naoreco · 9 months
at my workplace we have perler beads that we let the kids make things with once a week. and i made a perler alm using his pixel sprite from fechoes maps. i have a celica in the works that if all goes well i can finish and iron tomorrow:)
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gifsbymel · 1 year
Hello! Whoever suggested Sümeyye Aydoğan gif pack from the Dönence series, could you suggest an episode or two? I don't watch the series, so help would be great. Thanks in advance.
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gay-fetish-goth · 9 months
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eighteen-and-life · 1 year
Go ahead, put anything.
Go ahead, put anything.
#text#Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet#consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc semper aliquam ullamcorper. Maecenas dignissim sit amet elit in pulvinar. Nulla non imperdiet mauris#eget pharetra nisi. Cras id viverra mi#nec luctus justo. Proin finibus#purus quis accumsan pretium#elit ipsum lobortis eros#non rutrum orci dolor sit amet sapien. Morbi euismod enim velit#vel facilisis augue imperdiet sit amet. Aenean ac maximus lacus#ac aliquet justo. Aenean porttitor sit amet sapien ac volutpat. Ut eget iaculis risus. Donec molestie molestie orci sed condimentum. Ut nec#et interdum orci.#Curabitur non quam nec nulla molestie pretium. Integer a suscipit ipsum. Phasellus eu elit ligula. Vestibulum ornare convallis velit#at aliquet magna dignissim non. Ut consequat tellus a dignissim ornare. Nunc id sapien vitae sem scelerisque tempor sed eu risus. Integer v#nec aliquam libero gravida eu. Morbi at volutpat odio#sit amet posuere lacus. Fusce lobortis urna nibh#id commodo ante tristique id. Proin venenatis finibus sem#ut dictum eros pharetra nec. Ut venenatis orci nec justo vehicula#facilisis aliquam diam condimentum. Integer scelerisque tellus ut risus suscipit cursus.#Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut eu maximus odio. Donec rutrum volutpat ante#scelerisque dapibus leo imperdiet sit amet. Praesent eget lectus vulputate#venenatis nibh et#suscipit felis. Aliquam accumsan est non urna malesuada#sed sollicitudin metus imperdiet. Etiam ac luctus elit. Aenean nulla ex#fermentum ac commodo semper#scelerisque quis leo. Nunc posuere magna quis lectus vestibulum elementum. Morbi eget ullamcorper turpis#vitae convallis libero. Cras mauris urna#viverra ac viverra sed#vulputate id arcu. Cras consequat id turpis et malesuada.#Etiam laoreet fermentum neque#ut condimentum mauris placerat vitae. Nulla ac venenatis nibh. Sed convallis condimentum molestie. Pellentesque fringilla posuere arcu ut c
0 notes
aetheals · 1 year
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse euismod, erat ac rhoncus hendrerit, enim dolor porttitor nulla, ut laoreet tortor tortor sit amet mauris. Donec tristique, felis mattis semper iaculis, eros lorem aliquet turpis, non sodales tortor augue vel sapien. Nunc rutrum justo eleifend ipsum hendrerit gravida. Nullam non tempor dui. Phasellus vel odio luctus, tincidunt lorem a, euismod est. Ut eget nibh sit amet sapien pellentesque tempor ut auctor urna. Curabitur nec rhoncus diam. Vestibulum et elit id nisi posuere rhoncus. Nam gravida quam sit amet ipsum posuere interdum. Vivamus vulputate non est quis tristique. Phasellus pellentesque nulla urna, sit amet lacinia ligula aliquet et.
Phasellus pellentesque elit dictum eros fringilla, fringilla feugiat leo mattis. Mauris tincidunt lacinia ipsum, iaculis efficitur neque sodales ac. Curabitur ut ipsum blandit, scelerisque nisl et, hendrerit lacus. Vestibulum sit amet felis rutrum, laoreet nulla nec, accumsan odio. Nullam non porttitor mi. Nulla bibendum fringilla ante, iaculis bibendum leo pharetra at. Sed sagittis erat suscipit rutrum eleifend. Sed fringilla, tellus venenatis luctus iaculis, velit mi placerat enim, auctor elementum urna neque eget augue. Quisque consectetur molestie orci at euismod.
