#Direct Evidence
Admissible evidence is a type of evidence that a judge will allow a lawyer to present in court. A judge will determine admissibility based on relevance, authenticity and value. Admissible evidence is factual as it will pertain to a specific case and possesses a value that will exceed other considerations, such as bias or shock value. Legal teams discover before a trial will begin whether the judge approved any evidence they submitted.
A recorded confession by the defendant that was given freely and voluntarily without compulsion or inducement. As such, it was not the product of physical or psychological coercion that did overcome the will of the present individual to resist.
Inadmissible evidence is evidence that a lawyer can't present to the jury. Evidence that a judge would consider inadmissible include hearsay, prejudicial, improperly obtained, or irrelevant items. For example, an investigator could use a polygraph test to determine whether a person is lying about the events of a case. The results often qualify as inadmissible because they work by measuring a person's level of anxiety. If a person does experience anxiety for another reason or that person is able to remain calm under pressure, then the test can produce an inaccurate overall result.
A polygraph test
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Direct evidence is a general term for any type of evidence that will link a defendant directly to a crime. This type of evidence is typically easy to understand for a jury. For instance, if a jury could watch a video of the defendant committing a crime, it would usually require no further examination or testing to determine its accuracy.
A defendant's fingerprint was lifted from a weapon used to commit the crime; it was, additionally, properly gathered at the scene. The change of custody was maintained during the entire process in order to be presented in court.
Circumstantial evidence describes information that doesn't directly connect a defendant to a crime but rather implies a connection exists. These examples don't directly prove that a defendant is guilty, but they provide background or context to a crime. Attorneys often rely on circumstantial evidence if direct evidence isn't available or to compile a timeline of a crime.
○An eyewitness account stated that the defendant was near a crime around the specified hour and minute, which it occurred.
○A fingerprint at the scene of a crime taken from a location where the defendant would be present anyway, such as at their home or workplace.
○A witness claimed that the defendant threatened or talked about committing the crime before it occurred.
Statistical evidence will refer to numerical data used to prove or disprove guilt in a jury trial. A judge will typically only allow certain statistics in court. A statistic will usually determine that legal teams will introduce a statistic resulting from a scientific research project that could deny a less reliable method such as a poll. A statistic will usually establish possibilities or correlations, so each member of a jury may consider a particular statistic's connection to a crime differently.
Real evidence, also known as physical evidence, is a material object with a connection to the defendant's potential role in a crime. There are two types of physical evidence. Individual physical evidence that will involve pieces that are unique to a person, such as DNA or fingerprints. Class physical evidence relates to a certain segment of the population, which may help professionals narrow down a list of suspects. An example of class physical evidence include blood type, tire tread and weapon manufacturers.
Prima facie evidence, sometimes called presumptive evidence, uses other types of evidence gathered from a crime scene to make a plausible assumption. A rebuttal from an opposing legal team can later determine prima facie evidence to be inaccurate. For example, if a prosecutor concludes a person is deceased because of the defendant's alleged crimes, the defense team may counter this prima facie evidence by introducing doubt about the connection between the victim and the crime.
Demonstrative evidence is information that legal teams present to a jury through visual aids, such as charts or diagrams. It will typically include the presentation of physical evidence, such as clothing from a crime scene that may connect the defendant to a crime. This type of evidence can help a jury better understand a lawyer's argument about the alleged behaviors of the defendant.
Documentary evidence includes any type of written, verbal or visual recordings. In most cases, it refers to paper documents, such as handwritten notes or letters. Photographs, audio recordings and video also make up documentary evidence, which legal teams use to prove the validity of facts in a case.
Impression evidence refers to imprints left in the material found at a crime scene that may link a defendant to a crime. Forensics experts handle impression evidence carefully because it may deteriorate or wash away easily. They often create molds of the evidence to preserve them for use during an investigation. Attorneys may present impression evidence to a jury if it's relevant and can affect the outcome of a case. An example of impression evidence could include:
○A footprint in the dirt around a victim's home
○A hole or crack in walls caused by the blunt force of an object
○A tire track in the sand near a crime scene
Testimonial evidence is information provided by a witness who responds to questions from one or both legal teams under oath. Attorneys from the prosecution and the defense present witnesses, and they often answer questions from attorneys on both sides. Direct examination occurs when witnesses respond to questions from the attorney who presented them. Cross-examination occurs when they respond to questions from the opposing legal team.
