#Doctors for Joint Pain Treatment in Near me
astrahospital1 · 1 year
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unitedhospital · 9 months
What are the Different Types and Treatments of Arthritis?
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Leading a beautiful life doesn’t come without challenges. Our body goes through a lot of stress and grind in the process and there comes a stage when it needs more attention and care than ever before.
The Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bangalore at United Hospital explains that the wear and tear, our body is subjected to, leads to pain in the ankles and knees. Sometimes, it can get pretty hard to walk!
Are we welcoming Arthritis in this case?! Well, in the worst case, unfortunately, we may be. However, experts indicate that there is no need to panic. With rapid advancements in medical science, there is not just hope, but more confidence that we can defeat Arthritis.
It is all about being aware of what Arthritis exactly is and taking precautions at the right time that could be the best beginning to arrive at a successful solution.
Understanding Arthritis?
Experts at United Hospital, a dedicated Orthopedic Centre in Bangalore focusing on Arthritis care, explain that Arthritis is a medical condition involving swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. It may worsen with age and is a prevalent cause of discomfort among senior citizens
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis can affect individuals of any age, but the elderly are more vulnerable.
Some of the common forms of Arthritis are:
Osteoarthritis - It is a condition that affects joints in your Hands, Knees, Hips and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis - This a condition that develops in people due to a very challenging skin disease called Psoriasis.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection in prominent parts of your body — most often your intestines, genitals or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder which can affect more than just joints including premier organs like lungs, heart, eyes and blood vessels.
Some of the other conditions faced notably by the elderly include Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Symptoms of Arthritis
The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Hence, it is important to seek an expert opinion if you observe one or more of the following symptoms:
Pain in the joints.
Stiffness felt in the joints.
Swelling observed in or around the joints.
Redness observed in the joints.
Difficulty in moving.
Treatment for Arthritis
Arthritis, if untreated, can be a really painful thing to handle. However, what really matters is the right type of medical attention at the right time and from the right source. Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include:
Depending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Creams and Ointments.
Physical therapies and exercises.
Surgical Interventions
In case you do not get any relief from the above medications your doctor might recommend surgical interventions to bring you back to your routine lifestyles in quick time. Some of the types of surgeries performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Joint fusions
Let’s say Goodbye to Arthritis forever and welcome a painless life. For many of us, life may begin at 40, but so does Arthritis! Hence, if you are wondering as to, “Which is the Best Orthopaedic Clinic near me to treat Arthritis”? feel free to connect with United Hospital.
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cannabissina123 · 1 year
Best Cream for Arthritis Pain Relief
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Get the ultimate relief with CANNABISSINA best cream for arthritis pain relief. Our premium formula, infused with high-quality CBD, penetrates deep to soothe joint discomfort and reduce inflammation. Experience fast-acting, long-lasting comfort without the side effects of traditional medications. Trust CANNABISSINA for natural, effective arthritis pain relief that enhances your quality of life.
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nitinkhanna · 7 days
Who is at Risk of Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis, a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both, is a condition that leads to weakened bones and an increased risk of fractures. It is often called a silent disease because one may not know they have it until they break a bone.
Understanding who is at risk can help in early detection and prevention. In this blog post, we will explore the risk factors associated with osteoporosis and how we, at Spine Care Specialists, can assist in managing and preventing this condition.
Understanding Osteoporosis
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Before diving into the risk factors, it's crucial to understand what osteoporosis entails. Osteoporosis affects millions of people worldwide, making bones brittle and fragile from tissue loss and structural deterioration. It significantly increases the risk of fractures, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist.
Who is at Risk?
Several factors contribute to the risk of developing osteoporosis. These can be divided into uncontrollable and controllable risk factors.
Uncontrollable Risk Factors.
Age: The risk of osteoporosis increases with age as bone density decreases over time.
Gender: Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men, especially those who are post-menopausal.
Family History: Having a family history of osteoporosis or bone fractures can increase your risk.
Body Frame Size: Individuals with smaller body frames tend to have a higher risk because they might have less bone mass to draw from as they age.
Controllable Risk Factors
Dietary Factors: A diet low in calcium and vitamin D contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss, and an increased risk of fractures.
Physical Activity: Sedentary lifestyles can lead to weaker bones and an increased risk of osteoporosis.
Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can weaken bones, leading to an increased risk of osteoporosis.
