titleknown · 1 year
Hot Take: I legit think you could do something cool with the Legion Clones from Kiss Players.
Like, while the use of them was bad and gross (and not in the fun way), the idea of a dead Megatron's cells merging with vehicles and animals to create abominations that spontaneously start attacking actually sounds like it could be used in a cool, creative and dare I say toyetic way, kinda like how the Autoroopers from the same line were done.
Like, I'm thinking stuff like vehicle modes with horrible organic parts, ala some Chaos vehicles from Warhammer 40K or the old Hot Wheels Attack Pack line, or Beast Modes that're horrible cyborg abominations ala Hellscream/Max-B/Dirgegun/Thrustor, both ideas I could see done relatively feasibly in toy form with retools, maybe even homaging the many alt-modes Megatron has had in the past.
Legit, I'd at least buy those toys...
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear vector prime, as the guardian of time and space what cosmic beings have you faced and defeated that have almost destroyed the transformers multiverse and timelines(besides unicorn and hytherion)?
Dear Destruction Dialoguist,
There have been many, ranging from the small to the incomprehensible, and to list them all would probably take too many of your decades, so I hope you'll understand if I limit this answer to just the one. While the Grand Uprising raged across Cybertron, a grave danger had emerged offworld—a threat neither the Protoformers or the Builders alone could address, or even comprehend.
In their distant past, during Galvatron's war with the Human Confederacy, one of the worlds caught in the crossfire was the small planet of Temptoria. To Galvatron, Temptoria was just another organic-inhabited world, fodder for his conquest, and raw materials for his Grendel Gambit—but unbeknownst to him, Temptoria had come into being around a multiversal anomaly: a living breach in the barriers between dimensions. Prior to their extinction, the Temptorians had believed it to be a mark of the creators upon the world, which they called the Brand. They used it to connect symbiotically with other realities, with "the crossover" being one of their most sacred rituals—but as centuries passed without them, the Brand grew stagnant, and fell to ruin. Dimensional instability spread from the planet, and at the epicentre, a timestorm threatened to unleash itself.
It was when the first of the anomalies reached Cybertron that I was alerted to the danger. In that reality, Blackarachnia had successfully forged an alliance with the Darksyders prior to the Vehicon Apocalypse, pushing Megatron to be bolder in his operations; during an attempt to seize Grimlock from Builder custody, they came into open conflict with Hot Rod's forces. Major Mayhem was mere moments away from tearing off Dirgegun's head, when a small group of Autobots from a distant universe spontaneously materialised in the middle of the street, towering over the Micromasters and Protoformers. To Megatron's surprise, the Autobot seemed to recognise him—and he certainly recognised the Autobot, as impossibly, it was none other than Optimus Prime!
I intervened, cutting short a potentially disastrous battle between the gathered parties by sending everyone through a dimensional gateway to Temptoria, and spoke to them about the Brand. I explained that if we didn't mend the brand, it would devour everything, reducing every universe to an endless loop of spacetime, the same events playing out eternally without development or resolution. The parcity of new information would bring about a memetic equivalent to heat death, and the Multiverse would be forever ruined. The gathered Cybertronians agreed to help me; in the case of Optimus Prime and his crew, only I could return them to their home dimension—and as for the rest, I suspect that many of them had designs of their own for the Brand. Regardless, I voiced my thanks, as it had taken a great deal of effort to bring them all together at the same time.
The situation we were faced with was undoubtedly the greatest "crossover" in history, a nightmarish unending mockery of the Temptorian's limited events. The Brand was exerting a continuous effect on other universal clusters—even ones from the greater Megaverse—taking their properties to make itself even more potent, threatening to subsume them entirely. All around us were strange beings, pulled from dimensions undreamed of, and the Brand was trying to make them part of itself, no matter how impossible that seemed, destroying itself in the process.
