#Dispatches from Pluto
deathlessathanasia · 3 months
What evidence do we have for the sisters of Zeus fighting in the collective battles of the gods such as the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy?
The Titanomachy is more complicated because we have relatively little information about it - very few literary sources that describe it in any sort of detail and no certain visual representations. If only we had the lost Titanomachia epic!
In Hesiod's Theogony at least it seems that they do fight in the Titan war (though Zeus alone of the Olympians plays a notable role): "Their spirits began to yearn for battle even more than before, and they raised such conflict as none would find fault with, all of them, both females and males, on that day, the Titan gods and those born of Kronos, and those whom Zeus brought to the light from the gloom beneath the earth, fearful and powerful ones with overbearing strength."
However, things are far from consistent and in Book 14 of the Iliad Hera says that she was being raised by Okeanos and Tethys when Zeus fought and imprisoned Kronos: [Okeanos and Tethys] who in their house nurtured me well and raised me after receiving me from Rhea, when far-thundering Zeus set Cronus down beneath the earth and murmuring sea.". Elsewhere in the Iliad Hera is called the eldest daughter of Kronos (Il. 4.59), so if she was too young to participate in the battle then presumably her sisters were as well, unless we assume that Zeus's dispatch of Kronos and the actual Titanomachy were two separate events.
In the Library of Apollodoros 1.2.1. (which is possibly using information from the lost Titanomachia) things are ambiguous and it is possible that the goddesses do fight, but only the males are actually mentioned and only they receive weapons from the Kyklopes: "… and with their [the regurgitated children of Kronos] aid Zeus waged the war against Cronus and the Titans. They fought for ten years, and Earth prophesied victory to Zeus if he should have as allies those who had been hurled down to Tartarus. So he slew their jailoress Campe, and loosed their bonds. And the Cyclopes then gave Zeus thunder and lightning and a thunderbolt, and on Pluto they bestowed a helmet and on Poseidon a trident. Armed with these weapons the gods overcame the Titans, shut them up in Tartarus, and appointed the Hundred-handers their guards; but they themselves cast lots for the sovereignty, and to Zeus was allotted the dominion of the sky, to Poseidon the dominion of the sea, and to Pluto the dominion in Hades."
The Titanomachy related by Pseudo Hyginus (Fabulae 150) is instigated by Hera, but she doesn't seem to actually fight, nor does any other of the elder gods except for Zeus himself: "After Juno saw that Epaphus, born of a concubine, ruled such a great kingdom, she saw to it that he should be killed while hunting, and encouraged the Titans to drive Jove from the kingdom and restore it to Saturn. When they tried to mount to heaven, Jove with the help of Minerva, Apollo, and Diana, cast them headlong into Tartarus."
In the Euhemeristic account related in The Sibylline Oracles (3.176-184) only the males are mentioned in the context of the war, though admittedly Hera is their only sister in this version: "But when the Titans heard that there were sons Kept secretly, whom Cronos and his wife Rhea begat, then Titan sixty youths Together gathered, and held fast in chains Cronos and his wife Rhea, and concealed Them in the earth and guarded them in bonds. And then the sons of powerful Cronos heard, And a great war and uproar they aroused."
And then there is Nonnos at the end of Antiquity who explicitly states (and he is the only one to ever do so as far as I know) that Hera fought in the Titanomachy: "Hera the Titan's daughter took strong part in the war against Kronos her father and helped Zeus in his fight." (Dionysiaca 31.264) Whether Hestia and Demeter did the same I don't recall him ever mentioning, but he does say that several of Zeus's children (Ares and Athena for sure) fought the Titans so do with that timeline what you will.
The Gigantomachy is better attested in literature and especially art, so we can be sure that Hera was at least sometimes thought to participate in it. Pseudo-Apollodoros' Library provides the fullest account of the battle and is the only literary source I know of that makes Hera's presence on the battlefield explicit, although we don't really hear of her doing any fighting or defeating any named Giant, only being attacked and overpowered by one. However, she does fight in several visual representations of the Gigantomachy, both on vases and on friezes. Not all representations include her, of course, and sometimes a particular figure is merely assumed to be Hera in lack of an inscription or any identifying attribute.
Hestia and Demeter on the other hand aren't mentioned among the gods who fight the Giants in the Library or in any other literary source that I am aware of and I don't know of any artistic representations of the Gigantomachy that involves them for sure either. Now obviously there are hundreds of representations of this myth (I couldn't check them all even if the visual arts were accessible to me) and there are several figures who could be interpreted as Demeter, but Mary B. Moore (Lydos and the Gigantomachy') confirms my impression that "[Demeter] is not identified for certain in any representation of this battle, nor is she mentioned in any literary reference to it." It is curious that not even in the Gigantomachy on the Pergamon frieze is Demeter's presence certain (much less Hestia's) though this has to be the most expansive version of the battle and everyone and their mother is there, literally! Alongside the usual players there are also Leto, Asterie, Phoibe, Dione, Doris and Nereus to name but a few.
Just as Demeter and Hestia don't seem to participate in the Gigantomachy, so too are they absent from another conflict that most of the Olympian gods get involved in: the Trojan War. I guess these two really don't care for war and are important enough that no one's going to complain about them not getting their hands dirty.
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2 on Dorimaga Magazine Vol.1 (2002-01) (Video game Magazine) (11-25/01/2002)
Translation in English:
(Page 66)
Dorimaga Special Report - DC PS2:
Video Game Consoles : Dreamcast / Playstation 2
Scheduled to be released: February 14th
Completely: 100%
Dreamcast: 6,120 Yen Dreamcast(Special Edition Pack): 9,900 Yen Playstation 2: 6,800 Yen
Genre - ETC (Musical Action Adventure) Manufacturer:Sega/United Game Artists Players: 1-2 Number of discs: 1 URL: http://www.u-ga.com/ Controllers/Memory Cards PS2: DualShock 2, trance vibrator compatible, memory card 161KB. DC: 5 blocks of memory used (VMU), Purupuru pack support
Online Shop:The DC version is exclusive to D-DIRECT.
Is there something wrong in the galactic universe!?
