#Diana Agron
Being in a relationship with the Unholy Trinity Headcannons
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Santana lopez:
Santana first laid eyes on you the minute she saw you in the glee club. She was very popular in school for being in the cheerios and Glee club. no one in glee really caught her eye until she saw you, you had a huge crush on the Latina cheerleader you thought you would never have a chance with her, until she spoke to you and then eventually you two got closer with each other and that when you became a real couple.
● Santana really loved you than no other, she was really glad that you're her girlfriend, Santana was so afraid to come out of the closet, but when she started dating you she didn't have a care in the world, everyone in McKinley knew that you two were dating but you didn't care at all.
● You are the only one who understands and calms Santana down when she's angry or upset.
● Santana loves singing duets with each other.
● You started joining the cheerios just to be around her.
● Santana has no problems beating someone's ass or standing up to anyone for you.
● She can be very overprotective over you and can be very jealous if she sees anyone flirting or being too close for comfort around you.
● Santana teaching you how to speak Spanish.
● Loves hanging together at breadstix Lima all the time, so you can spend more time together.
● Always sticking up for santana when the new directions gang up on her or saying anything rude because you refuse to see or hear anyone talk bad about her.
● 5 of pda but prefers it private
● a lot of physical affection like hand holding and cuddling, and you love to hear her rant about things when she's pissed or having a bad day.
● Always telling santana that you will always love get and that she's your special person.
● Both of you spoiling each other
● Never any arguments, she refuses to raise her voice at you and never violent with you she would never imagine hurting you. She loves you way too much.
● She is rude towards everyone else but a puppy towards you.
● You both can be very jealous, but that's only because you both hate thinking about being with anyone else.
● You're her number 1 fan, and she's the most talented singer in the glee club.
●Being with santana is the best thing in your life. She's confident, gorgeous, and will literally destroy anyone for you, and there's no other in the world like her.
Quinn Fabray:
Quinn first met you at cheerios practice. At first, she did not like you at all she would make rude comments or make fun of you, but that all changed once she got pregnant and joined the glee club.
● When quinn found out she was pregnant she, she was very shocked that you stood up for her and supported her after the things she said about you, but she loved how you were there for her when no one else was.
● You guys would walk each other to your classes and would talk for hours and hours and later in you two got even closer, Quinn started getting feelings for you and became an official relationship.
● She's very thoughtful. She would invite you over to her house, let you sit over at her table during lunch.
● You always go to every cheerleading competition and scream loudly just to encourage her and the rest of the Cheerios.
● She would pick you up after practice and give you a ride home and would go hang out like at her place or to the movies.
● Kids at school stopped bullying since you started dating the most popular girl in school
● Both of you being partnered in Glee club singing songs together for assignment.
● You weren't expecting a girl like quinn fabray to date you she was very distant from the start and you never thought she would pay you to any mind since she's very popular and the captain of the Cheerios.
● Quinn never really liked expressing her feeling at all and would pretend like everything is fine but she started becomg more relax and opening up to you a bit more, and became more comfortable in her own skin with you
● You love her smile,Her smile is so gorgeous.
● Quinn made a promise that one day, the two of you would get out of here and start a new life and live together and get married.
● Quinn loves you more than everything else even though the relationship was a bit rocky, but quinn is lucky to have you in her life.
Brittany S. Pierce:
You first met Brittany after being slushied in the face. You were honestly surprised that she was helping you take off the slushy off your clothes and face.
● Brittany was very nice to you she would wave at you down the hallway. She would make a lot of conversation with you even though half of the time she didn't really make any sense, but you still listened.
● You and Brittany got closer when she needed help with her chemistry homework, Brittany always doubts herself, but you always reassured her that she is smart, and that's when you guys started dating.
● You're always defending her against anyone.
● You telling something off when someone calls her stupid.
● You find it so cute how innocent and naive she is.
● She calls you unicorn.
● You were so ready to fight artie when he called her stupid.
● Alot of pda, and she's not afraid to show it.
● Makeout sessions, especially in her bedroom.
● You love watching Brittany dance she is a really awesome dancer.
● Always holding hands with you
● Lord tubbington loves you.
● Both of you listen to Britney Spears together.