Nam egestas, lacus dictum commodo consequat, magna nunc varius est, vitae vestibulum metus neque eu massa. Maecenas sed risus in metus bibendum dapibus non id augue. Nam turpis lorem, semper et est at, dictum suscipit elit. Curabitur non sagittis enim, nec hendrerit erat. Phasellus diam justo, accumsan id augue id, viverra placerat est. Sed diam urna, pharetra sit amet semper in, facilisis vel turpis. Nunc eget orci a mauris suscipit sagittis. Nunc ullamcorper elit at orci molestie bibendum. Suspendisse urna lorem, pharetra at congue et, porta non felis. Fusce volutpat condimentum libero a efficitur. Nam iaculis justo in turpis venenatis, at elementum nulla lobortis. Sed elementum ullamcorper diam eu interdum. Sed vel metus in ligula mollis vehicula. Ut et quam facilisis, dignissim ante nec, molestie sapien. Ut laoreet, sapien non convallis mollis, urna tortor eleifend dolor, in egestas tortor lectus eu orci.
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othercrossee · 2 years
0 notes
i984 · 2 years
I Love You- Wait, What?
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|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader
|Warnings|: THIS IS CRACK, Ooc! Wednesday Addams, author kind of gave up on writing after the third perspective shift, honestly this fic is just a joke at this point, potion works weirdly here, stupid love confessions, panicked but low-key high! Wednesday Addams.
|Summary|: You ruin everything for Wednesday Addams, be it sleeping peacefully or good potion-making.
|A/n|: This might as well be titled "I Gave Up on Quality" with the pairing of Wednesday x @vorsdany . I am really sorry but also not really. I promise I write better fics than this.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
A moron.
That's what you are.
"No, I'm pretty sure I put in the right stuff. Snake fangs and then lavender, right?" You scratched at your back while stretching your sore body as carefully as possible.
With the cauldron, textbooks, parchments, and various ingredients scattered across Wednesday's dorm room floor, you're pretty sure the girl will smack your head if you spill the potion in the making the second time.
Wednesday pointed at the procedure text in hand; you sighed as you leaned forward to read. Okay. Great. So you managed to mess up not only the order but also the name of the ingredients. 
"Snake tail? Well- You know what? I can't help you make this mystery potion if you don't tell me what it's for."
"You were the one who insisted on being a nuisance, might I remind you," Wednesday scoffed as she crossed her arms, brows coming together at the disaster liquid filling the pot.
The potion glows a wine color, its light casting a shadow on the ravenette's tired face; the dark bags underneath her eyes compliment her overall corpse-like look. You wouldn't worry because somehow this appearance works a charm for her, except her behaviors have also resembled the living dead. 
"Well, it's because you look like you can use some help-"
"I do not need help, especially not from you." 
Wednesday didn't even look up as she said it, nose buried deep in whatever book she was reading. Why do you even bother to put up with her at this point?
"Fine! I'm leaving, then." No response. 
If she is going to act like you don't exist, you might as well sabotage her top-secret project. Hands swiftly switching the marked lids of two flower jars—white periwinkle and phlox—you stand up and make your way across the room, heading for the door.
"Good luck, Wens." You throw her an open smirk you know she won't see before exiting the room.
You can't wait to see her fail.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Wednesday lets her body slump as soon as the sound of your footsteps recedes to nothing. The past week has been... restless. And she meant that quite literally. For some reason, her past vision invades her mind when she tries to subdue her consciousness.
With her eyes closed, the picture was as blinding as it is irritating, like daylight to her pitch-black heart. 
It always started with a smile—that annoying smug one—plastered on a face she knew too well for her own liking. And then, echoes of laughter would haunt her, taunt her.
She hasn't let it go farther than that. She couldn't. If Wednesday is going insane, it'll be from the intense torture she befalls upon herself. Not from such unwelcomed twisted imageries that plague her mind.
"Descendamus somno sempiterno, donec corpus e carcere reviviscat." Wednesday speaks in her best Latin, fingers trembling as they throw the right ingredients into the cauldron. 
