#Don't Starve: RoG
cameoappearance · 6 months
Could you do something about the quotes for the Pig Queen (Queen Malfalfa)? Wheeler's quote is where I got the ship from.
Yeah OK.
Every Don't Starve character meeting the Pig Queen:
Wilson: "She looks bossy." Willow: "Hey there, your majesty." Wolfgang: "Wolfgang should curtsy?" Wendy: "A life of aristocracy is a life empty of meaning." WX-78: "I AM YOUR MONARCH NOW" Wickerbottom: "Clearly the monarch of this society." Woodie: "We separated from the crown ages ago." Maxwell: "She does not smell particularly royal." Wigfrid: "O, great lady!" Webber: "She looks majestic." Walani: "Afternoon, queenie." Warly: "What feasts she must have…" Woodlegs: "Whar be yer treasure?" Wilba: "MAMA, QUEEN OF HAMLETS" Wormwood: "Fancy Twirly Tail" Wheeler: "Maybelle Dorothea Wheeler at your service, your majesty." Wagstaff: "Are you a patron of the sciences by any chance?"
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paulmamuad · 1 year
Don't Starve ROG Band
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"Reign of Giants" survivors playing their own voice/instrument. Not that accurate
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aishangotome · 2 months
Roger Barel: Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Roger and I boarded the train for our mission.
(We are lovers who eloped and ended up in this village after wandering with no destination in sight)
...That was the scenario Victor came up with to conceal our identities.
Roger: The villagers kindly accepted us, so I was able to save my beloved from starving to death.
(Me? And this refreshing smile, who is this?)
We successfully entered the village, but I blinked in surprise at Roger's drastic transformation.
Roger: Kate, let's settle in this village and be happy.
Kate: Y-Yes. Let's be happy, Roger... Rog--.
Roger kissed me on the cheek, and my fake smile became even more awkward.
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But perhaps due to Roger's convincing acting, the villagers welcomed us warmly and served us welcome dishes one after another.
Village Woman: You must have been anxious. You'll be safe in this village now, the Spirit God will protect everything.
Village Man: Oh, yes! Those who believe in the Spirit God will be saved. He can ward off diseases.
Spirit God: ..............
The villagers smiled at the man who had been sitting in the center and hadn't spoken a word since we arrived.
(...This is the Spirit God?)
(He looks about 50 years old? He looks like an ordinary person...)
But as a Fairytale Keeper who had seen evil up close, I had come to understand that a person's appearance is just an appearance, and that evil dwells in the heart.
(Even so, the story of him "warding off diseases" seems to be widely accepted in this village.)
(It's impossible for a human to ward off diseases. There must be some kind of trick...)
Kate: Hmm?
I felt a tug on my skirt and looked down to see a little girl about five years old smiling at me.
Blonde-Haired Child: Is it yummy?
(Huh... What's with her mouth...? ...Maybe it's because she's still young?)
Kate: Yes, it's very delicious. Thank you.
When I thanked her, she smiled happily too.
This village is very peaceful and full of smiles.
It's like a utopia where all the scary things have been eliminated.
--But such a thing sadly doesn't exist in this world.
(There's definitely something strange about this village.)
After being thoroughly welcomed, Roger and I finally had a moment alone.
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Roger: This village stinks, doesn't it?
Kate: Yes, I agree. There's something about this village...
The existence of the Spirit God, and other indescribable discomforts lingered in the air.
Roger: Let's hear your thoughts first, lil' lady.
Kate: As Victor mentioned, if an undercover police officer was killed in this village...
Kate: The villagers should be wary of newcomers.
Kate: In fact, they should have refused us entry. But they're too kind to us.
Kate: I don't want to doubt their kindness, but we're definitely... being watched.
(The people who welcomed us with smiles probably have a hidden side...)
Roger: Yeah, I have the exact same view. So, tell us what you know, Liam.
Kate: Huh, Liam?
(Come to think of it, Liam infiltrated the village earlier to gather information...)
I looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Kate: Liam, are you hurt? Are you hungry?
I spoke into the empty air, and only my voice echoed back.
Liam's Voice: Heh, I'm not hurt, and I'm not hungry. And I'm on the other side.
Kate: Oh, I'm sorry. But how did you know where he was, Roger?
Roger: My ears pick up the sound of Liam's heartbeat and his presence. So it's pointless for him to disappear.