● Brittany loves you so much, and you were the only one who didn't treat her like everyone else's treats her in this school, and she's happy she's with you.
(I'm rewatching glee because I stopped watching it around season 4 so I'm rewatching it so I can pick up where I left off and I had this idea in my drafts for a while so hear you go Idk if the glee Fandom is still alive?)
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gleesource · 2 years
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GLEESOURCE GET TO KNOW EVENT | fav relationship by votes
#3 - Quinn/Rachel (19 votes)
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fanfictionlord · 3 months
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meeting your boyfriends sister | Hangman fanfic ✨
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Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Amber ‘Skysolo’ Kazansky
Timeline: Post-Top Gun Maverick
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Summary: She didn’t think she would ever be nervous about something like meeting the family. She has done it plenty of times before but what happens you boyfriend Hangman Seresin’s sister comes to town?
Charcters mentioned: Elena "Enigma" Seresin, Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado, Georgia “Peach” Wells and etc.
Top Gun Maverick AU
Amber Kazansky had been though a lot in her lifetime so far. From moving around as a child to different states to watching her aunt Carol die in her teens. Hell she has seen her father go through cancer and survive it.
She has seen friends break up, others get married and move on with their lives. So it was something she was fine with.
It was part of life, meeting people and trying to see if things worked. And if they did, you meet your lover’s friends. They get to meet your parents, seeing if they approve of your relationship.
But meeting her boyfriend’s sister? That was not one of them. So imagine her surprise when she founds out she’s in town for the weekend.
She. Was. Actually. Terrified! 
Yeah she Amber has met a boyfriend or two’s brother and sister in the past. But a naval base boyfriend’s siblings? Never. Jake Seresin was her first boyfriend to be a pilot and a damn good one. Sadly he wasn’t good at breaking news like this.
Because he decided to break the news right before they went to sleep the night before. He said he had something to tell over dinner but forgot about it. But he remembered it right before he turned off the bathroom light and jumped into bed with her.
And he said it so casually too! Like it was the most normal thing in the world?! She knew he had siblings but she wasn’t expecting for her to come over to visit her in the next 24 hours.
Which lead her to find herself roughly tapping her French tips against her desk the next morning. Biting the tip of her nail on one hand as the other typed away furiously on her keyboard. She was filing in information for her father. His assistant, Mindy, sent a small stack of paperwork for her transfer over into spreadsheets within the next couple of days.
She was so focused on her laptop screen, having Rocket Man playing from her speakers, that she didn’t hear friend come in.
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Georgia smiled chatting with Bradley at the door as he gave one kiss goodbye before she walked in. She hung up her jacket and set her lunch down on table nearby, grabbing her laptop from the cart. She left it charging earlier beforehand.
“Hey Amber.” She said with a peachy grin on her face as she started rambling about her morning. It was the cutest thing. Her eyes fell onto the blonde who was only half playing attention to what happened, making the brunette pause in her tracks.
“Uhh, earth to Sky? Amber, honey? Hello?” Georgia asked, waving a hand in the air and sighed, “Kazansky!”
“Huh?! What? I’m here, sir!” She yelled snapping out of it, ripping her fingernails away from the tips of her teeths, “Oh, what’s up sweets?”
“I was talking to you and you weren’t listening. That’s what’s up! What’s going on? Your usually cracking a joke by now.”
“You know. I can be very busy, busy, busy bee!”
“Ha! No. That ain’t it. Your always on a semi-busy monthly schedule but this is different. What happened? Was it Rooster and Jen?”
“Uhh, hmm. Did Coyote say something stupid again?”
“No he didn’t. Neil didn’t do anything either.”
“Ohh was it Cyclone’s girl Valkyrie?! She’s a tough cookie!”
“No it wasn’t. Nor was it anyone else like Frostbite.”
Georgia’s eyes widen and gasped, “You and Jake had a fight? What did his sorry southern ass to do you? I’ll talk to him. I’ll get Phoenix and Frost as my backup. No one hurts my girl and gets away with it!”
Amber couldn’t help but laugh as she leaned against her chair. Peach was such a doll sometimes. Always so sweet and charmingly spiritual with the way she carried herself. She tend to get nervous and annoyed sometimes but other than that she was well..a peach!
Honestly she needed that today. A laugh from a friend.
