#Diploma in (AME) course Fees
learnelle · 10 months
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Do you ever just get so tired and end up writing secononondly, unsure why it looks a lil off 👁👁
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nikhilamecet · 6 months
The Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance engineering program is a 3 year course including 6 semesters. After the candidate completes the whole course, he/ she will get a certificate. Certified by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), this course extends up to 6 semesters. In order to study in this course, the candidates will have to pay an amount of INR 2 to 4 Lakhs Total Course Fees. There are 2 methods to pay the fees, either semester wise or yearly. The candidate can chose any of the method as per his/ her comfort.
Diploma Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Fees
After that the candidate qualifies the AME CET entrance test, he she will be able to get admission into one of the topmost AME Diploma institutes. The fees will be depending on the colleges chosen by the candidates as well as the facilities that the institutes provide. The aspirant can check the complete details about the fees on the official website of the particular institutes.
The Government & Banks also provide scholarship to the applicants as per government policies.
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museum-spaces · 1 year
I recently graduated with a BA in archaeology and am thinking of continuing my studies in either museums or archives. I believe you either are Canadian or have worked in Canadian museums (sorry if I'm wrong) and I had a question about college vs university programs when it comes to museum studies. If you can't answer, no worries.
When it comes to employment, what difference does it make between having a college diploma or a master's in museum studies? Are there some jobs you can only get with a master's? Or are opportunities the same? Would both programs teach similar skills? I know the job market in museums and archives is rough and if a master's will get me further that's probably what I'll go with. I also know there's several diploma/certificate programs offered by universities and am unsure of where those would rank in comparison to a college diploma or master's degree.
Another issue is the main masters programs I know of are in BC and Toronto, places that are incredibly expensive to live rn, so if a college program will get me just as far, some of those schools are in cities with lower cost of living.
first of all; you're right I am Canadian and a graduate of a Canadian undergrad program. but my MA is from the UK.
secondly, for non-Canadians; college in Canada has a few meanings. One is very similar to the US - a particular grouping of students in a university. But the more common one is a bit harder to explain. It used to be that 'working' careers were from colleges [i.e. nursing vs. doctor; lumber jack vs. forester, etc] but these days the lines are more blurred. Colleges are seen by some academic fields as 'lesser' than universities but they actually just fill a different need.
thirdly; it depends on the job. For my job [Executive Director] you do not necessarily need a museum/gallery background but imo... you do need that. If your interest is in collections care, a college diploma in specifically collections care is very good - often better than a generalized masters because it shows dedication in that one area. If you are more interested in exhibition same thing - colleges are more likely to have hands-on mounting classes which will make you an asset.
If you want to work front of house - tours, guest interaction, education - university degrees will be seen as better because you are more likely to be academically inclined and things like that. You won't be unable to get a job like that with college, but given our sector, it will be very very hard.
I believe, but you would have to check, that UofT's ISchool has an online or distance Masters for museums you might want to check out. You could also go abroad like I did. University of Leicester [my alma mater] has a very good distance course though the fees for international students might make in-person just as hard. They're entry requirements for Canadians at a 4 point school is a cGPA of 3. Nice and attainable.
Its also worth noting that you do not need to have museum-focused degrees so long as you have work experience. Lets say your UG arch was focused on Coast Salish archaeology, a side focus on public history and volunteer or intern work experience in museums will make you more attractive to the Museum of Anthropology at UBC than my CV which has no native focus at all.
There's a lot of historic workers on Tumblr, I'll tag a few and hope a few others chime in to give you advice.
@grey-and-lavender @archaeologistproblems @chaotic-archaeologist @museeeuuuum
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 2 months
y'know, in starting a joke application for a cadetship program aimed at year 12 students with a four year degree on it..... at my home uni the other day, only bc seek that "you might be a strong applicant!" when i already have an undergrad arts degree..... i was BLOWN away at how much they were charging for their different uni entrance courses, AND how low some of the entry scores were for some of them.
so, for example, for me looking at uni back in 2013, my ATAR (uni entrance mark akin to an SAT score for americans and the A levels in the UK) was 38.25; and my uni's college (which i guess [???] is like community college in the states, i honestly have no idea tbh) prep course, whose entry mark was at least 50 something, i think. so that then, technically meant that i was "too stupid" to evem do a prep course for uni, not counting that i refused to the the mandatory maths course which was expected to be either year 10 to year 12 maths.... bc BRO i am doing an ARTS degree in english!!!??? why the FUCK do i HAVE to do maths for it???? when i just KNOW i'm going to fail it???? how fucking stupid and waste of space on my study schedule!!! (said the girl who still struggles to understand graphs to this day and actively REFUSED to do a sociology or psychology or business/commerce degree or cross major/minor bc they ALL required stats lmao)
anyway, that's besides the point. the point is that that course was almost the same price as my advanced diploma. coming in at $17,500 i think, while my AD was 16.5k. so even if i'd gone to do the uni prep course instead, i'd've started uni with a hefty asf hecs debt already, anyway, much like my AD gave me before i EVEN GOT INTO UNI.
but now through the uni, the new course that they would put you in for an arts degree if you don't meet the requirements is a diploma of arts/social sciences and humanities. this course costs basically 23k ($22,800). one of the entry stream options is open to a ATAR minimum of 30/minimum of 65% in 4 hsc subjetcs/70% in 3 subjects for recent high school finishers or probs if i went back to do another degree, they'd go off my hsc marks and my atar (not that im actively looking at going back, obvs bc ive already got 65.5k of fucking hecs/vet fee help (from business college) that i still havent managed to make ANY headway on paying off at all). i juts like looking up the changing field of tertiary ed tbh.
like obvs it's not the uni fault that it's that expensive, since the previous liberal (rightwing/tory/repub) government here in aus purposely jacked up the prices of arts subjects and arts degrees, so EVERY arts subject is like 2.5k or more a semester. so an arts degree is now like 16k to 17k A YEAR (and so are commerce and law). but my point is, you're already lumping a low-marked student with a SIGNIFICANT debt with the 22.8k for a "diploma in arts etc"... which ok can get you into the second year of a degree.
