#Dhmis coffin x reader
nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hi, me and my friend had this idea and we wanted to ask if you could do it.
Coffin (Dhmis) x Teacher Reader who is completely made of fire.
(maybe the reader can teach the dangers and the benefits of fire or something like that).
We also imagined this scene where the reader kisses Coffin on the cheek and (because he's made of wood) a kiss-shaped burn remains.
PS. Sorry if I rambled on and sorry for the bad English, but English is not my native language.
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Actually, your grammer and spelling is better than some native speakers.
-Fire teaching how dangerous fire is, is that ironic or bragging? Actually, that sounds more like a history class.
-Regardless, Coffin was of course very kind when meeting you.
-He's not one to judge appearances, but you kinda scared him at first.
-You're made out of fire, he's made out of wood. That doesn't seem to mix very well.
-I don't think that if you asked him on a date not long after meeting him it would go something thing like...
-"Oh wow, hey, I don't know you very well, so not right now, m'kay?"
- So, you'd have to get VERY well acquainted with him before you can start trying to make a move.
-After you two start actually dating, he's not as scared of you as he was before.
-The burn makes however, kinda bother him. He loves your affection and doesn't want to make it seem like he's brushing your kisses away, but he tells you to limit them since it can be sometimes painful and difficult to remove.
-He's happy you care for him so much and show him this affection, just tone it down and he'll be content.
-(I don't know what else to say)
(P.S. My requests are opening back up, I put this at the bottom for DHMIS fan to get more requests in)
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samithefungus · 2 years
Coffin meets reader who actually alive but buried bc some people had knocked them out and hope they had suffocate underground. Coffin help the reader get back to the surface (and maybe a little bit of revenge)
Thank you Anon for the request, hope you like it.<3
Coffin x Buried Alive Reader
WARNINGS: Mention of Panic, Claustrophobia and Suffocation
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-You were with some 'friends' in a fairly isolated cottage in the countryside
-They had asked if you wanted to stop to help with some renovations and you agreed
-As soon as you arrived you found your friends welcoming you
-When you entered the house everything seemed to be in pretty good order and you didn't understand what needed to be renovated
-You asked for explanations from your friends who said: "We'll explain it to you later, right now we've prepared tea for you, why don't you go and drink it"
-You agreed, so they accompanied you to the kitchen and gave you a cup of tea
-After a few sips, however, you felt strange; your head was spinning, and when you got up to go outside to get some air, you fell to the ground, losing conscious
-Your 'friends' picked you up, loaded you into their car and took you to the cemetery; then they buried you in an empty grave
-The headstone had the name "David" engraved on it, and a coffin was already there
-They had located that grave long ago, and what better place to hide a corpse (or rather who would soon become a corpse) than a grave in a cemetery; no one would come looking for you there
-Initially they wanted to kill you directly, but no one had the courage; so they opted to drug you and bury you alive so that you suffocated to death
-You regained consciousness a few hours later, not quite remembering what had happened
-When you opened your eyes you didn't understand where it was, and when you tried to get up you hit your head on something wooden
- "Ouch!" You heard "Be more careful!"
