#Days Gone by
theamandacollection67 · 6 months
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Sheet Music 1919 by Irving Berlin
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sumbluespruce · 11 days
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Through the moonistary windows
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casualfoxwitch · 9 days
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It's bullshit man
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whereifindsanity · 19 days
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Alex Prager
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fandomficsnstuff · 12 days
Days Gone By Masterlist
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The Beginning
Frog Season
Sickness Within
Pride And Joy
The Prisoner
Marco, Polo
The Prison
A New Addition
Strangers In The Tombs
Dead Ghosts
Family And Others
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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Days Gone By
The abandoned Beatrice H. Wood School in Plainville, Massachusetts.
📸 flickr
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silverhallow · 1 year
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The Final Chapter of
📚Days Gone By📚
is now on ao3 and Wattpad
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weepingfoxfury · 1 year
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At last the ball was over ...
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mi-nichi-yonsei · 4 months
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It's funny because as a teenager/early young adult I drew OCs all the time and I I would make up all kinds of stuff
now I run the same handful of OCs through my brain once in a while and redraw them once a year lmao
Anyway here's Hunter I drew yesterday and below is the literal first drawing I ever drew of them when I was probably like 17? Just had to practice art for a decade or something
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theamandacollection67 · 5 months
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Florida Fashions 1956
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dezmoines · 10 months
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markonpark · 1 year
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Your chariot awaits. Mounted photo of a man in horse and carriage by J.F. Sweeney Grafton, Mass.
On Etsy: www.etsy.com/listing/1482156318/
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fandomficsnstuff · 29 days
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(Warnings: blood, angst, a lot of more angst and some angsty angsty on top:3)
Note: part 4 of Days Gone By and last time I’ll detail it<3<3 look for the moodboard if you’re unsure if it’s part of the Days Gone By series or look for the Days Gone By tags, they’ll be uniquely in every Days Gone By story so that it’s easy to find them<3
Daisy grinned as Carl showed her the various weapons he had just found, her hands wrapping around a machete with a big grin, showing it to Carl “how do I look?” she asked and he smiled at her “awesome! What about me?” he picked up a small axe and Daisy nodded “no walker is going to stand in our way now!” she said giggling, Carl and her laughing as they examined the various weapons until Lori showed up, taking them away from the both of them, leaving Daisy pouting, glaring at her “you’re not my momma! I want one of those weapons, I know it’s not a toy” she said stubbornly, Lori looking her up and down before sighing “go ask your uncle then” she said and steered Carl away, a frown on Daisy’s brows as she watched Carl cast a look over his shoulder before being ushered away by his mother. Daisy stuck her tongue out at Lori before turning around and walking off to the RV, climbing up on top of it and sitting down, pouting, arms across her chest as she stared at the nearby trees. Dale studied her for a few seconds before putting down his rifle and sitting down beside her on the edge of the roof, groaning as he moved down, making her look at him. “What’s with the pout?” he asked and she looked down “Mrs. Grimes said I can’t have a weapon…” she muttered and he chuckled lightly “well, you’re only a kid” he reasoned and she pouted even more “I know how to take care of myself! I know it’s not a toy, it’s a tool, I know that. My daddy and uncle Daryl taught me, I know how to fight” she said proudly and Dale smiled softly at her before nodding to himself “alright, if I find something small but handy, I’ll ask your uncle if you can have it, deal?” he asked and she nodded softly, her pout gone as she smiled up at Dale who gave her a small wink before getting up, once again groaning loudly, picking up his rifle and smiling down at her “you wanna help me keep watch? Could use some good eyes” he offered and Daisy nodded, getting up and looking out over the highway, the way they came from, while Dale kept watch the way they were supposed to be headed.
“Dale?” Daisy asked softly, hearing him humm in response but he didn’t turn to look at her. She gulped as she watched the walkers stagger closer, more than she had ever seen before, not even the night they were let into the CDC. “Dale” she said more loudly and this time he turned, his eyes going wide as he hurriedly grabbed her shoulders and made her lay down on the roof of the RV with him, his hand softly on her head, making sure it stayed down. “Stay down, don’t move, alright?” Dale whispered and she nodded, making sure to stay low… that is until she heard a scream, from inside the RV, she raised her head but Dale quickly put a hand on her head and softly lowered it before crawling over to peek into the RV to see who was in trouble. Daisy stayed flat on the roof for a long while until she heard another scream, lifting her head and looking over the edge she saw Sophia run over the edge of the road railing and down a slope into the forest with two walkers after her “Sophia!” she screamed, about to crawl down when Dale pinned her down and put a hand over her mouth “Rick’s going after her, it’s alright” he whispered as he continued to hold her down while she kept her eyes on the spot she ran off into, whimpering as she ever so slightly tried to fight Dale’s grip and go after her. The second Dale let go she crawled down and ran over to where she last saw the weapons Carl found and grabbed the machete she liked earlier, running towards the edge of the forest until someone picked her up, spun her around and put her back down, turning her to face them and she saw Shane as he held her in place, his hands on her shoulders as she struggled against his hold “hey, hey- Delilah! You gotta stay here, you can’t run after her, Rick’s already on his way to her” Shane hurried out but she shook her head “what if she’s scared?” Daisy said with a crack in her voice and Shane sighed, took the machete from her and kneeled down, hugging her “it’s alright, princess, it’s alright. Rick’ll take care of her, alright? He’ll take care of her” he assured and Daisy nodded, turning to look at Carl who clearly wanted to go after her as well. “Carl, keep an eye on her, alright?” Shane asked and Carl nodded, walking up to Daisy and putting a hand on her shoulder, steering her away from the road railing while glancing nervously over his shoulder at Shane.