“That’s not exactly what Jake said…it wasn’t a fight! We didn’t fight each other for anything. Oh god, I’m sweating. I don’t like this.” Amber admitted with a soft chuckle.
“Oh god something is up if you’re sweating bullets out of nervous. Come on, spill it out!” Georgia encouraged with a certain look.
“I’m meeting my boyfriends older sister today!”
“OH MY GOD! That’s great. From what I received from past relationships, that’s a good thing. That means he likes you, a lot! I’m so happy for you!”
“Now is not the time to be supportive! I’m freaking out, what if she doesn’t like me? What if she hates me and tells Jake stop dating me?! Tell him to aim higher?! That I suck! Cause technically, it’s kinda my fault I put him on a death defining mission to come back to Top Gun. Oh god she’s gonna hate me!”
Georgia stood there with her jaw dropped onto the damn floor. This was one of the first time she ever seen Amber Nic Kazansky in such a frenzy. This woman was always cool, calm and collected from the moment she met her. Giving her advice, by saying if everything is okay and sending a message to everyone on deck she meant every word she ever said.
Yeah sure, she had her moments where she lost her cool like an X-Men during a fight with Wolverine or something. Living up to her callsigns. Like when Jake and Bradley were arguing in the classroom or when Cyclone refused to listen to her and Maverick during the missions they went on.
But this?!
Here she stood in her office freaking out over meeting the family. It was honestly kinda hilarious to her. If she wasn’t such a good friend she would’ve recorded this and sent this whole thing as a video to the group chat.
But honestly it was cute though. It reminded people like her that the Kazansky family was just as human as the rest of them.
It was Georgia turn to calm her down.
“Hey, Amber. Amber, honey look at me. Look at me. Good. Just relax you’re gonna be fine.” Georgia encouraged, holding her shoulders.
“Wh-how? Sorry. How did you react to meeting Jen? She’s practically like a sister to Rooster.” Amber replied, taking a breath.
“Yeah well, I was freaking out cause her dad is sorta a legit legend, but I found her that she’s a total goofball. So maybe eh-what’s her name?”
“Right, pretty name. Maybe Elena is the same way, just some cool chick. So go on, your gonna be late.”
“But what if she doesn’t like me and Jake didn’t say anything about me? Oh god what if she hates blondes?”
“Ok, now your rambling. Relax, you just gotta prove why your the first Mrs. Hangman. That ring on your fingers means something, right?”
“Right. Right..i yeah, I got this.”
“You got this! Now go on, I have a meeting with Wraith now.”
“Okay but..”
She didn’t have a moment to say anything else because Georgia practically pushed her out the door. She could’ve sworn she’s rubbing off on the brunette with her actions. Amber relaxed her shoulders, she was right. Elena probably a cool girl, relaxed and lay back.
But she was also beauty.
She seen the picture of her last night before she went to sleep. She was stunning with beautiful long blonde hair, pretty eyes glowing like a goddess of the sun and a lovely smile that take someone’s breath away. From just her pictures she seemed like the best women in the world.
A ray of sunshine wrapped up in pretty dress.
Hell she wanted to date her!
The moment Amber entered the cafeteria, her heart stopped. She saw her.
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God she was even prettier in person. Laughing in mid conversation with Frostbite—Rachel, chatting about god knows what. 
Elena was enjoying herself greatly. It made her smile.
Her outfit was so sweet, her smile was sung by as she laughed and her makeup made her shine.
Amber pushed her hair out of face walking over to the pair who sat at the table, chatting about they’re active services. Once she got closer she heard them a lot clearer.
“Oh stop it!” Elena said mid laugh waving her hand, “You’re the one who got her first air to air kill last week. You should be overjoyed! It’s amazing.”
“Ok it’s not as cool as you! Yeah sure, Jenny and Wraith encouraged me to do it but still.” Rachel added with a chuckle, “You have been to so many different places. That’s awesome.”
Both girls acknowledge her walking over to them.
Frost smiled sheepishly and chuckles, “Hey, have you met Elena? She’s new.”
“No, I haven’t.” Amber repiled with a soft smile turning to the blonde, “Hi.”
“Hey.” Elena said with a smile, “Nice dress.”
“T-thanks. So is yours, I love the pattern!”