but STILL. if i did this route today as a graduating year 12 student.... how likely would i be to stay with a 2 semester course costing 22k a year or a one sem course costing $11,250?? esp if my atar is 30 or lower. given mine was 38.25 and i BARELY got through uni by the skin of my teeth..... if i'd gotten into uni with that in 2014, with the rest of my year group cohort. dude, i would've dropped out. HELL, i nearly did anyway with my AD bc that was practically 3 years. and i eventually dropped out in postgrad (although never formally) bc i burnt out and stressed out over my EVER-MOUNTING student debt that my dad kept telling me to ignore. just wild.
i think this is a large contributing factor besides the cost of degrees; as to why there's so many people dropping out of uni. like. funneling in very obviously under-achieving students (although sometimes through no fault of their own- ie mental health and for example, my battle with the board of studies to get a FUCKING LAPTOP.... to NOT be classed a a "cheater" and "lazy" and NOT classing my teachers, GP and 2 occupational therapists as liars on my behalf bc apparently the only perceived "CORRECT WAY" to sit the HSC is by hand writing it)..... are getting funneled into courses and dropping out.. bc of already incurring a massive nearly 22k debt JUST TO GET INTO uni.
or maybe not- it's also high achieving students now as well (bc of degree costs).... but in general, HA students just get to walk straight in at the end of hign school (not counting if they've already appllied for early entry). like obvs maybe many of these students actually end up flourishing bc they get to choose what to study and major in something they actually like..... as opposed to just choosing w/e the fuck their school had to offer (like me getting stuck with biology instead of drama or senior science.... both subjects that the school i moved didnt have the resources for, for senior years). and the other subjects that are compulsory (english)/treated as compulsory by schools but were made optional by the government (maths) filling up their timetables and ruining their performance in the HSC.
but yeah. the debt is huge. and was huge in the first place already. but still. the way understandably apathetic, anxious and depressed students like myself for VERY OBVIOUS REASONS in year 12, are made to pay through the nose as opposed to more assiduous, studious, talented and successful students will ALWAYS grind my gears.
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ndntighnari · 10 months
Okay, on a legit, genuine note here:
People do not seem to grasp that if they have a high school diploma, or (even better) any level of college degree, they will have an easier time getting work from home jobs than those without.
I am someone without.
I never finished high school, and while ive taken a couple of college courses, I never finished a program, never got a degree.
Most work from home jobs want a bachelor's or higher.
I can't afford student loans, I can't afford even just the application fees to the programs I'd want to do. I'm lucky I have my high school transcripts already, otherwise that adds 50 dollars to that application fee. I can't get a job because I'm under qualified, can't afford to get qualifications, and still get shamed for this.
If you have a job, have an apartment, have a work from home job that suits your sleep schedule and physical and mental abilities, good for you. Don't take it for granted, though, and don't make assumptions about other people begging for money AND WORK on the internet. If you get annoyed at people and their donation/commission posts, unfollow, block, whatever, but don't make the leaps in logic telling someone that's living in an abusive household below poverty level that they're not trying hard enough.
Accept that despite it all, you still have a level of privilege not everyone has, and while that doesn't make you a bad person inherently, you need to remember how hard you fought to get there. Don't make the fight harder for others, or shame them for what YOU think isn't trying hard enough. THAT is what makes you a bad person.
Stop assuming you know everything about strangers on the internet, and stop acting like you're better than them for succeeding where others are struggling. Grow a fucking heart, learn some compassion, and stop acting like the high school bully you wish you could have been at 17.
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sumeragi-hokuto · 2 years
I fully understand if it’s impossible but do you plan on finishing this project?
Hi to you and everyone else still following this blog. It's probably been what, almost two years since I last posted anything?
Short answer: probably not, though I want to.
Long answer: So a lot happened. I got my laptop back after the water damage and everything was wiped. Everything. Not just TB. I DID have some backups of the raws for volume 5, but I lost the rest of the completed pages that I'd been working on which put me back several weeks. Combine that with the stress of starting a new semester of college with a broken laptop, in a new place, with COVID messing everything up... I basically lost all motivation to keep working on TB. Time passed and I got more and more guilty about not posting, so I told myself that I would just work in larger batches that meant when I did post, I could post a ton in order to make up for all the time when I did not. Of course, that started to stress me out too, and so all it meant was that I kept delaying everything even more because the idea of doing MORE than usual after being gone so long was so daunting I couldn't bring myself to make the first step. Time passed. I got a job and was doing both school and work, which took a lot of time, and ended up committed to a group that took 9 hours per week minimum. The semester went by, and the next, and then was my final semester and my thesis. Keep everything from before and add in *that* time commitment...
By the time I was ready to get back to TB, I'd graduated. And my school pulled my Photoshop license basically the second my diploma was in hand. Buying Photshop will take me $22-35 a month, and Adobe is so weird with their commitments and forcing you to keep it for a long time or putting a cancelation fee on you that I keep worrying I'll miss something in the fine print and end up having to pay way more than anticipated. So basically, trying to get Photoshop back would cost a lot of money that I don't exactly want to pay given how long I think it'll take me to do these scans. It's just me working on this. There is no one else. I have a lot of things I want to do in my life, and paying for another year or two of Photoshop will put me out a few hundred bucks that I would like to put in savings. I guess I could really buckle down and try to get huge chunks done at once, but I need some other life things to calm down a bit.
If this seems like excuses excuses...yeah. pretty much. I have a million excuses and none of them are great. I loved this project and it brought me a lot of joy, but now I've come to a financial decision that has kept me from coming back to this.
