#Democrat vs Republican ideology
filosofablogger · 1 year
Ramblings From The Bouncy Mind
I spend a good deal of time each day perusing the news, with a particular interest in the politics here in the U.S.  More often than not, my daily reading sets my teeth on edge and brings more musings and questions than it provides answers.  Yesterday was no exception, and left me with a bit of what I call ‘mind bounce’, whereby I cannot seem to focus on just one topic to sit down and write a…
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auroraraura · 3 months
The different realities spun by opposing media outlets kinda all sound the same if you squint your ears real hard.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Can we please get something straight here??
Mitch McConnell has supported Donald Trump and will support him again if Trump wins the Republican nomination. I have never supported Trump and I never will.
Mitch McConnell has been a willing tool of the NRA and helped pass countless stand-your-ground laws, he has helped pave the way for laws like permitless carry, and he has helped make guns easier for anyone to get. I have not.
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Mitch McConnell has helped pass laws that intentionally suppress the votes of millions and millions Black people. I have not.
Mitch McConnell has helped write or pass laws that deny millions of women access to reproductive health care. I have not.
Mitch McConnell has helped write or pass laws that deny basic healthcare and living wages to millions of poor people. I have not.
I AM NOW AND I WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER than Mitch McConnell and Republicans, because my wishes do not have any material impact on anyone, unlike the myriad of hateful draconian laws that Mitch McConnell has helped to pass.
I could continue, but hopefully I’ve made my point: people sending Mitch McConnell “ill wishes” IS NOT being “just the same” as Mitch McConnell and Republicans, and it doesn’t make anyone “as bad as” McConnell and the GOP.
Are you fucking kidding me??
Saying that my wishes = McConnell’s actions is a false equivalence. It’s false, it’s offensive and it’s gaslighting.
Mitch McConnell is an elected politician who has a very long history of using his political power to actively harm the poor, marginalized communities, women, LGBTQ people, and non-Christian, non-white people. If you cannot differentiate between the words and the unenforceable “wishes” of the oppressed vs. the actions of an oppressor, then you have some serious problems to unpack.
I could ~almost~ see it if there was some chance that a Republican would go, “Oh wow, those progressives are being nice to Mitch McConnell, maybe I’ll stop being a racist and vote for a Democrat now.” But that almost never ever happens, does it??
You are not going to win over a Republican by being kind. Their entire ideology is based on racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and cruelty.
Look, I’m not tryna write a dissertation here, but please believe me when I say that this neoliberal knee jerk Pollyanna reaction of, “turn the other cheek” and “be kinder to your oppressors” is very much rooted in Christofascism + white supremacy. It’s a weaponization of the “hate breeds hate” trope and the “forgiveness narrative” meant to tame slaves, and I refuse to fall for it.
I absolutely positively do not wish Mitch McConnell well, and HELL NO, I am not being a bad person for hoping that a racist, evil, old white man suffers a fraction of the pain he has inflicted on others for decades and decades.
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I am a proud member of the #MitchMcConnellDieChallenge community.
That all said, at the very least, Mitch McConnell has unintentionally provided us with a teachable moment: please learn to spot the warning signs of someone having a stroke
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fairuzfan · 3 months
God yeah it's so nice to see I'm not the only one. Like these were all the exact same conversations I heard when it was hilary vs trump?? It feels like an episode of the twilight zone like the democrats just sat on their hands for years and did nothing for the last 8 years but yeah sure *this* election is going to be the one that fixes everything. For years my joke was that every republican slashes corporate taxes and every succeeding democrat undoes half the cuts and we call that progress :)))))
And then I got an ad for the Biden campaign saying that we needed to elect them because they were literally going to do that. Fucking parody of themselves. And it's like have you people been doing nothing since the election??????? You don't go to fucking protests and try to protect your friends from capitalism??????????? I swear it seems like most "liberals" answer is every year but an election they can't do anything and every election year "we just need to keep things together one more time:)"
Sorry to rant
No honestly I totally agree it's just wild to see that we've been in a domestic policy stalemate for.... what, 20 years? There's like some change here and there, some terrible things, but overall we kind stayed the exact same since Clinton. Foreign policy, though, has progressively gone worse and worse and worse. Like the entire middle east is ruined. Many many countries are in poverty (I know from families and friends in all sorts of SWANA countries!!!). And it's primarily due to American intervention.
