#DoL Daydream
Whenever I see Lya, Lyah or Student!The Ivory wraith, I audibly say 'hot'
Oh I can humbly say that compared to the student Wraith, my PCs should both look like some pale ghosts lol
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I'm taking a lil break from hours of work and I saw the newest ask about Student Wraith so I made a little sketch 'v')
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happy10thousandyears · 3 months
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lewditydegreeblog · 1 year
Slightly horny but mostly silly scenario ft F!Robin and Whitney
Robin wants to try crossdressing again, this time she wants to spend a day at school dressed as a boy. Many people think she’s a new student at first, surprised when she says she’s a girl. 
For whatever reason, she ends up being late for swimming class. Leighton's office is not something she looks forward to, but at least she gets to use the changing room privately. 
Or, so she thinks. She wasn’t expecting to see Whitney and their friends in the room. 
“Heard you were pretending to be a guy…gotta say, you almost had me fooled for a second. Just came by to help you with this sort of thing.” 
Help? Why would Whitney of all people help her with crossdressing? 
They pulled out a pair of swim shorts, and Robin’s stomach dropped as realization hit her. She ran for the door, but Whitney’s friends caught up to her easily, grabbing her by the arms and practically carrying her.
Robin didn’t know how she managed to stop herself from crying as Whitney’s friends stripped her and forced her to wear nothing but swim shorts, laughing at her situation. This would’ve been somewhat bearable if she was at least given a swim shirt as well but of course, Whitney wouldn’t provide that. Why would they?
“Don't know why you're so upset,” Whitney said with a cruel grin. “You’re the one who decided to crossdress. This is your fault.”
Suddenly, one of Robin's nipples was pinched, resulting in a surprised squeak, causing Whitney's friends to laugh at her even more.
“I didn’t even know you had tits until today.”
Robin hoped Whitney had nothing more planned for the day, that they'd get bored and leave her alone now. Her hopes were crushed, however, as she was dragged by the arm to the direction of the pool area. “Let’s see if you’re really committed to crossdressing after all”, Whitney said to her, a venom in their voice that made Robin shiver with fear. 
She knew she could just tell Mason about what happened. Whitney would get in trouble, she’d be able to change into a swimsuit, and she can forget about today’s events. However, there was a part of her that didn’t want to do that.
They want to see me humailated, she thought. Do I really want to give them that satisfaction?  
No, she didn’t. She wanted to show Whitney that her newly acquired confidence would not be shattered so easily by their actions. Besides…she may not be flat exactly, but her breasts were so small that they were barely noticeable, maybe she can pull this off if she didn’t draw attention to herself. 
Robin’s panicked expression was replaced with one of determination, and Whitney didn’t know whether to feel disappointed or amused. 
There she was, a girl topless in front of her classmates, trying to pretend it was the most normal thing in the world. Robin swore she could feel stares in her direction, but could never find them. 
What she was doing was nerve-racking, risky-
And so…lewd + lust
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Better Off Without You
Part 2 of Better Off Without Me
Pairing: Victor Vale x fem!reader
Summary: Ten years after Victor pushed you away, you meet again. Your roles have been reversed, and Victor must work to show you that he wants you. First, he must deal with your reluctance to be near him.
Warnings: spoilers for Vicious, mentions/depictions of insecurity, angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
A/N: Title from better of without me by Matt Hansen (Spotify link).
Picture from Pinterest
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“Victor,” you coo. “C’mon, we have stuff to do. Wake up, sleepy head.”
Victor reaches out and takes your hand as he answers, though he doesn’t move from your shared bed. His answer is precisely what you expect, and the peaceful look on his face seems… completely out of character and slightly concerning.
You wake quickly and sit up with a gasp. The darkness is your only constant, and the empty space beside you serves only as a reminder of what you have lost. Textbooks and diplomas line the bookshelf across the room yet your college memories only remind you of what could have been different.
Less than twenty miles away, Lockland stands sentinel, where gothic architecture meets country club. The idea saddens you because once, you sat in Lockland trying your hardest to get close to Victor Vale. And then he pushed you away.
You want to forget Victor. The promise that you made to stay close is one that you could easily break, that you should break. It would only take a moment to pack up what truly matters and leave it all behind. But the 22-year-old Victor in your mind makes you stay; the Victor that leaned in close in the library and wanted your attention is the one you try to remember. The questions you had the night he let you go – although he let you go the moment he met Angie – continue to plague your mind. Looking back, Victor gave you every sign you needed to see that he wasn’t interested, he would never pick you, and that the dream life you wanted was just that: a dream.
