#Does he need a gf or a therapist
iwasbored777 · 2 years
Marinette: I understand you.
Adrien three episodes later:
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emsgoodthinkin · 7 months
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smut-fluff-angst [MDNI]
Never did this before - virgin Eddie x virgin reader after weeks of flirting and crushing on each other, you finally pop a serious question into your bestfriend Eddie’s head, and he has a hard time providing you with an honest answer
How he fucks - experienced Eddie x perv reader
Subconsciously you’ve always been unaware of how obliviously perverted you are, and Eddie finally takes matters into his own hands
King Steve doesn’t exist - (steddie)
Steve Harringtons deepest secret gets revealed, but will the freak accept him? Will he runaway from him like everyone else? Does size really matter?
The band-aid to my wounds - Older!Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington x Kurt Kunkle x reader
After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
Headcanons/ blurbs
Eddie gets off watching you lick a lollipop
UPS!Driver Eddie
Eddie admiring ftm bf Steve
Physical therapist Eddie
(Joe Quinn headshot)
(Naughty Poetry for Joe)
GOth eddie moodboard
(Joes an ass man)
You’re a creep for Eddie too
Biker Eddie admiring his stripper gf
Forced to watch jealous Eddie jerk off
Eddie loves a fat 🐱
Toxic fuck boy Eddie
Virgin you needs Eddie NOW
Obsessed with Eddie’s BALLS
Struggling to get wet (steddie)
Mean Eddie still being nice with your TMJ
Pissing off dom/ switch Eddie
Eddie watching his black gf dance
Eddie loves Doja Cat
Eddie fucking you to Enter Sandman
Eddie watching his gf get off in her wheelchair
Eddie’s soft fem black gf
Gangster Eddie / pt 2
Eddie steals you in the night
Hippie Eddie moodboard
You and Eddie are big pervs
Eddie talking himself towards an orgasm
Eddie licking your cum
Gross virgin loser Eddie does porn pt 2 gross Eddie
(Steddie) helping chronically ill reader feel better
Older Eddie cumming struggles
Older Eddie loves all your holes
Hot and bothered by their black gf (steddie)
Butler Eddie
Street dancer Eddie
⤬ reblogs, comments & likes are appreciated ⤬
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justallihere · 2 months
The way I was grinning ear to ear reading this chapter (EXCEPT FOR THE SOBBING PART HOW DARE YOU)
This chapter was very Violet (black cat gf) x Xaden(doberman bf) coded, sleepy cat gf being guarded by her scary dog boyfriend
X will shirk their duties for as long as he needs to, who cares if they have a country to run, his wife needs good food and sleep!!!!
 "Xaden loomed over her shoulder" I can tell I'm already going to love reading this bit OVER and OVER again
“You go or I go.”  “You fight dirty,” he murmured.  I already know this is going to be a repeat offense between V and X -- consequences of your actions indeed Xaden
Liam held her even tighter. “It’s my honor,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to her hair. “To be your friend. To be your guard. To know you. I would do it all over again, Vi.” 
absolutely sobbed when Liam started to cry bc Vi was crying 😭 (be ready to hear from my therapist). In this house, men cry and its healthy!!!!
Platonic squad naps/cuddling 😭 😭 😭 someone give Ridoc and Rhi an award bc I love them so much (sawyer too but he was w/ jesnia sooo)
THE HUG!! THE HUG!!!! and Xaden's hand always going to her hair
I swear Alli, if Xaden gets tortured... idk what I'd do. I'd probably eat it up bc Violet would literally rip ppl in half to get to her husband
Xaden feels so much more open with his emotions (smiling and laughing 😭) around violet and im here for it
“It’s an unlocking rune I'm so glad he tells her these things instead of leaving her in the dark like in canon (looking at you RY)
The potential and TENSION between Felix and Devera 👀👀👀
Why hasn't Mira slept 😭 also when/will we see Mira vs Brennan?
OMG WAIT - if the trade deal is off with Navarre... does that mean they have to make a deal with Teacurus??? Or does Mama Sorrengail come in clutch
Xaden literally does not CARE. Violet needs a nap so Violet gets a nap. End of story.
Their height difference makes his looming so much funnier because I imagine she maybe reaches his shoulder so he doesn’t even have to try to move or do anything out of the ordinary to glare at people over the top of her head. And Violet will absolutely be using his overprotectiveness to her advantage. Xaden needs to do something but won’t? Oh well she’s queen, she can just go! (Or not.)