Hot Rod, Optimus and Megatron led their teams against these aliens, who seemed more confused than anything (I admit to being rather confused as well, especially at how many sounded similar to the Transformers). Still, it was an epic confrontation: they valiantly fought off the aliens while I saved the Brand. No sooner had I done so than the anomalies began to vanish, in the opposite order to that in which they had appeared; I had just enough time to thank Optimus Prime's crew (and answer a few lingering questions they had about one of their number's origins) before they disappeared. And, with the last of the anomalies gone, the Protoformers and Builders suddenly found themselves in the past—before they'd even set out on the mission to begin with!
I fear that the temporal trouble is why you haven't heard of this before, despite your universe's interest in the Uprising and the further adventures of Optimus Prime's team. In fact, as to whether or not the Resistance was able to overthrow their systematic oppressors in that timeline, I'm afraid I simply don't know: I myself only learned of the Protoformers' fate thanks to a spoken account of this adventure—"Cancel Culture", I believe it was called—plucked from spacetime as it settled. Such a shame it doesn't exist—I made for quite the dashing protagonist.
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galvatronsthighs · 4 years
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SOMEONE at the animation department knew what they were doing. Especially as the next shot was panning up the swords length and he did do some thrust-y motions to cut with it...
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quirkyeggmuffin · 4 years
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Does...this mean Cybertronian breast milk exists?
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sg-roadbuster · 3 years
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Beast Wars Fuzor Buzzclaw
Beast Wars Microverse Orcanoch
Beast Wars 2 Dirgegun
TAV Bumblebee Supreme Mode
Transformers x Gari-Kun Cola flavor
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baebeyza · 4 years
Wait, did I actually make a Beast Wars II rant??? Well, that’s what’s under the cut! ~ Though it aint even a rant, just my thoughts, a little review. 
Plot: This is the show I call aimed at kids more than any other show I’ve seen. And with kids I mean toddlers. And it’s not just the lighthearted tone, it’s also in the story structure:  If you wanted to tell the plot of Beast Wars II, you could prolly tell it in 10 episodes. But the show has 44 episodes. Meaning there is a lot of stuff that does not further the plot. In fact, the actual plot doesn’t even start until half way through the show.  The first half introduced a few character groups, which are important to the plot later on. But each of these groups had multiple episodes for them, which didn’t even matter at the end, even when the episodes themselves had some decent story.  So looking at the show as a whole, I’d say it has a...decent plot. Compact, makes sense, has some nice things. But there was barely any real sense of escalation, no real excitment most of the time and the stakes were never framed as high, So as an adult, this show was a little hard to get through, but it’s not the fault of the show, it’s simply a show for toddlers who just wanna watch some robots do funny stuff. 6/10, but not the show’s fault 
Characters: Heroes: Lio Convoy and Lio Junior: Good characters, had an arc, had a nice dynamic, cute scenes towards the end. Lio Junior craved a parent figure, which Lio Convoy wasn’t ready to serve as, prefering to be seen as Junior’s commander. But at the end he finally called Junior his son, so SWEET! <3  Lio Convoy was a really nice Optimus Prime, team dad and all, and Lio Junior, while I can see him being frustrating, has some nice development. So those I really like, that worked for me :D (Also I really liked Lio Junior’s voice actress, she did a really good job!) Apache: One episode exploration of his deal. Thinking he’s too weak and incompetent for Lio Convoy, but I guess he gets over that. Reminded me of G1 Ironhide. Bighorn: Sentimental hothead. Diver: Careful guy, had one episode beef with Bighorn which never got touched upon again. Tasmanian Kid: The annoying teen. Had more to do in the movie, where he related to Lio Junior and begged the others to show some sympathy for the young boi.  