You must get out of bed and escape your memories, so you get dressed and leave. As your mind races, you don’t notice which direction you are walking.
Ten years have changed a lot of things. Victor Vale is nothing like the kid he left behind a decade ago. Now that he is free from the chains of Eli Ever, and from prison, and in a position to get everything he has ever wanted, Victor finds himself stuck. Every night in prison, Victor thought of the things he would get when he got out: a shiny, materialistic reward waiting in his future. Even as his mind wavered between which would be more rewarding, a comfortable bed or a room of his own, there was one constant. Victor craved someone more than any of the things he thought of.
“Hey, didn’t you go to school at Lockland?” Sydney asks from the backseat.
Victor clears his mind of his daydream, of a past that led him to a different future, and hums.
“It’s, like, ten miles from here,” she adds. 
“Too dangerous,” Victor answers quickly.
“Oh, yeah,” Sydney agrees sarcastically. “I’m sure the exact same security guards from the night you died are just waiting for you to show your face again.”
“Why the sudden interest in Lockland?”
“The kid has been in hotel rooms since we picked her up,” Mitch points out. “Surely a driveby in the middle of the night won’t hurt.”
Victor rolls his eyes; he is used to Sydney and Mitch teaming up against him (even Dol, when he’s around). He sighs but nods, and Mitch slows to turn toward Victor’s past.
The only thing that has changed is the addition of one streetlight. In the minimal light, the stretch of sidewalk where you last saw Victor looks just as dismal as in your memories. A girl laughs on the other side of the tree, and you turn to walk away. Someone is blocking the path, and you freeze, unsure if you’re dreaming, time traveling, or incredibly unlucky.
Victor says your name and takes a step toward you. You match his step as you move back, keeping distance between you. The distance was his decision, he forced you back, yet he seems surprised by your movement.
“Vic, we…” Sydney begins, but she trails off when she sees Victor.
“You stayed close,” Victor says softly. “I thought that was just-“
“A trick to convince you to pick me instead of someone else?” you suggest as you remind him of what he said the last time you spoke. “But it doesn’t matter, right? If I don’t matter, which we both know I don’t, then where I live doesn’t matter either.”
Victor can’t form a sentence and feels inadequate for once in his life. He looks at you and remembers what you used to be like. You were bright and open, and whatever light you used to have that you were kind enough to show Victor has been thoroughly put out. By him.
“I went to prison,” Victor says.
“I know,” you answer. You cross your arms as an added layer of defense, but your fight-or-flight responses are kicking in. You hate that you remember Victor knows all about those adrenal triggers.
“You said you’d stay close for me. If you meant that, my friends over there could use a safe place to stay, to lay low while everything blows over.”
Sydney and Mitch wave when you look over, and you fight the urge to ask Victor why he let other people trail along with him but was so against letting you in when he needed someone most.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you respond. “You don’t like me, Vic, so let’s just do what we do best and walk away from each other.”
As you and Victor continue staring at one another, you’re both feeling the same thing: reluctance. You want to be there for Victor, but he left once, and you know he will do it again; you invited him to get close once and have regretted it ever since. Victor, however, is only reluctant to stay with you for your safety. He has feelings for you, and they hit him with full force as he looks at the sadness in your eyes. The sadness and loneliness that he caused.
“Bye, Vic.”
You turn to leave, and Victor refuses to let you walk away once more. He has to do something before you are too far to reach. Again.
“I love you!” Victor calls.
The statement catches you, Victor, Sydney, and Mitch by surprise. You stop with your back to him and wonder if you really are dreaming. Victor doesn’t know where it came from, but he knows that it’s true. He may not even know what love truly is, but if he is going to find out with someone it is going to be you.
“I tried not to,” he adds. “I had to deal with Eli, and you were so close that it scared me. But don’t make me watch you walk away again, not without giving me a chance.”
“Stop,” you demand as you turn toward him. “You don’t get to walk back into my life after ten years and tell me that you love me. You broke me, Vic! I let you get close, I was desperate to keep you close, and you shattered everything I thought we had. I can’t do this again. I won’t do this again. You may think you love me, but I know you well enough to know that you don’t. Using me to get to the point that you need is not worth it, Vic. If you need help, say that, but don’t lie to me.”
