verimuru · 12 days
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le-cabinet-du-garei · 5 months
Armand and Daniel in a group date with Louis and Lestat being stupidly romantic
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Done ^_^ I found a lovely reference on pinterest and i couldn't resist !
Poor babies...This night will be very long . Louis surely has drink too much blood.
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desertfangs · 4 months
Armand is totally that guy who uses his boyfriend's toothbrush and Daniel is the guy who thinks it's kind of hot.
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nightcolorz · 6 months
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venusexpress27 · 9 months
• TikTok link
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suikamelon6 · 7 months
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I wonder who else is joining them on the yacht.
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everarddelanden · 1 year
Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting Daniel Molloy, Armand’s only fledgling?
"I did. His mind is the most morbid and entertaining maze to wander. He has a good sense of humor and a healthy disregard for authority. I feel that in another life, we could have been good friends."
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sanctaignorantia · 10 months
The Devil’s Minion Week Tag Game
Moving on with the game since @devilsminion-armandiel tagged me. I'll see if I can answer everything since my memory always fails me!
1. If you could have three things from the books, which Devil’s Minion scenes would you want in the show? 
I think definitely the scene where Armand takes care of Daniel, bathes him, cuts his beard and chooses what he has to wear. Next would be the scene where Daniel describes Armand with all that passion and desire for what he is, for all the evil he represents and how Daniel loves it and finally the scene in the Villa of Mysteries with them exchanging blood for the first time (Daniel going crazy missing Armand makes me very sensitive).
2. What is your favourite Devil’s Minion quote? 
I'll put the quote in Brazilian Portuguese first:
"Amava a pele branca e macia, os grandes olhos castanhos. Amava-o não porque ele parecia um rapaz simpático e delicado, mas sim porque era horrível e detestável, e lindo, tudo ao mesmo tempo. Amava como as pessoas amam o mal, porque isso as excita até o fundo da alma. Imagine, matar assim, tirar uma vida no momento que desejar, simplesmente matar, enfiar os dentes em outro e tirar tudo o que o outro pode oferecer..."
"He loved its smooth white skin, its great dark brown eyes. He loved it not because it looked like a gentle, thoughtful young man, but because it was ghastly and awful and loathsome, and beautiful all at the same time. He loved it the way people love evil, because it thrills them to the core of their souls. Imagine, killing like that, just taking life any time you want it, just doing it, sinking your teeth into another and taking all that that person can possibly give."
3. Who do you think fell in love first? 
Armand. Definitely Armand.
4. During their reunion, who do you think made the first move to reconcile? Or for the show only fans, who do you think will make the first move? 
If the reunion concerns after Daniel is better then I can't say because I haven't read all the books yet, so I'll answer about the series which is also difficult because there may be details that would change their dynamic, but I think it would be Armand.
5. What is their favourite sleep position together? 
Damn it! I think Armand would hug Daniel from behind or find some way to hold him close like a teddy bear.
6. What is (one of) your reunion headcanon? 
I'm not there yet, one step at a time.
7. Who do they go to for advice about their relationship? 
That's funny to think about, but it would certainly be Louis, but Louis would always be very quiet and just nod his head, since Daniel and Armand would say a lot of things and in the end they would both answer their own questions.
8. What is a gift they gave the other that the other values most? 
Daniel keeps the amulet with all his love and I don't know about Armand… I really need to read the rest of the books! XD
9. In a 100 years from now, what are they doing? 
Oh… they'd be being themselves, loving each other deeply and madly the way they know how. They'd still be arguing a lot, shouting at each other, but I think it would all end in laughter and affection, kisses and the exchange of blood. I think they would continue to travel the world, spend hours and hours marathoning movies and series, listening to loud music and singing in a karaoke that doesn't exist. They'd watch plays and have fun fooling people, they'd probably adopt not only dancers, but any other individual involved in art. When I look at them together I see that exciting, electrifying energy that truly passionate people have and that I've never felt, but hope to experience once before I die.
I tag @fofoqueirah and @laisofhyccara 🤭👍💜
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theevilemster · 7 years
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An evil Mug to mark the return!
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dannymolloy · 7 years
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vonnart · 7 years
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{Drawtober 18 - Devil's Minion} 
Spike head 😈. I'll jump around and post a few of the day prompts before the month ends and then I'll finish all 31 the week after!
