#Delenn x Jeffrey Sinclair
tallysgreatestfan · 1 year
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Wanted to draw a rudimentary timeline of this both because I had these OCs and other headcanons for quite a while but never really saw them on paper, and also because I was in the mood for drawing portraits.
I like to imagine that Delenn had quite a diverse love life we just don't see much of because over most of these people she is pretty much over.
This is for the AU I am working on currently, but honestly I imagine that it goes in the same order in the canon timeline, only that the time where she actually ends up with Lennier is much, much later.
More detailed headcanons on each of them below the cut:
Neroon: Not sure if he and Delenn knew each other long beforehand or he only changed to her school shortly before they fell in love, but their clans have an arragnement where they often work together like this. He is the grumpy, intimidating bad boy and she the shy, timid girl, but they make it work. She learns to come out of her shell more, and he learns calmness. They are about eighteen or nineteen, and it works out for about three years. They also take quite a while before they have sex, but their have their first time with each other. Their different duties due to being of different castes ultimately brings them apart, but they stay in contact
Cassuan: Delenn met him on Bord of the Grey Council flagship as an accolyte, as he was an assistant technician. They bonded over their shared like for deep talks and for both being nerdy. He also introduced Delenn to more complex sex rituals, what humans would call BDSM. Their relationship lasted even until Delenn became Satai, but Cassuan couldn't deal with Delenns behavior in the war against the humans and broke up with her, which still haunts her for the rest of her life. She tried to contact him several times but he just completely broke off contact.
Kaya: A human ambassador assigned to the same planet as Delenn after the war, they ended up in lots of contact that grew more and more personal. Delenn could not admit that she was attracted to humans, but she grew to desire and finally love him more and more. He never really picked up on it and she was also not his type. Delenn was heartbroken, but also, as she could not admit that she was attracted to an alien, tried to rationalize her pain away in the most absurd justifications of what happened instead.
Accolon: Her and Delenn met as they served at a spring rite aka sex ritual together, but liked that experience so much that they stayed in contact after that. Delenn admired how openly different and proud of that Accolon was, even if at this point she was not the shy, timid girl anymore, Satai and pretty much driving force behind the Babylon project on the Minbari side. Apart from that, they are quite different people, Accolon being spontaneous and literal and outgoing, but they can talk well. Their sexual attraction and Accolon teaching Delenn even more BDSM, which she acted out both as dominant and submissive pretty much carried the relationship. After Accolon, as an priestess and scholar, travels on to another planet, their relationship pretty much fizzels out.
Jeff: You saw their philosophical talks and Delenn trying to flirt and deep bond and how Delenn was more or less responsible for Jeffs trauma. Delenn could never quite admit that he would never return her feelings, because the prophecy said she would end up with a human. So she just continued pining until he was gone.
Lennier: Pining and face touches and things you would clearly never say or do to someone just platonically, but its never communicated. A beautiful mess. In my AU, there comes a point where Delenn can't bear not knowing what the hell she is feeling anymore (even if it is not love, its too destructive and timid and raw to be love), and Lennier suffers to much to not ask for clarification. So Delenn starts... something with him, to find out what it is. Its painful for Lennier, but its still better than just pining. They try to go with the rituals, but there are no rituals for something so complicated and messy. So they ease into an actual romantic relationship. They pretty much enable each others psychological issues, so that is another thing they have to figure out, but against what Delenn secretly believes, it works out. Their sex life works out surprisingly well, though. Sure, Lennier is inexperienced and knows more or less nothing, but once he knows something, he is very attentive, and turns out he is kinky too. And they know each other so well that its very easy to read what the other wants.
Susan: At the point where Susan comes closer into Delenns live again, becoming leader of the Anla'Shok, in my AU Delenn and Lennier are a couple for quite some time, and over their issues, and have a happy open relationship (in the canon timeline both probably happen around the same time, idk, I don't do much with the canon timeline?). Actually adding someone to their relationship as an genuine same level partner instead of secondary partners is new, and its a mess to figure out at first. But Delenn and Susan now have processed their trauma enough to be open with each other in a way and depth they could not on Babylon 5. Its a new beginning. (Lennier at first has his old fears about not being good enough and being replaced come up again, but also he goes along surprisingly well with Susan, so it is easier to get over it).
