malkomroids · 28 days
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roids101com · 2 years
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That's one way to get massive without sacrificing your health because of overdosing — and still getting them gains.
P.S. It doesn't work if you don't work hard in the gym and eat God damn properly!
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steroids0247 · 1 year
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What are you fitness goals?
Bulking or Cutting?
Dm for recommendations @steroids0247
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roidsjay · 2 years
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Dm for your Cycle guidance and gear
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adamsblogmuscu · 2 years
What do you need to know about Dianabol in bodybuilding?
A very popular doping product, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid widely used in the body-building world. Also known as D-bol, Danabol or Methandrostenolone, it is strictly forbidden for consumption and resale in most countries.
Despite its prohibition and health hazards, many bodybuilders use this product to gain muscle mass and strength faster. The results are certainly incredible, but not without consequences.
Dianabol pills (or methandrostenolone) is the grandfather of doping in modern bodybuilding. Many famous celebrities admit to having used this product during their bodybuilding career in the 60s and 70s, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, who explained that his performance on the weight bench was closely linked to dianabol.
The creation of this steroid dates back to the late 50s. Moreover, it is still used in bodybuilding. John Ziegler, an American doctor, created and developed Dianabol in 1958 in Basel at the Ciba laboratory (now part of the huge Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis).
Originally developed to treat certain diseases, the Americans did not hesitate to use methandienone at the Olympic Games to boost the performance of their team in order to compete against the Russians, who also used anabolic steroids. The Cold War even existed in bodybuilding!
Why is Dianabol used in Bodybuilding?
The scientific community has repeatedly pointed to the negative effects of Dianabol on the body. In addition to harmful effects on the liver, the "miracle" steroid is said to significantly increase blood pressure. 
To clarify all this, scientists have conducted a study on a population of athletes, with the aim of finding a dosage to limit the side effects.
Conducted in the 1980s, the study consisted of administering 100 mg of Dianabol daily to athletes. Of course, this dosage allowed the athletes to maximize their gains in muscle mass, knowing that they would have gained up to 7 kg of muscle, without increasing their fat mass. 
However, the study did not only show the positive effects of the steroid: there were also adverse effects on natural testosterone production and plasma GH levels.
Dianabol is a very common doping product in the world of body-building that is mostly taken orally. There is an Dianabol injection, but it is more difficult to obtain.
It is an anabolic steroid, a class of steroid hormones connected to testosterone.
Like all anabolic steroids, it will provide two effects once consumed:
An androgenic effect: that is, it will exacerbate male traits and characteristics;
An anabolic effect that promotes muscle anabolism for better muscle mass development.
Advantages of Dianabol steroid
You want to make a weight gain intensive? Are you looking for a supplement to maintain your earnings, between two cycles? Then a Dianabol cure is for you. Indeed, Dianabol will provide you with rapid and significant growth in your muscle mass.
The Dianabol cure is very popular among bodybuilders. And this is not surprising because this product allows acquiring muscles in a short time. The effects of the cure are as follows:
A significant muscle growth: this effect is primarily due to the nitrogen. Dianabol promotes the retention of this element which is necessary for the development and renewal of muscles. By retaining it in the body, the product allows a faster and more important muscle growth.
Protein synthesis and nutrients: Dianabol has above all an anabolic effect. And this is somehow related to its ability to stimulate the production of insulin by the body. For information, it is a functional protein that is involved in the muscle building process. Insulin pushes the muscle cells to feed themselves by provoking their opening. Otherwise, this element is also involved in protein synthesis.
An important weight loss: Dianabol also causes what is called "hydrosodic retention phenomenon". At the end of the treatment, the athlete loses weight.
Finally, it is good to know that Dianabol is often used alone. However, it also happens that some athletes stack it with other products, which can improve the effect or target certain specific points.
Dianabol Cycle Information and Dosage
Dianabol is mainly presented in the form of pills to be taken orally and the cycles vary from one practitioner to another. It all depends on the level. Dosages vary from 20mg per day to 80mg maximum depending on the level. The Dianabol cycle fluctuate between 4 and 8 weeks maximum.
Some will spread the dosage over the day in two or three doses while others will take the daily amount in one dose 30 minutes before their workout.
If you consume the maximum amount of Dianabol (i.e. 80mg per day), your cycle should not exceed 6 weeks. It is also important to take a break between cycles. This break must be equal to the duration of the cycle (at least). 
Indeed, in addition to being dangerous for the health of the liver and the heart, Dianabol disrupts the hormonal system. It will then be more difficult to have a normal and natural secretion of testosterone.
For example, a beginner can take 10 mg per day: Either 10mg 30 minutes before the beginning of the workout or 5 mg in the morning to 5 mg at the end of the day.
For the intermediate profiles, generally the doses gravitate around 30 to 40 mg per day in one intake up to three intakes.
As for the confirmed bodybuilders, they will take doses up to 80 mg per day over a period of six weeks maximum.
Dianabol is often used as a "kick start" on a course of treatment before switching to other steroids. That is to say that it is used just at the beginning of a cycle to boost its power before switching to another product. In fact many bodybuilders combine DBOL with other products.