Daisy walked through the woods with Carl, eyes on the ground with her head down as she stepped over a large, broken off branch. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re going to find her” she looked up at Carl and nodded at his words, looking down again. It wasn’t long after Carl’s words that she heard a branch snap, looking up to see a beautiful deer walk right in front of the four of them. She quietly walked closer alongside Carl, smiling brightly at the animal, her hazel eyes glancing to Carl, her smile brightening as she saw his fascination. She looked back at the deer and took a step closer to Carl, taking his hand in her own as she watched the deer with a big grin, so big her cheeks started to hurt. She let out a quiet giggle and looked over her shoulder at Rick and Shane, her hand still holding Carl’s and she couldn’t help but giggle again, looking back at the deer, admiring it. She was considering stepping closer, slowly, maybe it wouldn’t run away, she almost took a step forward but froze when she heard a shot ring out and she frowned, watching the deer fall, Carl’s hand slipping from hers, her head turning to see him fall to the ground, eyes closed, blood pooling at his chest, soaking his shirt. Daisy let out a scream and took a step back as Rick frantically kneeled by Carl’s side, holding on his chest and picking him up, getting up from the ground while Shane was pointing a gun at the stranger’s head, the one who had shot Carl. Daisy’s hand gripped the machete in her belt, eyes wide as she looked between Shane and Rick while they shouted and talked. She doesn’t remember how long she was running for, she remembered Shane telling her to go back to the highway, to her uncle, to everyone else, but she was already following after Rick as he ran towards where the farm was supposed to be. Her vision was cloudy as tears ran down her cheeks while she ran, ignoring Shane yelling at her to stop, to wait for him, to let him catch up as he made sure the stranger kept up with them.
Daisy was panting heavily as she finally reached the farm house, feeling dizzy and weak but she stayed in her spot, looking between the strangers and the bleeding Carl in Rick’s arms. “Please! He’s my best friend” she said sobbing and the oldest man nodded, allowing Rick into the house but casting a nervous glance at Daisy “not you, darlin’, it’s not something someone your age should see” he said softly and Daisy were left to sit on the step outside, crying her eyes out, knees against her chest with her arms wrapped around, head hidden away behind her knees. She wasn’t sure how long she cried but Shane arrived with the stranger who shot Carl, seeing her crying he shook his head softly and she got up, ran to him and hugged him tightly “they wouldn’t let me come with him!” she sobbed and Shane breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around her, still panting heavily from running. Shane’s eyes shut for a moment in relief that at least Carl was still alive when he was brought into the house, his eyes opening when Rick walked out, hands shaking, blood soaking his shirt with tears in his eyes.
Daisy sat in the room with Carl, asleep in a chair on the other side of his bed, knees tucked up as her head rested on the back of the chair, her cheeks and eyes red and puffy from crying for so long, exhausted from running and sobbing she had fallen asleep while at Carl’s side. Rick had gotten up at some point and put a blanket over her, taking a pillow from a chair in the corner and softly putting it under her head so she’d at least be somewhat comfortable. Her eyes fluttered open as she heard footsteps, turning her head to see Shane walk in, giving her a weak smile before kneeling in front of her “hey, princess… Rick’s donating some blood, I’m gonna watch over Carl, it’s okay. Hershel has offered his room to you, get you more comfortable” Shane whispered and Daisy glanced at a pale and sweating Carl before yawning, her eyes closing as she shook her head. Shane nodded and sighed lightly “alright, how ‘bout the couch, hm? Does that sound good, princess?” he asked softly and Daisy nodded tiredly, Shane picking her up and walking out of the room with her in his arms, the blanket still over her as she was on the verge of falling asleep again. Shane put her on the couch and sighed at Rick who raised a brow “wouldn’t want to be too far from him, so I offered her the couch instead” he explained quietly and Rick nodded, the two of them thinking she was already asleep until she popped your head up, looking over the back of the sofa with tired, red eyes “can I give some blood too?” she asked quietly, a small chuckle coming from Rick but it was Hershel who answered, walking into the room to check on Rick and smiling softly at her “well, do you know your blood type?” he asked and she scrunched up her nose as she shook her head, Hershel nodding softly “well, then it wouldn’t work, but you’re a brave little girl for offering” he said and she smiled softly in response.
