#Divorce Alberta
kolinskylaw-1 · 25 days
Facing a divorce? Trust Kolinsky Law - The Best Family Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton
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Are you facing the daunting prospect of a divorce and unsure where to turn? Look no further than Kolinsky Law, the leading authority in family law in Edmonton. As the Best Family Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton, Kolinsky Law offers unparalleled expertise and compassionate support during this challenging time. Our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as the Best Divorce Lawyers in Edmonton, Alberta.
At Kolinsky Law, we understand that each divorce case is unique and requires a tailored approach. Our seasoned Divorce Attorney in Edmonton will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your rights and interests are protected. Whether you are dealing with child custody issues, property division, or spousal support, we provide comprehensive legal solutions designed to meet your specific needs.
Why choose Kolinsky Law? Our firm stands out among Family Lawyers in Edmonton for several reasons. First and foremost, our dedication to our clients is unmatched. We prioritize clear communication, meticulous preparation, and strategic planning to achieve the best possible outcomes. Our extensive experience and deep understanding of family law make us the Best Family Lawyers in Edmonton, Alberta.
When you choose Kolinsky Law, you are choosing the Best Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton, committed to securing a fair and favourable resolution for your case. We are well-versed in all aspects of family law, making us the go-to Family Law Lawyers in Edmonton for those seeking top-notch legal representation.
Don’t navigate your divorce alone. Trust the Best Divorce Lawyer Edmonton has to offer. Contact Kolinsky Law today to schedule your consultation. Let us provide the expert divorce representation you need to move forward with confidence.
Call now and discover why Kolinsky Law is the premier choice for Family Law in Edmonton. Your future starts with the Best Family Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton.
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Blooming Beauty: Exploring the Diverse Flora at the University of Alberta Botanic Garden
Tucked away in the heart of Edmonton, Alberta, lies a haven of tranquility and botanical wonder—the University of Alberta Botanic Garden. Spanning over 240 acres, this expansive landscape is a tapestry of diverse ecosystems, showcasing an array of plant species from around the world.
The Enchanting Landscape
Stepping into the University of Alberta Botanic Garden is akin to stepping into a living canvas painted by nature. As you traverse the winding pathways, you'll encounter meticulously curated gardens, each a testament to the intricate beauty and rich biodiversity found on Earth. From vibrant floral displays to serene ponds and meandering trails, every corner holds a surprise waiting to be discovered.
Seasons of Splendor
One of the garden's most enchanting qualities is its ever-changing landscape throughout the seasons. In spring, the air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoms as tulips, daffodils, and cherry blossoms paint the grounds with a riot of colors. Summer brings forth a symphony of hues as roses, lilies, and dahlias adorn the gardens, inviting visitors to wander through a kaleidoscope of floral beauty.
Autumn transforms the landscape into a captivating tapestry of rich reds, fiery oranges, and golden yellows as the foliage gracefully transitions. Even in winter, the garden doesn't lose its allure; the frost-kissed landscapes create a serene ambiance, offering a different kind of beauty—one of stark contrasts and quiet elegance.
Ecological Diversity
The University of Alberta Botanic Garden is more than just a collection of pretty flowers. It serves as an educational hub, showcasing diverse ecosystems and emphasizing the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship. The Indigenous Garden, for instance, pays homage to the traditional knowledge of local Indigenous communities, highlighting the significance of native plants in their culture and daily lives.
The Kurimoto Japanese Garden, an oasis of tranquility, transports visitors to Japan with its meticulously designed landscapes, serene ponds, and authentic architectural features. This garden not only captivates with its beauty but also serves as a symbol of cultural exchange and appreciation.
Educational Opportunities
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the garden serves as a living classroom. Educational programs and workshops cater to visitors of all ages, offering insights into botany, horticulture, and sustainable gardening practices. Guided tours provide a deeper understanding of the various plant species, their ecological significance, and the conservation efforts undertaken within the garden.
Preserving Natural Heritage
Conservation is a core pillar of the University of Alberta Botanic Garden's mission. The botanical collection boasts a diverse array of plant species, some of which are endangered or rare, highlighting the importance of preserving biodiversity. The garden actively participates in research initiatives, collaborating with experts to study and propagate endangered species, contributing to global efforts in plant conservation.
In a bustling world, the University of Alberta Botanic Garden stands as an oasis of natural beauty, education, and conservation. It's not merely a place to admire flowers; it's a sanctuary that fosters a deeper connection with nature and underscores the significance of preserving our planet's botanical heritage. With its captivating landscapes and educational endeavors, this garden continues to inspire and enchant visitors, inviting them to appreciate the wondrous tapestry of life found within its borders.
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If you’re searching for “Divorce Mediation Edmonton”, visit Fairway Divorce Solutions — Edmonton Northwest today!
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"My worst memory, and the worst day of my life has to be the day Priscilla took Lisa Marie away from Graceland," says Schilling. "To this day, that image still haunts me..."
On October 9, 1973, after 5 years of marriage Elvis and Priscilla were divorced. It was Elvis who filed for the divorce, as token gesture to save Priscilla the embarrassment as she was the mother of his daughter, Lisa Marie, who only 4 years old at the time.
,"It was I very sad day for all of us," says Schilling. "I remember how Elvis just stood in Lisa's bedroom and watched in silence as Alberta (Graceland's cook) helped Priscilla pack Lisa's clothes and toys into several suitcases... Elvis said nothing, but I could see the pain in his eyes," recalls Schilling.
"Suddenly, he yelled out to me and Joe (Esposito) to help Priscilla put the baggage into the car. Elvis just couldn't bring himself to carry the bags out to the car, himself," whispers Schilling.
Unaware of the happening between her parents in her bedroom, Lisa Marie played happily with her nanny outside the grounds of Graceland.
In an aim to spare Lisa the sorry of their separation, Elvis and Priscilla had told her that she was going away on a vacation with her mother to Los Angeles, where she was going to attend school. "It broke my heart to see Elvis, a man who had everything, suddenly be lose the most important person in his life - his daughter."
"Lisa was more important than life itself to Elvis." Now she was being taken away from him," says Schilling.
Although, the court ruled Priscilla gets custody of Lisa Marie, Elvis believed his daughter would be far better off raised with small town of values in Memphis, just like he was, than in a big city like Los Angeles.
"Elvis just stood watching as we load up Priscilla's blue Mercedes.
