hardkookiecookie · 1 year
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numanumbra · 3 days
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Suddenly, monster Vlad!
Made a certain vampiric ghostie as one of my own species called Squishies, which are basically alien sphinxes. :)
I have so many doodles of this guy lying around, it's ridiculous...
A few more under the cut!
Plasmius when you pet him one (1) time:
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Also I started drawing him with a fuller beard and I'm kind of obsessed with it. Have some of these too:
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I got A Lot more drawings of this guy lying around, so if people are interested I'll be happy to show more! Thanks for looking.
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askvectorprime · 5 months
Dear Vector Prime,
I heard in some continuities, participants in the Beast Wars are known to eat each other, is it true?
Dear Grisly Gobbler,
There are unfortunately many cases in the history of the Transformers where combatants on both sides have been forced to subsist on the drained energon of their slain foes and allies. While there are chemical differences, the Cybertronian body can usually process the internal Energon of others. Typically this is done after a butchering process to minimize nausea and psychological rejection by serving the fuel in cubes.
As for the Beast Wars in particular, organs resembling hardy synthetic “stomachs” were added as standard during the Great Upgrade. Derived from Terrorcon technology, these gave Maximals and Predacons an enhanced ability to derive energy from organic and mechanical matter, extending to the synthetic flesh and fur used in contemporary beast modes. While not a total replacement for proper fuelling, it did allow for greater fuel efficiency in survival situations.
It should be noted that a strong stomach does not denote a strong appetite. While Cheetor and Rattrap both had the physical capacity for eating garbage, only one had a taste for it.
Anyhow, in iterations of the Beast Wars where the crews of the Axalon and Darksyde were much larger, both crews would occasionally sustain themselves on their slain foes. Such was the case with the two sides who fled the lifeless Cybertron ruled by Nemesis Prime; Tigatron in particular came to enjoy the sweet taste of Scorponok drone muscle.
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Average Predacon meeting when Megatron is late (he fell asleep in the tub).
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jolikmc · 10 months
Hi. I run the DSP Minecraft Mirror account on YouTube. I noticed during the 2015 DSP Minecraft multiplayer session you were one of the players. I'm wondering if you were the person who created the custom MC skin that DSP used?
Wait, what? There's a dedicated Darksyde Phil Plays Minecraft channel on YouTube, now, with all of Phil's jolly jaunts into the blocky world of Minecraft and related content on it? Whoa. I didn't even know he'd played it since that one time. Might have to check that out; it seems like a great way to spend some free time! (I wasn't asked or paid to say any of that. Trust meee. (; )
So, let me see if I understand the situation correctly.
You saw a random message at the end of a Darksyde Phil multiplayer Minecraft session from 2015 by someone claiming to have designed his skin.
You looked up the user who said that message on some Minecraft username lookup site and found that they had changed their name.
You searched for their current username and found my blog then, lastly, you sent me a question about the aforementioned stream and the one-off statement that was made.
… you, my friend, are a pretty dedicated sleuth. (;
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Yeah, I'm the one who made that "KoH" Darksyde Phil Minecraft skin, back in 2015. I forget the context of why, but I either volunteered because I heard he was playing Minecraft, or the folks who ran the server put out a request and I answered. Ah, what fun~
Rewatching the video, I notice that he mentioned that he was sent "a bunch more skins" for potential future streams. Since you went to the trouble to find me, I'll show you what he was talking about.
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I made, like, eight other variants of that one skin which includes some plain-colored shirts, a tie-dye shirt, the three shown above (a Nuka-Cola™ shirt, his face on a shirt, and the "HATE" design from his store). I also made crowned variants of all of them, just for a laugh. (Homage to / playful satire of his "King of Hate" title). Basically, I wanted Phil to have his pick instead of just making him wear one random design. He went with the "King of Hate" one, that session – probably because it was the most straightforward design.
I'm really happy that he liked what I did. That was pretty cool he took a minute to talk about the custom skins on stream! I'm also glad he didn't name me by name – I didn't make those for "glory" or anything. I was just a fan, at the time. I even made a point of not crowding him or stalking him, all of that stream. We kept bumping into each other, though, because we were both wandering aimlessly. I think he got a chuckle out of my character's "DSP face" shirt at the start, though, even though he "didn't know what my skin was supposed to be". (It's no one, in particular; just an original character of mine.)
You know, I'm disappointed in my past self and wish I hadn't made that comment at the end of the stream. I just couldn't stop myself. But, hey. It led you to search for me, and here we are! That was me. I made the 2015 skin. I have been uncovered and the truth is now known! And now that you have this information, what ever will you do with it? Use it for good? Use it for chaos? The choice is up to you~ (That goes for anyone else who reads this ask, too. (; )
Thank you for your question! I hope you have a wonderful day!
(… my first recorded message on that session was "Is someone throwing snowballs at me? *laughs*" Geez, ha hah~)
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horizonmlm · 8 months
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I miss them so much….come back to California soon 😢
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mepzilla · 1 month
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Haven’t posted in a long while but I’m back from an art block
Here’s my design for BW Megaempress, a femme built from Megatron’s parts. Cunning, Intelligent, she stalks her prey in the darkness. Placed in a stasis pod and brought on board the Darksyde, Megatron planned to awaken her when the time was right. But things don’t go as planned as the Axolon shot them down, her pod was tossed out during the crash, landing in a swamp. Scanning the skeleton remains of a Titanoboa, she slithers into the murky waters waiting, planning.
(Got inspired by a mix of Boa Hancock and Megan thee Stallion.)
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cybertron-after-dark · 5 months
You should write beast wars, can I have some silly predacon headcanons?
I should absolutely write beast wars. Silly Predacon headcanons coming up
-Megatron talks battle strategy with his rubber duck all the time. He considers it his most trusted advisor because it's never said anything stupid and never tried to kill him. Honestly, he's tempted to think of the little dude as his only real friend.
-Speaking of Megatron, the man is a WHORE for a good bath bomb. Lush addiction, 100%. He has a whole hidden stock of bath bombs, bath salts, scented oils, candles, decorative soaps, scented metal polish and flower petals specifically for spoiling himself when he feels like hes completely surrounded by idiots. Which is often. Has he ever tried to eat one of the decorative soaps that look like baked goods? It doesn't count if it's the t rex hand.
