#So real melinoe I hate him too
i-lost-my-last-blog · 4 months
Me reaching the true "end" of Hades like aw this is sweet hope they can finally mend their relationships properly and stay happy because lord knows the myths never have happy endings :)
Chronos and his bitch ass emerging from his grave : greetings hoes
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xoxochb · 10 days
⋆·˚ ༘ * only bought this dress so you could take it off (take it off!)
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warnings: iykyk…
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of hades and persephone
series master list
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this time aphrodite wasn’t here to help you get ready which disappointed you in a way. this time percy’s mother helps. a plus side was that your brother would still be walking you down the aisle
“does it feel weird not living in your palace?” asks sally
“well I lived there my whole life. I don’t think I ever liked growing up in royalty though, my father was always controlling of me and my siblings”
“so I’ve heard”
you nod your head. “it was awful. my sister even moved out when she was of age. I don’t speak to her often either but I’m hoping I’ll be able to visit some time”
“I didn’t know you had a sister?”
“melinoe. she’s a goddess”
“very. my parents kind of wanted her to be kept a secret but I suppose I told you so it’s not really a secret anymore” you laugh
sally finishes tying your hair back and puts her hands on your shoulders. “you look lovely. percy is very lucky”
your cheeks flush a pink hue at the mere mention of your soon-to-be husband. good gods of olympus— if someone told you a month ago you would be marrying him instead of his brother you would’ve laughed in their face. yet here you are. you can’t help but feel nervous about this, yes you had been seeing percy since you were twelve and you were beyond comfortable being in this relationship but what if he didn’t feel that way? gods this whole marriage was your fault, I mean you’re only eighteen what if it was too early? did he actually not want to get married?
“oh, dear. you look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“I don’t think I thought things through”
sally frowns and sits on the bench beside you. “nervous?”
“yes. do you think percy really wants to get married? or is he just saying it so I can be happy?”
“(name), marriage is the only topic he has been able to stay on since it happened. I can assure you he is over the moon about this”
you feel tears brewing in your eyes but you quickly push them back to prevent ruining your makeup. “really?”
“yes, darling. I’d never lie to you”
you open your mouth to speak but the door opens, revealing your brother. “we’re starting in five”
you turn back to sally and mutter a quiet ‘thank you’ before exiting the room with nico and you begin walking out to the double doors leading to the beach
“take two” nico jokes, holding his arm out for you to link yours with, instead you throw your arms around him, without a doubt he returns the embrace
“thank you, nico”
“for what?”
“for being my brother”
“well then you’ll be happy to know I’ll always be your brother. even if you decide you hate me”
you pull away with a sigh and loop your arms through his. “I think I’m ready”
“promise me something”
“you’ll visit me in the underworld”
“I will. I’m sure percy isn’t very welcome there anymore though”
you both burst out into an uncontrollable laughter. when you try to get any words out your stopped but your inability to breathe
“oh my gods— imagine dad’s face!”
the image of hades seeing your boyfriend husband fills your mind, making you lose any breath you had left. you decide to add onto the fit, “do you know— how dad was so eager to get me married-” you breathe out “he was obsessed with triton I’m starting to think he likes him more than mom”
“now that’s a wedding I would like to attend”
when both of your breathing steadies back to normal you collect yourself and wipe the slight tears that streamed down your face, fixing your hair to assure you like presentable for guests
“okay I’m ready for real now”
“then let’s get you married!”
you take in one last deep breath before opening the double doors and walking out onto the platform covering the sandy ground. the scent of salt water fills your scenes instantly. this time it wasn’t because of your asshole ex husband. this may have been the most nerve wracking part of the wedding— people watching your every move, but when your eyes meet a pair of sea-green ones your nerves feel at peace
when you finally make your way to the altar you hug nico once more before ushering him to his seat, then taking both percy’s hands into yours to prevent them from shaking anymore
“strapless dress? how’d you know those are my favorites?”
your cheeks flush red and you roll your eyes. “shut up”
“want me to save the dirty talk for later? I understand, my mouth is sealed”
when everyone finally settles the officiate begins speaking all that nonsense that they say at weddings. you’ve never actually been to one but you supposed if you were in the crowd this might have been the perfect opportunity to take a nap. he talked on and on for what felt like forever until the vows and until the ending kiss— your personal favorite part. when he finally said the iconic ‘you may kiss the bride’ you were sure you’ve never seen percy move as fast as he did then, quickly throwing your arms around each other into a very non-audience appropriate kiss which on a normal day you would’ve scolded percy for but you were to happy to care about anything right now
you didn’t end up getting home until around midnight unfortunately. and you should have seen it that the moment you got walked through the doors percy would be eagerly sliding your dress zipper down. you made him wait however— finding it amusing every time you pulled his hands off you, making him wait until you were in your shared bedroom. after what felt like percy’s whole life (he was sure it had been) he was able to unzip your white dress
“you’re quite eager” you laugh. percy ignores your comment and slides your dress off once the zipper was undone, you fumble with your legs to throw it on the floor, then connect your lips back with percy’s as you unbutton his white shirt
“have I told you that you look gorgeous tonight?” he mumbles into your mouth, making butterflies erupt into a frenzy in your stomach
“fifteen times”
when finally you unbutton the rest of the shirt you tear it off and throw it to the side— you only hope it didn’t hit anything important. percy then slides his hand from your bare waist to your underwear, and slowly slides them down your legs. you know for sure you’re not getting even a second of sleep tonight
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@azure-drag0ness @itzmeme @leathesimp @pevenxie @mp-littlebit @inclusivesimping
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Funny enough I think in contrast with Hercule's birth celebration only the other fellow Cthonic gods come to the birth of Hade's children along with Poseidon and Zeus and their wives plus children due to how unpopular Hades is. And hercules and meg comes despite the times Hades tried to kill him and again how she hated woring for him. Hercules is too pure to hold anything against any kid of Hades. In other words, it would be a workplace and family thing going on with Hade's children and he feels that he's doomed his kids due to them being associated with him to never getting any real love from anyone. Cue some angst and man Zeus and Poesiden would feel kind of sorry for their little brother.
Awww! Yeah, I think Hades would definitely kinda feel bad for his kids because he’s their father and his reputation isn’t really the best, but I like to think that he tries to boost their confidence as much as possible reminding them that they’re amazing and talented and smart. Also he’ll literally go after any child that tries to bully his kids lmao. He’s that kind of dad 😂
But yeah, I also like to think that his kids’ birth celebrations have a lot of attendees, but they’re mainly there because he’s the little brother of Zeus and Persephone is his wife lmao, so the other gods don’t really come for him they come for his family members lol. They’re probably not as big and extravagant as Hercules’ birth celebration, but they’re pretty close lol.