Until that finally moment, Elvis was still composed, but when it was time to bid farewell to his daughter, Elvis broke down and cried as he swooped his beloved Lisa into his arms. Elvis held Lisa tight for a very long time. "Be a good girl, Button-head," whispered Elvis. (Button-head was Elvis' pet name for Lisa) "You come and visit often, you hear," said Elvis trying to hold back the tears. Then out of sheer desperation Elvis insisted, "Get mummy to teach you how to use the phone, so you can call me everyday, okay."
As Schilling recalls, "Lisa Marie, was always a very perceptive child. She realised this was not the usual way her daddy said goodbye. Normally, Elvis would says, 'Button-head I'm off to work. What do you want daddy to bring you back, this time?'"
"This day was strange, and Lisa knew it. She looked into her daddy's eyes and asked him, 'Are you crying, daddy?"
At the point, Elvis flashed Priscilla a look that could kill, then delivered Lisa into her mother's awaiting arms, turned on his heels, walked back into the house, without looking back.
"I'd seen that look before in Elvis eyes," says Schilling. "It a look that still sends a chill went down my spine, when I think of it... It's was a look of pain, anger, desperation and hurt."
"For the rest of that day, till about 4 am that night, Elvis closed himself up in his bedroom. He wouldn't eat or take our calls."
"We got very worried. We thought maybe he had knocked myself out with a whole lot of sleeping pills."
"From time to time, Joe and I would sneak up to his bedroom and listen at the door. Once I heard him cursing. Another times I heard him screaming. But mostly we heard Elvis just sobbing."
Finally, Schilling admitted, "I now know, that day was the beginning of the end for the Elvis I had met." - Jerry Schilling ( The Day Elvis Cried)
Credit All things Elvis Facebook Group for content
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gingerbeardmansim · 7 months
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Meet UNCLE OSCAR...& his sons, Oscar Jr. and Elliott
You have already got a glimpse of Ace's Uncle Oscar, so here is your full introduction.
Oscar Gagliardi is the brother to Ace's late mother, Linda Gagliardi Tierney. Linda passed when Ace was in High School and he moved in with his uncle for a short while.
Oscar has, over the years increased his wealth by investing in several apartments and Apartment complexes throughout Sims County, mostly in Tomarang. Now, most of the properties are outdated and in need of repair and Oscar no longer can or wants to keep them. He prefers living in his island home in Sulani.
Oscar was married five times, with his fourth wife, Gina Campo Gagliardi he became semi wealthy from her death. She mysteriously died after the birth of Oscar's oldest son, Oscar Jr., or OJ as he is known. A few years later Oscar had his second son, Elliott, by his fifth wife Alberta, whom he later divorced. His sons (Ace's cousins) are pictured above.
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amberjazmyn · 8 months
dr spencer reid one-shot
 𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 - your french is excused 
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 - other than swear words and the normal criminal minds warnings/triggers, i don't think any other warnings are needed 
𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - whilst you may be the youngest member of the behavioural analysis unit with the fbi and thought to be the one with the foulest mouth, you are the complete opposite. you have actually never sworn once during your time at the bau and it's usually everyone else in the team that speaks the foulest words of the english language. so, when you are put at your wit's end with an unsub (who turns out to be your own mother) you lose your cool and start swearing your arse off. let's just say, on the plane home back to quantico, your boyfriend dr spencer reid and the rest of the bau (including the usually stoic and strictish aaron hotchner) can't help but laugh at hearing you swear all of the possible swear words under the sun. 
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 - i just find this concept hilarious because, fun fact, i swear like a sailor so, i just thought it would be funny to write something like this where a character who never swears finally does and uses more than just the typical shit or crap but the entire catalogue of swear words. also, whilst it does start off slightly sad with charlyse revealing her messed up childhood, it does get happier once the case is finished and the agents get on the private jet, they start laughing as they can finally relax and realise the fact that charlyse had finally sworn. 
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supervisory special agent charlyse franklin was never one to say a swear word, it's true. however, if there was anyone in the entire world that could get the young twenty-four-year-old girl to break into a string of every single swear word under the sun, it would be charlyse's mother, alberta franklin. charlyse always knew there was something wrong about her mother that rubbed the young fbi agent in the wrong way but, it wasn't until the most recent case she and the rest of the bau went on back to her hometown that she realised what that uneasy feeling about her own mom was that she gave her. it had been unearthed that mrs alberta franklin was a serial rapist and kidnapper and never in charlyse's twenty-four years of life did she realise that her mother was doing in the basement of their very own two-storey house. looking back on it now as the fbi agent moved through her childhood home to find the unsub that was her own mother, it made so much sense that the lady who brought charlyse into this word could commit such crimes.
it all made sense as she flashed back to the moments of her childhood that indicated to ssa franklin about her mom's dirty secret, like when her father filed for a divorce against alberta and many others that now seemed so obvious in charlyse's head that she wished she had realised sooner. she now realised the reason why she, who was only twelve at the time, couldn't be present at the court hearing of her own parents' divorce settlement - it was because alberta was still kidnapping and raping kids at the time of the divorce and due to being a child at the time, charlyse's dad didn't want to subject his daughter to this information that would have been totally new and seemingly crazy to the girl.
"...alberta franklin, this is the fbi, if you don't show yourself right now, we will have to use force! please open this door otherwise my colleague supervisory special agent charlyse franklin will take no hesitation in kicking his door down!" aaron hotchner's, unit chief of the bau, voice is strong, authoritarian and it is known to force unsubs to open their doors once they hear the action of their doors getting kicked down
the minute alberta heard ssa hotchner mention her daughter's name and her fbi title in front of it before stating that charlyse would kick the door down without hesitation, it scared the middle-aged woman. alberta was aware of what an amazing fbi and bau agent her daughter was but, she wasn't aware that she would ever be caught by her daughter of the horrible crimes she had been commiting throughout charlyse's entire life - without her daughter's knowledge
it took alberta franklin less than a quarter of a second to reach for the basement door before the middle-aged lady was forced back into the room due to the force that charlyse's converse all-stars had made to the door. with her gun hoisted high in the air, ssa morgan and ssa dr reid taking each side next to ssa franklin, she raced against the clock as she finally found the group of now teenagers that her mom had raped, kidnapped and abused, sending ssa morgan over to take care of them whilst she and her boyfriend, reid, dealt with her mother.