-the reason skorponok occasionally reverts into caveman speak for some episodes is the writers couldn't figure out what to do with him he knows talking like that pisses off tarantulas and he thinks his annoyance is funny even though literally nobody else is amused by the bit.
-skorponok actually kind of misses dinobot because he made his job a lot easier. Constantly pitching ideas, suggesting battle strategies, pointing out flaws in plans. He was useful, even if he seemed to hate skorponok. He doesn't really know how to be a good second in command anymore because a crucial part of the dynamic is missing and he just can't adapt.
-waspinator is perfectly capable of speaking in normal grammar and not in the third person but he's been doing it since he joined in with Megatron and at this point he thinks he's in too deep to knock it off. He thinks it makes him sound cuter because it's actually an evolution of internet uwu speak. Memes get weirdly translated from earth to Cybertron and back.
-waspinator is actually really good at baking but he'll get blasted to bits a thousand times over before he lets anyone other than terrorsaur know because none of his other coworkers deserve to try his cupcakes (and also because he doesn't want to get "promoted" to kitchen slave). Dinobot knew, but he didn't snitch. Wasp never found out that Dinobot would occasionally snag a brownie, he always thought he just counted wrong.
-Terrorsaur is not above attempting to seduce a maximal but all his flirting attempts go horribly awry. If they don't outright reject him they just have no idea what he's getting at bc Predacon flirting is usually a lot different than maximal flirting so everyone thinks he's just kind of being a dick like usual. Dinobot knows exactly what is happening and ranges anywhere from amused to disgusted by the cross-faction fling attempts. The flying weasel clearly has no principles.
-Every couple weeks or so wasp and terrorsaur will get together to watch terrible movies over a bottle of highgrade and it always devolves into bitching about megatron. They tried inviting tarantulas a few times but he'd always make things Weird by bringing in slashers with really good special effects and proceeding to gush about how tasty the gore looks.
-Tarantulas knows what just about every living species in the known galaxy tastes like, organic, mechanical and everything in between. If it's made contact with Cybertron, chances are he's he's tried their flesh (or lack thereof). If it's at all possible, he wants to find out enough about the Vok to figure out how to capture, kill and eat one.
-Tarantulas also thinks rampage is a total poser when it comes to cannibalism. He doesn't even look like he's having fun with it. Barely any torturing or teasing beforehand, only dramatic monologues about fear and anguish. Bah! Amateur...
-Blackarachnia has a trash tv addiction. She doesn't know WHY the Darksyde's datatrax has every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and like 30 TLC produced shows, but she refuses to stop watching them. Tarantulas fucking hates it. She does not care and if he complains she will turn the volume higher.
-Blackarachnia has incredibly mixed feelings on the story Cinderella. On the one hand, it gives her a degree of hope. A girl reduced to a work slave for terrible people that gets to escape and live it up with a guy that lives her? Great conceptually, but she only got to get out of it because she was a good person and nice to everyone. Blackarachnia? Not quite so disgustingly sweet. She's a bad girl through and through. And evidently bad people don't get to escape bad situations. Oh well. She can always try to fake it til she makes it.
-Inferno has always secretly hoped that when the war is over, his Queen Megatron will settle down with him and repopulate the colony together. He has wildly saccharine domestic daydreams of being with his giant beloved lizardy queen and their 3000+ kids. He has accidentally let this slip around Megatron once, who proceeded to pointedly ignore what he just said.
-Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia got Inferno to watch Drag Race but upon hearing the contestants being called queen, he took it a bit too literally and interpreted the show as the sad, underwhelming way human queens settle disputes between their colonies instead of just fighting the proper way. Lame.
-Quickstrike is so so very sad he can't play video games. He wants to play GTA and cause excessive and wanton death and destruction, but his fucked up hands cannot hold the controller. He forsakes Primus for building him the way he did. He keeps trying to get tarantulas to make him a usable controller but he gets brushed off every time.
-Quickstrike has attempted to ride inferno in his beast mode into battle. It did not end well but for about a solid 18 seconds it looked metal as hell.
-Rampage actually really likes depth charge and wants to be friends sooooo bad but he doesn't know how to handle that in a healthy way so he keeps trying to get his attention by playing up the cannibalism thing and hoping they fight again. Honestly he just kind of likes depth charge holding him, even if it's in a chokehold.
-After losing transmutate, Rampage projected a lot of his grief onto waspinator, which lead to a very strange period of time on the ship where rampage would get very cuddly and protective of wasp, who was incredibly terrified of what would happen if he shoved the crab off. Usually accompanied by Rampage being Incredibly Sad.
-every month the preds have a game night. Usually a board game or card game with Megatron's house rules. Said house rules are specifically designed to make a fight break out for his amusement. These game nights typically end with at least three people in the r-chamber and somebody missing at least one limb.
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transformers-mosaic · 3 months
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Transformers: Beast Wars - Second Chances - Page 2
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Story - Curt Lunsford Pencils - Ryan Miller Inks - Jake Isenberg Colours - Ray Fromme Letters - HdE
wada sez: Starscream’s ghost returned in the Beast Wars episode “Possession”; here, he’s back again, and he finds the dead body of Terrorsaur, who was last seen turning into a Transmetal as he fell into lava inside the Darksyde in “Aftermath”. Terrosaur’s actual toyline-only Transmetal toy is used for the character’s design. In case you didn’t know, Ryan Miller is prominent fanartist TGPing, who achieved popularity in recent years with his stunning watercolors of Beast Wars characters and toy-accurate G1 characters, and managed to sneak in a couple of covers for IDW before they closed up shop. His work here reflects his toy-accurate approach, as Starscream has been drawn specifically as his Masterpiece body for some reason. This was originally going to be Page 7 of the comic, but was bumped up earlier; according to a later comment by Shaun Flaherty: “Starscream's Page 2 originally occurred much later, but as we assembled the pages, it seemed to interrupt the natural flow of the "Beast Wars" characters' stories, so we sort of squeezed it in near the beginning. I feel comfortable with the idea that he's watching the events unfold along with the audience until an opportunity presents itself for him to intervene on his own behalf, but it is a long time between when the seed is planted and its payoff.” See the original script below, as well as Curt’s “Writer Spotlight”.
