to get irritated by your teasing, and edging her. You decided to go easy on her.
Returning your lips back to her cunt, you pecked lightly at her swollen clit, before you drew it fully into your mouth sucking on it harshly. A flood of fluids exited her, as she gasped hungrily, raising up thanks to the pleasure running through her, fingers knotted into the sheets below her. Natasha moaned lewdly, into the ceiling above her, as she fell back to the bed.
Circling her tight entrance with your fingers, making Natasha push up to meet you wandering hand. When she least suspected it, you pushed a finger inside of Natasha.
Letting out a scream of pleasure, Natasha arched her back.
"Please, Y/N. Please. I need more. Please, give me more," Natasha begged.
"Yeah? You want more, sugar?" Natasha nodded her head quickly. "I'll give you anything you want." And that was something you didn't just mean in this moment, or under these circumstances. If this woman knew of the spell she had you under, she would surely be some form of a Goddess. And she just didn't tell you.
Pulling your finger from her depths, you replaced it with two. Curling your fingers, drawing it in and out of her. Getting high from Natasha's moans, realising one or two of your own at the bliss coursing through you at the moment. You began moving your fingers inside of her faster and faster. Until you were practically pounding them into her. Licking and sucking at her clit as you did.
Natasha was so entirely worked up from your ministrations, that she was moaning more than breathing. But it was still not enough for you. Blowing a sharp stream of cold air over Natasha's swollen clit. She screamed louder than you've ever heard. You felt Natasha clench around your fingers, coming over them, rocking her hips as she came down from her high. Your fingers slowing marginally to join her.
"Fuck," Natasha croaked out.
"If you think that was good. You haven't felt nothing yet."
"So, what did you guys get up to last night?" Sam asked you and Natasha, as you walked towards the cars.
"Nothing. Why?" Natasha replied.
"Hm? Oh, no reason. Just wondering." Sam smiled. "Y/N I take it you're going to be riding with Natasha in her Stingray."
"Why would you think that?"
"Because Natasha's wearing your shirt, you're both covered in love bites, and the literally whole motel heard your screams last night," he listed off, "Steve and Tony's, too."
You paused, watching Sam walk off, Natasha next to you. You knew this was a probability, and it's not like you were trying to hide it. You were just surprised at how quick it took for someone to say anything. You probably shouldn't have been.
"Oh, and I hope you didn't cut Natasha with your fangs!"
"I swear to God, Wilson!"
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kurgy · 5 years
ooooooo who is Tan and David? Are they both chimera?
Tan is humanoid a chimera, built of multiple human parts and DNA spliced with multiple animals including but not limited to; cats, sheep, and snakes. human DNA was supplied by one of the scientists, Marcie Galahan, as a starting point to create a chimera with a physical resemblance to humans and the ability to learn, grow, and possibly speak. 
Tan has human skin graft over his body, because when he was “born” his skin was almost paper thin and was dangerously close to ripping apart, so even tho his skeletal structure is different from a normal humans, human skin was harvested and grafted to his body to properly keep him together without pain or fear from tearing. he only has 4 fingers on each hand, and there are surgical sutures all over his body keeping the skin in place as it heals, tho removing them became dangerous. he hears vaguely resemble that of a lambs, tho one was partially torn upon his birth. the joints of his knees are bent at an odd angle resembling that of a satyrs, with clawed toes, as well as a cat like tail tho absent of fur.
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hes specimen number 12, the first they were able to fully bring to life, aside from specimen 6 which was only alive for 5 minutes before dying of heart failure. as an infant he was near immobile, leading the scientists to believe he had died, but it was Marcie who discovered he had a heart beat, and merely couldnt open his eyes as tho he were a kitten, and she convinced the others not to terminate him.
Marcie became his caretaker, bottle feeding him and within a few weeks his eyes were open and he was able to walk and gently coo as any other vocals were a strain on his vocal cords. he grew up fast, and within 2 years was near full grown, and learning to read, tho talking was still hard with his sensitive vocal cords. he only knew a few words he could string into sentences but primarily communicated through writing. Marcie gave him the name Tan
the other scientists, especially Nelson Lamant, is eager to start experimentation on their now full grown chimera, and soon they begin their first experiment, a vivisection. being conscious during the procedure was a horrifying experience, and he cried out for Marcie to save him, but she never came. for the next 16 years they studied him through painful and cruel experiments, Tan growing more and more bitter and angry, lasing out with his claws and fangs until they eventually muzzled him and painfully attempted to declaw him. 
finally hed had enough, using his remaining claws to tear off the muzzle and tackling the scientist that came to take him from his cage, ripping out his throat with his teeth, stalking the halls of the lab and killing off the scientists one by one in a bloody rage until finally he came across Marcie, who was able to talk him down, bringing him to the play room they used to spend so much time in and telling him to stay there and wait for her to come back and she would take him out of this place. still thinking of her as his mother he did what she said and she locked him in, never coming back.
he waited there for another two years, non aging and being able to live without food much to Marcie’s surprise as she watched him from the safe room monitors, unable to fully leave in case he ever broke out. the lab falls into ruin and mostly abandoned until a group of hikers seeking shelter from a blizzard up in the mountains where the lab is located. they break in, wandering the empty halls looking for a good place to set up camp. David Shepard is the leader of the group, and after setting up camp in a suspected rec room, he goes exploring through the lab after hearing a strange animal like noise, finally coming across the “play” room, finding it locked from the outside. he unlocks it and enters the dark room before being pounced on by Tan, nuzzling into his chest thinking hes Marcie. David is horrified by whatever Tan was and sits in shock and fear unsure of what to do before gently patting Tan on the head, wondering if he could understand speech, and asked if he was ok, Tan realizing he wasnt Marcie and backing off in fear. David tries to coax him back out of the room realizing that he could understand him and gently telling him that it was ok, taking a protein bar out of his pocket and offering it to him. Tan gladly eats it, concluding that David was good and coming back out of the dark, standing upright and grabbing hold of Davids arm as he lead him back down the hallways to meet up with his friends
and thats as far as ive gotten :v
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By Lindsey Spietz
Green Bay, WI - After months of waiting for a decision, on February 1, the family, friends and supporters of Jonathon Tubby heard District Attorney David Lasees’ refusal to charge Officer Erik O'Brien. His decision has left many with questions, anger and confusion – not the answers they had sought.
Tubby, a member of the Oneida Nation, was known as a warm, funny person who cared deeply for his friends and family. In pictures shared on his Facebook and other social media pages, his smile is the first thing that catches one's eye.
On the evening of October 19, Tubby was taken to the Brown County Jail for booking after a traffic stop. According to the police, he did not comply with orders, keeping his right hand under his shirt out of sight. The officers claimed they thought he had a concealed weapon on his person even after being thoroughly searched upon arrest.
In the few one-sided videos released by the DA, the police not only utilized their BearCat SWAT car during the altercation, but they also assaulted Tubby with a bean bag round, police dog and Mace.
Tubby was ultimately shot five times from behind as he turned away from the officers. He was handcuffed and unarmed the entire time. There are no visual recording devices in the location where Tubby was murdered.
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pilyongpinoy · 7 years
Naniniwala ako na madaling magalit ang mga Pinoy. Bakit? Subukan mong dalhin ito sa EDSA sa oras ng uwian. Mula Balintawak hanggang Pasay, tignan ko lang kung hindi mastress ang kasama mo lalo na kung nakikipaglaban ito sa kanyang kumukulong tyan. O kaya naman sabihin mo sa girlfriend mo na ang taba-taba na nya, tignan mo lang kung hindi dumanak ng dugo na sisimulan pa ng World War III ang mangyayari sa inyo. Magbiro ka na sa lasing, magbiro ka na sa bagong gising, huwag lang sa girlfriend mong mala-armalite ang bibig!
Kaya naman may mga bagay tayong napagdidiskitahan kapag galit tayo. Ilan na ba ang sumalangit na ballpen, lapis, pangkulay ang inupod mo para lamang ilabas ang galit mo kapag pinapagalitan ka ng teacher mo? Nasiraan ka na ba ng mouse sa trabaho dahil sa sobrang galit mo sa irate na caller? Ilang gamit na ba sa bahay ang nasira mo na mala-Beyonce sa Pretty Hurts music video nito dahil sa sobrang tindi ng emosyon mo? Kabayan, Displacement ang tawag dyan. Ayon sa libro ni Sigmund Freud na Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, ang displacement ay isang defense mechanism kung saan dinederekta natin ang ating emosyon hindi sa tao o bagay na nagtitrigger dito kundi sa ibang pwedeng isubstitute. Sige nga! Subukan mong sagutin ang teacher mo lalo na kung nasa highest level na ang galit nito, tignan lang natin kung hindi mamula ng 75 ang grade mo sa card. Murahin mo nga din yung mga pesteng irate customers na yan na parang ikaw ang may kasalanan kaya nagkandaleche-leche ang produkto nila. Tignan natin kung hindi ka masipa palabas ng inyong company.