"alberta franklin, have you any knowledge about the crimes you have commited?" charlyse speaks intelligently and with strength, no sign of faltering under the pressure of questioning her own mother
"you think you're being smart, charlyse?" alberta quips with a comedic flare as the older woman crosses her arms over as if she was smart enough to challenge her own daughter - who, just as a reminder, was an fbi agent and a highly decorated one at that
"do you think you're being smart by trying to outsmart two fbi agents, in which one of them has three phd's, an eidetic memory, can read 20,000 words per minute, with an iq of 187 and has been known to talk down an armed unsub in less than an hour without getting harmed every single time?" charlyse sassed back towards her mother, even though she was no longer sure what to call this woman anymore- for she was no longer charlyse's mother
alberta went to open her mouth again to speak but seemed to be tongue-tied which made charlyse and spencer smile. this was one of the many reasons why charlyse was an amazing fbi agent, she was always able to outsmart arse the unsubs that were narcissistic and thought they were the smartest people in the world. and all she had to do was just mention her amazing fbi agent boyfriend, ssa dr spencer reid and then the unsubs usually just shut themselves up after that in utter embarrassment.
however, whilst the rest of the bau watched on in excitement and pride for their two youngest but absolute smartest agents, they soon began to worry when alberta decided to draw her own gun. spencer immediately drew his out of his holster, never wavering as it levelled with charlyse's and alberta's. this was when charlyse challenged her mom as she tried to nitpick the reasons as to why she kidnapped and raped all of those kids that had now been saved by morgan as they then watched on as they watched the fbi agent question her own mother.
"i always knew there was someting about you that gave me a strange feeling, alberta. but, you being a kidnapper and serial rapist was never one of the things i thought you would be. what was the reason? what caused you to start kidnapping and raping young kids when you already had what you described to every single person that encountered you as the family of your dreams?" charlyse was frustrated and it scared everyone for charlyse was one of the most level-headed peopole in the team - her entire bau team knew that her mom, similar to reid, was a sensitive topic and now, it broke their hearts even more as to why charlyse never spoke of her mom
"was it because after you had me, you had been told by doctors all around america that you couldn't have kids ever again? you had wished your whole life that you'd marry the love of your life, have a two-storey house and have six beautiful children that you could show off to everyone as if they were just trophies rather than your actual children who needed their individual type of love, attention and care..." charlyse trailed off as she knew the more heated she got, the more likely she was to start crying but, that was the least of her worries right now
right now, her biggest worry was finding out the core reason as to why her mom wasn't the mom she grew up thinking she was. however, the rest of her team's worry was on charlyse. this was the first time they had ever seen charlyse handle such a personal case in the way she was handling it.
"...despite the strange feeling i had about you, you were still my mom and i still loved you. even after dad filed for a divorce because he could no longer stand being married to a woman who made the conscious decision to kidnap and rape children every single day without the realisation that right above her was her own daughter and husband that just craved some love and attention of their own. i still loved you because you were the reason i am even alive and able to wear these three letters on my jacket every day and protect my country from the inside. i still loved you because, whilst you weren't perfect, you...you were still my mom and you still made it your mission to show up for me in ways you didn't show up for those chidlren that you kidnapped and raped." charlyse never thought she'd get so choked up whilst confronting an unsub, especially when the unsub was her own mother but, she couldn't help it
"knowing that you still had time to show up for me in ways that you didn't for those kids, does tell us a lot that whilst you are most certainly a criminal, you still had some sort of remorse for the crimes you've commited. you so badly wanted to separate the double life you lead that you made sure that if anyone dared to touch me in the wrong way that you'd make sure they were sorry and felt a lifetime of pain because you couldn't believe that someone could do the same things that you were doing to the other kids to me, your own daughter..." the young fbi agent trailed off as she slowly began to lower her gun, alberta doing the same thing, spencer being the only one who kept his gun raised in the air just in case he needed to shoot for whatever reason
"...please, mo...mom, explain to me and to these kids the reason why you thought it was okay to take them away from their own families where they were loved and safe and why you decided to hurt them in ways that you succeeded in preventing from happening to me. tell them why you thought it was okay to traumatise them in ways that they'll never be able to truly escape and recover from, even after they see you thrown in jail for the rest of your life. tell them...look at these teenagers, right in their faces and tell them why you thought it was okay to rob them of their childhood. tell them why you thought it was okay to not let them scream from the tops of their lungs so me or dad could have at least helped them. tell them why you refused to give them the truth when they asked you if you had a husband and a family of your own because they'd never believe that a woman with a family of her own would do this to innocent children..."
addressing alberta as "mom" made charlyse's insides squirm but, she knew she had to do it so she could get through to alberta. otherwise, there was no other way of even stopping her so, charlyse tried as hard as she could in getting into her mom's head and, thankfully, the girl succeeded and she was able to have alberta realise what she had been doing the last twenty-four years.
"...tell...tell them why you betrayed your own family to in return betray and ruin so many others..." charlyse couldn't hold them in any longer, the sobs of anguish were painful for everyone to hear
hearing his girlfriend cry always broke spencer's heart in ways that couldn't be repaired but, nothing broke his heart more than this moment here when he saw his girlfriend cry her eyes out over her mom being the unsub. alberta thought her daughter had finished cutting into her and profiling her but, she shouldn't ever underestimate her daughter and she should've known not to. however, no one was ready to hear the new string of vocabulary that flew out of the young girl as she slid down to her knees sobbing as she finally realised the dirty truth about her mom. as morgan promptly took the teenagers outside of the house to the rest of the bau team so they didn't have to hear charlyse's breakdown.
"...you son of a bitch, i wish i found out sooner that you were this evil, dirty, insecure serial rapist..."
the seconds the words "son of a bitch" left charlyse's mouth, spencer's revolver almost slipped out of his hands because of how shocked he was at hearing this new string of words from his girlfriend. whilst this would usually make the bau giggle and turn into a bunch of twelve-year-old girls and boys, hearing the cracks and vulnerability in charlyse's voice as she spoke those words was what made this situation anything but a laughing matter. they couldn't laugh over the fact that charlyse had been broken down in such a vulnerable state to the point where she's just hit her wall and not able to do or say anything other than every single swear word under the sun. it actually broke their hearts to see the way charlyse had fallen to the floor, slumped over herself as she just let the profanities aimed at her mother spill out of her mouth like vomit.
"...you evil motherfucker!"  
"i wish i killed you rather than letting you life you piece of godforsaken crap!"