Second Chances Page 7
Panel One
(Shot of a twinkle in space.  This doesn‘t have to be very large)
TEXT BOX:  Maximals…
TEXT BOX:  Predacons…
Panel Two
(Shot of a grey and red blur flying toward the Predacons ruined base/ship.  This also doesn‘t need to be that large)
TEXT BOX:  Tremble in fear…
Panel Three
(Reveal of Ghost Starscream, screaming out loud above the ruined Predacon base/ship in a triumphant pose.  Starscream‘s spark is pulsating and clearly visible inside of his chest)
Starscream:  Starscream has returned!!!!
TEXT BOX(Lower right hand corner):  …
TEXT BOX(Lower right hand corner):  Where is everyone?!
Panel Fopr
(Shot of Transmetal Terrorsaur‘s arm, “encased“ in cooled lava.  It’s grasping toward the air, very similar to what we saw when Terrosaur was going into the lava during the episode “Aftermath”.  Starscream can be seen hovering in the air above)
TEXT BOX:  Hmm, what’s that?
Panel Five
(Shot of Ghost Starscream entering into the ground around the arm.)
TEXT BOX:  Looks like someone forgot one of their toys.
Panel Six
(Shot of Transmetal Terrorsaur “clawing” out of the ground.  It should be done in a way that the reader doesn’t quite know exactly what it is yet)
TEXT BOX:  Huh, seems a little broken…
Panel Seven
(Reveal of Trasnmetal Terrorsaur,   He’s in a “cool” pose, but is very heavily damaged, maybe even blackened somewhat.  Somewhere near his feet we can see the remains of McDonald’s Transmetal Scorponok if the artist wishes)
Starscream:  …but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun to play with!
Beast Wars.  I think for me, it’s the series that sort of kept the Transformer spark in me alive.  However, it’s also kind of a weird series, as I keep it segregated in my mind from the rest of my Transformers.  Allow me to explain: Being born in ‘85, by the time I was old enough to remember, Transformers was off the air.  But there was the semi-local video store, hand-me-down and a few new Transformer toys, some G1 episodes of my own, various “Action Cards”, and a very cool big brother to help fill in my imagination.  So even though I didn’t get to see G1 firsthand, I can honestly say that Transformers was definitely a part of my early childhood. But, in hindsight, I’d say Beast Wars played a very integral part in keeping me with Transformers.  Ya see, I didn’t have cable/satellite until I was 12.  Therefore, my knowledge of G2 was sketchy at best, and I only got a whole nine figures from the line when I was a kid, all Decepticons oddly enough.  However, my awesome big brother was in college at this time, and he came home on the weekends, and he usually brought me home a tape of cartoons I couldn’t see otherwise.  It was through this method that I saw that unforgettable commercial... “In the beginning, there was the beast.  But it’s more than meets the eye, it’s a robot in disguise!”  I saw it, and said to myself “Hey, Transformers, cool!”  So I watched the commercial a few times, and immediately wanted Dinobot.  However, he wasn’t first Beastformer, that honor goes to McDonald’s Manta Ray.  It took a little while for my brother to find out when Beast Wars was airing and start taping me episodes, but in the meantime I again took up renting G1 episodes from the library and getting a few Beast Wars figures in the process.  Because of this, I was mystified the first time I laid eyes on Gorilla Optimus Primal and T-Rex Megatron.  “That doesn’t make sense, they’re supposed to be a bat and a crocodile!” When I finally did get to see some select, mostly first season episodes of Beast Wars, I immediately recognized it as a good show.  As I learned the characters, I collected a few more figures, though not too many.  Years later I realized that, barring Snapper and the McBeasts, all the characters I got when I was “a  kid” were from the show!  Of course, oddly enough, I always kept my Beast Wars in a box by themselves.  Once in awhile they’d have adventures with my other Transformers, Super Heroes, G.I. Joes, etc., but for the most part they stayed separate. Anyway, even though I got satellite in ‘97, it wasn’t until around ‘99 that I finally got to see Beast Wars in it’s entirety when FOX re-aired the series.  If I recall correctly, I watched it every day it was on, and loved every episode. Time went by.  I watched the first season of Beast Machines, but wasn’t really impressed at the time.  The DreamWave comics came out, Rhino released certain episodes of G1.  This, and a very cool bootleg lot containing all G1 and CG Beast Wars/Machines episodes my brother bought, firmly cemented me into the realm of the Transformers.  I was here to stay. But what does that have to do with Beast Wars?  Well, in that lot there was a “commercial” tape that had various commercials and U.S./Japanese intros to nearly every Transformers series at the time (up to Car Robots).  It was through this that I learned about Beast Wars II and Neo.  I was intrigued.  Suddenly I wanted to know more about those characters and that Universe.  Well, for a long time that was my only knowledge.  When I finally got the Internet, I looked into Beast Wars II and Neo, though I’ve yet to see either of those series with the exception of a couple fan-dubbed episodes and the BWII Movie on YouTube.  But I did learn about all these cool non-show Beast Wars characters, and I wanted more. So for the longest time, I kinda ignored the Beast Wars CG series.  In my mind, it was done, and everything about those characters had been told.  I eagerly awaited the DreamWave Beast Wars series once I saw it would star non-show characters (though we all know what happened there), and I loved IDW’s “The Gathering”.  But I still had little interest in the original Mainframe Beast Wars cast.  I’d seen the show through a few times by this time, and the show had lost some of it’s original luster.  The Beast Era was over, it was all about G1 homages.  Therefore, when new Beast Wars material surfaced, I was more interested in new Beast Wars exploits, with new non-show characters. Then I received the invite to join what would become BEAST WARS: Second Chances.  I, of course, wanted in on writing the story because, heck, Mosaic is a really fun project and I’d been itching to co-write something.  So I took another look at the series.  When we got into the nuts and bolts of things, I started to realize again why I liked those characters to begin with and I looked at the Beast Wars show in a new light.  It was still good, but I started to see things I hadn’t seen before.  There were aspects of characters that could still be explored and stories yet to be told.  The magic is back and now I look forward to hunting down figures from the show I never got.  Surprisingly, Dinobot II is among them (you’ll all find out why soon enough). So all in all, I’d say Beast Wars is kind of a weird area for me.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be as enamored with it as much as G1 or Animated, but Second Chances has certainly rekindled my love for the series as a whole. -- Curt Lunsford
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nemesisthetoy · 5 months
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Waspinator’s Solo Mission
When the Darksyde entered the WOF universe, the ship split in half ROTS style when it got caught in the planet's gravitational pull. The bow fell towards Pantala with Acid Storm, Waspinator, and Inferno, while the stern fell towards Pyrrhia with the rest of the Predacons who abandoned ship before impact.
