smexeh · 3 months
who here is doing artfight
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gamerplusdotorg · 1 month
Idioms For Idiots
A d20 dice table 1. I bit my tongue 2. a stitch in time saves nine 3. butter side up 4. stupid is as stupid does 5. a rose is a rose 6. I let him have it 7. has the cat got your tongue? 8. don't look a gift horse in the mouth 9. the squeaky wheel gets the grease 10. live and let live 11. if it ain't broke don't fix it 12. it's the singer not the song 13. young and in love 14. let it slide 15. an apple a day keeps the doctor away 16. if you don't play you can't win 17. the cow's in the corn 18. closing the barn door after the horse is out 19. you don't want to know how the sausage is made 20. winners never quit and quitters never win
By Hairy Larry on Inspired Unreality - CC BY
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artificiallymade · 2 months
sleepless 66
thunderstruck, nightmare at 4 o clock.saying 100k im gonna die, gonna be dead, sonna go. oft the earch, world Bonna go without me. someone gonna fil1 the space - filled, someone 1s gonna dance on the floor i used to rock n roll to. rock n roll slow to. someone wil1 f11l my slot, put the l under my dot, get off on my rocks, gotta take a leak gotta take a shit, no 1 cant get up l got a cramp and god its hot after a rainstorm when you wake alone at 4 an then its 4110, you know when, pacing linoleum, when the tiles on the floor f111 you with anxlety, gotta pee pee, gotta pretend In speeding like highway 61, motoreycle sunglass, mexican whorelass, corre aereD my darling. coldeye dleat boot. now look how well im hung dung, watch me snort a crystal ball, ooga mooga mirror loeskate, me surrealist beatniki
I sport my shades/ 1 dig bob dylan/ I like food/ thats not to filling/ the bible/ is too heavy for me.
end of theme song im heading for a fall. Im a fall guy im a fall gown, im a fallen arm im a fallen elm. timber ta yoga. little brown boys chant chant: baby your so beautiful but you got to die someday, oh no le it really possible rainstorm? am I really gonna die. everything rades/ evaporates like genii, already the first word thunderstruck is gone, dead, how can
- keep WORDS moving inuect Quickl ill record everything. its dark no im wrong its dawn i have my shades on. its cool its ok theyre prescription, keep the light dart lame arrow out. so i can get the moment get the movement spread it all out full house mayonaise, record player on. dylan sings queen jane. the words a bandana and complain, oops record skips. good i heard that song enough keep moving, was that a throw of the dicet no baby its sugar teeth crumbling, spit them out everyone of them, got a controll headache just keep on pushing ecedrin. jumpy bean queen see me slug another quart of coffee, blood
like chicary, oh dont turn away honey. a bud is not a false flower. ya gotta give it time time, gotta beat time, gotta kiss cowardice, oh corrections howard ice, hes the real cream bomb in my life, ice is nice and hes cold exposed crystal pill pill, beter to slip that speed in better to keep time within. better to record the speech of phantoms. jim morrison, our leather lamb, how we, betrayed him, turned our back on him. this is the end our beautiful friend. no wait I had a dream Mr. King. jim morrison is alive and racing wich time. he who hesitates le fates, he site erect. typing tran ; latinga his final stolen sensations into Language, Into the
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i-wanna-be-skinny27 · 4 months
So our teacher have diceted that the class is going to the beach next month. I have a month to become pretty and i cant fuck my body up whit cuts....(would help to make myself starve)
Im going insane😌👍🏻
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tunesinthetaberna · 4 months
Copiae Horribilium Historiarum - Carolus Secundus, Rex Gemmae [2010 CE]
Meus nomen est, Meus nomen est, Meus nomen est, Carolus secundus!
Amo civitatem Et amant civitatis me, Tantum ut restituerunt regnum Britannici!
Partim Caledonius Galliusque Italiusque Paulum Danius Sed plane celebratio-fera, Vinum?
Spaniels amavi Qui nomini sunt quod me Quasi ego, ludi fuerunt Cum insano capillo!
Hodiene meus natus dies est? Revocare non possum, Celebrationem porro habeamus, Quod amo rem-personam-indutam!
Omnes salutete, rex, Divitiarum! Canemus! Tintinnantes, ding ding, Rex sum, qui celebrationes rettuli!
Rex Carolus, meus pater, Solium amisit, et reges interdicti sunt, Caput eius detruncaverunt, Tum Ollius Cromwellus terram regnavit
Senex Ollius non laetus, Deiectus superbusque Tristis ut nefas, Modo nefas non licet!
Cum Ollius periit, civitatis dixit "Carole, meum cor! Desine senes leges, Reveni, celebrationem habere mallemus!"
Res quam vocaverunt Reductio-regni, Quam plane secuta est Magna celebratione!
Rex Britannici (Terra dixit!) Ne nefas! Canere! (Ita vero!) Aut aliquid, (omnes dicete!) Rex sum, qui celebrationes rettuli!
Magnus ignis Londinii vastus est! In meo regno, Londinium in periculo, Ut hic rex egit quod iustus idoneusque, Pugnavit ignem, et probo me melius quam salatator! Ignem-prohibens sum!