After seeing this screen, "Mexican Flyer" came to my head! Are you ready to dance? "Space Channel 5 Part 2" scheduled to air on two platforms has finally started! Let's all enjoy the full polygon SHOW together!
Greetings to the 30 million "Channel 5" viewers nationwide, it's finally here! "Space Channel 5 Part 2" from UGA, which has been silent since the Tokyo Game Show in autumn, is finally on air!The memorable day is February 14, 2002, Valentine's Day.and it will be broadcast simultaneously on DC and PS2 as planned! I can't wait to see how Ulala, who has crossed the century, will come back!
Popular characters from the previous show, as well as new characters, will appear one after another! They will make the program even more exciting!
The basic rules seem to be the same, but new elements have been added, such as singing and playing! I have a hunch that it will be fun!
The next enemy is the "Dancing Troupe(Rhythm Rouges)"! ?
The next enemy is the "Dancing Troupe(Rhythm Rouges)" who appeared out of nowhere. Innocent people are made to dance one after another, just like the Morolians last time! Their purpose is completely unknown. Ulala will report on their true identity!
The mysterious dance group "Dancing Troupe (Rhythm Rouges)" has arrived! A person who looks like a captain and robots attack people one after another!
(Page 67)
What happened to the Jaguar! ?
An evil hand approaches Jaguar who has discovered something somewhere in the universe...! ! Meanwhile, the "Space Symphony," a ship cruising around Neo-Pluto, is attacked by a mysterious group! "Space Channel 5" quickly caught the information and sent Ulala to the scene to report the incident. The spirit of Director Fuse enters. "Come on, let's start!!"
I'll charm you, Ulala Seven Changes
This time Ulala will be reporting in even cuter and cooler outfit! There will be a "Ulala's Costume Room," so stay tuned!
A reporter for Space Channel 5, she was born on May 30 and her blood type is B. The other day, she tried to save the galaxy  with great energy, but she's still a newcomer and spends her days being yelled at by her boss Fuse. Her goal is to become a galactic reporter.She is the only person who can fight back against the "mysterious dancing group" that has appeared.
The time is the 25th century.
The "Morolian" suddenly invaded, causing people to dance one after another with their "Dancing Beam"! The space broadcasting station "Space Channel 5", which caught this catastrophe, dispatched a new reporter "Ulala" who is good at dancing, selected by the director "Fuse", and report the incident. She fully opens her mysterious dancing puff, sometimes fights and cooperates with Channel 42's "Pudding" and the Space Pirate Broadcasting Station's "Jaguar" to uncover the true nature of the evil that hides behind the Morolians' intentions. Thus, this ascension case was resolved.........
In this galaxy where the memory is fresh in our minds, a new evil is rising.......
Although "Ulala" had solved the "Morolians Attack Case" by dancing with her miraculous performance, there was no change in her role as a reporter, and she is cheered on by a director "Fuse" every day.
Such a daily life suddenly changes with a report from "Chief Space Michael ". A "mysterious dancing group" has appeared, making people dance and taking them away one after another!
Now, Ulala's dancing report begins again.
Come on, Let's start!
SPACE CHANNEL 5 Part 2 - First Implession!
A little impression of the sample unveiled at the recent PS Party! The game is very busy with more things to do such as singing and playing, not to mention the increased power of the graphics and presentation. Compared to the previous game, which was a bit monotonous, this one is even more fun. The storyline is also very exciting!
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masha-nikita · 3 months
How strong is his Mars?- George Patton
I am back to my series- “How strong is his Mars?” YAY. These little commentaries are my efforts to test a theory in Astrology community- you’ve got to have a strong Mars to be competent in the military. Out of the blue, I’d like to write a bit on our old Allied general George.
Anyway, is that theory true? Let’s find out with George Patton.
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To me, what immediately jumps out about him is his Mars square Pluto.
A Mars-Pluto square makes the native stubborn in his violence; a constant subtext in Patton’s mind would be “I’ve got to kill something”. If unfortunately the native is unable to find things to kill, like an opportune cockroach, he would find enemies in his poor colleagues for one reason or another.
He would turn every single little cooperation into a competition, and he has to win, or he’s going to lose it. Those who are able to maintain a cordial relationship with him are probably strong people who are OK with workplace competitions, or even those who enjoy it. His Scorpio Sun may accentuate this Plutonian trait, since Pluto rules Scorpio. Maybe Eisenhower could maintain a friendly enemy dynamic with him for the friendship to work.
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However, there are two facets of Patton’s Mars that bestow a kind of calm subtlety to it- 1, it is a Virgo Mars, and Virgo Mars natives are detail oriented, slow moving problem solvers. 2, the Pluto that squares the Mars is in 12th house; there will be certain points when his subconscious mind goes through deepest transformations.
A 12th house Pluto has so much hidden past-life turmoil that could render Patton powerless, and the powerlessness could lash out via Mars by violence, pure violence, and nothing else. Some astrologers consider 12th Pluto psychic, but I think it depends on where the subconscious transformations takes him- there’s good chance that this placement eventually endows him with very innovative concepts.
12th Pluto type psychic ability, in my opinion, is more akin to a warlock’s magic attacks rather than far-seeing clairvoyance. For example, even if Patton’s battlefield fortune-telling doesn’t seem much, if you get kicked by him once, your physical ass may be OK after a couple of hospital visits, but your astral ass may forever bear a bruise for all spirit world to see. So don’t get kicked by Patton, you're going to look embarrassing in front of the fairies.
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What’s interesting, Model, Rommel and Von Manstein all have Mars in a harmonious aspect with Neptune (trine or sextile), plus other beneficial aspect to Neptune- this symbolizes true artistry and clairvoyance when they conduct any action- almost like they’re psychic on some level in order to make magic happen.
But Mars’ confrontational aspects with Neptune (opposition or square) entail deception and confusion in terms of action or where to direct the active energy. With Mars square Neptune, Patton sees enemy where there isn’t one, and a battlefield where currently nobody is fighting. It would make him high-strung and very defensive of his opinion. Animal fighting instinct may get the better of him. From time to time his soldiers could see his rational thinking simply exits the chat.