Tumutulong ang displacement para maiwasan nating ilabas ang ating sama ng loob sa mga taong nagpapagalit sayo subalit hindi mo naman magawang direktang magalit sa kanya. Sinabi ni Eric Berne sa kanyang libro na A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1976) na nilalabas natin ang ating galit sa mga taong alam natin na nakakaya natin. Sabagay, hindi naman pwede na ilaban natin ang galit natin sa ating boss, sa magulang natin o kaya naman kay Mr. President. Kaya kung mas nakakataas ang nagalit sa atin, ibubuhos natin ang ating galit sa isang substitute na kinakaya natin. Kaya nga diba sa mga palabas, kapag galit na galit na ang kontrabida dahil pinasabog na nya ang kotse ng bida, pinaulanan ng baril, binaril ng water gun, naghagisan ng balut at kung anu-ano pang mga nakakasindak na pangyayari sa Ika Anim na Utos, kapag natatalo ang kontrabida, ng mga goons ang pinagdidiskitahan nya. Kung gusto mo ng patunay, panuorin mo ang mga pelikula nila Fernando Poe Jr. at Eddie Garcia.
Ayon sa akda ni David Straker na Changing Minds (2013), nagaganap ang displacement kapag gustong gawin ng Id natin ang mga bagay na pinagbabawal ng ating Superego. Ang ating ego naman ang gumagawa ng paraan para ilabas ang nararamdaman ng ating Id. Nakakatulong ang displacement upang maiwasan ang na lalong magkaroon ng kaguluhan. Halimbawa, pinagalitan ka ng iyong nanay dahil ginabi ka na umuwi dahil sa mga activities nyo. Pagod na pagod ka na nga sa school, pagagalitan ka pa sa bahay. Laslas na mga bes. Pero instead na sagutin mo ang iyong nanay, idadaan mo na lang sa stress eating ang lahat. Nag-away kayo ng girlfriend mo dahil hindi mo na sya tinatag sa memes sa facebook, kesa magalit ka sa girlfriend mo at lumala ang away nyo, pagdidiskitahan mo na lang yung pader para suntukin sa inis. *babala: nakakasira ng relasyon ang memes sa facebook*
Nakakalungkot lang na epekto ng displacement ang domino effect nito sa mga tao. Halimbawa ay pinagalitan si Ashton ng kanyang boss dahil sa palpak nitong presentation. Sa sobrang galit ni Ashton ay nilabas nito ang galit sa kanyang asawa na si Holly. Sinigawan nya ito. Dahil nagsaktan si Holly ay magagalit ito sa kanyang anak na si AshHol. Dahil hindi nakapagsalita si AshHol ay yung kanilang aso na lang ang kanyang pinagdiskitahan. Hindi naging maganda ang resulta ng displacement sa pamilya nila Ashton, Holly at AshHol.
Isa pang halimbawa na pinaka masalimuot sa lahat ng masalimuot ang pagiging isang REBOUND! Ang isang lalaki na iniwan ng kanyang girlfriend ay maaaring lumabas kasama ng ibang babae at maging rebound ito. Dahil hindi na nya kayang maging sweet sa ex nya ay sayo na nya ibibigay yung oras nya. PAAASAHIN KA. IBIBIGAY ANG ORAS AT ATENSYON SAYO. LAGING TINETEXT KA. LAGING TINATAWAGAN. SWEET NA SWEET SAYO. TAPOS PAG BUMALIK YUNG EX NYA. ANO YUN? PARANG BULA?
OLAF: Kumusta ka na? Oo, nagkabalikan na kami ni Kim. Huwag mo sanang isipin na rebound kita ha. Kahit na alam mo na pinapaasa lang kita at kapag bored ako at saka lang kita itetext. Alam ko naman kasi na mahal mo ako at nagpapakatanga ka sa akin. Kaya wala akong ibang choice na patulan ka kasi sad ako.
OLAF: kumusta ka na ba?
POOH: k lang. Mahangin dito.
OLAF: Mahangin? Nasaan ka ba?
POOH: Nasa ere. Diba iniwan mo ko.
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scotianostra · 4 years
The following should maybe have been posted on August 24th, but it didn't flag up for me on that day so I am posting it today.
The Battle of Hadden Rig was a battle fought on August 24th 1542, except it wasn't really.
To explain this I have to tell you about how much of the dates in history from centuries past  can be identified, in this instance it is down to the the feast day of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, rather than post a date the chroniclers would merely say it was a certain saints day or so many days either side to whatever christian feast, The Battle of Hadden Rig was on St. Bartholomew's day, so the dates all correspond to them aye?  Naw, because the calendars changed in 1752,  
St. Bartholomew's day was originally on September 11th on the old style Julian calendar, nowadays the Catholic Church honours him on August 24th, oh and to muddy the waters a wee bit more Eastern Christianity observe June 11th to honour him. Wealso have the fact that the actual date September 11th in the Gregorian calendar actually corresponds to August 29th!!! So with that in mind I'll get on with telling you about Hadden Rig. 
I think this little known battle is largely forgotten about is due to the numbers involved and the exact location being relatively unknown, I will post a link to this afterwards.
With Scotland now ruled by the young James V under the influence of his English mother, hopes for improved Anglo-Scottish relations were high. However, in 1534 Henry VIII broke the link between Rome and the English church appointing himself as its Supreme Head. Suppression of the Abbeys and plundering of the wealth of the church followed. 
Such action was strongly opposed by James V who was heavily influenced by the staunchly Catholic and pro-French magnate Cardinal David Beaton. With Scotland resisting the English move towards religious reform, tensions between the two nations increased significantly. The death of Queen Margaret in 1541 removed the final impediment to war.
Henry VIII demanded that James meet him in York to discuss a religious settlement between the two nations but the Scottish King failed to attend. An English army then raided the Scottish borders under the Command of Robert Bowes.
The only real source for what happened is from the book "The History of the Wars in Scotland: From the Battle of the Grampian Hills In The Year 85, To The Battle Of Culloden In The Year 1746, which was first published in 1783, so a guid few years after the battle. This is directly from that book.
Henry of England, being disgusted at his nephew's connections with France, and finding that Henry of England, Francis had sufficient employment at home, resolved to invade Scotland, both by sea and land. 
He, ' appointed a very considerable army to rendezvous upon the borders, under the command of Sir Robert Bowes, one of his wardens, the Earl of Angus, and his brothers. James had nominated the Earl of Huntly to command his army on the borders, consisting of 10,000 men; and his lieutenant was Sir Walter Lindsay of Torphichen, who had seen a great deal of foreign service, and was esteemed an' excellent-officer. 
Huntly acquitted himself admirably Well in his commission, and was so well served by his spies, as to have certain intelligence that the English intended to surprise and burn Jedburgh and Kelso. 
The English army, under Bowes and the Doug lases, continued still on the borders; and the Scottish nobility and gentry had resolved ’not to attack them on their own ground, nor to act offensively, unless their enemies invaded Scotland. Huntly being informed that the English had ad advanced, on the 24th of August, to a place called Haddonrig, and that they had destroyed a great part of“ the Scottish and debatable lands, resolved to engage them; and the English Were astonished when they saw the Scottish drawn up in order of battle about day-break. Neither party could now retreat without fighting; and Torphichen, who led the van. consisting of 2000 of the best troops of Scotland, charged the enemy so furiously, that Huntly gained a complete and easy victory. 
Above 2,000 of the English were killed, and 600 taken prisoner among whom Were their General Bowes, Sir William Mowbray, and about sixty of the most distinguished northern barons; the Earl of Angus escaped by the swiftness of his horse. The loss of the Scottish was so inconsiderable that it is not mentioned.
Of course Henry VIII was not to let this go and got his revenge in November at Solway Moss, more on that in Novembers post. 
The link lets you know where we are in the understanding of the battle as of a couple of years ago, it calls into question the above account, although now mentioning it, it also asks questions about the location, and disputes the numbers. 
