#Dogo Onsen
imgodsfavorite · 17 days
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jetsettermac · 1 year
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matsuyama, ehime | may 5-7, 2023
iya valley (tokushima), mitsu itsukushima shrine, dogo onsen, botchan clock
>> read about it here <<
>> see all golden week 2023 posts <<
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10 Destinasi Wisata Anime Jepang Di Kehidupan Nyata ! Wajib Kamu Kunjungi
10 Destinasi Wisata Anime Jepang Di Kehidupan Nyata ! Wajib Kamu Kunjungi
Berita Anime Jepang – Ada ribuan alasan untuk mengunjungi Jepang sekali dalam hidupmu, Seni Budaya Jepangnya, Wisata Kuliner Jepangnya, serta pemandangannnya yang sangat menakjubkan dan sebagainya. Namun dengan semakin populernya anime Jepang di dunia. Semakin banyak orang yang datang ke Jepang untuk melihat tempat-tempat yang menginspirasi anime favorit mereka. Simak Juga : 15 Karakter Anime…
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summary-trivia-jp · 9 months
日本のトリビアまとめ #0008
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trivia-jp · 9 months
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道後温泉 四国の名所
道後温泉は、日本で最も古い歴史を持つ温泉地の一つであり、愛媛県松山市に位置しています。この温泉地は、古くから日本人に愛され、多くの人々が訪れる観光名所です。 道後温泉は、国内外から多くの観光客が訪れる温泉地で、その歴史的建造物や温泉街の風情が特徴的です。 1. 道後温泉本館 最も有名な建物であり、日本有数の温泉施設であります。特徴的な赤い屋根と、和風の趣のある外観が目を引きます。国宝に指定されている部分もあり、歴史的な価値が高いです。 2. 坊ちゃん湯 道後温泉の中でも有名な公衆浴場で、外国人からも人気があります。日帰り入浴や宿泊客に利用される施設で、温泉を手軽に楽しむことができます。 3. 飛鳥井上屋 温泉街にある老舗旅館で、道後温泉を代表する宿泊施設の一つです。歴史的な趣があり、日本の伝統的なおもてなしを体験できます。 4. 道後温泉街 温泉街全体には、趣のある街並みや歴史的な建造物が多く残っています。風情ある商店やレストラン、土産物屋などもあり、散策が楽しめます。 5. 湯築城跡 道後温泉の近くには湯築城跡があり、歴史的な遺跡として訪れる価値があります。
Dogo Onsen Famous spots in Shikoku
Dogo Onsen is one of the oldest hot spring resorts in Japan and is located in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. This hot spring area has been loved by the Japanese since ancient times and is a tourist attraction that many people visit. Dogo Onsen is a hot spring resort visited by many tourists from Japan and abroad, and is known for its historical buildings and the atmosphere of the hot spring town. 1. Dogo Onsen Main Building It is the most famous building and one of Japan's leading hot spring facilities. The distinctive red roof and quaint Japanese-style exterior catch the eye. Some parts are designated as national treasures and have great historical value. 2. Botchanyu This is one of the most famous public baths in Dogo Onsen, and is popular among foreigners as well. This facility is used by day trip bathers and overnight guests, allowing you to easily enjoy hot springs. 3. Asuka Inoueya This is a long-established inn located in a hot spring town, and one of the representative accommodation facilities in Dogo Onsen. It has a historical atmosphere and allows you to experience traditional Japanese hospitality. 4. Dogo Onsen Town The entire hot spring town has many quaint townscapes and historic buildings. There are also quaint shops, restaurants, and souvenir shops, so you can enjoy a stroll. 5. Yuzuki Castle Ruins Near Dogo Onsen is the ruins of Yuzuki Castle, which is worth visiting as a historical site.
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hacys-trip · 2 years
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takeuchiitsuka · 2 years
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#8697 Copyright © Takeuchi Itsuka. All Rights Reserved.
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maigeiko · 9 months
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Goodbye 2023! Sum-up of debuts this year Maiko/Hangyoku: Kotsuta 小つた from Tokyo Mukojima - before 14. December Saku 佐く from Tokyo Mukojima - 14. June Komomo 小桃 from Arima Onsen - before 18. October Kotono 古都乃 from Aizuwakamatsu - 20. October Iori 伊おり from Aizuwakamatsu - 04. August Momokichi 桃吉 from Shizuoka - 21. July Waka 和香 from Tokyo Kagurazaka - 10. May Minami 美波 from Tokushima - 6. January Kikuyu 喜久有 from Gifu - 7. March Kikyo 喜きょう from Gifu - 3. December Misuzu みすず and Kazuha かづ葉 from Niigata - 16. May Yumeka ゆめ花, Mamehana 豆はな, Matsuri まつりand Misaki 美咲 from Yamagata - 8. May Iroha いろ羽 and Mameka まめ佳 from Akita - 16. May Geiko/Geisha/Geigi: Yoshiki 芳菊 from Nara - 29. April Yutsuki 結月 from Yokohama - before 22. October Kanayuki 叶雪 from Yokohama - before 8. October Suzuhana すず華 from Nagasaki - before 6. September Kosen 鼓千 from Dogo Onsen - 16. May Chizuru 千鶴 from Osaka Nanchi - 27. November Marizuru まり鶴 from Osaka Nanchi - 20. February Momiji 萌美路 from Kanazawa - before 19. May Ito 以と from Kanazawa - 7. February Makoto 万琴 from Kanazawa - 12. October Hazuki はづき, Masaka まちか, Kimika きみか and Ayano あやの from Ureshino Onsen - before 2. October Nana 南成 from Tokyo Mukojima - 22. February Hana 花 from Tokyo Mukojima - 15. June Koyuki 小雪 from Tokyo Mukojima - before 6. September Konatsu 小奈都 from Tokyo Mukojima - before 14. November Itsuki 五希 from Izunagaoka - before 30. March Kotori 小とり from Yokohama - before 13. October Nanami 七々美 from Anjo - 24. July Those are 38 new faces, plus Momiji, who was working as a Geigi in Kanazawa before and switched district from Higashi to Nishi.