That and the other big thing, which was the idea of "Oh. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this." Because while I may not be earning any money by doing this, I'm also not paying anything to do this. The profits aren't going to CLAMP or anyone official. People are reading their material without them earning a single penny. And sure, I read every CLAMP manga I've ever read on unofficial online sites before buying them myself (so, I read without paying before I fell so in love that I did). But should I be doing this? What happens if CLAMP or whoever owns the licensing does a crackdown one day?
I'm already so far in it probably doesn't matter. I'm not going to go delete everything I've ever posted. So why not just finish what I started?
I think it comes down to shoving down the guilt of the absence and the worry of whether I should or shouldn't be doing this and figuring out financially (and time-wise) if it's truly worth it. Like I said, I loved this project. I love TB. I have a ton of fun making the pages. But it takes a lot. It will take more from me now than it ever has with the added financial burden and the fact that I have way more commitments than I did when I started (which was, I think, actually in high school. And here I am now with a college degree and a real world job).
So that's the long answer: Will I finish this? I don't know. I really want to. I just need to figure out a way to make it work. That'll require some shuffling on my part. Some figuring stuff out. Some weighing my options. I can't say yes because I don't want to promise something and not give it, which has historically been what I've done when promising more frequent updates that never increased in frequency.
So to both you and the few other people who've messaged me in this long gap, or to the ones who said such nice things when I first mentioned my broken laptop and losing everything and all the kind of sucky stuff that happened nearly 2 years ago now...Thank you for caring. It does mean a lot. It's really nice to know that people actually appreciated the effort I put in, and that they're still thinking about me (or at least, about what I can do for them). I've never stopped thinking about this blog. I used Photoshop for my thesis and every time I opened it I told myself, "maybe next time I open this will be for TB." It even was. I think I did one more set at some point, never posted because of that thing I mentioned about feeling guilty and wanting to make a mega post.
With that I'll finish off for now. Apologies for the giant blob of text. I don't feel like proofreading this right now. I still have stuff I need to get done today. Real life calls. I hope that one day I will be able to get back to this. I'm just not sure when, or if it's even feasible.
Thank you,
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herbouquettheorist · 2 months
Weekdays Batch - Mon, Tue & Fri
Batch I - 11 AM To 1 PM
Batch II - 5 PM To 7 PM
Weekend Batch - Sat & Sun
Batch I - 10 AM to 1 PM
Batch II - 4 PM To 7 PM
Duration - 160 hours spread over 6 months.
Available in #Offline and #Online (Live 1-to-1 sessions) modes.
Venue (for Offline mode) - Desai House, Shreerang Society Road, Castle Mills Naka, Uthalsar, Thane(w) - 400601.
Eligibility - PDET - Penkraft Diploma Entrance Test (exempt for candidates who have qualified Govt Art Exam Intermediate Grade and for practising artists (based on portfolio)).
Fee - ₹ 5000/- per month (discounts available for Early Birds and full course fee payment - call for details).
To register, and for further details, please click here -https://www.penkraft.in/DFA
For queries, please call us at +91 73040 44598.
Diploma in Fine Arts is a comprehensive program scientifically designed to provide students with a strong foundation in all aspects of visual arts. The curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical experience, fostering creativity, critical thinking and experimentation, encouraging students to find their unique style and voice in the art world!
Our Diploma in Fine Arts provides a nurturing environment for budding artists, combining traditional techniques with modern artistic expressions. The faculty comprises certified art trainers who are domain experts & educators dedicated to fostering creativity and guiding students in their artistic journey!
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jops08 · 5 months
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Originally the Philippines had one of the shortest education systems in the world, which consisted of 6 years of primary school and 4 years of high school. This system would soon be changed in 2012 when the education system in the Philippines would be modeled from other countries around the world but it is like that of the United States adopting the k-12 system. The 13-year education system is free but also mandatory by law to attend. The three levels of education look like primary school k-6, junior high school 7-10, and senior high school 11-12. Even though public school is free most Filipinos try to send their kids to private school due to the better education system. Post secondary is offered in the Philippines but not that many Filipinos go due to the financial burden that comes with it.  
Typical school days in the Philippines usually start in the morning at 0730 am and ends at 5 pm. Kids in the Philippines usually go to school Monday through Friday; the academic year usually starts in June and ends either in March or April. High school students take 10 subjects every year required from the National Department of Education. All students usually stay in one classroom as teachers walk out after they are done teaching their subject. Students also do not receive immediate feedback on their work or one-on-one consultation. They wait until the end of the semester to review any comments from the teacher.  
2 out of 5 high school students do not pursue higher education due to the high tuition fees and the other expenses that they may face while in. In an interesting event though in 2020 according to Philstar global that only 13% of Filipinos finished college while only 9% of kids in the Philippines finished elementary. This may be due to that only 21% of Filipinos have obtained a high school diploma which may result the low post secondary numbers. Of the college graduates 25.6% were female and 21.3% were males. The Philippines education system has been on a two-decade crusade to improve these numbers and as of 2020 these have been the best numbers the Philippines have seen.  
Like I stated earlier that the Philippines have a strict Interary when it comes to their education system with electives not really being a thing in the education system. The Philippines is a lot like that of the US where mathematics like algebra, calculus, and trigonometry are taught then history courses like the nation's history, Asian history, and world history. Lastly, the basic courses of science and literature to round out the curriculum. I believe that these topics being taught in the Philippines are that of the US. They are learning about their culture and history but also looking into other different perspectives of other cultures around the world. I would compare the two and would say that comapritvely that both education systems are remarkably similar when it comes to their curriculum.  
Chi, C. (2023, July 10). Record number of high school graduates achieved in the Philippines after two decades - PSA data. Philstar.com. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/07/05/2278876/record-number-high-school-graduates-achieved-philippines-after-two-decades-psa-data#:~:text=Meanwhile%2C%20tertiary%20studies%20have%20become,elementary%20graduates%20in%20the%20country.  