Liam's Voice: My ability and Roger's ability are the worst combination. Let's move a little further away.
Liam's figure, which had been moving stealthily, truly disappeared.
I followed Roger to a place a little away from the villagers' residences.
Where he stopped, Liam's figure appeared as if by magic.
(The ability to disappear is amazing no matter how many times I see it.)
Liam: I've been undercover in this village for a few days and I'll tell you everything I've learned.
Liam: To cut to the chase, this village... or rather, the Spirit God, is shady.
Kate: I knew it. How is he warding off diseases?
The most important thing is the trick he uses to make the villagers believe him.
Liam: The trick is very simple.
Liam: He's not warding them off, he's just giving diseases to those who don't believe.
(No way...)
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Liam: The Spirit God was poisoning and inflicting diseases on those who didn't respect or doubted him.
Liam: The villagers, unaware of this scheme, were simply under the illusion that they were being protected from diseases.
Liam: Hey Roger, do you know Gracefield Royal Hospital?
Liam: It seems that the man called the Spirit God used to be a doctor there.
(Gracefield Royal Hospital...?)
Roger: That's a hospital that has existed in England for a long time.
Roger: It gathers extremely talented doctors, but it's also very competitive.
Roger: Incompetent doctors are treated as failures and quickly fired.
Kate: You know a lot about it.
Roger: I left there a long time ago and started my own practice, but my father and a "dear friend" were once doctors there.
(Dear friend...)
There was a hint of warmth in Roger's voice when he said that.
Roger: Now that we know this much, all that's left is to secure physical evidence...
Liam: Oh, I also found the medicine storage. Roger, you can tell which ones are poison, right?
Roger: As expected of my cat. Well done, Liam.
Liam: I'm glad it went well without any mistakes.
At that moment, Roger raised an eyebrow.
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Liam: ...Hmm, Roger, what's wrong?
Roger: ..............
His eyes stared into the darkness.
Roger: ...I can "hear" someone approaching, from all directions.
Kate: What?
Roger: Yeah, there are quite a lot of them. Is this the whole village coming together?
Kate: Are we surrounded!?
Roger: Haha, seems like it. Well, at least it'll be a quick conversation.
It seems Roger is ready to face them head-on.
Liam: Yeah, yeah, it's okay. We won't lose no matter how many of them come at us.
(Even Liam!)
Kate: There are about 200 villagers!
Roger: We each just need to take down 100 of them.
Kate: Are you serious!?
While we were arguing, I could also hear footsteps approaching.
Candles flickered in the darkness.
Roger: Here they come.
Village Man: ...So you were also one of those who threatened the existence of this village.
Village Woman: And you even brought friends! How did you get in here, you abomination?
Liam: Hmm, I've been here the whole time.
(The peaceful atmosphere when they welcomed us feels like a lie.)
The villagers' gazes were cold, and I could sense their determination to expel us, the foreign objects that had entered their miniature garden.
It was as if their thoughts had been taken over by the "Spirit God," like puppets.
Village Man: Spirit God, what shall we do with these people?
Spirit God: Capture the three of them. I will punish the traitors with my power.
Upon hearing those words, Roger twisted his lips in mockery.
Roger: Power, huh? If you were cursed, I'd let you live and add you to my valuable test subjects...
Roger: But it seems you're not. Liam, no holding back. Capture them.
Liam: ...Understood.
As Liam flashed a knife in his hand and tensed his legs to get a running start, a scream rose from the crowd.
(What happened!?)
The moment I realized that the collapsed figure next to the screaming woman was the blonde girl who had spoken to us during the meal, I started running towards her.
Kate: ...Please make way!
Village Woman: What? Don't come any closer!
I was pushed back as I tried to approach the girl who was lying there in pain, and I desperately reached out my hand.
Kate: This is no time to be saying that!
Village Woman: If you hadn't come, this wouldn't have happened! You are demons who brought disease!
I saw her hand raised and closed my eyes, prepared to be slapped on the cheek.
Roger: Stop it. This girl's collapse has nothing to do with her.
I opened my eyes at the sound of his voice and saw Roger grabbing the woman's wrist.
Thank You
I'm sorry, I acted without thinking
Please help that child
Kate: Roger, please help that child!
Roger: Yeah, leave it to me.
The villagers cowered under Roger's intimidation, and we pushed our way through to reach the girl's side.