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dininimapentrumine · 3 years
Domnul este Păstorul meu – Studiu de caz 38: când Dumnezeu nu înlătură luptele din viața ta, dar îți face parte de biruință
„După aceea, David a bătut pe filisteni și i-a smerit și a luat din mâna filistenilor cârmuirea capitalei lor. A bătut pe moabiți și i-a măsurat cu o frânghie, punându-i să se culce la pământ; a măsurat două frânghii ca să-i omoare și o frânghie plină ca să-i lase vii. Și moabiții au fost supuși lui David și i-au plătit un bir. David a bătut pe Hadadezer, fiul lui Rehob, împăratul din Țoba, când…
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stiri-noi · 4 years
David Pușcaș i-a cerut iertare mamei sale, Luminița Anghel, dar ea încă nu i-a răspuns: „Mă simt singur pe lume”
David Pușcaș și Luminița Anghel nu mai au o relație normală mamă-fiu, după ce s-au războit ani de zile. Cu toate acestea, tânărul speră să primească iertarea mamei sale și i-a dedicat o piesă. Iată cum a reacționat Luminița Anghel!
David Pușcaș avea doi ani când Luminița Anghel a decis să-l adopte și să-i ofere o viață mai bună. Au trecut 22 de ani de atunci, dar relația dintre ei doi s-a degradat pe parcurs, în pofida eforturilor inițiale ale artistei de a-și apropia fiul. Acum a venit rândul lui David să caute din nou drumul spre inima mamei lui…
David Pușcaș regretă că s-au răcit relațiile dintre el și mama lui
După ce ani de zile au fost în relații proaste și disputa dintre ei s-a tranșat inclusiv în platourile de televiziune, Luminița Anghel a decis că a venit momentul să-și lase fiul să se descurce pe cont propriu. Drept urmare, în ultima perioadă, cei doi, mamă și fiu, nu s-au mai văzut și nici nu și-au mai vorbit.
David Pușcaș a găsit totuși o cale sensibilă pentru a ajunge la inima mamei sale – piesa cu titlu sugestiv “Îmi pare rău”, lansată la începutul lunii noiembrie, alături de Sarah JSun.
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„Mama nu m-a felicitat pentru piesă”
În pofida faptului că versurile piesei sunt emoționante și bine țintite, reacția Luminiței Anghel nu a venit, cu atât mai mult cu cât fiul ei susține că numărul lui de telefon este blocat pentru ea…
“Da, este o melodie pentru părinții mei adoptivi. M-am bucurat că internauții au primit-o cu brațele deschise. Mama nu m-a căutat, nu m-a felicitat, nu m-a sunat. Mă are blocat în telefon, ce să spun… zici că sunt singur pe lume. Așa mă simt. Mă bucur că am lansat această melodie, o să mai fac și altele”, a mărturisit David Pușcaș pentru ciao.ro.
În videoclip, David le aduce un pomagiu ambilor părinți – joacă fotbal precum tatăl său, Marcel Puscaș, și cântă asemenea mamei sale.
“Eu mi-am dorit de mult să fac muzică, iubesc muzică de când eram copil. De la mama am învătat tot, de la tonalitate, respirație, expresie, mai ales că am fost cu ea peste tot când eram mic, și când trăgea voci, și la spectacole, repetiții, în culise, peste tot”, a mai declarat David pentru sursa citată.
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Luminița Anghel, despre piesa fiului său
Chiar dacă primul pas spre împăcare a fost făcut de către David chiar de ziua mamei sale, în octombrie, Luminița Anghel a preferat să păstreze tăcerea. Atunci, alături de o fotografie din copilărie, fiul ei îi transmitea un mesaj emoționant.
„Vin, vin să construim un zid. între noi Știm că nu vor câștiga! La multi ani mamii !! Azi o să mă îmbăt, doar ca să știi să nu te superi pe mine😢„, i-a spus David Pușcaș mamei sale în urarea pe care a făcut-o pe Instagram!
Deși nu a vorbit totuși cu fiul ei de multă vreme, Luminița anghel nu a rămas totuși impasibilă în fața piesei pe care i-a dedicat-o David. Recent, artista a fost întrebată de un fan pe pagina ei de socializare ce părere are despre piesa fiului eiȘ
“Ce frumoasă ești!!! (P.S. Ce părere ai despre piesa scoasă de fiul tău? Eu zic că e un pas bun făcut. Mie îmi place)”, i-a scris fanul artistei.
“Mulțumesc! Și mie îmi place…”, a recunoscut Luminița Anghel.
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museachilles88 · 1 year
Flying Saucers everywhere in the sky. Alien lasers vs human soldiers on the ground., beautiful, colorful, cosmic, futuristic, detailed, golden hour, iridescent, vibrant, mark brooks, frank frazetta, david mann, kilian eng, jeff koons, digital painting, hyperrealism, surrealism, octane render, trending on artstation - made with @get_starryai #aiart #digitalart #starryaifeatured https://starryai.com/app/user/Corpserest/creation/963179347/
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victoriaelaineee · 5 years
Blog Ang Mundo: Pagsasalsal at Pakikibaka sa Internet
Kasabay ng pag-unlad ng lipunang ginagalawan natin ay pagbabago din sa mga pamamaraang ginagamit natin sa ating mga buhay. Nandyan ang pag-usbong ng social media at ito ay tunay ngang naging kapaki-pakinabang sa ating mga buhay sa madaming paraan. Mas napadali nito ang pakikipag komunikasyon at mas napadali din ang pagpasa ng impormasyon. Tinalakay sa akda ni U.Z Eliserio ang isang mabisang paraan upang mapakinabangan ang internet at modernong paraan ng komunikasyon ngayon: ang pagba-blog.
Ang pagba-blog ay isang paraan ng pagpapahayag ng iyong damdamin sa publiko. Tinatalakay ng may akda ang mas kapaki-pakinabang na paraan tulad ng panunuligsa sa mga maling sistema o pamamalakad at pag-iisip ng kritikal. Sa mundong ang naghahari-hariang iilan ang kumokontrol ng katotohanan, magandang mas madami ang mahikayat maging mapanuri sa mga nangyayari sa lipunan at ito ang pagba-blog ay isang paraan upang ito ay maging possible. Kahit bibihira o iilan ang gumagamit ng pagba-blog upang magbahagi ng kanilang mga kaalaman sa internet ay malaki pa din ang naitutulong nito sa atin. Maaaring ito ay makahikayat ng isa pang magiging boses ng mga hindi makapagsalita o hindi kaya ay makapagmulat man lang sa mga taong hindi pa dilat sa mga tunay na nangyayari sa lipunan. Sa kanyang akda ay nagbigay ang may akda ng iba’t ibang halimbawa ng mga akdang panunuri at tunay na makikitaan ito ng isang halagang mas mainam pa sa kung ano mang isyung napapanahon dahil ito ang mga bagay na hindi talaga alam ng madla at sa likod nito ay may mga taong tunay na naghihirap.
Sa dami ng social media sites na naglipana kung saan maaari kang magbahagi ng iyong saloobin o sa kung ano lang ang nangyari sa araw na yon ay mahirap na ngang panatilihin ang isang buhay na pribado. Sa panahong ang lahat ay makikita na sa internet, miski kaarawan, gitnang pangalan at pati mga pangalan ng pamilya ng isang tao ay tila hindi na mahirap na makilala ang isang tao, tila ba ang dapat ay sinasarili na lamang ay nakapaskil pa sa internet. Ito ay inihalintulad niya din sa pagsasalsal sa publiko, isang bagay na dapat ginagawa sa pribado at hindi ipinapangalandakan sa publiko.
Ang pagsulat ng blog ay naging isa na ding manipesto ng pag-iral, pagnanasa sa koneksyon, paghahangad na marinig lalo na sa sektor na matagal ng pinapatahimik. Ito din ay makikita sa ginawang pag-hostage ni Ferdinand Angel sa isang anim na taong gulang, ayon sa sosyolihistang si Randolf David. Dahil sa pagtanggi ng mga pari sa kagustuhang mangumpisal ni Angel sa kadahilanang siya ay tila nakainom at lasing ay ito ang nakita niyang paraan upang mapatunayan ang kanyang pag-iral. Isa lamang itong manipestasyon na hindi lahat ng tao ay nararamdaman ang kanilang pag-iral sa isang lipunang mas pinapaboran ang makapangyarihan at maimpluwemsiya.