We're just at a point where something needs to change. The day by day has not gotten better for the average American and has progressively gotten worse in other places where us intervention is the norm. So like what's the point in recycling the same old talking points, saying we need to do something later but now we have this existential threat and-! I genuinely don't see an end to this cycle. After this election cycle when like... Nikki Hailey runs? Then what? Are we gonna say "vote blue to SAVE democracy" for the rest of our lives?? Because the way this is going, the Republicans are going to consistently get more and more extreme and the dems are gonna shift more and more right.
Idk I'm just wondering "when is far enough" for everyone to not want to vote blue? What is the point to be like "Yeah I can't ideologically in good faith support these people who are committing these atrocities"? Why are you not shocked at this point that something like this will happen so openly??
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Is most country like Britain or former parts of the British Empire (which I sometimes forget includes the United States), blue represents the more ring-wing/conservative leaning party and red is for the more left-wing/liberal leaning part, but an exception being America and wondering how come?
Great question!
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This is actually a recent phenomenon in American politics.
The U.S didn't traditionally have a stable color-coding system for much of its history, in part because American party systems had a very different history that was ideologically distinct from the socialist vs. liberal vs. conservative European model. However, to the extent that there was a color-coding tendency, it was that Republicans were often blue (because of the Union Army's uniforms) and Democrats were often red (because of red-baiting).
However for the 2000 Presidential Election, for some reason all of the networks adopted Democratic = Blue, Republican = Red for their election night coverage and it stuck and now we have this whole concept of "red states" and "blue states" that the rest of the world finds very confusing.
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byz-was-here · 3 months
I don't like posting politics but Jesus Christ Almighty give me strength
For the love of God, Allah, Shiva or whatever higher power you follow
If you live in the united states this election became the most important one of your life, and I make no hyperbole
The US Supreme Court's immunity decision has the power to destroy the republic, and I cannot stress enough that I am not exaggerating
The president now has presumed immunity for any official act. Pandora's box is opened. You Need To Read The Dissents, I'm BEGGING YOU.
The main question the American people need to decide for this and every single election from now on is whether you trust your candidate with unchecked power.
Can you trust them to hold to their oath of office?
Can you trust them to peacefully transfer power?
From this moment on, if you have even a shred of doubt that can trust them do that, then you cannot vote for them.
American politics just became a game of Authoritarians vs Everyone.
Small government Republicans, Libertarians, Leftists, Social Democrats; Anyone who believes in democracy, believes in the American experiment- has to work together on this. We don't have room for ideological purity tests when democracy itself is now at stake.
The alternative is too terrible to contemplate. Pressure everyone you know into understanding how important this is.
This decision NEEDS to be overturned, or it will be the last decision a free America ever makes.
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kali-tmblr · 1 year
https:// www.tumblr.com /kali-tmblr/729099732437401600/its-heiress-actually-its-heiress-actually-how
Even more than that, it's about how there's a big difference between fighting for the sake of bettering those who have been hurt vs fighting because you want to harm those you hate or whom have inflicted suffering on you.
Adam's rhetoric (and indeed, the rhetoric of people like him) might have once been genuinely about revolution, but it's been hollowed out into bloodlust and a desire to inflict harm on those he despises or opposes him.
That's a dangerous mentality to have for any person, regardless of their ideological standing, because when you're only focused on "harming your enemies", ANYONE can become an "enemy".
That's a dangerous mentality to have for any person, regardless of their ideological standing, because when you're only focused on "harming your enemies", ANYONE can become an "enemy".