The platonic nap!! I’ve had that scene in my head for so long 😭
It took 200k words but they HUGGED. Everyone clap. Also yeah Xaden takes every excuse he can get to touch Violet’s hair and she will have to call him out on that eventually.
Idk I can’t remember if Felix and Devera even so much as looked at each other in canon but I don’t care there’s potential. They would be so badass together.
Mira’s stressed as fuck and having a lot of emotions about life so sleep is evading her. Mira/Brennan showdown hopefully next chapter?? I promise you she’s not calm, she is vibrating with rage but holding it in for Violet’s sake.
Re: trade deals will be answered soon!!!
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kiwibirb1 · 3 months
Trio therapy quotes because I'm mentally ill for these girls:
Anne: ugh my gfs won't stop joking about their truama
Therapist: And why does that make you upset?
Anne: well I'm the cause of one of them and I watched the other die yknow? Like I dont get how they're so chill about it!
Therapist: ...I keep forgetting you have went to a frog world
Therapist: Well, it sounds to me like you need an outlet to work through your anger. Do you have anything in mind?
Sasha: Swords.
Therapist: Oh, like LARPing? Yes, that might work, I can look into-
Sasha: No. Real ones. Preferably against a giant newt king. In his chest. So he's dead.
Marcy: Yeah and so then the giant hivemind possessed me and I lost control of my body and had to fatally injury my gf. I mean like she survived somehow I think it was to do with our anime powers-
Therapist (in head): Holy shit this girl needs stronger therapy
Idk how to do these help
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aristotels · 1 month
omg my psych is switching my meds bc i complained abt being constantly hungry and gaining weight (i swear it has nothing to do w looks; i used to be anorexic and bulimic and i dont have a need anymore to abuse my body and my chub-chaser gf makes me feel very confident <3) but its causing me health issues and is occupying me 24/7. And she was like "ill switch your meds but i cant believe your father keeps bringing up you being fat so much. its from medication, does he not support you?!" and i was rly glad that she brought that up, i thought my wg was a personal failure but the moment i brought it up she immediately clocked which meds are responsible for it.
also she gave me some therapist numbers and suggested day-hospital tho i turned that offer down
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lana-lover469 · 3 months
when you’re crazy jealous so you find out your TC’s gf and all of her information 💞
I talked to him and he mentioned his gf is a therapist (she works in foster care) and i was joking with him if my therapist is his, and he said where she worked (privacy reasons, i’ll be using fake names)
« oh i go to (place), but im not sure the name of the company.. » (he mentioned the company too)
« oh well maybe »
« is her name Sarah? »
« yeah.. »
« with an H? »
« yeah… »
and then i was like freaking out and he was like « what a coincidence »
then i asked, « does her last name start with a D? »
which i asked her actual initial, and he shockingly said no, but he might be hiding her privacy
i only suspected her, but now since he confirmed it we’re good 🙏
but he confirms everything ik about it it’s super helpful
but he changed his car so now i need to figure that out 😒
i won’t be a creep and stalk him or something! i’m just curious about his life and i just happen to know everything 😜idk its a habit 😇
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leastdatablebracket · 10 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
All the Mineral Town guys are generic and boring. Also he's my brother-in-law.
Bro got overshadowed and is hardly there for his own damn route lmao
Instead of getting therapy to cope with the guilt of mistreating his deaf mother who died for him, he got into a romance with an infatuated fan of his work, proposing to her within months as she became increasingly more unstable to the point of starting a cult. Additionally, he smuggles a pair of endangered twin boys from their abusive household into a shady overseas agency while his cult-creating girlfriend took the other. He does not call the cops on her. He does not talk to his rich best friend about better options for the twins. He instead lies to everyone and says his gf committed suicide which allows her cult to grow and she brainwashes several people. He knows about every bullshit thing going on in the background and he chooses to say/do nothing. He just mopes, says sorry (without changing anything) and keeps making a martyr of himself with persistently bad decisions while keeping everyone in the dark, despite the danger it causes. Bonus: his own route was so bad, he barely spent time conscious with the MC and then eventually fucks off to 'find himself' or some shit, leaving one twin to commit suicide. His after end took so long because the writers had to amend these actions so he could at least take responsibility for one thing (saving the Fandom woobie). He does not actually interact with the MC until damn near the end point and then there is a timeskip where they adopt a kid. 