-You looked up, then turned your head to the right and then to the left; you were surrounded by wood...and it just spoke to you
- "Excuse me, but where exactly am I? And who are you?" You asked cordially
- "I am Coffin, and as you can also guess, you are buried under the ground" He answered you
- "Buried? But I'm not dead" You said confusedly
- "If you are here you must be dear" He answered you
-It couldn't be; you knew you couldn't be dead, you could feel your heart beating and your chest enlarging when you breathed
-This thing of being presumed dead made you anxious, the you began to shake, you felt your heart beating faster and faster, and you began to breathe frantically
-Coffin noticed this behavior and it seemed very strange to him, usually the other dead people he had hosted were not so 'active'; except for one who would not stop talking, but that is another story
-Coffin could clearly hear your heartbeat and see your chest getting bigger with every breath you took, something unusual for a dead person; maybe you were right and you weren't really dead
-But that means that if you had continued to breathe so frantically, you would run out of oxygen
-Then Coffin tried to calm you down, and strangely enough he succeeded
- "Well, now that you are calm, explain to me what happened dear" Coffin asked
- "I don't remember much" You replied
- "Then tell me what you remember" He said to you
- "Let's see...I had gone to some of my friends' house to help them with some renovations; as soon as I arrived they offered me tea, but after a few sips my head started to spin, so I got up to go outside for some air, but I fell to the ground and everything has become dark, then when I opened them again I was here"
- "Well...From this I can't tell if you're dead or alive, but I have a sure-fire method to figure it out; there should be a pair of scissors in there, take them and cut off a finger; I know it sounds brutal, but it will help, trust me"
-You looked around for the scissors, and when you found them, you cut one of your finger off
-Blood started coming out and you made a little noise of pain
- "My God, so it's true, you're alive!" Coffin exclaimed
-You started to get lost in your thoughts; you thought that those bastards you thought were your friends tricked you, drugging you and burying you so that you could suffocate to death underground, you thought that most likely there were no renovations to be done either and that was just a way to get you to an isolated place where they could carry out their plan, you thought that you would soon die there and no one would ever look for you
-You looked around and seeing yourself surrounded by wood gave you a claustrophobic attack and you started breathing frantically again
-Coffin tried again to calm you down, but this time he did not succeed easily
- "Calm down, You've run out of oxygen," he told you
- "You won't die, I promise, I have friends on surface who can dig you out" Coffin said
-Hearing that sentence you calmed down and your breathing became regular again; you had a hope of salvation
-A couple of hours passed, but the situation always seemed the same
-Coffin tried to keep you company as much as possible and you appreciated that, but your oxygen was beginning to run out
-Because of this you had a severe headache and were beginning to feel very sleepy
-You were beginning to feel the cramped space you were enclosed in getting tighter and tighter every minute that passed
-You began to sweat, chills were running through your body, and you felt a strong sense of nausea; your pulse was racing and you were trying to keep your breathing under control
-You felt the wooden walls as if they were clenching and were about to crush you
-You knew you were delirious, perhaps from lack of oxygen, perhaps from claustrophobia, or perhaps from both
-At some point you started to see blurry and feel heavy-eyed and you were sure you were going to die
-Suddenly you saw a light and thought you were dead and that was heaven, but when you felt fresh air enter your nose you realized that that light was the sunlight and you were finally free
-You quickly climbed out of the pit and breathed deeply; at that moment it was as if the air tasted good
-You wanted to thank Coffin's friend who had set you free, but when you turned around no one was there
- "So what are you going to do now?"  Coffin asked you
- "I survived and now that only one thing to do...Revenge!!!" You answered almost indemonically
- "I'd like to help you in some way," Coffin told you
- "If you really want to...could you dig some pits please"
- "Sure dear, but what do you need them for?" He asked you
- "You'll see!!!" You replied
-Then you headed for your ex-friends' house, fortunately it was not very far from the cemetery
-You spied on them, waiting until one by one they were isolated and then hitting them in the head with a heavy object
-You didn't want to kill them, you just wanted to knock them out; and fortunately you knew where to hit to accomplish your intent
-Then you put the unconscious bodies in your car and drove to the spot where Coffin had dug the pits
-You threw the bodies one by one into the pits and then buried them
- "Did you kill them?" Coffin asked
- "No, they're just unconscious, they will suffocate to death in the pits" You replied
-There was a moment of silence, then you spoke again: "Coffin, thank you for everything; you are the best thing that has happened to me in my whole life"
-Coffin didn't expect to hear this, but honestly he was also pleased and you can tell that he even blushed a little bit
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
requests are open !!
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♡ dhmis m.list
♡ welcome home m.list
♡ read this before requesting!~
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randoms-fandoms · 1 year
DHMIS request info!
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I don’t write character x character for this one, sorry!
Characters I will do “x reader”s for (can be romantic or otherwise)
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hi, I love Coffin from dhmis, and if I can I want to request something a little bit peculiar. So, my sona in dhmis is a marionette (and also the theatre teacher) and I want to ask if you can make a Coffin x Marionette Reader
thank you in advance
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The idea of a marionette doll being the theater teacher is amazing! I can also see how the episode can get really bad, really fast.
-He's so intrigued by you designs and movements. It's so fluid, but also stiff at the same time.
-He's worried about getting caught in your strings...again.
-He's not a huge theater guy, but will most definitely listen to you talk about how everything behind the sences and the people making an effort right in front of the viewers.
-He's also quite willing to help with prop design and helping with writing.
-I think he'd actually be a very good writer, even if it was never mentioned in the show. The most it did talk about him writing was him having to do paperwork.
-Speaking of paperwork, since you'll most definitely have to do paperwork, for either renting a theater or even owning one. He'll suggest ways to get most of it done fast.
