teasellerebay · 6 months
Dilmah Green Tea Bags 60 120g Pure Ceylon Single Origin From Sri Lanka
Ceylon tea is renowned for its taste and health benefits, making it a well-loved drink around the world. While Ceylon black tea still holds the largest share of the export market, Ceylon green tea is also now becoming increasingly popular. Ceylon Green Tea is popular because of its various benefits. Containing high levels of the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) as well as antioxidants such as myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol, it has become a choice for those looking to improve their health.
Ingredients: Pure Ceylon Green Tea (Tea bags)
Package includes: 3 Packs X 20 Tea Bags 40 g
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kishuplanet · 1 year
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bunnyd157 · 2 years
Three easy methods to make your iced tea.
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Learn how to make delicious iced tea in three excellent ways.
Method #1
● 6 Pure Ceylon Tea teabags
● Caster sugar, 2 tablespoons
● 1 tablespoon honey
● 2 lemons, one juiced, one sliced
● 1 orange
● 1 tiny bunch of selected mint leaves, and
● Ice
 How to prepare
● Fill a jug with 1.5 litres of water, the tea bags, sugar, and honey. After 10 minutes, remove and throw away the tea bags. Put it in the refrigerator to stay chilled.  
● Combine the mint leaves, lemon juice, orange slices, and lemon slices. Add lots of ice to the jug and swirl it around.
● Pour the iced tea into tall glasses, top with ice, then top with more honey, if desired.
 Method #2
● 4 teabags
● Ice
● Dilmah Real Tea Cordial
● Sugar or Honey
● Strawberries or Lemon
 How to prepare
● Heat two cups of water for black tea.
● Steep for three to five minutes after adding 4 tea bags.
● Take out the tea bags  and let the tea cool for roughly five minutes at room temperature.
● Add the Dilmah Real Tea Cordial for an extra burst of flavour.
● Add the sugar/honey if desired.
● Add ice and serve immediately, or place in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
● Top off with Strawberries or Lemon.
 Method #3
● Sugar
● Water
● Dilmah Real Tea Cordial
● Add water, Dilmah Real tea Cordial and sugar to a pot.
● Stirring constantly, bring to a simmer over medium heat, then remove from the heat and allow to cool.
● Serve with ice.
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buffetlicious · 10 months
Dilmah Singapore is commemorating Singapore’s National Day with the launch of an exclusive, limited edition Singapura Orchid Ice Green Tea. The new drink is lower in sugar, has no preservatives and has a unique flavour profile originating from 100% locally grown orchids. The drink does taste pleasant with a nice flora fragrant to it though I can’t vouch for its authenticity since I have never eaten an orchid flower before. But this tea got the thumbs up from me, my sis and her friend.
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The Ice Teas are available in six other artisanal flavours made with either a green or black tea base. The green tea series is elevated with three different flavours including the light Lady Lavender, sensual Rose & French Vanilla and aromatic Arabian Jasmine. While the black teas feature flavours such as Lemon & Lime, a timeless blend of citrusy twists, White Peach that recalls bright summery days with fruity peaches. Last but not least, there’s Royal English, a signature black tea that is smooth yet full-bodied with light veils of honey.
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Rose and French Vanilla Ice Green Tea is Inspiringly aromatic with a medium bodied floral note, the flavour of rose with a hint of French vanilla combines with Ceylon Green tea in a perfect embrace. Elegant and sophisticated, a perfect afternoon or after dinner tea. This fragrant ice green tea also deserves an honourable mention, as it is awarded Superior Taste Award by International Taste Institute!
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Lady Lavender Ice Green Tea is a blend of green tea accented with floral notes of the freshest lavender bouquet for a drink that is light and calming for evening relaxation. The lavender aroma is not overpowering, just enough to let you know that it is in there.
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Selected images courtesy of Dilmah Singapore.