Medical Conditions and Medications: Certain medical conditions and medications can increase the risk of osteoporosis.
How Spine Care Specialists Can Help?
At Spine Care Specialists, we understand the impact osteoporosis can have on your life and are dedicated to providing comprehensive care to manage and prevent this condition. Here’s how we can help:
Risk Assessment: We offer thorough risk assessments to identify individuals at high risk of developing osteoporosis. This includes evaluating medical history, and lifestyle factors, and conducting bone density tests.
Prevention Programs: Our prevention programs are tailored to individual needs, focusing on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Treatment Options: For those diagnosed with osteoporosis, we provide a range of treatment options that may include medications, lifestyle modifications, and support to help manage the condition effectively.
Education and Support: We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge. Our educational resources and support groups help patients understand their condition, manage symptoms, and connect with others facing similar challenges.
Prevention and Management
Preventing osteoporosis starts with understanding your risks and taking steps to mitigate these risks. Here are some strategies:
Ensure Adequate Calcium and Vitamin D Intake: Adequate calcium and vitamin D are crucial for bone health. Ensure your diet includes enough of these essential nutrients.
Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises can help build and maintain bone density.
Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption: These habits can weaken bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Regular Check-Ups: Regular medical check-ups can help monitor bone health and spot early signs of bone density loss.
Osteoporosis is a condition that can significantly impact the quality of life, but understanding the risk factors is the first step in prevention and management. At Spine Care Specialists, we are committed to providing the care and support needed to manage osteoporosis effectively.
Whether you are at risk, have been newly diagnosed, or are looking for ways to manage your condition, we are here to help. Remember, it's never too early or too late to take steps towards healthier bones.
By taking a proactive approach to bone health, we can work together to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and ensure a healthier future. If you have concerns about osteoporosis or bone health, contact Spine Care Specialists today to learn how we can support your journey to stronger bones and a healthier life.
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jointpainhospital · 19 days
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maxillsurgery · 4 months
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vencerhospital · 4 months
Orthopedic Doctor Near Me
Ensuring that every patient receives the appropriate care at the appropriate time is our top goal at Vencer Hospital. Orthopaedic surgery is the only option when search for Orthopedic Doctor near Me. Nonsurgical approaches are unlikely to produce a favorable result. It is when all other therapeutic options have been explored. We always aim to raise their quality of life by giving each patient individualized care.
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miracleshealthcare · 8 months
What is Joint pain: Types, Causes, symptoms, and effective treatments - Miracles Healthcare
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Joint pain is a very common condition in people of all ages. It can affect the quality of life as a result of aging, injury, or any medical condition. 
When joint pain slows you down, don't settle for anything less than world-class care. Choose Miracles Apollo Cradle/Spectra, where renowned orthopedic doctors in Gurgaon, cutting-edge technology, and a personalized approach come together to defeat your pain. From advanced pain management techniques to expert physical therapy, we craft a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Don't let joint pain steal your life and reclaim your joy of movement with a consultation with us.
Joint pain: Types, Causes, symptoms, and effective treatments
Understanding Knee Pain: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention
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dgkhl · 2 years
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Pain Specialist in Dhaka
ব্যাক পেইন ও হাঁটুর ব্যথায় কষ্ট না পেয়ে পিআরপি ও ওজোন থেরাপির মাধ্যমে হাঁটু, গোড়ালী, পিঠ, ঘাড়, কোমর, জয়েন্ট ও লিগামেন্ট ইনজুরী সারিয়ে তুলুন।
ডাঃ মোঃ রেহান উদ্দিন খান
এমবিবিএস, ডিএ (বিএসএমএমইউ)
ফেলোশিপ ইন পেইন ম্যানেজমেন্ট (ভারত) এন্ড ডব্লিউএইচও
সহযোগী অধ্যাপক
এনেসথেসিয়া, ইনটেনসিভ কেয়ার এন্ড
পেইন মেডিসিন বিভাগ শহীদ সোহরাওয়ার্দী মেডিকেল কলেজ ও হাসপাতাল
চীফ কনসালট্যান্ট, ঢাকা পেইন কেয়ার সেন্টার
শনিবার থেকে বৃহস্পতিবার বিকেল ৫ টা থেকে রাত ৯ টা পর্যন্ত নিয়মিত চিকিৎসা সেবা দিয়ে যাচ্ছেন।
ধানমন্ডি জেনারেল এন্ড কিডনী হাসপাতাল লিঃ
সিটি টাওয়ার, ৪৪/৭ পান্থপথ, ঢাকা-১২০৫।
মোবাঃ ০১৭৩২-৭২৯৩৯২, ফোনঃ ০২-৪১০২০৪৩০-৩৪
অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট: 01732-729392
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dharmahomoeo · 2 years
Homeopathy vs. Conventional Medicine: Understanding the Differences
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Homeopathy and Conventional medicines are two different ways to cure various illnesses. What distinguishes Conventional medicines from homeopathy, though? Let's examine what Conventional medicines and homeopathy are, how they differ from each other as medications, and how they affect the body.