Throw good old George a machine gun and some unfortunate soldiers, run as fast as you can towards the opposite direction, take cover, don’t die, and wait for the explosions to blow over. You’d realize we have an 8 out of 10 good Mars, but a pretty problematic man nonetheless.
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I give General Patton this song Check my Brain to represent his 12th house Pluto opposite Mercury; a dedication to his intense and compelling thoughts on how to dispatch anything and everything enemy to him into nothingness.
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xxerxesx · 11 months
who?: @bloodcrowncd where?: outside so he can pop up out of the shadows
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Yes things were bad, but they still held the Pyramid. Others may have wanted to evacuate or hide inside, but not Xerxes. He could monitor the outside and quickly dispatch any of the enemies that got close. His senses were sharp and his killer instinct was primed. A foolish faerie or stupid dog would be fun to rip apart, but more than that he was fantasizing about Pluto giving him a head pat and a hearty 'attaboy' for keeping everyone safe from the enemy. Perhaps that's why Xerxes didn't notice the Original approach, striking blindly out of instinct once he picked up on a presence right behind him. "Hey you're back! Wow, you're so sneaky. I bet our side is gonna win big time because of your awesomeness," he comments cheerily once he tugs his fist from Pluto's defensive grip. As quick as Xerxes was, there was no chance he would've landed that hit, demonstrating to him just how great Pluto was. "Nothing to report yet, but they're coming. Can't tell who will arrive first, but from the sounds of it shit is gonna go down here. Don't you want to be inside when everything clashes?"
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writingwell · 2 years
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A Year in Books - 2022
(challenge: read a book recommended by someone else)
Butterfly Yellow - Thanhhá Lai (Jessie) Collected Ghost Stories - MR James (Terra) The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton The Rose Garden - Susanna Kearsley Nightbitch - Rachel Yoder (bookriot/Liv) all about love: new visions - bell hooks (Liv) The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell (book club) Legendborn - Tracy Deonn (Candice) The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern (Jessie) The Winter Sea - Susanna Kearsley Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys (book club) Dispatches from Pluto - Richard Grant (Jamie) What Happened to You? - Dr Bruce Perry, Oprah (Blake) Writers & Lovers - Lily King (Christy) Kaiju Preservation Society - John Scalzi Named of the Dragon - S Kearsley Memphis - Tara Stringfellow (Shelley) Under the Whispering Door - TJ Klune (Jessie) Midnight Library - Matt Haig (Christina) How to Be Perfect - Michael Schur (book riot) You Made a Fool Out of Death With Your Beauty - A Emezi Book of Night - Holly Black (MPL newsletter) Bringing Down the Duke - Evie Dunmore All Your Perfects - Colleen Hoover (Caroline) The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth  - Beth Allison Barr (Andria) How to Stop Time - Matt Haig Heat Wave - Richard Castle Naked Heat - Richard Castle Autumn - Ali Smith (Beanie) Quartet - Jean Rhys (book club) Who Is Maud Dixon? - Alexandra Andrews (Leslie) When Women Were Dragons - Kelly Barnhill (MPL newsletter) Ace - Angela Chen (book riot) Dracula - Bram Stoker (Beanie/daily dracula) Baby Teeth - Zoje Stage (Caroline) A Deadly Education - Naomi Novik The Last Graduate - Naomi Novik How We Talk - NJ Enfield (Aaron) The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Novik (Jessie)
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kelly-no-jelly · 28 days
P90x, Insanity and P90x3 are on archive.org
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jewelry-making · 9 months
US says it shot down four drones in southern Red Sea launched from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen
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The United States shot down four drones headed towards a US destroyer in the southern Red Sea and launched from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Saturday, US Central Command (Centcom) said. “These attacks represent the 14th and 15th attacks on commercial shipping by Houthi militants since Oct. 17,” Centcom said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.The Iran-aligned Houthis, who control much of Yemen, have disrupted world trade for weeks with attacks on ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait at the southern end of the Red Sea in what they say is a response to Israel’s war in Gaza. The US Naval Forces Central Command responded to distress calls from two ships under attack, Centcom said.A Norwegian-flagged, owned and operated chemical/oil tanker reported a near miss of a Houthi drone attack, and a Gabon-owned, Indian-flagged crude oil tanker reported being hit by a one-way attack, the post said. Two Houthi anti-ship ballistic missiles were also “fired into international shipping lanes in the Southern Red Sea from Houthi controlled areas of Yemen”, it said. “No ships reported being impacted by the ballistic missiles.” The UK Maritime Trade Operations agency earlier reported that an uncrewed aerial system had exploded near a vessel in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, 45 nautical miles southwest of Saleef, Yemen. Meanwhile, a Japanese-owned chemical tanker struck Saturday off the coast of India was targeted by a drone “fired from Iran”, the Pentagon said. Saturday’s attack took place about 10am local time (0600 GMT) and caused no casualties aboard the vessel, it said, adding that a fire was extinguished. The US military “remains in communication with the vessel as it continues toward a destination in India,” it added. It was the first time the Pentagon openly accused Iran of directly targeting ships since the start of Israel’s war on Hamas, according to Agence France-Presse.The Pentagon statement said the MV Chem Pluto ship flew under a Liberian flag and was operated by a Dutch entity, although the ship is owned by a Japanese company. Ambrey, a maritime security firm, said the “chemical/products tanker … was Israel-affiliated” and had been on its way from Saudi Arabia to India. The Indian navy said it had responded to a request for assistance. “An aircraft was dispatched and it reached overhead the vessel and established safety of the involved ship and its crew,” a navy official told AFP. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strike. The Red Sea attacks on shipping since the start of the Israel-Hamas war have prompted major firms to reroute their cargo vessels around the southern tip of Africa, despite the higher fuel costs of much longer voyages. The Houthi rebels have launched more than 100 drone and missile attacks, targeting 10 merchant vessels involving more than 35 different countries, according to the Pentagon. On Saturday, an official in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard warned of the forced closure of other waterways unless Israel halted its war with Hamas. “With the continuation of these crimes, America and its allies should expect the emergence of new resistance forces and the closure of other waterways,” Mohammad Reza Naqdi said, quoted by Iran’s Tasnim news agency. The United States launched Operation Prosperity Guardian three days ago, saying more than a dozen countries had agreed to participate in an effort that will involve joint patrols in Red Sea waters near Yemen.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Right now the surge of tapering off the Zerg are tapering off and the attacks on the Northern pseudo empire are tapering off but they're building up again for another round and they usually attack at night and it's going to be giant this time and the bunkers from the insects.