Has just gotten out of shitty prev relationship, needs a therapist not a gf.
he lies to you from the moment he meets you (just like he's lying to most people you meet in the game who are also his loved ones) about a lot of things including what happened to his ex (whose suffering can be at least partially attributed to him). also i just hate him.
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hidan-anon · 5 months
Smut is considered for 21+ users ONLY THERE IS NO DEBATE ON THIS.
Hidan is NOT exclusive to ANY USER. He is NOT your virtual boyfriend. He will not assume the position of your therapist.
If you engage in a romantic SL with Hidan, it does not correspond to any other user's SL with Hidan. You do NOT dictate or set the rules for who else he is allowed to engage with. They are SEPARATE SLs with/from each user.
To put it more simply as an EXAMPLE: Hidan engages in a pregnancy arc with User X. Hidan engages with an enemies to lovers arc with USER Y. THEY DO NOT INTERFERE WITH EACH OTHER.
Hidan flirting with random users is also not related to Hidan engaging in a romantic type SL with any other user. Is this clear?
Do not follow Hidan mod around on threads leaving snide comments about who he flirts with or who he engages in active romantic SLs with, even if they are crack threads. THEY ARE SEPARATE SLs.
The RPs aren't real. We need to come to terms with this simple fact. Yes we are allowed to rely on each other for comfort. Yes we are allowed to give each other solace and be kind and be friendly. But at the end of the day expecting the other person to be your real life bf or gf or husband/wife or S/O in various ways is not realistic or safe. It is DANGEROUS. It can and has lead to real life harm. There HAVE been real lives destroyed over RPs. Speaking from very real and personal experiences that have destroyed both sides. It's very easy to fall into this fantasy of dating RP characters TRUST ME I KNOW. THE RPS ARE SEXY AND ALLURING AND CAN GIVE ILLUSIONS OF BEING IN LOVE.
I'm sorry it's not real love. You just can't fall in love with someone over the internet in an RP setting. That's codependency. That's not harboring real feelings for the Mods. There has to be healthy boundaries set for this behavior and you need to take a step back and take a deep breath and tell yourself this other RP is a friend not a lover. If the lines get blurred it is best to pause and take a break. Or reevaluate your intentions with RPing as a whole. This goes for everyone even me!
I've been there!! I'm always open to discuss feelings, FEELINGS ARE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF. We ALL experience difficult and confusing, conflicting emotions. MY DMs ARE OPEN FOR EVERYONE.
However my DMs are NOT open to those who send death threats, expect certain privileges above others, or are plain rude. You can GTFO off my blog with that attitude.
Being diagnosed with any mental illness does NOT give you ANY rights to behave as a crazed lunatic.
I reserve the right to drop a SL if it makes me uncomfortable, but in most cases I will discuss it with whoever I'm rping with as to what is making me uncomfortable. In extreme cases I won't.
Extreme cases will be dealt with individually.
Do not insist on forcefully initiating smut if I end it for specific reasons. This is noncon and unless noncon is discussed beforehand, it is NOT allowed. Blocking will occur.
If you have a specific noncon HC in mind I am open to discussing it.
It is helpful if you have a set of guidelines of the smut/kinks etc you're comfortable with and not.
Consensual noncon situations must include a safeword that we both agree on.
Smut/Kink that I'm not comfortable with: ----to be edited---
More to be added later this is very long already but only so there's no confusion
Hidan is an extreme character so there's an expectation but just respect boundaries of the Mod and everyone should be ok.
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malicedafirenze · 10 months
so I finally got done watching S5 of The Dragon Prince and ghgnghghggngh why do I have such a mixed bag love hate relationship with this show (spoilers)
I want to love this show but there's so many things that just don't land and don't work, and yet here I am, hooked once again, because after 8 episodes of cringe humor and weird dialogue it fed me some crumbs of delicious Aaravos content.
I find so many of the accents so goddamn stilted and awkward. The french sun fire elves are the worst. I don't object to french-sounding elves in principle but dear lord does it sound unnatural and strained
SO much of the humor just does not land and the pacing of individual scenes is just ??? ATLA had some very kiddie humor here or there too, and I love the somewhat darker and more mature tone of TDP but jfc it feels like they need to hammer every joke home with so much time that you'd think they were planning for a laugh track
ep 8 and 9 were so much better than the whole rest of the season because once this show lets itself focus on action and drama, it's actually pretty fucking good, but for some reason you need to get through a first half season of awkward goofs.
