#Delinquent Sunny AU
nougat-rockrozma · 2 years
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pov: you're basil
heyyyyyyy y   im back from camp stuff and school stuff
here is a delinquent sunny (and kinda auby) by @taigataii and @mikkokomori! (but with a kinda... “headspace-y” spin on the design lol) 
started working on it last week but no access to it for awhile ;-;
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taigataii · 1 year
Idea: When the Hooligans first tried to kidnap Sunny via brute force, it was unsuccessful as he kept somehow avoiding and/or counter attacking them.
They where only able to get Sunny out because Mikhael had the idea to bait him out with food, and then Aubrey tackled Sunny and tightly hugged him.
Thank you anon for the amazing idea!
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yunoyuuu · 7 months
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Rule #1
People actually want that fanfic so I better get to writing…
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smiles2m · 1 year
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Hehe, they’re doneeee
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zeroakun27 · 7 months
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Scesolis The Latin words scelus (crime) and solis (sun) combined together.
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ducksallday · 7 months
New Omori au: Delinquent Sunny but he's part of an ACTUAL gang and has a gun. As he should. Planning on adding some of my own ocs and even Rowan!
Might actually write a fic for this after I finish the my omori fic...
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Art (smth abt this doodle is bothering me and idk what it is rjdbsnejrh)
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
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Got bored and drew kel with baby sunny <3 @mikkokomori
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Sunburn Omori 1 A Sunny is thinking about Aubrey
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here’s sunny being so pathetic and silly in love <33
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pineappleciders · 2 years
omari au sunny and hero designs?
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here are the realworld designs for my omari au!! i will post headspace ones soon (which will include sunny) but for now here's a quick breakdown of their characters!!
she puts on a facade and manipulates herself into believing everything is fine. she acts like her normal self but a lot more hollow and dead. she gets angry at herself and becomes enraged whenever she makes a mistake, sometimes even throwing or breaking things. she lives in her own head, similar to SUNNY
she's a shell of the girl she used to be. even college and reunion with her friends and loved ones couldn't bring a real smile back
similar to MARI, he's pushed everything down so far so that nobody can dig it back up. unfortunately for him, everything always comes back when he sees MARI.
he kept his charming and helpful personality, but he's a lot more on-edge and strives to be perfect. often, he finds himself breaking down when he's alone, but most of the time he sucks it up and continues like nothing happened.
his self-esteem is rock bottom, but he acts like it isn't
she's similar to how she is in the game, but she's more in touch with her childish and feminine side. seeing as BASIL (sunny) never destroyed the photos, her and BASIL are on kind of good terms now, but have still separated from the best friends they used to be since SUNNY went missing. she still faces her problems with anger, and is a delinquent, but she's more open-minded.
her relationship with MARI has been complicated. she still loves MARI dearly, but she truly misses the warmth MARI used to provide for her as an older sister. no matter how many times MARI is by her side, her voice and eyes are emptier than ever.
KEL has tried his best to keep his optimism, but everyone notices how hard it is for him to get out of bed and take care of himself. he starts doubting himself a lot more.
despite the fact that SUNNY went missing 4 years ago and could very well be pronounced dead atp, KEL is determined to see him alive. him and AUBREY still have a rivalry, but not a full-on resentment for each other, but it seems the two grow apart more and more every time AUBREY tries to keep him from his delusions.
BASIL seems to be coping well with his best friends disappearance, although nobody is for sure whether or not he's delusional or just got over it.
it's both, really. BASIL always has a nagging voice at the back of his head, wondering if SUNNY killed himself, or something. he hates himself for not being there to save him.
on the outside, though, he still loves his plants and photos and art. he hasn't changed. but, his #1 goal is to honor SUNNY, whether he's dead or not. he carries around a tulip and wears darker clothes. nobody can really tell if his mind is empty or swarming. maybe both?
please note this AU is still in the making,,, my idea for the incident that killed SUNNY being that MARI failed to save him when he fell in the lake and HERO witnessed it,, bla bla it goes from there they buried him yada yada
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mozzaremi · 2 years
Is Aubrey a deliquent in your eldrich omori au? I would love to know what is happening to Aubrey and her relationship to her gang
Since the accident never really went through in the au, aubrey doesn't really retain any of her anguish for the gang from canon. They are all on good terms .
The au is very simple slice of life kinda deal, but with the twist that one character is a (not yet) all powerful eldritch being, so I didn't really push my brain into thinking angst scenarios.
Aubrey wouldn't really be a delinquent, but a lot of the characters share the trait that they are seen as troublemakers (her, sunny and kel included, basil is mainly the one who follows around as a puppy and gets wrapped up in their shenanigans). Aubrey ditches school occasionally and still forms the scooter riding side-gang, but the worst they do is mischief and tomfoolery, and maybe some shoplifting.
