#Derelict void vault doors
pinerbling · 2 years
Derelict void vault doors
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Derelict void vault doors how to#
Derelict void vault doors series#
The Panthéon is the quintessential Neoclassical monument in Paris and an outstanding example of Enlightenment architecture. A Napoleonic decree of 1808 granted the residence to the state. At the time of the French Revolution, the building was given to the National Archives. Plaster rocailles (shellwork) and a decorative band of medallions and shields complete the sweetly disordered effect. Above the panels are shallow arches containing cherubs and eight paintings by Charles Natoire depicting the history of Psyche. The princess’s salon is painted white with delicate gilded moldings and features arched niches containing mirrors, windows, and panels. In the prince’s salon, the wood paneling is painted a pale green and surmounted by plaster reliefs. The interiors are considered among the finest Rococo decorative interiors in France. In 1708 Delamair was replaced by Germain Boffrand (1667–1754), who carried out all the interior decoration for the apartments for the prince’s son, Hercule-Mériadec de Rohan-Soubise, on the ground floor and for the princess on the piano nobile (principal floor), both of which featured oval salons looking into the garden.
Derelict void vault doors series#
On the far side of the courtyard is a facade with twin colonnades topped by a series of statues by Robert Le Lorrain representing the four seasons. Delamair designed the huge courtyard on the Rue des Francs-Bourgeois. In 1700 François de Rohan bought the Hôtel de Clisson, and in 1704 the architect Pierre-Alexis Delamair (1675–1745) was hired to renovate and remodel the building. The Hôtel de Soubise is a city mansion built for the prince and princess de Soubise. The stained glass is supported by delicate radiating webs of carved stone tracery. The circular rose window in the west front and two more in the north and south transept crossings, created between 12, are masterpieces of Gothic engineering. Anne, with richly carved sculptures around the ornate doorways. It comprises the Gallery of Kings, a horizontal row of stone sculptures a rose window glorifying the Virgin, who also appears in statue form below the Gallery of Chimeras two unfinished square towers and three portals, those of the Virgin, the Last Judgment, and St. The western facade is the distinguishing feature of the cathedral. The spire was erected in the 1800s during a renovation by Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, though it was destroyed by fire in 2019. Maurice de Sully, the bishop of Paris, began construction in 1163 during the reign of King Louis VII, and building continued until 1330. The cathedral stands on the Île de la Cité, an island in the middle of the River Seine, on a site previously occupied by Paris’s first Christian church, the Basilica of Saint-Étienne, as well as an earlier Gallo-Roman temple to Jupiter, and the original Notre-Dame, built by Childebert I, the king of the Franks, in 528. In particular, via a framework of flying buttresses, external arched struts receive the lateral thrust of high vaults and provide sufficient strength and rigidity to allow the use of relatively slender supports in the main arcade. It is a Gothic exemplar of a radical change in the Romanesque tradition of construction, both in terms of naturalistic decoration and revolutionary engineering techniques. Notre-Dame de Paris has been the cathedral of the city of Paris since the Middle Ages.
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Derelict void vault doors how to#
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Like the Rat You Are
Rows upon rows of metal carcasses towered on both sides of the narrow valley of steel. Piles of trashed automobile wrecks, silent and dead, stacked to the high heavens. Metal and plastic scrap parts littered the dirty ground in between these monoliths of trash. Broken glass crunched underneath Kevin’s boot.
The sound of it echoed through these artificial canyons of industrial refuse, causing him to pause and look around with a sensation bordering on a panic. Under the cover of night, in the dead silence, that sound sliced through the sky like a knife. His heart raced, accelerating to ever greater heights as he held his breath and listened for any audible clue of reactions to the noise he had inadvertently caused.
After nearly a minute passed, he continued creeping through the junkyard. Closer and closer to the head office at its center, sneaking underneath the looming shadow of the claw that the crane and magnet-arms cast in the moonlight. He tried peering through windows to see inside the dark office, but grime and filth caked its panes, obscuring everything within.
The rusty metal of the door’s handle felt cold in his hand as he gripped it. And twisted. The door was open. Unlocked. Made sense, given that most of Dusty’s security focused on the entering the premises, rather than what was on the messy grounds.
For a moment, Kevin thought that he might succeed at this without anybody dying, after all.