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Japan Travel Recommendations
In the wake of my "here, have some pictures" post, in case anyone is planning a trip to Japan, these are my current top recommendations. I reevaluate sometimes in light of conditions, tourist numbers, etc. Tourism right now is at an all-time high and I'm going to be controversial: skip Kyoto. Yeah, I said it. The last time I went (several years ago), it was absolutely fucking miserable. It's overwhelmed by a number of people it was not designed for and you can have an amazing trip without going near it.
So here are some alternate ideas! In no particular order.
Hakodate, Hokkaido The southernmost tip of Hokkaido. Delicious food, interesting history, one of the three most famous night views in Japan from Mt. Hakodate, with easy day trips away from the city. Seriously, the food is incredible.
Nagasaki, Nagasaki Yes, I just went last week, but even with the worst weather I have ever travelled in, it charmed me. The history is fascinating (way beyond the atomic bombing), a lot of old European-Japanese hybrid architecture, easy day trips away from the city, and overall a lot to do. Japan has a lot of ugly cities, but Nagasaki is lovely.
Yamagata, Yamagata This is where a lot of people will start to disagree with me, but I love Yamagata. Yamadera is an incredible shrine, there are easy day trips to onsen and mountains (skiing in the winter), it's famous for cherries if you go in the right season, and it's a beautiful and relaxing part of Japan.
Shikoku Just putting the whole island on the list. My top recommendations would be the Iya Valley in Tokushima (one of the most remote places in Japan, best experienced with a rental car), Kotohira and Kanonji, Kagawa (temples and shrines), and Matsuyama, Ehime (Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama Castle, plus one of my favorite temples). Also, if you go to Matsuyama, it's easy to get to Hiroshima, by ferry across the Seto Inland Sea, if that interests you.
As an unserious addition, from Tokyo it's easy to take a day trip to Ibaraki, widely considered the most boring prefecture in Japan! It briefly crawled up the ranking (Saga took its place at the bottom of the list—Saga is, indeed, quite boring), but has reclaimed its crown. I'm not sure why Saitama (currently ranked 45th) is considered more attractive than Ibaraki, but what do I know?
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stationpic01 · 2 years
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2018.10.21 Dogo-Onsen Station 伊予鉄道 市内電車(城南線) 道後温泉駅
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flipatravel · 7 months
Shikoku es la más pequeña de las islas 🗾 principales de Japón. 😮
✨Está rodeada por una ruta de peregrinación budista (henro) de 1.200 km con 88 templos, que honra al monje Kukai del siglo IX.
✨Las ciudades más importantes de Shikoku incluyen Matsuyama, donde hay 8 de los templos de peregrinación, junto con el castillo feudal de Matsuyama y el Onsen de Dogo, uno de los baños🏊‍♀️ termales más antiguos que se conocen en Japón.
✨El interior montañoso de la isla tiene senderos para excursionismo y ríos con rápidos.
👌Si buscas un destino para visitar, Shikoku ofrece una experiencia auténtica y natural. Sus paisajes montañosos, templos históricos y la posibilidad de explorar la cultura local hacen de esta isla 🏝️un lugar único en Japón.
¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de descubrir sus encantos!😍
Reservas en 👉 www.flipatravel.com
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Senri Chitose
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Birthday: December 31st (Capricorn)
Blood Type: A
Relatives: Father, Mother, Younger Sister (Miyuki Chitose)
Father’s Occupation: Potter
Elementary School: Kumamoto First Elementary School
Middle School: Shitenhoji Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-1 | Seat 17
Club: Tennis Club (Regular, had temporarily resigned)
Committee: Beautification Committee
Strong Subjects: Math, History, Art
Weak Subjects: Music
Frequently Visited Spot at School: The mountain behind the school
Favorite Motto: “Make the unamusing world amusing.”