This meant that a lot of the ship's necessary components, including the Transwarp Drive, were scattered between the two continents and the ocean between them.
Waspinator here was sent on a solo mission to the Ice Kingdom to see what he could find, but unfortunately for him, his bad luck followed him from his home dimension here.
The poor bug got caught in an avalanche of his own making while recovering some parts from the top of a mountain, where his body was shredded to bits from the Darksyde's shrapnel hurling with him towards the mountain's base.
He had to retreat to reassemble himself elsewhere, but little did he know he was just a few meters away from finding the Transwarp Drive buried at the base of the mountain.
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clean-casual-analysis · 5 months
Phase Three: Power of the Primes
For the final phase of my hypothetical Transformers series, the autobots and ascenticons have joined forces to stop the Unicron empowered decepticon empire. With a nearly bottomless supply of combat drones and an unquenchable thirst for conquest, the enemy will prove tough to defeat. The only hope for victory is gathering lost artifacts and weapons from the age of primes. And maybe the a few of the original thirteen as well. The majority of the story will focus on this galactic scavenger hunt, encountering factions and cybertronians of all shapes and sizes. All culminating in a final battle for Cybertron. I’d also include an epilogue miniseries of this hypothetical series to tie up any loose ends, like what happens to the Unicron Matrix and who’ll lead this new era of peace.
Here is the previous part:
The newest primes: After sustaining critical injuries by both Megatron and Galvatron, Optimus will need months in a CR chamber before he can fight again. He has passed the matrix of leadership to three young warriors to share. These New Primes, with aid of Starscream and his ascenticons, shall lead the charge for both the autobots and maximals against the decepticons.
Captain of the Lost Light: Rodimus Prime. It was easy to dismiss Hot Rod as the typical turbo revving young punk. Overly confidant in his abilities, impatient, and reckless. But behind the loud ego and daredevil antics lies a charismatic bot with genuine care for the lifeforms that the autobots defend. Often labled as ‘The common people’s autobot’ for the humanitarian aid he offers with his crew of misfit autobots, the one thing he loves more than fighting evil is helping the innocent. While the weight and responsibility that the title of prime brings has given him the most self-doubt of the three new primes, Rodimus pushes through and inspires all that are around him.
Alt mode: Futuristic sports car.
Inspiration: G1 and IDW Rodimus Prime
Notes: The Lost Light crew would be smaller in size, given that there are already a good number of characters already established.
Maximal commander: Optimal Primal. Despite having the least amount of experience in warfare and being captain of a mere exploration ship, the young Primal taken to the fight against evil with gusto. A more down-to-earth commander who respects both allies and enemies, he knows who’s best suited for certain missions and to never underestimate an opponent. His greatest weakness is a lack of patience, often becoming frustrated by the personality flaws of his comrades. But once he gets his temper cooled, Optimal Primal’s tenacity in combat and never-go-offline attitude is unmatched.
Alt mode: Bio mechanical gorilla
Inspiration: Beast Wars/Machines and Rise of the Beasts.
Notes: Unlike Optimus and Megatron’s past friendship being complicated and somewhat tragic, Primal and beast Megatron absolutely hate each other. (Even before the crew of the darksyde went rouge)
Scout and autobot recruit trainer: Goldbug. Despite being one of the youngest, Bumblebee was the golden standard for Autobots everywhere. Scrappy in a fight, brave in the face of danger, and even respectful towards his elders. Well-liked for his lighthearted and energetic personality, it was a shock to most when he decided to become a trainer for new recruits. While the scout sometimes feels irked that others still see him as a sparkling, he still gets along with others faster than any other friendly autobot can. Of course, becoming a prime as Goldbug helps out your self esteem too.
Alt mode: Cybertronian volkswagon beetle (Similar to his WFC/FOC alt mode)
Inspiration: G1 Goldbug and Earthspark Bumblebee
Notes: I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen Goldbug in anything significant for a while.
The new decepticon empire: With a new clone drone army, the cosmic power of Unicron, and the planet Cybertron reformatted into a gargantuan battleship, the decepticon empire has reached new heights in their conquest for galactic tyranny.
Commander of Predacons and manipulator of the dark matrix: Megatron. Hailing from the future age of beast machines, the impressionable Galavar was completely radicalized by the writings and conquests of Megatron. Virtually unmatted in his hatred for organic life and his pride as a cybertronian, he has changed his name to that of his idol and wishes to work side-by-side with him. This Megatron is a master schemer and a boastful theatric, willing to rip apart space and time itself to ensure victory. After being upgraded by the dark matrix, his ego and wicked machinations have increased tenfold. While his tendency to overdramatize the war can come off as comedic, this bot is truly the legacy and epitome of all the original Megatron’s philosophies.
Alt mode: completely metal dragon. (Previously bio mechanical t-rex)
Inspiration: Beast Wars/Machines Megatron
Notes: A common theme in my hypothestical TF series would be radicalization. What happens when someone loses themselves to an ideal, especially if that ideal isn’t good to begin with. Beast Megatron would be the centerpiece of that, the logical extreme of the Original Megatron’s belief of Peace Through Tyranny.