He stepped inside and looked around. It smelled of metal dust and rust. And of the cold itself. It was deeply cold in here, almost more so than outside. So cold that his breath condensed into little clouds just in front of his mouth. That all disappeared when he closed the door behind himself.
The faint remnants of light that managed to seep in through the dirt on the office windows rendered everything in vague, dark silhouettes. There were probably shelves stacked with things, and chairs, and a desk. And yet other things, bunched up against the wall.
To shed some light, he removed a stainless steel lighter from his leather jacket’s pocket, flicked it open, and snapped the flint so it produced its tiny flame. With luck, tiny enough to not be too conspicuous, but enough to see anything in there.
Without any sign of life in the junkyard except for himself, and a more deafening silence inside the office, his heartbeat calmed from the pace it had picked up during his stealthy approach. He swallowed and took in his surroundings.
Most of what he expected to find in Dusty McVeigh’s office was there. The place was a terrible mess, but not any worse than some of the trailer trash homes, dingy motels, abandoned derelicts filled with squatters, and other run-down places Kevin had been in and out of over the course of the past year. Sometimes, that’s just where our mystical journeys take us. This was Kevin’s path.
A pile of random junk cluttered Dusty’s desk, but none of it caught Kevin’s eye. The things that stood out the most were the big solid black safe next to the water cooler—presumably what he had come here for—and an easel with a painting on it, standing all lonely in middle of the room.
The impressionist painting really drew and kept Kevin’s attention. It depicted this same room, with a view through the window onto the junkyard on a bright sunny day.
It was a damn good painting, too, he thought to himself. If Dusty had made this, then he had some serious talent. Maybe he should make a living in art instead of stealing from occult collectors?
The irony of his own thoughts was not lost on him, fully well aware that he was going to steal something from Dusty now.
The artifact had to be inside that safe. It would be the perfect place to keep it secure.
Kevin sidled up to the small vault and looked it over, inspecting its size and make. It looked extremely heavy, like a tow truck would have to drag it out of there, and it had been bolted down onto the floor. So taking the whole shebang was out of the question.
Combination lock. No way of guessing the numbers—Dusty was clever. The bastard would never use any easy combination that anybody could guess. The junkyard owner was missing half his teeth due to a crippling meth addiction and constantly smeared in dirt and motor oil all over, but Dusty McVeigh probably had the IQ of a super-genius. No other way he could work the juju he worked.
Kevin knew better than to just blindly try out different combinations on the lock. Instead, he pressed the tip of his index and middle fingers up against the number wheel of the lock and whispered while inhaling, “Diopes dism, emnothesis iento vingnorm. Mag crein.”
As he focused and the painful words escaped his lips, jumbles of mundane words and numbers coalesced in his mind. He started seeing, hearing, and tasting broken thoughts—thoughts stolen from the void to which Dusty’s thoughts had trailed off to in previous days.
Gazing into the sky while high as a kite, lying on the hood of an old muscle car. Furiously jacking off to photos of half-naked women in magazine advertisements. The cool calm nerves that came with smoking a cigarette after a long day of hard work. An argument with his friend and the pain his knuckles from throwing and landing a punch that connected to bone. Words that did not connect to sentences, numbers that did not belong together. Strings of arcane symbols that Dusty thought about a lot in his occult studies. Lots of books, most of them fiction.
Instead of drawing a sequence of numbers that opened the safe, something else took shape in Kevin’s mind. A pair of eyes. Glaring. Furious. Staring at him through the veil.
Not a memory. But the here and now. Elsewhere, but connected over a bridge of all things ethereal. Dusty had woken up—jolted awake because he had secured this safe with a spell of his own. Something that flared up the moment Kevin had tried to suss out the combination from the environs of the lock itself. Magick bound to the entire safe, clashing with Kevin’s spell, alerting Dusty to an intruder’s presence tampering with the safe in any way—including the intangible ways of magick.
There it was again: the racing heartbeat. Cold sweat erupting from Kevin’s pores. The feeling that bordered on panic, however, had returned with a vengeance. Full-blooded panic now, causing his glands to pump mind-numbing adrenaline throughout his body.
He had to act quickly now. Get creative.
A German shepherd’s barking in the distance underlined that growing sense of urgency balling up into a tight pit in Kevin’s stomach. Floodlights switched on outside, one by one. Bathing the towering piles of car husks in a glaring bright white shine. Turning the whole junkyard into a sea of light.