I think they probably threw Zagreus’ and Melinoe’s parties on Olympus, but they decided to switch it up with their 3rd child (Macaria) and have the celebration in the underworld (which is kinda ironic because Macaria is the least like her father and takes after her mother the most, so you’d think a cute little thing like that would have her birth celebration on Olympus instead of her older siblings lol). It probably had a good turn out, but everyone was super uncomfortable being down there with all the dead souls and imps and whatnot and from what we’ve heard in the series, it’s pretty hot and stuffy in the underworld, so everyone was probably ready to leave, but didn’t want to be rude and leave the party early so they all just kinda had to grin and bear it lmao
Also, I’m not sure if Zeus and Poseidon would feel bad for Hades or not about his kids being kinda “labeled” because of their dad. Maybe? I feel like they’d be a bit oblivious to it because they’re already sorta oblivious to the fact that Hades isn’t super popular (I mean, they’ve acknowledged it in the series and sorta hinted at it in the movie, but they don’t really seem to care or do anything to give him a better rep lol) and isn’t fond of being god of the underworld, so I’m sure the same would go for his kids. However, they don’t treat their nephew and nieces like they do with Hades, they actually treat them nicely (basically like they do with Persephone lol).
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momowho34 · 3 years
So that story about Dionysus being the son of Persephone is awful and gross for like 10 different reasons but can we stop and just appreciate how amazingly they would get along? Like dionysus has mysterious chthonic connections on his own and both of them show evidence of being preceded by really old and dangerous figures and they both have rebirth themes and agricultural themes and I just keep imagining
(This isn’t for a fandom it’s just straight up Greek mythology btw)
Styx: Yeah idk, I just... found him here?
Dionysus, after wandering into the underworld and passing out next to the river Styx, wearing dramatic grape vines, drunk as fuck, tired, entirely oblivious to anything ever, should be totally harmless but still has the faintest aura of the maddened screams of the dying and the roar of lions drifting around him: hnngh???
Persephone, tearing up: *gasps* new bestie!!!!
Styx: ??????
Persephone, during their weekly visits, painting his nails: *sighs* it’s just.... so exhausting to be raised from the dead every year, y’know? Really fucks with my beauty routine. I love seeing my mom but being brought back to life is just a little tedious. Dying is like so much easier.
Dionysus, feeding Cerberus ghost pork chops under the table with his other hand: oh sweetheart I know. I’ve died and been reborn three times, did you know that? Exhausting. Every. Single. Time.
Persephone: omg dish!!!!
Persephone, on the way to the fields of Elysian with Dionysus: I just don’t understand why you had to kill him! He was so close to reuniting with his wife... er- whatever her name was, but they were really cute and you know how I am about love stories I just... I’m so upset!!!
Dionysus, carrying Orpheus’s soul over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes: look, he was ruining my vibe, okay? I really value my vibe! That’s just how it is. Besides, he lost his chance to find her in the living world when he turned around and saw her. Now he gets to reunite with his lover.... dicey-universe or whatever her name was.
Orpheus, weakly: Eurydice, my beloved that I lost, oh how her beauty was- ack!
Dionysus, frowning, wacking Orpheus over his shoulder: hush, you. We’re almost there. If you start waxing poetic or singing about tragic love again I will throw you into Asphodel so fast-
Persephone: oh don’t pretend that you didn’t come down here to save your wife a long time ago.
Dionysus, scoffing: okay, but that’s different! I am allowed to be here. Ariadne just came down for a little visit, she wasn’t planning to stay dead!
Persephone: .....I’m not entirely sure you understand how death works, dionysus.
Hades, sighing: honey I don’t want to limit your friend circle, it’s just that it’s dangerous for someone to traverse between realms like this!
Persephone: I’m telling you though, he is a death god!
Hades: darling I’m finding it hard to believe that the god of wine and partying is-
Dionysus, turning the corner, with his horns and thrysus and slit pupil eyes and leopard skin and somehow giving off ancient old god eldritch abomination energy despite wearing sunglasses and drinking a smoothie: ‘Sup fuckers.
Hades, backing away: dear fucking Kronos yeah that’s a death god, that’s a really old death, that’s an old as Tarterus death god, holy fucking shit okay have fun sweetie he’s free to hang out down here whenever he wants I’m going to go throw up have fun you two bye no way I’m fucking with this shit not today-
(tw: people talking about sex)
Persephone: okay but you can’t have had sex with that many nymphs! I know those girls! Boroe, Khonoris, Nikaia, Methe, Pallene-
Dionysus, sighing: Okay, okay, it wasn’t that many nymphs and humans! Just... look, let’s stop talking about my love life and talk about yours, hmm? Like did you have any other romantic escapades other then Mr. Scary Pants here?
Persephone: hmmm.... well there was this one really cute guy that I hung out with for a while, Adonis. He was pretty great, honestly.
Dionysus: ooh, Adonis... I remember him, he was really cute- shit, sorry, I had a fling with him too but this isn’t about me, go on.
Persephone, rolling her eyes: ugh, of course you did. Anyway, he’s no use to me dead, and he got killed by Ares.
Dionysus: oof, Ares. Fate worse then death. Why was he killed by Ares?
Persephone: because he slept with Aphrodite, Ares really hates it when people sleep with his girlfriend.
Dionysus, reminiscing: oooohhh, Aphrodite. Now she was definitely something, I remember this one time we- why are you looking at me like that?
Persephone: you.
Persephone: you never told me you slept with aPHRODITE- *assorted sounds of screaming and crashing*
Demeter, exasperated, during the summer months: oh by the Titans, you can’t seriously be telling me that you’re friends with Bacchus of all people.
Persephone: but why! He’s an agriculture god, you two should get along! Plus he’s not dangerous- ok, he’s a little dangerous, but like, not to me!
Demeter, sighing: sweetheart I assure you, it’s not about if he’s dangerous-
Dionysus, popping through a window, looking at Demeter: heeeyyyyy! yo, it’s Bread Basket, my favorite bestie!!! I’m doing real good at this domesticated planting thing, I’m a born natural at it hahaha!!! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been taking really good care of the vineyards you helped me plant, absolutely no fires or villager beheadings so far! I promise no more screw ups- *glances behind him* oh my gods you stupid fucking satyr’s, that is the ONE plot of land that you’re not supposed to- Sorry Demi, gotta go good luck with the.... whatever it is you do, bye!!!
Persephone, staring in awe as Dionysus runs back to the fields and desperately tries to corrall the satyr’s in his cult that are munching on grape vines as the maenads cheer and throw sticks in the background: wow. I’ve never... ive never seen this side of him before.
Demeter, putting her head in her hands: yet another reason why I wish I had your luck, Kore.
Dionysus, standing next to persephone, watching Psyche skip away with a box of beauty cream tucked under her arm: ....You know she’s gonna open that box.
Persephone: yep.
Dionysus: and that it’s going to kill her?
Persephone: yep.
Dionysus: and that doesn’t bother you?
Persephone, sighing: look, have a little faith in Eros. He’s a resourceful little shit, he’ll figure something out, and watching Aphrodite realize she’s been bested by her own son will taste like poetry. I can’t wait to see it.
Dionysus, whistling: damn gurl you hold a grudge.
Persephone, narrowing her eyes: only against Aphrodite. Only against Aphrodite.
Dionysus: anyway I was *Baby Melinoe grabs his arm and he freezes* oh my god what is that
Persephone, laughing: that’s just my daughter, Dionysus. I think she likes you.
Dionysus: fuck. Oh gods. um- uhhhhh- what I do with it, I don’t know- I don’t know what to do with it-
Melinoe: *laughs*
Dionysus, sweating: oh no. Why did it make that sound? Did I break it? Is it- is it broken??? What am I supposed to do with this??? Is it okay????
