#Arthritis inflammation
unitedhospital · 9 months
What are the Different Types and Treatments of Arthritis?
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Leading a beautiful life doesn’t come without challenges. Our body goes through a lot of stress and grind in the process and there comes a stage when it needs more attention and care than ever before.
The Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bangalore at United Hospital explains that the wear and tear, our body is subjected to, leads to pain in the ankles and knees. Sometimes, it can get pretty hard to walk!
Are we welcoming Arthritis in this case?! Well, in the worst case, unfortunately, we may be. However, experts indicate that there is no need to panic. With rapid advancements in medical science, there is not just hope, but more confidence that we can defeat Arthritis.
It is all about being aware of what Arthritis exactly is and taking precautions at the right time that could be the best beginning to arrive at a successful solution.
Understanding Arthritis?
Experts at United Hospital, a dedicated Orthopedic Centre in Bangalore focusing on Arthritis care, explain that Arthritis is a medical condition involving swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. It may worsen with age and is a prevalent cause of discomfort among senior citizens
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis can affect individuals of any age, but the elderly are more vulnerable.
Some of the common forms of Arthritis are:
Osteoarthritis - It is a condition that affects joints in your Hands, Knees, Hips and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis - This a condition that develops in people due to a very challenging skin disease called Psoriasis.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection in prominent parts of your body — most often your intestines, genitals or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder which can affect more than just joints including premier organs like lungs, heart, eyes and blood vessels.
Some of the other conditions faced notably by the elderly include Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Symptoms of Arthritis
The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Hence, it is important to seek an expert opinion if you observe one or more of the following symptoms:
Pain in the joints.
Stiffness felt in the joints.
Swelling observed in or around the joints.
Redness observed in the joints.
Difficulty in moving.
Treatment for Arthritis
Arthritis, if untreated, can be a really painful thing to handle. However, what really matters is the right type of medical attention at the right time and from the right source. Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include:
Depending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Creams and Ointments.
Physical therapies and exercises.
Surgical Interventions
In case you do not get any relief from the above medications your doctor might recommend surgical interventions to bring you back to your routine lifestyles in quick time. Some of the types of surgeries performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Joint fusions
Let’s say Goodbye to Arthritis forever and welcome a painless life. For many of us, life may begin at 40, but so does Arthritis! Hence, if you are wondering as to, “Which is the Best Orthopaedic Clinic near me to treat Arthritis”? feel free to connect with United Hospital.
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disabled-bug · 4 months
‼️ content warning for talking about (necessary, healthy) food restrictions ‼️
Please don’t be rude about somebody’s dietary restrictions.
Sometimes people don’t even notice it in the little comments about how gross vegan food is, how bad for you dairy-free milks are, how everything gluten-free tastes like cardboard…people don’t choose their food intolerances!!!!
I have to use a lot of substitutes for MEDICAL REASONS, and I’ve had people tell me to my face how gross that is. Vegan cheese tastes like glue. Oh, you have to try a gluten free diet? That’s so trendy now, but really you don’t have to. The food is so bland.
I do have to, actually. It’s discouraging to hear how inferior your food is when there’s no other option!!!!! Please try to be considerate of people’s non-negotiable needs.
Also don’t be mean to people who do choose their own dietary specifications, that should go without saying. Be considerate and respectful of what people have to eat!!!
With love, if nobody is practicing unsafe or dangerous eating habits, mind your business ❤️
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bonefall · 2 years
How would a thunderclan cat go about caring for leeches? I imagine it would be harder for them than Shadowclan cats since I imagine things aren’t quite as like.. damp in thunderclan. I love leeches pls give me the husbandry lore 🥺
I'm taken aback at how many people want the leech lore, I did not expect this much love for Spotty's girls. But, ok!
For one, they are medicinal leeches. Hirudo medicinalis. This species is actually threatened in England, specifically because it's so rare for livestock to drink from lakes these days. So these wild leech specimens are actually found in ShadowClan territory, and they heavily rely on Clan cats!
They also do prey on the occasional boar, fox, or badger that wades through the mud. ShadowClan loves leeches, they think they are useful as medicine AND as snacks, leading to a symbiotic relationship.
(sadly this means that the expansion of the highway and the loss of the Clan cats massively disrupted the leech population. There are probably conservationists who discover too late that there were medical leeches surviving in this area and despair over how they could have saved the White Hart woods.)
Anyway, keeping leeches is easiest for ShadowClan of course, but ThunderClan can do it with some effort. Spotty has a two-part terracotta bowl (a dish and a lid) which helps keep them cool, even in summer, and she stores them in the darkest part of her den. At the bottom of this bowl is mud, wet leaves, swampy substrate.
It's not hard to feed them with worms or insects, but they have so many elders with joint pain that there's enough food to go around. Spotty also really doesn't mind just letting them nibble her arm; leech bites aren't painful or anything.
The hardest part is getting pond water when she needs to clean the bowl. You want water that's full of good bacteria that can support fish, not just any old ditchwater.