Before Kevin severed his spell—and thus the connection to that burning image of Dusty’s eyes, he last glimpsed bony hands with dirt under the fingernails gripping a shotgun. Loading slugs into its chamber. Pumping some mechanism, pumping little black-powder-powered agents of death.
Kevin stuffed the lighter back into his pocket, as the floodlights outside did their part in illuminating the office well enough for him to see everything clearly.
He scanned the desk with haste, looking for anything he could use.
Junk—just a lot of junk. He looked around the shelves, finding only tools, scrap parts, and more trash. Nothing useful. Not even a damned thing he could improvise as a useful weapon.
The barking neared. Someone shouted something. Dusty probably would be bringing company, both canine and human. Likely armed to the teeth. Everybody had guns in this neck of the woods, and the six-shooter weighing a ton in Kevin’s pocket would never have enough bullets for all of them. Not like he was much of a fighter anyway; the thing was usually more for show and coercion than anything else.
Then the painting caught his eye again. Dusty was clever, but so was Kevin. A desperate idea formed in his brain; something that might even work out.
The safe was depicted on the painting, too. Dusty’s meticulous attention to detail was going to be useful.
Kevin’s hands trembled as they dug through the assortment of junk on Dusty’s desk. Some of the useless objects clattered and clanked and fell off the surface of the desktop. Frustrated because he knew he had seen what he needed just seconds before but failed to find it now, he swept a whole load of items off the table, causing them to crash down onto the floor.
There it was: a thumbtack. It would serve well enough.
The noise outside got closer and closer. Probably less than a minute away. Creeping across that distance had taken Kevin minutes, but was a matter of seconds for the junkyard’s owner and his goon buddies.
Kevin licked his lips and stood in front of the painting.
“Wisthibrea, sestna wasterei velth, delwen sidrom,” he said, focusing on the painting with all his might. He repeated it again, blotting out the noise drawing ever closer outside.
Kevin then brought the thumbtack’s needle to the painting and began defacing it. Scratching over the safe’s depiction specifically. The scratching sounds swelled to deafening heights, swallowing all other sounds in the world to the point of turning the world around him silent.
He repeated the magick words a third time, this time just whispering them, but every syllable oozing out with clarity and purpose that resonated with the cosmos. He could practically feel the gravity of the stars all around, piercing the nightly sky and those stars seeing him simultaneously. Watching, silently judging. Pulling.
The needle tore into the canvas, chipping away dried paint and ripping up the fabric until it was just shredded threads. He couldn’t even hear his own breathing anymore.
Kevin’s head swiveled and he looked at the safe. Its front was missing, just a gaping hole with frayed edges, solid metal looking like it had been chewed away by a giant with steel teeth.
The contents of the safe were his to take.
A bunch of papers, stacks of cash, and other shit he had no use for.
All he wanted was that small alabaster statuette. Its maker in the 1800s had carved it to look like a praying Franciscan monk, maybe even the eponymous old sage himself. The history behind this thing had no bearing right now, though; Kevin dismissed any such thoughts.
All that mattered was this artifact’s secret power. Not only did he need it to find and get Kim out of that infernal town in Washington, it was now his only ticket of getting out of this jam he had gotten himself into. He grabbed the statuette, clutched it with all his might. Not going to let it go easily, now.
The barking was just outside. Intense. Angry. Hungry, maybe.
Kevin concentrated, wracking his brain to remember the precise words he needed to use to wield this artifact properly.
The shouting had become much clearer, as well.
The man yelling was none other than Dusty himself, swearing up a storm, “You dumb son of a bitch! I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you, you skinny pale-faced cross-dressing motherfucker, you! I know it’s you! Come out and I’ll make it quick, shithead!”
The windows exploded into a flurry of glass shards, the deafening echo of the gunshot followed, ringing in Kevin’s ears. Something warm trickled down his forehead, which he found to be blood from a fresh cut, from the glass that had shattered in the shot.
He ducked behind the desk, making his way towards the door.
“You’re dead! You hear me? You’re fucking dead!”
Another shot tore a gaping hole through the office’s flimsy wall. A cloud of dust continued to roil in the air in its wake, dancing in the bright light flooding in through that hole.
The pain decided to set in with delay, maybe thanks to the adrenaline. Nothing about it was good though, as it clouded Kevin’s thoughts. He reeled, stumbling and then crawling towards the office’s only door.