Indeed. The best example I ever heard came from a former white supremacist. After he had begun to question his beliefs, he was sitting on a couch with a white supremacist buddy watching TV and asked, "What if we DID get rid of all the Black and Brown people?"
"What? Huh. I guess we'd have to go after people based on eye color next."
I've seen the same attitude derail Arab-Israeli peace talks and cause Republicans to denounce ideas they developed themselves simply because Democrats liked them. Once "owning the ___" becomes the essence of an ideology, genuine progress becomes impossible.
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evilelitest2 · 1 year
USA's two-party system is an abomination.
Consider Republican party. The fact that there are only two parties forces all of these to band together in support of it:
-Evangelical Christians
-Proud ideological sucessors of Nazis
-Rich assholes and wannabe rich assholes (libertarians)
-Professional con men (also libertarians)
-Paranoid uneducated rural people who both feel underrepresented at the federal level and buy into "the Left wants to legalise pedophilia!1!" bullshit
-Cultured, intelligent, kind Catholics who love their neighbors no matter their race or income, and may even be weakly supportive of LGBT; who would have been otherwise stauch enemies of the GOP and all of the groups above... if they weren't brainwashed into feeling they have a moral obligation to protect the lives of the fetuses more than the actual human beings
The latter two groups are the most disgusting to me precisely because I can see they are not entirely bad people deep down, and seeing them destroy their potential for goodness like that is... The two-party system must be destroyed just so these people could have a better choice than to team up with neo-Nazis.
So its important to understand that the US has always had a two party system, starting right after George Washington's election our politics have been dominated by two major political groups. Federalists vs. AntiFederalists, Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans, Democratic Republicans vs. Democrats, Democrats vs Whigs, Democrats vs. Republicans, and then the two parties changing what Democrat and republican meant for about 150 years. And its due to our voting method, we have a First Past the Post Voting system, which means that to win an election you don't need a majority of the votes, just a pluroality.
So lets say that the 2024 presidental election comes down to AOC, Biden, and Trump (ignoring the electoral college) The people who would vote for AOC are likely people who would have otherwise voted for Biden, which splits the vote. So Trump wins lets say 40% of the vote, while Biden wins 38, and AOC wins 20%. Despite the fact that only 40% of the nation voted for him, Trump because the president, nevermind the fact that literally 60% of the nation voted against him. So in that scenerio, it would be stupid to vote for AOC, even though she is objectively the better choice. Its basic mathematics, voting third party in a First Past the Post System is self destructive.
So all that being said, I think that the Gop has been losing the last group for awhile now, anybody who is still with them at this point I don't think are really kind
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schooltrashers · 3 months
Debating a lying DemoKKKrat
So it has come to my attention that there's an idiot who is lying for the DemoKKKrats by the username of @fllcdhttb. So I shall dissect each argument with the truth, so read along and discover how I dismantle the argument of a brainwashed idiot.
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Oh I have a perfect understanding of the "Party Switch". It's a made-up lie/excuse that DemoKKKrats came up with because they can't erase their sins and past mistakes, despite repeating those mistakes well into the future with Biden's racist comments, the corruption of the entire Democrat Party, aligning with Communists, Antifa's violent and murderous actions, the woke-cults hatred, bigotry, and misogyny. You see the DemoKKKrats need to erase their own history because they don't want to own up to their own mistakes nor take responsibility for them. But you can't erase history or facts...
Democrats created the KKK (hence the term I use "DemoKKKrats").
Republicans freed the slaves.
Several KKK members didn't switch parties such as Robert Byrd and Harry S Truman. Harry S Truman sided with the Communist by the way. The KKK should just rename themselves to the Kommie Kucks Klan.
So it's impossible for an entire party to suddenly "switch", otherwise the Republican Party would be dead already. The fact of the matter is that the KKK's popularity died off, it's down to about 5000 or less members now. It used to be 6 million, what happened to those 6 million? Maybe they realized that what they were doing is wrong and that it was time to grow up.