Decepticon “leader” and commander of the drone armies: Galvatron. At first glance, Galvatron merely seems like an upgraded Megatron with a more powerful cannon and a sword made of dark energon. But a closer examination reveals something more unhinged. His manical laugher while tearing apart opponents resembles that of a giggling child. His expressions are that of pure, wide-eyed glee instead of hatred. It’s as if Megatron had turned into a toddler after Beast Megatron gave him his upgrade. The reason behind these changes in behavior is deceptively simple. After eons of trying to conquer the galaxy and to never again be a servant to another species, Megatron finally got the power he so desperately craved. Unlike Megatron, Galvatron is happy. He might still be the official leader of the decepticons, but he’s little more than a mad dog chasing his own tail while Beast Megatron rules over cybertron.
Alt mode: Cybertronian artillery cannon.
Inspiration: G1Galvatron.
Notes: Beast Megatron still sees Galvatron as his equal but understands to some extent that the power he bestowed upon him has altered his mind.
Lead scientist and Cybertron preservationist: Shockwave. Originally famous for being the cocreator of the cure for cosmic rust, Shockwave’s occupation as decepticon lead scientist has shown everyone his true colors. A being of pure logic, he views the cybertronian race as the most superior lifeforms in the galaxy and wholeheartedly agreed with Megatron’s philosophy of might makes right. While the scientist believes he could be a more pragmatic leader, he also understands that he was nowhere near strong enough to truly usurp Megatron. So, he plotted and bided his time, waiting for Optimus to kill him so that he could take command. He takes no remorse in those he experiments on and excels at designing devices of mass destruction. If there is one thing that outweighs his cold logic and disregard for life, it’s the preservation of Cybertron. Shockwave’s feelings on his home planet being turned into a battle station and a massive target are mixed. Perhaps his desire to protect Cybertron will outweigh his loyalty to his commanders.
Alt Mode: Cybertronian research aircraft. (Shockwave’s Siege toy)
Inspiration: G1, IDW, and aligned Shockwave
Notes: Very much at his peak “If you idiots don’t get your shit together, I’m gonna cause problems”. While he’s on thin ice with our heroes, his overall villainy would be turned down a peg here.
Scientist and social experimenter: Tarantulus. There are mad scientists with amoral experiments, and then then there’s Tarantulus. Depraved, cackling, and devoid of anything that resembles sympathy. He gleefully tests on anyone unfortunate enough to get trapped in his webs and even eats them once he’s finished. The cannibalistic spider sees everything as a social experiment, delighted to see what others do in extreme circumstances. While not loyal in the traditional sense, he’d gladly betray anyone just to see the resulting aftermath, he serves beast Megatron and Galvatron knowing that they are the ultimate extreme. Their wrath across the galaxy will create such interesting results.
Alt Mode: Bio mechanical Tarantula.
Inspiration: Beast wars and IDW Tarantulus.
Notes: The maddest of mad scientists. I enjoyed his role in Earthspark, but I think he works best in his original form.
Communicantions officer and spy master: Soundwave. The cold and stoic spy master of the decepticons is a mystery to most. No one knows where his unmatched loyalty to Megatron came from, though some claim it’s because he taught him to control his then-unstable mind reading powers. However it happened, he has become one of the most dreaded decepticons in existence. Blackmail towards would-be usurpers and whistleblowers, assassinations of high ranking autobots and organic leaders, the covert destruction of entire societies, nothing is too low for Soundwave. Not even his minicon subordinates are safe, any hint of treason is noted and scrutinized. No matter how vile his master becomes, Soundwave will be by his side and remove any obstacle that gets in his way.
Alt mode: Cybertronian Stealth bomber. (His Siege toy)
Inspiration: G1, Aligned and Bits of IDW Soundwave
Notes: Do you guys ever wonder what Soundwave would do to his cassettes if one or more of them betrayed Megatron? I’d explore that, and up his villainy, if given the chance.
Predacon lieutenant and stealth fighter: Terrorsaur. Of all the predacons that crewed thew darksyde, Terrorsaur was the most unliked. This isn’t because he’s more sadistic or ruthless than the others, although he does enjoy hurting and frightening his opponents. It’s because he’s a petty and mean-spirited bully. He delights in throwing his authority around and verbally insulting those below him. Whether it’s a failed mission or a physical abnormality, he will berate and belittle anyone that won’t fight back. While he prefers to rain fire down from above, Terrorsaur also specializes in stealth takedowns.
Alt mode: Bio-mechanical Pteranodon.
Inspiration: Beast wars/IDW Terrorsaur and original toy bio.
Notes: I loved the added jerkassery IDW added to his character in their short lived comic series, turning him from a Starscream wannabe to a bully you love to hate.
The Thirteen Primes: The first cybertronians ever created by Primus. Despite their power and reputation as worshipped beings, whose level of mythical qualities are often debated among cybertronians, they were as flawed and personable as any regular cybertronian. Most merged with Cybertron’s core and found peace in the Allspark. The remaining Primes are scattered throughout the stars, either hidden or aiding cybertronians under different aliases.
Warrior of light and the warrior spirit of Primus: Prima. The de facto leader of the thirteen primes and wielder of the star saber, Prima was a white knight in every sense of the term. Virtuous, noble, and self aware enough to not be pompous about it. While he trusted his siblings and appreciated their contributions, he always took too much weight on his shoulders. His greater good mindset and moral purity made him difficult to deal with, especially with his more emotionally flawed siblings. Despite this, he was one of the purest warriors and a dependable friend when needed.
Alt mode: Cybertronian muscle car.
Inspiration: Aligned Prima
Notes: Rejoined with the core of Cybertron. Gives off oldest-brother-in-big-family energy.
Guardian of time and the objectivity of Primus: Vector Prime. A serious and stoic personality given the unique artifact known as the blades of time, Vector understands the importance of his role and doesn’t take any of his duties with reluctance. Of all the original thirteen, he was the hardest to get along with due to his elitism and view of correctness. Primus was always right, so that must mean the thirteen could never be wrong. After the age of primes ended and his stubborn beliefs proved to be wrong, he made his duty of protecting the timeline and physical reality of their dimension into a full-time job. The years of isolation and fortification of the time-space continuum have softened his harder edges, and he even makes an effort to visit his siblings whenever he can.