Bilang isang mag-aaral ay naipamulat sa akin ng akdang ito na kahit ako ay isang estudyante palang ay may mga paraan na akong magagawa upang makatulong. Isa din itong magandang paraan upang mas maging may saysay ang aking oras sa internet. Hindi lang upang tumingin sa kung anong damit ang pinakauso, kung anong bidyo ang ‘trending’ ngayon sa Youtube. Madalang na ang pagdaan ng isang araw na hindi nagbabahagi ng litrato sa instagram, nakikisabay sa trend sa twitter o nagbabahagi sa facebook, ito ay nagreresulta sa pagsasapubliko ng mga detalye sa buhay buhay ng isang tao, mga detalyeng dapat sana ay pribado at iilan lang ang nakakaalam. Naging paalala din nito na mas kailangan natin maging mapanuri sa mga bagay-bagay. Hindi dapat agaran paniwalaan ang kung ano ang nakikita sa internet dahil madali itong manipulahin ang mga nakikita dito at pagkamalan na ito agad ang katotohanan. Mahalaga ang maging mapanuri at kritikal sa pag-iisip lalo na sa panahon ngayon dahil nakakalungkot mang isipin ay isa ito sa mga bagay na hindi pinapahalagahan ng ilang mga tao.
Tinalakay din dito ang kadalsang nagiging gamit ngayon ng pagba-blog. Ito ay nagiging lugar na lamang kung saan puro pag iyak lamang para sa atensyon at pagrereklamo, pag-aksaya ng panahon at bilang isang libangan. Binahagi din ni Eliserio ang isang gamit ng pagba-blog at ito ay ang supersibong potensyal nito. Noon pa lamang ay may mga manunulat na tayong nakikibaka gamit ang paglatha ng kanilang akda sa internet. Ipinapamulat tayo ng akdang ito na mayroon pa tayong isang maaaring gawin upang maging isang responsableng mamamayan n gating bansa, ito ay ang sikaping makiisa sa diskurso at pagtalakay sa mga tunay na kalagayan ng ating bansa bilang isang estudyante sa pamamagitan ng pagba-blog. Mas maraming makabuluhang bagay ang maaari nating gawin kaysa ang maghintay ng balita sa artistang sinusubaybayan natin o magbasa lamang ng walang kabuluhang bagay sa internet. Bakit hindi natin subukan makiisa sa diskurso at sumali sa mga diskusyong tunay na may pakinabang sa ating bansa at sa ating hinaharap? Bakit hindi natin gawing kapaki-pakinabang ang ating mga oras? Maging kaisa sa pagpapalaganap ng ating adhikaing magpapalaya sa tanikala ng ating mga isip at manghikayat din ng iba pang maaaring maging katulong natin.
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tobywannabe · 7 years
Birthday Celebration: BOTEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So, nakipag areglo ako sa mga tropa ko nung hs/elem na magpapaalam ako na iinom kami sa bahay pero sila bahala sa bahay. Bah. Pumayag ang mga loko. Then ayun nga inaya ko sila na pumunta sa bahay. First time na legal akong mag iinom sa bahay. Alam ni mama na nainom ako pero di ko sakanila pinapakita. Nung bday ko, yun yung first time na uminom ako sa harap nila (well except nung uminom kami ng wine and shts).
Kasamang pumunta ni Ruszell si Sophia sa bahay. Si Sophia yung girlfriend ni Ruszell mula pa nung panahon namin ni Dane. Kaya nga alam ni phia yung samin ni Dane kasi dahil samin ni rusz. Dikit kasi bituka namin ni rusz nung mga panahon na yun kaya magkakilala si Dane at phia. Tas weird na nung hinanap sakin ni phia si dane HAHAHHAH. Pero grabe tibay nila ah. Yung samin ni dane e 7 yrs ago na. Tas sabi nila e 4 yrs na daw sila kasi on off rel nila. Tas buti kamo mabilis nag adjust si phia, mabilis nawala hiya sakin ni phia. First time namin kasi magmeet nun personally.
Na-anxious na ko nung ang tagal dumating nung iba pang tropa kasi di ko alam pano ko eentertainin si Rusz at phia. Mejo nahihiya pa nga ko sakanila kasi an tagal sobra magsidatingan nung iba. Tas kumag yung dalawang yun la respeto sakin, ang sweet sweet sa harapan ko.
Nung dumating si ben hawak yung boteng nakabalot sa papel, nagsimula na!!! Sabi k gsm nalang inumin namin, ewan ko para sakin masarap talaga gsm tsaka dalandan juice e. Tas ayun nagbigay din tito ko pambili namin, nakabili ako ng dalawang bote na malaki. Tas si kuya dondon, nilibre din ako ng 2 maliit na gsm.
Tuloy ang ligaya
TAS AYUN NAAAA. Nagkaraoke kami tas ayun kain tas kwentuhan. Kulit nila sobra puro kami tawa. Mejo mga matatanda na sa inuman yung mga yun kaya di tinatablan ng lasing, kaya ayun puro tawanan lang. Di ko rin alam bat di ako nalasing nun e. Tipsy lang. Mga matatanda na sa inuman yn kasi imagine, sila kasama ko uminom since 2nd yr hs HAHAHHA. Naalala ko pa nung 2nd yr kami e halos bawat bday e nag iinuman kami. Mejo di na ko uminom nung 1st yr 2nd sem e tas nag inom nlng ulit ako nung sa dorm na hahaha. Bait ko natiis ko yun haha.
Tas nagsidatingan na din yung iba. Nandun si ben, david, daine, jonas, arzen, kelvin, andrea, rox, philip, and si LENNNN!! nandun si lennnn. Sya katabi ko kasi yako maop yun puro kabatch ko andun. Tsaka syempre no namiss ko yun, sakanya lang talaga ako malambing nung hs kami e. Tas mga late na dumating si Dane, actually nakasalubong namin sya ni len nung bumili kami ng gsm. Nabanggit ko nga kay dane na hinahanap siya ni phia tas naamaze din sya na si phia at rusz pa rin.
Tas nabanggit ni dane yung naging jowa nya na bi din, tas kumag yun kala ko si dane yung nag end ng rel nila. Hindi pala. Niloko pala sya nung bi, pinagpalit daw sya sa nagagalaw nung bi. Loko loko ampotek. Bakit ganun ;3 Nung naging kami naman ni dane e ni minsan di sumagi sa isip ko yun. hays malas ni dane sa nagiging jowa (except sakin sows pogi ko kaya).
Then ayun nung bumalik na kami ni len (hinatid kasi nmin si dane, rusz at phia sa sakayan), e ano puro mga lalaki na lang natira don. Tas sooooooooobrang kulit nila, yung kulit na puro tawanan. Taena kasi ni ben lakas ng loob kumanta kahit wala sa tono at tiempo HAHAHHAH. Pati si mama at ninang tawa din ng tawa e.
Mga 1 na kami natapos e. Tas pinaakyat na ko ni mama, pinaalam ko pa kasi si len sa mama niya sa fb. Tas ayun nakatulog na ko ng mahimbing haha. 
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myeonkais · 4 years
myeonkais 2020 fic wrap up & commentary
title: i get to love you (kaisoo) word count: 345 date posted: 01/13/2020 summary: Jongin smiles, wide and stupid and very much whipped for this man.
commentary: my first kaisoo day fic! grabe, nawala sa isip ko na 2020 ko isinulat ‘to lmao. sobrang tagal na pala??? anyway, this was one of my rare english drabbles na isinulat ko under 30 minutes. (writing in english isn’t really my ~thing—mas expressive akong magsulat pag taglish lmao kaya bihira ‘to). i’m really fond of writing kaisoo in domestic situations like this, dala na rin ng pangungulila kay kyungsoo (lol). actually, i’m not even sure if this was an au or a canon fic. gusto ko tuloy ng tinapay haha!
a line/part i loved: 
“You baked bread? Why?”
“Because I wanted to,” Kyungsoo replies with a smile. He passes a slice of bread back to Jongin before breaking a small piece of his own. “Be careful, it’s still a bit hot.” 
title: yours to keep (kaisoo) word count: 347 date posted: 01/25/2020 summary: Jongin considers the question, considers what it would mean to spend the rest of his life bound to this man before him.
commentary: aahh, this kaisoo x brooklyn 99 au!! I LOVE THIS VERSE SO MUCH!!! isa itong self-indulgent, shameless even, fic na isinulat ko after kong i-rewatch ang S05E04 (HallovVeen) episode ng b99. ang vivid ng fic na ‘to sa ‘kin. ksoo as amy, jongin as jake?? jusko #weakness!! may isa pa akong ficlet na set sa kaisoo b99 na ‘to...baka next year ko na lang i-post :-)
a line/part i loved:
It's not the most romantic of proposals. It's said over coffee at 4am in a deserted diner after a long night of undercover mission gone wrong. Kyungsoo's got a bloody nose and Jongin's missing the beloved badge on his jacket. There's no ring, no getting down on one knee.