By the way, the KKK has been flip-flopping and switching sides for years, despite the group getting smaller and smaller. Neither Democrats nor Republicans want anything to do with the KKK. Heck even Donald Trump has condemned the KKK repeatedly, but it gets ignored by CNN and MSNBC because it doesn't fit their narrative.
Truth is that the DemoKKKrats just wanted to erase their history. Meanwhile Republicans openly claim to be the Party of Lincoln(the Republican President responsible for freeing the slaves) to this very day. You also seem to ignore the fact that there are black Republicans such as Kim Klacik and Bryan Donalds. So to claim that Republicans is "racist" is ignorant.
Meanwhile you have Joe Biden being racist by claiming "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" or "I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle", while being friends with a KKK Grand Wizard(Robert Byrd). It would be like if Donald Trump suddenly became friends with David Duke, the media would be all over it claiming that Trump is a white supremacist, even if David Duke were to claim that he is no longer a KKK member.
Speaking of David Duke, he recently endorsed Palestine. How progressive of him, he may as well be a woke Leftist. He hates Jews, hence why he's against Israel.
Wow, just wow. I guess the Party "switched" again since David Duke now sides with Leftists with his support of Palestine, while Republicans support Israel. Your logic is flawed and so is the "Party Switch" theory.
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False. Everything I've said is true. Antifa is a terrorist group, it has members. Heck they even had a private conversation that got leaked online that confirms everything I've said...
To claim that Antifa is an "ideology/political movement, not a group" is like saying "the KKK is an ideology/political movement, not a group". Which is both wrong and ignorant. The difference between political totalitarian ideologies like Nazism and Communism VS Domestic Terrorist groups like the KKK and Antifa is that both the KKK and Antifa wear masks and commits acts of violence and terrorism. Nazism and Communism holds (or held) political power in countries like Ukraine, China and Germany.
The difference between you and me is that I condemn Antifa, the KKK, Nazis and Commies. You don't. You're what I call a totalitarian and a terrorist supporter, due to your support of Antifa(terrorists) and the DemoKKKrats(totalitarians).
Leftists do indeed celebrate Hitler's birthday(4/20). They make 4/20 posts all the time. Why 4:20? It has nothing to do with pot, everything to do with Hitler's birthday. What connection is their to pot and the number 4:20? Doesn't make sense. 4/20 is Hitler's birthday.
Adolf Hitler / Date of birth
Apr 20, 1889
^I copied and pasted that by the way with a quick Bing Search. By the way, Leftists are antisemitic with their hate of Israel and support of Palestine. David Duke(Nazi KKK White Supremacist) is antisemitic and supports Palestine. Even black supremacist Louis Farrakahn is antisemitic, supports Palestine, hates Israel and he praised Adolf Hitler...
Yikes...seems like you're on the wrong side of history. Also Nazism isn't right-wing, it's a socialist ideology. Nazi is short for National Socialism. Conservatives are against socialism and they point out that Nazism is socialism. Nazism and Communism is on the totalitarian side of the political spectrum, they even once joined forces forming a pact called "Communazism". Stalin(communist) shook hands with a Nazi(Joachim von Ribbentrop). They claimed Nazism and Communism ARE THE SAME!
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So to say that Leftists can't support Nazism, would be a lie. They already support fascist ideas and policies such as censorship and hatred of Jews(Israelis).
You claim Trump's racist, yet he's seen with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali. Not Robert Byrd or David Duke. LOL
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What a beautiful picture. The truth has defeated your lies.
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
Slate Magazine: Dave Weigel: Sarah Palin vs. Beltway Republicans: Conservatism in America 2014
Source:The New Democrat  If Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin are the faces of Conservatism in America in 2014, then we might as well start planning its funeral and Liberals can declare victory in this ongoing ideological war of some 50 years now. The only two Conservatives at CPAC last weekend were Senator Rand Paul and former U.S. Senator/actor/talk show host/commercial spokesperson, whatever the…
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The phenom of "Based Bukele," like other right-wing promotion of "based" as flouting social norms, is partly the result of shitlibs blowing a circuit whenever someone does something normal like arrest criminals for doing crimes. This sets a low bar because stuff like prison abolition is insane, which is why "based" took off in the 2017 era instead of the year 2010. A normal government that didn't spend the last 10 years promoting crank racial conspiracy theories about the majority ethnic group in their country (is there even historical precedent for this?? how did they manage to turn "color supremacy" from meme material into actual policy (eg medical rationing) ??) would have a more conventionally liberal conservative right-wing ideological vanguard.