Education system in the Philippines. Philippines Education System. (n.d.). https://www.scholaro.com/db/Countries/Philippines/Education-System  
Granada, A. (2021, April 21). Education system in the Philippines: A complete guide. Kabayan Remit. https://kabayanremit.com/blog/lifestyle/education-system-philippines/  
Philippines. (n.d.). https://online.yfuusa.org/media/yes_lounge/Philippines.pdf 
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spogwam · 5 months
Professional Development 3 - Further Master's Research
I am continuing my research into Master’s course at other universities, and based on current rankings, am looking at degrees at Strathclyde University. Strathclyde offer the highest ranked Business and Management Master’s course at their prestigious Business school in Glasgow. This course is another one-year postgraduate course for uptake in September, and they welcome applicants from any previous BA (Hons) course at a minimum of a 2:1. Unlike other universities, this course is designed for students without business degrees already, which is ideal for me. The course is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) as a Pre-Experience Masters in Management. It has the benefit of only requiring a degree for entry, not practical experience as a manager, which is what Pre-Experience means. The business school is triple accredited, also accredited by EQUIS and AACSB.
Strathclyde is a great Uni, my brother and pals have studied there, and it seems very good, having won The Awards for UK University of the year in 2019 (for the second time). The most problematic aspect of this course the cost, which is high at £16650. I do believe that this cost is justified given the accreditation of the course, but presents some problems with feasibility. Given the high cost of this course, I would have to apply for support from SAAS, likely to cover both tuition fees and living costs. I have done my due diligence in researching this possibility, and SAAS would be able to cover the costs for a postgraduate diploma that takes up to one year to complete.
This seems promising, but I am not counting my chickens yet. The maximum amount coverable by SAAS for postgraduate single year tuition fees is £7000, meaning I would still need to find a way to cover the remaining £9650 with other funding and likely, partly cover it myself. This is not impossible, but I’d almost certainly require funding from somewhere to be successful in applying. I’ve asked my brother, who studies a postgraduate Master’s at Strathclyde, where he received funding from. He told me his course cost much less than the business one, and so he didn’t require any additional funding. I’ve also reached out to Strathclyde to ask them if they know of any bursaries or loans that could potentially help me with this option. I’ll relay any updates here on my blog with this option.
Moving on to the National Film and Television School, I attended the NFTS Screenwriting course online open day on the 23rd of March this year. This course looks truly amazing, and has a long history of producing outstanding writers for film, television, animation and games. The course also allows students to see their writing adapted in production. The writer of Sex Education, The Woman In The Wall, The Good Nurse, Grace, Redemption, Casualty and Noughts and Crosses all studied this course, making it a clear stepping stone into industry writing. The course leader Brian Ward has many years’ experience as a screenwriter in Film and TV. Course leader and visiting tutor Tammy Riley-Smith and Angeli Macfarlane are also experienced writes with many credits to their names.
I’ve viewed the student showcase for this course and they look exceptional and professional, including lots of animated films as well as live action. I think my favourite I’ve seen is the trailer for City of Lost Children, a near future thriller set in a refugee camp for kids in the UK. The course is for entry in January of next year, with an application deadline on the 9th of May 2024. This is a nearby deadline, and I intend to start working on my application as soon as possible. The UK tuition fees for this course are £14800 per year, but they have much funding available. The NFTS are proud to award more scholarships and bursaries to British students relative to size than almost any other educational institution in the UK, with approximately £1.5M awarded in grants in total. If a student is successful in applying for this course, you will be contacted by a funding team with details on how to apply for one of these scholarships. They have a comprehensive funding guide, including details of potential scholarships ranging from £1000 to £12000.
The course is 2 years long and study will take place in Beaconsfield, London. This would definitely be a welcome change of pace for me, but appears to be the best possible option for a Master’s degree. I hope that Napier and NFTS’s shared connection to Screenskills would bolster an application to study here. According to the website, this course covers all aspects of screenwriting across film, television, games and animation, in different forms and genres, from the development of ideas, treatments and bibles, through the drafting of scripts, into production and post, and you’ll receive comprehensive preparation for the professional world of the screenwriter.
Written work will be workshopped by professional directors and actors, and samples of work will be read by literary agents, broadcasters, commissioners and film and television production companies, in advance of a round of industry meetings in your final term where you can pitch your ideas directly to the industry. In terms of industry access, this seems to be the most strong course for entry into a competitive field. Entry requirements for this course are surprisingly open ended, with a strong portfolio, alternative qualifications, or a creative track record the equivalent of a degree from a British university. I feel I cover many of these bases, as I feel my creative portfolio is strong, and I have multiple qualifications in both filmmaking and screenwriting outside of this course. However, this means that a degree is not prioritised by this university for entry, giving an admissions team much more flexibility in terms of accepting applicants. This could either be a detriment or a strength; as more of an all-rounder, I may not have a body of written work as comprehensive as other applicants, as I’ve had to adapt to role requirements throughout the duration of the BA Film course.
Accompanying an application here should be an original screenplay of 12 pages in length. For this requirement, I would confidently attach my latest draft of my Graduate film script (which sadly was not adapted this year), entitled In the Breeks. This is my strongest and most personal script to date, following problems faced by youth in a drug afflicted rural town in the Highlands of Scotland. I would also need to attach a one page synopsis, which I already have drafted for a previous pitch, so this is achievable. I’m excited to apply for this course and compile this application, and will include a drafted application in my completed portfolio.
Another course of interest to me at NFTS is the Creative Business Masters course, another two year programme offered by this university. The name alone signifies exactly what I am looking for in terms of blending my creative and business skills as a career. This course claims that you will learn from players across the creative industries and build a lifelong network of contacts to help grow your business. The course covers the business and creative dynamics of seven areas – film, TV, games, theatre, publishing, digital content and music. You’ll learn about market analysis, negotiation skills, and learn how to make a business plan, with the personal and professional tools needed to set up and run your own business in the entertainment industry.