-I see the warlock were beat up in the Parks and they were beat up bad. And they were pummeled and they were pulling out another 25% and 50% is already out and the bugs came out and hammered on them for several rounds before they were extinguished it's a little more out than the bugs started coming out again and they left with just a little bit more and every second quarter mark that's about it globally today they're going to try and go back in and they get hit by bugs that time it's over the bugs should be out of there and be out at most places. The losses that the warlock are suffering are very big and they had like 17% at the start of all this recent activity and now it's down to about 14 or 13% and they're getting hammered very badly fairly soon they will be extinct. But at the cost of others. Moreover this type of battle is increasing in severity versus the warlock due to their asinine attitude here they're getting wiped out.
-other things happening we have major battles in space they're trying to get to Pluto it's hidden and they can't make it huge huge flotilla tried to leave of the empire and were stopped by miscellaneous and the warlock and then quickly dispatched the pseudo empire had some words and were pushed aside and lost a few contingents that's about 20 million total or 10 million each and decided not to stand in the way and the foreigners are holding the ground and more miscellaneous shown up and dee is being chastised and Biden.that war is gigantic and it is encompassing every aspect of the war meaning The fleets up there are tied to other stuff that are happening and it's a fight they're not accusing as much yet they probably will
-we see a lot of stuff happening here but none of it is good it's all these assholes prepping to bother people today and we're moving in soon to stop them and we're going to have to build stuff I don't see how the pseudo empire is doing it they're ignoring the building department and bringing in construction crews and building and have security and they're hitting them if they try and do stuff and that's just how it's going to go it's going to help with the police and some monsters organization versus him they need to stop and they won't were going to make them. Tell Jason to say this is our way this is what we do and showing him some stupid video while we produce and we're not going to tolerate this s*** anymore you're a little snot and we're going to get rid of you Jason so damned annoying and you're idiots he got mad and started yelling you all stupid and you don't know who's doing he's screaming we're behind I mean you're a dumber than hell and mac daddy wants you dead and the pseudo empire and a lot of your own people and others want the trumpsters because they are encouraging you too you're fools you think because you're near him you can get whatever you want and annoy him and that's not even what happened you're f****** dumb it's not the system is going to go after you
-there's a large number of people like this guy Jason and they need to be wiped out so we can prove that their math is bad the sun has to resist ance and he has to fight off these nimrods and he sent it to now I have to fight both of these parties so he needs help and right away I was sending it it's a huge deal there's a couple more battles going on
-one of them is up north and it's the government and they're fighting these idiots it's a huge fight and they're fighting massive numbers still and they're having trouble I'm getting organized so and they're going to live basin they're going to land base them and the empire is trying to use that to take over there are other things happening
-there seems to be a disagreement here how about what to do all day with our son and you people are nasty in your evil and we're going to take care of you but there's another battle that has to do with that and it is over territory and they suck really bad so taking advantage that's right any avenue we can and he's largely blamed for it. Although the decision came from us they started taking territory and started getting better and we took a lot of territory and this is the last of the big battles discussion although we have the cities with the gold and other and that's going very very in the hospitals finally are getting completely rated those places are getting turned upside down and all the staff is being destroyed and it's very much needed they don't even do the job they suck so bad and other industries that they do are falling and it's the warlock and they're a bunch of losers they're nasty idiots
-we took over an area twice the size of Spain last night and more tonight and they're all over the place and they're really the size of one state in the Midwest now it's two but they're different places and we're going to continue to do so in large part there in the midwest or the middle areas either or and both in this case and we are going forwards and building bases not as many because we need more area to do that in but we are building them as we go
Publish now just a lot of information
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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senatushq · 1 year
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NAME. Xerxes AGE & BIRTH DATE. Winter & 2500+ GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Vampire BLOODLINE. Pluto OCCUPATION. Senator FACE CLAIM. Jordan Buhat
Whatever life Xerxes led as a human and the kind of person he was back then has long since faded. He was unable to overcome the trauma of this turning as a fledgling and would’ve drowned in the pain for eons if he hadn’t been told to ‘let it all go for the time being.’ He was never told to revisit those memories so he never did, and time continued to move forward. What Xerxes forgot was the torture and murder of his entire family by a small group of bored, sadistic Amulius loyalists. He witnessed worms slithering to fill throats, maggots eating their way through eyes, ravens plucking out internal organs with their sharp beaks, and bloody dismemberments that should’ve haunted him for eternity. Xerxes was saved for last, the toy those young vampires hurt and healed repeatedly for their own amusement. Mentally and physically he’d been broken, unable to comprehend the sights and sounds of his loved ones’ slaughter. Xerxes was useless to the cohort after that, and so they decided to drain him of his blood finally. 
  His lifeless body had been left in the dirt to rot. None of his captors had any intention of turning him so none of them even considered the possibility that he’d wake in transition. But they’d used so much of their blood to repair the damage they’d inflicted on him that it was the only thing Xerxes’ system when he drew his last breath as a human. He woke as he died, starved and pained. A vicious sound ripped from his throat when his immortal eyes first opened. That desperate, frightened, and broken boy was all of himself that remained after the horror he endured. A victim was all that remained in the fledgling vampire that arose from his shallow grave. Xerxes was feral from the beginning, and after feeding so hard on the first traveler he found that their head came off, he knew one thing for certain: existence simply was hell no matter what. 
  Xerxes resented what he’d been turned into and scorned all life. He was never sure if he inherited his swarm from his sire or if it was merely a manifestation of his truth, but being a pernicious cloud of locusts was the only source of peace for him. Buzzing loudly in the night, attacking crops, luring farmers out of their homes with their torches only to rip them apart with his ravenous nature. It was a cycle that not only kept him moving but also got him noticed. In the midst of a war, a new vampire acting on his own wasn’t good for either side. When Romulus found him though, the magister saw a creature of value, not a loose canon to be dispatched. Romulus told him there was no need for him to suffer anymore, and Xerxes’ response was ‘thank you’. 