“I lied to you once. And it wasn’t tonight.”
“Stop,” you repeat.
“I need you. You are the only thing I have ever needed.”
“Prison will make you think you need a lot of things.”
“Can you just, for a second, consider giving me a chance to show you that I am not the same as I was ten years ago.”
You chuckle, but there is nothing funny about losing Victor a second time. “I have no doubt about that… You have a week, and then, like it or not, one of us is walking away.”
Victor takes the chance, and as he follows you home, he decides to be selfish for once. He wants you, and he is going to get you. Of all the mistakes Victor has made in his life, two of them haunt him: not telling Angie how he felt, and letting you go. Now that he can admit that he loves you like he’s never loved anyone before, he wants you to be with him. A week isn’t much time, but Victor is going to use every moment to convince you and get what he wants.
When you wake the following morning, you assume that running into Victor at Lockland was a dream. However, the noise that can only be described as chaotic coming from your kitchen makes you think differently. Mitch and Sydney are in your kitchen, and Mitch’s efforts to stay quiet are canceled out by Sydney’s excitement to be out of a hotel room (if only for a week).
“Sorry,” Victor mumbles as he walks behind you. “She doesn’t get out much.”
“Thanks to you,” Sydney adds quickly.
“It’s no problem,” you say softly. “I, uh- Do I want to know why you need to lay low?”
“Probably not,” Victor answers. “But if you ask, I’ll tell you.”
You move to the left to increase space between you and Victor as you shake your head. The reluctance from last night has strengthened, and you briefly consider locking yourself in your room until they leave.
Victor places a mug before you. “You still like it the same way?”
You nod and pull your favorite drink closer to you. Victor's actions and words align, but the stark contrast between the current Victor and the Victor that forced you to walk away years ago makes you hesitate. 
“Most people say, ‘thank you.’ Since you’re cute, I’ll assume you thought it,” Victor says.
Hearing the exact words you said to him in Lockland makes you look up quickly. Victor has that look, the one that looks like he might smile, and you smile at him before looking back to your mug.
“I’ll assume it’s still a hard pass on the hugs, too,” you whisper.
“Maybe you’d be surprised.”
You decide not to ask, and as you focus on ignoring him (as much as you can sharing a living space, at least), Victor realizes that your roles have completely reversed. You and Victor have traded words, actions, and responsibilities down to the smallest detail of your relationship. It’s like a dance, and Victor is already confident in his new position, but he has to convince you to trust him to lead.
After Sydney and Mitch leave to get Dol from the hotel, you and Victor are left alone.
“Why’d you disappear?” Victor asks.
He breaks the silence, and your brows furrow at his question.
“I asked you in the library, before everything happened, and you never really answered.”
“It doesn’t matter, Vic.”
“You do matter,” Victor promises. He leans forward to look into your eyes; his are serious as he holds your attention and repeats, “You matter.”
“At some point, though, you have to admit that your life was probably better. That you were, I don’t know, better off without me,” you reply.
Eye contact with Victor has never been easy, and you used to have to work relentlessly for it. Now, he holds your eyes with conviction and something else you can’t place.
“You disappeared because you thought I didn’t need you? How did that-“
“Vic.” You stand and tear your eyes from his as you add, “We’ve got a few days until we go our separate ways. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
“Why can’t you see-“
“No!” you interrupt. “I saw ten years ago, and you blindsided me. I’m smarter now, Vic, and I am not losing you again. I gave you space once, and maybe I never should have stopped.”
Dol barks at your front door, and you return to your room. It was a mistake letting Victor this close, and you don’t know if you can trust anything he says.
Something happens during Victor’s fourth day with you. When you exit your bedroom for breakfast, he catches your eyes over the table and gestures toward your back door. Despite your doubts, you follow him. In the privacy of your backyard, you wrap your arms around yourself and wait for Victor to speak.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks.
You shake your head, and Victor looks away.
“I didn’t want to disappear,” you admit. “I came to see you in the cafeteria one day, but Angie was there. You looked so happy that I couldn’t- didn’t want to interrupt. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, Vic, and I gave you the room to do that.”
“You loved Angie. I could see it. So, when I heard she died, I thought you might need a friend. I was wrong.”
“Look at me,” Victor requests. “I am not giving up on you again, but if you want us to leave, we will.”