Character evidence is information that attempts to portray the defendant in a positive or negative way. A common type of character evidence is testimony from a witness who knows the defendant and can attest to their typical behavior. Lawyers usually use character evidence to prove a defendant's motive in a case.
Legal teams use habit evidence to highlight a defendant's consistent actions during specific circumstances. For example, a lawyer may argue that their client accused of committing a crime at a college library at 3 p.m. on a Tuesday met with a study group at 3 p.m. every Tuesday in a different location on campus. Therefore, the defendant was not at the scene of the crime when it occurred. Unlike presumptive evidence, which considers a defendant's unfavorable behavior in the past, habit evidence is admissible in court.
Hearsay evidence is information provided outside of a court setting to someone involved in the trial. In most cases, judges don't allow hearsay evidence because the attorney for an opposing law team doesn't have an opportunity to cross-examine the person who provided the information. Some jurisdictions allow it under certain circumstances. Examples of hearsay that a judge may permit include witness admissions that don't benefit the witness by sharing them or statements people make shortly before their expected passing.
Forensic evidence, or scientific evidence, is an essential form of evidence in a jury trial. It often introduces indisputable facts that investigators and forensic professionals prove using scientific methods. Forensic evidence primarily refers to genetic information, such as DNA and fingerprints. It also may include evidence proven by physics and other forms of science, such as ballistics. Its reliability makes it an important factor in whether juries decide to convict or exonerate a defendant in criminal cases.
Trace evidence includes tiny pieces of physical matter that transfer onto a surface when someone commits a crime. Trace evidence can help investigators examine a crime scene thoroughly and develop connections to suspects. It's typically admissible in court, so legal teams often present it to juries to help them understand certain events that occurred in the case. Examples of this may include:
○Gunshot residue
Expert witness evidence is similar to eyewitness testimony because it involves an individual's verbal statements provided under oath. Instead of asking questions to someone who witnessed a crime, lawyers recruit experts in their field to answer questions related to a particular case. For example, a doctor may serve as an expert witness in a murder case because they can confirm facts or disprove theories about how a victim's injuries occurred.
Exculpatory evidence is any evidence that might exonerate the defendant. Defense teams often present exculpatory evidence to juries to introduce reasonable doubt or to justify or excuse a defendant's actions. The Brady Rule, first introduced in 1963, establishes that prosecutors have a responsibility by law to disclose any exculpatory evidence they find to the jury.
Digital evidence is evidence stored in binary form on computers, mobile phones and other types of electronic devices. This type of evidence has become increasingly more common as technology advances, and attorneys often use it in court. Common forms of digital evidence include text messages, emails and GPS data.
Lawyers use corroborating evidence to confirm or authenticate other types of evidence presented in court. In most cases, it adds credibility to witness testimony. Types of corroborating evidence include medical records, court documents, signed affidavits and written statements sworn under oath.
Insufficient evidence is a lack of evidence, which can cause the dismissal of a case. When law enforcement professionals arrest a suspect and charge them, the prosecution team will then carry the burden of proof. This means they have a duty to explain to the judge why they believe they have a case against the defendant. If the judge doesn't find the information sufficient to warrant an arrest, they may release the defendant and drop the case.
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sugarcoatednightshade · 7 months
thinking about how Humans Are Space Orcs stories always talk about how indestructible humans are, our endurance, our ability to withstand common poisons, etc. and thats all well and good, its really fun to read, but it gets repetitive after a while because we aren't all like that.
And that got me thinking about why this trope is so common in the first place, and the conclusion I came to is actually kind of obvious if you think about it. Not everyone is allowed to go into space. This is true now, with the number of physical restrictions placed on astronauts (including height limits), but I imagine it's just as strict in some imaginary future where humans are first coming into contact with alien species. Because in that case there will definitely be military personnel alongside any possible diplomatic parties.