Homeopathy literally translates to "similar suffering." A healthy person may exhibit specific symptoms when given significant quantities of pharmacologically generated drugs. The foundation of homeopathy is the idea that by diluting the same drugs, they can be used to treat comparable symptoms that have distinct root causes. Homeopathic remedies are known for bolstering the immune system rather than going after microorganisms to fight disease-causing causes. Homeopathic remedies can strengthen the patient's psychological, emotional, and physical well-being, which is a crucial component of treatment, in addition to fortifying the body's defenses.
The "whole person" philosophy underlies homeopathy. In homeopathy, the treatment plan is individualized and tailored to the patient with the goal of curing the underlying condition.
Objectives of the Homeopathic Method
1.           A Homeopath's "Detective" Role
Homeopaths are believed to monitor their patients, analyze and think about the data they have gathered, and then identify the underlying issue. In this procedure, which might be compared to a riddle, the homeopathic "detective" looks for areas in the body where the energy flow has been obstructed or hindered. Each sign or symptom that the patient provides can be used as a cue to identify the proper treatment. Eye contact, posture, respiration, speech quality, and facial expressions of the patient are also noticed as potential indicators. The data must then be rebuilt, much like it would in a mystery book or movie.
2.           The Homeopathic Approach
Encouragement of the body's natural return to balance and health is the aim of the homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic remedies can "fill-in" the voids in the body to encourage a person's natural healing potential and energies, much like the missing parts of a puzzle. When this happens, the individual will have accessibility to the body's inherent power and wisdom, which may negate the need for additional traditional medications and chemical-based drugs.
Conventional Medicine/ Allopathy
Instead of addressing a disease's underlying cause, allopathic therapy treats its symptoms. Allopathic medications target the body's built-in defenses. The German physician Samuel Hahnemann coined the term "allopathy," which derives from the Greek terms "allos," which means "opposite," and "pathos," which means "to suffer." Allopathic doctors follow the principle of addressing the symptoms rather than the underlying problem.
The majority of the time, traditional (allopathic) medicine focuses on treating a patient's physical symptoms. This kind of treatment may also presuppose that a person's symptoms must be managed, muted, or even removed.
The distinction can be shown with a straightforward analogy: Removing the "symptom" of low oil in a car (the danger light) does not alter or correct the underlying cause of the warning (low-oil).
Major differences in Homeopathy and Conventional Medicines
1.           The foundation of homeopathy is the idea that "the source that has caused the sickness can cure it."
2.           It takes some time for homeopathic remedies to help a patient feel better. Homeopathic medications don't work right away.
3.           Homeopathy holds that the body can be changed and healed in order for it to function more effectively.
4.           The body is not in any way harmed by homeopathy. It concentrates on treating both the current and previous illnesses.
5.           Homeopathic doctors think that a patient's various illnesses are brought on by a patient's mental and emotional imbalance. Homeopathic doctors use the least amount of immune-system-unaffected medication to cure illnesses.
6.           Homeopathy has traditionally been a painless method of healing that uses little amounts of medication.
Conventional Medicine / Allopathy
1.           The concept or belief that "the treatment is different from the cause" underlies allopathy.
2.           In contrast, while allopathy rapidly cures the patient, it also has a fair number of negative side effects.
3.           Allopathy thinks that using medications will provide the patient with immediate relief.
4.           Allopathy, on the contrary hand, focuses on treating a specific bodily area that has been affected by the illness. However, it does come with certain unwanted consequences when treating the illness.
5.           Allopathy is referred to as a "two edged sword" because doctors extensively rely on medications to manage illness.