“I don’t know what I want.”
You wipe your hands across your cheeks as Victor watches. He wants to reach out and offer the soft touches you used to give him, but your reluctance to let him in is something he can easily see. 
“I have been hurting for ten years,” you whisper. “But I want it. I still want you, so badly, and I think I can trust you. I’ve been wrong before.”
Victor steps toward you, and when you don’t move back, he takes another step. When there are only inches between you, he holds your eyes with his again.
“I want you to be mine,” he murmurs as he raises his hand toward your shoulder. “Selfishly, thoughtlessly, mine.”
Sydney clears her throat in the doorway, and you and Victor look over simultaneously.
“Are you okay?” she asks Victor.
“I was better before you interrupted,” he replies. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Are you dying again? Do you have a fever or something? Because-“
“Syd, what is wrong with you?”
“You’re being… gross.”
“She sounds like you,” you murmur.
Victor takes a deep breath before asking Sydney to give him a minute.
“You have two days, Vale,” you say when he turns to you. “If you are willing to work as hard as I did, we’ll see where things go from there.”
“Tell me you can see it,” Victor asks.
“You’re not giving up on me again and unless I ask, you’re not walking away,” you reply. “I know. But I spent years fighting to get close to you. Besides, Sydney clearly thinks you have a parasite or something, so how am I supposed to know this is really you?”
Victor rolls his eyes and opens the back door. He follows you in, and when he sees your smile is back, he is glad he wasn’t dreaming when he saw you at Lockland a few nights ago.
“I’m going to miss that mattress,” Mitch says as he packs his bag.
“Dol likes the yard,” Sydney agrees. “Back to hotels, I assume?”
Victor is still in the guest room, and you knock on the door before entering. He zips his bag and sits on the edge of the bed as you approach him.
“Did you mean what you said at Lockland?” you ask.
“Which time?”
“This one.”
“That I love you? Yeah. You’re one of the only things I needed- craved in prison.”
“Really?” you ask with a smile. “Because Mitch said you talked about getting a bed and a better toothbrush all the time.”
“In college, when you would talk to me, there was this light in your eyes,” Victor says. “I haven’t seen it in a long time.”
You reach out and smooth your hand over the shoulder of his trench coat. When he doesn’t move or comment on the touch, you step closer.
“Prison give you all the time and space you need?” you murmur.
“Something like that.”
 “Have you reconsidered my offer?” 
Victor looks up, and his almost smile returns. He clearly understands what you are referring to and moves his arms out.
“Test away.”
You step forward and hug him, and when Victor’s arms wrap around you, you believe him. Not what he said when Angie died, but everything he has said this week.
“Now that I’ve had one, we can’t stop,” you say against him. “So, I guess that means your hugs are addictive. We’ll have to test this further.”
Victor mumbles something, and you squeeze him. The initial reluctance you felt, the fear of being pushed away again, brought you closer to Victor than ever.
“You really love me?” you ask.
“I do. But-“
“You’re not perfect. I know; I’m not either. I don’t expect this to be easy, Vic. Surely you remember how hard I worked in college.”
“Seems like you’d get tired.”
“As if I could get tired of you,” you tease.
Victor pulls you into another hug and doesn’t move when the door opens. You push him away gently and see Sydney staring at Victor.
“Does this mean we’re staying?” she asks.
“It means I’m staying,” he answers with a shrug.
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want, Syd,” you offer.
Sydney thanks you before watching Victor with her head cocked. “You’re weird,” she decides before she leaves.
“I didn’t want you to leave,” Victor admits. “The night that Angie died, I had unfinished business with Eli. After dealing with that, though… I’m ready to get what I want.”
“That’s me?” you ask. Your faux surprise makes Victor groan until you add, “Does that mean you’re selfishly, thoughtlessly mine, too?”
Victor looks into your eyes and smiles. “Forever.”
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Beyond this is the things they added to the 4.2.3 upd of DoL
Please send me an ask if you want me to add something or I missed one
Images/stories I still need
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Masc., Fem., and Andro.