Blonde-Haired Child: ...Ugh...
The girl's body was stiff, her eyes wide open, and her limbs convulsing.
Kate: ...Roger, what should we do?
Roger: Judging from the symptoms, it's tetanus.
Roger: It's an infection where bacteria that entered through a wound invade the nerves.
Roger: It makes it difficult to open the mouth and eventually causes convulsions and paralysis throughout the body.
Roger: In the worst case, it leads to difficulty breathing and death.
Kate: No way...
Roger: Anyway, let's look for any wounds on this child.
Roger and I examined the girl's body together. Then, we found a wound near her calf.
Roger: ..............
Child's Mother: Spirit God! Please take away my child's illness!
Spirit God: ...!
The man called the Spirit God stepped back slightly.
Child's Mother: ...What's wrong? Why aren't you doing anything...?
Roger: It's no use clinging to him.
Roger: He's not a human with special powers.
Roger: He's a failed quack doctor who poisoned people and made it look like he was warding off diseases.
Village Man: Th-That's not true! The Spirit God is a child of God with special powers!
Roger: Then why can't he save this suffering child?
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Roger: Why didn't he notice that she had tetanus until it got this bad?
Roger: A fake god cannot cure diseases. But with proper medicine, tetanus is a curable disease.
Spirit God: You're lying! Tetanus is supposed to be an incurable disease!
Roger looked at the Spirit God, who was shouting in desperation, with pity.
Roger: That's true with the outdated medicine in your brain.
Roger: A cure for tetanus has been discovered. It's still a miracle that it's been put into practical use, and there's still room for improvement, but...
(A cure has been discovered...?)
Kate: Really, Roger?
Roger: Yeah, but it's only held by the privileged class and not available to the general public at all.
Spirit God: ...Ha, haha! If it's not available, it's the same as not being able to save her!
Spirit God: Oh, that's right. There's no one in this world who can completely eradicate diseases.
Spirit God: So it's all your fault, you fools, for believing in me and entrusting everything to me.
Child's Mother: ...!
Roger grabbed the Spirit God's neck with one hand.
Spirit God: Gah!?
As he applied pressure with his fingertips, the Spirit God's face turned a murky red.
Roger: Didn't your mama teach you in the womb to listen to people until the end?
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Roger: It's true that the tetanus cure isn't available to the public. But if it doesn't exist, we can just make it.
Spirit God: That's impossible...
Roger: It's possible for me, a former doctor.
Chapter 8
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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Silly idea that I won't actually have time to turn itno a full story but imagine they have a ghost in the band house who tries to make them leave. Hes done the usual haunting but these are starving student artists. Yeah they wish they didn't have to replace crockery so often but cold water in the shower? No different to when they run out of money in the metre, same with the electriity and phone line. Cold room? Blankets. Hot room? Windows. The ghost can't keep the door stuck for so long so they wait him out for that too.
So the ghost gets devious. Absolutely abohrrant. This is his house and he won't give it up easily. He has a terrible trick he only uses as a last resort because it's so unpleasant for him. He passes through them to learn their secrets.
And then with all his power he writes a set of notes saying "I know one of you is homosexual" and leaves it in each of their rooms.
And he imagines all chaos will break loose. When he was a boy that was automatic alienation from all of society. Nobody had friends if they were interested in other boys. So he sits. And he waits.
And instead of watching these four young men all turn on each other* and accuse each other of heinous acts and break up the friendship and they all leave so he has his house to himself again, he watches Brian, Roger and John boost up their friendship with each of the other 3, even if Freddie's a bit of a nervous wreck over being outed. Freddie obviously knows he's the gay one and he isn't twigging how more open and gender neutral the other's conversation are going.
The Ghost even has to watch Brian give the "it's okay if you need to share anyhing with us Rog, we've been friends for years" talk with Roger.
Roger isn't so subtle. "Deacy, when you talk about Ronnie..."
John: 🤔Yeah?
Roger: ... I'm just saying, no matter what, you can bring Ronnie round. You know that, don't you?
John: ... When you stop leaving your underpants to dry on the radiator, Rog, i'll bring her around.
Roger: ... okay. They're not dirty, you know. That's why they're drying.
John: Veronica is a lovely girl and doesn't need to see your underpants even if they're clean.
Roger: Oh. Veronica.
John: What?