6.           Allopathy requires grueling procedures that involve attaching the patient to numerous machines.
How are diseases treated using allopathy and homeopathy?
The method of treatment is one of the most significant differences between homeopathy and allopathy. Homeopathy focuses on enhancing the body's resistance to the condition while allopathy treats illnesses with medications and occasionally surgery. Homeopathy is seen to be the antithesis of allopathy since, in contrast to allopathy, it employs small amounts of diluted substances and works under the premise that "what created the initial problem also serves as the remedy for treatment."
Allopathy concentrates on the particular organ or body part that is damaged, yet there is always a chance that adverse effects and infections can spread to nearby body parts. Given that homeopathy treats the entire body, not just the diseased region, and has no adverse effects on other body parts, it is typically risk-free.
What Sets a Homeopathic Doctor Apart from an Allopathic Physician?
The type of education and credentials that each doctor holds distinguish allopathy from homeopathy. Allopathic physicians hold a medical license and are allowed to prescribe pharmaceuticals, which are manufactured using chemical substances. Prescription drugs like antibiotics, pain relievers, migraine remedies, chemotherapy, blood pressure medications, and more are some examples of allopathic treatments. To build up the body's immune system, which also will subsequently be better able to battle the illness, homeopathic doctors provide modest dosages of medication. To put it another way, a sick person gets exposed to other illnesses that are similar to theirs but are only mild so that their immune systems can develop antibodies to battle the illness.
The argument between allopathy and homeopathy has existed for as long as recorded history. Both fields still have a lot of research being done, which aids in the development of ground-breaking discoveries in their respective fields. Homeopathic & allopathic treatments both significantly improve society’s health, although taking differing techniques. Both kinds of medications are crucial for treating various illnesses and advancing global medical research.
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qckinetixgrapevine · 2 years
Natural strategies for treating joint pain naturally
Are you searching for joint pain treatment near me? Joint pain treatment can be difficult and expensive. More often than not, natural remedies are less costly and more useful! Here are some realistic strategies for treating joint pain naturally:
Exercise: Regular exercise can help improve the range of motion in joints and increase flexibility and strength, which can help reduce joint pain. Exercise also helps reduce stress which can also help relieve pain and inflammation.
Heat: Heat from a warm bath or heating pad can help relax muscles and joints. A hot shower also works well for this purpose. Infrared heat can penetrate deeper and is an excellent option for relieving joint pain.
Cold: Cold packs that contain crushed herbs such as comfrey may provide relief. Ice packs are popular but should be used cautiously as they cause the blood vessels to constrict, which may delay recovery in some instances. The herbs in cold containers are believed to activate the recovery process by increasing circulation, removing stagnant blood, and reducing swelling and inflammation. Hot compresses, followed by cold applications done several times throughout the day, have been used successfully.
Stretching: Stretching the muscles around the affected joint can help improve flexibility and relieve pain. Stretches should be done twice a day and before bedtime to relax muscles.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a beautiful herb for recovery and soothing burns, wounds, cuts, abrasions, and other skin irritations. It also can be applied directly to painful joints for quick pain relief and improved mobility.
Turmeric: Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an anti-inflammatory herb used in India for thousands of years to treat arthritis pain, bursitis, tendonitis pain, muscle aches, and acute and chronic kinds, including back pain.
Manage your weight: Being overweight can put added stress on your joints, especially the knees and hips. Excess weight also contributes to other health problems that may exacerbate joint pain.
Avoid bad habits: Tobacco, alcohol, and excessive sugar consumption can cause inflammation, leading to joint pain and injury. Nicotine from tobacco is a vasoconstrictor that may present serious health problems for those who smoke (and those around them). Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause dehydration, resulting in loss of nutrients and increased joint pain or damage to existing cartilage. Alcohol also has an anti-inflammatory effect at the beginning but will cause inflammation later if consumed frequently or excessively. 
Consider supplementing: If you are having joint pain, it may be because the body is not receiving the proper balance of nutrients and other materials it needs to maintain homeostasis, which can lead to pain and inflammation.
There are many ways to treat joint pain naturally, and it is essential to determine the cause before embarking on treatment. It is also best to get a complete medical history from your doctor before attempting natural therapies. Consult with a holistic or your regular physician to find the best strategies for naturally treating joint pain! When you will find the right treatment option for joint pain then you would be able to recover from joint pain as soon as possible.