Chest/breast sprites
Made the breasts have better visibility
Flattest chest size looks flatter on combat sprite
Added breast sprites to lace nightgown, virgin killer, ball gown, evening gown, open shoulder sweater, pink nurse, plastic nurse, skimpy lolita outfits, open shoulder crop top
Tattoo Parlour
Any unlocked bodywriting can be turned into a tattoo, even if it's not on the PC
New Triangle, Square, and Circle tattoos [look at the Island page for more info]
All down
Fishtail braid (left, right, twins)
Ribbon tail sides
Low tail
Thick ponytail
Short air vents
Side pinned
Dreadlocks bun
Emo/Emo Left/Emo Right
Traditional Maid Dress
Victorian Maid Dress
Shrine Maiden Robes
Virgin Killer Dress
Halter Sundress
Leather Dress
Cat hoodie
Ao dai Top
School cardigan
School blouse
Polo shirt
Color block crop top
Band t-shirt
Boxy t-shirt
Remade Serafuku
Classic Serafuku
Ao dai trousers
Plaid school skirt
Plaid school trousers
Plaid school shorts
School pinafore
Plaid school pinafore
Wide leg trousers
Straight leg trousers
Yoga pants
Jean miniskirt
Dolphin shorts
Under outfits
Turtleneck Leotard
Under upper
None 😔
Under lower
Tie Side Bikini Bottoms
Highwaisted microkini bottoms
Sheer Leggings
Stripped kneesocks
Patterned dress socks
Polka dot socks
Sports socks
Rib-knit socks
Rib-knit ankle socks
Canvas Loafers
Hairpins (butterfly + star)
Conical hat
Raccoon cap
Fur cap
Bat beanie
Mini pumpkin
Gas Mask
Doggy Muzzle
Medical Eyepatch
Love Locket
Fur boa
Work gloves
Temple garden, moor, farmlands, temp office, altar, secret path, the churchyard, the dilapidated shop, Eden's cabin, brothel stage [pt1]
Garden plots, stream, gloryhole, park fountain, asylum, sea rocks, waterfall, thicket, Great Hawk's nest, and perch [pt 2]
Rainwater pool, Eden's bed, lake campsite, fishing rock, archaeological field office, Remy's Estate, Great Hawk's tower, Ruins,
Black Dog
Riding a horse, question mark for inquires, searching for pots in lake, excersizing/hobbling in heels, gliding, entering town, searching for a mark, praying, and renting a stall [pt 1]
Getting in/out/refusing rides, trick or treating, sitting on the school stump, diving, descending/ascending in water, leaving water, and fixing Eden's cabin [pt 2]
Digging, showering, practise shooting, undo bindings, daydreaming, tilling, watching TV, chatting, singing, and plundering [pt 3]
Making tops/bottoms out of seaweed, meditating, relaxing
Trial of purity
Patient gown
Milk, breast milk, chicken eggs, truffles, temple pew, dog treat, bronze key, library desk, soap [pt1]
Lichen, cosmetics, small/medium/large/huge exotic/huge decor fish tanks, auto feeder, tank decor, and sewer safe [pt 2]
Antique watch, grass, antique crystal, scrap, stimulants, torch, fertiliser, antique candlestick, rubble, and mud [pt 3]
Spiderwebs [pt 4]
Salves, sink, computer, rug, broom, dustpan, gift boxes, wolf chew toy, padlock [pt 1]
Cash register, Eden's valentine's day gift, Eden's coatstand, condom vending machine [pt 2]
Breast milk
Chicken eggs
"Take all"
Fetish collar icon is updated
Pirate ship
Old Church
Dilapidated Shop
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"Split by Gender Apperance" changed to "Set/Ignore Sexual Orientation
Split into 10 categories; Assault, Coercion, Destruction of Property, Indecent Exposure, Obstruction of Justice, Prostitution, Resisting Arrest, Thievery, Petty Thievery, and Trespassing.
