#Don't know if I'll be able to do it tomorrow tho'. since I'll be celebrating Norway's national day and whatnot
gracefireheart · 4 months
Idk how my brain is able to go between thinking about regular TF2 stuff and whatever (wholesome or not) HCs I can think about for those little shits, brainrotting over @/lenny-link TF2 x SU AU still, working on my TF2 x Beastars AU, and thinking about doing more stuff for my TF2 x PMD AU o(-(
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ramen8008 · 13 days
Imagine one day Inej ends up mentioning that Kaz's birthday is coming up soon (because if anyone knows his birthday it's her) to Nina and Nina being Nina decides they HAVE to throw a surprise party even though it would be almost impossible to surprise Kaz.
So all of them plan a surprise birthday party and Kaz is freaking out over why is everyone acting so suspicious because Kaz being Kaz could never suspect a surprise birthday party for him. Hell even he forgot his own birthday.
And then the surprise birthday freaks him out and breaks his facade (only for like 3 seconds) where he is so confused as to what the hell is this and why is everything so colourful and why is everyone smiling and singing? And Nina should really stop singing.
Everyone: SURPRISE!!
Kaz: *shook*
Kaz: what the hell is going on?!?
Nina: jeez Kaz could you show some enthusiasm we threw a party for you, be a little grateful.
Kaz: a party?!?
Jesper: it's the thing where people get together and celebrate for something you know like fun-
Kaz: I know what a party is
Wylan: we just thought since it's your birthday we could throw you a surprise party
Kaz: My...what
Inej: It's your birthday. You know? The day you were born? When you came into this world? When the saints for some reason thought that the world needed you so you were born.
Kaz: I know what a birthday is. I ju-
Kaz: ...why
Nina: for food and also wanted to see how you would react to something fun....mostly food tho
Jesper: I mean it's a party I just needed an excuse to party
Wylan: I mean it would be nice to let loose a little and party after everything we went through we never threw a victory party and your birthday just happened to be around.
Inej: We all thought it would be fun to celebrate together. We also wanted to throw you a party to maybe get you to do something fun that doesn't involve crime and hopefully you let yourself relax a little.
Kaz: ...
Wylan: Kaz you good?
Jesper: OMG! He is frozen in shock
Nina: No he isn't. This is Kaz Brekker he isn't startled much less frozen by anything
Inej: *shakes Kaz* Kaz, say something!
Kaz: I am just confused
Wylan: what do you mean?
Jesper: You party like you have never partied before
Nina: I swear to God if we have to explain to you what a birthday party is
Kaz *composes himself*: no I just... Don't know what happens in a party much less a birthday party
Everyone: WHAT!?!
Wylan: have you NEVER had a birthday party?!!? Even I have had one when my father thought I could read
Kaz: I've had a birthday par-
Nina: ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT! You are SO having the party of your life
Jesper *grabs Kaz and pulls him towards the food*: HELL YEAH YOU ARE GOING TO PARTY AND YOU ARE GOING TO MEAN IT.
Inej just stares and smiles as they all take Kaz.
Before the heist when only Inej knew about his birthday. Cause like I said if anyone knew his birthday it would be her. She remembered even though Kaz forgot (obviously). And since she knew Kaz would never want a birthday party or gift she decided to do something he would like.
The night of his birthday she crawls up to his rooms and sits on his window sill. Like always they sit in comfortable silence until.
Kaz *lifts his gaze and looks at her*: whatever you want to say just say it
Inej: well there is this one really expensive jewel being auctioned tomorrow...
Kaz: *raises an eyebrow for her to continue*
Inej: I mean what I am trying to say is pretty obvious. I just thought since you weren't exactly busy we could go grab the jewel, it would look good on your table.
Kaz: What value will it have since we won't be able to sell it.
Inej: jeez Kaz not everything is about the money I just thought it'll be a fun adrenaline rush for both of us since there haven't been any challenging jobs lately
Inej: you know what since you don't want to go I'll go by myself.
Kaz: wait-
Kaz: let me grab my cane.
After successful jewel heist.
They are out of breath and finally back in Kaz's room where Inej sits on the window sill and Kaz on his desk.
Inej: here *throws him a cupcake*
Kaz *confused*: what's this?
Inej: I grabbed it from a nearby stall. *takes a bite from her own cupcake*
Kaz: ...
Inej: just eat it it's not like I'll try to poison you.
Kaz: you wouldn't bother trying to kill me with poison since you know it won't work *looks at the cupcakes skeptically"
Inej: *motions him to eat*
Kaz: *rolls his eyes but takes a bite*
They both eat in nice comfortable silence
Inej: oh and Kaz?
Kaz: *looks at Inej* hmm
Inej: Happy Birthday *disappears out the window*
They don't mention it afterwards but it ends up becoming a tradition and now every year for Kaz's birthday they steal something expensive and secure just for the fun of it and then enjoy a cupcake in silence.
(The DeKappel being one of the stolen items from Kaz's birthday tradition.)
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kingandfireheart · 3 years
Hey do you know any site/blog where I can get the summaries of Off-campus series? Not the 2-3 para summaries tho.
