#Digimon reference
bobauthorman · 9 months
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I just like Holly's smile in this one. She looks like a Digidestined.
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
Digimon Adventure/02 Timeline
Babes, does anyone have a timeline for the events of Adventure through Kizuna?  So like, we know a bulk of Adventure stuff happens in early August 1999, we know Bokura no Wargame was March 4.  Adventure 02 is more complex because it happens over time.  I don’t know when the movies in the middle happened.  And do we have a date for the Hikarigaoka incident?  A rough idea of when Tri stuff happened?  And Kizuna?  Hurricane Touchdown?  Revenge of Diaboromon?  I’m sure I’m missing stuff, but hopefully this gives a rough idea of what I’m looking for.
I’d love to have a visual timeline to add to the Digimon Adventure/02 reference list!  TBH I’m not a lore person, so I don’t know if I can make this even if I wanted to, but if it exists, it would be such a huge help to add a link for everyone.
BTW @patamon showed me this cool post about how time passed for the kids in the Digital world by @analyzingadventure that is very informative!
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digi-lov · 2 years
The EX-02 Theme Booster Digital Hazard contained Alternative Art cards for the Digimon with their partners referencing scenes from the anime.
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This Set also included Dobermon with Alice, as well as giving Alice her own Tamer card!
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ashxketchum · 3 months
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digimonarchive · 8 months
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The reference sheets of the Chosen Children/Digidestined and their accessories
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2heodraws · 4 months
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Nikolai & Sashenka lives in my head rent free. again.
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azaracyy · 5 months
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"...that's all from me. does any of you have any questions?" "nope! crystal clear." "kew!" "that's good! um... thank you for this discussion." "you're the one who came up with this awesome plan, lopmon. have more confidence in yourself." "kew, kew kew kew!" digimon survive week 2024 day 2: cooperation
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antirepurp · 6 months
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"oh it'll be a quick doodle" sir it's been two hours
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ruriihime · 11 months
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unikhroma · 1 month
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style mimic commission for LifeInCartoonMotion on toyhouse! first time doing one of these for a game i haven't seen before, i'm v happy with this one!
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I had to shorten some dialogue and exclude some of the "They're glued to each other by the hip" shots, but here it is: The "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning Takari" masterpost.
In a similar fashion as Miyakensuke, Takari are mostly framed next to each other whenever there is a group shot. There are a few exceptions, but they still remain as close as ever, responding to each other's remarks and/or sharing knowing glances and smiles. And while that is nothing we haven't seen before, they're still displaying some notable dynamics: First of all, they are back to being "the old souls" of the 02 squad, meaning that, even though they can - and will! - be silly little trolls and teases, their position as "senior Chosen Children" becomes visible again whenever a part of the "lore" gets brought up they are familiar with - or not.
The most interesting scene they share has to be the "What should we do?" scene in which, as outlined here, they are basically mirroring Taichi's and Yamato's conversation in Kizuna. Hikari, while taking after Taichi due to their past experiences, still displays more idealistic outlooks throughout the movie (that also get challenged here and there); while she understands the need to fight for the sake of others, she still believes that her faith in her bond with Tailmon will outlast every obstacle - and that this can apply to every person out there as well. In her view, their belief will affect everyone - thus, her trying to comfort and calm Takeru is only natural. Takeru, on the other hand, understands the need to fight as well, but he interprets the "responsibility for others" differently. He's trying to be more rational about it all, basically implying that they cannot make this choice for everyone else - because if they fail, it'll affect everyone just as much. It is basically an argument about faith vs. rationality to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved. They basically agree, but insist on their own viewpoints, which is a refreshing aspect we haven't seen about these two and their relationship before.
(There may be a tiny bit of an underlying romantic subtext too, but it is very subtle; not only are they shown during the snowball fight before Miyaken, they're also INDIRECTLY pulling a trope-y "It's pretty" - "Yeah, you are it is" moment, which may or may not be taken with a grain of salt.)
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jester-ray-fizz · 2 months
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more Digifakes-
an opposite evoline to my other Digifake huntermon :0
in order they are-
YukiKitmon (baby)
Cubmon (in training)
Kimbimon (rookie)
Caesarmon (champion)
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
Digimon Adventure and 02 Reference
Hi all, sorry for the trouble, but I had to delete and reupload my digimon reference docs.  So...  Here they are again.
Made by me:
-Digimon Name chart (character and term names in the Japanese vs English versions)
-Digimon Adventure/02 Chosen Age Chart
My fave references (not made by me)
-Digimon Adventure/02/Tri/Kizuna/2020 Reboot location map
-Digimon Honorifics Chart
-Digimon honorifics chart footnotes
-A Tumblr detailing the differences in the original Japanese and the English dub episodes of several seasons of digimon
-Visual list of digimon (Japanese names)
-Info about Odaiba
-Episode list for Adventure and Adventure 02 to help keep your timelines straight.
-Screenshot collections of the Chosen’s apartments
These are all amazing resources, especially the interactive map!  Enjoy!
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digi-lov · 5 months
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Liollmon EX5-027, Liamon EX5-030, LoaderLeomon EX5-032, and BanchoLeomon EX5-034 by Spareribs from EX-05 Theme Booster Animal Colosseum
These cards show Liolmon growing up with three little friends!
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On the BanchoLeomon card they caught up and reached the Ultimate level as well!
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ashxketchum · 2 months
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bossarmadimon · 9 months
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A silly commission I got from @the-plush-butt. It is, of course, inspired by the "spooning a warm marshmallow" moment from Big Hero Six:
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Here, Angoramon is being a weighted blanket upon Kiyo's breakdown and absolutely no one else is helping.
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