#Deuces mom x Eric Venue
gay-salt-amber · 2 years
I'm gonna draw Deuce mum now before bed, can I ask for headcanons of her and Eric's relationship and the soon announcement of their relationship to the kids, school, and then open public?
I feel like they wouldn't announce it to the public yet
I think the children kinda knew all along so it wasn't that big of a suprise
The schools figures it out just by word of mouth, hearing it from one person to the next so when Eric snnounced it, it wasn't a suprise
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I drew this a while ago between me and @gay-salt-amber little AU of Eric, Vil's dad, dating Deuce's mum
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I always felt she was a young mum and my sister said she gave her MILF energy so here you go; Kathy Spade name is thank for @gay-salt-amber
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Short replies! As many as I can write in 30 minutes! Let’s goooooooooo
Anonymous asked:
Deuce should have put a ring on his mom if he didn't want anyone to flirt with her. she's free for picking
Yeah, by the time Deuce figures it out there’s going to be a line of people who want to put a ring on his mom, and I stand in this line too.
Anonymous asked:
Which anime characters do you love drawing the most?
This is such a difficult question to answer, I can’t pick 😭 Pretty much every title that we watch or read or play has a bunch of characters that I adore drawing, but I guess I gravitate towards characters with long hair and unusual hairstyles or outfits?? I also feel the urge to try to draw a character when they are out of my comfort zone, which doesn’t mean that I always do it or good at it, but I always have fun drawing stuff in a different art style (like the guys from Scott Pilgrim),with complicated outfits (like Barok van Zieks) or with mechanic parts (like Ortho!)… but the last one is pretty recent, I just noticed that I kind of enjoy drawing it. I guess I love a challenge? In a way? It’s just more fun that way.
By my comfort type of character and a default option would be a gloomy boy/girl in a hoody, my heart is always smiling whenever I draw this type.
Examples of some of my faves throughout the years (without twst): Levi (SnK), Ainosuke (sk8), Killua (HxH), Shiroba (DMMD), Apollo Justice (AA), Geto (JJK)… this is just a few of them.
I also still think that Prussia from Hetalia is our ultimate boy because I’ve been drawing him for about 15 years now lol
Anonymous asked:
Omg, your boob post,bless u... What would Riddle think of her childhood friend having those honkers though?? (Also, her burying her face in those tits or fondling them with curiosity lol)
Ahh thank you so much, Anon!! <3
I still giggle every time I think about how we ended up with poor Riddle being surrounded by busty girls, I swear it wasn’t intentional. But the more I think about it, the funnier and more Freudian it gets… what an aggressive way to heal mommy issues and an acute deficiency of tight hugs.
To answer your question, I think Riddle was kind of surprised when she saw Trey after being separated because she didn’t think boobs could get that big. Logically yes, it makes sense, but seeing it in person is different. Riddle always does her best to be proper and act like a lady, but I can imagine her eyes sliding down all the time during their first conversation. Trey would absolutely notice…
Riddle is indeed very curious, and it’s pretty obvious, but she would never talk about it or even ask to touch Trey’s boobs, but maybe one day… you know, for science… or Trey is just going to offer it herself lol save that girl, Trey.
Honestly? If Riddle could just bury her face in Trey’s chest for a minute or two, I think a lot of her tantrums would just… not happen. She would be so calm…
Alright, now Trey owes this to humanity.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Why do I deeply headcanon Night Raven Collage have orgies? I kind of blame you
😭Look at us being the worst influence on this fandom LOL
Ironically, I don't think we ever talked about orgies and such?
NRC might have a secret student society for orgies though...
Anonymous asked:
Eric Venue can get it though 🥵
And he did! That’s how we got Vil 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
Have you seen Vil’s father?! And why do I get a feeling you might be putting him and Trein together?
Yes, we have! He looks great, and based on everything we’ve seen and heard so far (as always, we aren’t watching the event just yet), he is everything we wished and expected him to be, so I’m very satisfied hehe.
I don’t know about your feeling though, do you want us to? 👀 Is it because of another certain stylish young man?
We don’t know who we’re going to ship Papa Schoenheit with though, only time will tell…
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say i absolutely adore your Ortho x Vil stuff!
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I am very happy that you love them!
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think Sebek has fantasies ab breeding Malleus
Kind of talked about it here!
But also in general, I feel like Sebek has all kinds of dreams about Malleus, like he wouldn’t dare to actively fantasise about it, but his mind keeps showing him so many naughty scenarios that he finds it very difficult to look at Malleus after that sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
Do you guys ever think about how Floyd would try to breed Riddle?
Because he probably didn't understand how human bodies work at first (was probably taught but got bored listening)
Floyd probably like : Where the baby bump?