The sticky hot mess seeping out between his fingers from his belly region splattered out onto the floor.
He had no time nor capacity to check how bad it really was. Kevin currently couldn’t even be sure if he had been hit by anything from Dusty’s shotgun directly, or if it was just debris that the shots that had blasted through the office wall. Blood was blood. An injury an injury.
It hurt like hell, stinging, and robbing him of the strength needed to spring back up into standing. Every movement burned with an unpleasant fire in his gut. Acting on instinct, he pressed his other hand against it while dragging himself closer to the door, the alabaster statuette clutched in his other hand. Dark crimson dots marred the otherwise pure white surface of the object—his own blood.
Another hit and Kevin would be a goner. It was time to go.
He stared at the statuette in his hand and began reciting the words.
“Etheris brahecket hisret dwerio—”
A coughing fit broke out and interrupted his own speech, and each revolving contraction allowed the pain to flare up even brighter, clouding his field of vision with a darkness encroaching from the edges and bright lights glaring against it, leaving a kaleidoscope of colorful blind spots behind. His eyesight blurred but he blinked several times to dispel that growing visual impairment.
Encouraged by hearing his suffering, Dusty shouted outside, “Yeah, you like that, you lil’ bitch? Gonna string you up and eviscerate your sorry ass. Like the rat you are!”
Kevin gritted his teeth and started from the top, training his stare on the statuette while he repeated the magick words.
It looked so serene. So pure. What it looked like on the surface meant nothing, however. What truly mattered was the life force bound to it. The karma, or dharma, or essence, or mojo, or whatever the hell anybody preferred to call it.
“Etheris brahecket hisret dweriomon,” Kevin recited the magick words. His voice trembled as he focused on the incantation, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his abdomen.
“Son of a—don’t stand around, you lazy fuckers! Get inside and end that walkin’ piece of shit!”
Shuffling of feet. Tiny pieces of garbage and gravel crunching underneath the heels of people nearing the office entrance. Kevin did not need to see them, he knew they were all pointing guns at the door, prepared to kill a man without a second thought.
“Shoshiame wielnod eneroh, plagat thereo eteneadeth,” Kevin finished. Then he started repeating it.
He grunted, struggled to get up on his feet. Another shot tore another hole into the office wall nearby, shattering more glass. Something cut him as a consequence of that, but it was minor and the other pain deep down overshadowed it all.
Kevin let go of his injury and grabbed the rusty metal handle of the office door, leaving a bloody hand print on it. Cold in between his fingers, countering the hot stickiness clinging to his skin. Coarse and rusty, he could practically taste it.
But he never tore his gaze off the statuette, and projected his mind elsewhere. Directed his thoughts to another place. A dank cellar underneath a strip club belonging to a friend of his.
It would do.
He squeezed, twisted the handle, and ripped the door open. Another shot echoed through the air. The dog barked louder and angrier, and the men neared.
But behind that door was that dank cellar, not the junkyard outside the office. Kevin lurched through and slammed the door shut behind him.
The door to the boiler room, adjacent of that dank cellar. Over a thousand miles away from Dusty’s junkyard. Bridging the gap of space between South Dakota and Cleveland.
The relic had worked quite well. Unlike Kevin’s legs, now.
He stumbled forth, coming to a halt against a pillar in the dusty, damp room. He slumped against it and slid down until he remained sitting on the ground, once more gripping the injury where his stomach should be. The blood continued pumping out from there, hot and crimson and sticky. And heralding doom.
He sighed and even that hurt, causing hellfire to ripple through his body from the injury.
Eat shit, Dusty, he thought to himself.
He had retrieved the artifact. But at what price? Everything had a price.
The statuette could do the trick in finding Kim, but that hinged on him surviving this now.
Too bad, though. The blood just continued to pump, like it had waited for this very day to escape his sorry skin. The pain overwhelmed him.
He slipped out of consciousness.
Without any hope of opening his eyes to see another day.
—Submitted by Wratts
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orokinarchives · 5 years
The New Strange
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Work with Cephalon Simaris to find the source of a mysterious voice.
Previous story quest: Stolen Dreams
Starting the quest
The quest is awarded by completing the Europa Junction on Jupiter. After it is unlocked, it can be started at any time from the Codex. The New Strange must be completed as a requirement for unlocking the Saturn Junction.