“Thank you! I got it from H&M, big sale last month.”
Rachel got a phone call and realized it was one of their friends, excusing herself as she left with a small wave. That left both women to stand there awkwardly chuckling, before Elena realized what her was name again. She remembered her brother telling that her that his girlfriend worked here in the building.
She assumed this was her? But she could be wrong.
So she smiled pointing to the seat in front of her and said, “Sit. Please. Sorry I’m a little nervous, which is rare because I’m not like this.”
“It’s fine, I’m nervous too. Jake has told me about you.” Amber repiled with a smile, sitting down across from her. 
“Ohhh! You’re his girlfriend? I’m sorry, he didn’t even show me a picture of you, just told me your name. He just told me that I’ll probably bump into you today.”
“Hahaha! He told me the same thing, he can silly sometimes.”
“No, he can be an idiot sometimes.”
Both girls chuckled breaking the ice a bit.
“He just said, ‘hey since your coming here for the weekend! Come meet my girlfriend.’ That’s all he said.” Elena explained with a chuckle, “I was supposed to be here last week but my boss decided to change my schedule.”
“No, it’s okay! Things happen, my schedule ain’t always the clearest either. Literally Jake just threw that information at me last night so casually. I was freaking out…I mean, you sound cool according him.” Amber repiled as she shyly smile.
Elena found it cute. How did her brother get a someone like her? She seemed so sweet and honestly pretty nice. She felt bad she didn’t get information from her baby brother beforehand, she was completely clueless about this girl.
But it a good thing in her opinion, a clean slate.
“Sounds like him, she tends to tell people stuff and never make himself clear. He’s like a bird strike, I guess.” Elena said with a smile, thinking about all the times her little brother messed up.
“Oh your correct. He knocks someone off course and brings you along for the right. But it’s a nice ride.” Amber added thinking about something and smile, “How about we start over?”
“How so?”
“It’s kinda been a long week for us and I think we should just relax..”
“I like that. Actually I love that! Good idea.”
Amber smiled holding out her hand for the blonde to shake and said, “Hi, I’m Amber Nic Kazansky. Very nice to meet you, Ms. Seresin.”
“Haha! Nice to meet you too, Ms. Kaz—” Elena replied, stopping herself realizing what she just heard and laughed, “Wait! Kazansky?! You’re the Admiral’s daughter?”
“Hahaha yes. Why? I’m sorry that last name kinda surprises people.”
“Surprises people?! How did-? No offense, but i thought the admiral’s kid would have guards nearby or something…sorry.”
It was Elena’s turn to become shocked and a bit nervous but excited all at the same time.
She didn’t know her baby brother was dating the admiral’s kid?! For how long, she didn’t know. He aimed high! Respectfully, she would date an admiral’s kid too if they let her. Even steal her brother’s girlfriend off his hands!
She was impressed. Very impressed.
Amber chuckled, “It’s okay. People like to make rumors around here.”
“Real question, how did my brother pull you? No offense, but he’s a little stupid.” Elena replied with a laugh.
“I guess I like ‘em a little dumb.”
“Oh I like you.”
“Hahaha, the Seresin siblings are one of a kind.”
“And clearly my brother has good taste in women. He got it from me! Where do you work?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing!”
“You first.”
“Okay um. I’m a training officer for recruitment here. I overlook plenty of paperwork for research, send people on missions and organize them.”
“Lieutenant, huh? Respect. I’ll love to see your office some time.”
“What about you?”
“Oh! I work as a lead engineer at the aerospace engineering firm.”
“Wait! Really? That’s so damn so cool.”
“Thanks! I worked on designing cutting-edge aircraft with advanced maneuvering capabilities. All kind of planes.”
“How have we not met before?”
“I have no idea.”
“My uncle Mav, he was the one to worked with you guys for a project a while back. Uh, The Darkstar projects?”
“Yes! That was him?! Everyone was talking about it! He reached so high on the list that day and survived being ejected.”
Both girls laughed, kept chatting and smiling the whole time.
Amber decided to walk her around the building and probably head out to lunch later on. Elena smiled liking that idea very much, holding the door for her as they walked out of the room. Realizing they had nothing to worry about, it was all Jake’s fault that they were so nervous in the first place.