-This is all said when he has free time and his work is done.
-Would love to hear you talk about the outfits the actors and actresses wear on stage.
-The only thing that makes him upset or uncomfortable is the stage is made of wood and he's...also...made of wood.
-(But yet again, he did come out of the ground and basically kidnap duck)
-Well, it takes care of the problem of if an performer died on stage.
A.N. I'm not a theater person, Im just going off of what I know.
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samithefungus · 2 years
Friend Request (I wrote this quickly so it's very bad, but at least it's something) she asked me this at Christmas and only now did I have time, sorry for the wait bro :(
Coffin x Baby Reader (Headcanons)
WARNINGS: the relationship will be of the father-child type, therefore platonic; there are no real warnings, I just wanted to specify this.
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-You were there at the cemetery all alone; your mother had just died and your father didn't want anything to do with you, so he decided to abandon you
-You were left there after your mother's funeral and now it was getting dark
-You didn't know how to walk yet so you couldn't leave, plus you were starting to get cold so you did what kids your age do...You started crying hoping someone would hear you
-Luckily someone heard you...Coffin
-It was unusual for Coffin to hear a baby cry in the cemetery, especially at that hour, so he decided to get closer to the source of the noise
-He found you shivering next to a tombstone and he could surely tell that if he had arrived a few minutes later you would surely have died of cold
-Coffin didn't know what to do, but he sure couldn't leave you there, so he took you home with him and wrapped you up in a blanket to keep you warm
-When you started feeling sleepy Coffin didn't know where to make you sleep; he didn't have a crib at home and for this reason he decided to let you sleep inside him (at least temporarily)
-He took some pillows and a blanket to make his interior more comfortable and finally laid you inside
-You slept peacefully all night, but Coffin stayed awake to check that nothing happened to you
-The next morning Coffin found himself with a baby and didn't know how to behave so he decided to ask for help from other teachers
-They weren't much help: Tony kept asking questions about where he had you; some of them started cuddling you and passing you between them and some in front of advice that could easily be considered illegal
-The only ones who maybe helped were Colin, finding online the essential things to raise a child, twins and Brendon, who helped his mother raise his brother and therefore knows how children work (and perhaps to take revenge on Briefcase he said some embarrassing things that his brother did did when he was a child) [one of my Headcanons for Brendon and Briefcas, sorry, but I wanted to write it]
-Returning to Coffin; he will stay whole nights studying how to raise a child in such a way as to be able to raise you correctly
-You could learn to do a funeral rite before learning to read and write
-But all in all Coffin is a good father…He loves you and you do too
Hope you liked it <3
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samithefungus · 2 years
Coffin who is friends with reader who then died before confessing their feeling to him and proceeds to revive themself in an Frankenstein manner and confesses their love as he arrives to tell them they 'died'
Thank you Anon for the request, hope you like it.<3
(I wrote this after a long day at school and I was tired, so if there are any mistakes or it's not nice, I apologize)
Coffin x 'Undead' Reader (Idk how to title it)
WARNINGS: Death Mention
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-You and Coffin had been friends for a couple of years, but you had been having feelings for him for a while
-In the end, you could no longer keep these feelings secret and decided that you would confessed that very day
-You and Coffin were supposed to meet that afternoon, and you couldn't wait
-It was morning and you were having breakfast with your favorite dessert looking forward to that afternoon
-But fate had another plan for you...
-In fact without realizing it you took a bite of your food that was too big and started choking
-You coughed as hard as you could and started beating your chest, but nothing
-After a few minutes, you felt your body turn cold and then you fell down....You were dead
-The worst thing was that you could still see and hear, but you couldn't move; that made you feel worse
-After a while you saw the wooden planks break apart and form a figure
-When you saw it you almost felt like crying; it was Coffin
-He approached you, you could see his sad look at seeing one of his closer friends dead, but the worst thing was that you could do nothing
-You swore in your head, you didn't want to accept this fate, but you couldn't do anything more
-After a few minutes of discouragement, you thought you couldn't give up without trying first
-Then you tried to move your body
-Initially there were some small movements, which felt like muscle memory, then you started moving your fingers, and then moved to your hand, then to your arm, until you could actually get up
-Coffin was confused and so were you; the question you could both ask was "How?" but it was not answered for sure
-Coffin knew you were dead, he could tell by your pale and cadaverous complexion, your dull eyes, and your cold touch; yet you were standing there in front of him
-You were sure you were 100% dead, but you were moving, as if you were alive
-Honestly, you didn't care to know how and why you had managed to revive; you took this to an opportunity to confess your feelings
- "Coffin, I really don't know how to explain this to you, but anyway I would like to tell you something...something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time!" You said taking Coffin's hands.