The legacy comes out tomorrow and I'm really excited about it but I read the series a few years back and I can't recall the stories that well and I really don't feel like reading the entire series just to read the legacy.
You know, I don’t know any blogs with summaries but I can sure as hell write them for you!
The Legacy is supposed to be: Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation…A wedding. A proposal. An elopement. And a surprise pregnancy.
Under the cut because spoilers! (I just did the first 4 with main events and facts , but I'll include some background info about where we last saw the characters in the briar u series for context)
The Deal is about Hannah and Garrett. Garrett Graham is the big man on campus and in desperate need of a tutor. Hannah is a music major and is reluctant to help Garrett because between her nightmare of a partner for her duet, and working at the local diner to support herself and help out her family, she doesn’t have time. Garrett eventually convinced her, using the one thing Hannah wants but can’t have: a chance to make Justin Kohl, the transfer student on the football team interested in her.
While Hannah tutors Garrett on philosophy, they both get closer, talking about their lives, including Hannah’s struggle with her duet partner, and Garrett’s total dedication to hockey. They stay up late watching Breaking Bad, Hannah sings for Garrett, and they eventually kiss (to prepare Hannah for her big date with Justin). Hannah also meets Garrett's best friends and roommates: John Logan, (who is interested in Hannah and is destine to play Hockey professionally), Dean Heyward DiLaurentis (who is incapable of hooking up in his own room) and John Tucker (who does all of the cooking in their apartment and hooked up with 3 girls at the same time the past new years).
Before Hannah is scheduled to appear as Garrett’s date at a football party, Justin starts to show interest in her, but Garrett keeps interrupting. Hannah and Garrett go to the party, and Hannah reveals that she doesn't drink in public because of a bad experience in the past. Hannah rescues Garrett from a puck bunny, and they leave the party together, after chatting with Beau Maxwell.
Hannah runs into Justin at a coffee shop, and Justin asks Hannah out on a date. After he retakes the test, Garrett invites Hannah out to celebrate with his hockey friends, giving her a chance to drink in a controlled environment with Garrett as her guard dog. Hannah let’s go and enjoys the night until she runs into her ex-boyfriend. It’s revealed that the relationship broke down at least in part because Hannah has been unable to have an orgasm with anyone since she was raped when she was 15 years old. Garrett returns and Hannah enjoys the rest of the night, until Garrett puts her to bed in his bedroom, and Hannah tries to come on to Garrett.
They wake up together the next morning and Hannah asks Garrett to help her, to see if maybe they can crack why she’s unable to orgasm with a partner. Garrett agrees and is somewhat nervous about the encounter.
Hannah shows up at Garrett’s house that night and Garrett immediately puts her at ease. Hannah hits a wall, they both pleasure themselves, and Hannah is able to orgasm, which is a huge success for her. The next day, Garrett shows up to Hannah's rehearsal and tells her nightmare duet partner to back off. Garrett goes down on her, Hannah has another orgasm. Garrett goes to Hockey practice and comes home to a home cooked meal made by Hannah as a thank you.
The next day (Halloween), Hannah feels bad that Garrett does not go out for Halloween, so she finds him at his house, alone. They sit on the couch, and Garrett confesses to hating halloween because that was when his father started to physically abuse him. Hannah opens up more to Garrett about how being raped at such a young age impacted her life. They agree to rewrite bad memories with good ones and finally have sex.
The next day, Garrett plays a hockey game, which Hannah attends with her friends. As he's leaving, Garrett's father (Hockey Legend and Abuser Phil Graham) tells him that he must come home for Thanksgiving because Phil's girlfriend wants to see him. Logan also informs Garrett that Justin mentioned he's going out with Hannah the next day.
Garrett shows up at Hannah's dorm, upset that she's going out with Justin, when they've been having such a good time together. Hannah reveals she accepted Justin's invitation before she went out with Garrett, and cancels the date. They decide to be boyfriend/girlfriend.
Hannah's parents cannot afford to fly out for thanksgiving, so she goes with Garrett to his dad's house. Garrett notices his father is abusing his girlfriend, and offers her help to get out. Hannah and Garrett leave, and on the ride home they confess that they love each other.
At Garrett's next game, Hannah sees one of the boys who testified against her in her rape trial. Garrett realizes who he is and beats the shit out of him, injuring Logan in the process. The next day, Phil shows up at Hannah's job and tells her to breakup with Garrett, threatening to pull Garrett's tuition and financial support if she does not.
Hannah does so, and Garrett is incredibly upset, claiming Hannah's reasons don't make sense. They finish out the semester apart, Garrett pursuing Hannah, and attending Hannah's final performance (she does a solo with the cellist from her duet partner's song). When they return to campus for the spring semester, Hannah tries to show Garrett she's moved on by going out with someone else, but realizes that Garrett has employed a full-campus ban on dating her.