Are Americans just forever fated to being incapable of viewing the world outside of a condition of phantasm around the democrat vs republican parties, merely only ever projecting their own sentimentalities onto everything else. See, this isn't actually about El Salvador or what's happening there, it's about how reactionary liberals fantasize how progressive liberals are mad about it.
man, who cares.
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filosofablogger · 2 years
Did We Move, Or Did The Scale Shift?
I don’t think most of us change our views much during the course of our lifetime.  Oh sure, as we age, as we learn new things, learn about history, about political and social ideologies, are exposed to new experiences, we may shift our viewpoints, but I don’t think we do much of a swing from the time we were young.  When I focus on young people in my ‘good people’ posts, I always have the feeling…
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llsilvertail · 2 years
Okay. I've been on Reddit recently (dangerous I know), and I've made like, two separate comments about why voting is important but not enough, and I don't want to lose them, so I'm putting them both here.
Context: the comment is about how Dems and GOP are basically the same in the long run and the system needs to be overthrown
Specific sentence I'm responding to: "I’m glad you are privileged enough to feel safe with the democrats in charge but some of us are not safe with either party in control."
As someone who agrees with you on just about all of that, it's not about feeling safe with the Democrats, it's about feeling more unsafe with the Republicans. No one's saying voting is the be all end all. Fuck no. All that's gonna do is keep things the way they are right now (it's "the end of history!", as it were), and nothing's gonna get better. Voting isn't a step in the right direction, it's the bare fucking minimum.
If there's flooding, you have to work on keeping the water level from increasing before you start searching for the source of the leak. No one said figuring out how to fix the leak won't do anything (bc it would definitely help), just that ignoring the rising water level will only serve to make things worse because, at this point, if we don't try to bail ourselves out even a little bit, we're all gonna drown.
Voting for them isn't gonna make things better. The water level isn't gonna go down. You're just trying to keep it from rising as much as you can.
Note: I kinda wish I had made it more clear that you have to do other stuff outside of voting, but the comment was about voting specifically so that's what I talked about here
Context: they were basically saying even though leftists will criticize Dems, they continue to vote for them and it's all "us vs. them...when it comes to politics regardless of their actual ideology or beliefs"
Quote for some more context: "no meaningful change will ever occur in this country as long as ["lesser of two evils"] is how the people think about politics"
I mean yeah? Voting isn't about changes. If it does? That's great! Congrats! Take the wins where you get them!
But that's still not why leftists should vote. You vote because you can have a kid and if something goes wrong, the GOP would rather see you dead and the Democrats won't.
You vote because you're barely afloat paying rent and buying food, and the Democrats won't just shoot you on a street corner when you can no longer swim.
You vote because you love your mom and when the Democrats are in power at least you're a bit less terrified that all someone's gonna see when they look at her an easy target and she's gonna become just another statistic.
You vote Democrat because the GOP actively fucks you over and the Democrats just do it passively. I'm sure you can tell which isn't worse.
It isn't about having no ideological backbone. It's about surviving.
(also, voting in your primaries can help put at least marginally better candidates in the final election)
Note: once again, kinda wish I had made it more clear that you have to do more than just vote. Like, if you just vote nothing's gonna get better, and it makes it far too easy for things to get worse.
Anyway, yeah. Voting is important, though far from the only thing you have to do
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ebelal56-blog · 30 days
Democrats vs Republicans: Whose Economic Policies Truly Help Lower Inco...