Then Riddle would be like : Baby bump? I can't have babies -
*insert small sad Floyd in eel form here*
Awwww, poor eel, he was so sure that he found his mate 😔 Keep trying, buddy, maybe you’ll get him next time. Or the time after that. Basically, just keep mating with him until you change his entire anatomy lol
We haven’t really thought about this specific theme, but we did talk about Floyd being in heat and being all over Riddle, so at least there’s that!
Anonymous asked:
Hello!!  Iirc, you guys don't read the TWST mangas or light novel right?  There's a bit in the new 4-koma manga I'd thought you'd like: Rook, Leona, and Idia have to paint something and then make it move with magic.  Rook paints himself about to shoot an arrow that always aims at Leona.  Then the Rook in the painting comes to life and terrorizes the Savanaclaw students, so Leona smacks Painting!Rook with his canvas where P!Rook decides to stay.  Leona's okay with it cause it means he doesn't have to paint anything.  Idia's just there to judge I guess.
(new head canon, Leona's a pillow princess)
Hi Anon! Yeah, I heard that they’re making a 4-koma manga, and even though we don’t read any additional twst material, I really love that they’re making it! I love 4-komas, they’re silly lol
The one that you described is golden and pretty in-character; god poor Idia who had to witness all that lol I love that just running around and shooting beast boys is pretty much Rook’s entire essence…
It also makes sense that Leona would do something like this omg, paint your own picture you lazy bitch 😭
(also not a headcanon, Anon, this is 100% factual)
Anonymous asked:
I….That anon was….personally offended by a headcanon? I’m so confused…
(related to this reply)
Maybe?? I don’t know, but they weren’t rude about it or anything, so I hope it’s all good.
Anonymous asked:
Jade can gaslight me all he wants…
Don't encourage him, Anon... he is already very ill-behaved.
Anonymous asked:
Jinx from Arcane looks like Idia’s long lost sister.
Don't know much about her other than her design and some bits and pieces of her story, but Idia with two pigtails would look very cute.
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Vil, Neige, and Eric end up being casted in a big movie roll with Vil as a prince of darkness, Neige as the good prince, and Eric being the king who's Neige's dad figure. NRC and RSA help out in this movie though casting, budget, sets, etc. Downside? Any couples the tree may be in are forbidden to come on stage or else it'll be distracting Neige and Vil and Rook are kind of secret rn so Eric has no idea. Neither does anyone know Eric's recent love of a cute woman who's son is a first year at NRC
Headcanons of the whole thing and maybe the movie premier?
When the shoots over for the day, Rook pulls Vil and Neige away and just holds them for about three minutes
Deuces mom (I need a name for her) will sneak-feed Vils dad bites of food
Neige, pulling the director to the side: "Sooo, here's an idea, no reason, just throwing it out there! How about a kissing scene between the villain and the hero? Hm?"
At the premiere at NRC, Rookvilneige all come out onto the stage and kiss, (Vils dad couldn't attend, he was at a premiere elsewhere) NRC cheers
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gay-salt-amber · 1 year
Okay picture this, it's late in the night and at a local fast food joint walks in Vil, Rook, Neige, Epel 5, Eric and Kathy, the Dwarfs and Ortho, IdiaAzulMal, the tweels and their partners, Trein and Cater's mum with their kids, Crewel and Sam and Crowley and Vargas with James, Lilia and Starling, and Arie and Esther bitches all dressed fancy as hell much to the confusion of the workers and those in it. They were at a event and left said event
hehe it was at an event one of the homophobic royal parents hosted and they started spewing hateful, rude shit so they picked up and left
in terms of the parents, they found out via texts/phone calls and decided, 'fuck it, lets make this a group thing'
eric was actually in a formal movie get up and they were wrapping up anyway so he was like, 'welp ig I got more plans'
actually, what if it wasnt a fast food joint but instead azuls moms diner?
azuls mom is like, "oh you poor babies" and whips up a four-course meal for them, shes also there to listen to them complain abt royalty lol
also Jade and Floyd get to see their aunty so that's a plus
Starling is kinda bummed out because this was gonna be the first super formal thing Lilia and him went to as a couple but malleus informed them that the briar valley has a ball coming up soon so they'll be fine :>
Ruggies roadrage pt 2 on the way back lol
Trey gets locked into food convo with azuls mom lol
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
your headcanons of the Trein's new family and/or new Eric/Deuce's mum family with partners holiday dinners?
I think Trein would just go out to eat rather then stay in for it
Deuce's mom totally tells a bunch of childhood stories at dinner and Deuce cant even eat without being red
Leona may or may not sneak in alcohol, it depends if Cheka came with them or not
Speaking of him, Cheka now goes to all family dinners with the Epel 5 instead of going home for them
Trein regrets inviting Caters bfs cuz floyd is being floyd
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Awww wait- Vil has a health mum figure to give him dating advice now
And Trein would give Cater such cute dad talks that are slightly awkward!