"you're an evil, vile, sicko, bitch, arsehole, hoe! i fucking hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you so fucking much!"
charlyse kept on going and going until she could no longer think up any other swear word that gave her the satisfaction she needed towards her criminal mother.  as charlyse lay crumbled on the dirty basement floor of her childhood home, spencer had cocked his gun for it had now been deemed safe for the doctor to place alberta under arrest and walk her out of the house for she was no longer a threat after spencer had previously kicked alberta's gun away with his foot.
"--alberta franklin, you are now under arrest, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say now can be used against you in the court of law. you are being arrested on charges of child kidnapping, rape and child abuse," hearing her boyfriend arrest her mom gave charlyse all the strength she needed in getting herself up off the ground and walk outside of the house, where morgan and the teenagers she had just saved were waiting for her
morgan and the teenagers rushed back inside over to charlyse as they embraced her. the teenagers were ever so grateful that they had been saved and weren't harmed anymore in the process. charlyse nodded her head, her tears no longer present as she explained to the teenagers that it was all in a day's work as an fbi agent.
however, once the case was finally closed, the teenagers finally being reunited with their righteous families and thanked the agents, charlyse specifically over and over again, it was time for the bau to get back to their private jet and fly a few hours back to quantico.  
on the flight home to quantico, it seemed as if charlyse had no recollection of what happened during her mental breakdown when she burst out into an abundance of almost every swear word under the sun. that was, until morgan, who sat opposite reid and franklin, mentioned it.
"never have i heard that many swear words used in that short amount of time..." morgan chuckled softly as his eyes sat wide open with his arms crossed over, small litters of giggles coming from all corners of the plane as charlyse is very obviously confused
"..wait, what happened, morgan?" charlyse questioned in sincere confusion, obviously wanting to block the entire case out of her memory box in her brain (and fair enough, if anyone else in the bau was in the same situation, they would also do the same thing) as morgan smiled lovingly before explaining to the confused agent as to why everyone else giggled at the older agent's comment
"princessa, whilst you were dealing with the unsub, you lost control and you started to word vomit out every single swear word you could think of..." morgan was sensitive in explaining the situation, leaving out the fact that she had sunk to her knees and cried whilst saying said swear words and the giggles stopped as everyone also remained serious as charlyse suddenly started giggling, her eyes widening as she realised what she had done
this obviously confused every single person on the private jet because, just less than an hour ago, charlyse was sobbing on her knees as she word vomited every bad swear word she could think of about her mother basically involuntarily. but, now she was laughing about it?
"...oh, you were serious, morgan?" charlyse's laughter stopped once she realised just how serious morgan was being
but the seriousness didn't last long because once charlyse started giggling again over the image of someone as normally innocent and pure as her swearing, it just made everything hilarious again. this in turn made everyone else start laughing over the fact that they had finally heard their innocent pup swear like none other. spencer, as he laughed wholeheartedly, tried his hardest to articulate how funny the idea of his girlfriend, who was usually so sweet, innocent and the nicest girl ever, to be so rude, sassy and have that many swear words in her vocabulary.
however, it seemed as if spencer lost his ability to speak due to his incessant laughter that was shaking his entire body as his entire body fell foward as he laughed, his entire face lighting up in the process. seeing spencer so giggly and unable to stop, caused derek, jj, emily, charlyse, david as well as aaron (who usually wouldn't laugh at lot) to also all start laughing.
"...i honestly do not remember any of that occurring but, just the thought of me swearing just makes me laugh! i hope the next time i do it, someone films it because i do not want to forget it next time!" charlyse chuckles out as she's the next person to finally get a fully functioning sentence out in the middle of her laughter
"your french is excused!" spencer then blurts out in the middle of nowhere which causes the group to burst out into even more laughter, charlyse almost completely sliding out of her plane seat, spencer catching her before she could fall
"my french is excused?"
"yes! your french is excused!"
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this ending was slightly obscure but, i kinda liked it
this was also my first criminal minds chapter instead of just the actor themselves that i ever wrote, if i did get any of the FBI terminology wrong, i do apologise. i am only a criminology uni student, not a professional so, please be nice lol. 
ily xx
word count; 3241
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orbleglorb · 11 months
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@polkadotpatterson hi. using this as an excuse to talk about my shit sport.
banesball is a game similar to blaseball in the sense that the game wants you dead. however, everything is very meticulous and odd and that is because i asked myself "how could i make the worst sport ever?" and then made a spreadsheet about it
banesball does a lot of things in 3s. 3 teams play at once. there are 27 teams total (multiple of 3). there are three conferences (lawful, neutral, chaotic) and three divisions (good, neutral, evil). the fields themselves are triangles. this is because most sports do things in 2s, and in order to make it the worst sport ever i had to get rid of that
so, the full list of teams is: jacksonville librarians (location may change), jaipur crickets, portland brewers, buenos aires architects, katmai volcanoes, sapporo cranes, point nemo socialites, cedar rapids bakers, underworld gemstones, tampa gardeners, galway revelers, eureka redwoods, chicago beans, death valley omens, london watchers, seattle baristas, perth polycule, paris performers (based out of paris, TX), salem sorcerers, atlanta artists, austin musicians (location may change), new york city pigeons, nova scotia lookouts, memphis showboats, alberta rats, geneva mad scientists, and reno clowns.
the lookouts were originally the lighthouse keepers, but it was a lengthy name and calling them the "lookouts" allowed for more variation in what they do. i.e., one could be a life guard. i chose lighthouses because i was going down a wikipedia rabbit hole and apparently nova scotia has a shit ton of light houses.
The Person Pit is a pit that people come out of. these are typically missing people from all over the world (although most of the time they're from canada and the northern USA), but sometimes ppl who do not exist just kinda appear and everyone goes ok 👍. whoever shows up in the pit has been Claimed and must Play Ball. that is a much more recent development, though. The Pit has existed longer than Banesball. it also just decided it would be fun to start a Banesball team. when tulio came out of The Pit, he was injured, which was the first time that had happened in a while. those who come from the pit typically have no memory of their experiences inside of it, but tulio does. and tulio isn't saying jack shit out of fear.
i have lored some players from around the league, although i haven't really claimed a team since i am The Creator. however, i've done the most lore with the lookouts because The Person Pit is so important to me (it correlates with my OC universe). here are my thoughts on the players:
barbie nebuchadnezzar: no pronouns. prefers to go by barb. barb has lived in nova scotia barb's entire life. nobody knows how long barb has been alive, not even barb. barb is a seasoned sailor that became a lighthouse keeper, as well as the Keeper Of The Pit. barb is the only player on the lookouts that has not come from The Pit.