Roger: Hm? No nothing.
Roger: Listen, you know the note?
Freddie, instantly on edge: Yes?
Roger: I think I know who it is
Freddie, resigned: You do, do you?
Roger: Yeah... so when we see Brian later, I was thinking, what if- you have all those gay art student friends, don't you?
Freddie: .... yes, darling, I do, but why-?
Roger: I think we should introduce Brian to them. So he knows more gay people. When we see him later, I could say I fancy a party, what do you think and you could say oh i just have some friends I want to introduce you to and then Brian will-
Freddie: .... why on earth- You think it's Brian!?
Roger: Well yeah, obviously.
Freddie: Why the fuck obviously?
Roger: Well it's not me, and it's not Deacy, and it's obviously not you, so it has to be Brian and really i've known him for 5 years now and the closest relationship i've seen him have is with his guitar so-
Freddie: -What... what... Roger, dear, what do you mean it's obviously not me? You haven't asked me. Why couldn't it be me?
Roger: Well look at you. You're gruff and manly and don't show an ounce of interest in other men.
Freddie, internally breaking: is that so....
Roger: And of course, there's Mary
Freddie, as if he's just remembered her: MARY. Yes. Yes. Of course. We musn't forget about Mary, darling, she's the love of my life... of a sort...
Roger: Exactly. So
Freddie: Listen as fun as it sounds to have a massive party with all of my gorgeous elligible gay friends, I don't think Brian would appreciate it.
Roger: Hmmm.... he is a bit of a wallflower, isn't he?
Freddie: Terribly. Like myself, sometimes, dear. Erm. I mean.
Roger: Low key.
Freddie: Er
Roger: Alright. I'll keep thinking
Freddie: You do that Rog.
Roger: hmmm
Freddie, to the ceiling: Listen here you transluscent old Bastard, you have done something terrible to me just because you want your house back, but guess what, fucker, it didn't work. Those boys are tying themsleves in knots over coaxing the gay one out like a scared cat and all it's shown me is if i said something, it would be okay. You hear that? It's okay. I'm going to be okay. *calms down* Listen, darling, i'm so very sorry you're dead. I'm so sorry you're so unhappy in afterlife as you must have been whilst living but your time came and went and this isn't your house anymore. You don't live in it because you are not living. We are. The landlady is at the end of her whits with the hell you've caused, and we've been her longest tennants. You need to find peace, dear, or just a better hobby. Because you've lost. So now i'm going downstairs and i'm putting an end to this.
Ghost, ashamed of himself, flickers the lights on and off to say he's heard.
Freddie: That better be a fucking apology
Ghost flickers the light again once.
Freddie: Once for yes. Good.
Roger: Fred! You joining us for late night scrabble?
Freddie: Yes, why not? First though I thnk you should know something.
Brian: Hm?
Freddie: It's me.
Brian: What's you?
Freddie: Me. I'm the gay one. The homosexual
Roger does a massive double take.
Freddie: Yes Rog, even though i'm manly and gorgeously butch and massively hairy.
Roger: Oh. I did mean those in good ways.
Freddie: Yes, I know you did. Anyway, it's not Brian or John, it's me.
Brian: Well, you know that's okay with us Freddie.
Deacon: I didn't care either way I just want everyone to stop leaving their underpants around everywhere. Wait a minute
Freddie: Hm?
Deacon: Ronnie! That's what you were on about. It's short for Veronia, Rog!! I did tell you.
Roger: .... whoops.
Freddie, eyes twinkling: Say Rog, I was thinking, maybe we should have a party and invite all of my elligible gay art student friends around. What do you think becuase I'd love the idea.
Brian, to Rog: You want a massive party with Freddie gay art student friends? How many? This isn't exactly-
Roger: It's a long story, let's just play scrabble.
Freddie, nodding to the scrabble board: Who's going first?
The next day, the water in the shower is warm. When Freddie gets out of the shower he finds a word has been written on the mirror in the condensation.
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automb · 2 years
Do you still like Don't Starve?
I still think of it fondly. My computer is just so old at this point, 11 years old now and it's not the best for gaming anymore. I played it when it came out on the Switch until my Switch died and I haven't gotten it fixed yet.
I did some art for it a few months ago and was starting on a 3D build of Wilson's house but haven't worked on it in a long minute. Some of his layout and made a few pieces of the furniture in Sketch-up.