Little did they know Jake Seresin was sitting across the room with Rachel, Javy and Neil watching the whole thing, with his jaw on the floor. He glad they didn’t hate each other or anything but he wasn’t expecting for it to go so well.
Neil was laughing at his reaction and muttering, “Your screwed now.”
“W-what just happened?” Jake asked, sipping his glasses of a water.
Rachel snorted, “I think your sister just stole your girl. Honestly i don’t blame Amber, she’s cool. I’ll date her.”
That was when Jenny walked in with a smirk hearing her and asked, “Who would you date, Frosty?”
“Uh huh? What? Shut up, I’mma shut up now.” Rachel said, rested her head on her shoulder.
“Weirdo.” Jenny repiled with a scoff, grins at Javy and asks, “What we talking about?”
Javy grinning back and chuckles, “The Seresin siblings.”
“I made a huge mistake letting my sister and girlfriend meet, didn’t I?” Jake added downing his drink with a sigh.
His friends just laughed.
Thanks for reading this one! Tell me what did you think about it?
Remember to like, comment and share ✈️
Tags: @mandylove1000 @gaminggirlsstuff @hanlueluver @gcthvile @topgun-imagines @hangmanbrainrot @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @whitewiccan @msrochelleromanofffelton @buckysteveloki-me @djs8891 and etc
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dumpitos · 1 year
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Taurus Woman; like if save or use
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daily-celeb-photos · 9 days
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Diana Agron
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Lone wolf (Quinn fabray x fem-reader)
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Warning: fluff, bullying, angst
My family was an immigrant family from Italy. My sister and me were the only American citizen in my family. We were also the only two who could speak English fluently. My dad was on a work visa from Germany and my mom was on a work visa from Italy.
I had always made it through school without being noticed. All I wanted to do was make it through the four years of high school. Living in Lima, Ohio is never easy. Especially when I didn’t have any friends. My home life wasn’t easy my family struggled a lot with money. We would live paycheck to paycheck. My mom had issues with what my father said was shopping. But it was really an addiction to drugs and drinking. I tried to never be a burden to anyone. I just tried making it out of high school which was never gonna happen I had several failed classes that I needed to catch up on and pass. I didn’t know if I would be making it out of fucking Lima Ohio. I didn’t even know if I wanted to graduate. There’s several jobs that don’t need me to graduate or my dad’s boss had dropped out of high school and made himself a million dollar business.
On the other hand my sister was a Cheerio. She was popular. She was dating a football player Matt Rutherford. She was friends with the unholy trinity although she was a year younger than them. They accepted her and treated her like a little sister. Her and Matt met last year when he was a freshman and she was an 8th grader. She was at cheerleading camp and performed at one of the games. She seemed to be the perfect kid straight A’s and just all together Straight. Unlike me who was a raging Lesbian loner with tattoos and piercings.
It was the first day of my senior year. As I got dressed in a leather crop top, a leather skirt and a heavy leather jacket. I ran across the hallway to wake up my sister. I sat on her bed and shook her.
“Hope! It’s time to wake up.” I told her
“Ugh… do I have too.” She pleaded
“Yes, come on we both are in the only two years of highschool that are good.” I replied “we have to leave in 30 minutes. I’m gonna run down the street to the convenient store and grab us some breakfast. Well you put your make up on.”
I ran down to the convenient store and picked us both up some donuts and got us some milk (choose whatever milk you like or change it if your lactose intolerant) I got myself a strawberry banana milk and my sister some chocolate. I went up to the counter to pay. I headed back to the car and went back home to grab my sister. She was already outside waiting for me. As I drove her to school we sang along to the radio. We had a twenty minute drive to school so we sang everything from AC/DCs Thunderstruck to Bon Jovi’s You give love a bad name. But as soon as we arrived at school she had me drop her off a block away so that she would not be seen with me. I drove into the senior lot almost hitting a couple of Jocks throwing kids into a dumpster.
I kept my head down all day like usual. Until I got cornered in the library by my Spanish teacher after school well I was studying. Well I was actually waiting for my sister. I was excepting that he wanted to talk to me about Spanish. But instead he showed me a video of me in middle school singing in my choir. He asked me if I would join his stupid glee club. I said no of course. Why would I join a stupid club let alone the glee club. I was walking out the school when I saw some kids in the choir room singing and what apparently they think is dancing. I stopped and stood there for a second before a girl with a really big smile waved at me. God I hated happy people I walked away and got in my car and drove a block away to pick my sister up.