Previously, the quest had to be accepted from Cephalon Simaris in-person at a Relay; however, now the quest is added directly into the Codex after completing the Europa Junction.
(upon accepting the quest in a Relay (not present in current version of the game)) Simaris: "Hunter! Will you bring my sentinels home, so that I might once again focus on our grand project?"
(upon starting the quest) Ordis: "Operator, what is Cephalon Simaris like? I have heard so many wonderful things!"
First Mission: Find Cephalon Simaris' Missing Sentinels (Nuovo, Ceres)
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(Grineer Shipyards tileset concept art – Sean Bigham)
The mission is a Rescue mission on the Grineer Shipyard tileset, with the usual Grineer enemies.
Simaris: "My sentinels entered this Grineer prison searching for a curious anomaly. Their last known location was the prison block. Hunter, I must know their fate."
Lotus: "Simaris, what was so important that your sentinels would risk entering a Grineer prison?"
Simaris: "All knowledge is important. I would expect you to know that, Lotus."
(upon arriving at the cell block) Lotus: "I'm detecting the sentinels within the cell block."
Upon rescuing the objectives, the drones are revealed to be three Helios sentinels. Once the prison door is open, they will fly away.
Simaris: "My sentinels… you are still functional! Come home, my darlings! …Hunter, my gratitude is boundless. Head for extraction so that we might discuss—"
Lotus: "Not so fast, Tenno. If Cephalon Simaris isn't willing to tell us what happened here, we'll find out on our own. Locate their data vault and find their security logs."
The mission turns into a Spy mission, with one data vault.
(upon extracting the data) Lotus: "There. You got the security logs. We'll examine them when you're safely back on the Orbiter. Get to extraction."
[on board Orbiter]
Lotus: "The corruption to the security logs was extensive, but we managed to retrieve fragments of a biological signature. Could this be what Simaris was after?"
Ordis: "Ordis will perform analysis on the signature now…. Oh… there's nothing here but…."
A static-filled video recording is accompanied by the sounds of heavy gunfire and Grineer shouts. A loud explosion silences the other sounds, and in the quiet, a mysterious voice is heard.
After it speaks, the gunfire resumes again and the video ends.
Ordis: "Uuuuh… pardon, Operator, it seems Ordis is hearing voices again. Running diagnostics."
Lotus: "No, Ordis, we heard it too. Tenno, that's the voice from the Arcane Codices. Cephalon Simaris is hiding something. Pay him another visit. Find out what he knows."
Ordis: "Simaris has no reason to lie, Operator! Please, treat the great Cephalon with respect."
The Tenno must travel to a Relay to see Cephalon Simaris, where a new dialogue prompt will be available.
Tenno: "'The eyes of day drinking the night'?"
Simaris: "Searching for answers, Tenno? Knowledge must be earned. I have a task for you, small, compared to the vast needs of Sanctuary. Hunt for me, and in return I will tell you what that biological signature means."
Cephalon Simaris gives the Tenno the task of Synthesising 3 Elite Arid Lancers. This can be done on Mars, on any node where Arid Grineer units spawn. One Synthesis target will appear per mission, and so three missions need to be completed to obtain the Synthesis. If the Tenno has not completed the Synthesis tutorial, they must do that with Cephalon Simaris before he will give them the Synthesis task. Upon completing the Synthesis task, the Tenno must return to the Relay and talk to Cephalon Simaris.
Simaris: "I thank you, Tenno. You found something my sentinels missed in that prison. You will make an excellent hunter. I will decipher as we agreed: it is of Tenno origin, with an anomaly from before the Orokin purge. This knowledge must be Synthesised. It belongs in Sanctuary. I've created a blueprint based on its biological properties. Build it, so we both may become enlightened by it."
The Tenno will receive a blueprint for a Scorched Beacon, which costs 5.000 cr and 1 minute to craft, and requires 250 ferrite, 100 polymer bundle, 1.000 salvage, and 10 nav coordinates. It is described as "An abandoned relic of unknown function."
(upon returning to the Orbiter) Simaris: "Hunter, you know what to do. Construct the item I have given you. This knowledge could empower us both."
Ordis: "Operator please, HURRY UP and do what the Cephalon has requested."
Simaris: "What is this? An antique Series-2 Cephalon? All I found were degraded beyond repair, but you're still functional. Your abilities could be of great use in my Sanctuary."
Ordis: "Oh, oh, well, it's nothing. I— I'm… Ordis is honoured by your compliment."