She watches the liquid turn colorless—a telltale sign that it's successful—and sighs in relief. 
Finally, her sleeping potion is ready.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You turn your head to the sound of a familiar booming voice calling your name across the cafeteria. Enid, the werewolf, approaches you with a daunting look on her face. How unusual.
"No bone-crushing hugs today?"
No response. Why is everybody ignoring your words?
"Something is really wrong with Wednesday."
You huff at her while you take a seat. "Really? Because I'm pretty sure she just kicked me out of your room half an hour ago." You grab a brownie from your plate and take a bite out of it. "That seemed pretty normal to me."
Enid raises her eyebrow at you knowingly. "Well, what did you do?"
A couple of heads turn both your ways. Suddenly, the ceiling looks very interesting. You can see Enid waving dismissively at the crowd from your peripherals. Face contorting in an apologetic look, you take another bite from your brownie.
"Anyway, she told me my sweater looks like a lunatic splattered their guts on it."
The piece of cake dropped off your mouth. "That means she's into your sweater," Enid raised her eyebrows speculatively as she handed you a tissue, "Did she just give you a compliment?" 
"As a matter of fact, yes I did." 
You and Enid jump at the chilling voice from behind you. 
"Dude! You scared the heck out of me," you turn your head to see Wednesday holding a glass of red liquid. She looked drowsy—subdued almost.
"First of all, never call me 'dude' ever again," the ravenette seated beside you groggily, "and second of all, I thought I made a point that fear feeds my entertainment needs."
"Oh yeah, I forgot you do that-"
You take a pause. Enid immediately notices the look on your face.
"What? What's wrong?" The werewolf asked you in a hushed tone. The raven watches as she takes a sip of her drink.
"Did you just- Did she just-" You pull away from Wednesday in disbelief, "reply to the things I say?"
The girl in question only raises her eyebrow at you, the glass of pomegranate juice resting on her now red-stained lips. Then her brows slowly meet in the middle again, perfectly mirroring her look from earlier. 
The glass produces a thud as Wednesday puts it down on the table. You and Enid share a look with each other. A concerned look. One of you has got to say something right now, and you aren't going to be the one to do it.
The sentiment is shared apparently because the blonde also has her mouth trapped shut.
Clankings of dishes. Chatter comes from the crowds. The room was far from silent, but for some reason, it was as if everybody was waiting for Wednesday's response. The tension thickens in the air as the girl turns to look at you, despair etched in her features.
"I need your help." 
You take the last bite out of your brownie. The sweetness resembles something of a victory.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
There must be something wrong with the potion; Wednesday figured out as much. She expected that after the drowsiness took over and her heartbeat slowed, she'd finally be able to shut her mind and get some much-needed rest.
But it was the opposite; while her muscles may have relaxed, the images flashed through her brain with newfound intensity. 
The smug smile, the laughter that resembled screeching metal chains, the mischievous twinkle in those eyes- Oh, how those eyes dragged her feet through the corridors of Ophelia hall. 
Nothing made sense anymore; Wednesday needed to find the source of her madness and stop whatever is happening at the very core.
She needs to stop you. 
But not before throwing Enid a merry compliment along the way and giving Eugene a preposterous nickname.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
"Bee Man? That's what you came up with?" You're almost rolling on Wednesday's dorm room floor, hands coming to clutch your contracting stomach; if Wednesday doesn't kill you now, the laughter certainly will.
"Yes, but can we please focus on the task at hand?" The ravenette clenched her jaw, "You're supposed to be helping me find the problem with the potion-"
Boisterous cackles cut through Wednesday's words, and you swear you can see fumes coming out of her ears. "-not to laugh at a genuine, original nickname."
"Yes, but he asked you to give him a nickname and BEE MAN-" you wheeze uncontrollably, eyes tearing up at the absurdity of it.
If you knew changing one ingredient would've given you a very talkative and silly Wednesday Addams, you would've done so during potion class ages ago.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you what I did," you take a deep breath, hands coming to pick up one of the vials containing water-like liquid; eyes scanning the mystery messed up serum.