Completing this course would put me in good steading were I to return to Edinburgh to start a production company, as I’d leave with a fully worked-through business proposal or plan that has been taken to investors, partners and has been mentored by a dynamic business leader in the field. The caveats for this option pose a bigger challenge, as the requirements for entry include entrepreneurship, or current involvement in the development of an existing business. This is something I am currently lacking, but could potentially demonstrate by the time it comes to the application deadline on the 4th of July this year. This grants me a more relaxed window to craft a strong application. I would say I am better qualified for the Screenwriting Masters, but having recently produced the graduate project Under the Gorse, I would still have plenty of work to support my application. On this film project, we shot using 16mm film and worked with child actors, presenting a unique set of challenges to overcome and constant pragmatism in problem solving, much of which would be useful to discuss in my application.
My current work in marketing the Crowdfunder for Under the Gorse could also prove useful in bolstering my application for this course. Graduates form this course have seen much success, producing films like Jojo Rabbit, producing the Cannes selected film La Chimera, and working on promotional material for large companies like Little Moons, Garnier, HOMETHINGS, and Zapp.
I will continue my research into these degrees and draft applications/cover pages for each of these applications. In my next blog post, I will delve specifically into career options in the Gaelic and wider UK film industry.
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hardynwa · 9 months
Students face uncertainty as Ogun polytechnic offers nursing, law, other degrees
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“I stayed at home for three years owing to lack of money. My parents wanted education but they were helpless. “I managed to conclude my secondary school education because my dad couldn’t pay the fees. I won’t blame him because he was strong and agile until 2022 when he had an accident that left him completely in a wheelchair. “Despite many pleas, my dad wouldn’t allow my mum to do any job until the accident, no thanks to that drunk driver. “After the accident, my mum got some loans and started a petty business but it wasn’t enough to feed a large family. There was no hope of getting educated. But I had promised my dad that I would be a graduate of law. “So I started working hard, I did all kinds of jobs to raise funds. “Many times I went to construction sites to assist bricklayers, while sometimes, I pushed wheelbarrows in the popular Ojota market. “After over five years of hard labour, my friend, Saheed, told me about Havarde and my little enquiry was to establish if my savings will secure me admission to study law here (Harvarde). “Having confirmed that, I came here, only for me to start hearing from different persons that we have been scammed. “I am currently in my second year. If this turns out to be true, I will be the biggest loser in the world and it won’t be easy for mum to take.” This was Aina Jide’s narration when our reporter approached him earlier in the week where he was seated and lost in thought in Obada area of Abeokuta, the host community to the controversial – Havarde College of Science, Business and Management Studies, a polytechnic where law, pharmacy, nursing, among other professional courses are offered to students. From random interviews, DAILY POST gathered that locals could not explain if the institution is a polytechnic or a university. The students are equally as confused as the locals. But the residents were pleased with the facelift given to commercial activities in the popular Obada, all thanks to the number of students living in the area. In an advert by the school posted online, it advertised that it awards National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) certificates. But the same polytechnic also claimed in the same advert that it runs B.Sc conversion programmes for HND holders, creating confusion as to whether or not the school now has the approval of the National Universities Commission (NUC) to award degrees or it was accredited by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). A student of the school, who refused to give his name over the fear of getting reprimanded, spoke from the ‘pool’ of his confusion when he told DAILY POST correspondent that “Bros, I really do not know what to believe anymore, honestly, I am frustrated.” He said, “We learnt that Havarde was an affiliate of Olabisi Onabanjo University.” When asked the range of their tuition fee, he said law students pay N195,000 yearly as school fees, while those in the nursing department pay N130,000 yearly. Findings But Investigation by DAILY POST showed that the proprietor of the institution, Dr Oluwatosin Adebayo, severed ties with OOU many years back. Thorough checks on both NUC and NBTE websites showed that the school was yet to be accredited as a university. In a 2021 directory of the NBTE, Harvarde college was seen among the list of specialised institutions offering accredited programmes. The college got permission of the NBTE to offer four courses which include: Accountancy, Business Administration, Mass Communication and Computer Science all for National Diploma (ND) only. According to the NBTE, the accreditation ought to expire in October, 2022. Although not confirmed, a staff of the institution who preferred to be anonymous, told DAILY POST that the school got approval to run a monotechnic with the earlier mentioned courses. This reporter, however, discovered that, against the four courses accredited by the NBTE, the school now runs about 30 courses, including criminology, law, nursing, among others. Management reacts Responding to DAILY POST enquiry, the proprietor of the school, Dr Oluwatosin Adebayo, debunked the allegation, insisting that the school was duly registered by the federal government. “We cannot come to Abeokuta and be doing something illegal. If anything is not clear to you, please come to us to get clarification and not spread something that is untrue. “We used to be under OOU before but today, we don’t have any affiliation with OOU again. We can’t continue to serve one person for life,” he stated. He further noted that what he described as a rumour against the school emanated from rusticated students of the institution. According to him, “I think what caused all these rumours is because we do send students away from here. If after a year your GP is less than 1.00 or you misbehave, we will send you away. “We can’t harbour such students around us but most of them will not go home and what they will now do is to embark on unnecessary rumour.” Although the proprietor claimed that university courses on their campuses are on affiliation, he refused to mention the name(s) of the mother institution they are affiliated to. When asked what the school awards to students, Adebayo said, “We have ND, we have HND but we don’t have the power to issue Bsc on our own, so we have to affiliate. But we have accreditation up to HND level.” Meanwhile, thousands of students, just like Jide, are currently in the school, paying huge sums, in pursuit of academic certificates. Read the full article
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Unlocking the Skies: Your Guide to the Commercial Pilot License Course and Career Opportunities
A Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is a certification issued by the DGCA, allowing individuals to serve as the Pilot in Command of aircraft and earn a salary for their services. CPL holders are qualified to carry out flight operations in both single and multi-engine airplanes, as well as serve as co-pilots. The CPL program encompasses a comprehensive curriculum, including general flying, aircraft testing, and skill assessments in compliance with DGCA requirements. The increasing popularity of CPL training has led to a proliferation of aviation schools and flight clubs in India. Aspiring candidates can enroll in the program through various entrance exams or, in some cases, merit-based admission. After completing the CPL course, candidates must undergo a training period of at least six months and up to one year to become eligible for employment in government and private airlines. Their responsibilities may include piloting, cargo and passenger transportation, as well as aerial surveying and search and rescue operations.