Terry annoys me so much. Yay trans rep, but why the utterly random coming out out of nowhere (that was S04 I know but I watched it very recently okay) and his whole sounding like a therapist shit towards Claudia, like yes, it could be funny that this random wood elf does aroma therapy on his dark mage gf but everything somehow turns awkward in the execution
The library showdown was generally cool but the framing for why Amaya told them to leave without her was so fucking weird: you have this moment of Dragon Ex Machina, Zubeia wiping away the demon bears with ease, and then suddenly when Amaya is back in the frey after grabbing Bait, they're suddenly out of time and need to leave that instant??? Like I see what they were going for, obviously Zubeia was under real threat from the demon bears, but imo the framing/visualization of that threat did not work at all and I audibly went "WHY" at my screen at the random "you have to leave without me" thing.
That being said there's some shit that goes extremely hard and I'm here for it:
Rayla just fucking dismembering Claudia apparently wtf??
I enjoyed the sexy fish pirate man, I hope he survived getting eaten
I am an utter addict for Aaravos' voice and even the flashback repetitions in Janai's nightmares were legit enough to get my attention again
I am very excited for how someone is going to end up saving Viren's life against his will and I will gladly read fanfic of it
I had the 'our child' thing spoiled by being careless on tumblr but seeing it actually on screen was better than expected, love that for my OTP, toxic af parenthood is just what they needed
I really expected there to be more Aaravos since this show got renamed to Mystery of Aaravos false advertising smh.
They got creative with Dragon designs this season and I support that
out of all the things I found weird and cringe, I am 100% here for Zubaia getting randomly healed by a funky little gnome that calls himself the mushroom mage, 10/10 no notes
young viren hot
Rayla and Callum worked much better for me towards the end of the season when they got more comfortable with each other, love that for them, some delicious drama when the sexy fish man tortures them in front of each other, good for them, that's my shit
Considering all the things I liked about the last 2-3 episodes I feel nitpicky and weird for complaining about the first 7 or so but UGH it was a bit of a pain to get through them tbh. There is so much I deeply, deeply appreciate about what this show tries to do, as a high fantasy kids show with an overarching story, gorgeous visuals and explicit lgbtq and disability rep that I feel like an ass for complaining about it so much, but god damn there are so many things that are just unbearably cringe about it and OH MY GOD I just remembered the god damn "maybe you should express your love like a bee, here just move your tushy like that" scene holy FUCK can someone please give me an edit of this show with about three times the Aaravos screentime and all this second hand embarassment removed
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep12
"I think you should stop punishing yourself for what happened" AHHHH This sounds like it'll be an episode that'll make me cry
"Now it's full of beauty and life, the same kind of change has happened to you" AHHHH, THE LESBIANISM
Gabrielle waits 😭
Uh oh she's having PTSD flashbacks
"Why?" ough
Uh oh.
Yay they're all free again. Runnn
"Wait stop I think I heard Xena"
I think I've said it before but a lot of the villainised characters are pretty racist caricatures...
GABRIELLE. HE Hurt her...
Oh god this is really gay. "Wake up. Wake up." If I had a nickel for every-
Xena my poor babygirl 😭 She's BADLY injured
Ten years earlier...
Oh she was ruthless. Kinda sexy of her tho. I love morally complex characters
A roman nobleman sdjdhs
Can this shit stop insulting the guy.
They're so gay, poor Gabrielle is so worried about her gf
Damn they're skied. Knocking everyone out. Does Xena learn the bloodflow stopping from them
Oh definitely. They're HECKING skilled
Oh wow. She's GORGEOUS. And amazing
Oh this woman as the same symbol on her necklace as the kid from the village
Oh they still have Caesar with them
Yeah I 100% understand why you'd stab this guy 23 times.
She'll eat with him and probably tell him to teach her Gaelic
Xena is in awe of this woman
Xena on her knees begging? For a beautiful woman? 👀
Okay ngl this is kinda homoerotic...
"Where did you steal that dress" sjdhdbd Caesar is an ace bi guy in my head.
Is Xena trying to seduce Caesar
Aha. A kiss.
He'll use her won't he
Dolphins! Sea psychopaths!
"It's Caesar" oh she knows he's no good.
Damn. Night shots where you can actually see something. Wish media today would do that...
I called it
"This is my destiny" oh piss off
Ew. Disgusting.