:o yeeee I think vil honestly cried when he realized he actually had a mom now and it was so sweet and Rook and neige ran over and hugged him so tight, very gay and sweet
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Headcanons of the dates, proposal, and wedding of Trein x Cater's mum and Eric x Deuce's mum?
I feel like Eric and deuces moms dates are very luxurious but also nice and quiet
Cater takes after his mom. Trein needs a nap
Eric proposed but deuces mom knew already cuz he kept dropping the ring at dinner
Caters mom was just like, "wanna get married?" And trein said sure
Their weddings were within days of eachother which was tiring for the attendees cuz alot of people were at botg
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
How do you think Cater's mum and Trein met and got to be a thing?
What about Deuce's mum and Vil's dad?
Caters mom and tried met at a family day at the school and trien gently pulled her off to the side, gave her hid number and asked her out for a drink
Deuces mom and vils dad met at the grocery store and Deuces mom had trouble reaching something so vils fad got it down for her, Deuces mom didn't recognize him and they got to talking and vils dad gave her his number
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Drew this:
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Vil and Deuce are in the side lines like "Gross"
As for headcanons how Vil and Deuce ended up accidentally coming out-
It was during a "family dinner" (aka Vil's dad just wanting to treat Deuce's mum and it lead to a highly reserved dinner at a restaurant away from others) and Eric asked the boys about school and mentioned Epel
"So, Deuce, you're in the same year and class as one of Vil's freshmen, Epel right? Vil mentioned him a few times since he's helping him out." "Uh...yeah. Yeah, me and Epel are in the same year and class."
Deuce mum mentioned she met Epel before and ask Vil about him in more detail
Vil, like Vil, responded in a way of rating a film he watched and had mixed feelings for. "He is strong and witty, both great qualities of Pomefiore, however he tends to run off and rough about with others both verbally and physically to the point it's rather annoying especially when he missed a Pomefiore tradition over it."
Deuce isn't liking the hints of negative critics from Vil
"Actually, I think those would be more of a pro. I kind of find his quirks endearing even, a bit different than the rest even, yeah? Though, Rook-Senpai's quirks are endearing also right?"
Vil stops mid-drink of his wine glass when Rook was name dropped, Deuce has a smug innocent smile
Eric's like, "Oh Rook! I haven't seen him in a long while. Both of you are always so busy. I still remember first meeting him, though short he left a impression. Deuce, do you know him?"
And Deuce is like, "Oh do I-"
Vil stomps his heel into Deuce foot under the table which led him to shut up, answering instead, "He's just a freshman like Epel. The last they seemed to interact was during the VDC event. But if we could talk about upper classmen Deuce might know, I believe Leona is someone."
Deuce looks down fast as the three adults chat about Leona and even at Vil's comment of "He's a bit brutish but I guess he has some soft moments-"
"That reminds me, I still need to thank Neige-Senpai for helping Leona-Senpai not get attacked by the stray cats."
Vil's now glaring
"You've met Neige as well? Well, I can't say I'm surprise, he's a sweet boy." Said Eric
"I agree. Though, sadly, I have caught him swearing before a few times-" (hinting of when he snuck into Pomefiore and heard Neige seemingly having fun when going to see Epel)
Vil, now gritting his teeth in a forced smile, "Oh, that's nothing bad. Honest. I admit I swear a few times as well. Epel seems to have a filter of swears however, surely you can warn him since you pretty much see him every single day-"
"Again, I find his quirks endearing. Could it be Rook-Senpai's quirks makes you unhappy?"
The two are now sitting at the table smiles and sweet looking but their whole vibes off the rails of "I'll kill you here and now"
Best part?
"Here are your waters tonight sirs and ma'am, how will we start you off in this evening?"
The four look up to see Ruggie dressed in a waiter attire, Ruggie's ears instantly flattens when seeing his boyfriend and the prefect of his other boyfriend's dorm sitting shocked as well
Basically Ruggie slips he's friendly to Deuce and Deuce's mum is so happy to hear her son as more friends and Ruggie's kind of starts talking about how cool and sweet Deuce is without doing more implication of Deuce's relationship
But then he remembers something
"Oh yeah, Vil, Leona-San told me before break that he found some of Rook's things and would like him to get it soon" (talking about when they had fun in Savannaclaw with permission of course-)
Eric mentioned Deuce brought up Leona
And Ruggie goes with a grin, looking at Deuce, "What you telling people mkate mzuri (cutie pie or...good bread?? in Swahili) ?"
Eric knows what he said and stared at the hyena in confusion
Ruggie and Deuce catch on fast he heard
Deuce mum ask if Rook is Pomefiore or Savannaclaw cause why would he be at another dorm
And, y e a h, it led to the two explaining the whole thing once Ruggie left scared of his boss yelling but brings food later
Pfft this is great lol
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