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Eligibility for a Commercial Pilot License
The CPL program is highly competitive, with specific eligibility criteria that candidates must meet, including:
1. Completion of the 12th-grade examination in the Science stream with PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) or holding a recognized three-year engineering diploma.
2. Minimum age of 17 or older.
3. Meeting the medical fitness standards set by DGCA.
Duration of CPL Course
The CPL course typically spans 8 to 10 months, comprising 80 hours of ground-based academic sessions and 200 hours of flight training. The training is divided into three phases: Ground Training, Simulator Training, and Flying Training. CPL offers a promising career in aviation, with graduates earning competitive salaries both in India and abroad.
CPL Course Curriculum
The CPL syllabus encompasses a wide range of subjects, all designed by DGCA to ensure a deep understanding of aircraft operation and systems. Some of the subjects covered include:
1. Air Regulations
2. Aviation Meteorology
3. Air Navigation
4. Technical General
5. Technical Specific
6. Radio Telephony
Career Opportunities with a CPL
The Indian Aviation Industry is experiencing rapid growth, offering numerous opportunities for CPL holders. Airlines are the primary employers for commercial pilots, including top national recruiting airlines such as:
- Air India
- Jet Airways
- IndiGo
- SpiceJet
- GoAir
- AirAsia India
- Vistara
- Alliance Air
- Luwang Air
- Air Deccan
- Blue Dart Aviation
- Pinnacle Air
- Spirit Air
- Supreme Airlines
- TajAir
- Titan Aviation
- Ventura AirConnect
- And many more...
CPL graduates can pursue various job profiles, including Co-Pilot, Chief Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Airline Pilot, Captain, Commuter Pilot, First Officer, and Experimental Test Pilot.
Admission Process for CPL Course
To gain admission to a CPL course, candidates must follow these steps:
1. Complete the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Common Entrance Test (AME CET) application.
2. Upon qualifying in the AME CET exam, candidates can secure admission to top-flight schools or institutions based on their All India Rank (AIR) achieved in the AME CET.
Fee Structure for Commercial Pilot License
The fee structure for CPL courses varies depending on the institute's infrastructure, training facilities, faculty, and other amenities. On average, CPL aviation courses range in cost from 20 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs, with fees varying among institutions.
Salary for Commercial Pilot License Holders
Salaries for Commercial Pilot License Course holders differ based on factors such as the employer and the pilot's experience. Typically, CPL holders can expect an annual salary ranging from INR 10 Lakhs to 15 Lakhs. In addition to their salary, commercial license holders often receive various benefits, including:
- 1000 hours of work per year
- Free transportation to and from home
- Complimentary meals
- Accommodation in 5-star hotels
- Duty-free shopping privileges
- Complimentary international travel
- Social prestige, particularly in India
- And many more perks.
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robertnelson2-blog · 1 year
If you have spent time in Australia studying towards a degree, masters, or PhD, you may now be considering whether you can work once your studies end. As a student visa holder in Australia, you will not have the automatic right to work once your studies come to an end, rather you will be expected to leave the country before your visa expires. If your plan is to stay and work, there are specific visas which you can apply for. In this article, we will explain how the temporary Graduate visa works (subclass 485), the eligibility criteria which apply, the process of applying, and the fees. Pte score for 485 visa
The temporary Graduate visa is divided into two separate streams:
The graduate work stream – for international students who have recently graduated with skills and qualifications that are relevant to occupations on the Shortage Occupation List (SOL). This visa is typically granted for a period of 18 months.
The post-study work stream – for international students who have recently graduated with a degree from an Australian institution, and allows them to live and work in Australia for a fixed period. Holders can remain in Australia for between two and four years depending on their qualifications.
It is also possible to bring your dependants such as your immediate family members with you to Australia on a temporary graduate work visa.
Meeting the Australian study requirement
Under the graduate work stream and the post-study work stream, you must meet the Australian study requirement. This will be met if you have at least one degree, diploma or trade qualification and the following apply:
you undertook a single eligible qualification that required at least two academic years study, or more than one qualification that resulted in a total of at least two academic years study resulting in an eligible qualification
your course was a CRICOS-registered course
you successfully completed all course requirements
your study was in English
you completed your course as a result of at least two academic years (92 weeks) study
you were physically in Australia for at least 16 calendar months to complete the study
you held an Australian study visa that allowed you to study
Meeting the skills and qualification requirement
The graduate work stream requires that applicants satisfy the following requirements:
they must nominate one occupation on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) and
have a degree, diploma or trade qualification closely related to that occupation and
be assessed by a relevant assessing authority as having skills suitable for that occupation
As such, applicants must select a shortage occupation which aligns with their degree (or higher qualification), and this must be assessed as suitable by a relevant assessing authority.
The post-study work stream requires that applicants have an eligible degree; either a bachelor degree, bachelor (honours) degree, Masters by coursework degree, Masters (extended) degree, masters by research degree, or doctoral degree. Visa refusal Australia
In addition, applicants for a temporary graduate visa will need to satisfy the English language requirement. This can be met by holding a passport from United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland, or by passing an English proficiency test. This can be either:
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) – overall score of at least six with a minimum score of 5 for each of the four parts
Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) – with a total score of at least 64 with a minimum score of four for listening, four for reading, 14 for writing and 14 for speaking
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) – with an overall score of at least 50 with a minimum score of 36 for each of the four parts
Occupational English Test (OET) – with at least B for each of the four parts
Cambridge C1 Advanced test – at least 169 with a minimum score of at least 154 in each of the four test components
You will also need to meet the health and character requirements, and have a sufficient level of healthcare insurance for your time in Australia.
