#Deek thinks you should be proud…
traceyc-uk · 1 month
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(How not to) Care of Magical Beasts: I do this all the time and feel mega guilty hurting my poor beast babies. Needed to finish the week with something silly
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Wizard swears
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Garreth, we need to talk--I think your enthusiasm for potions has officially crossed a line
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zetadraconis11 · 2 months
What would actually be funny is if Professor Weasley sees what MC has done with the the room of requirement.
That would be funny, as the RoR could look different depending on the MC. With my MCs Estelle and Cael, they're kinda organized and practical, so they wouldn't have clutter for the most part.
But if we're going with straight-up MC from the game, here's ONE scenario I can see happening...
*in the Room of Requirement*
Professor Weasley: My, my, you've certainly...changed the room. And...how many vivariums do you have?
MC: Four. I kept nabbing more and more creatures, and the room decided to give me more and more habitats.
Weasley: I see. And...what's that over there?
MC: My vault. All of the loot and money and clothes I found while on my adventures. Apparently I'm rich? I had no idea, I just found a ton of coins.
Weasley: And...where are your stations?
MC, leads her to the extra room: My workshop is over here.
Weasley: Merlin's beard! You seem to have your own business with that many potting and brewing stations!
MC: I have too many Mandrakes, though, and I ran out of Ashwinders to- *coughs* Nevermind.
Weasley: ...I see. Well, I'm glad that you are at home with the Room of Requirement. I think Deek is also-
MC: Please take him.
Weasley: I beg your pardon?
MC: He keeps telling me I should be "proud of all the potions I've brewed". *grabs her shoulders* If I hear him say that one more time...I might commit elf-icide.
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legacyshenanigans · 11 months
"OH GOD!" you screamed as he finished eating you out, you panted after your release, you'd never been munched like that before and it was pure heaven..
He raised his head and chuckled before he spoke.
"Deek thinks you should be proud of how much you just squirted, Granted, Deek nearly drowned, but it was worth it"
(No, these are not fuckin serious btw🤣)
(I'm fucking crying, I read this to my partner before posting it and he literally looked into my eye's and said "Disgusting" ahahahahaahha)
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“Deek thinks you should be very proud of your personal army.”
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ejzah · 9 months
prompt request: can you write about kensi watching deeks sleep through out the seasons? like starting at the first time she did (I'm thinking 2x17 when he got shot) then when they were at stakeouts and finally when they were already in a relationship (and could end with she watching him sleep with their baby in his arms)
sorry if I'm too cheesy hahah
I’ll Sleep Beside you any Night
February 2011
It’s well past midnight when Kensi creeps back into Pacific Beach Medical. Once she flashes her badge at the security guard, no one bats an eye at her late visit; she supposes after all the excitement of the day, most of the staff recognize her.
Hetty had gently “suggested” she go home around six, assuring Kensi that she would look after Deeks. Kensi had left, mostly because she knew a Hetty order couched in friendliness. Besides, she really hadn’t eaten much aside from Deeks’ purloined jello. At home, she’d eaten, taken a long, hot shower, and then tried to zone out on TV. She’d made it through half an episode of “Hoarders” before she caved and grabbed her keys.
Deeks’ room is quiet, other than the noise provided by the monitors when she walks in. The glow from the switched on, but muted TV is the only source of light.
It’s enough to highlight Deeks’ face and upper body, presumably left uncovered by the last nurse to do rounds. She stares at the swathe of white bandages wrapped around his chest and torso, stained with a dark spot in the center, for several moments.
When she’d left earlier, he’d been exhausted, yet in too much pain to sleep. The thought of him running halfway across the hospital and from what she gather, a few flights of stairs, to come to her rescue horrifies her. As does the memory of the row of popped stitches and blood his heroics had resulted in.