"But, only if you answer my questions first."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Wednesday was ready to whip out a dagger to your neck and make a new potion from scratch, but without identifying the real problem, she'd risk committing the same mistake again.
After all, she'd been meticulous in following the instructions. So it couldn't have been a mistake on her part.
Begrudgingly, she nods, bracing herself for whatever question you may throw her.
You flashed her a teasing smirk, and Wednesday could've sworn it was almost identical to the ones that haunted her every time she so much closed her eyes. A mere coincidence. That's all that is.
"All right, question number one," you cleared your throat before resuming, "Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?"
This threw Wednesday off. And as if you could read her mind, you added a quick, "and no, there's no significance to these questions. Just answer them as is."
Recalling the intense debate Enid has dragged her in with Yoko in the past, she thanked her roommate internally for the fact that the werewolf has basically force-fed her the food.
A simple 'yes' slides out Wednesday's mouth, and you move on to the second question—still with that annoying smirk plastered on your face.
"The second question. Mint chocolate ice cream for dessert, yay or nay?"
"Beep-boop, that's not the proper answer to my question. You have two more chances of getting this correct!"
Wednesday feels her face scrunch in exasperation, "I thought you said there's no signi-"
"One more chance until you're disqualified! Please choose your words carefully," you wiggled your eyebrows at her, and it took everything in Wednesday not to smash the spare potion vial at your face.
"Yay. The answer is yay." 
"Yay, indeed!" you make a grand gesture by lifting your hands in the air, "Onto the next question. Which one do you put in first; cereal or milk-"
"Milk. It's milk. Next question please."
"Ohoho, eager are we?" you stand up and grab the textbook Wednesday had used earlier for the potion-making instruction. Now Wednesday has all her attention on you, eyes narrowing in laser focus as anticipation for your upcoming words.
"Finally! The most important question of this compatibility test, and no matter your answer, I'll tell you what you desire to hear most!" 
Your fingers tap and dance on the book's cover—imitating the sound of drumrolls—and Wednesday almost mauled you then and there if not for your question;
"You, Wednesday Friday Addams, have a crush on me, yes or no?"
The ravenette surprisingly sinks in an internal debate at this.
Just say no. It wouldn't matter. You'll know why the sleeping potion doesn't work after this. Just say no. What is stopping you? It's so easy. The answer is no. Just say-
"Yes, I do." 
No, no, no, no. This can't be. Correct yourself. Say-
"I do have a crush on you."
The book you're holding dropped to the floor. Wednesday looks up to see your mouth gaping, eyes darting all over her face as if you're looking for a sign of her joking. 
But there was none. There was just a surprised look shared between the two of you. 
Wednesday quickly grabs her book and flips through the pages hurriedly.
The slip-ups, compliments, and the awful nickname. The love confession. Could it really be?
Wednesday's fingers slowed down as she reached a designated page, her eyes scanning the room to see two almost identical flower jars at the foot of her bed, only differentiated by a label stuck on the lid.
And when Wednesday caught your guilty face looking at it like her, she knew.
White Periwinkle and Phlox. The two kinds of flower that are similar in appearance but differ significantly as ingredients of a potion.
"A truth potion," You both breathed out into the room.
And you look at Wednesday; she's looking at you. 
"So it's true then?" The shakiness in your voice surprised the two of you, forcing you to clear your throat for the second time in her room.
"It is what it is," Wednesday tears her gaze away from yours to the book in hand, covering her flushed face with the extent of her bangs.
"Unless we managed to mess up the truth potion too, then maybe-"
"No, no, no, no, because," you drop to the ground and kneel at the space in front of her, hands hurriedly opening the vial containing the liquid that had started it all. Wednesday panically looks at you now, and you smile at her before chugging the whole thing down.
"I have a crush on you, too."
And there it is in all your glory; bright smug smile, childish laughter, and mischievous eyes. It finally clicked for Wednesday that you—yes, you—are her eternal living nightmare. She'll make sure you pay the price for all her sleepless nights. 
And it's not gonna be cheap.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
|A/n2|: I really am genuinely sorry, I promise I'll do better next time.
