#Death to Chronos
slasher-art · 3 months
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Help... 😆
(btw the moonstone axe is an imba)
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hibiscus-percy · 5 months
Don't imagine Zagreus when Melinoë was born. Don't imagine him seeing her and immediately knowing he would do anything to protect her. Don't imagine him being excited to be a big brother; to give the love and attention and patience he never really had growing up. (Sure, he had Mother Night, but he never understood why his father hardly ever paid attention to him for anything other than to enforce his lessons. Something always felt off..) Don't imagine the joy he felt, posing for that family portrait.
Don't imagine the fear he felt when the House got attacked by Time itself. Don't imagine him doing everything he could to protect his family; his newborn baby sister.
Don't imagine him thinking, for all those years, that he failed.
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yutoxlab · 4 months
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
“Time cannot be stopped”
WRONG! stopwatch.
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tinzarone · 4 months
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Hoping on Hades II train, little Melinoe
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cokiri · 5 months
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Again, hades 2.... Now it's Selene (I have no idea how her helmet is supposed to work 😬
{I had a depressing though. Because Hades 2 is a roguelite therefore the run is in an infinity loop, buuuut our purpose is to beat chronos (one and for all) and save our family... How are we supposed to win ?!?!? We KNOW we will always beat the same boss at the end. 🥲
I'm really excited for the plot of this second game, Everything we've seen so far is *chef kiss* }
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I had some time to kill and decided to do some Photoshop/collage using pre existing assets since I couldn't find the right inspiration for my new tattoo (I used Pixlr on android)
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i-lost-my-last-blog · 4 months
Me reaching the true "end" of Hades like aw this is sweet hope they can finally mend their relationships properly and stay happy because lord knows the myths never have happy endings :)
Chronos and his bitch ass emerging from his grave : greetings hoes
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theinfinitetrial · 5 months
What the fuck did chronos do to cerby T.T
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theroboman · 5 months
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Got Hades II today, and oh my god do i love it already. Got to the second boss already too:)
Anyway, i freaking love the new characterssss!! Especially Melinoë, such a sweetie<3
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rosedragonblast · 5 months
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This bitch makes me go from Asexual to Doubtsexual, so here is my take about how, imo, Melinoe and Zagreus can properly meet each other.
Hades sits upon his throne, finally feeling a bit of relief. His heart beating slowly, tension disappearing into the air. There is still a lot to be done, a lot of things to be put in place.
Some of the gods are still trapped, unable to break free of the chains which Chronos and his minions casted upon the realm. But, even so. With much arrogance, the Titan stated that his chains are not to be broken by any godly creature. Yet, Melinoe found a way. Her stubbornness, combined with wit, sharp mind and compassion promised to bring a beam of light into this dark world in it's worst times.
House of Hades stands strong still, among the demon spawn who try to brake in, desperate to free their master. In the dark depths of the Underworld itself, somewhere where only Chaos may reach, stands a prison, which now serves as a permanent place of rest for the Titan of Time himself. Chronos screams into the void, but only turning it to the music of victory for one young goddess.
She stares into the darkness. Not scared, joyous or sad. Tired, but satisfied. Her purpose, her life-long dream of vengeance. Finally coming true before her own eyes, by her own hand. A feeling, sweeter than anything nectar could provide, lingers on the tongue. It's not how Melinoe imagined it, but she can't complain. If the fates so decided, it's not her place to argue about the taste of her triumph.
The goddess stretches herself, rubbing her hand and turning around. Coming out of the pits of the Underworld, feeling a hard floor under her burning feet, Mel lets herself adjust again, before making a few steps forward.
Hades, already deep in his work, notices his daughter. He feels her more than sees her. Turning his head, the God of the Dead looks at her with a hint of soft expression.
— Are you feeling well, Melinoe?
— I'm quite well, father. Just...Tired, i suppose. There is still a lot of blood of the Surface running through those veins. I need to adjust, heal. But all will be fine, I know it. Nothing shall stop me from completing my quest.
— Don't rush, daughter, — Hades sighs, his face shifting into slight concern. — You shouldn't go at it alone. Now, that you have support of the House, of Hekate and your associates, you shall lean more into their help. I think they'll be happy to oblige.
— I think I shall choose my own path in regards to finishing off Chronos' forces. But, thank you for the concern, father. I really should let myself breathe out for a bit.
Hades puts his hands against the table. Melinoe adjusts her hair, going further into the House. Something always rings, sounds and bangs in here. Souls moving along, some of the workers getting head first into their work. Melinoe goes out of the way, going towards the river Stix.
A pair of green and red eyes look at her from the reflection. Mel leans into the railing, as if trying to ask something of the red water. She listens. And it answers.
Hearing a faint whisper, guiding her up the stream, Melinoe hesitates. Another one of Chronos' tricks? Doesn't seem like it. The titan shouldn't have such an influence on the realm to affect the waters of the Stix to such an extent. Thinking for just a bit, Mel braces herself, closes her eyes and lets her body fall into the water.
Hearing distant gasps, the princess looks around. If feels...Like home. The water doesn't reject. It embraces, with all the arms of the dead swimming through. Melinoe holds her breath, trying to hear the whisper again.
It catches up to her. Louring her away. Feeling like she has to catch a breath, the goddess sees something familiar. A figure frozen in time. It holds up a sword, as if it's trying to fight an unseen foe. Opening her eyes wider, Mel reaches out. Further and further in, the water becomes thicker. It almost stops, barely holding on. Melinoe makes a final effort to grab the silhouette, her fingers holding onto their clothes.
Suddenly feeling herself being pulled up, Melinoe swings the frozen body into her arms.
Stix spits them out in a flash, with goddess gasping for air and coughing out the red liquid. Catching her breath, Mel sits up, trying to fill her lungs with the much needed cold air of the Underworld. Turning around, taking in another breath, she opens her eyes even wider, flapping her wet eyelashes.
Zagreus, laying on his back, stares into the seeling, as if he's trying to understand if it's another part of his endless dream. Melinoe goes closer, leaning over the god of blood. Zag rubs his eyes open, seeing a mirrored pair of red and green. Mel gifts him with a very soft smile, knowing exactly who she's staring at.
— Who is this water-drenched goddess, if I may ask?
— Your little sister, I suppose.
— You seem a little too big to be a little sister.
Melinoe laughs. She smiles just like their mother does. Zag pauses for a second, seeing Mel's beautiful, relaxed face surrounded by lights, created by fire lamps.
— Silly.
Mel leans closer, leaving a gentle kiss on her older brother's forehead.
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alchemiq · 2 years
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amurleopard123-blog · 4 months
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Melinoë sketch! I've only really done the face and head, and even then I am not immune to the desire to get rid of all of it and start again. She's so fun to draw though!
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sapphire-mage · 5 months
Playing a bit of hookey to play Hades 2. And since I was so comfortable with the first boss thanks to the techinical test, I managed to make it to the second boss.
Being purposely vague, but I LOVE SUPERGIANT GAMES SO MUCH! That was the most 'Supergiant Games' ass boss EVER! (I lost, but hell yeah.)
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sadly-im-vhena · 4 hours
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It’s just a girl and her toddler sized frog against the world 🖤🖤🖤
Death to Chronos!
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latenitewaffles · 4 months
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