#Dog poop pick up
palsdoody · 8 months
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
My first job was working at a dog kennel. It was a boarding facility so folks could leave their animals while they went on vacation. I always loved animals so I was stoked to apply, but I was less thrilled with the reality.
The owner operated the kennel on her personal property and was a tyrannical micromanager. For instance: she could see three of the play pens from her front porch. If you had a dog that did not in fact want to play with you, a stranger, and would prefer to sit quietly getting petted she would come out onto her front porch and yell at you.
The correct procedure in her mind was to play fetch by yourself which was just throwing a ball, going to pick it up, and throwing it again, over and over, to entice the dog. I quickly learned to never pick those pens. Even the small gravel play pen behind the building by the dumpsters was a better bet. There may not have been grassy fields but the miasma of dog waste meant less getting yelled at.
My time there colored my perception of certain dogs. To this day I disdain retrievers. They can be fine on a case by case, and ultimately my dislike isn’t their fault. But 75% of them weren’t potty trained and had never walked on a leash. They also had a brain just big enough to fixate on a tennis ball which was really annoying when trying to manage toy buckets and they’d just body check you cause they saw green.
Poodles and Dobermans were top tier, generally extremely obedient on leash and with their manners. This certainly says more about the owners inclined to get certain types of dogs than the breed itself but I remain fond. Pitbulls were similarly well mannered.
The craziest motherfuckers were Shiba Inu’s. It says a lot that these dogs rarely ended up on my schedule, despite the high proportion we had, because snappy dogs always went to the leads. It really didn’t help that we didn’t leave collars on the dogs. (I think it was a safety thing? It was weird). We slipped collars over their heads, and the shibas fucking hated it. They’d scream their little heads off and fling themselves around on the leash like a wild animal.
Hands down the worst dog I had was a beagle though. I still remember that horrible little man. He had been checked by the vet and was fine but he acted like each time he put his foot down it was landing on shards of broken glass. So each step was a tiny tentative affair, mincing and ready for the ground to suddenly rise up against being walked on. And god save you if this animal felt the slightest pressure on his collar he would shriek with ear piercing hysteria that you were trying to murder him. He walked the shortest circuit we had and it took as long to finish as the longest circuit twice over. I watched his owners pick him up once and he just trotted happily like a normal fucking dog.
My favorite animal however was this little Pomeranian with one eye. Easily the most friendly and well behaved of the dogs, big or small, he was loving life and everything in it. He didn’t yap or snap he just sat politely to be leashed and trotted along perfectly. He dashed after toys and retrieved nicely. I still think about that little dude sometimes. He was the platonic ideal of a dog.
But really the best kind of dog, the one we all wanted but never got, was one with solid bowel movements we could actually pick up instead of kennel induced stress soup, which is what we got.
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darkwood-sleddog · 5 months
Love how as soon as the weather of this storm picks up all my dogs are like: “I am DESPERATE to go out 🥺”. Like y’all couldn’t do this an hour ago??
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ainawgsd · 29 days
So yesterday I experienced the dog walking equivalent of that log truck scene from Final Destination.
Zella stopped to poop and a dog in the next house over started barking and pawing at the window. And then I hear the distinct sound of breaking glass. And see the window screen flex.
Thankfully it didn't break, the dog was still contained. But DAMN if that's not something I more than half expect every time a dog hits the window barking at us when we walk past!
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weidli · 2 months
would be very funny to me to introduce a bunch of americans who are used to the constitution being treated as a gift from god that's very hard to change and is holy Because it's almost never changed and has been in operation in nearly the same form since 1789 to the way the swiss constitution (last total revision in 1999, there have been several hundred direct democratic votes on possible changes to it since 1848, all you need to suggest a change is hundred thousand people with voting power who'll sign the suggestion) works
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
im gonna start collecting svt awkward interactions with girl groups like pokemon cards like the seungkwan momo story is old news atp but what do you mean new jeans misheard seungkwan saying "you guys are having a comeback soon right?" as "you guys are never gonna have a comeback right?" and what do you mean jeonghan greeted le sserafim super enthusiastically even though he'd literally never met them before bc hoshi told him to but then looked super weird bc hoshi didn't know them well either
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beansnpeets · 4 months
Guess who is gonna be picking up paid hours at the kennel for a week or so while sled dog guy is gone for a race 😎
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gothwizardmagic · 4 months
the purest and most enjoyable form of amateur theatre is actually people in first aid courses acting out scenarios for other people to treat
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sidetongue · 2 years
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such cheeky rats 
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jakemyboy · 9 months
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Do you see it???? The leaves are starting to turn. 🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁 😊
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palsdoody · 9 months
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Keep your yard clean with our efficient and eco-friendly pet waste removal services. Say goodbye to the mess and enjoy a cleaner outdoor space.
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mithrandirl · 3 months
Merry could not speak, but wept anew. ‘Forgive me, lord,’ he said at last, ‘if I broke your command, and yet have done no more in your service than to weep at our parting.’
The old king smiled. ‘Grieve not! It is forgiven. Great heart will not be denied.
Merry has just seen Éowyn kill the Nazgûl (and it's clear Théoden didn't see her do it, or didn't understand since he's close to death) and then presumably die herself when he says this to Théoden, so I like to think he was asking forgiveness for Éowyn too :') And then when Théoden gives it, it's like he's accepting Éowyn’s choice and praising her courage too.
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rohirric-hunter · 4 months
"Okay, Google, how to fire rent-lowering gunshots?"
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ase-trollplays · 4 months
Fucking hate dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs. 😠 Yeah, picking up poo is yucky, but that's what you signed up for when you adopted it. Stop leaving turds for the rest of us to deal with
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maddymoreau · 7 months
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rottengurlz · 10 months
The lawyer whose representing my work for the law suit called me today to ask questions about the vile hag I have to think about once again he kept asking me about the $100 fine the guest was charged which I know is his job but genuinely losing my job/legal issues is not worth stealing $100 from some guy PLS stop asking 😒
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