The debate over which party’s economic policies better serve lower-income Americans is a labyrinthine affair, one that twists and turns through a myriad of factors, each more complex than the last. On one hand, we have the Democrats, who champion social safety nets like unemployment benefits and food assistance programs. They argue that these are not just handouts but lifelines, essential services that provide immediate relief to those struggling to make ends meet. They push for Medicaid expansion, believing that healthcare should not be a privilege for the wealthy but a right for all. It’s a compassionate approach, one that seeks to cushion the fall for those who find themselves in dire straits, and it resonates deeply with those who have faced the harsh realities of poverty. Then there’s the push for a higher minimum wage. Democrats assert that raising the minimum wage is a direct route to lifting people out of poverty, a way to ensure that hard work translates into a living wage. They argue that when people earn more, they spend more, which in turn stimulates the economy. It’s a cycle of upliftment, they say, where the benefits trickle up rather than down. And let’s not forget the progressive tax system, where the wealthier among us contribute a fairer share to the common good. This, they argue, is how we fund the very programs that support lower-income families, creating a more equitable society. But then we pivot to the Republicans, who advocate for lower taxes and deregulation, believing that a lighter tax burden on businesses will spur economic growth. Their philosophy hinges on the idea of trickle-down economics, where the benefits of a booming economy will eventually reach the lower-income brackets. They emphasize job creation, arguing that a robust private sector is the key to providing opportunities for all. The belief is that if we can create an environment where businesses thrive, jobs will follow, and with jobs come stability and prosperity for everyone, including those at the bottom of the income ladder. Welfare reform is another cornerstone of Republican policy. They argue that reducing dependency on government assistance encourages self-sufficiency, promoting a culture of work and responsibility. The idea is that by shrinking the size of government, we can foster a stronger economy overall. However, critics of this approach raise valid concerns about whether it truly addresses the needs of those who are struggling. They question whether market-driven solutions in healthcare and education can adequately serve lower-income individuals, who may not have the same access to resources or opportunities as their wealthier counterparts. The crux of the matter lies in the short-term versus long-term effects of these policies. Democratic policies may offer immediate relief, a safety net that catches those who are falling. In contrast, Republican policies aim for a broader economic environment that, in theory, benefits everyone over time. Yet, the reality is often more complicated. Studies suggest that Democratic policies may be more effective at reducing income inequality, which is a significant concern for lower-income individuals. On the flip side, Republican policies, while promoting growth, can sometimes exacerbate income disparity, leaving the most vulnerable even further behind. Ultimately, the effectiveness of either party’s approach is contingent upon the specific economic context and the implementation of their policies. It’s a delicate balance, one that requires careful consideration of individual circumstances and local economic conditions. The best solution may not lie in a strict adherence to one party’s ideology but rather in a nuanced understanding of how various policies can work together to create a more equitable society. In the end, it’s about people—real lives, real struggles, and the pursuit of a better future for all.
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aizenat · 1 month
So, like, Kamala is kinda weird right? And not in her behavior, but, and maybe this is a projection, but the more I see of her, the less I think so, but in the way she genuinely seems to care. In these videos I’m watching to understand what this Palestinian vs Black American issue was about, there’s this one Black girl who keeps coming up who is, uh, let’s just say a little intense. Like, I didn’t disagree with her major points, but she’d go on these weird little tangents or make these remarks that just made me think “so you assume the worst in everyone huh?”
And I get it. We’ve been scorned by politicians our entire lives. So it’s hard to believe people in politics could be this genuine. This is why everyone, republicans and democrats alike, typically dislike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other members of the “Squad” coalition. This is why Republicans have resorted to mocking Tim Walz for “weak sperm” (gross btw) because how do they attack a man who seems like a generally nice guy? It’s why Trump keeps peddling this lie that Kamala is “more left” than Bernie (first of all, no she isn’t and second of all, did he forget all the polls saying how if Bernie won the nomination in 2016 he would have whooped your ass? People don’t hate Bernie the fuck lol).