Just Kyungsoo asking, casual and awkward, if he wants to get married.
title: sakanasabi (chanbaek) word count: 599 date posted: 01/28/2020 summary: Kung hindi lang siya d̶u̶w̶a̶g̶ lasing, inamin na niya ang katotohanang matagal na niyang kinikimkim.
commentary: sa totoo lang, natatawa ako kasi hindi ko maalala na isinulat ko ang fic na ‘to! as in ngayong habang gumagawa ako ng wrap up eme ko lang natuklasan ang existence nito! this is probably one of those fics na isinulat ko for a writing exercise...hay i really can’t remember. may potential ‘to na maging multi-chaptered fic kaso ilag ako sa pagsusulat ng medyo angsty ngayon (fragile ka sis???) a line/part i loved:
Fighting the urge to vomit, Chanyeol inhales deeply. Baekhyun’s pillow smells of him and his fruity shampoo. The familiar scent calms him down and Chanyeol hates himself for that too. He hates Baekhyun for making him feel this way and he hates himself for falling so hard for somebody he’ll never be able to confess his love for. Suddenly everything is too overwhelming for him that he spills the contents of his stomach all over Baekhyun’s bed.
title: four out of five (kaisoo) word count: 862 date posted: 02/07/2020 summary: Kasi hello, you think na ang David ni Michelangelo ang epitome ng perfect male body? Nuh-uh. Syempre, the Lord disagreed kasi he could do so much better kaya on January 14, 1994, the year of our Lord, pinanganak ang tumalo kay David.
Si Jongin Kim.
commentary: taena, this fic!!! shameless crack na naman ito thanks sa pag-“i really love D.O” ng jungen! hanggang ngayon natatawa pa rin ako sa fic na ‘to kasi ang kalat niya in a way? napaka-vivid nito for me, lalo na sa second part ng fic. himala ngang hindi umabot ‘to sa 10k lmao. tapos ‘yung hint ng top!ksoo sa dulo...hmmm parang interesting i-explore….
a line/part i loved:
"For this I want you to concentrate on the placement of the shadows and how the muscles bunch and flex differently in this position," Kyungsoo says, standing even closer now. He sweeps his hand in front of Jongin as he speaks, using technical, anatomical terms to describe Jongin's legs and thighs, his cock, thick and soft against his belly. "Take a good long look at these thighs, guys. You may never see a more perfect representation of the human body than this."
"Kyungsoo," Baekhyun, one of his older students, chides him. "Ang kalat kalat!"
title: missed connections (surene) word count: 309 date posted: 03/11/2020 summary: Things change and little girls grow up.
commentary: probably quickest fic i’ve ever written this year. i remember writing this habang nakapila ako sa burger king para umorder, at natapos ko paglabas ko with my takeout. less than 10 minutes siguro? hindi ko rin alam kung ba’t ito ang isinulat ko—napakalayo kasi sa prompt na missed connections—pero i was craving for an unexpected angsty fic...at isang kasal na naman ang ginawa ko haha. surene will always have a special place in my shipper heart, bilang sila lang ang gusto kong kpop het ship lol (and i ship junmyeon and joohyun with other people, as in lol ba’t may pag-e-explain ka ghorl??). memorable sa ‘kin ‘to kasi ito ang isa sa fics na pinost ko sa aking public twitter at nabasa ng ibang tao na hindi aware sa aking stan twt persona lmao
a line/part i loved:
Joohyun's hand clamped down on his arm and shook slightly. "C'mon, this is what you've always been waiting for, right?" Junmyeon said.
She turned to him and smiled sadly. "I always thought it was going to be you."
Junmyeon looked away for a moment before looking at her again. "Yeah...well..."
"I knew it wasn't going to happen. Never had a vision of it but I hoped back then."
"You were only a girl then and—" Junmyeon touched her cheek. "I lost my chance."
title: stupid motherfucking shitposter (chanbaek) word count: 2116 date posted: 03/11/2020 summary: Binibiro lang nina Jongdae si Baekhyun na siya ang unang sisikat sa barkada, a harmless joke na nagsimula pa noong freshman year.
But they didn't expect na magkakatotoo ito dahil sa isang viral Facebook post of this (shit)poster, Chanyeol Park.
commentary: ito ang second attempt ko sa tweet fic eme, and as expected, sobrang fail niya haha! special sa ‘kin ang fic na ‘to dahil ito ang first exo fic na isinulat ko. july 2019 pa nakatambak ang chapter 1 nito sa google docs ko (haha) at nagkalakas loob lang akong i-post dahil sa panghihinayang. ewan, i’m not a funny person talaga pero pag binabasa ko ‘tong fic na ‘to, parang naniniwala ako na kaya ko pala magpatawa somehow? also the background stories for chanbaek here...hahaha shet talaga gusto ko na ulit ‘to ituloy! sa 2021, promise!
a line/part i loved:
Nanginginig ang mga kamay ni Baekhyun while scrolling down the comments. Sumakit ang ulo niya sa ilang judgemental comments about this modus ("mag-ingat kayo kahit cute yan may tendency maging manyak!!"), halos maduwal sa "shet ang adorable ng meet cute niyo pakasal kayo pls!!!"
at tumaas ang dalawang kilay sa comments ng "fangirls" of this Chanyeol Park:
"DADDY!!! BAKET!!!!" with brokenhearted emojis
"sana all makasandal sa balikat ni Chanyeol AKO NA LANG ANAKAN MO CHANYEOL PLS" 
Then he saw the comments from people he knew personally. Mga bastos na mga ka-college at ex classmates na nagmention sa kanya:
Si @Baekhyun Byun ba 'to? OMG bat kayo magkasama, Yeol?
Yeol basta tandaan mo na kapag nakasandal sayo si Baekhyun parang nakasandal na rin sayo buong mundo ko.
title: everything under the stars (chanbaek) word count: 2866 date posted: 03/11/2020 summary: chanbaek high school au wherein astronomy club pres si chanyeol at may crush sa kanya ang drama club president na si baekhyun.
since required na sumali sa two clubs ang club presidents, naisipan ni baek na mag-apply sa club ni yeol.
kaso ayaw tanggapin ni chanyeol ang application form.
commentary: aaaahhhh unang chanbaek high school au ko ito!!! at ang nag-iisang tweet fic na natapos ko!!! i super love this fic ;.; sobrang fluffy lang niya at tuwang-tuwa ako sa characterization ni baekhyun dito. ang nakakatawa pa, on the spot ang pagsusulat ko nito sa twitter, as in nagre-research ako about sa astronomy eme habang inu-update ko ang thread in real time! inabot ata ako ng six hours sa pagsusulat nito pero sobrang worth it. this never fails to warm my heart talaga. ang wholesome lang talaga ng high school love stories...minsan haha!
a line/part i loved:
The taller took a deep breath, eyes darting everywhere except Baekhyun. "I have insomnia. And counting stars help me sleep better at night."
Baekhyun was about to open his mouth, his cheeks flushed, as he stared up at Chanyeol.
That was intimate. Unexpected. What did he do to deserve such information? Baka naman nagbibiro lang si Chanyeol.
"Ah, so ‘di ka nagbibilang ng sheep?"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes, but his mouth twitched up in a smile. "Mas lalo akong di makakatulog sa kahahanap ng tupa niyan."
title: kiss it better (kaisoo) word count: 204 date posted: 03/21/2020 summary: "Well, well, looks like someone's cranky today."
"Shut up," Jongin mutters as he nudges him with his hip. Kyungsoo scoots over to make room for him and he settles in next to him. "Your little pet bit me."
commentary: ito ang pinakamaikling fic na isinulat ko this year, at ang unang fic na isinulat ko noong nagsisimula pa lang ang ECQ. taena, ang tagal tagal na pala?? anyway, another domestic fluff from kaisoo na naisip ko thanks to that ksoo & meokmul photo na nakita ko sa tl. wala lang. gusto ko lang magsulat ng kaisoo landian kasi nakakamiss huhuhu :(
a line/part i loved:
"Your little pet bit me."
"What other little pet do you have?" He grins and rests his head on Jongin's shoulder.
title: single bed (seho) word count: 1595 date posted: 03/23/2020 summary: 
“Beds are made for sleeping and sex only, you know."