And I imagine that all interactions aliens have ever had up until this point have been with trained personnel. Even basic military troops conform to this standard, to some degree. So aliens meet us and they're shocked and horrified to discover that we have no obvious weaknesses, we're all either crazy smart or crazy strong (still always a little crazy, academia and war will do that to you), and not only that but we like, literally all the same height so there's no way to tell any of us apart.
And Humans Are Death Worlders stories spread throughout the galaxy. Years or decades or centuries of interspecies suspicion and hostilities preventing any alien from setting foot/claw/limb/appendage/etc. on Earth until slowly more beings are allowed to come through. And not just diplomats who keep to government buildings, but tourists. Exchange students. Temporary visitors granted permission to go wherever they please, so they go out in search of 'real terran culture' and what do they find?
Humans with innate heart defects that prevent them from drinking caffeine. Humans with chronic pain and chronic fatigue who lack the boundless endurance humans are supposedly famous for. Humans too tall or too short or too fat to be allowed into space. Humans who are so scared of the world they need to take pills just to function. Humans with IBS who can't stand spicy foods, capsaicin really is poison to them. Lactose intolerance and celiac disease, my god all the autoimmune disorders out there, humans who struggle to function because their own bodies fight them. Humans who bruise easily and take too long to heal. Humans who sustained one too many concussions and now struggle to talk and read and write. Humans who've had strokes. Humans who were born unable to talk or hear or speak, and humans who through some accident lost that ability later.
Aliens visit Earth, and do you know what they find? Humanity, in all its wholeness.
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psmaliksblog · 2 years
Sec. 120-B IPC एक ऐसी कानूनी धारा है जो सब आरोपियों को डराती है। वह प्रेम असफलता के केस हों, रुपये पैसे के केस हो, मर्डर हो, चीटिंग हो, रेप हो कोई भी अपराध पुलिस ने दर्ज किया हो तो वह धड़ल्ले से Sec. 120-B IPC का इस्तेमाल करती है। दो आरोपी किसी भी अपराध में शामिल हों तो पुलिस साथ ही यह आरोप भी लगा देती है कि उन आरोपियों ने मर्डर करने से पहले मर्डर करने की साजिश की थी और उसके बाद अपराध को अंजाम…
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sharkface · 2 months
If there are supposedly hordes of trans women sniffing out shy moody androgynous goth boys and turning them into extroverted freaky raver puppygirls explain why hasn't it happened to me yet. Am I not pretty enough
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
"Sansa = Ned 2.0 and Arya = Catelyn 2.0" is one of those takes where you can just tell people are more attached to the aesthetic than anything. "The Stark girls are most like the parent they look least like" sounds good on paper and people run with the idea, regardless of how it actually fits into the story. A majority of the justification relies on misinterpreting all of their characters + a healthy dose of fanon. What gets me is that this is the same fandom that insists that Lyanna, only compared to Arya in the text, is equal parts Arya and Sansa but Ned and Catelyn, two fully fleshed-out and complex characters, have to be more like one girl or the other? There's just nothing in the story to justify being so adamant about these comparisons. Arya and Sansa have parallels with both of their parents but at the end of the day, they are unique characters with their own stories. I'll never understand why people want to flatten these complex characters down to their most basic tropes and fit them into restrictive boxes just for a "poetical~" comparison.