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farmerflesh16 · 2 years
Grande Successo A Milano Per La Scuola Del Tea Dilmah
Tutto il tè della Dilmah è coltivato secondo principi etici, biologico, raccolto a mano, con lavorazioni che rispettano i tempi della natura. Il tè non è miscelato ma “single origin” celebrando così l’identità del tè e dei luoghi e preservandone l’autenticità. Il tè impacchettato fresco così da conservarne la qualità, il sapore e l’aroma ed evitando la perdita di antiossidanti. dilmah te nero Partendo dall’osservazione della forma, della posizione e della composizione delle foglie, gli alunni saranno guidati nell’utilizzo della guida per imparare a riconoscere e nominare le piante del giardino scolastico. Attività di manipolazione e di tipo artistico contribuiranno a rinforzare le capacità di osservazione e riconoscimento. I lavori prodotti potranno essere utilizzati per la creazione di una guida personalizzata dai bambini utilizzando l’Open Key Editor di SiiT. Momenti di gioco, come una “caccia” al riconoscimento delle diverse specie, completeranno il percorso didattico.
La scuola è chiamata a dare risposte alle esigenze di alunni sempre più ‘tecnologici’ in tempi di profondi cambiamenti.
All’interno del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna, a circa 3 km da Corniolo , il Giardino Botanico di Valbonella è un vero e proprio museo all'aria aperta, costituito da circa 2 ettari completamente dedicati a riprodurre gli aspetti vegetazionali e floristici dell’Appennino romagnolo.
In tal senso, gli antiossidanti del tè possono combattere questi fattori di rischio, proteggendo dalla perdita ossea di origine infiammatoria 23, 24, 25.
Ogni gruppo ha a disposizione un palmare con la chiave ed una mappa del sito ove sono segnalati con dei simboli colorati gli alberi da identificare.
Le saline di Sicciole (in sloveno Sečoveljske soline) sono oggi l'ambiente umido di maggiore estensione della Slovenia ed al contempo la località slovena piu' importante dal punto di vista ornitologico. La diversità delle specie di volatili che nidificano e svernano in questo ambiente e' decisamente maggiore rispetto ad altre aree. Sono state evidenziate ad oggi 288 specie, delle quali nel circondario ne nidificano 90. Ovviamente il Parco è stato studiato sopratutto per gli affioramenti di gesso, che ospitano alcuni licheni epilitici e terricoli di notevolissimo interesse, come le uniche stazioni italiane di Acarospora placodiiformis, A. La flora epifita è decisamente meno interessante, ma è rappresentativa di quella delle colline del versante adriatico della Penisola, dalla Romagna alle Marche, con una evidente scarsità di specie suboceaniche che abbondano invece lungo il versante tirrenico. Questa chiave potrà essere quindi utilizzata per progetti didattici centrati sull'uso di licheni epifiti come bioindicatori nell'area compresa tra Romagna e Marche settentrionali. Questa guida alle 988 piante vascolari della Val Rosandra - uno degli ambienti naturalisticamente più importanti del Carso Triestino include una chiave dicotomica basata su caratteri di facile osservazione e quindi relativamente facile anche per principianti, corredata da fotografie a colori, carte distribuzionali e note ad ogni pianta. Il tè bianco di Ceylon contiene anche alti livelli di GABA, un neurotrasmettitore che influenza molti processi nell'uomo 2. Le foglie di tè bianco di Ceylon vengono raccolte prima che siano completamente aperte, quando sono ricoperte di sottili peli bianchi. I livelli di antiossidanti nei tè oolong sono generalmente intermedi tra quelli dei tè verdi non fermentati e quelli dei tè neri completamente ossidati. Quando si giunge all’identificazione sono visualizzabili informazioni sintetiche sulla biologia, l’ecologia, e la distribuzione di ogni specie derivate dal sito di odonata.it. Queste informazioni, oltre ad arricchire le conoscenze sulle singole specie, possono risultare utili anche in casi di dubbi e aiutare nella conferma o nella smentita del risultato. La stragrande maggioranza dei caratteri permette l’identificazione degli individui mediante la semplice osservazione in natura o attraverso fotografie mirate . Per la discriminazione di alcune specie tuttavia sono necessarie la cattura tramite retino entomologico e la manipolazione degli individui per osservare i dettagli richiesti con una lente. Questa operazione, seppur non particolarmente complessa e assolutamente non impattante per la salute dell’animale, deve essere svolta da persone con un certo grado di esperienza e di pratica.