What has been added to the game as of the past 2 years? I see some new things here and there about updates but haven't looked into them. I can't imagine how much the lore has come along. I remember when Webber was new with RoG.
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dropoutparty · 9 months
How am I only just now realizing that don't starve is a special interest of mine. I've literally been here since before RoG and no matter how long it's been I always come back to the series so like LMAO???
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scentedchildnacho · 1 year
The pastor at st Andrews asked me if I wanted water so I told him I'm really hungry no other poverty has also made me starve others feed the poor a lot for not paying them with other life goods........so wanting water is just annoying and rog my uncle a Viet vet told me annoying......annoying threatens hunger with more chloramines in their internal organs....at the time i said water is an insubstantial comment to context....if it was i finally have your starter smoothie ready I would be like okay .....
Then as I left I told them if they don't like the crowd they will have to blame restaurant workers......their helter skelters....not a single kindness or patriotism in them.....not even a voucher to go pick the rows....scary violent people....
Uhm the new York immigrant waist line is here so there is nothing but alienating cruelty ...nothing but no relationship to anything....black is beautiful and alternative femme actually represents what is....
I met some cosmetic models in Florida that could reclaim it as french Holocaust like the home help to the Nazi in schindlers list and he beats her up in the basement......these though are just a very insane school just a very creepy violent school
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soloplaying · 4 years
Don’t Starve: RoG
I wasn’t going to make a post for this one. It was supposed to be a chill evening game to waste time for a couple hours. All of the settings were on normal and Wilson was as ready to go as he ever is. Honestly, I didn’t expect to live very long.
270 in-game days (nearly four in-game years) later...
Not as uneventful as expected!
...The giants are still assholes. Especially the mysteriously teleporting Bearger. Feast your eyes on its handiwork:
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Highlights of the game below the cut:
Year 1:
Found a winter set piece (fridge, chest of winter gear, thermometer)! It’s like the obsidian staff and circle in Shipwrecked; opening that fridge is a mistake you only make once. I destroyed it with a hammer during the first winter.
No bearger or moose-goose and the dragonfly despawned before I could actually fight it. I took down the deerclops pretty easily, though. Good thing because that was the only time I saw it during the entire game.
Got two meat effigies up in record time. Another good thing because, even though I didn’t need in them in Y1, I needed both of them very early in Y2.
Made an Old Bell after a rampaging beefalo in heat took out Glommer in my camp.
Discovered that there are ZERO mandrakes in the world. Every square inch of the surface has been explored since then, not a single scrap of the map is blacked out. No mandrakes.
Took out the first walrus group with ease and the MacTusk dropped the Tam O’Shanter and tusk. Since then, my tusk walking stick has become my most valuable item.
Year 2:
I realized that I wasn’t going anywhere soon so started looking into the more resource-intensive crafting items.
Bee boxes. Evil bees.
The bearger put in its first appearance and was way more trouble than I expected. Not only did it kill me when I didn’t realize my armor had broken, but when I respawned at a meat effigy in my camp, it teleported to my location and was there to greet me when I cracked out. It destroyed half of my camp before the honey in my fridge put it to sleep and I was able to call on Big Foot to stomp it. I don’t remember it being able to teleport to my location before...
I died again a few minutes later when night fell and I found that (a) I didn’t have the resources to make a fire or torch anymore and (b) the bearger had destroyed my fire pit. I had to kill a beefalo to make a new meat effigy the next day.
The moose-goose was more trouble than necessary. It came down from a forest towards my camp during the evening so I had to fight it after dark, then a pack of hounds attacked me at the same time. Oh, and we were in the beefalo prairie right next to my spider nests. Eh, I got hurt more than expected and my sanity tanked, but I didn’t die and I kept the moose-goose from laying eggs. Success!
The dragonfly despawned as soon as it was out of sight. Again.
No deerclops for whatever reason. I found the clockworks while preparing for its arrival, though! Plenty of gears to go around, after that.
Mines...? I don’t remember if I descended into the depths in Y2 or early Y3.
Year 3:
Bearger and dragonfly mysteriously despawned once they were out of sight, this time. Deerclops didn’t bother to show up again and the moose-goose was ridiculously easy to take down. It didn’t even break my armor or make a dent in my health.