Persephone: gods this is so going in the fucking scrapbook.
Melinoe: *latches onto Dionysus’s arm as he continues to panic*
Dionysus: persephone is it okay? Is it broken? Persephone I’m not kidding your husband honestly freaks me the fuck out I don’t wanna break your kid oh my gods
Persephone: she usually doesn’t like people she doesn’t know-
Melinoe: *starts to climb on him*
Dionysus: oh fuck, no no no what is it doing, Persephone I’m not kidding what is it doing, what is it doing Persephone get it off me oh my gods I’m not joking perSEPHONE-
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drcrushers · 4 years
so this was meant to be the next installment of the ‘wait for me’ series, but i never finished it and it’s honestly still a rough draft. it was a plot point i didn’t end up using but i also might in the future in a different setting. so enjoy this little nugget!
"I don't like it."
Persephone glanced at the reflection of her husband as she looped one of the studded gems into her earlobe. Simple diamonds - well, simple compared to the variety of gemstones and beautiful colors offered by the unlimited stock in the mines. Simple was better for that particular evening - an evening that already had her stomach turning into knots. 
"I know." She said quietly, admiring herself before she twisted in the chair to her vanity so she could see her husband properly. Hades was leaned against one of the bedposts, arms crossed with a darker than normal expression. "I don't like it either, but it's better this way."
"Don't see how." He scowled, brows knitting together in the center of his forehead. Persephone stood and crossed to him, taking his face between her hands. Her mighty man, who’d been doom and gloom all afternoon, didn’t pull away. Just gave a huffy little rumble deep in his chest.
"Because you need to be here." She said slowly. "Because if you go up that mountain you'll cause a war with one wrong expression. You ain't as subtle as you think, husband." She fiddled with his rolled up sleeves, fingers tracing the arm bands woven with the fine silver thread. He gave a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat. 
"And you won't? You got a temper to rival your momma's." Hades replied after a moment. She tugged hard on the armband and let the elastic snap against his bicep in warning. He caught her hand in his, bringing her knuckles to his lips fondly and the expression on his face softened briefly. "I worry."
"I know. Were it for any other reason, I wouldn't go at all. Don't trust 'em. And after this - well, they'll be lucky if we don't turn them away at the gates now." Persephone glanced over to the bedsheets, where she'd tossed the letter sealed with the damn lightning bolt seal and her name and Hades' written in her daddy's own hand. "But I gotta face my music. And you know I ain't goin' unarmed. He wants to play hardball, he'll find out how much better I play. Especially given the circumstances."
"It ain't his business." Hades snarled. And he was right, Persephone knew. The underworld and it's inhabitants were not his realm. Nor any of the others. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last that the king of the gods stuck his nose where it didn't belong. To demand their appearance to answer about the songbird and Persephone's choice of temporary successor - well, things were working out just fine. Granted it had only been a few months since, but she hadn't heard bad things (except from her momma, who had already ripped her a new one - but then Persephone had used Melinoe as a bargaining chip and had immediately won that argument). 
"No. Ain't his business. But you know him - can't stand it if somethin' happens under his nose and he didn't condone it."
"He touches you at all and -"
"Hades." She warned gently. "Thanatos is comin' up with me. Momma will be there too, and she'd rip Zeus in half if he even thought of it and send you the remains in a box of ashes. Hera will deal directly to me." She leaned up to kiss the frown from his lips. "Now tell me I'm pretty."
"You're stunning, as always." He murmured, and reached up to brush an errant curl from her face. "Haven't seen you like this in a while."
She'd donned a black dress not unlike her usual underworld wardrobe, but this dress was laced with silver accents that gleamed like the diamonds Hades was so fond of comparing her to. Nothing terribly fancy, but enough to make a statement - which was half the battle up on the mountain. They all lived in damned black tie wardrobes most of the time and while Persephone was not to be outdone, she was sure as hell not gonna follow their rules. 
"I'm queen of the underworld. Gotta look the part." She smiled. "Just need my crown."
With a flick, a wreath of silver and gemstones appeared in Hades' hand. Old as their marriage, that crown. She hadn't worn it since they stopped doing official trials and having audiences and the factories had started rising up. Hades had made it for her within the first week of their marriage, a crown of silver leaves and asphodels immortalized in delicate gemstones. He nestled it atop her head in a soft gesture, sealing it with a kiss to her forehead. 
"You be careful up there." He whispered and she nodded. 
"And you take care of our girl." Persephone smiled softly, which was accompanied by the soft noise of their daughter in her bassinet by the bed - neurotic as they both were, they had yet to move her to her own nursery. Persephone turned to gather Melinoe into her arms, pressing a kiss to her nose. "Was wonderin' if you were gonna wake up to tell momma bye, chickadee." 
Melinoe blinked, and lurched forward to try and grab at the shining gems that decorated her mother. Persephone chuckled and caught a flailing hand in her own, pretending to nibble on it to the delightful squeals of laughter of her little one. Her whole world, her girl and her man. Melinoe wasn't even close to her first birthday and already she had the look of her daddy, those dark eyes all brightened with curious energy. Their winter's child. A miracle, if Persephone believed in such. 
"He'll be expecting you to bring her." Hades crossed the space between them, reaching out instinctively to catch Melinoe's other hand. “He wasn’t subtle in the invitation. As if he had the right."
"Which is why I ain't. He's expectin' you, too. But I'll handle it. One of us needs to stay with our little sprout. I'll see to our girl up top."
With a kiss to her daughter's forehead and a parting kiss from her husband, Persephone headed off for the train. The underworld was quiet and while she smiled at the shades she passed, there was a tension in her expression and her stance building the closer she got to the platform. She hadn't been up top in a while now with the new arrangement; she had imagined this trip would have been introducing Melinoe to real sunlight for the first time. Not going up the damned mountain on her daddy's whim because he was feeling bitter that she'd circumvented his original contract. Not to mention it was the first time spending any length of time away from Melinoe, which didn't sit right in her gut either. But her little girl had Hades, and would be safe in the underworld. Untouchable. One of the good things about the shadowed realm - the other gods couldn't cross the boundaries without permission, not even Zeus himself. If anything happened to her up on Olympus, Hades and Melinoe would be safe.
The train was waiting when she arrived, and so was Thanatos. Persephone was perfectly fine going up the mountain on her own, but Hades had insisted and she wasn’t about to argue. If things went sideways - well, it would be useful to have someone else on her side. Quite frankly Persephone didn’t trust her momma to pick her side over Zeus’. Much as she hated the king of the gods, Demeter could be easily swayed into doing what was best for Persephone - or what she thought was best. Especially since Demeter was unaware of why Persephone had refused for so long to go up the mountain, why Hades had forbade it. That was about to be out in the open, too.
The great machine let out a hissing billow of steam as she hopped up onto the platform. Thanatos tilted his head, eying her sharply with those endless black eyes. Her lips quirked and she gave a mock curtsy. 
“Let’s get this over with.” He murmured in a voice nearly low as Hades’, and offered out a hand to help her onto the train. Persephone snorted, but took his hand and stepped onto the train for the first time in a real long while. 