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verimuru · 1 month
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"Have a fun day selling that stolen Rembrandt to the highest bidder, babe"
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le-cabinet-du-garei · 5 months
What's Daniel's favourite spot on Night Island?
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frozenronin · 7 years
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DevilsMinion 🎃 Day 18 @drawtober #drawtober2017 #illustration #characterdesign #bronzjadeart #pencil #concept #halloween #drawtober #art #artoftheday #doodle #devilsminion #sketches
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nightcolorz · 6 months
114 for the drabbles 👀
Here u go Ray 🥰 Lmfao uh this is my longest Drabble 😁. This ask is following an ask game where u can send me prompts from here: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/735473060637016064/drabble-challenge-1-150?source=share and I’ll write a Drabble!!
Takes place sometime in the devils minion era shortly post chase years when they r beginning to have a relationship. CW for some nsfw (tho no actual sex) and The F Slur 😁
114-No, you’re my bitch 
It was one of those really sweltering hot nights, Florida, when the brief breezes feel more like someone thick and sweating panting on your moistened brow, rather than a cool bit of mercy. The kind of day that drives a man fucking crazy. The sort of weather that has the crime rates spiking high enough to make somebody like me self reflect a little. A heat that could get to a vampire I figure, if you’ve got yourself a vampire bodily and human adjacent enough to notice the heat at all. 
I had myself a vampire with a fetish for all things human and feeling, lucky boy that I was, and on that particular agonizing night I found him unusually. Not looming above my bed like a ginger hawk, nor approaching me with the spontaneity of an apparition, but sitting on the steps of the apartment I was renting. Armand could’ve been sitting there without thinking of me at all, it seemed so non-calculated. Alarming for my vampire boyfriend, who was not the unintentional type. He was sitting there like a kid, sort of pouty, a bit disadvantaged looking. His jeans fit weird on his legs, too long at the ankles but two tight in the thighs. He was wearing some ratty wife beater tank that would look more at home on a harder, bigger guy than on this ethereal monster, this sad boy. His boots were working boots, and definitely too big for him, sort of clownish. Armand was looking down at them, plush bottom lip jutted out, red handed. I mean so literally, red handed, bloodied. 
It was subtle enough that only someone whose world revolved around blood could notice such a thing. There was blood coated under those claw-like nails, a sheen of sweat and sweet boy-like blush pulsing beneath his skin. And the clothes could be nothing else but the garbs of a victim. A victim who must’ve been really something, considering how Armand didn’t even seem to register me standing over him. 
“Hey man.” I said,  rocking on the souls of my feet a bit. At this point it felt so normal, speaking to him, to an extent that was almost funny. My vampire buddy, my immortal lover. My weird boy sidekick, who I wanted very badly to fuck me brainless. Hey man indeed. “Daniel.” He responded, wistfully. He wasn’t all there, which wasn’t unusual in itself. But something was wrong, even by Armand standards, and damn was I bothered. “What’s up?” I asked, after taking a beat to consider how best to go about this. I was concerned, almost like he was real and I might affect him. I really didn’t want him to be hurt. Armand hurt. It made me feel sick, in a way that was so deep it was disorienting. 
Armand didn’t answer. I realized that a question like “what’s up” was perhaps a bit too nonspecific and modern for him to wrap his head around, and I tried to rework a wording in my head before I heard, spoken to me within my soul, directly in my brain as if it was coming from me, and not my parasitic lover inserting himself in what was rightly his. “What does it mean to be someone’s bitch, Daniel?”
“Fuck.” I muttered. “It always fucks me up when you do that, God damn.” He only looked at me, non speaking. I felt sort of stupid and confused, like I was a kid struck with a pop quiz. “Bitch?” I said dumbly. Armand looked down to the shoes. “What do you mean, bitch? What is this about?”
“If a man were to say to you: Don’t get smart with me faggot, know your place. You’re nothing more then my fucking bitch—what would that entail?” I heard spoken amongst my thoughts in that delicate, airy voice. 