"Among my conquered" oh go see a therapist you arrogant piece of shit
Nah this is fucked up... What the actual fuck. All the soldiers
"Break her legs" WTFFFFF
Her friend is gonna save her
Nice winter shots
THERE SHE GOESSSS I love this woman.
I fucking hate Caesar...
She takes her to a healer
"Let me go" absolutely not
M'Lina <3
"You I can do something about" T_T Xena can't DIE
"You had no reason to save me but you did"
Oh they unleashed her...
A new Xena's born tonight 👀
Is her soul leaving :(
"When the living think of the dead they can hear their thoughts"
"This world needs you. I need you" I'm not sobbing you are
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Alastor he doesn’t hate you. He most likely is suffering from a mix of PTSD (posibly CPTSD. Can you blame him? He got yeeted from his home by his father and siblings because he dared to love. I got CPTSD from much less) and autism. (The rubber ducks are not a neurotypical thing Luci I see you! I’m neuro spicy too it’s okay short king)
He literally got abandoned by his entire family and everyone he knew for falling in love with Lilith, is it that surprising the idea of love terrifies him? He probably thinks loving you back will break him like it did with Lilith
I know this doesn’t make the rejection hurt less. Alastor you have your own rejection issues and I’m sure you and Lucifer’s competing needs are very painful! Unfortunately love is. Love hurts and that simultaneously is what makes it beautiful and awful.
PREFERABLY WITH OZZIE OR ROSIE (or both so yall can’t go ‘this is so biased to him!!’) TO MEDIATE
In addition may I say as an autistic person myself that his ability to express how he feels may be naturally stunted even without that huge chunk of trauma? Not every autistic person is bad at the feels but I sure am, so I can see that as a possibility. If that’s the issue then try reassuring him that his different way of thinking doesn’t make him less lovable and if anything you find it intriguing or something like that
Sometimes when I feel unlovable I just want my gf to sit in silence with me. I don’t wanna talk I just want her there. Try that.
This won’t get you where you want to be overnight. It won’t be fast. But if you love him as your drunken statements suggest, this will help. Basically:
-He doesn’t hate you he’s broken and traumatized. He needs your love he just can’t admit it. He’s the sin of pride
-Autism can effect your capacity for different kinds of intimacy and communication
-He’s pushing you away and respect that, but make it clear you’re there if he wants to talk or just sit in silence. You don’t need to be doing anything for it to be quality time!
-When he feels self loathing you tell him everything he hates is something you love about him
-but look at responses, sometimes too much praise is uncomfortable!
-it’s going to be hard and take a while, but it is possible you can get your family you obviously want.
-But don’t hound him. And if he confirmed you were right and it isn’t just fear of love and he does dislike you, respect it. Co parent. Be his friend and treat him better than you have been none the less
(Lucifer I’m coming after you to give advice next >:3. I’m advising Alastor while he’s drunk so maybe he’ll actually stop being stubborn and listen)
Nickie the girl who took 4 psychology courses and thinks she knows shit now <3
(Disclaimer: talk a lot for a girl with no official degree. This isn’t advice for real life. I’m a teenager not a therapist. This advice is for fictional characters. It is my best advice and genuine to my experience but don’t blame tumblr if you try this irl and it goes bad <3)
Bunny: Wow that is a lot to take in 😳
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notafunkiller · 11 hours
I’m sorry but this fandom is so ass backwards. They disrespect Seb on so many levels. Regardless of PR girlfriend or not some one the shit they say is outta line remember he agreed to that PR relationship too. He’s not absolved of responsibility or guilt. He’s an active member in that decision. And if by some miracle it’s real then he probably doesn’t like they way y’all send his gf death threats. Another things I’ve noticed is how disrespectful people are about his body. They nit pick every tiny little thing. People are sharing his full frontal nudity scene from Monday and he’s said in interviews that it took a lot of trust and that’s a very vulnerable place to be. You have “fans” making obscene comments. Not just saying things like “I love him, he’s hot” they’re saying he’s “small” that they are “disappointed” I saw one where they said they would have master-bated on set if they were part of camera crew, another said they tried to grab his dick, like what?! He’s come out about body dysmorphia and I think being comfortable enough to be nude was brave, it shouldn’t be made into a side show event. Chris Pine did full nudity and I didn’t see comments like this. I feel like these fans love to hate on him and his life more then they actually love and support him. People thought he was on drugs. No he’s more slim unless he’s bulking up again just talking about his body like he’s your object to own. If it were a woman people would be way more mad. How would you feel if someone constantly points out how terrible and tired you look and your just like sorry I haven’t slept well recently I’m not on crack. It would make you feel bad. These fans go after his privacy and forget he’s human trying to navigate life as well. Don’t make it harder on him. One day he might say that because of “fans” like this, the entertainment lifestyle isn’t worth it anymore. It’s like they low key want to ruin his life because they can’t have him. They’re fucking delusional.