(upon claiming the built Scorched Beacon) Ordis: "Completing this blueprint has sent out some kind of signal…. Operator… I… feel— [garbled]"
Ordis (glitched): "Operatoooor?"
Simaris: "I will begin shielding your Cephalon's somatic routines. Meanwhile, you must hunt for me. I have traced the source of this message."
Ordis (glitches fading): "Thhhhank-k-k thank you, Simaris…."
Lotus: "Whoever we're dealing with slaughtered the Grineer searching for the Codices. It must be going after the Corpus next. Get there and intercept."
Second Mission: Investigate the Source of the Transmission (Morax, Europa)
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(Corpus Ice Planet tileset concept art – Zeljko Duvnjak)
The mission is a Mobile Defence mission on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset, with normal Corpus enemies.
Lotus: "I am not detecting any Tenno here."
Simaris: "There may be information stored on the network."
Lotus: "Tenno, I'll have to break into the network. Be prepared for heavy resistance. I can't do this without you."
[on board Orbiter]
Lotus: "Chroma?! I haven't seen one since… no, it couldn't be."
Simaris: "But it is. I have information from the network. I will form another blueprint for you to make physical. The hunt is not over."
Ordis: "How… did you do that?"
Simaris: "You used to know, Ordis, but you've lost those memories, haven't you?"
Ordis: "I seem to have… misplaced them."
Simaris: "I could restore them. In time, we could reverse your decline. Heal your malfunctions."
Simaris gives the Tenno the blueprint for a Chroma Signal, which costs 5.000 cr and 1 minute to build, and requires 250 ferrite, 100 rubedo, 1.000 salvage, and 10 nav coordinates. It is described as "A signal detector of some sort."
(upon claiming the built Chroma Signal) Lotus: "I don't like this, Tenno. This Chroma has been to the locations where both the Grineer and Corpus had found Codices. It's covering someone's tracks."
Simaris: "Motivations are inconsequential. Focus on finding their next location."
Ordis: "Well, Operator, the next logical location is the machine where we previously activated Codices. Aboard the derelict ship."
Simaris: "Very good, Cephalon Ordis. Your potential is squandered here as a simple servant of this 'Operator'. It would be a shame for you to waste away here, as all things outside Sanctuary do."
Lotus: "We don't have time for this! Tenno, return to the machine before the trail goes cold."
Third Mission: Revisit the Derelict (Alator, Mars)
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(Grineer Settlement concept art – Branislav Perkovic)
The mission takes place on the Grineer Settlement tileset, with Arid Grineer enemies.
Lotus: "Chroma is one of the most powerful warframes. Its ability to adapt is unparalleled."
Simaris: "Then the question is, if it is not Tenno-controlled, what entity dominates it? That is the true prey. I must have that other for my Sanctuary."
A Void gate leads to the derelict ship visited earlier, in Stolen Dreams. The Grineer have occupied the ship and are present throughout the level. Upon arriving at the Arcane Machine, a Chroma warframe, armed with a Dera and a Gram, drops down from the ceiling and begins to attack the Tenno.
Lotus: "Do not engage!"
Simaris: "I need this information. Synthesise it."
It must be scanned with the Synthesis scanner. Upon being scanned, it will vanish, and the Tenno can head out of the Void portal and to extraction.
[on board Orbiter]
Simaris: "Cephalon Ordis, through my teaching, you should be able to extract a blueprint from the hunter's Synthesis."
Ordis: "Yes. Yes! I see now. I can do this."
Ordis gives the Tenno a blueprint for a Chroma Mark, which costs 5.000 cr and 1 minute to build, and requires 2.000 salvage, 100 circuits, a Scorched Beacon, and a Chroma Signal. It is described as "Reveals the beast."
Simaris: "This is but a trifle of the knowledge I would give you, if you were to join me in the Sanctuary."
Ordis: "Sadly, the scan is not enough and Chroma escaped too quickly. Unfortunately, we've run out of places to look."
Simaris: "Knowledge is the path to the singularity, Ordis. I have more of it. I have a Codex piece and know the location of another machine."
Lotus: "Cephalon, why did you withhold this information?"
Simaris: "You withhold as much, Lotus. My motives are above substance, above you. I will direct this hunt, once we glean all we can from Cephalon Ordis' good work."