evelyn hassan: nothing yet </3
kit walsh: he/she. butch lesbian. pink hair and pronouns. he's the captain of the lookouts, despite being the third recruit. she's in some sort of trade profession (maybe welding or carpentry). she's the biggest supporter of everyone on his team. will hold your hand at the dentist if you asked
zaynab campbell: she/her. middle-aged(ish) ex-housewife from a lavender marriage. motherly in a sense, but grandma might be more apt. avid baker and, after her divorce, worked as an OSHA inspector up until coming out of The Pit. dating lola
lola sharp: nothing much yet :( late twenties, early 30s. peppy
tulio tailor: any pronouns, primarily uses he. cursed. he Knows. nobody knows why. likes making things out of clay and pottery
dhia bronwyn: nothing much yet. muslim & hijabi (maybe niqabi)
me and some friends have a discord server where we've made some lore for these guys! if u wanna join lmk :3 usually i go in and just add a bunch of players at once, & it's pretty silent the rest of the time. not much to do yet. there's no sim, and likely never will be, but we're having fun yes and-ing each other. i made a perchance generator for generating names and stats, as well as a name generator for teams based in areas with vastly different names than north america. both work much better on a computer.
ok infodump over 👍
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ofcalcbs · 4 months
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✦ JACK MULHERN, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ✦ CALEB WILLIAMS the TWENTY SEVEN year old has been in willow’s edge for FOUR YEARS and was a BOYFRIEND to JUNE, the deceased family. whispers on the streets are that the VALET at THE GRAPEVINE who lives in WILLOUGHBY COMPLEX are said to be EMPATHETIC and UNMOTIVATED but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
full name: caleb joseph williams
known as: caleb, some family members call him cj
age: twenty seven
pronouns: he/him
gender: cis man
hometown: calgary, alberta
current residence: willoughby complex (current roommate: levi towsley)
occupation: valet at the grapevine
connection to the willows: june's boyrfriend
zodiac: pisces king
vibe: kind hearted intention vs impulsive action
fc: jack mulhern
a lil more.
caleb spent most of his childhood just outside of calgary, alberta living a relatively mundane life. a simple working class family that was doing everything it could to teeter its way into middle class.
he has one older brother, jackson, who was as good and as mean as older brothers can sometimes be. but regardless caleb idolised him from a young age. he wanted to be just like him even when, and maybe especially when, it annoyed him.
which is how he ended up getting into hockey. he was copying jackson, and this was one of the times where it annoyed the absolute shit out of him. and in the beginning, that was why he stuck with it. but turns out he really enjoyed it and was pretty dang good at it too once he was in it for the game and not pissing off his brother. also might have helped that his brother quit a couple years later too.
ever since he was a kid he's had this sort of energy that invites conversation, that invites vulnerability. a kindness, a casualty to his being. and maybe that's why he was the first to figure out his parents were headed towards divorce. long drives with just his dad to away games, he was probably told far more than a teenager should be told about his parents problems and specifically his dad's frustrations. but he heard them all the same, turning to take whatever emotion it made him feel out on the ice
trying to avoid talking a shit load about hockey so basically: ended up entering junior leagues during his parents divorce, a very convenient excuse to get out of the house and live with different billet families during his final years of high school lmao. but the further he got into serious hockey playing, the further self doubt started to seep in. realistically professional sports was an insane thing to try and make a career in, but he'd never thought of anything else either. so he pushed through the self doubt for years. trading around, moving around, just going through the motions. doing what he was told, and trying not to let go of that tiny hope that one day he'd make it.
but eventually he did let go. earlier than some, later than others, caleb quit hockey at the age of 23. sick of not having any sort of permanency to his life, feeling like he had no solid connections with anyone, etc etc. riding that impulsive decision making he took his mom's first suggestion to go stay with his uncle in south carolina. something about not wanting to get stuck in a slump in calagary but also just it was a place he'd never been before so fuck it why not. he stayed with his uncle for his first year in willows edge while he found his feet, before moving out to an apartment of his own in the willoughby complex.
it was also around this time he first met june. he'd of course heard of the willows, their name was literally on everything. but he'd avoided actually interacting with the big names where he could. at first he didn't realise she was a willow. she was just a girl with a flat tire, someone that needed help and he didn't see any sense in letting her call someone when he could do and he was right there.
they continued to run into each other, and admittedly some of it might have been purposeful on caleb's part. she was a captivating girl, there was no denying it. they became closer over time, until eventually caleb made another impulsive decision to ask her out. in the same decision he decided maybe he would stick around willows edge just a little longer.
their relationship was good, it was fun, and caleb loved having someone around like her. he'd do anything and everything she wanted, anything to support her, anything to love her. truthfully he adored her, but similarly to how he felt about hockey, didn't feel like he was all he needed to be to be in her life forever. sometimes the fact that she was dating him, that she liked him, loved him even maybe, was surprising to him. he wasn't anything great, so how did he deserve this? most of the time june quelled his doubts, made him feel better, motivated him to do things that made him feel better too. but that didn't mean the doubt wasn't still deep in his stomach.
maybe that's why he kissed june's friend, iris. just to ruin a good thing so he could stop feeling like he didn't deserve it. or maybe it was because he had feelings for iris too, maybe he'd had them for a while. he didn't know. and he didn't know what he would tell june but he knew that he should – but too little too late it seems.
tldr: mood when u quit the only thing you know because you realise you're probably never gonna go pro and don't know if you ever wanted to and now have no real drive in life but you meet a girl and you really like her and little by little that motivation comes back but then she dies ?!?!??!! anyway now you're back to no motivation bc that sucks oops
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kolinskylaw-1 · 17 days
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weltato · 1 year
I'm watching the most recent US Ghosts episode (2x14 Trevor's Body) and I need to write down all of the points that make me go either "oh!" or "oh?" or "holy shit" etc. Warning for excessive use of caps lock bc I got excited and tbh this is mostly just my thoughts as I'm watching. Fangirl mode: engaged.