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stardustinthesky · 9 months
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Do you trust me? With my life.
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What Babylon 5 Characters are doing in a 24/HR Diner
John and Delenn are playing footsies while sharing a milkshake in a far booth
Neroon and Zack are the two grandpas who always go out to get a “cuppa joe” on a weekly basis, and they complain about “frou-frou” coffees that younger generations indulge in
Ivanova and Talia are having brunch
Vir and Lennier are hoping for a quiet study session with a different ambiance than their usual meet-up spots
Assorted Customers:
Bester is threatening to leave a negative Yelp review and never return (he never follows through, he always returns)
Mr. Morden is there to try the diner’s “world famous” dishes and then immediately tells the staff if the dishes have any reason, in his opinion, to be classified as such
Sinclair is the parent traveling across the country with his children (Marcus, Garibaldi, G’Kar, and Londo) and hoping they’ll all fall asleep when they get back in the car… they won’t
Franklin is getting into discussions about nutrition with a server who Does Not Have Time For This
Lyta and Na’Toth are the servers who Do Not Have Time For This
Lochley is the manager, and she will make time for this because how anyone could be that stupid is just the tiniest bit beyond her, so if you would please explain-
Kosh owns the franchise and will be there on occasion. nobody knows what he qualifies as an occasion, though
Lorien owns the company, and Kosh’s quarterlies could be better, but the important thing is that everyone is having fun (they’re not)
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claudiosuenaga · 7 months
Os 25 anos do fim de BABYLON 5: A mais iluminada e amaldiçoada das séries de ficção científica
Babylon 5, criado, produzido e roteirizado por J. Michael Straczysnki, foi uma série de ficção científica das mais bem elaboradas, sérias, profundas e abrangentes, a primeira do gênero a utilizar um arco multitemporadas para toda a sua história focada em política, diplomacia, negócios, religião, filosofia, conflitos e guerras durante os anos de 2257 e 2262. O futuro projetado por Babylon 5, ao contrário do de Star Trek, é de um pessimismo atroz. O nome Babylon 5 é uma referência tanto a Babilônia como à Torre de Babel.
Babylon 5 concentra em cada episódio, talvez mais do que qualquer outra série já feita, uma profusão de símbolos maçônicos e illuminati (pirâmides, Olhos de Hórus e o Sol são os mais recorrentes) com alusões à formação de um Governo Único Mundial totalitário (chamado de Earth Alliance) e de uma agência estatal de telepatas, a Psi Corps, que nada mais seria do que o Instituto Tavistock expandido a impor o controle mental à toda a população.
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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The Satai will see you now
Sorry, there just had to be a point where I had to make this joke about kinky Delenn/Sinclair art
Full picture at my twitter @ TallysFan
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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Delenn misusing a pool with the boys
Had this idea as I read a text-from-last-night about a threesome in a pool and just directly thought at her
Full picture at my smut twitter TallysFan
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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No news to anyone: Delenn is horny for Jeffrey Sinclair
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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It was only a matter of time until I would draw Jeffrey Sinclair/Delenn/Lennier smut. Three is sacred and all.
Yes, Lennier is there too, from what he is doing and his pose it is just impossible though to make a tumblr friendly preview of him
Full picture on twitter at @ TallysFan, link to full version in reblog as allways
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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Not even sure where this meme of each person of the OT3 kissing each other person comes from, but I just thought this would be interesting here.
I mean Delenn and Sinclair have such an fascinating relationship, and Delenn and Lenniers, its so deep and complex I can’t even go into detail - but I think Lennier and Sinclair would get along very well, and also fit in each others taste in partners.
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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Because there is not enough Delenn/Jeffrey Sinclair art. Their relationship was just so fascinating
Not really happy with how this turned out but decided to still publish it
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
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Delenn and Jeffrey Sinclair just had so much chemistry and such a facinating complex dynamic
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