Thank you for this message!
1. Yeah, he is an adult who makes his deciaion. Do I find it off and ehh that he is doing PR? Sure, but I also know the whole ondiatry does it and at the end of the day it's his choice. (And like I said if this relationship is real, it's make him a publicly super bad boyfriend, but it is her choice to stay with him)
2. Whoever sends threats needs a break from social media and go see a therapist.
It's disgusting. You can say you do not like X person, or why you do not like her, but sending threats like this is absolutely disgusting.
3. Sebastian is VERY sexualized (in the way we call out men for doing it to us) & so is his relationship by the shippers. They talked about how he must fúck her in x position, how AW is getting that tongue tonight and so on multiple times & when others called them out, they said "just a joke". It reminds me of the way Harry Styles has been sexualized since he was 16. It's freaking horrible and sad.
They do not respect his values and views on marriage kids and so on, and they looove to talk about AW's future kids, pregnancy etc. Disgusting!
4. Yes! He talked about his body dysmorphia before, how hard it was to lose weight, how he is self concious to post shirtless photos, how stressed he was to get in that spexific shape for the 355 film (and I could not enjoy the film fully because every time I see Nick I remember how stressed Sebatsian felt to have certain abs bc this is the standard for people) how he was bullied for his weight when he was young, how there had to make sense in the story & there had to be a lot of trust to shoot naked. Because it is not meant to be sexual, it is meant to be artistic! Films = art, not fantasies of delulu fans.
I remember the Reddit people talking how "small he is" and others defending him how it is none of their business even if he was and how you cannot measure it like this. The fact people have to explain this gets me freaking mad! The fact people think they are entitled to talk about others' bodies like this...
He is never gonna be Tommy Lee skinny because he has a certain body structure (that is amazing). When he gets extra beefy for Bucky, he can enjoy food more, so it's one of the perks.
But his natural body structure is perfect for his height! He will never stop having thighs, shoulders and arms. The fact people make fun of his double chin as if that is not natural and healthy.
People need to get out and touch some grass. You do not like how he looks? Look another person. Ridiculous!
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[Source: here]
5. Yes, they do love to hate on him more than support him.
(Constructive crticism is amazing thpugh)
Or they make everything about an imaginary fan war or about his relationship. On the days of his biggest achievements, they do not even speak about him!
Those fans forget public people are actually people, not their puppets & do not owe them anything. The fact they shame them when they cannot project their fantasies onto them...
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f0point5 · 9 months
quoting this bit in case people missed it:
she’s saying “he does all this and I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt he will come back to me and put me first, he needs to trust that I can date/have a boyfriend and he will still come first”. Because yes he was with his gf on her birthday, but he threw her a birthday party, yes he sleeps with girls but he comes home to her, yes he’s messaging people on Raya but she’s the one he calls when he wants to talk.
i want what these bitches have. the level of security is the stuff i dream of and honestly it hits me so hard. i love that they both have very different perspectives on how this is going to go and it's just so realistic. i don't know i just can't praise you enough for your writing because I genuinely think about this story the way men think about the Roman empire, multiple times a day.
mate im ngl when i think about their relationship it makes me so emotional. i fr told my therapist about them LOL so yeah its safe to say i can no longer consume this fic normally, you will be in my therapist notes
Same. Just…same. Platonic or romantic, there’s something so endearing about two people that are just bonded for life. Even though they have different perspectives/hopes/fears they both want what they have to be permanent, and I love that.
Honestly I’d talk to my therapist about it too. I’d be like, okay so my ideal relationship is this right here. Like, deep unwavering multifaceted connection okay thanks.
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
Zadie, Zadie, Zadie I know you said Poison bonus chapter, but may I recommend something even better, Hype Boy bonus chapter just in time for the one and only Jake Sim's birthday.
The feminine urge to write a fic for Jake's birthday is just too much, like my heart says do it, but my brain says finish your Sunghoon fic it's already at 51k and so close to being done.