Hannah storms into the locker room, confronting Garrett, and Garrett reveals that he knew that she would try to date someone and feel guilty about it later. He gets Hannah to admit that Phil threatened her to end things with Garrett. Hannah confesses to everything and Garrett reveals that he gained access to his trust fund over the winter break, so he has cut all ties (financial and otherwise) with his father. They get back together. In the final chapter, Garrett and Hannah celebrate Brair U's Frozen Four Win, and Hannah notices that Garrett's best friend Logan is still interested in her. Garrett also reveals that he finally opened up to his teammates about his father's physical abuse. It's also revealed that Justin is dating one of Hannah's friends.
The Mistake starts with John Logan, who is hopelessly in love with his best friend Garrett's girlfriend Hannah. Logan's been coping with this realization by partying and sleeping his way through Briar's campus. Tucker calls attention to Logan's behavior before a party. Grace Meyers is a freshman at Briar U, whose best friend is obsessed with Dean Heyward-DiLaurentis, Logan's best friend. Grace sees Logan at a party, but they don't interact. The next day, in a ploy to escape Garrett and Hannah, Logan mistakenly ends up at Grace's door, and asks to use her phone. They end up watching Die Hard together and making out. Logan comes, Grace doesn't and he leaves abruptly. Grace tells her friend Ramona what happened, and Ramona insinuates that Logan made it up.
Logan realizes that Grace didn't finish and goes back to make it right.Ramona tells their friend group about Grace and Logan, and for some reason, they don't believe Grace. Later that week, Grace and Logan run into each other at the movie theatre, with Ramona and Dean. Grace and Logan hook up again. While he hasn't been thinking about Hannah, he feels guilty for using Grace to get over his feelings for Hannah. When he plans to break things off, Dean reveals that some of the freshman have been spreading rumors that Grace is making up stories about seeing Logan. Logan interferes, rescuing Grace from the dining hall and they hang out.
Logan goes over to Grace's place to break things off, but waits until Grace reveals that she is a virgin, before explaining that he feels guilty using her when he has feelings for Hannah. Grace is obviously upset and Logan leaves. He finds Hannah in his kitchen, and realizes that what he wanted wasn't Hannah, but rather Garrett and Hannah's relationship. Logan tries to explain to Grace and apologize, but Grace won't respond. At the same time, Ramona tries to get in with Logan, so Logan tells Grace, which ends Grace and Ramona's friendship.
Grace visits her mother in Paris over the summer, while Logan returns to his hometown, where he works at his alcoholic father's garage. Logan made a deal with his brother which means that after graduation, Logan will return to the garage, rather than chasing his professional hockey aspirations. Logan spends the summer trying to get in touch with Grace, while she ignores Logan completely. He tries to move on, but finds that he doesn't want to be with anyone else. Garrett visits Logan and tells him to make the most of his last year of freedom, and Logan intends to make things right with Grace.
When Logan returns to Briar, he runs into Grace and tries to explain what happened. Grace refuses to go out with him. Grace makes friends with her new roommate, Daisy, and joins her by working at the campus radio station. Logan is persistent with Grace, but she again refuses Logan. Grace is asked to a party by Morris, who also works at the radio station, and Logan finds her there and kisses her. Logan goes to Morris’s place and “declares his intentions toward Grace.” They bond over video games and Morris agrees to stand down. When Grace finds out she is livid, and storms into Logan’s house demanding an explanation. Logan says he’ll do anything for a chance with Grace, and Grace gives him a list of things to do to win her back.
With some difficulty, Logan completes the tasks and takes Grace out on a fancy date. That date goes well (despite the fact that Grace reveals she prefers football over Hockey). The next date is at a football party, where Grace meets Sabrina James and Beau Maxwell. At the party, she’s jealous that Logan has been with many women before her, and Logan reassures her completely. Logan and Grace date and hookup, which leads to Logan Skyping with Grace’s mom, Grace learning about Logan’s decision not to pursue professional hockey to care for his father, and Logan jealously interrupting Grace’s study session. Logan cautions Grace about pursuing her friendship with Ramona as well.
On a weekend where Logan’s roommates are out of town, Logan and Grace finally have sex. They are interrupted the next morning by Hannah and Garrett who are escaping a major fight that Hannah’s roommate Allie is having with her boyfriend Sean. The four spend time together and Logan goes to dinner at Grace’s father’s house.
The next week, Grace receives an SOS from Ramona, saying she’s at a party with the visiting Hockey team, and Logan and Grace go to save her. When they’re safely back in the car, Grace realizes she’s in love with Logan. Later, Logan is supposed to pick up Grace from her fathers house, but can’t make it because his father needs help. Logan goes to Grace’s house, only to find that Grace has returned to the dorms and end up breaking down in front of Grace’s dad.
Grace goes to check on Logan the next day, and they fight. Logan apologizes for being late and says he knows Grace will leave him the next year when he’s at home, and Grace is still at Briar. Grace storms out after declaring she loves Logan, and Logan is shocked. He knows it will take a grand gesture to win Grace back, so he goes on Grace’s radio show and confesses his love for Grace.