Napalunok na lang si Junmyeon. Sehun and bed and sex all in one sentence was a bit too much for his overworked brain to handle. Again, that’s his hottest roommate casually talking about sex. His roommate na crush niya ever since lumipat siya sa condo na ‘to. Junmyeon shifted the Calculus lecture binder on his lap as subtly as he could.
commentary: not to be me pero isa ‘to sa favorite fics ko this year haha! this january lang ako nahilig sa pagbabasa ng seho fics at sa totoo lang, 500-word drabble lang dapat ito!! kaso biglang nag-ig live ang seho putek kaya naging triple ang word count. isa sa na-discover ko sa sarili ko because of this: i like reading/writing junmyeon pining over sehun?? ewan, iba ang pull sa ‘kin ng fics pag ganito ang setup nila haha. nag-enjoy akong isulat ‘to sa POV ni junmyeon, lalo na ‘yung internal struggle niya. isa sa dahilan kung bakit favorite ko ito ay ang back story ni kyungsoo bilang phone sex operator hahaha! bigla ko na lang naisip ‘yan habang nagta-type ako at tawang-tawa na naman ako sa sarili ko. i’m fucking hilarious sometimes lmao
a line/part i loved:
He couldn’t forget the first time he’d heard Kyungsoo in “action”. Isang gabi, nakasalubong niya si Kyungsoo na naglalalakad papunta sa kusina, suot nito ang mamahaling headset, dini-describe kung paano niya kakainin ang “delicious pussy” ng kliyente niya na nasa kabilang linya habang iniinit ang Chickenjoy takeout sa microwave. May bonus pang mga ungol na sobrang filthy, at mga yes baby masarap ba? Yes you like that? pang sinasabi ito, at nagawa pang ngitian si Junmyeon in between moans bago bumalik sa kwarto niya.
title: exercise in self-restraint (chanbaek) word count: 12,984 (part 1 of 5) date posted: 04/15/2020 summary: (sinta 'verse part 2)
Three months (92 days to be exact, and yes, Baekhyun's counting) na silang magjowa ni Chanyeol pero bakit gano'n, nasa "friends are like jowas you don't fuck" stage pa rin sila?
—or: tigang na ang Baekhyun Byun. as in.
commentary: TANGINA HANGGANG NGAYON TAWANG-TAWA PA RIN AKO SA SARILI KO NA GINAWA KO ANG FIC NA ‘TO...AT HINDI PA SIYA TAPOS!!! na-explain ko na ‘to sa notes sa ao3 pero grabe sa pagka-self indulgent talaga ng fic na ‘to. sobrang kalat??? i didn’t know i had it in me??? cheka!! pero seryoso, sobrang nag-enjoy ako sa pagsusulat nito (until now!!!) kasi challenge para sa ‘kin ang magsulat ng m/m explicit scenes. hindi ako nag-fade to black!!! hahaha but no seriously, napaka-importante ng sinta ‘verse sa buhay ko bilang exo fic writer at ayun nga, hindi ko sila mapakawalan kaya ikukulong ko sila sa isang makamundong part ng ‘verse na ‘to. naka-outline na sa ‘kin ang buong fic na ‘to, kailangan ko lang ng lakas ng loob para ituloy ang pagsusulat haha. sobrang kalat niya...at ako talaga si jongdae sa fic na ‘to lol. another thing: puro inside joke naming magkaka-barkada ang laman ng fic na ‘to kaya yari ako kung mabasa man nng isa sa kanila ‘to hahahaha
a line/part i loved:
“Bakit ba ito ang topic natin?" Umupo na si Baekhyun sa tabi ni Jongdae, tuluyan na niyang nakalimutan ang sakit ng legs niya sa sobrang panic at kahihiyan. "We're here to talk about the Bali trip, right? Wala sa agenda natin ang sex life ko so tumahimik ka dyan!" 
"Seryoso ba? Kahit chupa wala?" 
"Jongdae Kim oh my god iiwanan na kita talaga!" 
"Sorry na! This is a lot to take in pota ka!" Jongdae stared at him in disbelief, and shook his head. "As in no action at all? Imposibleng walang chupaa—" 
"Jongdae!" Puta, sana magkaroon ng butas sa sahig na kinauupuan ni Jongdae at lamunin na siya nito ASAP. Hindi na kinakaya ni Baekhyun ang interrogation na 'to. 
"Sorry na! Fine! Wala man lang… snorkelling na naganap sa loob ng three months?"
title: tulak ng bibig, kabig ng dibdib (chanbaek) word count: 995 date posted: 04/28/2020 summary: 
“Alam mo feeling ko may crush sa ‘yo si Chanyeol,” bulong sa kanya ni Junmyeon sabay siko sa tagiliran niya.
“Huh? Pinagsasabi mo dyan?” inis na sagot ni Baekhyun habang hinahalughog ang backpack niya.
“Ang manhid mo naman, Baek. Obvious kaya.”
Oops, teka lang. Freshman si Chanyeol. Graduating na si Baekhyun.
Hindi magwo-work ang kung anumang iniisip ni Junmyeon.
commentary: may thing talaga ako sa fics na mas matanda si baekhyun kesa kay chanyeol—as in taon ang gap nila ha, hindi kagaya sa tunay na buhay na ilang buwan lang. anyway, i really like the outcome of this fic. simpleng kilig, sakto lang ang narration, at tama lang ang length. i guess sinulat ko ‘to noong na-realize kong dapat i-apply ko na ang “write less” sa buhay ko? i tend to over narrate my stories sometimes kasi gusto kong ma-overcome ang weakness ko sa narration bilang writer. pero kaya ayun, sinasanay ko ang sarili ko na magsulat ng fics less than 1k words eme
a line/part i loved:
Yes, nagkakausap naman sila paminsan-minsan kapag nagkakasalubong sa campus, and yes, hindi na nagbu-blush si Chanyeol sa meetings na ‘to. He’s become more confident around Baekhyun, which made him a bit sad kasi nage-enjoy siya sa pink cheeks ni Chanyeol at pagkabulol nito sa conversations nila. Oo na, impressed na si Baekhyun sa talino at wisdom ng lalaki at—
Oops, teka lang. Uulitin lang niya, freshman si Chanyeol. Graduating na si Baekhyun.
Hindi magwo-work ang kung anumang iniisip ni Junmyeon.
title: fall on me (chanbaek) word count: 6123 date posted: 05/06/2020 summary: “Amin-amin din kasi. Malay mo may chance.” Binato pa siya ni Yixing ng basang tissue to justify his point.
“Baka nga may malaking chance,” gatong ng kupal na si Sehun Oh.
It’s not like the thought never crossed his mind. Sa apat na taon nilang magkasama sa apartment na ‘to, ilang beses na ring naging marupok si Chanyeol sa idea na aaminin siya kay Baekhyun. Pero worth it nga ba aminin ito? O dapat makuntento na lang siya sa kung anong meron sila?
commentary: my first baekhyun day fic! a college au na set in uplb na naman haha (kailan ba ako mauumay??). this was an easy story to write; natapos ko ata 'to in one sitting? tsaka gusto ko ito kasi first time kong magsulat ng fic in chanyeol's pov. medyo challenging for me na hanapin ang "boses" ni chanyeol pero napagtagumpayan ko naman. napaka-vivid din sa 'kin ng fic na 'to, especially the confession part. ALL THE FLUFF TALAGA MGA MHIE PARA LABANAN ANG INIS SA GOBYERNO HAHAHA
a line/part i loved:
“Wait lang, there’s something on your face.”
Chanyeol instinctively reached for his cheek, akmang pupunasan ang naiwang wasabi or teriyaki sauce or whatever. “Huh? Saan?”
The next thing Chanyeol knew, Baekhyun fisted his hand on his shirt and tugged him down for a kiss. It was firm and waaay too fast, just a smack of lips, and then he patted Chanyeol’s chest before stepping back a little.
His mind went blank.
