#Dhmis coffin x you
nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hi, I love Coffin from dhmis, and if I can I want to request something a little bit peculiar. So, my sona in dhmis is a marionette (and also the theatre teacher) and I want to ask if you can make a Coffin x Marionette Reader
thank you in advance
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The idea of a marionette doll being the theater teacher is amazing! I can also see how the episode can get really bad, really fast.
-He's so intrigued by you designs and movements. It's so fluid, but also stiff at the same time.
-He's worried about getting caught in your strings...again.
-He's not a huge theater guy, but will most definitely listen to you talk about how everything behind the sences and the people making an effort right in front of the viewers.
-He's also quite willing to help with prop design and helping with writing.
-I think he'd actually be a very good writer, even if it was never mentioned in the show. The most it did talk about him writing was him having to do paperwork.
-Speaking of paperwork, since you'll most definitely have to do paperwork, for either renting a theater or even owning one. He'll suggest ways to get most of it done fast.
-This is all said when he has free time and his work is done.
-Would love to hear you talk about the outfits the actors and actresses wear on stage.
-The only thing that makes him upset or uncomfortable is the stage is made of wood and he's...also...made of wood.
-(But yet again, he did come out of the ground and basically kidnap duck)
-Well, it takes care of the problem of if an performer died on stage.
A.N. I'm not a theater person, Im just going off of what I know.
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dhmis-twitter-idk · 6 months
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 3 months
If you had to rank all the ships involving Coffin (like Doomsday, Dead End Job, Deathbed + others) how would you rank them and why?
I’m a multishipper so I don’t really hate any ship unless it’s like…weird…so this is gonna be more of me explaining my dynamics for them ^_^
Doomsday/Time of death (Tony x Coffin)
I really like Tony and Coffin as a duo a lot due to time and death being linked together in a way, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this but Coffin definitely views death as a reward of some kind, they don’t think life is meaningless or horrible, they just view death as a reward for getting through life and its many obstacle
While Tony views time almost like some ethereal god like being that controls every waking moment of the puppets lives, they get along through their outlooks on life and how they both think Time is great and amazing (Coffin doesn’t view it as something ethereal like Tony though she views it in a much more natural way)
I think Tony would definitely develop a crush on Coffin of some kind mainly because he hasn’t met anyone that actual cared about time on a similar level to him (also in my mind they’re queerplatonic partners but shhhh)
Dead end job (Briefcase x Coffin)
They are getting their own post. You will wait for my madness.
Tissue Box x Coffin (I don’t think it has a name)
I view them as found/foster siblings so I don’t personally ship it myself but I do like the trope of old married couple that care a lot about each other that I usually see it presented as
But in my mind they were those siblings that always seemed to absolutely hate each other as kids and fought all the time and then mellowed out completely in their adult years and are now chill around each other
Deathbed/Foreversleep (Lamp x Coffin)
like Doomsday, I think this is one where their lessons are kinda connected in this case, by Coffins words “Death is just like an extra long nap so it’s like infinite dreams!” I think they would be friends but on more terms of “if their the only person who’s available and they wants to hang out, I’ll do it.”
They definitely have smoked weed together before. I never told you guys Coffin wasn't a stoner.
Bluescreen (Colin x Coffin)
Coffin and Colin would get along cause they’re both kinda nerdy and have a dislike for being touched out of nowhere, Coffin would actually be one of the few allowed to mess around in Colin’s digital world with him since Colin would feel comfortable enough around her and knows Coffin probably won’t install a virus in him somehow
Lethal love/Till death do us part (Shrignold x Coffin)
I’ve already talked about them being fucked up little frenemies but there is a bit of romantic subtext to it like Coffin is Shrignolds semi-lesbian awakening like Shrignold just looks at Coffin laughing or doing something and thinks “Wow, she’s pretty…” before calling themselves several slurs internally
I think that’s all the Coffin ships, that I’ve seen at least, if I missed any just tell me and I’ll put it in the comments :3
dead end job
Lethal Love
Tissue box x Coffin
literally do not hate any of these btw ship what you want idk you are welcome here
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demi-rxndxm-stxff · 18 days
I need DHMIS requests
Please. Someone send a dhmis requests. I am BURSTING with creativity! PLEASE! Anything! Including any of these ships(And possibly any others you like!): DigitalTime (Colin x Tony) LampNold (Shrignold x Lamp) FluffyBird (Harry x Duck) MeatLocker (Steak guy x Fridge) DeadEndJob (Briefcase x Coffin) CreativeSpark (Electracey x Sketchbook) Yellow Guy x Claire
And some rules: No NSFW No Hateful Art Slightly suggestive stuff is fine Please send something! My main inbox be lookin empty as fuck.