Iunxi cum Catharina Braganza Amor verissimus fuit, Numquam alia sit, Tamen una aut duae!
Lucy Walter, Nell Gwynne, Moll Davies, Barbara Villiers, Malum cogitis, Sed nomen eius non fatuius est ut Hortense Mancini!
Cum rex, admittam frangere leges-nupti, Sed qui curant cum gemmas-coronae rettuli? Rettuli Navitatem, offuciam et etiam fabulas, Laetus rex fui, boni senesque dies sunt!
Cum dictus et effectus, Rex Carolus administravit Britannicum ludo! Rex fuit quem omnes amavit, Cantus effectus est!
Celebratio, aliqui?
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latinlizard · 1 year
Pro Caelio 39
dicet aliquis: "haec igitur est tua disciplina?
someone will say 'is this your way of teaching?
sic tu instituis adulescentis?
Do you teach young men in this way?
ob hanc causam tibi hunc puerum parens commendavit et tradidit, Did the parents, for this reason, entrusted and hand over the boy to you,
ut in amore atque in voluptatibus adulescentiam suam conlocaret,
so that he spent his youth in love and pleasure,
et ut hanc tu vitam atque haec studia defenderes?"
and so that you would defend this life and these pursuits?
ego, si quis, iudices, hoc robore animi atque hac indole virtutis ac
I, if someone, judges, was strong minded and capable of virtue and
continentiae fuit ut respueret omnis voluptates omnemque vitae
self-restraint so that he rejected all pleasures and his whole course of life
suae cursum in labore corporis atque in animi contentione conficeret,
he completed in the labour of the body and in the straining of the mind,
quem non quies, non remissio, non aequalium studia, non ludi,
this man who not in rest, not in relaxation, not in his friend's pursuits, not in games,
non convivium delectaret, nihil in vita expetendum putaret nisi quod
not in partying is he delighted, nothing in life ought to be sought out he would think except that
esset cum laude et cum dignitate coniunctum, hunc mea sententia
which is joined with praise and dignity, this man in my opinion
divinis quibusdam bonis instructum atque ornatum puto.
with certain divine virtues is endowed and furnished, I think.
ex hoc genere illos fuisse arbitror Camillos, Fabricios, Curios, omnisque eos qui haec ex minimis tanta fecerunt.
I observe that out of this kind of man, Camillus, Fabricius, Curius, and are all those who made such great things as these from very small things.
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amazoniaonline · 1 year
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briefnacholady · 2 years
My timer of the semester goes off
30 mins to ways
I do not know how to even
Sit kind of correct in course
Of reminding you
How you creep into me with obsession
I think to myself
Last time
He wanted to
Matchy matchy
Have a smoke
Try less hard figure out what not clicking
In the way
If he love you with petals
He says there is three month planning
Hide as a hare as a kit
Leap over the spring rep
Before you pour the drink in the driveway
To close and to near
Find the feather of waether springs
Find the ice the bus the dreams
Escape the trap of the perfect forevermore of roasted nuts and fire places with kings cake or creape whipped berry and beer with Octobers dicetion of more than frog of Frankenstein
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its-caesar-bitch · 3 years
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yea thanks amazon I think i just might
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lidell-and-scott · 3 years
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ancient greek word of the day
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thaliaridet · 4 years
damn a bitch really just wants to be loved and cherished tonight, huh?
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smexeh · 2 years
descendant of van helsing this descendant of van helsing that. wheres the vampire media where the protag is a descendant of quincey morris and shoots dracula with a goddamn gun
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panvani · 2 years
i think in that video the guy is actually saying "et dicet quod sunt" rather than "cum"?
Maybe???? That doesn't make much sense either
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do cringe things <3
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kidchaor122 · 4 years
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I made a dice table because I couldn't think of what else to draw....so anyway my first draw was Power ranger Archer:Emiya So here is red Hero ranger Shirou Emiya #art #artistsoninstagram #copicmarkers #fatestaynightfanart #archerfatestaynight #shiroemiya #powerrangers #powerrangerfanart #fatestaynightunlimitedbladeworks #fusionart #dicetable #diceroll https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQw_aMhNFD/?igshid=kdf898rf5fgh
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tunesinthetaberna · 7 months
Grimes - Oblivio [2012 CE]
Numquam erro postquam tenebrae, Quaestio mea oculi est, Quod aliquis tuum collum frangit, Currens rursus te, semper currens, et numquam scies! Numquam video rursus semper, Manebo in aeternum Semper videns recte, Cogitans, numerans omnes horas quibus manes
Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte,
Et non, non impetus sum, Rogem si mihi subvenias, Intellegere arduum, Quod cum curris sola Arduum est invenire tenere tuam manus, Scies bonum est esse dura sicut ego, Sed manebo in aeternum, Requiro aliquo, Qui in meos oculos videbit et mihi dicet, "Puella, scies te debere custodire sanitatem"
Qui in meos oculos videbit et mihi dicet, La la la la la, Qui in meos oculos videbit et mihi dicet, La la la la la!
La la la la la, La la la la la, La la la la la, La la la la la,
Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte, Vide te in obscura nocte.
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