The force of my anger could’ve been strong enough to black me out. I knew the vengeful rage was irrational, sort of pathetic and childish, to feel like I could protect this thing before me, this thing capable of killing me with an effortless touch of his hand. Yet it was there, and in the moment I could only submit to it. “What the fuck. Who said that to you?” I asked, trying to keep myself from shouting like a moron. Armand’s eyes returned to meet mine, and some clarity calmed me as I looked into that complete darkness, those glimpses into power and age so immeasurable in comparison to my moral limitations that I could only begin to glimpse it. 
“Someone meaningless and small, whom I took easily.” Responded the voice within my head. I nodded, and with some atypical reverence and gentleness I sat beside Armand on the steps. Two dirty, confused vagabond youths, with blood under their fingernails, trying to understand. 
“Well, in this instance, that’s what he meant when he said that you’re his quote on quote fucking bitch.” I said disdainfully. “Meaningless and small.” I briefly hesitated before I continued. “Could take you easily.” Armand was looking at the shoes.
“Hey?” I prompted “Hey, are you ok?” He didn’t respond. Only continued looking downwards, no hint of understanding or emotion visible in his expression. I felt so sad, David looking up at the gigantic impenetrable Goliath for a moment, wondering how I could reach something so beyond me. It was when I began to consider standing up and stretching my legs that I heard the wind chime voice in my head, this time tinged with a lightness and a sweetness that warmed me from the inside. “How funny.” He said. “That he should think this of me, when really he was my bitch ultimately. If there is an afterlife, whatever that may be, he must exist with the reality that he died my bitch. He will always be my bitch, for as long as his cruel soul continues. A wonderful joy, to have someone be my bitch.”
Predictable pervert that I was, I blushed a little. Not outrageously, but just enough to catch my blood hungry lover’s attention, activate that primitive hunter’s nose with the blood swarming close to the skin. He looked up, into my eyes. I coughed, nearly spluttered, and looked down, averting my gaze from his. He was unflinching, unblinking. “Daniel.” This time he spoke aloud, which was less intimate than speaking within me, but much more exhibitive. “You’re my bitch, aren’t you, Daniel?” 
My breath hitched audibly. I felt exposed and naked, hearing him say that, people walking by. “Armand.” I tried to hiss, though I know it came off as more of a plea. 
“Say it.” He commanded softly, though with little gentleness or remorse. “Tell me what you are Daniel.” I shuddered. Hot flashes spread through my abdomen alongside cold, raw shivers racing down my spine. It was feverish and sickening. I was weak with it, grinning. “I’m nothing more than your bitch.” I confessed painfully, through smiling teeth, submissive like a monkey’s smile. He reduced me to that, an animal, a bitch. I was beginning to get hard in my jeans. 
“Yes..” He whispered, and he ran one of his bloodied hands through my hair, petting me like a dog. “Know your place faggot.” He said, so softly and sincerely. The crassness sounded nearly absurd. The innocence of a parrot repeating something it heard but couldn’t understand. The effect was immediate regardless. 
“Let’s go inside.” I breathed. Armand let his hand travel to my neck, and he held me there, commanding, controlling. “Dogs don’t give orders.” He said, with some humor, and I whined shakily as if to support his statement. “But yes, inside we shall go. And stay we shall still, if you can remember your place.”
U can find my drabbles posted on a03 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52422124/chapters/132615793
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hollyrosedraws · 7 years
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The first cut had really hurt. And it had been so difficult to get the marks to look like the picture he'd found on Wikipedia while the wounds throbbed in his hand. But now it was done. Nothing had happened obviously. Only an idiot would believe that they would really summon the devil. Nathan grinned mockingly at his hand. As if you could really summon the devil. Still, the marks looked cool. Maybe he could show Jenny. She'd see how cool and edgy he really was and then maybe they could - With a start Nathan turned as he heard a low chuckle behind him. "Ah. Another who wishes to serve." I was really hyped about this prompt, but I feel like it didn't turn out as well as I'd like. Ah well. #drawtober #drawtober2017 #storytime #fantasyart #conceptart #personalart #hollyroseart #hollyroseartjourney #originalart #wip #halloween #sinister #flavourtext #creepy #draweveryday #halloween #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #wip #devilsminion #day18 #horror #sketch #draweveryday #horrorart #digitalart #summon #ritual #summonthedevil
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