Alt mode: Cybertronian hovercraft with clockwork detailing
Inspiration: Aligned Vector Prime
Notes: Vector is NOT happy with the time traveling maximals and predacons altering history. It takes a good deal of effort to keep the very fabric of reality from going nuts.
Records keeper and the memory of Primus: Alpha Trion. A calm and thoughtful soul, Alpha Trion is more of a thinker than a fighter. His wisdom can come off as enigmatic and even rebellious, but there’s no better mentor for a sparkling cybertronian. With his artifacts, the Covenant of Primus and the Vector Sigma supercomputer, he charts an objective history of the cybertronian race and all their endeavors. Being the only (known) original prime to stay on Cybertron, he has seen his world rise and fall throughout millennia. No matter who was the newest prime or what faction ruled, Alpha Trion will always choose the side of freedom and righteousness.
Alt mode: Cybertronian hovercraft
Inspiration: Most incarnations of Alpha Trion.
Notes: Alpha is the one who sets off the main quest to find the artifacts and living primes.
Forge master and the creativity of Primus: Solus Prime. Responsible for creating the many artifacts and weapons of the primes with her forge hammer, Solus Prime is beloved more for her practical advice and moral support. While she is usually a calm and confident bot, her temper quickly flares at any sign of injustice. At the end of the age of primes, the forge master was blasted by a maniplulated and furious Megatronus. Sobered and distraught, Megatronus used her hammer in a desperate attempt to save her. The result was her spark chamber fusing with her brain module and t-cog, inadvertently making Solus the first headmaster. After leaving Cybertron, Solus Prime took on a new alias known as Giftshop. Becoming a bit of an eccentric coot in her old age, Giftshop only creates cutesy knickknacks and tools for nonlethal subduing. Solus has sworn off creating weapons and makes no exceptions.
Alt mode: Cybertronian motorcycle with side car full of nicknacks.
Inspiration: Aligned Solus and a bit of my own added headcannon.
Notes: No longer will Solus be a historical footnote instead of a fully fledged character.
The first minicon and the conscience of Primus: Micronus Prime. Considered to be the moral center and the most light-hearted of the original thirteen, Micronus Prime had bouldless energy and a clever mind. He could impart a fraction of his energy upon the thirteen using his artifact, the Chimera Stone, directing his own energies into a form that suited their needs. Many have tried to replicate the energy transference of the chimera stone with little result, but this ability is found commonly among Micronus’ direct descendants, the minicons.
Alt Mode: Shield.
Inspiration: Aligned Micronus.
Notes: Rejoined with Cybertron’s core.
Master of the elements and the sympathy of Primus: Alchemist Prime. Straddling the line between science and mysticism, Alchemist Prime views himself as a humble student of the elements. He possesses the ability to transmute metals and temporarily alter the properties of any object, although he mostly uses this capability and his mastery over chemistry to create various intoxicating beverages. A friendly and compassionate bot, he couldn’t bear to leave Cybertron or rejoin its core like most of his other siblings. He believed that all cybertronians should have at least one place to rest and drink, despite what they might believe. Under a new alias, he opened up Maccadam’s Old Oil House. Even after the new decepticon empire took over the planet, the mysteriously mobile bar remains neutral ground for all who enter. Thanks to his artifact, the lenses, he understands every side to every story. Sympathetic, even-tempered, and a reliable shoulder to cry on.
Alt mode: Cybertronian tanker truck
Inspiration: Aligned Alchemist Prime and Cyberverse Maccadam.
Notes: Definitely one of my favorites of the thirteen.
The first combiner and free spirit of Primus: Nexus Prime. Made up of five component bots, all sharing the same mind, Nexus Prime was all about change and mutability. Despite his great power and towering height, the combiner was a jovial giant with a great wealth of psychological knowledge. He was fascinated with the mind and how people worked together for a shared cause. Despite joining Cybertron’s core, he lives on through the Enigma of Combination. This nomadic artifact wanders throughout the cosmos, seeking squads and close groups of cybertronians to make into combiners.
Alt mode: Something akin to a Legacy Menasor (Give me some slack, it’s five bots I’m dealing with here.)
Inspiration: Aligned Nexus Prime
Notes: Rejoined with Cybertron’s core. It would be revealed that the Enigma of Combination is not an artifact, but Nexus’ disembodied spark chamber.
The first beast-like cybertronian and the nature enthusiast of Primus: Onyx Prime. Due to his spiritual connection to nature and alien fauna, thanks to his artifact known as the Triptych Mask, Onyx Prime felt somewhat out of place on his mechanical world. While he had illogical and fanciful tendencies, his burning loyalty towards his siblings and allies made him well liked by nearly everyone who called him a friend. After the age of primes, he explored the galaxy to see firsthand the wondrous creatures he saw through his mask. After which, he rejoined the core of Cybertron and likely became the source of the more animal-like transformers.
Alt mode: Mechanical horse or pegasus.
Inspiration: Aligned Onyx Prime
Notes: Rejoined with Cybertron’s core. Closest friend to Megatronus, a fellow outsider among the thirteen.
The first true transformer and the humor of Primus: Amalgamous Prime. Cheeky and bright, Amalgamous Prime was the fun-loving joker of the thirteen. While his humorous nature could push comfort zones, with some of the more serious primes finding him borderline intolerable, he was a gentle and forgiving bot who never held a grudge. His artifact was the first transformation cog, which he used to bestow the ability of transformation onto others. Once the age of primes ended, he took his artifact with him when he rejoined with Cybertron’s core. Now, Transformation was a key aspect of all cybertronians.
Altmode: Cybertronian mine-clearing vehicle. (Bayverse Bonecrusher)
Inspiration: Aligned Amalgamous Prime
Notes: Rejoined with Cybertron’s core. Is it just me, or does his official artwork from the covenant of primus look like bayverse Bonecrusher if you squint?