I finished exploring the surface (literally everything is filled in on the map, now) and most of the first layer of the caves. About...85%? There are gaps in the middle of swamp and cave spider areas but I really have no interest in filling those in. I already have the opening to the deeper depths and I’ve been cheap-shotted by enough nightmare beaks in my time.
Did I mention I got cheap-shotted by nightmare beaks and crawling nightmares? At least the depths worms haven’t been awful.
Explored the second layer of the depths during multiple full nightmare cycles. The whole map has been outlined and the labyrinth is fully explored.
...Unsurprisingly, the Ancient Guardian murdered me a lot.
Finished crafting everything necessary for survival and setting up supply chains. Started working on magic stuff - most of which I have never and will never use.
Year 4:
Finished crafting all of the recipes I care to. Anything left either requires seasonal ingredients or materials from the giants.
When I went hunting for slurper pelts, I found an unnervingly high number just laying around on the ground. Do depths worms murder slurpers while the player isn’t down there?
The bearger pulled its whole ‘teleporting to the player’ schtick again and magically appeared in the middle of my camp after I left it fighting tree guards in a forest a ways away. I intended to fight it the normal way (helmet, armor, tentacle spike) but then it murdered Glommer and Chester. I said ‘screw it’, froze it with my ice staff, and called Bigfoot to whack it. Twice. Now I have an insulated pack.
Everything but three farms was destroyed. Everything. See the picture above? That’s from this catastrophe. I took the opportunity to clean up and reorganize afterwards, but my enthusiasm was gone.
Deerclops was a no-show again and the moose-goose either followed its example or it’s going to appear in the last few days of spring. I’m not into summer so the Dragonfly hasn’t put in an appearance but I assume it will spawn and immediately despawn again.
Oh, also, I died to an eye plant for the first time ever. I wasn’t paying attention, sped down the path with my walking stick and sanity gear (Tam O’Shanter and...I don’t remember. Either a breezy vest or dapper vest. Raincoat’s also a possibility. Something with no armor value.) and I was in the middle of them before I realized they were there. Two eyes grabbed me, one on each hand, and the others pulled me down. At least I was only, like, ten feet from my base.
I’ve done everything worth doing on the surface, the only thing left in the caves is exploring what few dark spaces remain, and there’s plenty to do in the depths but I have no interest in messing with the Ancient Research Stations, the Ancient Guardian, or the Nightmare Cycles.
I haven’t exhausted the game’s potential, but I really don’t want to mess with the depths this time. I’ve done that and it never stops being annoying. I also don’t want to wait for the giants to spawn so I can get their materials - that would take ages. And I’m not going to spawn anything in on the sly - possible or not, I’m playing this straight so that would be cheating.
The only thing left is moving on to a different world but I’m not interested; I think I’m played out. It’ll be a bit before I play Don’t Starve again.
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bee-ships · 3 years
If only i wasn't intimidated by shipwrecked and i could actually play with the DLC characters 😭
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kingabezka · 4 years
DST Zine Project!
Hello! You might have seen intiative like that before. After it’d been cancelled, I decided to host the event myself!
What are we doing?
We want to thank Klei for their amazing work on Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together! We all love their great games and the amount of work they put into their projects! (I mean, an update every month?! How cool is that?)
So, a thank you letter?
Nope! We are doing art & writing and compiling it into a magazine that will be printed in one copy to send it to Klei’s PO Box so they can have a physical reminder of our love for them and their games. The zine will also be fully available online as PDF file for everyone to see for free! 
That’s nice, how can I help?
By joining our Discord server and creating content for the zine. That’s what we need most- participants. All help is appreciated! 
I’ll see you on the server to discuss the details. Link is below!
For now, I’d like to ask you to reblog to make sure as many people see that we’re recruiting!  If you have any questions, discord is the place to go also.
More info coming soon! 
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sixrandompirates · 4 years
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I absolutely love how loaded this game is with references to Canadian Pop Culture.
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flowerpetalprincess · 5 years
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Science and Survival || Done
Oh Wilson, the first character to play. Only one more left to go after this!
Do not steal, repost, or alter in any way.
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weiszklee · 5 years
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No I haven’t found Chester, why do you ask? 
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mirthandir · 6 years
sometimes you wake up and you're like "oh god o hfu ck i gotta draw Bugs today"
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fagknowledge · 6 years
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Math class doodles! It's my boy Webs
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strategia-taktiikka · 7 years
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