Scuba: The cool one who saves the day Skywarp: Doesn’t like elephant puns Santon: Makes elephant puns Yeah that’s all. Most them are utterly boring and have no interesting dynamics or scenes whatsoever, which is a damn shame. The heroes of a show being the worst part of it. Don’t hate any of them either, which makes it worse - hating them would mean they actually DID something meaningful to make me hate them. (PS: Lio Junior, Skywarp and Santon combine to Magnaboss) Insectrons: First seen as villains, these bots were simply peeps living on Gaia and wanted the heroes to be gone and not disturb their peace, but lately joined them against the Destrons.  I can’t remember them all, but I liked Scissor Boy, he was adorable ~ Jointrons: Characters I HATED and LOATHED when it was about them, but somehow, SOMEHOW, they grew on me. They are totally obnoxious, annoying, have a weird speech pattern, are prolly offensive mexican stereotypes, cause problems all the time and don’t learn shit.  And YET...I couldnt hate them much, because they had some sincerity, they had fun being themselves and they had some goddamn FRIENDSHIP! (which cannot be said about the heroes). I even grew to like their annoying speech and was delighted whenever they showed up again ~ They can also combine, but I can’t spell the name of the combiner. Destrons, bad guys: Galvatron: Awesome, best guy, good boss, prolly hugs his soldiers off-screen, gives credit, dynamic with Megastorm could have been done better, but the end of their arc was actually really damn cute <3 He’s evil in a way where he thinks it’s all for the better, which works for the toddlers this show is aimed at I guess. Also we need more pink dragons!  Megastorm (later Gigastorm): Galvatron’s younger brother and The Starscream, tries multiple times to get rid of Galvatron, but they eventually get some good brotherly moments at the end, which I digged.  The general idea was that he’s a bratty, brown-nosed loud-mouth younger brother with Galvatron around, but shows his true, cruel colours without him. And while the concept worked at first, I found it sad that he became more pathetic as the show went on, without ever being a real threat again. I can deal with lil shit characters, but I don’t like pathetic you know. Also a disappointment for me - I wasnt a fan of his Gigastorm form! I like FACES! Starscream and BB: Best couple, true friendship, the babes. Starscream was also The Starscream, but towards Megastorm, which was hilarious. Starscream was the flamboyant, vain dude and BB his ever-loyal bodyguard, maybe even lover. They were a highlight, I have to say ~ Their upgrades as Hellscream and Max-B were a little ugly though. Dirge and Thrust: More annoying for the most part, but even they got an episode for themselves that shows a good friendship, and a good relationship to Megastorm. Which is always nice, they got more depth than the heroes at least ~ Later they became Dirgegun and Thrustor. The Autorollers: They had a few episodes for themselves, but I like with the Insectrons, I can’t really recall them. They were the building force of the Destrons. The Seacons: Space pirates who were almost always in beast mode, which I found sad. (again, I like faces). They were nice though as they had a really sweet dynamic - their boss, Half Shell, was really a good leader and always  apologized for any mistake, while his crew comforted him. This group also has the only female transformer of the show, and what do they do? Add a love triangle with her loving Scuba and Bighorn loving her. It was as obnoxious and annoying as it sounds.  They can combine into God Neptune. Others: Artemis and Moon: These characters who appear in every episode are androids built to guard Gaia after the humans left it. And of course they designed the guardians to be a waifu and a kawaii bunny. One might think they are totally needless to the plot, but especially towards the end their help was needed for the heroes to win, so overall I aint gonna complain about them ~ Artemis is a treasure alone for her love on Starscream (and Scuba) and I will not complain about Starscream thirst :D
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sykografix · 4 years
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Transformers Timelines Thrustinator
A very interesting figure that was only sold through the now defunct Transformers Collectors Club. I bought mine from a table at TFcon a few years back.
Thrustinator is a fusion of the Beast Wars character Waspinator and the Beast Machines Vehicon General Thrust, who was given life with Waspinator’s spark. The figure was made by recoloring a previously Japanese exclusive Cyborg Beast figure Dirgegun and adding a new head. A very striking mix of green and magenta, and a wild interpretation of a very specific and memorable part of Transformers history. I love collecting the weirdos like this.
I sometimes have trouble getting him to stand up though.
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galvatronsthighs · 6 years
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