First thing's first: Trevor's body has indeed been found! Of course he gets fished up XD
And the ant club, the ant club is back! They have Pete as a new member, oh my gosh I didn't know I needed to see Pete & Thor friendship so much
Alberta said Yiddish words and I'm so proud of her, look how happy she looks and Sass is so resigned we love him
(side note: I'm not Jewish so I've no idea what she said but I'm guessing it's something akin to "parents" or the like, someone pls teach me)
He's about to get smacked I swear
He even tried to stop them getting together in the first place, man is so bitter, Nigel just talk to him and explain pls
Oh no his parents are divorced oh Trevor no I'm so sorry, look at him he looks so broken HETTY THIS MAN NEEDS A HUG ASAP
"Peter, as our resident cuckold-" 😂 Thanks Hetty
FLOWERRRRR Flower bestie, the one time we wanted you lucid
oh no sad Trev again, aw he looks so upset bless him
oh my gosh, Jay is just sat there reading 🤣 iconic does he do this every time they're all plotting together?
aw noooo, Trev it wasn't you, it wasn't your death that did it (probably hopefully maybe) they might have had problems before who knows?? just have Sam ask them
my goodness Jay is so invested, look at him being a good husband and friend, he just accepted the parent trap idea
and of course Thor takes "trap" literally XD
Lenny and Esther, amazing names (I actually really like the name Esther this makes me so happy)
Oh no... This is the look of a man who knows he done goofed
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Nigel....what did you do?? Answer me honestly, what happened??
Isaac has enough self-confidence issues as it is DO NOT COMPOUND THINGS!!
a respite doesn't cut it buddy, Isaac is hurt now, you have hurt him, how dare you, you're gonna have Hetty and Thor coming for you mate
damn it Jenkins!!
oh my gosh it's Nancy! the cholera ghosts are getting a shoe in the door, good for them!
"Isaac is now second most famous cuckold in the house" you didn't have to kill him again Thor
oh Alberta, no. as much as I know you're wanting to help Isaac that is not going to help
please don't suggest he goes for Jenkins this will stir up more problems
omgosh Thor you beauty
but a Puritan? really? at another household? oof, that's gonna be heavy
THANK. YOU. SASSAPIS! clever boy
and Isaac asks about the Puritan anyway 🤣 of course he does
and now we're back to Trevor- IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT I PROMISE T^T
"we're going to hell" don't tell Hetty, she can make you go down on 'em
and of course Albert and Flower watched XD that tracks with them so well
Sass being the good guy until Hetty appeared....yeah, sure pal, sure
and Hetty found it "educational" uh huh, yeah, sure thing Hetty, you keep telling yourself that
Trev looks rightfully disgusted
shouting through windows, lovely ngl I find this so awkward
yes Isaac I'm just as uncomfortable as you are buddy
Trevor 1968-2000 he's 40! he doesn't look it honestly
aww, that's actually a sweet little memorial
yay! Isaac is forgiving Nigel! yay!!
Jenkins is in fact a son of a bitch, well said Isaac It's all your fault, Jafar Jenkins
ohmygosh moving in? moving in? yes?
yes you are baby stepping Nigel but Isaac needs this let him have it
told you Trev, told you, not your fault - DAMN IT LENNY WHILE THEY WERE IN SCHOOL?? DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME SIR?
someone give Trevor a hug or so help me I will scream
thank you Alberta TvT lowkey wanted Hetty but you work too, that's so sweet
yeah, you guys ARE #couplegoals you totally are, you're so sweet, the only people that I can say are also goals are Alison and Mike
(who wants another crossover episode?)
oh so is Thor 35 then? good to know
yep, the ghosts are children confirmed
and of course we end with Trevor trying to kill Tara Reid
Ok so that was a trip and a half, I'm excited for next episode now.
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habsfic · 1 month
mini fics fest fill masterlist
nick/cole/sidney crosby — leadership core
marty/vinny — divorce of convenience
arber/nick — playoff injuries
kaiden/kirby — alberta boys (and repression)
nick/cole/juraj — end of the season
marty/vinny — old men x technology
nick/jason robertson — thinking they’re getting recognized but they’re just hot
cole/kirby — wakeboard
nick/r63!cole/r63!slaf — girl habs
r63!juraj/r63!nick — nick vs the hr deptartment in his head
kovy/arber — shower sex
juraj/arber — force fem
established nick/cole + lane — hero worship
vinny/marty — thigh fucking
kovy/arber — blue collar
r63!nick/arber — can't keep his hands to himself
a list of all the prompt fills you can read in the server
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lawnerds · 2 years
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akallabeth-joie · 10 months
The Blue Castle, Chapter 40
Aaaand, we’re back on Elm St. Symbolic rosebush is in bud (but not, at the moment, blossoming).
This description of the living room couldn’t be more different from the cabin: everything’s useless decoration: fussy, stuffy, and nonfunctional (the pitcher, the clock). The gaudy, nonworking clock particularly caught my attention in contrast to the jolly clock of the cabin.
I know Valancy’s too upset to let any Stirling nonsense bother her, but I’m still taking off for Amelia & Cousin Stickles not wanting her back. And another for “I don’t forgive you.” And one from Uncle Benjamin for rejoicing at Valancy’s misfortune/his perceived power over her.
Look, I don’t know 1920s Canadian law on divorce, but Uncle Benjamin’s line of questioning is precisely the sort of thing that would prevent her from being eligible for a divorce in England. I know we want her to stay with Barney, but at this exact moment Uncle Benjamin is gathering evidence to undermine Valancy’s stated goal (divorce so Barney can be free again), so he’s getting another -1.
Uncle Benjamin turning on Amelia and Christine ought to be delicious, but at this point I’m just sick of the whole family’s mercenary hypocrisy. I wish Valancy had gone back to Abel Gay’s instead.
“She did not even remind Valancy that her plight was the outcome of her own lack of daughterly respect and obedience.” Such forebearance!
It’s time for an updated scoreboard!
Mrs. Stirling: -50
Cousin Stickles: -18
Uncle Benjamin: -15
Aunt Wellington: -11
Uncle James: -11
Olive: -7
Uncle Wellington: -4
Byron Stirling: -2
Aunt Isabel: -2
Cousin Gladys: -2
Cousin Betty: -1
Aunt Mildred: -1
Second Cousin Sarah Taylor: -1
Aunt Alberta: 0
Uncle Herbert: 0
Second Cousin Jane: 0
Cousin Georgiana: 7
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singofsolace · 8 months
Thomas Woodstone - am I crazy or is the ghost math not math-ing...?
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So the Thomas Woodstone featured in 2x12 "The Family Business" is theoretically the same Thomas Woodstone from "Whodunnit," so are we to assume that when he asks his dead mother whether or not he should marry the woman he is/was dating, that this was prior to both of their realizations that he was gay...? Or is he meant to be bisexual?