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pekotta · 8 months
Donec Mors Nobis Partem
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latinare · 3 months
I sincerely hope that the first person to read this does not bear the name Pfistomel Smyke. If that should be the case, however, be advised, Pfistomel, you confounded rogue, that I hereby curse you! I curse you to the end of time and I shall anoint your grave with my ghostly piss until our planet collides with the sun!
Candidule spero ut qui hoc primum leget nomen non habeat Pfistomel Smyke. Si autem sic accidat, Pfistomel furcifer mixte, monere me tibi hic maledicere! Usque ad saeculi finem tibi maledico et mea urina larvale sepulcrum tuum dilibuem donec orbis noster solem arietaverit.
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gatheredfates · 1 year
Dividers! ✧˖°.
As to not flood the original post with reblogs, I'm making a new post of the ones I've done tonight with little lorem impsum descriptions! This means you can see how they will look when you use them. ♥ If you'd like your own, feel free to send me a dm!
For @riftdancing:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultrices bibendum ex, condimentum varius quam convallis eu. Proin a quam vel metus gravida gravida eget quis turpis. Praesent efficitur magna in egestas placerat.
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Vestibulum auctor eu massa in tincidunt. Quisque luctus rhoncus ornare. Nam eu magna tristique, aliquet sapien nec, vehicula ligula. Etiam in lacus ullamcorper, tristique ex sed, dignissim leo.
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Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eget porttitor sapien, eget consectetur dui. Pellentesque nec metus sed purus pharetra ullamcorper. Nullam eget placerat magna.
For @arinaxiv:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet efficitur dolor. Aliquam interdum sit amet risus dictum feugiat. In placerat porttitor risus, sit amet blandit odio aliquam ac. Morbi ultrices, elit sed tincidunt scelerisque, felis nibh gravida sem, sit amet gravida ligula tortor eu enim.
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Aliquam lacus tellus, porta vitae venenatis id, placerat non risus. Aliquam ac ultricies nibh, at blandit ante. Cras sit amet tortor convallis, mollis arcu nec, tempus ante.
For @irisopranta
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Vestibulum commodo scelerisque odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ultricies erat ut quam blandit rhoncus. Aliquam feugiat imperdiet ipsum tincidunt varius. Nunc blandit non felis sit amet lobortis.
For @cadrenebula
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Vestibulum lacinia orci accumsan, posuere lacus vitae, tincidunt ligula. Suspendisse diam leo, maximus nec dolor id, porttitor sagittis ante. In et leo eu augue finibus facilisis nec id erat. Pellentesque eget velit ac nisl molestie venenatis et nec mi.
For @saeta
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Nullam at enim a nisl molestie scelerisque ut eu odio. Integer feugiat nunc et mauris lacinia, eu porta nunc facilisis. Suspendisse euismod condimentum pulvinar. Sed fermentum odio id accumsan dictum. Curabitur vitae efficitur nibh.
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Morbi sollicitudin tortor quis convallis imperdiet. Donec est purus, tincidunt vitae ex sit amet, hendrerit bibendum magna. Nulla consectetur augue et auctor finibus. Donec sodales dictum congue.
For @dragons-ire
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Ut et pharetra tortor. Etiam id leo erat. Nulla rutrum luctus suscipit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus blandit ex pellentesque, gravida nisi nec, vestibulum mauris.
For @isorawrites
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[best viewed on light theme!]
Donec dictum magna et est sodales, nec maximus eros maximus. Nulla id lectus ut elit efficitur laoreet et gravida nulla. Proin rhoncus diam nec orci tristique, eget faucibus nulla dictum.
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Vestibulum rutrum malesuada nulla, in rutrum ex congue sit amet. Nullam eu velit imperdiet, pretium lacus nec, dignissim massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed non consectetur libero.
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nopanamaman · 1 year
How come on the Enter the Zone neocities website, all of the lore/analysis and character info just says this?:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc. Lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa. Non enim praesent elementum facilisis leo vel. Elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Eu sem integer vitae justo eget. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in. Bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a. Sit amet dictum sit amet justo.
Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla. Sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum enim. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus. Vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi tempus. Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat. Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem. Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus arcu. Lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas. Nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. Pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium. Amet justo donec enim diam. In aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis."