The brilliant daydreamer and intelligence of Primus: Quintus Prime. While Onyx was the animal lover, Quintus was fully invested in sentient life. The first of Cybertron’s great scientific minds, he constantly sought to prove his theories correct through experimental invention. His perfectionism and active imagination made him hard to work with at times, his idealism of all life being a sacred thing that should flourish made him admired as well. When the age of primes ended, Quintus had Solus forge his artifact before he left Cybertron. With the emberstone, a powerful gemstone that could seed the explosion of living processes in base elements, he sought to create a spacefaring race to aid Cybertron in exploring the galaxy. Sadly, this race would evolve into the greed-fueled quintessons, who would imprison Their creator and set out to enslave his kind. Whether he is dead or not is a mystery.
Alt mode: Cybertronian crawler crane.
Inspiration: Aligned and Earthspark Quintus Prime
Notes: It would be revealed that a guilt-ridden Quintus escaped and went into hiding on earth, the cryptids of the present and mythical beasts of the past being his daydreamed creations. He’d get out of his depressed state thanks to another prime on this list.
The manipulator and the ego of Primus: Liege Maximo. The first cybertronian capable of natural flight and armed with his poisonous legion darts, Leige Maximo’s true power laid in his silver tongue. The epitome of charisma and negotiation, he could talk anyone into his way of thinking. While this ability was a key asset in distracting Unicron from detecting the other primes, it also brought on the end of the age of primes. Ego driven and ambitious, he was the first cybertronian to believe that their species should rule over the galaxy. One by one, he convinced his siblings to turn on one another or take his side. It all came to a head when Megatronus attempted to kill Solus in a fit of rage. His plots revealed and ambitions thwarted, he was forced into the core of Cybertron. While he was never evil at heart and only wanted Cybertron to prosper, his desire for control over things that were uncontrollable made him too much like Unicron for most people’s taste.
Alt mode: Cybertronian jet.
Inspiration: Aligned Liege Maximo
Notes: Rejoined with Cybertron’s core by force. It’s here I should mention that the original primes that rejoined with the core can communicate with the new primes through the matrix. Liege Maximo acts as a sort of devil-on-the-shoulder for new primes, tempting them to become more dominating rulers.
Warrior of darkness and the passion of Primus: Megatronus. While darkness is the opposite of light, that does not make darkness inherently evil. The most complex of the thirteen primes, Megatronus was emotionally volatile but passionate in the fight against evil and injustice. Due to his unstable nature and grim behavior, most of his siblings kept a distance away from him. This haunted him, and Liege Maximo used this to manipulate the dark warrior into the perfect warmonger for the manipulator’s future empire. But when Megatronus nearly took the life of his beloved sister, it opened his optics to the monster he was becoming. Once Liege Maximo was stopped and the dust settled, he became the self-declared fallen prime. He went into exile and has spent millions if years in meditation to control his rage.
Alt mode: Cybertronian tank. (which looks like an old oven)
Inspiration: Aligned Megatronus
Notes: Remember how in a previous post, I said Nova Prime and his crew went into self exile once they were infected with dark energon? It would be revealed that Megatronus mentored these bots in resisting Unicron’s influence and to control their emotions. Also, the fallen prime has SO MUCH secondhand embarrassment for inadvertently inspiring Megatron.
The mediator and the kindness of Primus: Thirteen. The meaning behind the last of the thirteen primes’ peculiar name was deceptively simple. Thirteen united all his siblings and strengthened their bonds without even trying. Quiet and dutiful, the mediator had a gentleness and dedication to helping others that was matched by no one. His artifact was the Matrix, a device that connected his siblings spiritually so that they could always aid each other, even if they were light years apart. Some theorize that Optimus Prime, the greatest of the Matrix bearers, is actually Thirteen reincarnated. But the leader of the autobots has denounced this, saying that he has no memory of being the last of the original thirteen.
Alt mode: Cybertronian Truck
Inspiration: Aligned Thirteen.
Notes: Rejoined with Cybertron’s core. It would be up in the air wether or not Optimus Prime is actually Thirteen for most of the series, or if being a reincarnation of a prime is the same as actually being the original prime.
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numanumbra · 4 days
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I have a lot of doodles / art cooking, in the meantime take this Spectra doodle
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Dear Vector Prime, what other animals has Rhinox become in different realities?
Dear Rhino Researcher,
In a reality where the Axalon and Darksyde crashed only a few thousand years in the past, Rhinox adopted the form of a cold-adapted woolly rhinoceros. In another universe where the Maximals and Predacons arrived on Earth fifty million years in your future, he instead chose to became a heavy-set antelope descendant; on another variant Earth where the dinosaur-killing meteor never hit your world, he scanned a grassland-adapted ceratopsian dinosaur. It seems as though, no matter the universe, the ‘bot who usually goes by “Rhinox” has an affinity for a very specific form…
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
Jason Todd was seven years old when Tony Stark announced on live television that he was the one and only Iron Man.
Despite his mother’s wishes, because she didn’t like him watching the news, tiny him sat eagerly in front of their small tv. His father hadn’t been home in… well, it didn’t matter, but it probably wouldn’t be any time soon either.
“Iron Man…” he had whispered, pressing a little hand to the screen (something that would earn him new bruises had his dad actually been around).
And then, well, he’d had to go to bed. Early, which pissed him off a little, but he had blissful dreams of terrorist-busting heroes in red, fancy helmets and too many guns to count. He did not know the reason for his premature bedtime was that his mother was off to the doctor to discover the results of her previous MRI… and they weren’t pretty.
But he wouldn’t find that out until he was ten and he had to catch his mother as she passed out in the supermarket one day, and he had to beg at least three people before someone called an ambulance.
He sat curled into a ball in the ER’s waiting area, choking back tears as a nurse told him the truth. A truth that, unfortunately, had not been revealed to him until it was too late, and he was left regretting every time in his life where he’d taken his mother, kind and beautiful, intelligent and the only one who cared, for granted.
The short time they were in the Gotham Community Clinic, Jason had prayed to whatever god he didn’t really believe in to save his mother, send the Avengers, send Iron Man, but it didn’t happen.
His mother had died three days after being admitted to the hospital.