“How was cheer practice?” I asked her
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t talk to losers like you.” She told me
“Okay, Lupa.” I said
“Verliererin”she said
(Translate) Lupa: Bitch (Italian)
Verliererin: Loser (German)
I got home and went to bed. There was no point in staying up the only thing that it would lead to is me getting yelled at but of course I still got yelled out.
Our mother came storming into my room at 1:00am screaming at me. “ (Nessuno ti amerà mai né si prenderà cura di te. Sei una puttana e una stronza, sei fortunato che lascio vivere a casa mia anche un frocio come te. So solo che sei facile da battere.) Nobody will ever love you or care about you. You’re a whore and a cunt you’re lucky I’m even letting a fag like you live in my home. I just know that you’re easy to beat.”
As she left my bedroom I heard her go upstairs and go to her room. I went upstairs and went out to my car I just went for a drive to see how far I could get. I didn’t stop driving til I got tired. At that point I had Passed the border I wasn’t sure what direction I was going in. But I had hit Michigan at some point a couple hours ago. It was way past the start of school but I couldn’t go back. I couldn’t get what my mom said out of my head. It hurt so much I knew that she didn’t like me but I did not think that she would say it to my face. I got a text from Matt saying that he had brought my sister to school.
I had stayed away for a couple days staying at a hotel. Well I was staying there one day I was exploring and I discovered that there was a good lesbian bar that was near by the hotel. I didn’t drink much but I met some people that were like me and it felt good for the first time in along time.
When I came back I drove into the senior lot I didn’t attend much of my classes I attended my history class and spent the rest of the time in the only place that I never get interrupted the auditorium. I don’t why but it was always the place that I felt the safest. I looked up when I heard talking I saw those group of kids from the choir room a football player. I think his name was Fish I have no clue I wasn’t paying attention when Matt introduced them to me and my sister. When they started singing I heard the happiness in their voice. It sounded like the really wanted to be there. I looked up to see Mr. Schue standing next to me also watching them. He said some shit I guess he was gonna leave (which wouldn’t be the worse thing) I don’t even think he knows Spanish.
Why was I so happy in that moment. Maybe it was cause I was seeing a group of kids who the world hadn’t damaged yet. Just having fun maybe I realized …
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othergaywarbler · 9 months
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fancyschmancyopinions · 7 months
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DIANA ARGON at the 2023 NYC Fall Ballet Gala on October 5th 2023 wearing CAROLINA HERRERA
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Achele song of the day.
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cowboylikeco · 1 year
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hi gaylors!! it's @cowboylikeco from gaylor twt. 💘🌼🌈
my name is co, i use she/they pronouns, & i'm 25.
please reblog to help me find my twitter mutuals (& any new gaylor friends!) since twitter is rapidly declining 🫠
i haven't been on tumblr since like 2014 so idk what this blog is gonna look like but it's safe to say it will mostly be about gaylorism, plus some content about these hot women who rule my life:
taylor (obviously), olivia rodrigo, renée rapp, fletcher, kelsea ballerini, lizzy mcalpine, sabrina carpenter, chappell roan, ariana grande, miley cyrus, lady gaga, beyoncé, etc.
my favorite taylor song: maroon
my favorite taylor album: fearless (taylor’s version)
kk i think that's all for now!! love u stay gay xoxo
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mymilovesfashion · 10 months
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[2023 year in review ~ Vogue CS]
JAN - Bente Oort, Ismael Savane, Teo Bates
FEB - Carmen Kass
MAR - Aweng Chuol, Maty Drazek
APR - Carmen Dell'Orefice, Daphne Groeneveld
MAY - Alida Aciu, Debra Shaw, Lily Vander Meeden, Roberta Pecoraro
JUN - Luna Bijl, Tereza Maxová, Burak Oymen, Karolina Kurkova
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JUL - Diana Agron, Fan Bing Bing, Dita von Teese, Marie Tomanova
AUG - Elle Macpherson
SEP - Abbey Lee, Alyda Grace, Amanda Murphy
OCT - Driver, Karolina Capkova, Michaela Kocianova
NOV - Giselle Norman
DEC - Daniela Kocianova
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jackiequick · 1 year
—A little distraction wouldn’t hurt | Hangman Fic 🏖
Top Gun Maverick Au ☀️
Summary: When Jake wants something he gets it, even if it means he has to embarrass himself or the lady he loves a little.