Without thinking about it too much, she reaches out and brushes his hair back from his forehead. It’s a little stiff and matted, but she doesn’t pull away. After everything, Kensi can handle a little sweat and grease. Deeks whines softly, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows as he turns into her touch. She pulls away before he can fully wake and catch her in a moment of vulnerability.
Rubbing her hands over her thighs, she considers leaving. She’s done her duty. She’s made sure Deeks is as alright as can be expected after his second surgery in as many days. She should feel relieved.
Instead, Kensi takes the hard little chair next to his bed, pulls it right up to the railing, and tugs his blanket over his chest.
March 2012
Deeks yawns beside Kensi, blinking a few times as he reaches for his styrofoam coffee cup. He makes a disappointed sound when he finds it empty, and sticks it back in the cupholder of Kensi’s SUV.
Out of the corner of her eye, Kensi sees him try to muffle another yawn as his legs shift restlessly in the footwell. She knows he’s been running an undercover op for LAPD while still fulfilling his liaising duties as much as possible. Including tonight’s surveillance of a possible killer. So she knows he has to be running on fumes.
“Hey, why don’t you rest for a little bit,” she suggests on a whim. Deeks turns slowly, much more slowly than normal and squints. “I’ll let you know if anything exciting happens.
“No, I’m fine,” he says automatically.
“I bet you’ve barely slept this whole week.”
“Aw, is Kensalina worried about me?” He has enough energy to manage a teasing grin.
“Don’t bet on it. You’re a liability if you’re too tired,” she explains. Because she never admits that she cares or worries about Deeks. Not useless under the most dire of circumstances.
“I’ve worked under worse conditions,” Deeks tells her, interrupting himself with a yawn.
“Ah, and there’s my proof. You haven’t complained once all night. If you were really ok, you’d be driving me crazy with your whining.” She lifts her chin, proud of the point she’s made.
“I think I should be offended.”
“Just go to sleep.”
Deeks look like he’s about to argue further (because he seems to know no other way).
He stops at her soft admonishment, his upper lift shifting into a wry smile.
“Ok,” he mutters. “But wake me up the second anything happens.” Shifting lower in his seat, which makes Kensi wince in sympathy for his back, and closes his eyes.
Within seconds, his breathing evens out, and his face goes slack.
Smiling to herself, Kensi turns to look out her window again. Every so often, Deeks makes a little shuffling noise, or some other sound.
She finds it oddly comforting.
October 2013
“It’s a love story.”
Kensi stares at Deeks long after he stops mumbling in his sleep. A part of her is just relieved that he’s finally getting some rest. When she’d first seen him, she’d been shocked by his unwashed hair, less than pristine clothes, and most of all, the deep shadows around his speaking of sleepless nights. It kills her to see him this way. To know he’s been suffering on his own.
The more selfish part of her is dying to know what Deeks meant by his last mumbled words. Was it just senseless sleep-talk? Or something more?
It doesn’t matter either way, Kensi tells herself.
What Deeks needs right now is support from her. Finding out if he feels the same way she does can wait until he’s more stable.
Still, she slides closer, until their forehead are nearly touching, their knees pressed together.
March 2019
“Hey, this is the first time we’re sleeping together as a married couple,” Deeks whispers below Kensi’s ear.
There pressed chest to chest, Deeks’ thigh wedged between her legs with her injured ankle carefully propped up by his.
“It is.” Kensi moans softly as he kisses the underside of her chin, but he doesn’t go any further. Between their eventful wedding, and celebratory activities, they’re both exhausted. “I did expect tonight to go a little differently.”
“Ouch.” Deeks pulls back, making an exaggerated face.
Kensi playfully pushes at his shoulder. “You know I didn’t mean that. Well, not exactly.” She gives a half-hearted roll of her hips, a little constrained by their current position. “I was hoping to have a little more stamina. And not a busted up ankle and hand.”
“Hey, we have the rest of forever together.” Deeks tips her chin up, kissing her softly. “Plenty of time to do all the sexy things.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Kensi says, even as she rests her head on his chest. “And I love you.”