(upon claiming the built Chroma Mark) Simaris: "Let us begin the final hunt. Defeating Chroma will allow us to Synthesise it… only then, we will learn the secrets of its controller."
Ordis: "Operator, this sounds dangerous."
Simaris: "Cephalon Ordis, please! You must learn to collaborate with me, if you are to be my 'Eternal Steward of the Sanctuary'."
Ordis: "I would be Steward of your Sanctuary?"
Simaris: "Ours. And with a full retrofit. Total memetic restoration."
Ordis: "ABANDON THE OPERATOR? Yes. The Operator deserves a newer, better ship Cephalon. I think this is probably for the best."
Simaris: "Then it is decided. I will prepare your data transfer when your 'Operator' has completed this hunt. Tenno, I've marked the location."
Fourth Mission: Defeat Chroma (Ose, Europa)
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(Corpus Ice Planet tileset concept art – Zeljko Duvnjak)
The mission takes place on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset on Europa. There are no enemies.
Lotus: "Activate the machine and then prepare yourself. Chroma will be lured."
Nearby by the insertion point is a Void gate to another derelict ship. Inside the ship is another Arcane Machine, undamaged unlike the last machine, with a different skull-shaped object suspended above. Approaching it will begin a Defence mission, as Corpus enemies appear and swarm the location. The Arcane Machine must be protected.
(after the first wave is defeated) Simaris: "Now, we wait, and learn from the results."
Ordis: "But… but… the Operator is in danger!"
Simaris: "Knowledge, Cephalon Ordis. My knowledge will preserve you forever. This Operator will pass, as do all beings of substance. It is our purpose to learn from the results."
Ordis: "But… just using the scanner on—"
Simaris: "Enough! You want to be Eternal Steward of the Sanctuary, do you not?"
During the fifth wave of enemies, Chroma will appear and begin attacking with its Dera rifle and its abilities. It is invulnerable to all damage.
Ordis: "The Operator comes first!"
Simaris: "Ordis, free yourself of this—"
Ordis: "SHUT YOUR OSCILLATOR, SIMARIS. Operator, use the scanner on the Chroma. You do not have to kill it, or risk yourself. You can release it from its control with the scanner!"
Chroma must be scanned 5 times, upon which it will disappear. Once the scans are complete and the wave of Corpus enemies is defeated, the mission will end.
Lotus: "Go now, Tenno. You have done well."
[on board Orbiter]
Lotus: "Excellent work, Tenno. You've severed the control of Chroma. The hunt is over."
Simaris: "For now. These scans will be an incredible addition to Sanctuary. I will continue my search for the source of the voice and its domination. Return to me and hunt again Tenno. I will reward you."
Ordis: "More importantly, the Operator is unharmed."
Simaris: "You disappoint me, Cephalon Ordis. I was offering a greater purpose. Healing. As Steward, I would have restored your lost memories!"
Ordis: "I am Ordis, ship Cephalon. I serve the Operator. I make new memories."
Upon completion of the quest, the Tenno will receive a Chroma blueprint and an inbox message from Cephalon Simaris.
Inbox message: The Sanctuary Needs You
I have decided to expand your role.
Cephalon Simaris (video message): "Hunter, you have worked hard, captured millions of imprints to be combined into 'ideal' specimens for the Sanctuary. In light of your tireless contributions, I have decided to expand your role. Every day, I perform preliminary Synthesis to determine what creature will join the Sanctuary next. Do you want to see the Sanctuary grow as quickly as I do? Then join me in this task by visiting the Sanctuary."
The Tenno now has access to Sanctuary Onslaught.
Next story quest: Natah
[Navigation: Hub → Quests → The New Strange]
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moontouched-moogle · 8 years
Any tips for Warframe? Decided to finally download it on my Ps4
Well tip number 0 is play it on PC because using a controller fucking sucks, especially after they added new [SPOILERS] inputs. It’s a lot more comfortable with mouse aim and freely rebindable hotkeys.
Only reason to play on PS4 is if you’re deathly allergic to hotfixes or for some reason absolutely HAVE to have the PS4 exclusive cosmetic skins.
Outside of that, here’s a copy-paste of my old list of tips:
I’ll be blunt: if you never play multiplayer, you’re gonna have a bad time late-game. Sorties (except for Spy) and upper level Void missions are monstrous when solo (especially if you can’t tank damage with something like Frost, Chroma, or Valkyr), and doing vault runs in the Derelict without a full house of 4 people just is not feasible because there’s no way of knowing which of the 4 Corrupted Keys you’ll need to open the vault until you actually get to the door and going into a mission with all 4 equipped is completely asinine given the debuffs they place on you.
