#Der Freischutz (Lobotomy Corporation)
mellot02 · 1 year
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Don't you wanna try ABNO☺️
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
I used to think Xigbar’s title was lame as hell until I learned that it’s actually a sick reference and now it’s one of my favorites.
The Freeshooter in English and Magic Bullet Shooter in Japanese, both are direct references to the figure called Freischütz from German folklore. He received a certain number of magical bullets from the Devil that would hit any target he desired without fail. Fitting for Xigbar, considering the space manipulation thing. However, he would only be able to control the first 6 bullets; the 7th would be directed by the Devil himself, and would certainly hit someone the Freeshooter cared about.
I doubt Xigbar being Luxu was planned far enough in advance for it to be intentional, but... it’s easy to see the Master of Masters as a sort of devil figure, isn’t it?
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betterdonutgalaxy · 5 days
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abnormal fellas + aro palette netzach for funsies
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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fuckyou-saidtheraven · 5 months
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i think i hauve covid
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spark-circuit · 5 months
love you Der Freischütz, you edgy motherfucker
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montaigness · 1 year
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mika and nicolas... my fave lobcorp employees<333 captain and second in command of the security team
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tatonslice · 2 years
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school doodles
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rllyhautegoth · 2 years
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miscellaneous lobcorp/ruina art!!
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yisangyi · 11 months
i wanna post my lobcorp nuggets guys look hehe
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musical-murder · 1 year
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I love this stupid game idc how hard it is or how many times I have had to reset because I LOVE THIS STUPID GAME THAT HAS BEEN GIVING ME BRAINROT FOR THE PAST FOREVER.
It's the perfect cure
Oh and my favorite abnormality has to be Fragment Of The Universe despite how much of a pain it is
...I wonder what my other hyperfixations would look like if I put them in here... TIME TO GO DO THAT!!
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iolite-sunstone · 2 years
Well hello there : )
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Can you write general headcanons for Der Freischütz? Would love to see your take on him~
You mean the devilishly attractive marksman that nearly everyone is head-over-heels for? I'm glad you asked.
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⸸ F-01-69 (Der Freischütz) -- Base Headcanons ⸸
(He's hot. He's powerful. He also has a long stick that will shoot you down, and not in the good way.)
"Just as the Devil said, the bullets will puncture anything he pleased...forever."
Everyone knows the Sharpshooter, but I wonder just how many know of his legend beyond the data entries?
Not that there is anything you need to know beyond the fact that he made a deal with the devil in exchange for absurdly accurate bullets, but depending on which variation you heard, there are many ways to interpret his character. Isn't that the fun about folklore?
But of course, since this character is Project Moon's retelling of the character, I would still stick with what they have written.
That is, a man who killed everyone he loved.
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"The last bullet would puncture the head of his beloved. The moment he heard that, he sought and shot all the people he loved. Then he told the Devil, 'This magical bullet can truly hit anyone just like you say.'"
⸸ Because of the quote above, I interpret him as being...afraid of attachments. It would certainly explain why his Attachment work has been replaced with Request.
⸸ Perhaps that isn't the case now that he is a Devil, but certainly when he was a human, and his incapacity to bond is just a bonus to his supernaturally accurate rifle.
⸸ Another theory I have is that the Marksman had always been incapable of it, even before the contract. A psychopath, essentially.
⸸ All we know from his entries was that he killed all of his loved ones, but even then, it is up to debate if he truly ever loved them, if he had a differing definition of 'love' is, or if he was hesitant to kill them.
⸸ That, and we can surmise from his flavour text that his seventh is the one currently still lodged in his heart.
⸸ And now that he is a Devil, there is really nothing stopping him from doing whatever. At least when he was a human, he would have been inhibited by human laws. Not anymore.
⸸ F-01-69 (hahahahaha funny internet number. I'm an adult, I swear) came to Lobotomy Corporation because he was bored...or feeling lazy. Why do I think so? Because I really doubt the facility captured him.
As one could see from his ability, he could shoot from anywhere in the facility through a portal that he can summon at will. For all we know, he could just walk right out of that place.
⸸ I don't think he is completely devoid of emotion. He can still feel them, but it is very weak and fleeting. At most, he would feel irritation, contentment, disappointment, and contempt...but never the strong ones that most of us value--and loathe. Happiness, love, hatred, grief, and hopelessness are all alien to him.
⸸ I like to imagine him having a sort of professional rivalry with Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary. Both are mercenaries with a lust for blood and violence, but are polar opposites in everything way.
⸸ Both are masters in their art, the difference is their style. ⸸ Little Red is reckless and explosive, and her attacks are always a barrage of different weapons. One moment, she is using her sickle swords. The next, she is shooting large holes on the walls with her dual shotguns. ⸸ Der Freischütz is controlled, and only ever uses his rifle. Because of it, he never misses his target. He isn't responsible for any of the casualties, that is their fault for being in the way.
⸸ Rivalry doesn't mean he dislikes her, though. Yes, he finds her methods ineffective (because surely, there are better ways than shooting bullets allover the place like a blitzkrieg). But out of everyone else here in the facility, she is the most competent, and similar to him.
⸸ If he ever finds an Agent similar in mindset to him, consider that person his new friend rival, because honestly, there aren't a lot of people who can keep him entertained for long, and likewise, there aren't that many he's willing to spend his time with.
~ ~ ~ End ~ ~ ~
Credit to managerialtips for the portal headcanon.
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synthetic-sonata · 2 years
every time i see a like. "you're now the person in your icon" post its immensely funny bc the character in my icon is my lobotomy corporation oc phylum, has been for a while, and like. he's got such a fucking life
he's adopted 3 birds as his "children" because he loves birds and animals, even though they do not know the concept of family or understand english ( probably ) and would kill him without remorse. he knows this and just acts like he doesn't . he also gives them live human sacrifices if they want it and kills people without any hint of remorse or care for them
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he's dating a guy who sold his soul to satan for a gun, and satan told him the last bullet would kill someone he loved, and with this info he then killed ALL OF HIS LOVED ONES and went "huh. cool" . phylum knows this yet still dates him. hope thats working out for you ( it surprisingly is and der freis hasnt shot him in the head point blank yet )
also he works at lobotomy corporation in general as the info team captain, but regardless. lobotomy corporation is a deathtrap and employees are essentially fodder and meatshields for higherups. somehow, he hasnt died yet.
i dont know if this would be the funniest life to live or the most objectively terrifying. probably both. if i were phylum i would be dead, tldr.
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moonlitsnail · 2 months
lob corp INCREDIBLE i think everyone should play it
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trick or treat!
You got Der Freischutz (Lobotomy Corporation). Take good care of them.
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