#arya stark#sansa stark#catelyn stark#ned stark#house stark#asoiaf#BORING YAWNING SLOPPY#notice how these takes never come with actual evidence from the books to make direct comparisons from the text?#/ned is a gentle quiet poitican/ and he physically attacks someone + constantly shows his frustration and voicing his opinions#our first introduction to him is him executing a man and we know he's done so several times that year#he says that his toddler son needs to grow up and stop being afraid of a giant wolf cause /winter is coming/ and Northern life is hard 😭#/Cat is a feral wild woman/ and her chapters are full of her holding her tongue and trying to mediate situations#people literally switch their characterizations cause the second a woman shows emotion she's /feral/#and a man can be the most wild unhinged character ever and still be /kind/ and /gentle/#like yeah fanon sansa is fanon ned 2.0 and fanon arya is fanon cat 2.0 but their actual characters are more complex then that#the only valid /2.0/ comparison is between Lyanna and Arya but somehow she gets split between Arya and Sansa 🥴#my hourly frustration at this fandom not caring about the story and only being here for /the vibes~/#like Ned hates Tourneys and protests one as a waste of resources while Sansa is planning a Tourney and using resources while winter#is arriving and smallfolk are going hungry...but she's Ned 2.0? Where? How? Huh?#And yeah Ned deals with politics in KL but that's relatively a small aspect of his character#and even him constantly speaking his mind and challenging Robert directly is the exact opposite of Sansa's approach 😭#/courtesy is a Lady's armor/ vs. /I'm gonna tell Robert he's an idiot right to his face/ oh yeah totes the same#Arya is the character following his advice and guidance for a reason just saying#like if Sansa was doing the same I could see it but she..isn't? Her approach is much closer to Catelyn's than Ned's#I don't understand why people have all of the sudden decided that the Sansa/Cat parallels are shallow when they're#very similar characters and Sansa's current plot actually revolves around that fact#obviously they're not exactly alike but no two characters are or even meant to be...their comparisons are still very valid#tired of being expected to accept an idea just because enough people repeat it
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hephaestuscrew · 8 months
One of the many Wolf 359 script directions that is Important To Me is this bit from Ep15 What's Up, Doc?, which comes after Hilbert has been threatening to tell Minkowski how Eiffel ended up on the Hephaestus:
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greenfiend · 18 days
We don’t talk about this enough…
“I just saw my ending and thought ohhhhhhhh…. And then I walked away very slowly…” *nervous smile*
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
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We big chillin
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good-beanswrites · 5 months
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My thoughts on how the Milgram mv machine works based on the evidence we have:
(I know there’s been discussion about where exactly the interrogations take place, but wherever they are,) the prisoners are made to sit in a specific chair near the wall that houses the machine.
It’s ordinarily hidden, but the wall panels shift aside to reveal it when the mechanical sounds play in the dramas. As well as the walls moving, the chair transforms to restrain the prisoner and attach whatever it takes to access their brain. The fact that none of the more frightened prisoners try to run or break it makes it seem like they physically cannot. This is why Fuuta sounds so panicked, and why Amane is suddenly helpless in front of Es in their T1 vds.
(My mind conjures very classic sci-fi mad scientist machines with wires, pipes, lights, nodes, needles, etc, but I’d love to hear how other people visualize it.)
In some vds (maybe all? I’d need to check,) you can hear Es take some steps right before their iconic line -- it would make sense that for safety reasons, the power mechanism is placed across the room. Once again it could be anything, but the sound effect makes me think of one of those giant wall-mounted levers you have to pull down.
The voice dramas don’t really provide the type of crime details that an actual interrogation would reveal, and it’s odd that they’re placed before the extraction rather than after Es gets to see the new details. This leads me to believe the machine functions with priming. All Es needs to do is get them talking about their murder, so it’s on their mind.
The video produced is much like a (non-lucid) dream. Even if the prisoners figure out that this is how it works, they can’t control it just by thinking really hard about something else. The murders produce the strongest emotional affect, and that’s what it picks up on. If someone else used the machine, it would default to whatever gave them the strongest emotional reaction in the ~15 minutes beforehand, hence why Es’ video focuses on their daunting task ahead. (The Undercover theory is still a bit loose, though, given the private shots that Es wouldn't have known about). It’s why the videos are usually closely linked to the vd topics/beats. I also like to think that the reason their prisoner colors appear so much is because they’re looking at those colors on their uniform 24/7.
The bell rings to inform Es that it’s the optimal time to use the machine -- the prisoner has been thinking about things for long enough that the video will be about their crime, and if the conversation lasts much longer they’ll start thinking of other things. It’s at a different time for each prisoner because it’s based on the specific conversation. I guess Jackalope is listening in to the interrogation, timing it perfectly. (The only one that kind of messes with this theory is Yonah, because they just keep talking afterwards lol, but it could just show that the interrogation is still in Es’ control.)
Their “Sing your sins” is the final priming nudge to get them to think of their actions as a sin, revealing their guilt.