  Xerxes hadn’t said a single word as a vampire before that day, an indication of how pivotal meeting the magister was for him. With his pain and grief discarded, Xerxes became an empty chalice ready to be filled with his savior’s words. He learned about the war his species was entangled in and agreed wholeheartedly with Romulus’ thoughts on the conflict. Xerxes dedicated himself to the cause, learning how to best used his newfound vampirism to crush any who stood against Romulus. He was well suited for the field of battle, his inherent barbarism and exclusive dedication to Romulus’ voice made it impossible for him to second guess what needed to be done. Wherever Xerxes fought, locusts and blood would cover everything, but at the conclusion of the war Romulus didn’t need him to be that same monster, he needed a monster of a different sort. So that’s what Xerxes became. 
  Cheap hides were exchanged for expensive silks. Feral hissing was replaced with pithy words. Locusts were abandoned for fluttering moths. In time, Xerxes became an individual so far removed from the human he had been, not that he remembered much of his life before Romulus. He’d done what he was told and let go. Plus, Romulus had plenty more to say giving Xerxes more than his fill to absorb. The Senate, Rome, and vampires in general were all of great concern to Romulus so they were equally important to him. He went where Romulus didn’t have time to, did what the magister needn’t sully his hands with, and echoed all of the sentiments that had been impressed upon his mind. He was a vampire of importance, and his status was respected by all because what choice did they have? Xerxes’ words were Romulus’ words, and what Xerxes saw with his eyes would inevitably be reported back to Romulus. The fluttering of moth wings became an omen to supernatural creatures across the realm, their faux eye patterns instilling an anxious fear of being observed that was reflective of their reality. When Xerxes arrived he was to be heard, for the magister was watching whether physically present or not. 
  Romulus’ withdrawal reaffirmed this even more. Only Xerxes knew of the magister’s movements and acted in the realm on his behalf. Dissidents, interlopers, bad actors, and anyone reductive to Romulus’ vision for the realm were brutally dealt with by Xerxes. He never acted without direction, though those who attempted to oppose him brought his truer nature to the surface. The put-together, measured persona he put forth was an extension of Romulus, but the merciless executioner that tortured and killed more in the name of peace than he ever did in the war was all him. He existed within boundaries set by Romulus, the magister’s voice constantly rang in his ears when his appetite or malice threatened to go out of control. But he was given enough slack on his leash to remind as he saw fit that while he didn’t possess true authority as Romulus did, there was a reason the magister had so much faith in him.
  When it was time to leave Rome, Xerxes left with Romulus. When it was time to return he did. He assumed his role as triumvir and figured they’d work to achieve the order that Romulus wanted so dearly for the time being. He never imagined life apart from or beyond the magister, but that’s what he was left with now that his entire reason for being is dead. All Xerxes has left of Romulus is his voice and words, their every conversation like a map for moving forward in lieu of true guidance. He mustn’t despair, he must keep moving forward. There was work to be done. His role in the Senate is to act as the living embodiment of Romulus’ will. Order was a very clear picture to Romulus and Xerxes knows how intensely his savior longed to see it restored. Unfortunately, Xerxes lacks Romulus’ silver tongue, capable of only parroting the values compelled into him. Luckily, his millennia of service have taught him that sometimes it’s necessary to do something vile for the greater good. Romulus would stop at nothing to see his vision realized, and now Xerxes is the same. 
+ direct, imaginative, persistent – unstable, voracious, inflexible
played by michael. est. he/him.
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jdwrpdfo · 2 years
Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta - Richard Grant
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Meine Bücherregale und mein Kindle sind gefüllt mit Geschichten über das Überleben der Antarktis gegen die Widrigkeiten, tödliche Bergsteigerbemühungen und Hemingway-ähnliche Reisen, die Leben verändern und Wahrnehmungen verändern. Ich weiß, was ich mag, und Abenteuerreisebücher fesseln mich stets von vorne bis hinten. Da Weihnachten immer näher rückt, werfen wir einen Blick auf die meistverkauften Abenteuerreisebücher von 2015 bei Amazon – perfekte Geschenke für Möchtegern-Abenteurer wie mich. 1. Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found auf dem Pacific Crest Trailvon Cheryl StrayedNach dem Tod ihrer Mutter, mit ihrer zerstreuten Familie und in der Asche einer gescheiterten Ehe traf Cheryl Strayed die impulsive Entscheidung, den Pacific Crest Trail zu wandern.2. Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen von Christopher McDougallIm Herzen von Born to Run liegt ein mysteriöser Stamm mexikanischer Indianer, die Tarahumara, die als die besten Langstreckenläufer der Welt gelten . 3.Into Thin Air von Jon KrakauerDie wahre Geschichte eines 24-Stunden-Zeitraums auf dem Everest, der mit einem Sturm begann und mit der höchsten Todesrate in einer Saison in der Geschichte des Gipfels endete. 4.Tracks: A Woman's Solo Trek Across 1.700 Miles of Australian Outback von Robyn DavidsonRobyn Davidsons Memoiren über ihre gefährliche Reise durch 1.700 Meilen durch die feindliche australische Wüste zum Meer mit nur vier Kamelen und einem Hund als Gesellschaft.5. Becoming Frozen: Memoir of a First Year in Alaskavon Jill HomerJill Homer war nur eine weitere naive junge Frau, die einem Mann an die letzte Grenze folgte – aber es war Alaska, das ihr Herz eroberte.6. Barbarian Days: A Surfing Lifevon William FinneganSurfen sieht nur aus wie ein Sport. Für Devotees ist es etwas ganz anderes: eine schöne Sucht, ein geistiges und körperliches Studium, eine leidenschaftliche Lebensweise. 7.Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incidentvon Donnie EicharIm Februar 1959 starb eine Gruppe von neun erfahrenen Wanderern im russischen Uralgebirge auf mysteriöse Weise auf einer Erhebung, die als Dead Mountain bekannt ist. Dies ist ihre Geschichte.8. The Kindness Diaries: One Man’s Quest to Ignite Goodwill and Transform Lives Around the World von Leon Logothetis Teils Abenteuergeschichte, teils inspirierende Memoiren, The Kindness Diaries führt Sie in eine weite Welt voller Abenteuer ein und öffnet Ihnen die Augen für die Möglichkeiten menschlicher Verbindungen. 9.AWOL auf dem Appalachian Trailvon David MillerIm Jahr 2003 gab der Softwareentwickler David Miller seinen Job, seine Familie und seine Freunde auf, um sich einen Traum zu erfüllen und den Appalachian Trail zu wandern. 10.Im Königreich des Eises: Die große und schreckliche Polarreise der USSby Hampton SidesIm Jahr 1879 stach die USS Jeannette von San Francisco aus unter jubelnden Menschenmengen und einem Rausch der Öffentlichkeit in See. Das Schiff und seine Besatzung waren für die unbekannten Gewässer der Arktis bestimmt.11. Nicht ohne meinen Vater: Der 444-Meilen-Weg einer Frau auf dem Natchez Tracevon Andra WatkinsAndra Watkins brauchte einen Flügelmann, der ihr half, eine der wenigen lebenden Menschen zu werden, die den historischen 444-Meilen-Weg von Natchez Trace wie die Pioniere gingen. 12.Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Deltavon Richard GrantDer Abenteuerautor Richard Grant begibt sich auf „den amerikanischsten Ort der Welt“: das rätselhafte, schöne, oft verspottete Mississippi-Delta. 13.Lonely Planets ultimative Reise: Unsere Liste der 500 besten Orte, die man gesehen haben muss… Rangliste von Lonely Planet Diese definitive Wunschliste der besten Orte, die man auf der Erde besuchen sollte, ist vollgepackt mit aufschlussreichen Beschreibungen und inspirierenden Fotografien, damit Sie Ihre Reiseliste abhaken können. 14.Seien Sie Experte mit Karten und Kompassby Bjorn KjellstromGPS-Geräte sind großartig, aber
sie können kaputt gehen, verloren gehen oder durch Wetterbedingungen behindert werden, was grundlegende Karten- und Kompasskenntnisse für jeden, der Zeit im Freien verbringt, unerlässlich macht. fünfzehn.Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart: An Adventure on the Pacific Crest Trailvon Carrot Quinn In der Wüste Südkaliforniens sieht sich Carrot vielen körperlichen und emotionalen Herausforderungen gegenüber: Schmerzen, Verletzungen, quälende Kälte und sengende Hitze, Dehydrierung, Erschöpfung und Einsamkeit. 16.Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trailvon Ben Montgomery Die 67-jährige Urgroßmutter Emma Gatewood erzählte ihrer Familie, dass sie einen Spaziergang machen würde. Das nächste, was jemand von ihr hörte, war, dass sie 800 Meilen auf dem Appalachian Trail gelaufen war. 17.Auf den Spuren von Dschingis Khan: Eine epische Reise durch das Land der Nomaden von Tim Cope Die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Pferd in der eurasischen Steppe führte zu einer Reihe reicher Nomadenkulturen. Unter ihnen waren die Mongolen des 13. Jahrhunderts.18. Touching the Void: The True Story of One Man’s Miraculous Survivalvon Joe SimpsonEine klassische Überlebensgeschichte des Bergsteigens. Joe Simpson und sein Kletterpartner Simon Yates hatten gerade die Spitze eines 21.000 Fuß hohen Gipfels in den Anden erreicht, als die Katastrophe eintraf. 19.Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors von Piers Paul Read 1972 stürzte ein Fairchild-Flugzeug in den Anden ab. Die Überlebenden waren an einem der entlegensten Orte der Erde hoffnungslos verloren. 20.The Anti-Pirate Potato Cannon: And 101 Other Things for Young Mariners to Build, Try, and Do on the Water von David SeidmanSeit die Menschheit mit der Seefahrt begann, haben Boote und Küstenabenteuer robuste, unabhängige, kreative und selbstbewusste Seeleute hervorgebracht. Jetzt kann diese Weisheit an Ihre Kinder weitergegeben werden. 21.Wayfinding Part 1: Rats and Raftsvon Hugh HoweyWayfinding ist die alte Seefahrtskunst des Navigierens. Als Selbsthilfe-Philosophie bedeutet Wayfinding, sich unserer Umgebung und unserer Reaktionen auf äußere Reize bewusst zu sein. 22.Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raftvon Thor HeyerdahlDas Abenteuer von Thor Heyerdahl und seinen Gefährten auf ihrem Floß über den Pazifik ist in die Legende als eine Meisterleistung der Ausdauer und des Mutes eingegangen. Dies ist diese Geschichte in Heyerdahls eigenen Worten. 23.Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why von Laurence Gonzales Diese packende Erzählung, das erste Buch, das die Kunst und Wissenschaft des Überlebens beschreibt, wird Ihre Sicht auf die Welt verändern. 24.Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilotvon Mark VanhoenackerAirline-Pilot Mark Vanhoenacker teilt seine unbändige Liebe zum Fliegen auf einer Reise von Tag zu Nacht, neue Wege der Kartenerstellung und die Poesie der Physik zu den Namen der Winde und der Natur der Wolken. 25.Poop, Booze, and Bikinisvon Ed RobinsonEin urkomischer Blick auf den nautischen Lebensstil. Von Poop über Alkohol bis hin zu Bikinis deckt der Autor die lustigere Seite der Probleme ab, denen Bootsfahrer aller Art begegnen. Leitbild: Dreamstime .
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Matthew Lyons on Christian Nationalism(s)
This is a conversation with Matthew Lyons, antifascist researcher, contributor to Three Way Fight Blog and author of, among other books, Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire and contributor to the recent AK Press compilation, No Pasarán: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis (edited by Shane Burley). For the hour, Matthew talks about Christian Nationalist and theonomic tendencies and movements like New Apostolic Reformation, Dominionism, reactionary Catholicism and Christian Reconstructionism to learn more about how they interrelate or conflict with other far right tendencies in the so-called USA and the ongoing assault on bodily autonomy, abortion access and cis-hetero-patriarchy. More of Matthews work can be found at MatthewNLyons.Net
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Next Week…
We’re hoping to bring you voices from graduate student workers and other workers on strike in the University of California system and possibly beyond for this coming Sunday’s show.