Crimes the PC has commited would be read out before punishment
Can adjust each crime in the cheat menu
Can view the crime stats in the stat menu
Ear Slime
Added an event that prevents PC to wear under lower garments, unless given directly to them
Sleeping event at Alex's farm
Sleeping event if you study at school naked
Alternate abduction event at the dog pound
At Remy's Farm, it would attempt to force you on all fours and eat grass
May force you to have sex with dolphins
Ear slime tasks are now in the Journal menu
Clit Parasite
Alternative masturbation options if PC has a clit parasite
Skip Button
Added a skip button that brings you to the next orgasm
Alex the Farmer
Avaliable pregnancy candidate [+more]
Crossdressing Fame
Can lower fame more if seen as a female are pregnant
Paternity Test
Option to do it at the Hospital
Hide Option
Can now choose to hide unavailable items in the shop
Gilded Spear
Lost World
Face of a Guardian
Wild Monarch
Prehistoric Landscape
The Island
How to enter, how to escape [+more]
Sensitivity values can be viewed in the "Extra Stats" tab under "Characteristics"
Confirmation dialouge appears when you try to exit/refresh the page [is on by default in ironman mode]. Can toggle it in the Advanced tab
Destroy, repair, dry, and drench clothes at once is added
Breast and Cum Values have been replaced with sliders
More additional options for pregnancy cheats
Farmland tp is added
Double Penetration
Unique cum images is added
Improved xray sprites
Lower Underwear
Able to pull it to the side during encounters
"Driving Lesson"
Rimming and Watersports outcomes
Whipping and buttplug outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Car Sex
NPCs will ask if PC needs to be dropped off anywhere after
Prostitution opt. added
Wardrobe Outfit Editor
Added a random color option
Warmth filter is added
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Whitney can upgrade the Loft
Repeatable scene where he unlocks the chastity belt Winter put on you
Untying your bonds before swim class generates slightly random dialouge
Changing Rooms
PCs thoughts of being in the wrong changing room are more diverse, changes based on Crossdressing Rep
PC is no longer rejected immediately when looking like the opposite gender and is given weird stares and comments
Crossdressing Fame/Rep
Chance to lower crossdressing fame after not
Dog Happiness
Added a description of the dogs happiness on the main screen
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Wolf Pack
PC is more comfortable naked around the wolves in the wolf pack
Wolf Cave
You can submit to wolves that advance towards you in the cave
Will now deliver PC to the tutorial person if PC stays at the orphanage for the first whole week
Named NPC that is found during the Disguised Escape option
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Fleshy color option is added to sex toys and strap ons
Fleshy color sidebar renderer is added [no idea what that means]
Plumeria, tendable [view the Island page for more info]
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Can tie cardigan around waist
Able to lower suspenders
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sewer-freak · 3 months
[This is a roleplay blog for a DOL character created by @macabrecravings.]
General Degrees of Lewdity Warnings apply (Under 18 DNI, rape/noncon/dubcon) As well as heavy warnings for psuedo-incest fuckery (Morgan), bullying, medical malpractice, delusions/derealization, TBA… (Ask to tag more!!)
Reminder: Evangeline is intentionally transgressive & I do not hold the same values, views, or kinks that she does. ^_^
#oc: evangeline || pinterest board || spotify playlist
General Info:
• Unsocial Moth.
• Generally makes people uneasy. She’s visibly disturbed & clearly unstable which makes people uncomfortable.
• It doesn’t help that she’s an avid thief & people don’t like having their things stolen.
• Has poor hygiene due to her mental state, which is only made worse considering the places she hangs out (She… reeks. </3)
• Her teachers aren’t too fond of her. She’s not a delinquent by any means, but she spends more time daydreaming than anything.
• She also… stares. at them. Has a thing for older men / authority figures and it’s. obvious.
• Meek & submissive as fuck </3
• Works at the office building as a temp, but occasionally does housekeeping jobs around town
• Spends her free time in the forest, moor, smuggler’s cave, the sewers. When it comes to the orphanage, it’s all or nothing. She’s either locked herself in her room or avoids it like the plague.
• Has substance abuse issues. Cigarettes, alcohol, stimulants, aphrodisiacs…… <- Big fan. You can find her stealing stimulants & aphrodisiacs all over town, (even if the punishment she gets for doing so isn’t often worth the high).
• Very Much a Recluse. Doesn’t go out of her way to interact with people. Still, heres how she feels about certain NPCS:
• MORGAN — Met Morgan while artifact hunting for Winter, and it. fucked her up. She originally went along with him out of fear, but took to him quickly. He’s the father figure she’s never had. The only one who “understands her”.
Her name rhymes with Charlene, and she bares a resemblance to him (gingers. that’s it.), but it’s enough for her to delude herself into thinking that she hypothetically could be Charlene. (She’s not. & In a more lucid state she would accept that, but. Alas.)
• HARPER — Used to avoid their therapy appts at any cost. Morgan got in her head about him, so she was resilient & slow to warm up. But, deep into treatment at her first asylum visit, she became enthusiastic.
**Looked forward to bathing every day** (because it meant he would touch her and get her off). Liked the way his medicine made her feel, and loved his attention even more.