It felt strange, really. Somewhat empty. Granted she’d done plenty of runs up top without Hades, and plenty back down. The train had just been a mode of transport, nothing more or nothing less, taking her from one prison to another while she wore gilded handcuffs and drank herself half blind. The bar was still there, untouched, and Persephone briefly considered making herself something to get a bit of liquid courage to deal with her relatives. Deciding against it, she flopped unceremoniously into one of the seats and tried to lose herself in the gentle thrumming of the train beneath her feet. It lurched, and began the slow pull away from the station. 
Persephone tried not to consider worst case situations. Quite frankly she hadn’t considered consequences to her and Eurydice’s little switch - not that there was any. Not important ones. The only thing lost seemed to be her daddy’s ego, which was nothing unusual. Only annoying as hell, and the fact that he had put thinly veiled threats to her in the invitation made her all the more angry. She only worried - Eurydice now spent half the year up top, which was very much fair ground for Zeus or any of his demi-god bastards he usually got to do his bidding. Which meant she was vulnerable. She had faith that Eurydice could hold her own with the share of ancient magic Persephone had gifted her, but the idea all the same made her stomach sour more than what it had. She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to swallow the bile in the back of her throat.
Maybe she should have let Hades come. Or made him go without her. But no - she’d caused the mess. Made her bed. Now she had to lie in it. Hades didn’t need to take the blame; didn’t need to be made out to more of the villain all of Olympus seemed to think he was. 
She knew when they passed from the underworld to the mortal realm, a chill running up her spine and causing the hair on her arms to stand on end. She looked away from the slowly brightening landscape beyond the window to Thanatos, but he had leaned back on another bench and drawn a hat over his face; for all appearances, he seemed asleep. She knew better of course, but didn’t bother in disturbing him. 
The train began to slow as they approached the platform she had gotten on and off at since the beginning of time. She watched it come into view, the train coming to a full stop just a few moments to allow other passengers to board. It felt strange not to be getting off. They'd barely stopped before they were off again, and the door to her private compartment opened. Persephone smiled. 
"Hey there, songbird." Persephone greeted as Eurydice stepped through, wearing her usual garments - except the red bandana at her neck. Eurydice hugged her fiercely and Persephone could smell the sunshine that radiated from her, like an inner light. It suited her; seeing the smile and the color in her face was even more of a delight. Songbirds were far better alive than dead.
"Its good to see you." She murmured. "You holding up alright?"
"Alright as ever." Persephone promised. "Though I should be askin' you."
"More than. Demeter's helped and I think I'm doing okay. I mean - everyone is happy. No one is hungry. The harvests look good - great even." Persephone noted the brightness in her face did not fade. "I'm happy."
"Good. As long as you're happy, I am too. Poet alright?"
"He is. Sends his love. Already writing a new song."
Hopefully Orpheus would still hold up, when Eurydice came back down below for those required six months. But knowing she was coming back - that was the aid. Eurydice would always come home to him. Doubt would and could not cloud Orpheus as it had Hades. Not after everything. 
Bickering tore Persephone's attention from Eurydice to the two others that had boarded and were now coming into the private car with quiet words hissing between them like two angry snakes. 
"What in hell are you two on about now?" Persephone asked. Demeter and Hermes both looked up, Hermes sweeping forward first with a bright grin. 
"Never you mind, sister. A'ight?"
"A'ight." Persephone echoed, and moved to embrace Demeter. "Hello, momma."
"Hey, girl." Demeter smoothed a few flyaways from Persephone's unruly curls, and took her face in both her hands. "Missed you."
"Missed you. Wish we were meetin' under better circumstances."
"Never you mind. Your daddy is a bag of hot gas and nothin' more. I'm on your side, and your girl's here. Much as I hated it - she's good. And you got the little one. She ain't here, is she?"
"No. I figured she's safer back below, with Hades. Just in case." Persephone murmured. "Just in case."
From there, quiet conversation filled the car. Persephone listened as Eurydice and Demeter filled her in in the things up top, and Hermes toured on about the things even further up top. No one made mention of where and why they were going, but she could feel the tension grow thicker than molasses the closer they got to the mountain. Goosebumps pimpled across her arms as they passed another barrier into the true realm of the gods. She swallowed back the bile in her throat and stared out the window.
Worst case, she'd end up dead. Hypothetically. Or stripped of her abilities. Memories erased. There were too many possibilities. Eurydice could be hurt, too. Or Orpheus. Persephone had inadvertently dragged quite a few people into her mess - but they had come willingly. And they were there as a figurative army at her back as the train once more began to slow. 
The platform at Olympus was only a part of a great train station. One gilded in gold and paintings and statues from the classical era, when the mortals had gotten how the gods had looked all wrong. Curiously, she watched Eurydice take it all in with a slightly awed expression as they disembarked. Scenes from long ago eras were portrayed in murals, paintings, and frescoes that hadn't aged a day. 
The marble statues were hidden in little alcoves along the walls between the artwork - beautiful but not at all accurate. Hades had a massive beard in his, her mother was carved far older than she should have been. Persephone had one as well, but they'd given her so much youth. Artemis looked fierce and Athena and Ares both wore matching expressions in theirs. Eurydice paused at some of them as they threaded through the grand hall of the station. Tunnels that were not labeled branched off, leading to what she knew were other platforms that led to either other realms, or other places on the mountain of Olympus. It felt strange to Persephone - there was usually at least a few demigods or muses roaming about the station to head here or there. 
Now it was empty. Nary a soul. 
"I'd give you a grand tour if I could." Hermes was saying to Eurydice, his arm around her shoulders as they walked toward a wall that instead of a tunnel, held a gleaming golden elevator. The doors opened at their approach with no prompting - Eurydice balked. 
"Tacky as hell. Used to be this was just one lush field." Persephone muttered. "Olympus used to be more green than gold. Heph's done nice work on the tile inlays, though."
Demeter snorted as they stepped into the elevator. There was no panel of buttons - the elevator doors closed once they were all piled in. Thanatos looked almost out of place, his dark aura contrasted sharply against the gold interior that reflected everything right back. Persephone studied her tinted reflection, her own dark clothes and gleaming silver crown a direct disobeyment of everything Olympus was. Demeter had not dressed up, and neither had Eurydice - good. The bitter part of her hoped it offended at least some of them. 
The elevator climbed with no noise, rising higher in a way that made Persephone's stomach swoop uncomfortably. No. Melinoe did not belong up there in such a gilded cage. A gilded hell. 
"Should we have a game plan?" Eurydice asked after a moment. Persephone reached out to grasp her hand and squeeze it. 
"Game plan is on me, chickadee." She murmured. "Whatever happens, go along as you can. If things go south, Thanatos is tasked with gettin' you right on outta here."
"And you." Thanatos rumbled lowly, which she ignored. Eurydice frowned. 
"Gods have tempers and they get all riled up. If they do, it'd be too dangerous. You got half my magic girl, but it wouldn't be enough to keep you safe against the whole panthenon."