Taylors Of Harrogate Yorkshire, Tè Nero 240 Bustine Di Te
La guida, che include solo 86 specie, va ovviamente usata solo nell’ambito delle esercitazioni che si svolgono presso il Jardin, ed è stata concepita come un’introduzione alla identificazione per allievi di 8-15 anni. Questa è una guida interattiva alle specie epifite sinora note per quest’area, generata in collaborazione con il progetto europeo KeyToNature, coordinato dall’Università di Trieste. La mettiamo a disposizione delle scuole e degli appassionati di natura, sperando di invogliarli alla scoperta dell’affascinante mondo dei licheni. Questa guida agli alberi ed arbusti è stata realizzata in collaborazione con il Progetto Europeo CSMON-LIFE (LIFE13 ENV/IT/842). Per tale attività la golena, in particolare la parte vicina alle rive era tenuta pulita da qualsiasi vegetazione in quanto le barche che trasportavano le merci, i ‘burci’, erano trainati con le corde dai muli lungo l’alzaia. La città di Pordenone vanta uno dei più alti rapporti tra aree verdi e popolazione residente d’Italia. Tra queste, di particolare importanza sono le aree verdi circostanti il fiume Noncello, che attraversa la città. Il Noncello è un fiume compreso interamente nella provincia di Pordenone, anticamente noto come ‘Naone’. Il Noncello confluisce infine nel Meduna nei pressi di Visinale, con un percorso di 15.8 km, ed ha il carattere tipico del fiume di risorgiva, essendo generato dalla confluenza di brevi rogge alimentate da gruppi di olle sorgive. Il fiume cittadino è ancora oggi utilizzato per la navigazione fluviale e da diporto, e può essere navigato fino al mare seguendo l’idrovia che prosegue lungo i fiumi Meduna e Livenza.
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All’interno del museo si possono osservare la sala macine, gli strumenti di lavoro e oggetti utili a diverse attività. Il mulino era già attivo nel corso del XV secolo nel contesto della giurisdizione dei signori della Fratina. All’ interno rimane traccia di uno stemma della famiglia veneziana Grimani che dagli inizi del Seicento era proprietaria della costruzione. Il mulino restò attivo fino alla fine degli anni ‘40 gestito dalla famiglia Dalla Pasqua.
Recensione 50 Mascherine Chirurgiche Made In Italy Certificate Ce Di Tipo Ii Adulti Bf
Sulla base di dati bibliografici e rilevamenti diretti sono state selezionate 123 specie legate a luoghi umidi presenti nel Parco. La guida vuole avvicinare l’escursionista e l’appassionato ad una maggiore conoscenza delle piante palustri e renderlo sempre più consapevole del loro valore e della necessità della loro conservazione. Questa e' una versione preliminare, non ancora corretta e saggiata, di una guida alle piante delle Risorgive di Flambro , pubblicata in rete per essere utilizzata da Mary Scar, studentessa del Corso di Botanica Sistematica dell'Universita'di Trieste. Questa guida è stata sviluppata dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita dell'Università di Trieste e da ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia come supporto all’identificazione della flora acquatica regionale.
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lunar-years · 11 months
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highspeedhighcarbon · 2 months
So I’m trying two brands, Twinings and Dilmah. Same tea (English breakfast) but there is no sharp bitterness in Twinings like Dilmah🙉. But having paid 8 dollars for Twinings is insane
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crazybutgood · 2 years
Birthday origami rec (teacup-tai)
(Please click on the image for better quality! Thank you to the lovely @curlyy-hair-dont-care for looking this over)
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Image description: A deep purple origami tea bag. The tea bag has ‘tai’s chai’ handwritten on it in cursive in gold ink. The tea label has the Cancer zodiac sign drawn on it in gold ink. I chose purple as it is tai’s favourite colour.
Happy birthday @teacup-tai! 🥳💜 tai, you are such a lovely, talented bean and I’m so glad to call you a friend. Thank you for always being so kind, and all your encouragement for fandom and life things. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you and beta for you❣️
Thank you so much for the ko-fi! I wanted to take the opportunity to fold this origami tea bag for my fellow tea lover friend’s birthday. If I were to choose a tea to match the essence of tai’s writing, I would go with Dilmah’s Pure Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe. As in the tea’s description, tai’s writing is rich and steeped with strong emotions and thrill, in various genres and tropes, that will keep you immersed from start to end. 