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nikhilamecet · 6 months
Commercial Pilot License (CPL) holder is an authorized pilot in commercial aircraft, that is well trained enough to act as the pilot in command. The job of a commercial pilot covers various roles in aviation like flying an aircraft, crop dusters, fixed schedule flights, rescue operations. Not only this, but they can also fly charter flights in case of an emergency.
Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is neither a diploma nor a degree, it's a licensed program for pilots. An aspiring candidate can obtain Flying training from any institute recognized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to pursue this course. Students must complete 200 flying hours from the flying school in the commercial pilot license course to become a pilot But first, the eligibility criteria required for the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is that a candidate must appear or pass 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) or equivalent should be fulfilled to get admission in flying schools.
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guptabhaanu · 1 year
Cabin Crew Courses in Gurgoan
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The course of Cabin Crew trains the candidate about how to ensure the safety, welfare, and comfort of the passengers. Cabin Crew plays a great role in the aviation field. There are many institutes of Cabin crew in Delhi that have been approved by the Government of India. The candidates who are wishing to take admission into a top institute should take the AME CET. The Cabin Crew institutes in Delhi have an attractive infrastructure and academic facilities. All the institutes in Delhi have been approved by the Government of India.
Best Cabin Crew Training Institute in Delhi
Cabin Crew institutes in Delhi offer theoretical and practical knowledge. This fact must be noted that all the institutes in Delhi have been approved by the Government of India. This course covers the training of the Air hostess/ male steward about ensuring the welfare and the comfort of the passengers.
Cabin Crew Course Details
The Cabin Crew is liable to check the cabin before the plane takes off, to ensure compliance with the safety regulations. They are also comfortable for ensuring the comfort, welfare, and safety of the passengers on board. The Cabin crew plays a crucial role in the airline industry. The Cabin crew job opportunities are increasing day by day in national, international, private, and public Airlines.
Cabin Crew Course Duration
The course of Cabin Crew is 11 months depending on the program and the course. Furthermore, the fees of the Cabin Crew course are approximately from 1 lakh to 1.5 lakhs.
Cabin Crew Course Eligibility
The candidates, who are looking forward to applying for the Cabin crew course must ensure that they are fitting into the specified eligibility criteria. Furthermore, the eligibility criteria for the Cabin Crew course can be found below:-
To get admission into one of the top institutes, one should take AME CET.
To pursue the Cabin Crew course, the candidates must have qualified his/ her 10+2 in any stream or 3 years engineering diploma from any recognized board/university.
Students who have an undergraduate degree also are eligible for the Cabin Crew course.
The age of the candidate for the Cabin Crew must be between 17 to 25 years at the time of admission.
The height must be 155 cm or above for Females and 170 cm or above for Males in proportion to weight.
Cabin Crew Subjects
There are various subjects in the course of Cabin Crew. Furthermore, the list of subjects is given below:-
Aircraft Familiarization
Food and catering Services
Flight Evaluation
First Aid
Inter-Department Coordination
Situation Handling
Airport Familiarization
Communication Skills
Technical Training (Basic Aircraft Functions, Safety Procedures, etc.)
In-flight Procedures
Personality Development
Passenger Handling
Grooming and Presentation
Speciliaty Of Cabin Crew Courses In Gurgoan
In Gurugram (formerly known as Gurgaon), there are various training institutes and academies that offer cabin crew courses. These courses are designed to provide aspiring cabin crew members with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. While the exact details of each course may vary, here are some common specializations and topics covered in cabin crew courses:
Safety and Emergency Procedures: Cabin crew members are responsible for passenger safety on board an aircraft. Courses typically cover safety protocols, emergency procedures, evacuation techniques, first aid, and CPR.
Customer Service and Communication: Cabin crew members serve as the primary point of contact for passengers. Courses focus on developing excellent communication skills, conflict resolution techniques, and providing high-quality customer service.
In-Flight Service and Hospitality: Cabin crew members are responsible for providing food and beverage services, ensuring passenger comfort, and maintaining cleanliness on the aircraft. Courses cover aspects such as in-flight service techniques, food handling, and presentation skills.
Aviation Regulations and Procedures: Cabin crew members must be familiar with aviation regulations and procedures. Courses provide an understanding of industry-specific regulations, aircraft operations, security protocols, and airline policies.
Cultural Awareness and Diversity Training: Cabin crew members interact with passengers from various cultural backgrounds. Courses emphasize cultural awareness, diversity training, and sensitivity to ensure effective communication and customer satisfaction.
Personal Grooming and Presentation: Cabin crew members are expected to maintain a professional appearance. Courses often include modules on personal grooming, professional etiquette, and uniform standards.
Teamwork and Leadership Skills: Cabin crew members work closely with a team and need to collaborate effectively. Courses focus on developing teamwork skills, leadership abilities, and problem-solving capabilities.
It's important to note that the specific curriculum and duration of cabin crew courses can vary among different training institutes in Gurugram. I recommend researching and contacting individual institutes to get detailed information about their course offerings.
Any Information About Cabin Crew Course In Gurgoan
CONTACT - 9599941065
WEBSITE - https://www.aptechlearning.com
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nehatales · 1 year
What is the process for obtaining a DGCA AME license in India?
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Aircraft maintenance engineering handles maintenance, repair, and overhaul of aircraft, with routine inspections of engines and aircraft systems. It is a highly skilled profession and AMEs ensure that aircraft are safe and airworthy. They work in unison with pilots, flight crews, and other aviation professionals to maintain safety standards.