Eurydice opened her mouth to likely protest, but the elevator stopped quite suddenly without even a hint of warning. The doors slid open and cool air swept into the container as they stepped off. A set of double doors greeted them in a grand, gilded lobby with more stupid art - place looked more museum than anything. Displays of wealth and power that Persephone curled her nose at. The great set of wooden doors was ancient as time itself, carved with a tree of a myriad of branches. Beautiful and worn, Persephone recalled the one time she had seen it before it had looked the very same. She'd traced the inches of it with lithe fingers while Hades had held tight to her hand, the pair of them about to face her momma and Zeus in regards to their hasty marriage and Demeter's fit of ire. 
Now, she took hold of Eurydice's hand and squeezed it tightly. If Eurydice was afraid, she certainly didn't show it. With no further hesitation, she shoved open the heavy doors and stepped through.
The room itself had not changed largely since her last visit to Olympus. In mortal terms it was akin to a ballroom, but the ceiling didn’t exist; instead, it was open to the cosmos above in a beautiful array of stars - for now. As she recalled, it had a tendency to change with her daddy’s moods. On a raised half dias around the room there were gilded thrones, identical in color but carved with unique inlays to their owners. For all the modernity that the gods had, Zeus had kept the core foundations of the mountain the same. The room could be anything it wanted - a lounge, an intimate club, whatever they wanted. Clearly it was a power move being pulled; make her feel like an outsider. Nothing new.
Arranged on the thrones were, as expected, the pantheon. Her daddy in the center, perched like the king he thought he was. Hera was to his left, her face an impressive neutral mask - Persephone’s nails dug into her palms at the sight of the so called queen of the gods, and didn’t relax even as Demeter took hold of her free hand. Poseidon, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, and Athena fanned out on either side of Zeus and Hera, with Aphrodite and Hephesatus rounding things out. Three of the tacky chairs were empty - Demeter and Hermes both moved from her side then to take up two of the empty chairs. The remaining one belonged to Hades - and thus, as his wife, it also belonged to her. 
But Persephone did not sit. She stood with Eurydice, the pair of them alone in the center of the room. 
“Full regalia for this really necessary?” Persephone remarked to the otherwise silent room. “Figured we’d settle this in your back office and be done with it.”
“Your actions deserve full council.” Hera drawled, painted lips drawing into a sharp, deadly smile. “I should think you’d be happy to have a fair trial.”
“Trial?” Persephone arched a brow. “Nothin’ in that damn note of yours said trial. I’m here to say my piece, that’s all. Ain’t a reason for a trial. I’ve done nothin’ wrong. And before you open your mouth again will some utter bullshit, point me to whatever trumped up rule book you’ve invented tellin’ me I’ve done wrong by the universe.”
“Persephone.” Zeus’ voice rumbled in a way not unlike Hades’. He was older than she remembered, grayer at the temples. Nearly fully white as Hades, but not quite. Whereas her husband took after his mother, Zeus and Poseidon took after their daddy in a way that made her stomach twist itself back into knots. “You’re here as a guest. Not on trial. But you understand we naturally have . . . questions about your decision to give this human -”
“I have a name.”
Zeus’ gaze slid cooly over to Eurydice, who had spoken quite sharply. 
“A name. My name is Eurydice. And Lady Persephone saved my life.”
“No, she didn’t.” It was Hera who spoke again. Gods, Persephone wanted to rip her perfect fucking face off. “She broke the law of the underworld and returned a soul to the living without permission. Souls are not permitted to return to the aboveground in the way you have, mortal.”
“Last I checked my husband was in charge of the law of the underworld, not you.” Persephone remarked. “And he ain’t got a problem with it.”
“I can’t help but notice Hades isn’t here.” Poseidon added. “Will he be joining us at all?”
“No. He willingly remained behind to see to the realm. That a problem?”
“You mean to babysit?” Hera mused. Persephone’s vision went vaguely red.
“Forgive me, I didn’t want to expose our daughter to the bullshit on this mountain at such an early age. She’s fine, by the way. Thanks for askin’.”
Hera’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s not like I asked for this!” Eurydice added. “I want it, more than anything. I love what Lady Persephone has given me. And - the promise of the contract is still there. I only bring the spring for six months. Then I spend winters down below. It’s the same thing as her, isn’t it? I just . . . took over her contract.”
Bold, Persephone thought. She’d expect nothing less from Eurydice and that fire burning in her. Hera looked positively livid that Eurydice had spoken without being spoken to - again - but to Persephone’s relief, Zeus looked at least amused. A decent sign. 
“Hades has given his permission.” Persephone repeated, then glanced to her momma. “And so has Demeter.”
“I have.” Demeter added. “As a firm believer in a child havin’ both her parents, I granted the contract amendment.” She gave a long side-eye to Zeus, who pretended clearly not to notice. 
“If both parties agreed, I see no true issue.” Athena’s voice was clearly flat; one of the many who seemed bored by the whole ordeal. Who thought it was a waste of time. 
“I did not give my permission.” Zeus said evenly. 
“Hades was the holder of the contract, with respect.” Hermes drawled. 
“And if you look at that contract close enough, it never mentions me by name.” Persephone pointed out. 
“It says Kore - “
“Which ain’t my name.” She cut across her father. Her hair was standing on end again - like the way it did just before a real bad thunderstorm. When lightning was in the air. Shit. “My name, as granted and given by you, is Persephone. Other than that, the contract states the seasons gotta be brought. And far as I can tell, Eurydice’s doin’ a damn fine job of it. Haven’t heard a single complaint.”
“She’s right. I looked over it myself.” Hermes spoke again. “She technically ain’t broke a single thing in that contract. And Eurydice’s doin’ a fine job as it is.”
“I did what I did for the sake of my marriage, and my daughter. I ain’t gonna abandon my girl. Eurydice and Orpheus helped repair damage done. If it weren’t for them, pretty sure you wouldn’t be havin’ this conversation. Instead you’d have mortal riots on your hands cause they’re all starvin’.” Persephone flexed her fingers, but they returned to the balled up fists at her side. It was difficult, trying to keep her temper under some normal range. The entire situation was foolish, the council a joke. Just because everyone else in the room seemed to be a shit parent, didn’t mean Persephone would ever be. 
“Are we going to really discuss the logistics of this?” Hera snapped. “She broke the laws. You cannot just decide to name someone a god because you felt sorry for them. Otherwise half the mortal realm would be gods by now!”
“As opposed to the bastard demi-gods runnin’ about?” Persephone snarled. “Not much difference. I had every right. It’s my power, and mine to do with what I damned well please.”
“Then clearly you need stripped of them because you don’t know how to handle them.”
“Like you stripped me of my children?” 
There was a quiet, tense silence that settled. Persephone was staring at Hera with every ounce of fury in her, watching as the queen of the gods seemed to internally debate how best to handle the situation presented. Perfect.
“You’ve gone delusional as well. I’ve done nothing to your child.”
“Ain’t for lack of tryin’.” Persephone continued. Without breaking her glare to Hera she fished in the front of her dress and pulled out a small, folded few notes that had certainly yellowed with age. She brandished them with a flourish. “And you did. Try. Succeeded before, too. I always thought it funny why my babies never survived in my womb. I’m the goddess of fucking life. Except where it mattered - or so I thought.” She stepped forward toward Hera’s throne, and no one made an immediate move to stop her. 