Not only does tai pour her heart into her own fics, but also in reccing others’ fics. You can check out her lovingly curated reclists on her masterlist post here. The post also contains three of the fave fics she wrote, and I highly recommend reading them!
Here are some of my own picks of tai’s gorgeous fics. Please leave some love for them and check out more of her fics on her ao3 and tumblr! 
A Home by the Sea (E, 10778) (Drarry)
I press my face against your neck, smelling like home and warmth and peace. This is what being with you feels like nowadays: peaceful, certain, like the waves on the sea in a never-ending dance. An ode to falling in love later in life. To this kind of love that is mature, stable and comforting.
All Rivers Merge into the Sea (T, 3450) (Pansy)
Pansy was dragged by the heavy river tide that moved the Parkinsons into the dark belly of war. But all rivers follow their own path before merging into the sea, vast and unknown, and Pansy would similarly find the opportunity to become her own person, not really knowing who she would turn out to be.
Space Bodies (M, 1494) (Drarry) (TW: mention of suicide ideation, mention of transphobia)
She tastes like a love story.
The Truth Runs Wild (E, 3026) (Blairon)
It’s Harry’s fault and his whole ‘gay awakening’ and all the shit he had to hear Harry talk him through, in the name of friendship and supportive brotherhood. But honestly, if Zabini licking his lips can be this sensual, what could he do with a dick in his mouth? Ron flushes, because he cannot be honestly thinking about Blaise Zabini and blowjobs. Like, he’s straight, right. Right?
Only Fools Fall (WIP) (E, 5310) (Blairon)
Blaise planted a kiss against Ron’s temple and moved away to watch him with big black attentive eyes. “I only wanna make you feel good,” he assured him. And Ron felt himself blush, because Zabini was looking soft and warm and it was making things inside Ron’s chest turn and pull. This was getting way too real. Or: Ron wants more, then he gets pretty confused. So Tai decided to write a Blaise/Ron love story out of it. Sequel to The Truth Runs Wild.
Young Love (WIP) (E, 33876) (Drarry, Wolfstar, Snily)
Adolescence is tough for teens and parents alike. Or: Harry has a thing for older guys, Draco has a homophobic pure-blood family, Lily doesn’t have the patience, Sirius needs another drink, Narcissa asks for help, James is a good dad, Snape wishes he wasn’t involved at all, and Remus just really wanted to have a chill Christmas break for a change.
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What's your favourite tea flavour?
Ooooooh okay I'm like a black tea girlie like 90% of the time. If we're talking normal earl grey I love the Whittard one or the Dilmah one. The T2 French Earl Grey is one of the BEST teas around but it goes off so fast which is annoying. I also love the Fortnums peach black tea. There's also this lemon pie tea that I bought at some random shop which I've never been able to find again and I think about all the time. ANYWAY. If I have to choose ONE it's always earl grey yummm
Ask me my favourite whatever
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szkennelttucsok · 1 year
Szégyen, nem szégyen, kibaszottul szeretem a fekete ribizlis Dilmah teát ...
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
i need a catalogue of all the teas that got dani through writing tlnd
I got soooo excited that someone wants to talk to me about tea lmao.
I'm a VERY picky eater and so I'm also selective about the tea I drink. There are four I drink. If I find something I like, I add it to my collection :)
This is the Moroccan mint green tea by Dilmah. I drink this at least twice a day.
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This is a citrus green tea by Lipton. I also drink this twice a day. I discovered this only a couple of months ago and I'm obsessed!
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This is called blooming tea. I only drink this when I have a headache or when I'm feeling unwell - because it makes me feel better and because it's expensive and so I can't drink it all the time lmao. It's basically a herbal tea made of different flowers and it blooms inside the teapot. Very cool. Had a lot of these during TLND lol.