The next day, Logan is called to an emergency meeting at his father’s house, where his father explains that he’s enrolling himself into rehab for his alcoholism and that Logan can pursue his hockey dreams, starting at a farm team for the Bruins. The epilogue is two years later, at Logan’s first Bruins game, where Grace is talking to Logan’s mother and Hannah.
This books begins with Allie calling Hannah (who is away for the weekend with Garrett, Logan, and Grace), because her ex-boyfriend Sean insists on showing up to their dorm uninvited. Garrett tells Allie to stay at his place for the weekend, and notes that his roommates, Tucker and Dean will be home. Allie shows up at the house while Dean is about to have a threesome and Tucker is out. Dean tells the girls to leave, and hits on Allie relentlessly. Allie reveals that she’s escaping her ex- and they end up watching a movie together. With the help of tequila, one thing leads to another and Allie wakes up in Dean’s bed the next morning. They agree to keep their hookup private, and Allie leaves the house.
Even though Dean does not usually repeat hookups, he pursues Allie relentlessly, calling and texting her after a night out with Tucker and Hunter. Dean meets up with his buddy, Beau Maxwell, who uses a complicated Twilight analogy to explain that Dean only wants Allie now. After a hockey game, Hannah reveals that Allie is at home sulking, so Dean goes to give her company, and attempt to seduce her. They watch a terrible French show together and Dean leaves.
Allie then joins Dean and his friends at Colin Fitzgerald’s birthday, where Dean and Allie use the jukebox to send messages to eachother (Allie picks U and UR Hand), while Dean sexts Allie. Again, nothing happens between them, but Allie leaves feeling hot and bothered.
At the same time, Deans new coach on the team is the father of an ex-girlfriend from high school and Dean is assigned to coach a boys hockey team. Dean also butts heads with Sabrina James, who resents Dean after she found out he was given better grades for sleeping with a TA. Allie also struggles in trying out for roles, believing she's been typecast as the vapid friend, and wished to play characters with more substance.
Eventually, Allie relents and invites Dean over. They hookup in secret (in part because of Dean’s reputation as a player). When Allie comes over to Dean’s place, Logan finds Dean alone in the tub with Allie’s vibrator. They also discuss being exclusive. A few nights later, Hannah texts Allie to join her at the bar with Garrett and his hockey friends and mentions that Dean is making out with some girl. Allie shows up looking like a snack and Dean confronts her. Allie reveals that she was jealous of the girl mentioned, and Dean reassures her that nothing happened and he brushed the girl off.
Later, Allie texts Dean that she's meeting with Sean (the evil ex). Sean shows Allie plane tickets for him and Allie to Los Angeles, after being unsupportive of Allies's acting career. Dean gives Allie the silent treatment, and Allie finds out that Dean was thrown out of the Hockey game for fighting. Allie finds Dean in the locker room and confirms that she is not getting back together with Sean, and Dean invites Allie to drive down to New York with him or Thanksgiving. While keeping their relationship secret, Allie and Dean go down to New York, and Dean opens up to Allie about his past with the Coach's daughter.
In New York, Dean meets Allie's dad (who suffers from MS) on Thanksgiving, and Dean and Allie go out with Beau Maxwell and some other friends. When they return to Briar, one of Sean's teammates sees Allie and Dean together. Sean confronts Allie at her dorm, and calls Allie and Dean names. Garrett and Hannah step in and kick Spencer out, and Allie asks Hannah to call Dean. Dean shows up, demanding to see Allie, and Allie and Dean decide to date for real, and be public with their relationship, to Garrett's chagrin. Hannah asks Allie if she loves Dean, but she doesn't realize how deep her feelings are until she sees him coaching hockey.
They date happily and Dean's sister Summer visits. Allie accidentally knocks Dean out when thinking he's an intruder, and Dean and Allie confess that they love each other. (There's also some set up for Summer and Fitz's story in the Chase). Some time later, Dean finds out his good friend Beau Maxwell has died tragically in a car accident. Dean spirals out of control, and Allie tries to be patient with him. Dean is able to go through the motions of life - going to hockey practice and class, but the relationship suffers. Eventually, Dean misses Allie's opening night performance in her play, and Allie discovers Dean is on MDMA. Allie breaks things off with Dean, and Dean is also cut from the hockey team for his drug use.
Dean slowly works to make amends with his hockey team, his friends, the coach's daughter, and Allie. Allie tells him that she needs time apart from him. When Dean is in New York for the weekend, Allie receives a call that her father has fallen. Dean goes to Allie's house and checks on her dad, and bonds with him. When Dean returns, she and Dean get back together. Allie reveals she's turning down a sitcom role in LA and Dean presents her with plane tickets for Allie and her father. Allie tells him and Dean reveals he will not be going to Harvard Law, but will be coaching girls hockey at a private school in New York. Allie ends up landing a HBO job in New York and Dean and Allie plan to move together to New York after graduation. Dean takes Allie to a salsa class.
The novel ends with Tucker revealing that he is having a baby with Sabrina James.