“Love you too,” Deeks murmurs back, already half asleep.
July 2023
“Hey Deeks, have you seen my—” Kensi cuts herself off mid-sentence as she walks into the living room to find Deeks on the couch, the twins cradled in each of his arms. All three are passed out.
Kensi creeps closer, a soft smile curving her lips. Sophia and Caleb are snuggled against his chest contentedly while Deeks’ head bobs forward, hair flopping in his eyes.
It’s adorable.
Pulling out her phone, she makes sure the flash is off before snapping a picture.
Perfection, she thinks as she examines the image.
A/N: I hope you approve of the additional moments I chose.
Thanks for the prompt!
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venomousvio · 3 months
Deek thinks you should be proud with your shiny shoe
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i use companion mod btw
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Chasing Pavements
A/N: Had a little thought about the hopeful time jump.
“Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowwwwhere.”
Rosa turns around as she and Tay try to bite back their smiles. “Is he okay?”
A smile curls at Kensi’s lips as her husband’s movements jostle her a little and a tone that reminds her of his sad drunk persona belts out the lyrics to one of his favorite songs. “Adele makes him weepy.”
“Adele does make me weepy.” He nods in confirmation leaning his head against hers before belting out another line.
As they make their way down the hallway of the Colosseum the girls’ excitement, buzzing. They’re still in their own little world when they all reach the elevator. The four adults exchange smiles, silence filling the void for a few seconds before Tay’s mom, Kelly, turns to the agent and investigator with a smile. “So Kensi, Marty, are you two excited about Hawaii?”
Mirrored looks of confusion cross their faces at the random question before the shaggy blonde speaks up. “Hawaii? We’re always excited about Hawaii.”
“Yeah, so much so he’s been trying to convince me that we should get a timeshare in Diamond Head since we’ve been together. Actually, even before then now that I think about it.” The brunette laughs, still, a bit confused by the odd question.
Tay’s dad, Jason lights up at the mention of one of his favorite places on the island. “Oh, that’d be great. What’s that like a 13-minute drive to campus?”
Kensi’s brow furrows sharing a look with her husband before turning back to Jason. “Campus?”
“Yeah, UH.” Kelly nods, brow furrowed.
Deeks tries his best to put the pieces together but nothing’s clicking. “Okay, I’m confused now.”
“As am I.” Kensi reiterates her partner's sentiments.
Normally someone would realize that these things haven’t been discussed yet, but Jason is not that person. “Did Rosa not tell you?”
“Tell us what?” Deeks asks as both he and Kensi turn their attention towards their 17-year-old and her best friend who have stopped talking all together and are now looking at them. The heat rising to Rosa’s cheeks not going unnoticed.
“Rosa, what’s going on?” Kensi asks, trying to hide the hurt in her voice.
Tay nudges her best friend. “I thought you were gonna tell them.”
“I was.” The raven-haired teen whispers, looking guiltily back and forth between her adoptive parents.
“Rosa?” Deeks calls her name once more trying to get some answers.
Releasing a calming breath, she relents. “A coach from the University of Hawai’i came to our scrimmage Friday.”
“Okay…” Kensi nods, urging her to continue.
“He wants me to come to the soccer camp they’re hosting this summer and…”
Her pause continues to lengthen and it’s a little agonizing so much so that the blonde feels his wife’s grip tighten around his hand more and more by the second. “And what?”
“He wants me to come to camp because he offered me a scholarship and wants me to get familiar with the facility.”
Deeks’s jaw drops as he releases his partner's hand, and closes the distance between him and their girl, wrapping her in a hug. “Oh my god, Rosa, that’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell us?”
The guilt in her eyes can’t be hidden as she’s released from Deeks’ embrace and immediately wrapped in Kensi’s. “I was going to when we got here but I fell asleep, and then I was gonna say something on our way to the concert but you guys were so happy, and I didn’t want to ruin your mood.”