I'm on board with the storyline either way, I'm just confused that there wasn't at least a little bit of time spent explaining all of this, since they could've just as easily picked a different child of Hetty's to showcase in 2x12 for her not being able to offer her advice from the afterlife, if they knew they were going to make Thomas have a gay storyline later in "Whodunnit" ... but I suppose that's neither here nor there, except that that means that Thomas was either a widow in 1929, divorced (unlikely in that time period), or actively married when he was having an affair with Earl...?
Sure, he's Elias' son, so cheating is par for the course, but why would they introduce the idea that Thomas has a wife in 2x12 just to portray him as a single gay bachelor within the same season and / ten episodes...?
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Regardless of his sexuality or marital status, which is largely beside the math that I'm trying to parse out, just how old is he meant to be in the 2x12 flashback vs. "Whodunnit?" If Hetty died in 1891 in her late 40's, based on Rebecca Wisocky's actual age in 2020 when she was cast (she was 48 at the time), surely Thomas was at least a teenager or young adult when Hetty died...? So, using the age of 18 as a touchstone, that would mean he was born around 1873, which would put him in his mid-50's during the events of "Whodunnit."
I think I just would've liked some acknowledgment that Thomas is significantly older than Alberta, and that he's most likely still married when all of this is happening...? like, I'm so confused as to why Thomas' wife is never mentioned again, even if just in passing: "oh yeah that lady died in childbirth. so sad" would've done the trick!
The way the story is framed, it's like we're meant to think Alberta and Thomas are around the same age, when there's at least a 20-year age difference...? idk y'all. The math ain't mathing.
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bropunzeling · 1 year
“like a bookmark in my heart”
so they hook up once, at the all-star game. well, hard not to. in person, when they're not battling it out, matthew is young and brash and surprisingly funny and unsurprisingly attractive, and leon knows when he's been an asshole unfairly (even if he doesn't know how to admit it out loud). also knows how to read an offer. pretty easy, in the end, to head back to the hotel together. they have a good time.
and then they don't do anything like it after that. sure, they play hard, chirp each other, all the normal stuff, but like, matthew doesn't seek him out again, and leon doesn't offer, and it's fine. it was one night, and it was a good night, but that's all it was.
time rolls on. the oilers beat the flames and then get swept. matthew goes to florida. they don't have each other's number, or anything. matthew's friendly enough at all-star games, but then again, he's friendly with everyone until puck drop.
they lose in the second round. leon gets dealt to the east somewhere, one of the only guys without a total nmc. hurts to get pushed out, pisses him off, actually, but lights a fire under him, too. so he didn't win with edmonton. he can win here. he loves connor, but maybe this is a chance to prove his worth on his own.
a run of decent seasons with his new team. couple second round exits, couple conference finals. he's dating, ready to be settled. gets married. gets divorced a few years later. no one's fault, but it doesn't make things easier. he's trying to put down roots, but it's been hard going. he wants a cup, and he wants to feel like he belongs in a place, and lately he hasn't felt that way. it's been a few years. he's ready to move along.
florida's interested. they got to the cup final leon's last season with the oilers, lost in a heartbreaker. lost some guys after that, but kept most of the core. matthew's still there, because of course he is. leon doesn't know the guy that well -- swapping blowjobs in a st. louis hotel doesn't mean much -- but it makes sense to him that matthew would settle here. he looked better with a tan than he did with chapped lips from alberta winters. there's questions, about if they'll play well together, but it's different without the battle to make things sharp. matthew's a friendly guy. leon thinks he can make it work.
barkov is there for the press conference, obviously, but matthew is too. welcomes leon to the team and sounds like he means it, makes a crack about leon having to wait his turn for an A. it's all friendly. collegial. easy, easy. leon was right to think he can make it work.
and that's all it is -- friendly, teammates, everyone was right when they said matthew wasn't so bad -- until it's a month or two into the season, and they're at a bar, and leon looks across the table where matthew is laughing and the light is just right and something he'd buried so deep that he thought it was dead blooms in his chest and cuts off all his air, and oh, shit. maybe once wasn't enough.
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heartlandians · 9 months
Family dynamics: Happiness and trauma will be a part of Heartland's 17th season
There is a scene near the end of Heartland’s Season 17 opener where the Fleming sisters are cloud-watching near a pond in the fields of Alberta.
For the most part, CBC’s Sunday-night favourite has been seen as a family-friendly enterprise known for its horses, wholesome humour, romance, beautiful scenery and the odd flash of gentle drama. Nevertheless, characters will inevitably go through quite a bit of life-altering tumult over 17 years, no matter how idyllic the backdrop. For Amy Fleming (Amber Marshall) and older sister Lou (Michelle Morgan), that has included everything from mourning the death of their mother and enduring youthful romantic complications as the series began through divorce, motherhood, various professional setbacks and, most dramatically, the sudden death of Amy’s husband and fan favourite Ty (Graham Wardle) in later years.
So this moving scene between sisters in the show’s 250th episode offers a nice throwback to where it all began.
The sequence is hardly inconsequential in terms of plot. To avoid spoilers, however, we’ll just say the two are contemplating certain aspects of Amy’s future. But it’s also a nice refresher of the relationship between the Fleming sisters and the actors who play them, which was a large part of the appeal back when CBC first aired the Calgary-shot rural drama in 2007.
“The truth is, for Amber and I, luckily our relationship has flourished over the years and we get along better than ever,” says Morgan, who will be joining her castmates for a Calgary International Film Festival screening and Q&A on Sept. 28 at the Jubilee Auditorium. “With some shows, people get really sick of each other and don’t get along anymore but we have a great relationship and when we do scenes like that, it’s not super often. So we appreciate it. It’s like ‘This is nice, this is great.’ We get to do this scene as sisters. We get to be in the beautiful place by the pond. We love doing stuff like that because it’s not typical, we’re not often doing scenes like that. We were talking about it, behind the scenes, how great it was to do it.”
One of the reasons the Heartland universe has survived for 17 years is because it continues to expand. The Fleming sisters arrived at the ranch owned by the kind and wise Grandpa Jack Bartlett (Shaun Johnston) in 2007, not long after their mother had died. Amy was only 16 at the time. They were introduced to ranching life, met the townsfolk of the fictional Hudson, Alberta, and were reunited with their estranged father Tim (Chris Potter). In the very first episode, Amy met Ty, a troubled stable boy who quickly became a big part of life on the Bartlett ranch.