Support Colombian 2021 Strike Prisoners
There is still repression being felt by those swept up by the state during the 2021 National Strike in Cali, Colombia and there’s a fundraising effort for the Paso del Aguante 6 who are facing up to 50 years in prison for participating in the strike. The Colombia Freedom Collective is happy to announce that Christian Andres Aguilar has been released at 14 months of pre-trail detention, though he’s not out of danger yet. You can learn more about the cases of the Paso del Aguante 6 and how to support their defense efforts at: https://colombiafreedomcollective.org/christian-andres-aguilar-released-after-14-months-of-pretrial-detention/
Bad News #62
Check out the latest episode of Bad News: Angry Voices from Around The World from the International A-Radio Network. This month features two really good interviews you may not have heard from Frequenz-A: a chat with a member of Feminist Anti-War Resistance, a movement against the militarism of the Russian state and the war in Ukraine; a conversation with Berlin-based advocates for Alfredo Cospito, Juan, Anna and Ivan hunger striking in Italy against 41 bis. These are alongside shorter versions of our recent chats on heaters in Albuquerque, updates on Eric King & Oso Blanco's situations and the struggle against Camp Grayling.
Suppport TFSR
We are entering a period of recording fury. Patreon supporters will get early access to interviews as we get them edited down, as well as behind the scenes conversations between the producers. Upcoming releases include Mitchell Verter, co-author of the 2005 AK Press book, Dreams of Freedom: A Ricardo Flores Magón Reader speaking around the 100th anniversary of the murder by incarceration by the US state of the Mexican anarchist communist revolutionary, RFM, and discussion of his legacy. Another is a conversation with Rhiannon Firth on her recently published book, Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action, out from Pluto Press. You can find our patreon at patreon.com/tfsr
Though we’re releasing some content early to patreon supporters, we won’t be paywalling it permanently. Our fundraising goes to operating costs, equipment, and paying our transcribers. We’ve been transcribing each interview we’ve conducted and making them available as zines on our website for coming up on 2 years now, and going back to transcribe past episodes to boot. This makes these important conversations available for translation, for easier access to folks who are more comfortable reading or for whom English is a second language, as well as getting the content more easily into prisoners, reading groups and passers-by’s hands so as to include more people in the discussion.
For other ways to support our project monetarily, there’s merch and donation options at tfsr.wtf/support. For non-money support, we could always use ratings on apple, google and amazon podcasts or mentions and boosts on social media (including on Mastodon and Castopod), examples can be found at tfsr.wtf. Telling others about the project is also a great way to help us expand our audience. If you have a story you’d like covered, you can find ways to contact us there we well!
Finally, if you have a community or college radio station that you’d like to hear our weekly, free, 58 minute episode air on for any weirdo with an antenna and receiver to pick up, help us out by visiting tfsr.wtf/radio to learn more. Thanks for the support!
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Featured Tracks:
Gods and Government by Snog from Dear Valued Customer
The Voice of God Is Government by Bad Religion from How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
Brazil by Django Reinhardt from Django in Rome
Check out this episode!
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harbingerhouse · 2 years
The Birth of the Fifth World
A long, long time ago, in the days before days, when the Earth was new and all the planets lived together as a family, there was harmony and peace in the universe.  Sister Earth was a shining jewel in the sky and the apple of her Father’s eye.  It was said that her beauty even rivaled the beauty of her younger sister Venus, who was the planet of Love.  But then one day they began to notice that there was a culture growing upon her and it was rapidly spreading and leaving her face pitted and scarred.  Her brothers and sisters became alarmed at this and dispatched little brother Mercury, the messenger, to gather all the family together to see what they could do to help their beloved sister.  Brother Mars said, “Let me destroy these parasites with weapons of war!”  Pluto said, “I will freeze them to death as I did before to the dinosaurs.”  Brother Neptune said, “I shall send another flood to drown them as I did long ago.”  And so it went on and on with each one giving their solutions until little sister Venus softly spoke up and said, “Dear Father, I love my sister Earth so very much, allow me to offer my life for hers.”  Then Father said, “Because of your love for your sister, I will give her people another chance.  I will shake them and wake them from their dark dream so that they may see the light!”  And that is how the Fifth World was born.
Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon Behold .. the earth shall discover a new birth unto the illustrious Light of Eternity. The dimensional fabric shall lighten up .. the advancing Age of Accountability shall find a new species emerging; the planetary society shall be given opportunities to enhance itself, raise its sensibilities, honor its sensitivities, and mature in an orderly manner unto a new sentient creaturehood wherein Intelligence reigns supreme and Love conquers everything necessary to advance thyselves unto the true freedom of Eternity. Michael Of Nebadon The Planetary Proclamation
The number 5 symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans. Five is the number of grace, and multiplied by itself, which is 25, is 'grace upon grace' (John 1:16). And of His fulness we have all received, grace for grace.
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cynthiabertelsen · 2 years
Deep in William Faulkner's South: Myth, Reality, and Cooking
Deep in William Faulkner’s South: Myth, Reality, and Cooking
Square Books, Oxford, Mississippi (kirkikis – stock.adobe.com) I’ve always wanted to make my way, to make a pilgrimage if you please, to Oxford, Mississippi, to worship at a shrine there. It’s not your ordinary saint’s tomb nor is it a grand cathedral bathed in a kaleidoscope of light when early morning sunlight blazes through stained glass. No, I journeyed many miles just to stroll through…
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bachiles · 2 years
What's On My Nightstand
What’s On My Nightstand
I have been on a reading jag lately thanks to the incessant rain in our area. When I say incessant I am not joking. We live in a temperate rain forest and the past two days we have gotten around 7 inches of rain. No joke. Maybe more. But it is what makes our waterfalls gush and our trees green and lush so I try to not complain too much. I have stacks of books to read and this stack is what I am…
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You have been asked about your theory
arborealoctopodes asked:
Hi I would like to hear about your theory
SO. I’m still working on this one, and it’s Bungie so there’s like a 70% chance it’s something brand new and completely out of left field. But one of the few bits of info we got from the showcase implied Neomuna was the result of a ship that escaped the Collapse. That made me think of an old plot thread from a D1 grimoire card:
I fear my will is not strong enough to shape these worlds. Only the Tyrant can do that, but he will not be a part of my journey. Even his reach has limits, and we will be nine billion miles away. I whisper my concerns to the Tyrant in tiny magnetic bursts. He does not listen. The Tyrant says take the SIVA, and so I take the SIVA. The Tyrant says go to the stars, and so I go to the stars.