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Daily Routines: Giving stray cats attention while wandering
Hobbies: Shogi, wandering around, watching peoples’ expressions [TP]
Favorite Color: Dandelion Yellow
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Favorite Music: The rustling of leaves
Favorite Movie: Studio Ghibli films
Favorite Book: Shogi strategy book ➜ Miniature illustrated plant encyclopedia [TP]
Favorite Food: Basashi, tecchiri [TP]
Favorite Anniversary: The day spring begins (changes each year)
Preferred Type: A mysterious, yet alluring girl ➜ An intriguing girl [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: A park ➜ His house [TP]
His Gift for a Special Person: A shining, dark green stone he found on a riverbank
Where He Wants to Travel: Sayama Hills, Dogo Onsen, Yakushima Island
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: Silver earrings ➜ A photo of Tezuka [TP], his wallet he dropped earlier [TP]
Dislikes: Spiders, leather shoes [23.5]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Can identify the birth order of siblings just by looking ➜ Being given extra items at shops [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: Train fares when he goes wandering
Routine During the World Cup: Walking around with Miyuki, drinking (juice) with dinner
Height: 194cm ➜ 195cm [23.5]
Weight: 81kg
Shoe Size: 28cm
Dominant Arm: Left
Vision: 0.8 Left | Low Vision Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Selfless State, Pinnacle of Great Wisdom, Spirited Away
School Attendance Rate: 49.8%
Favorite Brands:
Racquet: Prince (TRIPLE THREAT RIP)
Shoes: Prince (Pro Hold Tour II CG)
Overall Rating: Speed: 3 / Power: 4 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 4 / Technique: 5 / Total: 19
Kurobe Memo: “He has the dangerous flaw of not being able to resist his wild curiosity. This makes him easy to read. However, his play style is first rate. I hope Tachibana doesn’t hold back and sets him on the right path.” [RB]
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7 Destinasi Stasiun Kereta di Jepang dengan Pemandangan Spektakuler
Berita Wisata Jepang – Nikmati perjalanan melintasi Jepang untuk melihat berbagai stasiun kereta yang luar biasa di Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanazawa, dan banyak lagi. Tidak ada rahasia bahwa Jepang memiliki salah satu sistem transportasi umum terbaik di dunia, dengan segalanya mulai dari kereta metro yang efisien hingga kereta shinkansen yang luar biasa. Ketika naik kereta-kereta brilian ini, mudah untuk…
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allovertheworldblog · 7 months
An onsen is a truly Japanese experience.
Around the world you have similar facilities whose names have become known beyond the countries where they originated, spa and sauna.
But onsen is the Japanese version.
Strictly it means hot springs but the term refers to the bathing that takes place on account of the hot springs. 
I was headed to Matsuyama and one of the most famous onsen in Japan, the Dogo onsen.
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Onsen in Dogo date back to the 8th century.
When the ferry from Hiroshima left me at the quayside, a distance from Matsuyama, I took a Japan Railways Limousine bus for 600 Yen to the Dogo Onsen station. 
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I had a hostel in mind but first I’d have to find it.
I asked a local lady, she phoned the hostel with the number I had on their flyer.
She proceeded to take me in the opposite direction and told me to follow the wrong road.
I ended up back near the Dogo Onsen station.
I asked the policeman in the nearby police station.
Eventually I find the crummy hostel, I wish I hadn’t.
The place was everything a hostel shouldn’t be.
It was tiny, there were a couple of other guests there, both Japanese, one in the 30’s and one in his 60’s.
The older guy spoke a few English words but said he didn’t speak English, he seemed to understand what I was saying though.
I’d swear he had an English degree from Cambridge.
He was cooking something foul smelling on the stove.
The kitchen which wasn’t much of a kitchen was like something involved in a science experiment with old food and dirty jars and pots that looked like they’d been there for years about the place. 
Later I asked the owner to change the sheets on my bed which hadn’t been changed.
He did it and didn’t seem to mind that I had to ask him to do it. 
Not wishing to spend too much time in the hostel I sought out the onsen.
I went to a newer relation of the famous old Dogo, it was busy nonetheless. 
You pay your entry fee, have a shower or wash yourself if there’s no shower available, then you relax. 
I don’t know if it was the days of travelling I’d had for the previous two or three days but I got my monies worth from the onsen.
My worries drifted away. 
After the onsen I dry myself off and change into my clothes.
The town of Dogo, a suburb of Matsuyama, is a pretty relaxing place in itself.
I wander around the town.
Some men and women who’ve been relaxing in the onsen are strolling about the town just taking it easy.
Some of them are wearing traditional yukata and wodden sandals.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukata 
The following day I squeeze my bags into one locker at the train station and go in search of the Russian cemetery, where some Russian prisoners were buried. It dates from the Russo Japanese War.
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In 1905 Japan stunned the world and defeated one of the major world powers.
The cemetery is marked on my map but are no signposts to it from the tram stop.
I find a cemetery but not the right one, it’s new and kind of an ugly affair with no heart and no history. 
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From Matsuyama I take a train to Yawatahama, from where I take another ferry to my last of the four major Japanese islands, Kyushu.
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Late Night Tram Matsuyama Shieki Line from Matsuyama Castle to Dogo Onsen Matsuyama, Japan Watercolor on sketchbook 5.1"x8.3"x2 Tuesday November 18 2012
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hacys-trip · 2 years
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