The brunette pulls back, hurt shining in her eyes as she pushes the rogue hair out of the teen's face. “Ruin it? Sweetie, we’re so proud of you. You know how major it is to get an athletic scholarship your junior year?”
“That’s what I told her!”
“Tay, not helping.”
“I am definitely helping.” The corkscrew-haired teen rebuts.  
A barely there smile pulls at Kensi’s lips as she locks hands with her partner once again. Not really sure how to identify her feelings right now. “I just don’t understand why you told them before you told us.”
Tay looks between Rosa and her parents feeling somewhat at fault for this whole thing. “Oh, no, that was all me. I got offered, too, Mr. and Mrs. Deeks. I didn’t tell them not to say anything cuz I thougt they could read social cues. Anyways, for what it’s worth I’m really hoping you’ll let her go cuz I need my girl there with me in O’ahu.”
Rosa can only imagine what they’re thinking. I mean can she really asked them for honesty when she hasn’t been honest herself no matter how unintentional it was? “I know we talked about UCLA-“
Deeks shakes his head, stopping her before she can say anymore. “That doesn’t matter. If you want to go to Hawai’i then we’re gonna support you every step of the way.”
“Yeah, this is about what you want.” The brunette agrees, her eyes shining with understanding.
“Is this what you want?”
Taking another calming breath Rosa looks at Tay and then back to the two people who have shown her more love than she ever thought possible again. “Yes, I really do. I didn’t know it until it was right in front of me.”
“Well then, looks like our girl’s a D1 athlete!” Kensi beams, shouting loud enough that Adele could probably hear it from the penthouse of Caesar’s Palace.
“You know what this calls for?” The blonde asks to no-one inparticular.
The special agent looks at her husband with a knowing smile. “Rocky Road?”
“Rock Road!” Deeks throws his arm around Kensi’s shoulders once again exchanging a dad smile with Jason before the elevator dings and they step inside the box.
A few minutes later as they’re walking into the parking lot, a knowing grin forms at the corner of the form detective’s lips. Leaning in, his lips but a breath away from his partner’s ear his smile grows wider. “I knew my late-night Zillow searches for O’ahu weren’t for nothing.”
All Kensi can do is smile because as unexpected as it is, this is their new chapter. This is the life she never thought they’d get.
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ask-deek · 1 year
Deek. I’m sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, I pray you forgive me. I hope you know how much I value your friendship and appreciate All you do for the sch…for me. I shall treasure our time my friend. I shall miss you.
-Ominis 🐍🐍
Deek thinks you have nothing to apologise for. Deek knows that health and wellbeing should always come first and Deek is happy that you are taking care of yourself.
Deek thinks you should be proud of yourself, for making sure you come first 🥰
*Hands a box of assorted Honeydukes items to Ominis*
Deek thinks the people that should be apologising are those dark wizards...😠
Deek will make sure there is room for you in the room of requirement, should you ever need it. Deek knows the doors will always be open for you, wherever you are 😇
Please, don't forget to yell for Deek should you ever need him. Deek will always be there for his friends.
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ineedmycupofcrazy · 1 year
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”Deek thinks you should be proud of all the potions you’ve brewed!”
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densi-mber · 2 years
What Happens in Tokyo
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“Just as a warning, Nell is extremely excited to see you again,” Deeks informed Rosa as they walked towards their airport terminal.
“Yes, I remember last time,” Rosa said with a wry grin. During Nell and Eric’s last, and very brief, visit to the states, Nell had nearly knocked Rosa down with her overly enthusiastic hug. “I’m prepared.”
They found Eric and Nell at the very front of the line, holding up a handmade sign that read “Welcome to Tokyo Deeks-Blye Family” in sparkly letters.
Nell caught sight of them when they were a few yards away and ran to meet them, making a beeline for Rosa. She enveloped her in a tight, albeit less aggressive, hug.
“Rosa, I’m so happy to see you again!” she said, pulling back with a smile.