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Hello and welcome to my Dhmis au ask blog!
This blog is about asking the unfinished sketches of your fav Dhmis characters (- Warren) hence the name 'Dont Hug Me I'm Unfinished'
I'm making this blog with my friend (Who is making an Amino page) and will only be able to do 2-3 asks per day.
Please do not ask for anything sexual, you will be blocked.
Theses are the characters you can ask so far:
Red Guy
Yellow Guy
Finn (Coffin)
Brian (Briefcase)
Bella (Special one)
Lilly and Todney
These are the only characters at the moment might add more later.
We also do ships and these are the ones we will do:
DigitalTime (Tony x Colin)
DeadEndJob (Finn x Brian)
CreativeSpark (Paige x Electracy)
FluffyBird (Red Guy x Duck)
Lilly x Bella
Thats all at the moment. Below you will see the line up for the characters so far:
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I will turn on the asks when we finish the character designs. Thanks for checking us out! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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strangestcase · 2 years
listen. I love all teacher DHMIS ships but I have not yet seen any Sketchbook x Coffin ship art and I guess I’ll have to do it myself at this point. like LISTEN they are so good together they’re both nice chill people who are also profoundly weird and fucked up. They both say Tee Hee! Psychological Horror Yippee! And then they see just how more messed up the Main Trio are and go Whoa Nevermind You Guys Are Just Freaks. They WILL gossip about Duck behind his back they WILL Talk shit about him
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monthgirl · 2 years
Personal opinion on DHMIS?
well my first encounter wasn't that great since it was the gijinka tony the clock x sketchbook ship (it was really cringe to me then and still is now, But no hate to anyone who liked it. you do you). It lead me to believe that the show was just more tumblr sexy man/woman cringe. but eventually i got curious about the source marital and decided to give the web series a chance. Much to my surprise the clock and sketchbook weren't really important character they just one characters. the show creeped me out at first but not to much since I was already watching happy tree friends at the time so surprise gore didn't bug me to much. I love the main characters their all rather charming and i'm glad it got its own tv show with a bigger budget. The humour is spot on and I like mystery aspect of the show.
sidenote little theory ramble:
I have my theories about yellow guy/david (thats probably his really name.) I think that yellow is a puppet clone of Lesley real son David who die in that car accident in Mulhoven. Lesley and david maybe moved there after she divorced Roy or another Idea I have is that Lesley is yellow guy/davids adoptive mother who took custody of Yellow/David after child service removed him Roy since he might have been abusive or neglect to Yellow/david. I'd write more on this theory some other time. one last thing is the coffin teacher point to Yellow when guessing which of the friends are dead, that and yellow has a David on his outfit.
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 3 months
Exclusive royal canterlot wedding playset…dead end job coded…
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hi, me and my friend had this idea and we wanted to ask if you could do it.
Coffin (Dhmis) x Teacher Reader who is completely made of fire.
(maybe the reader can teach the dangers and the benefits of fire or something like that).
We also imagined this scene where the reader kisses Coffin on the cheek and (because he's made of wood) a kiss-shaped burn remains.
PS. Sorry if I rambled on and sorry for the bad English, but English is not my native language.
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Actually, your grammer and spelling is better than some native speakers.
-Fire teaching how dangerous fire is, is that ironic or bragging? Actually, that sounds more like a history class.
-Regardless, Coffin was of course very kind when meeting you.
-He's not one to judge appearances, but you kinda scared him at first.
-You're made out of fire, he's made out of wood. That doesn't seem to mix very well.
-I don't think that if you asked him on a date not long after meeting him it would go something thing like...
-"Oh wow, hey, I don't know you very well, so not right now, m'kay?"
- So, you'd have to get VERY well acquainted with him before you can start trying to make a move.
-After you two start actually dating, he's not as scared of you as he was before.
-The burn makes however, kinda bother him. He loves your affection and doesn't want to make it seem like he's brushing your kisses away, but he tells you to limit them since it can be sometimes painful and difficult to remove.
-He's happy you care for him so much and show him this affection, just tone it down and he'll be content.
-(I don't know what else to say)
(P.S. My requests are opening back up, I put this at the bottom for DHMIS fan to get more requests in)
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