• KYLAR — A genuine friend. One of the only people she likes being around. Prefers when he’s silent and not overbearing. Keeps him at an arms distance because he’s a little… too into her.
He’s made it very clear that he wants to be more than friends/friends with benefits, but she ignores his feelings. She doesn’t want to date him. She doesn’t want him to “fix her” or “keep her safe”.
• WHITNEY — Evangeline is easy to throw around & take advantage of. She does what Whitney asks of her, little to no resistance.
Not close enough to him to drink at the pub with him & his buddies, but would if he allowed her to. Same with smoking with him. Hypothetically, they could get along. But they don’t.
• MICKEY — Fond of from a distance (They help cover up her tracks and are mysterious. It’s..: appealing :))
• ROBIN & SYDNEY — Not close. Doesn’t interact with them other than what’s necessary.
• WINTER — She helps out with the museum & also wants him carnally. Who cares if he’s a “fossil” or “as old as those antiques he collects”? Not her.
• SIRRIS — Another object of her lust. A seemingly perfect father to Sydney, not to mention hot. She’d do anything to be a demonstration on his home videos, if you catch my drift!
• LEIGHTON — To be determined
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
i played it for a while!!! i would pick it up again bc i really liked the characters and the,,, uh,,, """romance""" plotlines, but i always get too into life simulators and i fear that it is not healthy to spend the grand majority of a porn game doing actual math to try and save a fictional farm while also making sure nothing bad happens to the orphan you haven't seen in, like, four weeks. would recommend for anyone with literally any self-restaint, tho. remy and kyler still have permant residence in my brain.
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threadsun · 9 months
THE 🧸 TEDDY BEAR 🧸 IS HERE TO INFODUMP THE DoL PCs!!! I have four main ones for different playstyles/romancing our four favourite beans; in order of most to least likely to make friends with Izzy we have Zoe, Max, Faith and Natalie. I also cheat the stats around because I am a weenie and don't want them to get hurt outside of my control lmao call that CNC
Zoe is my transfem black-and-purple-aesthetic babygirl and local Whitney slut. She's kind of a reactive bully, Whitney's a bad influence on her, but she has a soft spot for the fellow orphans and will generally redirect her 'boyfriend's ire away from them where she can. While they started dating with him at high dom, over time and Drama I figured he'd soften up a little (touch-starved, affection-deprived bully finds love, gets clingy). They have tattoos of each other's names, they have matching collars (Whitney's is spiky), and they absolutely fuck nasty on Leighton's desk while he takes photos. You'd think Whitney's forcefem kink would be wasted on a gf who's already transfem, but she plays along and wears a lil chastity cage and everything. She'd be the most likely to be friends with Izzy, both being cheer-outfit transfems who are too busy flirting to study properly. T4T makeouts ensue, Whitney can watch idc lmao
Max is a big fuckin boy, just a beefy big wolfman badboy with a heart of gold. Real German Shepherd energy. He works really hard at the docks and comes home late, so his grades aren't the best, but he's no delinquent. He shows up to every class, just kinda… daydreams through them. He's very protective of Robin and takes on their debt after saving them at the docks (with the help of his coworkers), becoming their personal guard dog. He also sticks up for Robin when they come out as genderfluid (NB!Robin from the crossdressing scenes gives me so much joy!) Would probably make friends with Izzy since she's nice, but he's very much Robin-sexual so they'd just be broskis.
Faith is my poor innocent baby who did no wrong and has the most, uh, non-mechanics-compliant story shiz. She and Sydney were all sweet and cute lil hetero-romantic celibate temple initiates holding hands and being innocent… until she had her halo broken and her wings blackened in the very temple she thought she'd be safe in. Sydney and Sirris took her home, and none of them ever went back to the temple again gdi LET ME RESCUE SYDNEY FROM THAT PLACE! They both end up disillusioned by the whole scenario and fall to corruption and demonhood pretty easily (demon!Sydney my beloved), but they're happy now and fucking in the change room as we speak. Faith probably wouldn't have been very good friends with Izzy before she fell, but afterwards? As long as Sydney's involved, the more the merrier! She's got three holes.