They have to find evilness and shady behavior in their desire to, let’s see, help make housing and food more affordable, extend the child tax credit to support people wanting children, universal healthcare (as we’re the only developed nation to NOT have that despite being the richest; funny that) and to make the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes to unburden the working and middle class. You know, SHIT WE BEEN PUSHING FOR SINCE 2008!!!!!! Simple shit every American can get behind. And they want to do it because they see how ppl struggle and genuinely want to HELP.
Believe it or not, some people get into politics not just to collect a check and do nothing, or to get wealthy donor money, but really because they see how people are struggling and they want to HELP. And for the first time, politicians who truly want to help us are getting the spotlight, and we can’t trust it’s real. No, Walz has to be hiding something! Look he had a dui! What do you mean he tried to quit his teaching job in guilt because of it and the principal wouldn’t let him because he was too good of a man? What do you mean AOC wore holes through her heels knocking on peoples’ doors to hear them out and get elected? What do you mean Stacey Abrams lost a big governor race and instead of just bowing out, kept rallying people to vote through her organizations to the point that she turned Georgia blue in 2020, not only solidifying Biden’s win but showing how far one person can take grassroots politics (also, in 2011, she single handedly stopped Georgians from experiencing the highest tax increase in the state’s history)? Just to help people? What do you mean Kamala purposely went into spaces where Black people are underrepresented (prosecutor, attorney general, senator, VICE PRESIDENT, and now soon to be president) so she could transform the system from the inside instead of waiting for a violent revolution that is as likely to happen as the Christians’ long awaited rapture? What do you mean it’s possible to play the long game and enact change little by little? What do you mean you can be part of those systems and not get corrupted by it!???!!!!
This is why I hate stories with that ideology too btw; the idea that power corrupts absolutely. Because no it doesn’t. Some people do take the responsibility of power seriously. Biden did, which is why he stepped down. Kamala obviously does which is why she’s obviously listening to see the best way to help as many people as possible. Who knows what kind of president she’ll actually be, but the ones assuming she’s going to pull the carpet from underneath us and reveal herself to be the evil villain the whole time are really telling on themselves.
People’s problem with Kamala is she seems too good to be true. And so we have to find the cracks and chinks in the armor to prove it. Because we can’t just believe someone genuine could actually be our president. And idk what that means about the presidency that that’s how people feel now. It wasn’t always that way. It wasn’t that way with Obama. Wasn’t that way with JFK. Was it Nixon who ruined it? We can’t get past watergate lol?
It’s tiring having to convince people to stop assuming the worst. I’m so sick of the defeatist attitude towards politics. Nothing matters, no one cares, so we don’t care, and those in power are never held to a higher standard. We have to stop acting like abuse victims with politicians. Believe them when they say they’re going to do what they say they want to do (and that’s on both sides), and if they fuck up, hold them to the fire. If we gotta go back to beheading, then fine. But at least give these people a chance to prove us wrong. Or right.
Fuck, give them a fucking chance. And when you see one who seems genuine, instead of peddling conspiracy theories, take a breath and think maybe we finally managed to pick a good one. Because WE are the ones who pick these people. By voting or not voting, WE give these people their power. And yall really forgot about that. If they’re bad, we can pick a new one. And we can not vote for a bad one.
Kamala didn’t personally execute or process Biden’s policies. That man is her boss. She is not his policies or stances. She’s her own person, and so calling her genocidal, saying SHE’S somehow just as, if not more to blame for Palestine when two of the other MALE candidates of this election cycle have personally resided over administrations that supported and empowered Israel, is beyond disingenuous. If you scared, then just say that hoe, but enough is enough. I get being scared, but we gotta move forward regardless. And Kamala is the clear choice to take a bet on finally getting someone better in the Oval Office.
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rabbit-ina-trenchcoat · 2 months
my mom raising me to research political candidates before i ever vote because it doesnt matter if its a democrat or a republican, your morals should determine your vote not your commitment to a false ideology thats barely indiscernible, so shes cool with me voting blue. vs my grandma whos now like if you dont vote for trump ill kill you
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