Once activated, the prisoner enters a sort of trance/sleeping state. It’s very much like REM sleep, with the machine forcibly activating neurons and recording the output. The prisoners have asked Es what they saw, meaning they don’t remember the mvs. I like to think the prisoners do experience the mv in real time, acting as the major version of themself that appears, but can’t remember it afterwards. It’s when you experience a dream, but as soon as you wake up you’re just left with fleeting emotions and memories right on the tip of your tongue.
The video plays immediately upon extraction -- whether on a huge projection or little screen depends on which room it’s in. It simultaneously saves the memory so that Es can rewatch it later (on those old TVs in the jailbreak mix). The machine downloads the song and video together, but requires special parts to retrieve them. The technology is pretty new and fragile, so if one is broken, there might be a delay between when Es can hear the extracted song and see it with the video. (That’s my justification for Kotoko’s delays -- after 9 prisoners the parts wear out, or maybe Mikoto himself overheats it with his complex situation.)
Based on the lack of conversation we get afterwards, I picture Es leaving before the prisoner wakes from the trance. The machine adjusts their brain back to normal before they awaken, restraints freed and able to return to the rest of the prison.
It’s very much like a dream, so it’s not harmful despite the amnesia/head injuries the prisoners have. It does, however, exhaust them. Brain activity alone takes a lot of energy, so forced brain activity with added emotional strain would cause them to feel pretty drained the rest of the day.
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columboscreens · 1 year
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cometrose · 3 months
how do you feel about the eyes being a window to the soul and Zhongli's eyes not being shown in flashback?
oh now we are getting into videogame analysis.
The first it could represent his "unchanging expression" during the Archon War. It is was rumored that during the war, Morax did not show emotion and was rather "cold and unfeeling" and his judgements were "rational and dispassionate". He wore an emotionless mask and his stone-cold expression did not change until the war ended and not seeing his eyes is a simple representation of Morax's behavior. There are no eyes, because there is no emotion, there is barely a face (he is blank as stone) so its just very clever visual symbolism.
On the other hand, it could suggest there is more to Zhongli than meets the eye. As you said eyes are windows to the soul, and from a narrative point eye symbolism is powerful tool in literature. The most common usage for eye symbolism is to represent wisdom, knowledge, truth, perception or control.
Not seeing Zhongli's eyes means there is something the writer's are deliberately hiding. It could mean his true nature, has not been revealed to us. It doesn't necessarily means his physical eyes have changed but rather the Morax of the past presented himself differently than the Morax of today.
Zhongli's true origins are unknown we have no idea where he came from, what he truly is and the truth of many of his contracts (the tsaritsa, celestia, khaenriah just to name a few). We have known Zhongli for so long, but do we actually know anything about him? Not seeing Zhongli's eyes means there is even more to his identity that has not been revealed to the traveler. His true soul, identity, or purpose have not been revealed, we have not seen him for all that he is.
I have my own theories about Zhongli's true origin (why is the third act of liyue archon quest a new star approaches hmmmm) but if you look through some of the Liyue books or character stories you will notice there is a lot of mention about Zhongli's eyes.
In Rex Incognito, Rex Lapis' disguises as a woman with "eyes shone a brilliant amber" or a rugged worker with "eyes shone like amber from the mountain mines in the light of the setting sun" and a noble young man with "his golden eyes smiling."
In Moonlit Bamboo Forest, the main character meets a woman that "didn't appear to be an adeptus, apart from the piercing gaze of her golden eyes."
Even Tubby, you know the teapot adeptus that takes care of your teapot? In the story quest for the teapot she mentions a "golden-eyed adeptus" explained the limits of adeptal power in teapot to her. First of all Ping mentions in part I of the same quest that Rex Lapis blessed the adepti with "illumination" that allows them perform sub-space creation and form teapots. So the adeptus is clearly him.
In the description for the Euphonium Unbound: Winding, the teapot furnishing that allows you to play music "According to Tubby, a certain adepti with black hair and golden eyes wanted to temporarily change the melody echoing in the Realm Within to match the aesthetic of the tea on the table when he was having a small gathering with his friends in the Realm Within."