Sabrina and Tucker's story starts the night after Dean hooks up with Allie for the first time. Sabrina goes out with her friends after attending an event at a professor's house and ends up a the bar. Sabrina is a hardworking student with aspirations to go to Harvard Law. She works two jobs: the postal service and a bar, and she lives with her grandmother and step-father, in less than ideal conditions. Tucker is supposed to return to Texas after graduation and start his own business. Of his roommates, Tucker is the most old-fashioned, dating-wise. Dean warns Tucker off of Sabrina, before leaving, and Tucker and Sabrina hook up, despite Tucker's friendship with Dean and Sabrina's insistence that it's a one time thing. There's a shuffle where a condom isn't used, but both people have a really good time. Sabrina drives home that night, and Tucker follows her to make sure she gets home safe. Sabrina blocks Tuckers phone number.
Tucker talks to Beau Maxwell to declare his intentions about Sabrina, and he finds Sabrina at school. Tucker is persistent in getting a date with Sabrina, but she asks him to give up. Sabrina gets into Harvard Law and visits the campus, where she is mistaken for a legal aid client, and the professor she meets with gives her useless advice. Tucker ends up going to Boston with Hollis and Fitz and runs into Sabrina at the bar she works at. They hook up again, at Sabrina's place, and Tucker overhears Sabrina's creepy step-father saying inappropriate things to her. Tucker leaves and Sabrina is incredibly embarrassed.
Sabrina sees Tucker on campus the next day. Tucker confronts her about the interaction, and encourages Sabrina to take some time for herself, while telling her about his life. A few days later, Beau tells Sabrina about Tucker's declaration of intentions, and Sabrina's friends convince her to go to one of Tucker's hockey games. There, she sees Tucker with another girl, but Tucker tells her she's a friend and asks Sabrina out again. Sabrina agrees to a double date with Tucker (and Fitz goes out with her friend Carin). They have phone sex before their date, which goes really well. They agree to keep their relationship a secret.
Dean and Allie's relationship is revealed after Thanksgiving, and Tucker meets Sabrina's grandmother. He goes back to Texas for the Holidays, and realizes he doesn't want to go back full time. Tucker and Sabrina miss each other over the break, and Sabrina gets sick. When Tuck plans a fancy night at a hotel for new years, they realize that Sabrina is pregnant. Later that week, the news about Beau's death comes out, and Tucker goes to comfort Sabrina. They attend the funeral together. There are a few time jumps involving Sabrina dealing with the pregancy news, and she eventually decides to keep the baby, and attend Harvard after running into Beau's sister.
Sabrina tries to give Tuck an out on their relationship, and he lies about seeing other people to make her more comfortable. Tucker stands by Sabrina and her decisions. Sabrina asks for time to tell her friends about the baby and Tucker eventually tells his mom, roommates and friends that he will be staying in Boston. Fitz, Garrett, and Logan are supportive, while Dean can't get past his hatred for Sabrina. Tucker commits to living with Hollis's terrible brother after graduation.
After Sabrina and Tucker visit the doctor and find out they are having a girl, Sabrina and Tucker have sex again, and pick up where they've started. They've both accepted that they love each other but won't admit it. Tucker reveals that Garrett and Logan are competing for godfather privileges and Tucker invites Sabrina to his house, to meet his friends. Sabrina has a nice time meeting Hannah, Grace, and the guys. She breaks down when Dean confronts her about how she's interfering with Tuck's life, and she admits to Dean that she love Tuck, but asks Dean not to tell Tuck. Dean and Sabrina call a truce.
Sabrina and her friends start to get things together for the baby, and Tucker starts to work construction in Boston to support himself while he looks for a business to invest in. Sabrina meets Tucker's mom, who believes Sabrina is taking advantage of Tucker's kindness. Tucker finds a bar he wants to invest in, but Sabrina goes into Labor, having a healthy baby girl, they decide to name James Tucker or Jamie. Tucker tells Sabrina he loves her in the hospital, but she pretends not to hear.
Things with Sabrina and Tucker are rocky after the baby is born. Sabrina snuggles to juggle the beginning of law school with being a mom and breastfeeding. Tucker is supportive of Sabrina, caring for Jamie so she can study. Tucker gets annoyed that women hit on him when he's out with Jamie, but he finds that the bar he was at earlier is for sale.
Tucker walks in when Ray (Sabrina's creepy step-dad) is being creepy around Sabrina and Jamie, and Tucker takes Sabrina to the bar, showing him their new apartment and Tucker's new business. Sabrina and Jamie move in with Tucker. Tucker's bar opens and Sabrina and Tucker finally have sex again. There's some lead up to the next books, and it's revealed that Logan and Grace are living together, Garrett is having major success playing Hockey, and Dean eventually comes around to Jamie and Sabrina. When Tucker's mom comes to visit, Sabrina is defensive over her life with Tucker and balancing Law School with Motherhood. Sabrina reveals that she loves Tucker and Tucker overhears.
Tucker and Sabrina confess their love for each other. The last chapter time jumps a year ahead to Logan's first game with the Bruins. Tucker, Sabrina, and Jamie attend and it is revealed that they are engaged. Sabrina is still in law school, Tucker's mother is moving up to Boston to help with the baby. Sabrina's friends and Grace and Hannah hang out often, and the book ends.