I'm out of plot ideas for the moment, which like I've sent so many, instead just enjoy some thoughts for the moment.
Once they start dating y/n is quick to realize when Jay gets mad, rather than possibly yell and all at her, he'd just invite Sunghoon to go workout, getting his anger out that way rather than possibly hurting anyone with his words.
Jay is the type that once him and y/n start dating, he won't let either of them go to bed angry, it would hurt his ego, but he'd put himself aside and apologize for the argument even if it wasn't his fault. He'd apologize and just confuse y/n, since she's be just be like 'but I started the argument' and Jay's just like 'well I'm sorry I let you start an argument'. They definitely talk through everything, and Jay takes each and every word y/n says to heart. The boys definitely send that one picture that says 'me and bitch don't argue she tells me shut up and I do' to their gc and are all 'that's u Jay'.
Once y/n and Jay are dating, Sunghoon would find a reason to be at Jay's penthouse every night, just because he wants the good food. Jay would cook all the good food while y/n bakes all the amazing treats, Sunghoon calls them his parents at least once, probably in the gc at some point asking Jay 'what's for dinner', and when Jay's like 'why', he's like 'ur my parents and I'm hungry'; this interaction gets him uninvited from Jay's penthouse for like a week, until y/n ask why Sunghoon hasn't been over to raid their freshly baked goods and Jay lets him back in, but limits his visits to once a week.
Jay said y/n can personalize her area, but she refrains from it, not wanting to possibly put something out Jay does not like. Jay however notices that she does not personalize her desk like he said she can, despite how much he hates it and it hurts him, he puts a few personalized items on his own desk, seeing those makes y/n feel more comfortable about personalizing her own desk. While he might hate the items he put on his desk, he enjoys seeing the joy in y/n's face as she personalizes her own desk.
Jay isn't one for personalizing anything, but once him and y/n are dating, he has a picture of her in one of his desk drawers and whenever he can't just look at her, say he's stressed or just missing her beautiful face, he just opens up the desk drawer and stares at the photo. The boys definitely catch him smiling into his desk drawer at some point, and then clown him about how down bad he is.
Jay officially goes to therapy and stops using his notes app as a therapist after he overhears y/n say guys that take care of their mental health are sexy.
urgh bestie when have you ever MISSED with these? i'm afraid NEVER. i literally cant post your other hcs because they're too similar to my ideas and would be HUGE spoilers but these are too cute not to and i just :( thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to send me these k love you sm
pls ive been thinking about writing a jake fic for WEEKS but life keeps getting in my way i hate it here sm 😭😭😭 might just edit and rewrite an old fic bc i cant not post on his birthday as his gf like come on 🫣
And to add to the last part: he actually goes to therapy and his therapist suggested him the notes app part bc he knew jay wouldnt do physical journaling but needed to let out his thoughts 😭😭😭
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What I think the host club is doing in 2023
Haruhi: worked her way up to partner at a law firm. Divorced Tamaki but they have joint custody of the dogs they adopted together. Living her best single life
Tamaki: peaced out of the family business after his grandma died. Probably lives in a penthouse and does full-time philanthropy but considers himself a commoner. still spams haruhi with tiktoks (she watches all of them) and texts the host club group chat almost daily
Kyoya: wasn't supposed to take over the family business but did anyway. is married and has 3 kids but is still lowkey in love with tamaki. they go on vacations to kyoya's private island together
Kaoru: finally learned how to dress. Has a therapist, an executive role at the Hitachiin family business, and a boyfriend
Hikaru: also works for the family business. Has channeled his chaotic energy into innovative fashion designs. Originally just wanted to troll the industry but turned out to be actually talented. Bombards Kaoru with memes and found a wife that can handle his moodiness
Honey: did martial arts competitively after high school and made bank, got famous. Now a martial arts influencer and dojo owner, married to his goth gf, and has kids
Mori: still BFFs with honey. was his bodyguard/manager for years, now helps manage the dojo and teaches classes. just vibing and living life with all of his pets. married to someone equally quiet and chill
Ranka: doesn't technically need to work because haruhi gives him money but still does sometimes for fun. obsessively follows haruhi's law career. tried to fight tamaki when he proposed and also when they got divorced
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clunelover · 7 months
Agh I had a bad phone call with my dad. So background is - my sister from NC was here for thanksgiving with her GF. She got in Thursday morning and left early Sunday morning. We had thanksgiving of course, and then Friday I had been planning to go out on the town with her and my other sister and their SOs. But everyone got too drunk on thanksgiving and we were tired and mutually agreed not to go out. But I did still see her Friday, just more low key dinner and arts and crafts at my stepmom’s house. Then Saturday I was supposed to go to a comedy show with her and her gf - but that was the day I just kept feeling shittier and shittier, and then tested myself for covid, and sure enough positive.