Tho, she still brings up the fact that sunny pushed mari and broke his violin, but mainly as snide comments or rude jokes at his expense
Her relationship with kel is still as silly as ever, they are close on a level that they could be a podcast duo.
She still sees mari as an older sister figure, she is most frequently the one she turns to vent. Mari still is holding down to her promise to dye her hair, but mainly once she's more independent and doesn't have to depend on the financial support of her parents.
Aubrey still views hero with a lot of respect, he visits aubrey's residence often, bringing leftovers to aubrey when her mom isn't in the mood to cook.
To aubrey, basil is like a little fella who needs protection and guidance to not become a goody-two-shoes. She will give him advice on how be more "hardcore" but most of the advice isn't helpful.
She still turns to her friends as an escape from her not so pleasant homelife. She rarely stays at home that often, and often times she joins her other friends for dinner. On many occasions she sleeps over on basil's couch and feels very fond of polly and his grandma.
Aubrey is the type of person to always be in close range to one of her friends, so her gimmick is that she is more of a lurking presence than basil.
AAA, tried to be brief with the tidbits of text, hope they conveyed enough information!
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sirenspells · 1 year
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[Amnesiac Omori AU]
Andrew, an "original" character for amnesiac omori au! Original being in quotes because you can definitely tell he is very heavily based on the blue-haired male version of Aubrey that was originally going to be in the game. I've referred to him as Andrew for the longest time and thought it would be interesting to add him as a character in the real world, as I wanted Omori to become friends with someone who wasn't already friends with Sunny.
Andrew is a 14 year old boy who took the delinquent path after being inspired by the Hooligans, who at this point in the story have actually stopped their shenanigans in the town. He was especially inspired by Aubrey, dying his hair blue and wearing colored contacts. Him and Omori are initially on uneasy terms, but come to understand that the both of them have a hard time connecting with people and are looked down upon by others, and from there the two become close. Andrew encourages Omori to come out of his shell and be more rebellious, which is why Sunny and his friends do not like Andrew being around him, as they worry he'll be a bad influence.
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taigataii · 1 year
Have you written any public fics for Delinquent Sunny?
If so, where can I find them?
Noooot yet
I have been afraid to start writing
and I also didn’t have the time
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yunoyuuu · 7 months
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Waiting for something?
Inspired by a couple I saw at the bus stop ^_^
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zeroakun27 · 14 days
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"Remnant from the past, should have been left behind" Delinquent Sunny Re-design for my au
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS Crack! Take: How Casca & Crassus “Accidentally” Made Panemvision.
Ok. First off, this is just purely for the laughs after a lot of late night drunken shenanigans with some friends. Also, this take was inspired by that Hunger Games + Eurovision post by the-fatal-impact (here). And after watching that Netflix Eurovision movie, The Story of Fire Saga, I think it’s about time to create this HG AU, featuring the Capitol’s No. 1 karaoke party loving delinquents, the irresistible drop dead gorgeous Crassus Snow and his dramatic boyfriend, Casca Highbottom.😂
Heads Up: In this AU, the first 9 Hunger Games still stayed the same (with all the killing and suffering) because Dr. Gaul and her team altered the final thesis paper of Crassus & Casca out of spite.
I mean, the insane doctor definitely loved the first half of the paper about a bunch of District kids competing. However, when she got to the singing contest part, she almost tried to burn their “accursed” paper to bits. She also even wanted to strangle her top idiot students for having the audacity to propose such ludicrous nonsense to her.
But after some deliberations, Dr. Gaul decided to grudgingly keep half of their original ideas and added her own sadistic twist to the game. Of course, her “changes” were approved by her team in order to “properly” punish the rebels. But honestly, this is the only way to finally kick the two karaoke addicts out of her life by letting them graduate.
However, years later, everything changed when the Game Makers added a bunch of borderline insane delinquent students from The Academy (of Arts) as Mentors for the 10th Hunger Games, not knowing that a poor cabbage boy named Coriolanus Snow kept a copy of his dead father’s final thesis proposal (AKA: the infamous ✨Panemvision✨ paper that Dr. Gaul wanted to burn), and is ready to change the Hunger Games forever in the name of love money.😌💅
So here’s how it happened:
So one sunny afternoon, Dr. Gaul asked all of her graduating students to create a punishment for one’s enemies so extreme that they would never be allowed to forget how they had wronged you. At first, they were all concerned and confused. Some even got worried for a second. However, they all quickly started brainstorming when their teacher threatened to fail and expel them from the University (of Arts).
Of course, Casca Highbottom was not thrilled by their predicament, even though he really wanted to graduate with his best friend/secret boyfriend, Crassus. So instead of doing the assignment, he just went to their favorite Nightclub to get roaring drunk.