“I see how we rank these days,” Deeks joked, accepting a hug from Eric.
“Oh you know that I miss you guys like crazy,” Nell told him, finally releasing Rosa. She moved to Kensi next, rocking back and forth slightly. Deeks heard her say “Love you, Lady,” the rest unintelligible.
When she got to Deeks, she wore a slightly wistful expression.
“Deeks.” She held out her arms, waiting for him to enfold her first. She tucked herself into his chest with a sigh. “I really missed these big brother hugs,” she murmured, her smaller arms wrapping tight around his torso. “And these muscles,” she added, giving his bicep a playful squeeze.
Deeks laughed breathily, not having realized just how much he’d needed this.
“Good to see you too, Nellosaurus,” Deeks told her, earning a grin from both her and Eric.
“I think I missed that most of all, Shaggy.”
“Now there’s something I haven’t heard in forever,” Eric commented. “There’s a severe lack of nicknames in our company. And novelty pajama pants.”
“Well, I can help you with the first one, but sadly we did not pack any pants with pandas or cacti on them.”
“But we did bring presents,” Kensi assured them.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have,” Nell said, linking arms with Deeks and Kensi, leading then towards the exit. “What do you get us?”
Rosa snorted at Nell’s childlike excitement.
“Nope, you’ll have to wait,” Deeks teased.
“It’s tradition,” Kensi objected reasonably. “If you open them at any other time, they’re no longer Christmas presents.
“You can have mine whenever you want, but Marty and Kensi will probably insist on waiting until it’s closer to Christmas,” she informed Nell in a stage whisper.
“And now I like you even more,” Nell decided, switching over to walk next to Rosa instead.
“So where do you want to go first?” Eric asked once they had piled into a blue SUV.
“Well, I’m kind of hungry,” Kensi said, and Deeks grinned, squeezing her knee. If there was one thing that was always consistent, it was Kensi Blye’s appetite.
“So we should stop at a cafe as soon as we drop your luggage off,” Nell finished. “Ooh, there’s a place just down the street from us that has the most amazing Japanese pastries. You guys will love it.”
“And then maybe we can visit some place like Inokashira Onshi Park,” Rosa suggested. Eric raised an eyebrow, looking impressed.
“Wow, your pronunciation is really good.”
“I’ve been practicing.”
“And researching ever since she found out we were coming to Japan,” Kensi added with a proud smile.
“It was interesting,” Rosa said with a shrug.
“Alright, food for Kensi so she doesn’t turn into a wildebeest, and the garden for Rosa,” Deeks summed up.
“Sounds good. Then later this evening, we can do something a little more adventurous.”
“Nell, we totally need to take them cosplay go-karting,” Eric said, sharing a look with Nell that Deeks found fairly terrifying.
“Uh, I’m not sure that’s really our thing,” he said uncertainly.
“Oh, you guys will love it. Then we’ll do something really crazy.”
“This is going to be amazing,” Rosa decided happily while Kensi and Deeks shared dubious looks.
A/N: I always imagine that Nell and Eric are up to crazy hijinks in between running their company.
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A few quick sketches based on @tamayula-hl’s headcanons for Ominis as an animagus! I really wanted to make a version with my MC! Please excuse any inconsistencies—I have never drawn snakes or hummingbirds before, so this was definitely a learning experience 😂
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
*Pushes a plate of cookies onto your table and gently places a sleeping draught next to it.*
Deek hopes you are taking care of yourself to the same standard as you take care of all of us with your amazing posts.
*Pulls out a blanket and places it over your legs, handing you a marshmallow like pillow*
Deek wants to thank you for all the hard work you put into your blog.
Deek thinks you should be proud of the joy you bring to everyone in this community.
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Thank you so much for those words, it means the world to me💖
I pinky promise I've slept today Deek💙
All good over here, you're so sweet💚
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Deek thinks you should be proud of your charm.
He'll be happy to know I'm quite proud and never afraid to use it.
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