“Uh...it was me,” Baekhyun mumbled shyly, loud enough para marinig ni Chanyeol
.Chanyeol blinked a few times, trying to process what the just happened. “W-what?”
title: di na babalik (chanbaek) word count: 3355 (incomplete) date posted: 06/01/2020 summary: Ten years ago tinawanan lang ni Chanyeol ang kantiyaw sa kanya ni Sehun noon: wag jowain ang ka-barkada kasi pag nagbreak, awkward na umattend sa reunions. Ngayong nasa 10th year high school reunion na sila, 'di na makatawa si Chanyeol. Salamat talaga sa isang tanong ng ex niyang si Baekhyun Byun.
commentary: ito 'yung tweet fic na bunga ng aking sunday morning writing exercises last april. medyo hango sa tunay na buhay (haha lagi naman) at angsty siguro 'to? this is one of the rare fics na walang outline and such. as in on the spot ako nagsusulat pagkagising ko ng sunday ng umaga. binasa ko ito ulit ngayon-ngayon lang at...aray, medyo masakit nga. i really want to continue this 'verse kahit medyo masakit siya.
a line/part i loved:
Baekhyun has this fond smile on his lips, and Chanyeol wonders kung anong version ng nangyari ang binibisita nito ngayon sa utak niya. A happy memory, he supposes. Bihira niyang makita ang ngiting 'yon kay Baekhyun.
title: smile for the camera (chanbaek) word count: 670 date posted: 06/11/2020 summary: Chanyeol knew the famous idol Baekhyun Byun had been picturing something more glamorous than this. If he did, then they hired the wrong photographer for the job.
commentary: another on the spot twitter drabble! kasalanan 'to ng yours mv at tirtir photoshoot ni baek haha! meet cute emeru. tuwang-tuwa rin ako rito dahil ang bilis ko siyang naisulat-less than an hour ata?  
a line/part i loved:
Gustong ipakita ni Chanyeol Park ang ibang side ni Baekhyun Byun sa mundo. He wanted to show the real man behind the mysterious image: the man who loves to stay at home and play online games during his time off, who loves children and advocates for their education, who was still a normal person behind the bright lights and sold out dome concerts.
title: wala nang hihilingin (chanbaek) word count: 6122 (sinta 'verse fic) date posted: 06/14/2020 summary: It’s been nine months since Chanyeol told him na may plano na siyang magpropose soon. Nine months since tinapangan ni Baekhyun ang sarili at sumagot siyang leaning towards yes siya if ever totohanin nga ni Chanyeol ‘yon. Nine months na siyang naghihintay pero wala pa ring proposal. Ni anino ng singsing wala siyang nakita.
commentary: my first 614 day fic! aahh i'm so in love with this fic :( aside from wedding vows, i like writing wedding proposals talaga. iba nga lang sa fic na 'to dahil napaka-chaotic ng proposal! this fic started with an image, actually. 'yung part na kumakanta si baek ng halo ni tita beyonce! sinusulat ko pa lang 'yung sinta, paano na lang ako kung wala ka? nasa isip ko na 'yon. at hindi niya ako nilubayan hanggang hindi ko nagagawa ang fic na 'to. nadagdagan pa ang inspiration ko after rewatching The Office! that jim & pam moment talaga...sobrang TV history huhuh. anyway!!! outlining this fic was really fun kasi aliw na aliw akong pahirapan si baek dito lmao. sobrang special talaga sa 'kin ng sinta 'verse at ang dami ko pang pwedeng ikuwento tungkol sa unibersong ito. next year, meron pang kasunod. promise 'yan haha!
a line/part i loved:
honestly, i really love the proposal part kasi na-achieve ko ang chaos na gusto ko haha! pero kung very specific part, ito:
“So...nasan na ba ako? Ayun.” Huminga muna siya nang malalim bago nagpatuloy. “You’re my best friend in the whole wide world and I could never be with anyone else. I’ve known this since we were 19. I wanted to be the one to ask you but--“
“Mahal kita,” bulalas ni Baekhyun. He couldn’t help it. Aatakihin na siya sa puso. He could feel it. “Fuck, baby I’m sorry!” pahabol niya. “Sorry go na tatahimik na a--”
“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol interrupted, strained, with a pointed glance at the box. Agad na tinikom ni Baekhyun ang bibig, but god, ang puso niya bibigay na anytime.
“Ang point ko lang, I mean it when I say could never be with anyone else, Baek. ikaw lang ang tanging nakikita kong kasama ko sa dulo.”
When their eyes met, Chanyeol’s were soft. Trusting. Full of love. Chanyeol’s eyes were shining, full of unshed tears, at sure si Baekhyun na parehas na silang walang makita dahil sa mga luhang ‘to.
title: atin ang gabi (chanbaek) word count: 18.442 date posted: 08/09/2020; entry for #NaritoKami2020 Fic Fest summary: Before Sunrise AU - dala ng lungkot, alak, at pagka-bigo sa pag-ibig, humingi ng isang pabor si baekhyun sa lalaking hiniraman niya ng powerbank sa 7-11.ang pabor? samahan at makipagkuwentuhan sa kanya buong magdamag. loko-loko lang ang papatol sa ganyang pabor.sakto, loko-loko't kalahati si chanyeol park.
commentary: where do i even begin?? sa totoo lang ang dami kong gustong sabihin sa fic na 'to kulang pa 'tong commentary na 'to hahaha. i might even write a whole blogpost about this..but who knows?
ito ang pinakapaborito kong fic this year. as in. the moment i saw this prompt, ang sabi ko sa sarili ko, "mare dapat makuha mo 'yan OR ELSE!!!" i have a ~thing for film AUs, kaya nang makita kong may nagsumbit nito-NA RICHARD LINKLATER FILM PA OMG-hindi na tumigil ang utak ko sa pag-iisip. i love everything about this fic so much. mula sa back stories ng chanbaek, hanggang sa batuhan nila ng linya... i'd like to think i did a great job in writing this. sinigurado kong maganda at natural lang ang dialogues nila rito dahil isa 'yon sa essence ng Before Trilogy, eh. gusto ko rin sanang gawing buong araw silang magkasama kaso i thought mas may emotional impact kung bitin ang oras nila.
may ilang parts pa akong dinelete rito kasi feeling ko ang haba na niya. (don't worry i'll share it soon!) kahit light angst lang 'to, may certain weight kang mararamdaman after reading it? ewan, ganyan ang pakiramdam ko pag binabasa ko 'to. tsaka grabe pinag-isipan kong mabuti kung may smut ba 'to o kahit kiss lang. i almost added a kiss here kaso upon re-reading the fic...it kinda didn't feel right? i thought them sharing a kiss would shatter the illusion, na baka hindi na sila maka-move on sa isa't isa at hindi na nila ma-achieve ang dapat nilang i-achieve. ako lang siguro 'to hahaha pero one thing's for sure: THIS IS A HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! sila hanggang dulo haha! i just wish more people could read this fic huhu.
a line/part i loved:
Chanyeol paused for a long moment bago nagpatuloy. “Sobrang nakakatawa ng pagiging idealistic ko noong teenager ako. Feeling ko kasalanan ‘to ng media na kino-consume natin, eh. Books, movies, songs would always make love out to be this all consuming, burning, passionate thing. Sige, that person makes you feel like you’re on fire all the time, that he or she consumes you, but at the end of the day...are you even friends? Let’s be real here, pag tapos na sa honeymoon stage, pag naupos na ‘yung apoy ng pag-ibig sa simula ng relasyon, ano na? You gotta like the person you end up with in the end. Love won’t save everything.”
title: ‘pag nandiyan (kaisoo) word count: 15,962 date posted: 08/19/2020; entry for Tahanadhana Ficfest 2020 summary:  four times na may nagtanong sa cafe owner na si junmyeon kung ano ba talagang relationship status ng mga barista niyang sina jongin at kyungsoo, plus that one time na napuno na si junmyeon sa landian/katangahan ng dalawa.
commentary: magkasabay kong isinulat ang atin ang gabi at 'pag nandiyan kaya lurks na lurks ako kung alin ba dapat ang uunahin. 15k worth of pure fluff, landian, at katangahan isumbong niyo nga 'yan sa HR!!! not gonna lie, sobrang nag-enjoy ako sa pagbuo ng kaisoo barista 'verse na 'to. may naka-outline na ngang side story ang chanbaek dito eh...hahaha! si sehun ang favorite character ko sa fic na 'to kasi siya talaga ang representation ng frustration ng readers haha! gigil na gigil si kuya eh, ang cute!
'yun lang, a part of me wished na mas inayos ko ang execution ng ilang scenes sa fic na 'to? lalo na sa parts nina junmyeon at joohyun. i would rewrite it if i could. overall, this is a cute, fluffy fic written in a slightly weird 4+1 fic haha!
a line/part i loved:
"Birthday ni Chanyeol today," paliwanag niya kahit hindi naman hinihingi ni Jongin. "Ayoko namang sungitan 'yung tao on his special day. I'm not that mean."
Jongin remained quiet beside him, so he added, "Besides, I don't date people younger than me. Chanyeol just turned...20 today, ano. Ekis tayo dyan."
From the corner of his eye, he saw Jongin's mouth twitched to a smile. "So may chance," sabi nito, halos pabulong.
"Huh?" He glanced at Jongin sidelong, eye catching on the strong lines of his neck, the prominent bulge of his Adam's apple. The streets weren't that well-lit, and frankly, his eyesight was pretty shitty, but for some reason, kitang-kita niya ngayon si Jongin. "Anong sabi mo?" Jongin then returned his gaze.