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Amber ‘Skysolo’ Kazansky, Hangman x OC
Requested: Yes or no
Fic length: Short.
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It was a breezing warm Thursday afternoon in the middle of July. The building was constantly being used up as a way to conduct a way to cool off for the people who worked there the entire week. And today was no different, expect for the fact that the workload wasn’t the best.
Usually Amber Kazansky can get it done, especially with her wingwoman by her side. But today Georgia ‘Peach’ Wells decided it was the best idea to spend a day at the beach instead with their friends. Nor did Jennifer Mitchell stopped by for a quick game. She couldn’t blame them, it was a nice day to stay laying down as the sun kissed your skin. In result, she was left alone with a laptop and paperwork to be hand picked then signed.
Her glasses slipped down her nose every time, she pushed back to the rim of her nose like it was a game. Music softly played from the radio, a random list of summer songs, as she tapped her foot. Amber was so engrossed in her files, she didn’t hear the knock on the door or for it being opened for that matter.
The door slowly swung open gently as the smell of sprinkled oranges and light lemon filled up the room. In came Jake Seresin wearing a brown collared shirt, jeans and sneakers as well as his classic black sunglasses.
He smiled at the lady in question, “Hey.”
“Hey.” She gave a short reply, typing up a email not even glancing up at the man.
“You look cute. New frames?”
“Wanna take a break?”
“Can’t. Just started getting in line with these emails.”
Jake sighed, the whole time she didn’t even give him a glance or a smile. He thought for a moment asking if she wanted a beer or anything, it was a simple ‘no’ in response. He shrugged saying he’ll be back in half an hour and left for work.
Half an hour later she was still at it. Emails, phone calls, note taking for updates on new posts and other messages. Jake tried to distract her by rubbing her shoulder, getting her a glass of water and a snack to share, running his fingers cross her blonde hair and pretending to start organizing the office to catch her attention.
The man even sang along to the lyrics of a song from the radio.
Amber only looked up once or twice with a smile, giving him a sweet reply. Even a laugh came from her lips, which result in Jake laughing whole heartily.
But nothing that truly distracted her writing and or anything majorly strong enough to get her from standing up from her chair. Then Jake smirked. He knew actually how to distract his ladybug and get her blushing in the process, possibly. Honestly he didn’t know how he didn’t think about it earlier today, especially since it wouldn’t be the first time he done this. Well the other times were by accident, but this one would be on pure purpose and full conscious of what he will be doing.
Amber Kazansky was in the middle of a virtual meeting with other recruiters along with officers and captains to discuss plans transfer of planes, aviators and missions.
The women was pacing back and forth behind her desk, was knee deep with a conversation with Captain Wraith and Ark could new transfer students with a smile on her face.
“Ah yes i was thinking we could transfer Lieutenant Sugar Lopez here this week from Chicago over to the Northwest while Lieutenant Summit and the others take over here?” Amber asked glancing up from her paperwork.
Ark nodded from her square box on the computer screen, liking the ideas as she planned to rearrange a few shipments of flyers to California next weekend for work.
Wraith nodded running his fingers crossed his curls and said, “Okay good. Uh, Air Boss Johnson requesting to ship out Maverick and Valkyrie to the eastern side of the bay. How are dealing with this plan? He wants both siblings but Johnson hates Maverick for a reason I don’t care to know.”
Ark came up with a good suggestions onto how the plan could go as Wraith disused the idea, bouncing from one topic to another. A few peoples jumped in, chatting and comment about it all. Amber was half listening, taking notes that will be needed later for Cyclone and the Vice Admirals, adding a simple comment or two.
Amber stood up bend over her desk, writing down notes she gave to the Captains, Officers and Commanders with recruiters who joined in later on during the meeting. She heard her creamy white door swing open softly as the blonde Lieutenant walked in once again. She already figured it was Jake again picking up a forgotten item he must’ve left behind earlier.