Bro that's not even my website, that's a fan project lol
Also Lorem ipsum is a standard placeholder text, it's used in graphic design a lot. So I assume this means the info will be entered later
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blog-against-ai · 2 months
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.
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zeeposting · 4 months
[ donec iterum conveniant, amica mea. ]
[ 🩸 Dagger & Teacup ]
(no, i didn't beta read this i never beta read my fics)
Teacup stiffly stood at the corner of the ballroom, sticking out like a thumbtack, which was quite fitting for his current situation. She was just a commoner at a fancy ball for people higher up — people who had more wealth than them combined.
The room was full of people who were wealthy — they all came from a history of being rich, or successful. The same people who had the power to take down one kingdom, and revive another.
Of course, they were silently judging. It was the nature of these people — judging before meeting a new face was the norm around these parts, especially in such a place where the most powerful of people were gathered.
Teacup wasn't exactly either of these things.
Fancy dress wasn't so bad, but the clothing was so restricting — tight slacks, and the itchiest of gloves, which made his skin crawl. Not to say that they looked bad, no — the right word was gorgeous. Pearls rested around their neck, silver earrings dangling from his ears.
She could be in a romance novel, possibly even the protagonist. But that wasn't exactly true, because Teacup had come to realise that everyone was dressed just like he was.
They had also come to realise that this was the period of time where everyone chose a partner to dance with, but there was nobody who could share a dance with her. As embarrassing as it was, it was also quite expected.
"Pardon me," A rasp voice called out to the latter, making them turn — somebody had finally made the decision to talk to them.
"Oh, uh, yes?" He'd look up at the tall figure, face almost going a slight shade of pink. She'd never seen someone so tall, let alone so attractive.
They had deep red eyes, grey hair which was short, but not too short — clothing being somewhat sophisticated and smart. Oh, this person was very pretty.
"May I have this dance?" She got down on one knee, holding a hand out to Teacup, who was starting to grow flustered beyond belief — nobody had ever been so polite to him in so long.
"Yes, sure, of course!" They blurted out, a crooked smile on their face.
Their feet began to move to the sound of the music, as clumsy as it was due to height differences and positions, but however, they eventually fell into a rhythm.
Teacups eyes were focused on this mystery person, and she didnt dare look away.
When it was time to be bent back, he put all his trust in them. Their body pushed forward, then back. Forward, then back. Hands tightened, and he was spun around like everyone else — the music being the perfect addition to this moment.
The moonlight seeped through the windows, illuminating the floors of the ballroom, casting a magical glow on some of the dancers. Every worry they had melted away, sinking into the deep dark.
Teacup was whipped.
Dagger had formed a small smirk on her face, gripping their side tighter as they spun, keeping them upright, nails clawing into the fabric of Teacup's dress shirt.
He placed a hand to their chin, lifting it up slowly — eyeing the flesh which rest on their neck. The music began to come to and end, and their faces were close.
Dagger could feel Teacup's heartbeat.
"Sir, or.. Ma'am? Mx?"
"Dagger, sweetheart."
Teacup's heart jumped, and a shaky breath escaped his lips, mixing with Daggers own.
They came to a stop, but neither of them pulled away, as the grip only grew tighter — it felt like being stuck together. Nothing else mattered to Dagger. Everything was later, and they were now.
Her fangs peeked out, twisting Teacup's neck to the side — before leaning forward and piercing his teeth into her neck. Blood seeped out, and when Dagger pulled away, there was two bite marks on the side of Teacup's neck — blood resting on his lips, licking it away.
"Thank you, darling." Dagger took his hand, kissing the knuckles softly, before pulling back.
"I.. well, it's nothing, really.." They scratched the back of their head, a sheepish smile on their face. Dagger had turned away, but said one last thing.
"Until we meet again, love."
They disappeared off into the crowd, leaving Teacup to think about what just happened — what was he going to do when she got home?
Perhaps after today, they'd meet again. It was possible.
[ end ]
i love them both!!!