“And then I found the letters. Half a dozen. Written to lackeys in your hand. Dates line up real nice and neat. Every little life crushed before it could even thrive because the goddess of childbirth and fertility deemed it so.”
She had grown closer to Hera, enough to throw the letters at her feet. Hera had the decency to look slightly appalled. 
“You murdered my children. I ain’t got proof of it yet, but I’m pretty sure you nearly cost me my marriage, too. And for what?” Persephone could feel the anger radiating from her in waves; if anything remotely green and living within her vicinity had existed, it would surely be brown and ashen by now. Dead. “You’re a monster. And you’re lucky I don’t make you eat the ground beneath me and grind your face into the mountain from here to the bottom.”
Her gaze went sharply to Zeus, who was watching with a mixed expression. 
“Deny Eurydice, reverse my choice. Strip me of my powers. And I’ll consider these letters as a threat of war. Hades agrees. You came for us, our family, our realm. Whether you were in on it or not.” Persephone’s teeth grit together as she glared at her father. “Go against this - or even think of laying harm to her or Orpheus or anyone else I love, and consider the underworld borders closed. No one in or out. Mortals will riot as their loved ones rot and their souls wander your realm. And they’ll go from worshipping you to cursing your temples near and far.” 
Her smile was dark, wicked, an expression learned from her husband. 
“And in case you decide it’s worth the cost - just remember. Hades and I are the only protection you have from the monsters in Tartarus. I can’t promise one or two might not somehow get out should there be any sort of war. So by all means. Try. Us.”
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ct-offical-sexyman · 4 years
Viveza and all the prequels
First of all; how dare you make me write out the plot of my own story. Second of all: thank you, this will probably help in the future.
Remember that this can all change in the future.
Spoilers for Viveza’s story below.
The Phantom Menace
Melinoe Lanami is sent to spy on the young queen of Naboo under the fake name Nize Raza. Her orders are to keep an eye on the girl until told otherwise. She takes up the disguise of Captain Panaka’s second in command.
She escapes the blockade with everyone else. A small communicator gives her a new order to signal the group's location to Maul.
When they arrive on Tatooine, Melinoe tries to go with Padme, Jar Jar and Qui Gon into town, but Qui Gon says they have enough people and forces Melinoe to stay behind. She doesn’t push it, knowing that insisting on following them would be too risky and blow her cover.
For the scenes on Tatooine Melinoe’s scenes are made up of her talking/sparring with Obi Wan or interacting with other members of the crew. I’m currently having reader block with this part of the story, because I’m trying to work out what Melinoe and Obi Wan talk about in regards to the life of a Jedi and the politics surrounding it. Because I feel like it could be really easy for me to fuck it up, and made really obvoius that Melinoe is a spy/sith.
Anyway; Jinn brings back Anakin and friends back to the ship where they’re attacked by Maul. Once they escape Melinoe and Anakin have a scene together where Anakin is still getting used to the cold on the ship. Melinoe finds him a blanket and sympathises with him saying that she grew up on a cold planet and it took a little while for her to get used to warmer places. This scene was originally between Anakin and Padme, but this is a good way to show Melinoe’s personality under the mask she puts up for herself.
At some point before they get to Coruscant Melinoe lets her guard down for a second and accidently reveals her real name to Obi Wan through the force.
During the Coruscant scenes Melinoe is put on guard duty over the handmaidens. So she doesn’t witness any of the stuff at the Jedi Temple.
When everyone goes back to Naboo, Melinoe is given orders to kill the Jedi just as Maul shows up to fight them.
Melinoe and Obi Wan get septured from Qui Gon and Maul when Maul pushes Obi Wan into Melinoe causing them both to fall off the platform. Obi Wan saves Melinoe by grabbing her hand, but they don’t talk about it because they’re both more focused on catching up with Qui Gon and Maul.
When Obi Wan starts fighting Maul, Melinoe gets caught behind the red force field. She has the opportunity to help Maul several times, but she realises ‘why should help him? I fucking hate him and hurt Eglantine on muiltable occasions’. Melinoe ends up leaving Maul for dead in order to make her escape from the planet.
She’s later seen back on Byss, giving Darth Heiss a report of what happened while leaving out and lying about several things. She’s informed that she’ll be punished for failing her mission and is dismissed.
Later on; she tells Eglantine about what happened, while being much more honest. Eglantine expresses relief about Maul’s death and Melinoe’s safe return.
Abridged version of events in between TPM & AOTC;
Viveza stops using her birth name after Eglantine is killed by Heiss.
She disavows Darth Heiss and defects from Byss three years after Maul’s death, and two years after Eglantine’s.
Gets a ship and a T7 unit after taking it from a group of mandalorians.
Viveza travels to Eglantine’s homeworld of Marazi where she meets her first apprentice, Jaks Jr, and her eventual second in command, Jaks Snr.
While on Glee Anselm, Viveza meets her second apprentice, Thea, after Thea tries to chew her arm off. While breaking up a slave ring, Viveza meets Orianna and Nizzal, who become her third and fourth apprentices.
Meets Obi Wan again several times, but it’s always in a situation where she’s able to escape.
Attack of the Clones
Viveza is dragged into the plot when Obi Wan seeks her out to find information on the Kamino Saber Dart (knowing that after years of breaking up slave cartels she’ll have information about underground criminals like bounty hunters).
Since she owes Obi Wan a favour for saving one of her companions at some point, she agrees to help him. She tells him that the dart is from Kaimino. She later helps Obi Wan find his way to Kaimino when he hits a dead end.
While Obi Wan is having his conversation with Lama Su, Viveza is given a tour of the cloning facilities. This is where Viveza would meet Margo for the first time. They have a conversation where Viveza asks Margo what her life is like living on Kaimio. Margo avoids the question and eventually leaves.
They later meet Jango and work out that he’s the one who was hired to kill Padme. While Obi Wan is getting the council an update, Viveza is the one to notice that the Fetts are trying to escape.
After the fight between Obi Wan and Fett, Viveza is the one to throw the homing beacon on the Slave 1.
They follow the Fetts to Geonosis. Where they find out about Gunray making the order to kill Padme. They go back to Viveza’s ship where Obi Wan sends his findings to the council via Anakin's and Padme’s ship.
They are then captured by Jango and the droidekas. Viveza has her lightsabers taken and eventually they end up in the hands of Margo.
Viveza is put in a different cell to Obi Wan, and Dooku also tries to persuade her to join (but with a completely different speech). She refuses to hear him out, due to remembering the 14 years of suffering she endured at the hands of Heiss basically saying ‘I spent 14 years trying to escape and you expect me to go right back because of some empty words’.
I thought about having Dooku try to appeal to Viveza by playing the ‘i knew your father’ card, but then I realised there was no way Dooku could know who Viveza is, so :P.
Viveza is sentenced to death in the Geonosis Arena. Where she’ll face off against a Gundark. She manages to escape by tricking the gundark into running into the piller she’s chained to, causing the whole thing to crumble.
When the battle between the Jedi and the droids starts, Viveza holds her own without any lightsabers and still has her hands tied together.
When the Clones get there, Viveza takes the opportunity to leave and go look for her ship. When she finds it, she also finds Margo, who’s having a breakdown because her father just died and her brother tried to murder her.