But the ever gorgeous Crassus Snow was not having any of his boyfriend’s BS. Casca promised him that they would graduate together since the first grade! Since their first kiss! Since the day Casca asked him out on a date! So Snow followed his BFF to Pluribus Bell’s Nightclub.
When Crassus got there, Casca was already drunk AF. He tried to convince his very drunk boyfriend to go home with him and work on their assignment. He even offered to carry him back. Alas, nothing worked.
Casca refused to go along with Snow’s sassy excuses and threatened to throw pink confettis at him.
However, after some back and forth arguments, Casca finally gave in when Crassus threatened to breakup with him.
But before they leave, Highbottom demanded Snow to drink one glass or two, and sing at least 10 songs of his choosing to celebrate their last “hurrah” as University students.
So they did. They got roaring drunk. They sang their freaking hearts out, and annoyed Pluribus Bell and his patrons nonstop. Some even claimed that their late night karaoke shenanigans disturbed President Ravenstill’s beauty sleep.
So after singing Heaven is a Place on Earth and Snow On The Beach , they finally decided to write their last assignment on a piece of napkin. They also decided to name their paper ✨The Hunger Games: Panemvision!✨
Basically, Panemvision is a “game” where a bunch of randomly chosen District kids (between the ages of 12 to 18) compete in a spectacular singing contest (whether they’re talented or not) to help their respective District receive food bonuses and other perks from the Capitol.
They also agreed to place a “no killing, no gore, no cannibalism” policy to force the losers to live with their humiliation on LIVE TV forever.
And that is how you properly punish your enemies by recording and broadcasting them live on television for all of Panem to see and remember. However, if you’re talented, you’re basically safe from the inevitable humiliation.
Moreover, drunk!Crassus Snow insisted that they have to write all of it down inside their favorite nightclub to immortalized their last moments as the “Wild Karaoke Duo Delinquents of the Capitol.”
The next day, the couple woke up in Casca’s bed, naked. No one really knows what happened to their clothes, but future historians agreed that the two drunk idiots threw them in front of the Presidential Palace by accident.
And let’s just say that last night ended in a mystery, and it will stay a mystery until the Mockingjay sings.
Alas, when the two idiots finally had the courage to face and ask Dr. Gaul about their assignment, which they accidentally sent to her last night, she only told them that their paper was so obnoxiously stupid and unforgivably ridiculous. It may even start a different kind of “revolution” if their moronic ideas will see the light of day.
However, Dr. Gaul did confess that the first part of their paper was quite interesting. But as for the rest, they might as well burn to ashes.
Well, who cares! They still miraculously graduated with flying colors at the end of the day. Their professors even gave them a special award for writing and presenting their crazy thesis paper in front of the class.
Then the infamous ✨Crasca University Breakup✨ happened, and everything started to go downhill for both Snow and Highbottom.
Casca even became so depressed when he heard that his former lover, Crassus Snow decided to date a rich older businessman from District 2 named Strabo Plinth just to spite him.
Years later, after the First Rebellion, and after General Crassus Snow’s unfortunate death, the Capitol was in control again!
Dr. Gaul implemented her own version of the Hunger Games to punish the Districts for their treasonous actions. She also made Casca Highbottom the new Dean of The Academy (of Arts) out of spite.
And the true reason why Highbottom became a morphling addict was because of his former lover’s death. Also, he greatly despises Strabo Plinth (and his son) for some reason. #Crasca4Ever
But have no fear! Our poor cabbage boy, Coriolanus Snow and his crazy Mentor friends will eventually change the course of history by reintroducing the “real” version of the Hunger Games. Panemvision will rise and dominate the world and District 13 can stay mad and sad forever because they’re not allowed to join the fun!
That’s what you get for starting a war, District 13! No ✨Panemvision✨ for you!
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cheriihoney · 2 years
I originally tweeted this on my twit account but im putting it here too just in case ✌🏼🎀
sunny day jack au where joseph/jacktor is your childhood friend and ian is the vhs ghost
🤍Like joseph as a childhood friend would still have a sucky home life and still be a delinquent (?) but its more bearable with mc by his side, so hed have more of a soft spot for them but still be a little intimidating to anyone else bec no one bothers to understand him
🤍Im still debating if joseph does uhhh cheat in this au but for now lets put that under the rug (i dont wanna think about that) but ian as vhs ghost will be a clingy, and mc would have the need to take care of him chs hes so sad , pathetic, a little meow meow but hes cute
🤍I dont think ian, assuming i do make him into a sunny day jack adjacent ghost, would play into being a perfect ideal guy i believe he would be under a lot of pressure and just wants someone to see him as he is without all the performing (inverse of sunny day jack)
🤍Shaun is still shaun :)) he is fine the way he is
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