@millylostintheosc LOOK!! LOOKKEIOE LIK
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elbiotipo · 2 months
No, OP, lo que pasa es que Tolkien y CS Lewis, más allá de cualquier dato comprobable, claramente tienen dos estilos de worldbuilding que lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit leo nec semper tincidunt. Quisque molestie justo nunc, quis laoreet nisl scelerisque ac. Donec pellentesque elementum mollis. Maecenas ultrices egestas odio nec tincidunt. Proin quis dui dignissim, gravida elit posuere, suscipit risus. Nam ut pulvinar massa che pará por qué el texto de lorem ipsum dice Massa
Somehow, Sergio Massa has returned
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tinygryphon-58570 · 1 year
Tumblr media
I have a vague memory of someone asking me for this bio code at one point, and since I'm redoing my bios and won't be using this anymore myself, here it is as free-use for everyone <3
Graphics are from Osiem's gorgeous bio resources
yes you can edit it as much as you like
no I don't need to be credited for the coding or anything, it's fine ^^
Coding can be found under the cut! It works both with or without vistas ^^
[font=Cambria][size=7][b]- Name -[/b][/size][/font]
[columns] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2623e2f92xw1s9r/windv2.png[/img] [nextcol] [center]-----
[font=Gabriola][size=5]'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tristique sed eros et ultrices.'[/size][/font]
----- [i]Pronouns | Alignment | Job/Role[/i] -----
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tristique sed eros et ultrices. Fusce et suscipit turpis, eget sodales metus. Nullam commodo vehicula purus, a ultrices arcu efficitur sed. Donec interdum ultricies urna, quis ultrices velit auctor nec. Donec dictum iaculis lacus vitae convallis. Curabitur a lacus vel sapien tristique eleifend. Nam dapibus vel dolor a scelerisque. Donec aliquam purus elit, at suscipit arcu egestas eu. Curabitur id dignissim sapien.
[img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/k1b4ynhewlhqjdz/windmidsmall.png[/img][/center] [nextcol] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2623e2f92xw1s9r/windv2.png[/img] [/columns] [font=Gabriola][size=7]- History -[/size][/font]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tristique sed eros et ultrices. Fusce et suscipit turpis, eget sodales metus. Nullam commodo vehicula purus, a ultrices arcu efficitur sed. Donec interdum ultricies urna, quis ultrices velit auctor nec. Donec dictum iaculis lacus vitae convallis. Curabitur a lacus vel sapien tristique eleifend. Nam dapibus vel dolor a scelerisque. Donec aliquam purus elit, at suscipit arcu egestas eu. Curabitur id dignissim sapien.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tristique sed eros et ultrices. Fusce et suscipit turpis, eget sodales metus. Nullam commodo vehicula purus, a ultrices arcu efficitur sed. Donec interdum ultricies urna, quis ultrices velit auctor nec. Donec dictum iaculis lacus vitae convallis. Curabitur a lacus vel sapien tristique eleifend. Nam dapibus vel dolor a scelerisque. Donec aliquam purus elit, at suscipit arcu egestas eu. Curabitur id dignissim sapien.
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belfry-ghost · 3 months
Lorem ipsum
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mauris nibh, auctor sit amet pellentesque rutrum, congue ut sem. Nunc dictum fringilla enim, ac tincidunt elit efficitur id. Etiam elit justo, scelerisque sit amet nisl vitae, porttitor viverra massa. Aenean mattis congue massa, ut congue enim pretium vitae. Fusce ut dui egestas, rhoncus nisi vitae, finibus urna. Pellentesque eget maximus metus, id feugiat urna. Proin rhoncus turpis ut arcu laoreet cursus. Nulla mi tellus, lobortis a egestas eget, suscipit a diam. Suspendisse leo ipsum, interdum ac blandit ac, tempor vel justo. Maecenas sodales auctor turpis, a posuere turpis imperdiet nec. Nullam et nisl sem. Aenean quis elit vitae nunc porttitor varius et a mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque enim tellus, varius id felis a, tempus tristique leo. Nulla vitae arcu aliquam, ullamcorper lorem quis, blandit dolor. Nulla maximus risus arcu, in aliquam nulla convallis sed.
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