There’s also the fact that some Warframes are very clearly geared towards team play. Trinity is great for healing the team and providing energy, but she doesn’t have much in the way of offensive abilities. Chroma’s a very tanky survival frame since he can buff his armor, but he also has a radial buff that affects allies within a certain range. Equinox also has a couple of AOE abilities that aid allies too.
As for tips, here are a few:
Pick Excalibur as your starting Waframe. He’s versatile and useful, and can’t otherwise be obtained in-game (barring the Market) until you get to the boss of Pluto (a late-game level 30+ planet) or hit max rank with Conclave (the PVP mode)
You’ll get some platinum (real-money currency) for free upon starting the game, which can’t be traded to other players. Save this platinum for buying weapon/Warframe slots.
Speaking of platinum/the market, DO NOT BUY THE CREDIT BUNDLES IN THE MARKET. They’re a goddamned ripoff and only serve to trick new players who don’t know any better. You can get way more credits for minimal effort after having played for a little while.
While still on the subject of the market, everything that isn’t a cosmetic item can be built/farmed in-game without spending platinum. Granted, you usually have to buy the Warframe/weapon blueprint for credits.
Pay attention to your weapons’ damage types and elements. Different enemies have different resistances and weaknesses, which you can check in the codex after scanning them (or just look them up on the wiki)
Mods can be ranked up by fusing them with other mods endo, which you can squeeze out of duplicate mods and which replaced Fusion Cores. The most efficient way to do so is by fusing them with extra copies of themselves, or with Fusion Cores, which are specifically designed for fusion. Fusing them any other way is less energy efficient (i.e. fusing a Serration with another Serration ranks it up more than fusing it with a Vitality)
Prioritize maxing out Vitality and Redirection first, and then Steel Fiber. These will be your main source of survivability on your Warframe, though Steel Fiber is much less effective if your Warframe has low base Armor or a high Shields-to-Health ratio as damage reduction from Armor isn’t applied to Shields.
Serration, Point Blank, Hornet Strike, and Pressure Point are the base-damage mods for Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, and Melee weapons respectively. As such, they should also be a leveling priority in terms of damage output. Note however that DE is supposedly looking into weapon/modding balance and may consider removing Serration and just buffing weapon damage globally, since Serration’s position as a more or less mandatory mod discourages build variety.
Certain weapons and features are locked based on your Mastery Rank, a global level that’s essentially a measure of all the equipment you’ve gained affinity with. Affinity for Weapons, Warframes, and Companions all max out at Rank 30, and you only gain Mastery once per rank on an item. If you max a weapon to Rank 30 and then buy a new one or return it to Rank 0 with Forma, ranking it up again won’t give you additional progress toward your Mastery Rank, and if you get rid of a weapon at Rank 16 and then start earning affinity with a new copy of that weapon, you’ll only get new Mastery from Rank 17 onward.
Press M while playing to swap out the minimap for a larger, transparent map on the screen that shows more of the surrounding area. You can also press Z to show a list of your party members, including their Health, Shields, and Energy.
You’re probably going to want to mess with the in-game keybindings a bit. Melee is default to E, both the quick-melee (when you have your gun out) and full melee (when you explicitly have your melee weapon drawn). It’s much more comfortable to bind melee to Mouse 1 while leaving quick-melee on E (since you also shoot with Mouse 1)
Unless you’re totally dead-set against multiplayer, the aforementioned Trinity is a great Warframe to get. The fact that her Energy Vampire allows you to steal energy from enemies and restore it to your allies makes her invaluable for energy-dependent strategies, and her 4th ability is an infinite-range heal that also applies a damage resistance buff based on the highest percentage healed. Having a Trinity modded for Energy Vampire will make you an invaluable asset for most teams.
Don’t fall into the trap of farming levels on Draco. It encourages bad habits and robs you of practical experience with the game’s various features, meaning you can get to the point where your Mastery Rank far outpaces your actual skill or experience. Save the Draco cheese for once you’ve already played for a long time and simply need to get that gun you just forma’d back to max rank really fast. (Draco’s not a max cheese grind node anymore but this still applies in general)
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