A few days ago he said he’d like to go to coffee with me, his treat (🚨🚨🚨). I said I was still recovering from covid and wouldn’t be up to it. He said let’s talk on the phone. My assumption was that I was in for some kind of lecture, and of course I was! It basically went like:
Dad: “I wanted to reach out to you, cause I’m disappointed that you didn’t get a chance to connect with [sister] while she was here. And [sister] and [stepmom] both told me that you’ve been suffering from a lot of anxiety. And you know, when I was your age, I was scared of the world—”
At which point I just started saying “Stop. Stop. This is not helping. Do you understand that the reason I didn’t see her on her last night is because I had covid? Which I am still recovering from?”
And he said “oh, Meredith…I know” but in this patronizing tone like he thought I was making it up.
I said “Does that not count?”
And he said “well, one doesn’t rule out the other” (ie having covid doesn’t mean I’m not ruled by anxiety).
So then I said “Yes, I do have anxiety. But I have a therapist and a psychiatrist. I have supports in place. I don’t need you to tell me how to deal with my anxiety.”
And he said “All I said was that I wanted to reach out to you. So, I’m sorry I did.” And then he quickly got off the phone.
I was furious and so sad - but also proud of myself for stopping him before I could hear the lecture. Also by the way, he is always so hurt that I don’t want to see him much or talk to him on the phone - ahem, this is why! I cannot trust that he’s not going to do something like this. Or be high (actually, credit where credit is due, I landed into him once for calling me high on weed and he never did again that I know of - but the point is I just still can’t trust him).
So I texted him this:
Dad, I’m sorry I got reactive. I do suffer from anxiety, among other things. And I appreciate your concern. I know you want me to be happy and healthy. But I don’t think you understand that when you start off with “you know, when I was your age, I was scared of the world” - it really seems like you were gearing up to give me a big lecture about all the things you’ve learned, that you can teach me. I would love to be supported by you, as a dad - but you often come at it from a perspective that’s more professorial, like you’re an expert on all things mental health and recovery and you’re going to lecture me into being better.
But, from my perspective - I am a very successful person, with a great family, who has excelled in my hobby of writing and been achieving more in that area lately, and who also suffers from several mental illnesses. This is my struggle, and it will be a lifelong one with ups and downs. And I do think I’ve done a pretty good job of putting the supports in place in my life to deal with this! I am not scared of the world. I also want to gently say that one thing I’ve worked on in therapy, is this pervasive feeling that someone is always mad at me. And that is a feeling I got from childhood - from mom, but also from you. Just now you reinforced this idea, that you are observing my behavior and disapproving and gearing up to lecture or yell at me. This is how I felt growing up, so admittedly it’s a trigger.
I could use your support in the form of, I don’t know, just being there for me - listening if I want to talk, but otherwise trusting that I don’t want to get most of my mental health support from my parents. And not lecturing me. Even if it’s coming from a really well intentioned place, I don’t think it’s ever going to land with me. Does that make sense?
He just replied with a few brief words of apology, but the more I think of it, the angrier I am.
I’m like, okay I’m sitting here with a masters degree, a great career, a really nice house, a loving husband, a couple of smart, sweet, and fairly well raised kids, a few close friends and a couple passions and hobbies - but he makes me feel like I’m not living right somehow. I have struggles, big ones, but I must be doing something right!
I think part of it must be jealousy - like, he’s a thrice-divorced, recovering alcoholic and drug addict with PTSD, who has a PhD and was a professor and expert witness, but has been unemployed due to physical disability but also those other issues, for quite some time, and now lives in a studio apartment and drives Uber. I’m sure it’s hard for him to see me having some similar mental health issues but be more stable and successful. When I moved into this much larger house I think all he said was “won’t it be hard for you to keep this place clean?” But it sucks that he doesn’t process that, and instead gives in to this urge to feel better by taking me down a peg. And that it still works on me! He makes me feel like I’m a bad kid who did something wrong!
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