But the teens eventually turned to adults. There were marriages. Every couple of seasons, a new troubled teenager or pre-teen would appear to complicate life on the ranch. Eventually, a second generation of children was born. In Season 17, which debuts Oct. 1 on CBC, one of the arcs seems to be the coming-of-age of Lou’s daughter Katie, who has been played by Calgarian Baye McPherson since Season 15. While her age isn’t clearly specified, she is clearly a teen, right down to the eye-rolling exchanges she has with her uncool parents.
“Isn’t that crazy?” says Morgan, who directed two episodes of Season 17. “My daughter in the show is a bit younger but almost the same age as Amy in the first season.”
While the cast remained remarkably consistent over the years, characters came and went. The character of Georgie, played by Alisha Newton, will not be a part of Season 17.  But in another reminder of the show’s longevity, the first episode will involve Mallory (Jessica Amlee), a fan favourite who began life as a meddlesome pre-teen in Season 1 and returned in Season 16 as a mother-to-be at a crossroads in her life.
Still, judging from the first episode, there will be plenty of room given to the original protagonists of the series this year. Morgan says Lou will deal with some professional calamities while revisiting some childhood trauma that unearths some family drama. As Season 17 begins, she is campaigning for another term as mayor of Hudson. Her opponent is her friend and former co-worker Rick Adderly (played by Aidan Moreno), who was introduced at the beginning of Season 14 as the chief administrative officer of Hudson. Lou feels blindsided and a little betrayed by Rick’s political ambitions and spends part of the first episode debating whether she needs to start running a negative campaign against him, something that her father suggests is necessary but her daughter is against.
As the first LGBTQ+ character in the series, Rick represents another step in the expansion of the Heartland universe. In 2019, the short-lived spinoff web series Hudson introduced a gay character, but Rick is the first for the main TV series in 17 years.
“When we did Hudson, it felt a little bit risky,” says Morgan. “It felt like we were taking a big swing or something. I was glad we were taking it, it was long overdue, but with Aidan coming on board it was more like ‘OK, come on guys, this is not a big deal. This is the right actor for the part, this is his character, he’s excellent.’ It just felt a little more natural and easy and it wasn’t a big deal. I think it probably still was a big deal for some viewers but too bad for them.”
As Grandpa Jack espouses with trademark homespun wisdom in the voice-over narration for the trailer for Season 17: “Families, they come in all shapes and sizes.” Amy is now a single mother who went through a significant period of mourning after the death of her husband. But if Season 17 will see Lou going through some tough times, Marshall says Amy’s focus this year will be on moving past tragedy after Ty’s death.
“Just having the family unit together, unified and looking to the future I think is so important,” Marshall says. “The Heartland family has seen so many ups and downs over the last few years and Amy especially with losing her husband several years ago. It was a very delicate line that we had to travel as far as paying respect to that character and also allowing her to move on and find happiness again. So I do believe this season, Amy has found happiness and she is starting to branch out and do things she hasn’t done before and maybe date a little bit and so I think, for the fans, it’s time. We’ve given it its grieving room and Amy can go explore life again a little bit.”
But for any series, there will inevitably come a time when the story ends. Neither Morgan nor Marshall thinks Season 17 will be the last, but they both say they think about how Canada’s longest-running hour-long drama will take its final bow.
“I always wonder: When this series comes to an end, how are we going to tie it with a bow?” Marshall says. “It’s something that I would hope we knew going into the last season so we could arc all of the characters and the stories so they would have that final tie-together. But, again, it’s something we don’t know. We’re renewed year by year. With a series, you have a little bit of flexibility. Each season could be a cliffhanger, but you don’t want to do that if you’re not coming back. So it’s a really fine line of storytelling.”
Heartland Season 17 debuts Oct. 1 on CBC. The Calgary International Film Festival will hold a screening of Episode 1 and a live Q&A with cast members Amber Mashall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Johnston and Chris Potter at the Jubilee Auditorium at 7 p.m. Visit ciffcalgary.ca.
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kolinskylaw-1 · 20 days
Expert Tips On How To Survive High-Conflict Divorce
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Going through a divorce is never easy, But when you’re dealing with constant conflicts, it can feel like an uphill battle. The emotional and mental toll can be overwhelming for everyone involved. If you’re going through a high-conflict divorce, the first step is to seek the guidance of a Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton. They can make a world of difference in helping you through this challenging time.
In addition, Kolinsky Law has some expert tips on how to survive a high-conflict divorce as smoothly as possible.
Hire the Best Divorce Lawyer or Attorney in Edmonton
When two people can’t work on their conflicts, a family lawyer can help. The best thing to do is hire the Best Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton. Look for a lawyer who has experience handling high-conflict cases and a proven track record of success. A skilled lawyer will help you understand your rights. Kolinsky Law can provide sound legal advice and represent your interests in court.
Set Boundaries and Stick to Them
Boundaries are highly important In a high-conflict divorce. We understand that it’s common for emotions to run high and for communication to break down. That’s why Kolinsky Law recommends setting clear boundaries with your ex-spouse and sticking to them no matter what. The best thing you can do under these circumstances is to limit contact, communicate only through your lawyer, or set specific times for communication.
Focus on Your Children
High-conflict divorces can be especially tough on children. You need to provide them with a stable and supportive environment and avoid speaking negatively about your ex-spouse in their presence. Encourage your children to maintain relationships with both parents, as this is crucial for their emotional health and development.
Take Care of Yourself
During a high-conflict divorce, it’s easy to put yourself last. But trust me, prioritizing your well-being is essential. The process can be emotionally and physically draining, so make sure to take care of yourself. Consider talking to a therapist, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and leaning on your support system. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Document Everything
In a high-conflict divorce, it’s essential to document everything. Keep records of all communication with your ex-spouse, including emails, text messages, and phone calls. If your ex-spouse is making false accusations or behaving inappropriately, make sure to document it and share it with your lawyer.
Be Prepared for Court
If your divorce ends up in court, preparation is everything. Work closely with your lawyer to gather evidence, build a strong case, and practice your testimony. When you’re in the courtroom, stay calm and focused, even if your ex tries to push your buttons. Present your arguments objectively and let your lawyer handle any legal challenges. Keeping a level head and sticking to the facts will work in your favour.
Focus on the Future
Finally, during a high-conflict divorce, it’s crucial to keep your sights set on the future. It’s easy to get caught up in the drama and emotions of the moment, but remember, this is temporary. Focus on your goals and work towards building a new life for yourself and your children.
Surviving a high-conflict divorce is challenging, but with the right support and guidance, it is possible. By hiring the Best Divorce Attorney in Edmonton, you can navigate this difficult process and emerge stronger. Remember, you are not alone, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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