Sometime around, but before, the Pyramid Fleet hit the system, Rasputin dispatched a colony ship carrying SIVA to a destination "nine billion miles away”. That line always made me roll my eyes because while it sounds like a lot, in astronomical terms nine billion miles isn’t very far at all. It’s barely 100 AU; the orbit of Neptune is 30 AU out and the Kuiper Belt tails off around 55 AU, and there are dwarf planets like Eris with its high-eccentricity orbit that range out that far. It’s less than a tenth of the way to the Oort Cloud that marks the real edge of the Solar System. At the time I chalked it up to Bungie’s writers grabbing what sounded like a big number and not bothering to do the math.
But. Remember the Solar System wall map in Rasputin’s bunkers during Season of the Worthy? After Neptune it had a few rings for the Kuiper Belt and then an additional planet the same size as Neptune. Astronomers have long debated the possibility of a tenth (or ninth, now) planet, usually nicknamed “Planet X”, that orbits waaaaaay out there*. Planet X is a staple of scifi and unless Rasputin’s playing a bizarre joke on us the Destiny universe has one in the form of a world of significant size way out past the Kuiper Belt. A planet at 100 AU - nine billion miles - from the Sun would fit Rasputin’s map and line up with older theories for a real-world Planet X.
* It may seem absurd that we could miss an entire planet, but planets don’t emit visible light, only reflect the Sun’s, and a world that far out would appear to move so slowly it could be mistaken for a fixed star. These days space-based IR sky surveys have mostly ruled X out - but only mostly.
Golden Age human spacecraft ranged as far as the inner edge of the Kuiper Belt, and Clovis Bray’s journal contains a passing reference to what sounds like a Vex incursion at a research station on Pluto, but the line of permanent human settlement hadn’t yet passed Titan. When Rasputin started building the Exodus program as insurance against the possible extinction of humanity, Planet X would be an ideal candidate for the first wave: close enough to quickly resettle our system, far enough from human settlements that a force targeting Earth might miss it, especially if they kept their heads down. So I’m now thinking maybe the colony ship he sent out with SIVA really was going a mere nine billion miles away - to pitch camp on Planet X.
Pulling an entire Golden Age city out of thin air is a stretch even for Bungie. They’ve had this reveal up their sleeve for a long time, long enough to put Elsie’s fish in the Beyond Light reveal trailer and maybe the mystery power armor Sloane found on Titan in Season of Arrivals. Therefore: what if Neomuna was the reason they included Planet X on Rasputin’s bunker map in the first place? The lightmap was a significant setpiece they knew players would be watching closely, so the artists probably didn’t add it just for funsies. Casually dropping in a new solar system planet is a pretty crazy piece of worldbuilding. And yet it’s barely remarked on in written lore, either then or since - same as Elsie’s fish, which those bastards played the long game on for two solid years. I will bet you a hundred dollars that when the map assets for Season of the Worthy were made, Neomuna was on Planet X. I bet it started out there and got moved to Neptune the way the Deep Stone Crypt was originally going to be on Enceladus (hence Cayde’s message to Petra) but got moved to Europa later in development. I bet the story’s going to be that the colony ship was headed for Planet X, but the Pyramid Fleet hit the system early and they dove for cover on Neptune.
The few early bits of info we’ve gotten on Neomuna suggest their tech is all based around extremely advanced nanites, like the constantly-morphing Quicksilver Storm. Elsie even calls out SIVA the first time she encounters the Neomuna nanites, but says Neomuna’s bugs are vastly more advanced - which you might expect if SIVA were the original city’s lifeblood and they’ve iterated on the tech out of necessity ever since. We also learned the Cloudstriders have very short (10 - 15 years) lifespans because of how much cybernetic enhancement they do to their bodies. Remember the secret experiments Willa Bray was doing with SIVA? She was infusing it into people, trying to enhance physical and mental prowess. And it worked, too - but it drastically shortened their lifespans. To the tune of weeks for Willa’s subjects, but like Elsie said, Neomuna’s had a lot of time to improve. And for meta reasons it would explain why Bungie hasn’t revisited SIVA in recent years even though it’s a popular request from D1 players; they already had a whole expansion of “SIVA, but neon chrome this time,” in the pipeline.
Given that Neomuna’s hidden in the atmosphere of Neptune, there’s a good chance it’s the NEFELE STRONGHOLD mentioned in the Collapse-era Rasputin message - a human settlement that Rasputin then erased all mention of, even from his own memory. If he knew that ship had gotten a foothold on Neptune, he’d probably also know the Pyramids hadn’t found it yet (was this, potentially, because of Savathun? is this the trick her worm claims she played on the Witness? that seemed to be more about the Traveler though.) Exodus Black had crashed, Green disappeared into a singularity, and Red and Blue hadn’t even made it off Earth. Rasputin knew every Exodus ship was a mad gamble anyway. At that moment he would likely consider the Neptune colony to be humanity’s best shot at avoiding extinction. So he cancels its defense as part of his general retreat but also takes the time to erase all traces of its existence, including his own records. He won’t help them, but he will give them a chance to stay hidden and escape the Black Fleet. And since he’s now forgotten the colony exists, he doesn’t check up on them in the following centuries or mention them to us.
Like I said, it’s Bungie, so there’s a 70% chance the lore justification will be completely new and out of left field. But it does line up. In a month of guessing I wouldn’t have called the swerve they took for Lightfall, but now I think they’ve been leaving breadcrumbs for this one longer than it seems at first glance.
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