At this point:
Hannah and Garret are living together, Hannah is producing music and Garrett is playing professionally
Logan and Grace are living together, Logan is starting to play with the Bruins, and Grace is a senior in college.
Dean and Allie are living together. Dean coaches girls' field hockey and Allie's HBO show is out.
Sabrina and Tucker are living together and engaged. Sabrina is in Law School and Tucker is running the bar successfully.
Garrett is extremely famous and has to wear disguises when out because he get's recognized so often. Hannah and Garrett live together. Garrett is planning to help Hunter play hockey professionally. (The Chase, The Play)
Hannah is producing music with some famous people. (The Chase, The Play)
Logan is playing with the Bruins, but not getting as much play time. (The Play)
Grace is still in school at the end of the series, but is living with Logan. (At the three year point, she'll be in her senior year of college.) (The Play)
Dean is coaching girls hockey competitively, catches Fitz and Summer having sex, and is apparently a really good salsa dancer. (The Chase, The Play)
Allie's show has been nominated for an Emmy and has been renewed for another season. (The Chase, the Play)
Sabrina is still in law school. (At the three year point, she will have graduated law school). (mentioned in The Chase)
Tucker is managing the bar, which is doing really well. (The Chase)
I'm assuming Briar U characters might be mentioned (especially Hunter and Summer), but I figured giving the run-down on those might not be fully relevant to the book coming out tomorrow.
Where are the Briar U Characters at the three year point?
Hunter, Demi, Conor and Taylor will be Seniors at Briar
Summer and Brenna will be fresh out of college.
Fitzy, Hollis, and Jake will be one year out of college.
Hollis and Rupi will have been married for less than a year
If you've made it this far, here's a list of things that were not discussed that should have been:
the fact that Tucker plays guitar
the fact that Logan gives Dean shit over Winston but is a hypocrite
The fact that Grace and Demi have the same academic and murdery-y interests
Grace/Demi/Taylor Friendship could be next level
Jake Connelly and Conor bonding over being Coach's sons-in-law
Dean and Sabrina make up / friendship
friendship between the girlfriends and the boys in general
Who are Jamie's godparents? (Garrett and Hannah?)
Carin and Fitzy's date - why was this never discussed?
Why do they never go to Tucker's bar? Like anyone from The Chase onward could have gone
More of Johnny /Gorgeous
More of Hannah/Allie bonding over Dean/Garrett
More Boogers/Dicky + Fitzy just being there
The fact that Fitzy and Hollis drove to Jake's game to yell at him
Hunter going to salsa lessons needs to happen
Demi & Taylor friendship after they move in together
Who becomes the next Dean/Hunter/Conor
I need a scene of Grace meeting Tom Brady or Gronk and Logan being annoyed because he too is a successful professional athlete (for reasons)
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ferrariprince16 · 6 years
Happy Birthday Darren
Hey D,
Happy birthday, love.
Another year, another birthday. How a whole year can pass so fast, it goes beyond me.
Ever since you came my life I wait for your birthday, more than I expect mine.
I never understood the reason, but maybe knowing you happy and surrounded by true love, makes me automatically happy. Even just for today. Even just for a few hours.
So here we are.
Five February 2019.
Thirty-two years.
I'll try to find the exact words I'm going to dedicate to you this year and maybe I'll succeed, maybe not. But I hope to succeed at least to make understand how much you are important for me. Even tho is not the usual platform I'm used to and I'm gonna be extremely vulnerable, but I'll try for you.
The first time we celebrated a birthday together, you only turned twenty-five. You were a boy who was still inexperienced in the world and I was just a little girl, maybe even a little naive, who admired you with eyes that shone.
And now you'll blow on seven more candles, much more experienced in the world and maybe even tired of him and I don't look at you with the same eyes as before, because I'm no longer a girl of sixteen, I grew up too, but as soon as I see you my eyes still shine. And it's that constant that will be there forever.
I smile thinking about this, because we continue to grow together and there is really nothing more beautiful to grow with you.
This year - how do we describe it this year? We have gone through beautiful and ugly things, trying to make the beautiful prevail, but we did it together. You have conquered almost everything you had worked so hard for. You have demonstrated to everyone how much you are worth and how talented you are and it was only logical that finally everyone realized it and gave the right acknowledgments to you. And I am so proud of you. And even if you didn't know that I was there, with my head and with all my heart I was just right there for you.
And you were right here with me, at every step, every tear, every smile. As always. In any situation you are always here next to me, no matter how ugly or beautiful it is, you are here.
You are my constant.
You are my hero.
You are my anchor.
And really these three things I will not be tired of repeating them.
You're always the best part of me and the most important person in my life. And you will be forever.
I always repeat it and I'm not ashamed to say it because when a person is under your skin and in your heart, you can not send it away. And I will never ever ever want to send you away. I can not do it, I do not want do it.
And you're also literally on my skin in two ways and I do not think I've ever felt you so close. And it will always be the best decision of my life.
How was for me to stop and hear you sing that song and see the real you, one of the you I love the most, just you and your music.