“Daddy?... What’s going to happen to all those people in the city?” Daisy asked in a tired voice and Merle sighed heavily, tensing up as he always did when he had to answer her questions that he deemed ‘soft’. “Well, er… the government bombed the hell outta them, sweetheart” he said in a raspy chuckle and looked down at her, seeing her frown deeply and his smile instantly dropped. He cleared his throat and thought over a good answer to her question “they’re-... I-I’m sure they’re alright, sweetheart, daddy was only joking” he said quickly and she shrugged lightly, continuing to stare at the dark city that should light up like a beacon of safety. “No, they’re dead, or worse… just like momma” she mumbled quietly and Merle studied you with a deep frown, a certain sadness tainted his eyes “yer mom’s probably alright, kiddo, yer never know, some of them folks in the city might’ve survived the bombs” he tried to cheer her up but she just shrugged once again “no, they didn’t” she said and turned around, going back to the fire and sitting down next to her uncle, Merle studying her for a few seconds before sighing heavily and walking over, joining them by the warm fire, despite how low the flames were.
Daryl hurried into the house, eyes scanning the house until he saw Daisy on the couch, eyes closed, and his heart nearly stopped but luckily Lori saw it “she’s alright, just tired. Rick and Shane said she ran all the way here with them while crying, not slowing down one bit, not even to catch her breath” she said quietly and Daryl couldn’t help but smirk and shake his head lightly, scanning her small form for any sign of injuries, but when he found none, he looked down and nodded “yeah, sounds like her” he mumbled quietly as he walked over, kneeling down and eventually sitting down on the floor next to her, his back against the couch so she’d see him when she woke up. “She’s brave, she offered to give some blood for Carl, so Rick wouldn’t have to give so much…” Lori continued and Daryl glanced at Lori before back at the wooden floor, softly nodding his head “yeah, girl got a lotta fight in ‘er…” he mumbled, his eyes glancing to Daisy’s sleeping form again and he couldn’t help his soft smile, his whole expression softening as he watched her. Lori smiled softly at the sight, perhaps they were wrong, perhaps at least one of the Dixons would be a good influence on Daisy, perhaps she really was better off with Daryl, though Lori hated to admit that she didn’t want the little girl to leave with him if Daryl decided to go off on his own.
Daisy’s eyes fluttered open and looked around, Daryl noticing and smiling softly at her “hey, ya awake, kiddo?” he asked softly and she whined quietly before sighing, sitting up and looking at Lori with hopeful eyes “Mrs. Grimes, is Carl okay?” she asked and Lori smiled softly and nodded “yeah, yeah he’s alright, he’s still asleep” she said and Daisy nodded hesitantly, looking down shyly “can I see him anyway?” she asked and Lori nodded, stretching her hand out “yeah, come on” she said and Daisy got up, hugging her uncle briefly, pretty much wrapping her arms around his head since he was sitting on the floor, and went with Lori, her small hand in hers. “Hey, Daisy, I’mma be outside, a’ight?” Daryl asked and Daisy nodded as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Daryl nodded and got up, watching Daisy enter the room, the door closing, and he walked outside, eyes surveying the area. Daisy walked over to Carl and frowned as her eyes scanned his pale body. She bent down and began to dig through her backpack that she had left in the room earlier, getting out Mr. Teddy and placing him on Carl’s chest, softly placing one of his hands over the teddy bear, “you can borrow him… just be okay… do you remember that deer? It was so beautiful… maybe one day we can see another one… maybe we can get closer, I think I would like that… just wake up, Carl… please, you can come too, when you’re better… we’ll go into the woods and look for another one...” Daisy muttered and Lori couldn’t help but cover her mouth with her hand to not let a small whimper disturb the sweet moment, her eyes watering as she frowned, looking at a tired Rick who was sleeping in the same chair he had been sitting in for an hour now. Lori looked back at Daisy and saw that she was sitting on another chair, the same one she had been sleeping in earlier, and was laying her head on the edge of the bed, eyes watching Carl for any sign of movement, vigilant of every shallow breath that her best friend took.
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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Behind the Door
The former giant At&T building, which stood empty for decades, at the F. Gilbert Hills State Forest in Foxboro, Massachusetts.
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silverhallow · 1 year
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Chapter 8 of
📚Days Gone By📚
Is now on ao3 and WattPad
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