Before Yellowfang's exile, she would ask for ShadowClan pond water and usually be granted permission with an escort. Brokenstar didn't see a need to make a hard embargo with ThunderClan when he was so focused on eradicating WindClan first.
Yellowfang has a lot more knowledge about caring for leeches though. Because she can't access pondwater, she ran some experiments with the lesser-leeches (the ones that weren't Spotty's beloved 3), and found she can clean the bowl slowly using river water, but doing it all at once could shock the leeches.
But, it's not very hard. Harder than keeping mealworms, but leeches are an easy animal to keep. They're also really cute, like fat worms, with nice patterns.
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Just ranting a little bit :)
Im seeing a new rheumatologist soon and hopefully starting treatment for my RA. Last time I tried immunosuppressants it didn’t help it just made me feel worse, so if the new treatment also doesn’t help I might get a wheelchair.
I feel bad about using a wheelchair because I can walk. I can usually handle walking for about 30 minutes before it becomes too painful, and I can technically walk for like 2 hours although at that point I’m in excruciating pain in all my lower joints, and I could injure myself if I walk for that long. I’d only need the wheelchair on rare occasions like going to anime conventions or the zoo or the amusement park. My cane and rollator arent enough for those kinds of outings.
Another aspect of my illness is the constant fatigue. I do literally anything and I am so so so tired. It’s so hard to function like this.
I hate feeling like a fraud because my disease fluctuates and is progressive. I often have to take precautionary measures like using a wheelchair to prevent pain, even if I’m not currently in pain. It’s stupid.
If I got a wheelchair I’d probably get a manual chair with a power assist bc I like the maneuverability of the manual chair but I don’t have the arm strength to push myself.
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imtheecrybaby27 · 1 year
PSA: if you have a connective tissue disorder or a rheumatic disorder, do NOT wear Tom’s shoes.
I bought two pairs I think a year and a half ago when they had a huge sale, and I wore the slippers while I worked from home and I subluxated my ankles a lot. Then I thought maybe it was just the slipper, so I wore the more sneaker like pair for a week and I hurt my ankles and tore a tendon in my foot and am still recovering months later.
Idk why, I thought it would be fine since they have hard soles. But nope. Don’t wear toms!
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fail-eacan · 5 months
Try not to freak put about maybe having lyme disease again challenge, level 10000000000000000000000 :DDDDD
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yearning-butch · 7 months
RARGH screamy day and it’s barely 9 am
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eatclean-bewhole · 2 years
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#autoimmune #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicpain #nutrition #health #fibromyalgia #lupus #chronicfatigue #diabetes #hashimotos #arthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #multiplesclerosis #thyroid #healthylifestyle #pain #painmanagement #foodismedicine #diseasefighting #diseasemanagement #integrativenutrition #wellness #nutritionist #healthcoach
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lrmraccoon · 1 year
The journey is the same
as yesterday, the day before,
but tomorrow we learn
maybe if I fill the petrol tank each morning
I’ll make it to the destination
but the tank is never full and the fuel gauge is faulty so
the gas runs out abruptly
and it can take forever to fill up again.
drained and draining,
the journey is always the same
and the journey will be the same tomorrow.
-- my very first poem by lrm raccoon
having chronic illness is like having a faulty gas tank
(okay so this is a bit shit but i'm working on it, practice makes perfect)
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vergilthelibrarian · 1 year
Sorry for disappearing, I went through a whole mental breakdown because of my physical health getting bad😭😭 but I seen the rheumatologist today and I got blood work done and should get the results next week. Now I'm taking meds for my inflammation
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I suggest a better system of describing pain levels for myself and others with arthritis. I call it the ‘Glass system’ and rather than use ‘1 to 10 on the pain scale’ you simply state how much broken glass feels like it has been shoved into your joints, the type of glass (from sand to large chunks), and which areas are affected
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lunarflare64 · 1 year
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thombyxbe · 1 year
Fascinating Facts: Unveiling the Mysteries of Chronic Pain
Unveiling the Mysteries of Chronic Pain Chronic pain is a complex and debilitating condition that affects millions worldwide. As we delve into the realm of understanding this enigma, here are some intriguing facts that shed light on this pervasive issue: Prevalence: Chronic pain knows no boundaries. It affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, impacting an estimated 20% of the global…
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fairymint · 2 years
lurking until i cough the snot outta my lungs ohoho hoof-
hiiiiiii *waves* hiiiii
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Chickpea and carrot vegan curry with homemade brown fried rice
This curry was really quick and easy to make, I'll definitely be writing a recipe for it... If I can remember what I did 😅
It was a huge batch too high meant the leftovers were great for lunches!
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paracawsal · 2 years
well I logged off for the day
can’t focus bc of the pain… that I’m in bc the company I work for delayed my medication until Thursday bc 🤷🏻‍♀️ and now I’m 5 days late and starting to flare
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