AME (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer) is a licensed professional that needs certification from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Students interested in becoming AME professionals should enrol in an AME course, which will prepare them for the DGCA-conducted AME Licence Exam. The following steps should be followed to become an AME in India: -
Eligibility Criteria
The candidate must have completed your 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as mandatory subjects. The candidate must have a 10+2 diploma with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as required subjects. The minimum age to enrol in an AME course at a DGCA-approved AME institute is 16 years old. Another criterion for eligibility is a diploma certificate in any trade.
Choose an AME Institute
The Sha-Shib institutes offer courses in DGCA-approved AME institutes. Students may consider enrolling in Aircraft maintenance engineering colleges in India approved by DGCA, taking into account factors such as location, reputation, course duration, and fees.
Complete the AME course
The AME course gives practical training in aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul. The course duration of Aircraft maintenance engineering colleges in India approved by DGCA is 3 years and students are provided theoretical knowledge about aircraft systems, mechanics, avionics, and other related topics.
Apply for AME License
After the completion of the course, students can apply to the annually conducted AME License Exam by DGCA (Directorate of Civil Aviation) which is a written exam about aircraft maintenance and repair.
Issuance of AME License
If the student passes the AME License Exam, the AME License is issued by DGCA and the AME Licence is valid for 5 years and can be renewed periodically.
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meghalayacareer · 2 years
IDBI Bank Recruitment 2023: Assistant Manager (AM) Vacancy (600 Posts)
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IDBI Bank Recruitment 2023: Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 600 Assistant Managers (AM) in Grade-A vacancies. The last date for submission of the application is 28th February 2023. Post Name: Assistant Manager (AM) - No. of vacancies: 600 - Qualification: Graduate from a recognized university Passing only a diploma course will not be considered as qualifying the eligibility criteria. - Work Experience: Minimum 2 years of experience in Banks and financial services (including but not limited to Micro Finance Institutions/Non-Banking Financial Companies/Cooperative Banks/Regional Rural Banks/Fintech Companies) & Insurance Sector. Experience should be Full time & as a permanent employee (Experience below 06 months in any organization will not be reckoned). - Emoluments: Assistant Managers in Grade A are Rs.36,000/- per month in the pay scale of 36000-1490(7)-46430-1740(2)–49910–1990(7)-63840(17 years). - Age (as on January 01, 2023): Minimum: 21 years; Maximum: 30 years The candidate must have been born not earlier than January 02, 1993, and not later than January 01, 2002 (both dates inclusive). - Nationality/Citizenship: Candidates must be either (a) a citizen of India, (b) a subject of Nepal, (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a Tibetan refugee (who came over to India before 1st January 1962) intending to permanently settle in India or (e) a person of Indian origin, who has migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar (formally Burma), Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam to permanently settle in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) or (e) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by Government of India. The candidate, in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be admitted to the selection process conducted by the Bank, but on final selection, the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/her by the Government of India. Application Fee of IDBI Grade-A Vacancy 2023-24 (i) Payment is to be made only in Online mode as follows: - Rs.200/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates (Only Intimation Charges). - Rs.1000/- for all other candidates (Application Fees and Intimation Charges). (ii) Bank Transaction charges/convenience charges or any other charges applicable for Online Payment of Application fees/Intimation charges will have to be borne by the candidate. (iii) The last date for payment of the fee would be the same even for the candidate’s applying from far-flung areas. No mode other than the online mode of payment would be acceptable. (iv) Candidates are advised to go through the advertisement thoroughly and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria before making the payment, as the fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. (v) The application form is integrated with the Payment Gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions given below. (vi) The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/Mobile Wallets, etc. (vii) After submitting your payment information, PLEASE WAIT FOR THE INTIMATION FROM THE SERVER. DO NOT PRESS THE BACK OR REFRESH BUTTON TO AVOID DOUBLE CHARGE/ PAYMENT FAILURES. (viii) On successful completion of the transaction, an e-Receipt will be generated. (ix) Non-generation of ‟E-Receipt‟ indicates PAYMENT FAILURE. On failure of payment, Candidates are advised to log in again using their Provisional Registration Number and Password and repeat the process of payment. (x) Candidates should print an online application form containing fee details. Please note that if the same cannot be generated online, the transaction may not have been successful. (xi) Preserve the hard copy of the system-generated online Application Form and E-Receipt for submission during the further process. The hard copy is not to be sent to the bank. (xii) For Credit Card users: All charges are listed in Indian Rupee. If you use a non-Indian credit card, your bank will convert the amount to your local currency based on prevailing exchange rates. (xiii) To ensure the security of your data, please close the browser window once your transaction is completed. (xiv) Bank is not liable to refund the fees paid and/or any charges in event of non-selection of the candidate at any stage or closure or filling of all vacancies or in any other circumstances/conditions. How to Apply for IDBI Grade-A Recruitment? - Candidates can apply Online only, from February 17, 2023, to February 28, 2023, both dates inclusive. Application in any other mode will not be accepted - Have a valid personal email id and mobile number, which should be kept active till the completion of the Recruitment Process. The Bank may send call letters for the examination and/or other information to the registered email-id/mobile number. In case of non-receipt of the communication/information due to technical defect, error, or failure, the Bank shall not be responsible for the same. Candidates are advised not to change their email-id/ mobile number till the recruitment process is completed. - Only one application should be submitted by the candidate. In case of multiple applications, only the latest valid (complete) application will be accepted and the application fee/intimation charges paid for the multiple registration(s) will stand forfeited. Multiple attendance/appearances in the OT/PI/DV/PRMT will be summarily rejected and candidature shall stand canceled. - Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Category, Date of Birth, Address, Mobile Number, Email-id, Centre of Examination, etc. will be considered as final and no change/modifications will be allowed after submission of the online application form. Candidates are hence advised to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained. Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications. Online Application Link Click Here Download Official Notification Click Here Job Updates on Facebook Click Here Read the full article
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