These are just the descriptions I can remember off the top of my head. Like many characters have gold eyes but Zhongli alone has so many many references to his eyes. Whenever genshin wants to describe Zhongli without saying his name they just say a person with "golden/amber eyes". Hell there was literally some Millelith soldier that knew Rex Lapis wasn't dead because he saw some guy with golden eyes walk past him.
Like really long story short. Eye symbolism is super important to Zhongli and a key part of his characterization. It is clear that no matter what form he takes it seems his eyes stay the same. Which is super interesting for shapeshifter characters. Shapeshifters usually change everything about themselves unless it very important to them so for Zhongli to hold onto a part of himself could suggest so many things. It could also just be a limitation of his transformation.
ANYWAY to hide Zhongli's eyes in his flashbacks even though we have seen the eyes of all the other archons and then to make his signature description his "golden eyes" is so interesting. Why make his signature feature his eyes then not show us his eyes!! What is the reason!
And again the first answer isn't exclusive at the same time, because his eyes are so important Zhongli not showing his eyes in flashbacks could mean that back then he was hiding a part of himself. Now that he is free from the title of Rex Lapis he can show his eyes freely without care, he is free from the contract of protecting humanity he doesn't have to wear an emotionless mask anymore so his beautiful eyes are on display.
Though interestingly in his museum collaboration we got to see Morax's eyes and in his archon outfit and all. However that could've taken place after the war and is also a fun little collab so like *shrugs shoulder* who knows!
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Jason's feelings about Sheila Haywood
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Batman #427 (1988)
"God, it must have been hard for you."
"...I'll save you... Mom..."
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Batman: Gotham Knights #44 (2003)
"...I love..."
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Batman #428 (1988)
"He threw... himself... in front... of me... in front of me... He took... the main brunt... of the blast... Such a... good boy... Must have... really... loved his... mother..."
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Deadman: Dead Again #2 (2001)
JASON: "It's weird--she betrayed me to the Joker. Got us both blown up--but I'm not mad at her. It wasn't really her fault--her whole life was screwed up. Things just... happened. [...] You gotta tell me--is she going to make it?"
DEADMAN: "She's fading pretty fast, kid--"
JASON: "No, I mean-- her soul. What's going to happen to her... afterward?"
DEADMAN: "That's not for me to decide."
SHEILA: "Jason tried to rescue me... We almost... made it... So close... He turned out to be such a good kid..."
JASON: "Thanks, Mom..."
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Batman Annual 25 (2006)
He remembered most of what happened. The search for his mother. Her betrayal. Joker. And his own murder.
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Task Force Z #8 (2022)
"I died trying to save someone I cared about."
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skaruresonic · 4 months
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(Pat Boivin voice) "yes, Woolie, you can win any argument if you just change what words mean"
This literally could not be any simpler. Mega Mack is a chemical. The level is called Chemical Plant. The Egg Poison boss ("Water Eggman" in Japanese) drops this chemical on Sonic with the specific purpose of killing him, thus classifying it as a chemical weapon.
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limpest-noodle · 2 months
i’ve seen a few people saying that because there was no glitch (glitches meaning lies) when Alice was saying she knows what is going on, she is masterminding the whole thing
now don’t get me wrong, she could be the mastermind for all I know but I don’t think the fact that there was no glitch means as much as we think as there isn’t a glitch every time someone lies (and there aren’t glitches when Alice makes her quirky quips)
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batwynn · 1 month
Sooo I’m watching an entire facebook group full of trump and cop dick suckers lose their entire minds right now.
Everyone in my very red area just went from “blue lives matter” circle jerking to “maybe we should not have given the local police 7 billion dollars” veeeery quickly when it came out that one of them just straight up killed a guy everyone liked and almost got away with it. 🤔 Wild how fast the opinion changes when it’s them murdering a likable white guy who didn’t qualify for the “oh he’s just a druggie” apathy special. It sure feels like something.
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
I don't think anyone who believes Arya is focused on revenge has ever actually read her chapters, it's just been one long game of telephone where people repeat a take they heard so they can pretend they know what they're talking about
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