Viveza’s plot on AOTC ends with Margo returning Viveza’s lightsabers to her and becoming Viveza’s fifth apprentice.
Interlude 2
I love you, Lou, BUT I CAN’T SUMMERRISE ALL THE CLONE WARS IN ONE POST! All you need to know is that Viveza wants revenge on Grievous for a lot of the stuff he’s done to her and her allies during the Clone Wars.
Revenge of the Sith
Viveza learns that Grievous is on Utapau and travels there hoping to kill Grievous herself. She runs into Obi Wan and they agree that it would be in their best interest to take Grievous on together. After defeating Grievous and getting Obi Wan’s lightsaber from Cody, Obi Wan starts escorting Viveza’s back to her ship via Boga (best girl, rip, I think?).
They get blasted off the side of a cliff but manage to escape. They meet up with Bail and Yoda and head to Coruscant to change the Jedi Beacon to make sure any other survivors know to stay away. Aftering finding out that Anakin turned to the darkside, Viveza is enraged that he killed all the younglings.
They go to question Padme about where Anakin is, but she refuses to tell them anything. When Padme leaves to find Anakin, Viveza and Obi Wan stowaway on her ship.
On Mustafar when Anakin thinks Padme betrayed him by bringing Obi Wan and Viveza he tries attacking her, but Viveza stops him by shooting him with force lightning. Padme is able to get away from Anakin with minor injuries.
Viveza and Obi Wan engage in a fight against Anakin. After the facility’s shields get deactivated, Viveza gets separated from Obi Wan and Anakin.
I can either have Viveza and Obi Wan meet back at the ship or have her find them just as Obi Wan gets ‘the high ground’, but the thing about the second option is that Viveza wouldn’t want to take any changes and would probably put Anakin out of misery when he’s burning alive.
Either way they end up back at the ship with Padme. While on the ship Obi Wan and Viveza have a moment where they just lean on each other in exhaustion.
Padme goes into labour as they're travelling to Polis Massa. She gives birth to the twins and is predicted to make a full recovery in time. (because fuck you canon!). She’s heartbroken by what Anakin has done, but vows to fight for her children.
The ending is another point where I’m not quite sure where to take it. I could just go with the original ending where Leia is adopted by Bail, and Luke is sent to Tatooine right away, but I feel like Padme wouldn’t want to be separated from her children. At the moment I’m thinking she’ll go into hiding for around two years but after one too many close calls she begrudgingly accepts to send each of them into hiding. With Leia being sent to live with Bail and having her name changed to Leia Organa and Luke being sent to live with Owen. Maybe I’ll find some other direction.
Viveza sets out to see how many of her allies and connections are still loyal to her or if they decide to shift their loyalty to the newly formed Empire. Her first order of business to find out what happened to Margo, because she hasn’t contacted Viveza since Maul’s capture.
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Septette for the Dead Prince Chapter 8: Turn Back The Pendulum
This will shed some light on Aogiri’s past. Trigger warning: rape mention
“T-There is something that has been disturbing me for the past couple years and I feel it is time to get it off my chest. The boys are also part of this as well.”
The Titans stare at the rest of Aogiri who all nod and get up. “I guess there is no other way around this,” says Kaneki.
“Yeah but is it really advisable that you do what it is I think you are about to do?” asks Lelouch.
Dick has a confused look on his face. “What do you mean?”
“Well....Eren here is going to show you what it is that we are talking about. However, a little heads up. This ain’t for the fainthearted.” Ichigo warns.
“No worries. We are all used to stuff,” says Rachel. The other Titans shoot her confused glances. Eren simply sighs. This is perhaps the hardest decision that he has had to make. Well not just him, the entire group as well as they all went back and forth on it several times and only recently decided to finally tell the Titans. The only question now is how would they take it?
“Right, let’s go,” says Eren. He then closes his eyes and using his powers, teleports them to a now deserted island with ancient Greek and Viking ruins.
“Wait...did you just...” says Garfield. Eren smiles a bit. “Yup. I teleported us here.” It was then that Sick began to realize something. “Just like your AOT character...”
Eren chuckles softly. “Yeah but Attack on Titan only told the world only half of the truth, the truth the others wanted to hear. That is why I brought you all here. To explain the truth to you.”
Rachel then gasps. “So that story is true!! All that stuff happened...” Eren then looks down and nods. “Yes. The monster being portrayed there was me. But like I said, there is more. This place I brought us to is the ruins of the land once called Eldia.”
The Titans gasped. “Oh my....” Lelouch nods. “About 3000 years ago, this land was given to Queen Makaria better known as Carla Jaeger years ago by Lord Hades as a wedding gift after she married Prince Adrian of Athens, Eren’s father who became the first King of Eldia.”
The gang then see what appeared to be past ghosts of several key figures, including Eren’s parents. Eren smiles sadly once he sees the vision of his baby self. Dick and Kory notice this and each takes one of his hands, a gesture that deeply warmed his heart.
“The nine of us were Eren’s bodyguards and best friends and also his cousins for all of us save for 3 were children of the Muses,” says Rin. “Also we were princes from different Kingdoms too.” says Natsu.
“Which says a lot about your talents,” says Rose. The boys grinned as they watched their younger selves run around, singing, dancing and just have fun.
“However, a dark shadow hung over us and that dark shadow was none other than Melinoe, Eren’s aunt and Queen Makaria’s sister.” said Natsu.
“The witch was jealous that her sister was more popular than she was and decided to destroy whatever happiness she had by first having her husband killed and plunging them into war and darkness and hurt Eren the Crown Prince.”
“Wait....but I thought Zeke was the older sibling.” Says Rose. “Nah. Eren is the true firstborn.”
Eren looks down, tears flowing down his eyes as he watches the witch kill his father in front of his young inexperienced self.
“I....I was forced to become King on that day but...I failed...plus....t-that witch did something terrible to me.”
The gang was horrified by what they saw next. Prior to Eldia’s destruction, the evil witch tortured and defiled the poor Prince. Days later, The Kingdom of Eldia is set ablaze as Viking warriors similar to the ones that enslaved Ymir Fritz years later, laid waste to the entire Kingdom and massacred thousands.
Rachel was in tears as she saw this, prompting Garfield to comfort her whilst Jason, Conner and Rose are disgusted by this.
Aogiri’s past selves led by Eren head to battle whilst Armin, Jean, and Connie; the three boys that would eventually walk out of the group stayed in the Palace to protect the Princesses with Zeke.
“The three traitors that walked out of the group were also traitors as they slaughtered Eren’s siblings,” says Rin.
Everyone grimaced when they saw Jean, Connie and Armin stab and kill Eren’s siblings. “Those bastards!!” says Dick.
Back on the battlefield, Melinoe and Makaria engage in one last duel. “I will make you pay for what you did to my husband you witch!!” Makaria yelled as her sword clashes with her sister’s.
Melinoe simply cackles. “It is too late!!” She sends her sister’s sword flying and without hesitation, she stabs her sister straight in the heart, killing her.
“NO!!!” Eren’s ancient self screams and drops to his knees, tears in his eyes.
Dick and Kory both show concern for Eren who simply looks away.