-You paused briefly to think about whether you really wanted to confess
-Then you thought that this is probably your last chance to do it and so you went ahead
- "I love you...I love you so much!!!" You said
-Coffin did not know what to do at first, but then he leaned close to you and softly whispered in your ear, "I love you too honey"
-You hugged him; honestly Coffin didn't expect it, but he still held you close to him
-You stayed, in silence, for a while, then you said, "And now...What about me?What will happen to me?"
- "I think you will....decompose, like all corpses do" he answered you
- "But I don't want to leave you!" You said
- "I don't want to either, but that's life" he said sadly
-You looked at him with a dull and sad look
-"I promise I will stay with you until your body fades away" He told you to try to cheer you
-Honestly you could hear the sadness in his voice
-In the end Coffin kept his promise, after your burial he stayed with you until your body had completely decomposed (Yes, he got buried with you)
-All of this was happy, but sad at the same time
-The best part in this sad story was that you were able to stay with him until your last moment
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samithefungus · 2 years
A request coming from the comments of my fic on Ao3; hope you like it <3
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Coffin x Death Reader
WARNINGS: Mention of Death and Panic Attacks
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-You were on the sofa relaxing; a few days before you had had an accident and you were still a little bruised
-You picked up the phone to check your chats and you saw that in the chat with your friends everyone was claiming that you were dead and they were sad about it
- You rolled your eyes; your friends knew very well that you were afraid of dying, so you decided to ignore them, thinking it was a joke
-When you got up to go get a glass of water you felt something hit your foot so you looked down and it was your heart
- A slight panic attacked you, but you repeated to yourself that it wasn't your heart
-The organ on the floor started to move moving across the wooden floor
-At this point you were more confused than anything else
-You kept looking at the heart, until it dissolved on the floor and a strange shape was starting to form with the wooden floorboards
-You blanched when you saw the shape of a coffin take shape
-Coffin approached you and said :"Hi, nice place, I'd like to live in a place like this..."
-You weren't really listening to what Coffin was saying cause you were slowly panicking
-"...You're dead" is the only thing you heard and when he said those words your heart sank and you was breathless.
-"It's not possible, there must have been a mistake" you said completely panicked
-Coffin tried to stay professional and said "No mistake, I have your name written here" then showing you his clipboard.
-The sight of your name on a list of recently deceased people didn't help you at all, in fact you felt tears in your eyes
-"No, there must be someone you confused me for!" You said in a shaking voice trying to escape your fate
-"Is your name Y/N?" Coffin asked
-You sadly nodded
- "Then there's no confusion; now we have to hurry, we have a funeral to do," said Coffin
-By now you could feel the tears cutting down your cheeks
-"You prefer cremation" Coffin proposed
-This made you break down in a loud cry and between sobs you repeated: "I don't want to die! Please don't let me die! I'm too young for this!"
-Coffin, noticing your current panic attack, sat you down and encouraged you to control your breathing.
-Once you calmed down Coffin asked "Are you afraid of death, aren't you?"
-You, still in a clear state of anxiety, nodded
-"There is nothing to fear, death is something natural" Coffin said
-"But, I don't want to leave my friends and my family..." You said almost in a whisper
-"I know, nobody wants to, but there comes a time when you have to," Coffin replied
-And he was right, at one point in your life you would have had to leave your loved ones anyway; you didn't understand if this reassured you or not, you just know that you preferred to stay silent for a while
-After about 2 minutes Coffin spoke to you again: "Some of my clients think back to the happy moments they had with their family and friends; maybe it could help you"
-"I don't think so, it would just make me feel worse" you said
-"I understand...Then Ipromise to you that I will stay with you until you...fall asleep forever" He said in a reassuring tone
-You forced a smile; you were more or less accepting that you were dead
*Let's move on to the moment you're buried*
-As promised Coffin stayed with you the whole time, even delaying the paperwork to fill out
-He stayed there for more than two hours talking to you
-Then you slowly closed your eyes and you're finally dead for real
-Coffin heaved a little sigh; you've been a difficult customer he has to admit it, but honestly you're the only customers he will seriously miss.
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