Her eyes filled from the notepad and slowly her gaze fell onto the sight in front of her. Hangman had a outfit change. His signature sunglasses were laying perfectly on his face, he was wearing short instead of his dark jeans and his shirt was well…nonexistent.
Amber had to blink twice to make sure she was seeing this right. She must be dreaming right?
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, Lieutenant to the Dagger Squad with two air to air kills, add the confidence and audacity to walk down the hallways of a Navy building shirtless?! Like as if it was the beach?!
“OH! Don’t mind me, sweetheart. Just looking for my baseball cap, i think i felt it in your closet.” Jake said in a whisper grinning brightly as he looked around the closet behind the door.
His silly grin. His abs being kissed from the sun rays from the window. His slightly messy hair and nicely framed facial hair from not shaving the last few days. Hangman was known for being a goofy man from time to time, so this was normal. But not today, he was doing this on purpose.
Amber was stuck in a trace and groaned, the curse of the naval aviator during the summer time! Acting like smooth criminals.
Her named was called out by Wraith snapping her out of her trace as a few recruiters asked a couple of things. Amber’s eyes reverted back to her screen and hummed, “Yeah I’m still here..still here.” She went back to her conversation with the others on call.
The whole time Jake stood there pretending to looks for his baseball cap, which he already found but stayed looking like a idiot, still searching for it. His eyes stayed brightly lit with a smirk, pacing around the room pretending to search for something else.
He spoke with a random question, “Hey, i was thinking of buying a new volleyball this summer? You know, before we play me and the guys can do some push-ups too. Get all warmed up.”
She forgot her microphone wasn’t turned down and turned to him, “Honey I’m in the middle of a meeting..”
“But sweetheart, you didn’t answer my question. A new volleyball or football? Oh that sounds way better!”
“Both. And put a shirt on please..”
“Good and no. I’m heading to the gym later and then the beach.”
Jake strutted over with a rather cheeky smile and chuckled seeing the blush slowly rise on her face. Amber tried to look away, glancing at her computer wanting to stay professional as possible.
Hangman stopped himself from looping his finger underneath her chin, fully aware about the cameras on them and just smiles, “And i want you to join us.”
“But I’m working.” She winced with a matching smile blushing embarrassed, due to noticing a few recruiters looking at her from their screen.
“I promise you will have fun, sweetie. Beside you get to hang out with me and the daggers!”
“Stop trying to convince me!”
“Ah, so it’s working!”
“You can’t resist the aviator charming sweetheart, give up!”
“Jacob Seresin!”
A few recruiters smiled quietly. Ark smirked, Wraith rolled his eyes and some commanders teased quietly to themself.
Even Sunset was on the call later on and no one notice her appearance until she’s asked, “Honey care to introduce us to him?”
Amber mentally cursed herself and sigh, laughing a bit, “Why yes! This is Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. Him and his sister are highly respected here at the naval academy.”
Jake grinned brightly giving everyone on the call a two finger salute and said, “Hello there ladies and gentlemen!”
You could notice a few people in the call trying their hardest not to laugh and blush at the sight. The older generation rolled their eyes and laughed hard, they’re very much used it this due to the interrupted meetings.
The conversation between the group kept happening as Hangman gave a nice lighthearted opinion or two on the discussion at hand, listening in and commenting on the matter. Amber took notes tossing her idiot boyfriend a t-shirt to cover up.
Eventually the meeting came to a close as everyone saying goodbye and scheduling the next meeting for the upcoming weekend.
Amber sighed in relief with a smile, “And done! I’mma go change and we can-”
Jake grinned brightly and grabbed her hand, practically dragging them out the door as he yelled, “No need! I have your all stuff in the car.”
“Wait what—?!”
Thank you so much for reading! Tell me, what did you think about it? ✈️
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Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @topgun-imagines @levijeanqueen @letsgotothefantasyworlds-blog @t-nd-rfoot @morgan108 @djs8891 @msrochelleromanofffelton @hangmanbrainrot @theloveoftoms @hanlueluver @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 @starkleila @gcthvile @buckysteveloki-me and etc
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
GLEE premiered on FOX 15 years ago today
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dianaa70 · 25 days
Ben yola gelmem yol bana gelsin'
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