QC Kinetix (Grapevine)
Phone: (972) 972-8610
Address: 2020 W State Hwy 114, Suite 120, Grapevine, TX, 76051
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unitedhospital · 9 months
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cannabissina123 · 10 months
Relieve arthritis pain with Cannabissina Best Cream for Arthritis Pain Relief, available online! Our advanced formula blends natural ingredients to soothe joint discomfort and inflammation. Elevate your comfort and flexibility with the power of nature. Experience targeted relief and regain control of your life. For more details about our products please visit our website now. www.cannabissina.com/
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nitinkhanna · 12 days
Pinched Nerve in The Spine: Radiculopathy - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
The spine consists of several individual bones known as vertebrae. These are interconnected together to form the spine. The spinal cord passes through a central canal in these vertebrae. From the spinal cord, the splitting of nerve roots occurs.
These roots travel between the bones of the spinal and different parts of the body. When the nerve root that leaves the spinal cord to other body parts becomes pinched, irritated, or damaged, it results in a medical condition known as radiculopathy. This condition is also known as a pinched nerve.
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Types of Radiculopathy
Depending on where the condition happens in the spine, there are three types of radiculopathy. The symptoms of these types may range from mild to severe in individuals.
Cervical radiculopathy
Occurs due to pressure and compression of the nerve roots in the neck.
This portion of the spinal cord mainly affects the hands, arms, fingers, and shoulders.
Symptoms are usually visible in the hands and arms, which may include weakness or loss of sensation.
Lumbar radiculopathy
Occurs due to pressure and compression of the nerve roots in the lower back.
It may lead to sciatica, a condition that involves radiating pain in the sciatic nerve.
Thoracic radiculopathy
Occurs due to pressure and compression of the nerve roots in the upper back.
Chest pain is common in this condition.
There is a feeling of numbness and pain that moves to the front of the body in patients.
Causes of Radiculopathy and Risk Factors
Here are some of the commonly known causes of radiculopathy and the risk factors associated with it.
Change in size or shift in position of the tissues that surround the nerve root.
Herniated discs, also known as slip discs, are caused by to rupture of soft pads between spinal bones.
Bone spurs, bony outgrowths or projections resulting in constriction of the spinal passage. a condition in which the spaces within the spine get narrow.
Spondylosis is a wear and tear of the spinal disc with age.
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a vertebra slips out of its normal position onto the bone below it.
Spinal stenosis, narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back.
Sciatica is pain travelling along with the sciatic nerve moving to the back of the thigh into the legs.
Thickening of spinal ligaments.
Spinal infections
Regular improper movements
Cancerous or non-cancerous growth in the spine
Radiculopathy Diagnosis
The diagnosis of radiculopathy begins with the patient giving a brief of their medical history to the doctor.
The doctor will ask questions about the type of symptoms, location of the pain, for how long has the pain been there, and also any other medical conditions which the patient is suffering from.
Once the medical history is known, the physician conducts a physical examination and tests.
This is to check the patient's muscular strength, reflexes, sensation, and also the possibility of any abnormalities.
Physical examination allows the medical practitioner to know the severity of the radiculopathy condition.
It also gives an idea about the location of the nerve root that is affected.
In some cases, radiculopathy diagnosis may require the use of advanced imaging techniques such as CT scan or MRI.
These tests aid in improving the visualization of the area where the problem lies.
In some cases, an expert like Dr Khanna orthopedic surgeon may also conduct a study on nerve conduction or Electromyography (EMG).
These tests help to know whether there is damage to the nerve or the problem is muscular.
Symptoms of Radiculopathy
The pinched nerve roots quickly become inflamed, which may result in the following symptoms:
Shooting pain in the back, legs, arms, and shoulders
Feeling of numbness and tingling sensation in the arms and legs.
Localized neck and back pain
Sharp pain when sitting idle or coughing
Sharp pain with movement
Loss of sensation
Radiating pain in the shoulders
Skin numbness
Muscular weakness
Loss of reflexes
Non-surgical treatment for Radiculopathy
Conservative treatment is usually recommended before surgery. Here are some of the non-surgical treatment options for radiculopathy.
Physical therapy to strengthen the areas of pain.
Limitation or complete elimination of activities that cause radiculopathy pain and stains of the back and neck.
Immobilizing the affected area with
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jointpainhospital · 19 days
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maxillsurgery · 4 months
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