Or search for your name right away and discover everything about you.
Or slowly approach to you and your heart.
I'm so incredibly proud of you. You can not imagine how much.
I am proud of the person you are.
I am proud of your talent.
I am proud that now nobody can answer "who?" when your name will be said.
I'm proud, because you keep fighting for yourself and your happiness.
I'm proud for your bravery.
You are the most stronger and bravest man I ever know. And I'm proud of it.
Maybe it's stupid to write so many words, so many feelings that you will not read so much, but every year I tell you that one day I'll be able to tell you all this face to face, when we will be only you and me.
Because it will happen. I don't know if tomorrow, in six months, a year or five, but I will manage to tell you all this, or even just a part, it will be all right, but I will do it.
It will happen and it is one of those few things that I fully believe will happen, it does not matter when, it only matters how.
Right now I just write, because it's easier for me, to let my feelings go, at least for today, than keep everything inside. Maybe stupid, maybe not, but when it comes to you, everything is always good.
But for now, I wish you the most beautiful birthday.
I wish you to be completely happy, if not always, at least for today.
I wish you to burst out laughing, just because you're too happy.
I wish you to smile, because when you smiles you're beautiful, my love.
I wish you to continue to love the world that only you know it.
I wish you to be loved, but really loved, loved by those who love you just as you are, because you are my favorite Darren when you are surrounded by love.
I wish you, as always, to be free.
Free in all senses.
To let yourself go and fly, fly, fly.
Be you again.
I wish you to continue being the strongest man that you are.
I wish you could find the strength to get rid of all the toxic things in your life.
I wish you to keep fighting exactly how you are doing it.
I wish you to be Darren the Darren I fell in love with seven years ago, because I know it's still there. I just know it.
My promise for you is always there. And every intention to keep it. Every day more than before.
Spend a beautiful birthday, love, the most beautiful ever.
I will be there with you with all my heart.
I love you immensely. Forever and for always.
Happy birthday, baby boy.
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choibyus · 3 years
Hello hello!
I think I'll eventually fight tumblr because half of my ask disappeared 😭 BUT about their vogue shoot I'm not okay aha ha ha 😭😭 I’ll be sending you this once I’m off anon but I have a screenshot of beomjun AND SOOBIN PHOTOBOMBING IN THE BACK! I REALLY HAVE THE CHOI LINE MAKING ME SPEECHLESS AND ALL ;-; they just looked so good— idk why I just remembered this but I just remembered from your prev reply to my asks when you were like "who's celine?" PLS ✋😭💀 fngrne there's also that one clip when yeonjun's mouthing 'I'm a motherfuckin' starboy'. Nothing's gonna hold this guy back, and moas made edits of starboy over that clip so quickly too— txt cursing era is truly something I never thought I'd be fascinated about HAHA
but anywho I HAVE NEWS! I managed to place an order for tcc: foe but on amazon HAHAH I just can't believe all this time I was searching in person and on the music shop's website when I could have ordered it from amazon the whole time 🧍‍♀️ and not only is it much cheaper, but it's next day delivery too! Perhaps there might be the twice album you've been looking for on there too! Fingers crossed ✋😔
BUT GIRL FJGNLK DON'T EVEN MENTION HYUKA GROWING INTO HIS FEATURES!!!??!@$£@£% I have this one tiktok (and I'll probably send the link to you once I come off anon) but it was literally what I would see whenever I charged my phone, because model hueningkai is up there for me >< Models should be happy he decided to be an idol, otherwise we all know there would be so many agencies calling his way 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀
NOOO NOT BEOMGYU'S NOOT NOOT I'm so down bad for this man, he's made me experience so many emotions I didn't think was possible sighhh BUT I'm not sure if you watch Bistro Shigor since gyu's been a guest for the past two episodes, but everyone there literally looks after him so well:(( and his little mannerisms during the show is just so pleasant and adorable to watch! I recommend highly! It aires every thursday 7pm kst in case you wanna watch! There's just no subtitles when it aires, but it'll usually take a few days for it to appear~ I'm just so happy to see them guesting in these shows and having their own schedules ^^ But I do hope he's getting enough rest along with the other members regardless
Ahhh!! I'm truly hoping you'll enjoy spending time with your boyfriend and his family for new years! It's always so exciting when it comes to celebrating with new people hehe And since it's christmas in two days, I'm hoping you receive the loveliest gifts and I'm hoping you'll like what I have prepared for you <33 we're gonna be saying hello to 2022 very soon omg~ do you have any wishes or aspirations for the new year?? I hoping for everyone to be in good health for next year ^^ Take care, May! And I'll be back tomorrow for my final ask as an anon on christmas eve!!
— Secret MOA 🎁
hi secret moa!!
YESSS PLS SEND ME THAT SCREENSHOT!! i would love to see it 😭😭 TXT CURSING ERA gives me sm power oml and they all rly looked so good got us all speechless and all!!
YAY!! i'm so glad you were able to get your hands on it and update me on who you pull omg!!!