The evil witch then heads off to the Temple of Hades to carry out one more diabolical act. “Now that those fools are out of the way, might as well steal the power of Father dearest from here.”
“Not so fast!!”
She whips around to see Eren and his friends stand in front of her. “Ah!! If it isn’t the cowardly Prince and his friends.”
“He is not a coward!!” Lelouch shouts back at her, his eyes glowing red with anger. Eren simply shoots a death glare at her. “Less talk, more action.” Without hesitation, they proceed to attack.
Natsu shoots a fire blast whilst Naruto sends a pool of water at her but the witch teleports out of the way. Ichigo and Izuku come down, trying to hit her with lightning and wind blasts but she blocks it and throws both boys aside.
Luffy punches the earth beneath him and kicks some rocks at her which again she blocks whilst Rin tries using a light attack but it fails and she sends him flying with a dark magical blast and also kicks Luffy in the gut.
Lelouch and Kaneki charge towards the witch, Lelouch trying to freeze her whilst Kaneki tries to use his telepathy. Unfortunately for them, the woman stops their attacks and uses her telepathy to send them flying back, causing them to hit the others.
“Now where is the Prince?” she asked. Before she could say anything, she gasps and coughs out blood as Eren stabs her. “It’s over witch.” he says.
She smirks evilly. “Or is it?!” Unfortunately for Eren, the one that he stabbed was just a fske clone. The real deal shows up and proceeds to use all of her magical powers to not only kill the boys but also to destroy what was left of Eldia, sacrificing even her soldiers.
“What a monster.” says Kory.
“Are you satisfied?” Melinoe turns around to see her mother Persephone. She then panics. “I...I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU!!”
“You didn’t. You did however destroyed the rest of Olympus including your own father because of your greed.”
“What?! How is it possible for anyone to destroy Hades?!” said Rachel. “Only the witch would know.”
“You gave away my birthright to that bratty sister of mine!!” she argued. “And for your sins, I hereby cast you to the dark pits of Tartarus!!” Melinoe screams as she is teleported to Tartarus.
“That child went overboard. Even Ares at his worst won’t go this far.” Persephone turns around to see Hecate. “Nice to see you Lady Hecate.” she says with a bow.
The Goddess sighed. “We have one heck of a mess to clean up.” She then turns to Eren’s corpse.
“If she hadn’t attacked, that boy would have grown to be great. Not because of any prophecy but rather because he was born into this world.”
“There would still be war and conflict and corruption in this world.” says Persephone. “A reflection or the politics of the gods. It is just how life itself is. Something so complex even we the gods do not often understand it.” Says Hecate.
“And in the midst of such darkness, there shall be light.” Persephone adds. The elder goddess nods. “I believe that we should allow the children to decide their destiny once we begin anew.” And with that, everyone gets reincarnated once again.
Meanwhile in Tartarus, the evil Melinoe struggles to break free from her chains. Angered that the gods somehow managed to ruin her plans, she utters a very terrifying curse. 
“Mark my words Makaria!! You and your people shall never know peace!! The Eldians shall be destroyed by one of your children!!! And another shall be so hated that the world shall mark him as a demon regardless of his good deeds!!”
“Holy shit!” says Jason. Rachel gasped. “Now I really want to punch the shit out of that bitch when I see her!!” says Conner.
“All nine of us were separated through time and space and thrown into different worlds until that great Eldian War where Eren sacrificed himself by playing a demonic character which went against his morales. Something I can relate to because I did a similar thing too.” says Lelouch.
“Let’s be honest. All nine of us were forced to play demons for the sake of saving humanity because the worlds we were raised in brought out our inner darkness.” says Ichigo. “I am shocked that the gods did not punish us.” says Rin. “They kind of did by making Eren go on a 12 Labours journey as atonement once he got reincarnated in this current world and us being the loyal boys that we are, we went along for the ride.” says Izuku.
Eren simply hugs Dick and breaks down in tears. Dick pulls him closer and hugs him tight with Kory joining in for support. “It’s ok Eren. You will regain your happiness again.” 
“Is it me or are the cowards a bunch of cowards?” says Conner. “Yeah why do all the demigods have to suffer for them?” says Rose. “Melinoe somehow scared the shit out of them but she isn’t supposed to....”
“Unless some other god or powerful being on that same level is aiding her behind the scenes but who?” says Natsu. “There is only guy that I could think of and he is someone we collectively hate.” says Eren.
The mysterious man he speaks of is ironically locked in a secret meeting with Melinoe in a secret lab. “So those children have recovered their memories huh?” says the man. Melinoe simply sighs. “Unfortunately.” He nods. “I see. Still they better be prepared for they will not know what is about to hit them for I have a secret weapon .” he says, pointing at a tube that had the body of a certain young Amazon.
Notice the powers that they all have. Which Kpop group does this remind you all of?
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ofviolentdeath · 5 years
Character(s)::Melinoe and Ikelos Word Count:: 515
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It was quiet here, a gentle breeze through the autumn colored trees made only a few of the fiery leaves twirl to the ground, the colors bright against the dull shade of dying grass. The spirits that trailed her were nowhere to be seen and, for a moment, she was glad for it. It was so rare that Melinoe had any peace from them. 
“I am not awake, am I.” It wasn’t a question, she knew it was too early in the year for the sky to be that particular shade of blue. 
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“No,” he agreed, setting down beside her, blue eyes watching the birds play across the horizon. “This is...” he wanted to say it was easier, but it wasn’t. Nothing with them was ever easy, but it was closest he could get to any real time spent with her. “Less complicated,” he finally settled on, knowing that wasn’t exactly true either.
“You used to visit like this more.”
Ikelos knew she was right, but things had gotten so bad between the two of them that she had stopped wanting to see him entirely. Especially after Katina had forbade him from bringing the kids to see Mel. 
It had broken her all over again.
“I have missed you.” Her words were soft, wistful almost. Sort of the same way dandelions seeds drifted on the wind during sun kissed summer days. 
But he wasn’t foolish enough to let the nostalgia consume him. “You won’t when you wake again.” 
His words tasted of rain and sorrow, the sort of bone deep loneliness a storm at night brings when the other side of the bed is empty and cold. 
Still, she laughed. The sound delicate as wind chimes in the early morning. “The parts of me that are not shattered still do, no matter if I am awake or asleep.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t. It would, perhaps, be easier.” It would be easier on him if he didn’t miss her. Not the way she was most of the time, he hated what she had become, but the person she had been. The woman he had fallen in love with all those centuries before. 
“Nothing with us will ever be easy, Ikelos.” It was a fair point though he was hardly about to admit it. 
“It was. Once.” 
Until she had shattered. 
“You mustn’t keep blaming yourself for me,” she soothed, fingers smoothing over the dying grass. “I was never yours to save.”
“Were you not?” He had tried, the gods knew he had, but it had not been of any use. He had thought, briefly, that their daughter would be enough to keep her going, but he had been wrong then too.
“You cannot save me from myself. I alone can do that.” 
“Why do you not?” Ikelos knew it was hardly that simple, such things seldom were. But he had to ask, had to know if she even wanted to at this point.
A soft smile as her gaze drifted back to the leaves as they danced their way down. 
“I have not yet figured out how.”
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