"Sabi ko, may chance," he said, clearer this time. With intent. Ayan na naman siya.
title: laging naroon ka (sechen) word count:  2664 date posted: 09/22/2020 summary: sa kalagitnaan ng kasal ng mga kabarkada niya, biglang nagkrisis si jongdae dahil parehas silang umattend ng kanyang what could have been na si sehun.
commentary: sa totoo lang, wala sa plano ko na magsulat ng isang sechen fic. i've only read a handful of sechen fics (mostly in english pa) at nag-aalangan talaga ako magsulat ng fic for a rarepair. kaso my jaya discography binge happened; ilang beses kong pinaulit-ulit ang laging naroon ka at ang daming nagpapakasal sa social media bago ko isulat 'to kaya rito ko na nilabas ang mga damdamin ko haha! i really like how this turned out. maikli lang pero hnngghh gusto ko pa ng isang sechen fic tuloy! masaya rin ako na may naka-appreciate ng munting fic na 'to. i'm planning to write another jaya-inspired fic soon so...hehe kita-kits na lang ;)
a line/part i loved: 
He was a complete fool to think the hurt he'd felt years ago made him immune to this handsome man with a nice smile and soulful eyes. Wala pa ring pinagbago. Nandoon pa rin ang kabog sa dibdib, ang kilig—nakakainis! Sehun only got more gorgeous as he aged. His sense of style was still impeccable. Bagay sa kanya ang mas mahabang buhok at tumambok pa ang mga pisngi nito. Pigil na pigil si Jongdae na magnakaw ng kurot.
title: para sa ‘yo (ang mga salita) (chanbaek) word count:  26,144 date posted: 12/09/2020 summary: ito na ata ang pinakamalaking dagok sa writing career ng best-selling at award-winning crime fiction writer na si Baekhyun Byun. mayroon lamang siyang pitong buwan para tapusin ang huling nobela ng kanyang series. bawal na extension, nasagad na niya ang pasensya ng kanyang publishers. tapos bat' gano'n, bakit napakalandi ng bago niyang editor na si Chanyeol Park?!
commentary: my biggest and most personal (lol) fic yet. 35k ang target word count ko for this one kaso i had to delete a huge chunk last september kasi...nag-iba ang takbo ng utak ko. bigla na lang akong naumay magsulat ng romance at fluff? tsaka wala pa akong nababasang writer-editor au fic na nakaka-relate ako kaya isinulat ko na. sa totoo lang, ginawa kong therapy ang fic na 'to habang tinatapos ko ang isang manuscript ko (na surprise!!! hindi ko pa rin tapos until now!!!). it's weird for me na magsulat ng isang bagay na hindi umiikot sa romance, pero later on, na-enjoy ko rin. okay din pala magsulat ng character-centric fics na side lang ang romance.
also, in a very me fashion, nag-insert na naman ako ng kuwento sa loob ng isang kuwento. mini-quarantine project ko ang kuwento nina eli at calix! an outline exists--at surprise, hindi connected sa mga kasong nabanggit sa fic haha! crime/thriller pa rin ang totoong kuwento pero malayo sa book titles commentary: na nabanggit sa fic. in short, umandar na naman ang pagka-plotter ko sa fic na 'to. outline kung outline, plano kung plano. ang difference lang from my previous BY Paraluman Fest entry, hindi ko na isinulat ang buong fic sa notebook bago i-type. katamad kasi hahaha.share ko lang din, i wasn't expecting na may magbabasa at makaka-appreciate ng fic na 'to. ang seryoso kasi niya for my taste. hindi rin nakakakilig or whatsoever. sobrang layo sa previous BYFP entry ko na puro landian lang ang ganap. kaya sobrang tuwa ko sa mga nag-iwan ng comments sa ao3, nag-qrt ng BY tweet, at sa lahat ng nagtweet na nagustuhan nila ang kwentong ito. grabe, iyak ako nang iyak. lalo na do'n sa mga nagcomment na nakaka-relate sila sa struggles ni baekhyun as a writer. feeling ko hindi ako nag-iisa! so maraming maraming salamat sa nagbasa ng fic na 'to! grabe dami ko pang ebas for this fic pero sa isang blogpost ko na lang siguro ilalagay. hay, ang puso ko talaga para rito <3
a line/part i loved: sa totoo lang, madami! 'yung buong kaganapan sa MIBF ang pinaka kasi an author's dream come true 'yon cheka hahaha! pero kung lines.... ito talaga:
“Sila lang ang minahal ko nang ganito. Mahal na mahal ko sila.”
“Alam ko, Baekhyun.”
“Natatakot ako…” Baekhyun hated the way his voice cracked. “Natatakot ako na baka...baka hindi na ako magmahal nang ganito ulit. Na baka...naiibigay ko na kina Eli at Calix ang lahat ng pagmamahal na kaya kong ibigay. Takot ako na...shit, Chanyeol.” Napaupo siya sa sofa at doon niya nakita ang concerned na tingin sa kanya ng editor. “What if pangit na lahat ng mga isulat ko after nito? What if makapagsulat nga ako ng bago pero sina Eli at Calix pa rin ang hahanap-hanapin ko? Ng ibang tao? What if...hanggang dito na lang ang pangarap ko? Ito lang naman ang ginusto ko sa buhay, eh. Ang magsulat at mabasa ng tao ang mga salita ko. Ito siguro ang problema pag nakuha mo nang maaga ang pinapangarap mo. Pag madaling nakuha, madali ring mawawala.” Tuluyan nang bumuhos ang luha ni Baekhyun. “Ayoko pa magmove on sa kanila, Chanyeol. Hindi ko kaya.”
title: #QuarantineTimez with Nini’s Home (kaisoo) word count:  12,770 date posted: 04/27/2020 summary: Sa kalagitnaan ng Enhanced Community Quarantine, hindi inaasahan ni Kyungsoo na magkakaroon siya ng "quarantine crush" sa isang viral Youtuber na kailanman ay hindi nagpakita ng mukha.
commentary:  ito ang tanging non-fic fest entry fic ko na himalang maraming nagbasa. hanggang ngayon shookt pa rin ako na umabot sa 700+ hits ito sa ao3 haha kklk?? anyway, skl ang inspo ng fic na 'to. gaya ni ksoo sa fic, noong start ng quarantine ko lang nadiscover ang Nino's Home Youtube channel. at gaya rin niya, na-weirduhan ako sa antics ni Nino...at sige na nga, aliw na aliw ako sa subtitles niyang nangungupal lmao. ewan ko na, nagulat na lang ako sa sarili ko na may outline na ako for a kaisoo fic?? it took me two days of outlining and actual writing bago ko natapos 'to. at tawang-tawa ako kasi sobrang crack fic dapat nito! the nininail was a last addition kasi may nag-RT sa TL ko ng video compilation ni jongin talking about his cute nail..eh ang cute nga kaya dinagdag ko na. wala akong intensyon na gawing cliffhanger ang ending...it just sort of happened? feeling ko nga standalone fic 'to kaso habang binabasa ko siya, nabitin na rin ako lmao. hanggang not!fic na lang ang kinaya ko for the continuation kasi dami ko nang sinusulat ngayon lol. but with or without the not!fic, okay siyang kwento for me. nakakatawa, nakakilig hay :)
a line/part i loved:
gustung-gusto ko 'yung IG dm convo nina baek at ksoo rito kasi totoo nga naman, COVID-19 CAN'T STOP THE HAROT!!! also 'yung nagreply si Nini kay pengwing sa Youtube comments!!! ang kilig ko po!!!
Nasanay na si Kyungsoo na makaramdam ng kaunting lungkot after ng conference calls nila. As much as he loved having his alone time, nakaka-miss din pala ang makasalamuha ng ibang tao. Sa short supermarket trips at lobby guards na nga lang siya nakakaranas ng actual human interaction this quarantine period. He didn’t realize how much he used to count on minor interactions, like ‘yung pangungulit sa kanya ni Jongdae sa cubicle niya araw-araw, or ‘yung quick lunch meetings niya with Baekhyun kapag napapadpad ng Makati ang best friend. Kahit nga face to face meetings with their boss na usually kinakatakutan niya, hinahanap-hanap na niya ngayon.
# of fics written: 21 # of fandoms: 2 (exo & red velvet) published word count: 133,095
favorite fic: atin ang gabi (chanbaek) longest fic: para sa ‘yo (ang mga salita) (chanbaek) shortest fic: kiss it better (kaisoo) most kudos: #QuaratineTimez with Nini’s Home (kaisoo)
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