Finally, Natalie, poor dear Natalie… She's my Kylarmance. She used to be a really popular kid, a bit of a delinquent thanks to having a short temper about being harassed and groped all the time. But it was nice to have a friend who seemed genuinely interested in talking to her, even if people thought he was a creep. Sure, he had a shrine to her in his locker, but that was… kinda sweet? He hadn't hurt her or touched her or called her horrible things like most guys she knew. He was endearing, and such a talented artist, and she cuddled up to that owl plushie he gave her every night. So when Whitney threatened to lie about her if she wouldn't fuck him, she rejected him. She'd be able to tell Kylar it was a lie, right? That she didn't sleep around, she was waiting for Kyl- for the right person, you know? Well… a mild kidnapping later, he proved that she was telling the truth by taking her virginity himself, and slowly molding her into his ideal goth gf. They're totally 'married' now, trust me! And sure, she's become a total social outcast and basically never speaks to anyone else, she'd never really have the opportunity to make friends with Izzy, but she's HAPPY now. She has KYLAR. That's all she's ever needed.
(sorry this wound up so long I fuckin love this game I am kissing you on the mouth aaaAAAA 🧸💋🌞)
SHAKING HANDS WITH YOU SO HARD OVER PLAYING WITH CHEATS!!!!! Look, sometimes you get stuck in an infinite assault loop and you really just gotta teleport yourself home 😔 Also sometimes you wanna lose your handholding virginity to literally anyone other than someone's pet dog who you taught to shake paws.
Whitney would absolutely love to watch Zoe and Izzy go at it and he's valid!! These ladies deserve some hot t4t action >:3c
Max sounds sooooo sweet and Izzy would adore him, she'd just be so happy someone else cares about Robin too!!
You're so valid on non-mechanics-compliant stuff, I ignore the actual game canon all the time for the sake of what I think would be more realistic (and fun) for Izzy!! Including getting Sydney away from the goddamn temple!!! Gotta save that boy!!! And then Faith, Izzy, and Sydney can have a threesome about it :3c
God Natalie is soooooo valid and relatable, Kylar is simply so !!!!! How can you not love him? Especially once he kidnaps you and you develop stockholm syndrome 🥰
I'm so happy to hear about all of them, they all sound super fun!!!! Mwah mwah I am kissing you on the mouth too!!!!
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6irlpet · 2 years
I’m obsessed with DOL bc of you. I’ve spent hours edging to, playing and daydreaming about the game. Not all of it is horny too, I researched the game mechanics. Save me.
ok SAME on both counts. i have edged an embarrassing amount to the scenarios in that game / while playing lol but also..... yes the mechanics are so cool???? it sucks that its a very lewd game with dark themes so u cant rly recommend it to people without most people being reactionary about it lol but there's so much work done into the combat / skill mechanics and the character relationships
every time there's a major game update i get sucked into a hole of edging myself stupid for like 6 hours of gameplay lmao
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velvetburnt · 5 days
ive been thinking about samarie all day (emotional support creep, you understand) and once i realized how much my mental image of f!kylar is influenced by samarie it led to hours of daydreaming about a dol/funger crossover mainly bc the idea of kylar in a funger setting is.. kinda hysterical
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inkyquince · 11 months
was it yandere-daydreams??
... relating to the previous question about the price of flesh?
Ngl, no idea, I don't think so? I think it's another blog that focuses on dol mainly?
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
wait since ur winter and ivory are like.. y'know
does that still exist in your delulu about student!ivory?
It's complicated but I like to think the Wraith would avoid Winter entirely. Like, they will walk around the school and tease other LIs and teachers but Winter and their antique-fanatic is a big NO for them.
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sakusasbunny · 3 years
someone direct me to more bullboy fanart cause lookie c:
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lewditydegreeblog · 1 year
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Merry Christmas ^^!
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Inktober day 13 “Dune” - Daydream of Finduilas
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banned-for-horny · 2 years
im not even gonna tag this as dol but just know that the tldr is: dol, despite the many fetishizations and fantasy and etc, sticks to making the rape as damaging as it could be to a person in that situation and i appreciate it a lot.
like i saw the post on yandere-daydream's blog about it and they mentioned the bit about how, if stress and trauma are high enough, even the random "hi!" event you get on the street can scare the PC
other things like the "Let it Happen" phrasing for Eden or the Innocence Meter replacing Awareness but still accumulating Trauma until PC snaps. or how when the PC reaches high trauma their avatar will change to have that blank eye stare until they get better. even the panic attacks or the dissociation during encounters.
idk theres just something about it that makes me enjoy this game so much
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