And no matter how irrationally he’d reacted, how many doctors he’d fought and nurses he’d screamed at, he had learned a valuable lesson that day.
You can’t rely on superheroes. Not to do the small things. So Jason decided he was going to be a different type of hero- one that payed attention to the “little” things, the kids on the streets, struggling single moms, men who can barely feed themselves. He’d honestly fight the American healthcare system if he had to.
Bruce Wayne had known from the second he’d met Jason Todd that he was different from Dick Grayson. Grayson was a sad little kid, one who’d lost everything, and he needed the support of beating the living shit out of bad people to keep going.
Jason hadn’t had the luxury of someone handing him an escape route from the pain. He’d carved one for himself with his bare hands, and he relied on no one and nothing but himself.
Maybe it was a good change of pace from Dick. A Robin who was more similar to Batman than a kid who acted his age? Maybe that would be more handy.
Bruce had turned out to be right, of course, Jason was his golden child until he went and became a crime lord. But the hero role- especially as a sidekick- didn’t feel as right as Jason had hoped it would be.
Bats wasn’t willing to do everything it took to bring down evil people. He pulled punches and threw people in the most useless jail in the history of existence only for them to break out and continue to hurt people.
Becoming Red Hood was an experience Jason needed to fit in his own shoes. He made that helmet like Tony Stark’s from all those years ago, face plate and glowing eyes, red as blood. He made it so it was the face people could really count on, and not just when the entire world was in danger and nothing less.
Of course those people looking up to him didn’t need to know about the decapitated-heads-in-duffel-bags incidents, but most of the time he did good. It was probably a good thing the Joker was too smart to seek out the Red Hood, who wasn’t afraid (very willing to in fact) to put a bullet or six in his pasty white forehead.
The Avengers, the Justice League, Batman, Iron Man, all these big shiny heroes- they weren’t enough. Maybe when Darksyde or Thanos or some other big alien dude with a menacing name came down to rain hell on earth, but how often does that happen? Most of the time they just sit around congratulating themselves for being useful once every five years.
That’s why people like Spider-Man and Red Robin were better, in Jason’s opinion. They helped when they’re needed, not when big scary corporations decide they’re needed (seriously, the Sokovia Accords? Worst idea ever).
Those “little” people are, in fact, the majority of the planet. If they’re all suffering and no one does anything to stop that, what’s the point of saving the whole planet? Nobody wants to live on it.
Maybe the Red Hood doesn’t pull punches. He can and will shoot you for a basic bank robbery. But without him, people like Iron Man wouldn’t even have jobs to do, no matter the time gap between them.
~~~~~ anyways I wanted to talk about Jason
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hasbr0mniverse · 20 hours
Toy Pick Of The Day - Transformers Conventions/Exclusives 2006 -Dawn Of Future’s Past -Predacon Darksyde Waspinstor - Function: Aerial Attack - Motto: "Waspinator tired of being universe's chew toy!"
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predacon-carrion · 2 months
—Sometime in the middle of the night—
She was sitting somewhere comfortable. She wasn’t sure where, nor was she very inclined to find out. Glitch just enjoyed the light breeze and blue sky… before it began to grow darker. Suddenly, dark figures twenty times her size rocked the ground beneath her, causing the human to jump up from her stop only to realize she was laying on a cold, metal floor.
Her heart rate shot up and she scrambled to her feet trying to avoid the various shadows towering above her, yet her legs hardly felt like they were taking her anywhere. She could only watched as one of the figures easily plucked her off the ground and began to squeeze. It squeeze harder and harder until she could hardly breathe, it felt like she was going to pop- and then she woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air.
She was not in a giant hand or on a metal floor. She was with her fellow humans under the wing of Carrion’s alt mode. Still, the visions she saw in the night haunted her, primal panic continuing to believe she was in danger. Despite the cold, she decided to leave the relative safety of the wing.
Carrion was asleep. Or recharging. Or whatever he did to rest. He was undoubtedly the cause of her nightmare… but now he was a bastion of safety. As such, she climbed up where his long neck curved, and set herself down on the metal. It was colder. She didn’t mind. It was just nice to know he was there.
Carrion, too, sleeps a restless sleep. He dreams of the Predacons. Sat aboard their ship, the Darksyde, resting his cheek in his palm, utterly bored, even as his comrades clambered over losing their pursuers. Ship alarms blaring, fellow teammates shouting, a flash of white among the stars of deep space—
And that was the last he’d seen of them.
He’s knelt before Megatron, now. No, not the pompous, vainglorious tyrant he knew— he was before Lord Megatron. Ruthless leader of the Decepticons. The vulture looks down at his own form as he kneels and begs for refuge. Not the sleek colors he dons now, but his old Predacon frame. Weak. Delicate. Small. At least, compared to the titans of high command who towered before him.
But the warlord does not grant him refuge. He takes step after lumbering step forward, sending cracks and tremors through the very earth beneath him, sending Carrion jumping in his place just from the vibrations. He would not be granted mercy. Megatron’s shadow looms over him, and the further he scrambles back in his panic, the larger Megatron becomes. Or was it Carrion who was becoming smaller?
He did not have a moment to consider it. The warlord’s pede raises itself above him, painfully slow, yet all too quickly. Megatron’s blood red optics piercing into his very spark, a single word reverberates through the air.
Carrion begs, and he pleads, but he cannot even find his own voice. He blinks, and the figure above him changes— suddenly shifting into that of his former leader.
“Traitorous Maximal.”
The vulture hasn’t even a moment to scream before the pede above him slams down with such ferocity—
Carrion awakes with a start. His chest is pounding, and his helm is flicking this way and that. Where was he? What had touched him? What was on his—?
His helm freezes in place as his optics fall upon Glitch’s form, bundled up in his feathers, huddled against his neck. His brows furrow to see you like this. It was… admittedly very cute. But why were you up here, rather than tucked safely beneath his wing? He hated to disturb your rest, but…
Slowly, he reaches his helm closer to you and gently nudges your small form with the tip of his beak. Glitch…? He speaks lowly, softly— perhaps softer than you had ever heard from him. Are you alright, little one?
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