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And this is called butterfly pea flower tea or blue tea. It's extremely healthy and I have it every night. I basically drop the flower (which i grow in the garden) into a cup of hot water :)
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teasellerebay · 1 year
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Dilmah Earl Grey Garden Fresh Pure Ceylon 300 Tea Bags 600 g
With the piquant citrus note that is characteristic of the classic Earl Grey tea, the bold base of Ceylon Tea creates a truly refined experience. The earthy is balanced by the sweet floral of the bergamot, creating a sublimely elegant brew.
Though the historical lore behind the development of Earl Grey Tea extends beyond logic, for anyone who is enamored with the distinct flavor of this iconic tea, stories have little influence over the delight experienced while sipping. That being said, if what folklore reveals is true, one’s tea drinking moments may be even more memorable.  
With its distinctive flavor and iconic aroma, Earl Grey Tea is worthy of a place in every tea connoisseur’s cupboard. Enjoy the exquisite experience of a cup of Earl Grey Tea that is both delicious and healthy. Dilmah Teas offerings are always unadulterated, and packaged in bleach-free tea bags, keeping you free from worry about chemicals. Take advantage of bulk savings, our commitment to quality products, and our exceptional service today!
Ingredients: Black tea, Bergamot (Bagged)
Package Includes: Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Bags 50 x 6 Packets (Tea Bags 300 / 600 Grams)
Serve with: Best Taken Straight.
Accompaniment: Green Curry, Samosas, Curry Puffs, Spicy Meat, Dark Chocolate
Use a kettle that is free of limescale or sediment, and fill to the required level with filtered or spring water(200-220ml). Place a tea bag per serving into the cup or teapot. When the water has boiled (95-100°C) pour directly onto the tea bag. Stir to allow the tea in the bag to infuse flavor and goodness into the water. Stir again after a minute. Brew the tea bag for a minimum of 3 minutes (5 minutes, for a strong cup) then stir and remove the bag. Enjoy your cup of tea 👍
Try your favorite Ceylon tea today - www.ebay.com
Free Shipping: Before being sent out, each item undergoes a thorough inspection and packing process. Before submitting your order, please double-check the shipping information you've provided. Worldwide Free Shipping with Tracking Number (For the delivery, it takes about 15-25 days). Expedited Overseas Delivery with a Tracking Number (For the delivery, it takes about 1-7 days).
Returns If you are not completely satisfied with this purchase, you may return it within 30 days of delivery.
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kishuplanet · 1 year
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daimaoryu · 1 year
dilmah earl grey... beloved
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dpowershopper · 2 years
Check out for this Green tea (20bags each) #freeshipping #highquality #fatloose #greentea
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ahmedibrahim09 · 2 years
Are you a tea lover? Let's see
If you’re new to tea, the many different types of tea that seem confusing and overwhelming. What exactly is the difference between black tea and green tea? What about herbal tea and rooibos?
All tea types originate from the same plant "camellia sinensis". This plant returns to southern China, where has been cultivated and consumed for hundreds of years. Camellia sinensis has two main varietals: camellia sinensis var. sinensis, which grows primarily in China and other East Asian countries and has a milder, mellower character, and camellia sinensis var. assamica, which grows primarily in India and is generally thinner and more robust.
Tea processing
Black tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea, and purple tea are all made from the same plant. Each of these teas gains its unique characteristics through different harvesting and processing methods. Some teas are steamed, and some are pan-fired. Some are allowed to oxidize and some aren’t. Some tea leaves are hand-formed into tightly rolled balls, while other tea leaves are roughly chopped, or left to air-dry in their natural shape. Some teas are harvested in the first weeks of the spring season, while others are harvested in the summer and fall.
Today, there are six main categories of tea.
1- White Tea. White tea is the least processed of all teas.
2- Green Tea.
3- Yellow Tea.
4- Oolong Tea.
5- Black Tea.
6- Dark Tea.
Here are some tea companies that you should taste their products 🫖🍵☕
- Ahmed tea
- Lipton
- Dilmah
- Twining's
- Tata tea
Share your thoughts, experiences and the preferred flavours with us.
#Tea #Teaflavours  #Whitetea #Blacktea #Greentea #Darktea #oolongtea #china  #India #Teaprocessing
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