Where to buy Dianabol ?
Behind Dianabol, we find the active ingredient methandrostenolone, a powerful anabolic that has the particularity of being very weakly bound to the protein associated with serum. 
The compound therefore boosts protein synthesis to promote the production of new cells, which will then be used for muscle building. You can find Dianabol for sale online.
To explain the worldwide success of Dianabol, it is important to know that most injectable steroids only release their active ingredients after the second or third week of the treatment cycle. With the famous Dianabol, the results will be visible from the first three days of treatment.
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naposimkaufen · 2 years
Inzwischen, so schätzen Experten, ist jeder fünfte Amateur-Athlet in Deutschland gedopt. Freizeitsportler diskutieren im Internet offen die Vorzüge von Testosteron, Epo und anderen Präparaten.
"Mollekus" hat ein Problem - und nicht nur mit der Rechtschreibung: " Ich bin fussballer, das heißt, ich hab 3 mal die woche training und am wochenende ein spiel und mach natürlich auch bodybuilding. wenn ich jetzt eine dianabol kur machen würde, würde ich dadurch eine schlechter kondition haben?"
Doping-Pillen: Große Nachfrage auch bei Freizeitsportlern
"Mollekus" ist das Pseudonym eines unbekannten Freizeitsportlers aus Deutschland, der im Internet-Forum einer populären Bodybuilding-Homepage Hilfe sucht bei einer Frage, die anscheinend viele Hobby-Athleten umtreibt: Wie dope ich mich am besten? Auf eine Antwort musste der fußballernde Bodybuilder bei seiner nächtlichen Anfrage am 5. Juli übrigens nicht lange warten. Schon eine halbe Stunde später beschied ihm "Horowitz": "Auf DBol wird Dir das Laufen schwerfallen, weil sich die Muskeln so dramatisch aufpumpen. Das ist kein geeignetes Steroid für Fußballer."
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bodybuildingstore-2 · 2 years
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aealtd · 3 days
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One of the best treatment for Anaemia #Anadrol, read more here https://www.aea.ltd/product/oxymetholone-powder/
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healthlineonline · 11 days
Whether you are new to anabolic steroids or a seasoned user, Turanabol is a versatile option that deserves consideration, particularly when purchased from trusted sellers like British Dragon Pharmaceuticals. Unlike other oral steroids, this one does not because of so many side effects; instead keeps things normal. Bodybuilders who buy Turanabol USA use it in the off-season to have packs of muscles.
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justinmiller12 · 22 days
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🔥 Power up your fitness journey! Dianabol delivers smart growth with top-notch protection. 💪
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steroidyeu · 25 days
British Dispensary Dianabol
British Dispensary Dianabol is known for its fast muscle-building, low side effects, and versatility in training and competition. Bodybuilders and sportsmen trust its history and efficacy. Dianabol, like any supplement, should be used cautiously and under medical supervision to maximise benefits and minimise hazards.
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steroidmart · 29 days
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Experience the power of Sustanon 250 for increased muscle mass and improved performance. Get yours today! 🚀
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roidsjay · 2 years
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Let’s keep going
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vibryrossomdig · 1 month
Beställ Dianabol Online | vibryrossomdig.com
Dianabol, även känd som methandrenolone, är en typ av anabol steroid som används specifikt för att förbättra muskeltillväxt och styrka. Beställ Dianabol online idag från vibryrossomdig.com.
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roidsmaster01 · 7 months
Dianabol Oil Injection
Dianabol Oil Injection is well-liked by many users because of its strong anabolic effects, which can provide noticeable gains in muscle mass and strength in a short amount of time. Because of its quick acting nature, it's perfect for launching bulking cycles, showing effects in a matter of weeks.
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naposimkaufen · 2 years
Metandienon, unter anderem bekannt als Dianabol, wurde ursprünglich als Medikament zur Behandlung von Wachstumsstörungen und anderen Erkrankungen entwickelt. Da es das Muskelwachstum und die Proteinsynthese fördert, verwenden es einige Sportler als Dopingmittel. Metandienon kann aber wie viele andere anabole Steroide schwere Nebenwirkungen verursachen, wenn es nicht richtig angewendet wird.
Mögliche Nebenwirkungen von Metandienon
Metandienon fördert zwar den Muskelaufbau und damit die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit, birgt aber einige Risiken. Händler, bei denen man Medikamente wie Dianabol kaufen kann, spielen die Risiken oft herunter, aber besonders die unkontrollierte Einname kann zu einigen Nebenwirkungen führen. Dazu zählen:
Hoher Blutdruck
Hemmung der natürlichen Testosteronproduktion
Aufgrund der Nebenwirkungen ist Metandionon heute in den meisten Ländern nicht mehr als Medikament zugelassen. Die Verwendung als Dopingmittel ist ebenfalls verboten.
Wie Nebenwirkungen zu vermeiden sind
Sie können unerwünschte Wirkungen von Dianabol vermeiden, indem Sie die niedrigste mögliche Dosis nehmen und diese auch nur für möglichst kurze Zeit. Am besten wäre es im Hinblick auf die Nebenwirkungen, auf dieses Steroid ganz zu verzichten.
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