AND PLS SEND ME THAT TIKTOK TOO PLS 😭😭 hyuka looks so good mann..... like that shoot........ soobin is competing w huening rn for that bias wrecker spot ngl LOL
I NEED TO WATCH BEOMGYU ON BISTRO SHIGOR!! i saw little clips of him on twitter and the way in which he's so kind and helpful to his castmates but also the customers 😭😭 i'm so soft
I WILL LOVE WHAT YOU PREPARED FOR ME (even tho i have no idea what it is rn BUT STILL!!!) i also hope you receive the loveliest gifts as well <3 hmm, a lot of my goals for the next year have to do with academia but i also hope that everyone i know will also have good health and wishes as well! TALK TO YOU SOON secret moa!!
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ramen8008 · 1 year
Imagine one day Inej ends up mentioning that Kaz's birthday is coming up soon (because if anyone knows his birthday it's her) to Nina and Nina being Nina decides they HAVE to throw a surprise party even though it would be almost impossible to surprise Kaz.
So all of them plan a surprise birthday party and Kaz is freaking out over why is everyone acting so suspicious because Kaz being could never suspect a surprise birthday party for him. Hell even he forgot his own birthday.
And then the surprise birthday freaks him out and breaks his facade (only for like 3 seconds) where he is so confused as to what the hell is this and why is everything so colourful and why is everyone smiling and singing? And Nina should really stop singing
Everyone: SUPRISE!!
Kaz: *shock*
Kaz: what the hell is going on?!?
Nina: jeez Kaz could you show some enthusiasm we threw a party for you be a little grateful
Kaz: a party?!?
Jesper: it's the thing where people after up and celebrate for something you know like fun-
Kaz: I know what a party is
Wylan: we just thought since it's your birthday we could throw you a surprise party
Kaz: My...what
Inej: It's your birthday. You know? The day you were born? When you came into this world? When the saints for some reason thought that the world needed you so you were born.
Kaz: I know what a birthday is I ju-
Kaz: ...why
Nina: for food and also wanted to see how you would react to something fun....mostly food tho
Jesper: I mean it's a party I just needed an excuse to party
Wylan: We thought it would be nice to let loose a little and party after everything we went through we never threw a victory party and your birthday just happened to be around.
Inej: We all thought it would be fun to celebrate together. We also wanted to throw you a party to maybe get you to do something fun that doesn't involve crime and hopefully you let yourself relax a little.
Kaz: ...
Wylan: Kaz you good?
Jesper: OMG! He is frozen in shock
Nina: No he isn't. This is Kaz Brekker he isn't startled much less frozen by anything
Inej: *shakes Kaz* Kaz, say something!
Kaz: I am just confused
Wylan: what do you mean?
Jesper: You party like you have never partied before
Nina: I swear to God if we have to explain to you what a birthday party is
Kaz *composes himself*: no I just... Don't know what happens in a party much less a birthday party
Everyone: WHAT!?!
Wylan: have you NEVER had a birthday party?!!? Even I have had one (when my father thought I could read)
Nina: ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT! You are SO having the party of your life
Jesper *grabs Kaz and pulls him towards the food*: HELL YEAH YOU ARE GOING TO PARTY AND YOU ARE GOING TO MEAN IT.
Inej just stares and smiles as they all take Kaz.
Before the heist when only Inej knew about his birthday. Cause if anyone knew his birthday it would be hee. She remembered even though Kaz forgot (obviously). And since she knew Kaz would never want a birthday party or gift she decided to do something he would like.
The night of his birthday she crawls up to his rooms and sits on his window sill. Like always they sit in comfortable silence until.
Kaz *lifts his gaze and looks at her*: whatever you want to say just say it
Inej: well there is this one really expensive jewel being auctioned tomorrow...
Kaz: *raises an eyebrow for her to continue*
Inej: I mean what I am trying to say is pretty obvious. I just thought since you weren't exactly busy we could go grab the jewel, it would look good on your table.
Kaz: What value will it have since we won't be able to sell it
Inej: jeez Kaz not everything is about the money I just thought it'll be a fun adrenaline rush for both of us since there haven't been any challenging jobs lately
Inej: you know what since you don't want to go I'll go by myself.
Kaz: wait-
Kaz: let me grab my cane.
After successfully stealing the jewel.
They are out of breath and finally back in Kaz's room where Inej sits on the window sill and Kaz on his desk.
Inej: here *throws him a cupcake*
Kaz *confused*: what's this?
Inej: I grabbed it from a nearby stall. *Takes a bite from her own cupcake*
Kaz: ...
Inej: just eat it it's not like I'll try to poison you.
Kaz: you wouldn't bother trying to kill me with poison since you know it won't work
Inej: *motions him to eat*
They both eat in nice comfortable silence
Inej: oh and Kaz?
Kaz: *looks at Inej* hmm
Inej: Happy Birthday *then disappears out the window*
They don't mention it afterwards but it ends up becoming a tradition and now every year for Kaz's birthday they steal something expensive and secure just for the fun of it and then enjoy a cupcake in silence.
(The DeKappel being one of the stolen items from Kaz's birthday tradition.)
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