#Donovan Sun Haven
obverse-nozi · 1 year
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thesanityclause · 2 years
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I ended up really loving the fun sewer dog man in Sun Haven. We are dating now. I made him pizza c:
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oneshimaru · 1 year
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Girlies u ever love him so much wanna just get in his skin 👁️👁️👁️
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h20milk · 1 year
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for me?
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cyberaxolotl · 5 months
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miscreantmermaid · 2 years
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Absolutely obsessed with the intense nonbinary energy of this dog boy in the very good life sim/RPG Sun Haven.
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dragonindigo245 · 1 year
Looking to commission a game modder, specifically one okay at sprite and portrait design
Experience with stuff along the lines of Stardew portraits would be what I'm needing, seeing as this would be a Sun Haven mod. The read more has more info below.
I've been playing Sun Haven a lot and I love it as well as the art style but I need someone to please clean up these sprites. The sprites the game uses are good but parts are just not built right. Some of the outfits need a few changes because of how horrific they are.
The modding would not require much work beyond basic clean up and the occasional appearance change. Like I said, I like the original stuff it just needs fixed up.
Few examples of things that need done:
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Muscles need to be fixed to not seem so odd.
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Anne needs to have her body not be so oddly skinny compared to her tits.
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This outfit needs to be changed. It's poorly designed and could be done better. Honestly, putting armor over the leather could probably be an okay fix.
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This face needs to just be fixed and less awkward looking.
I'm willing to discuss payment based on what rates you think you deserve. If you think you could stay true mostly to how the game looks as well as do these simple fixes, please contact me!
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elieasal · 8 months
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Carnival Date with Donovan
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lxvelylullabies · 1 year
hello >< i made another sun haven oc yippe-!
here’s some facts / hcs / lore bits about my other sun haven oc, VERITY !! 🪽💫🖤
🖤 verity’s nicknames : V
🖤 verity’s love interests? : donovan!!
🖤 verity’s friends? : verity is a little shy, so it’s a bit hard to make friends. but, she’s very close with donovan, honey and cassia, arianella, caspera, and felicity.
🖤 verity is an angel- a fallen one, actually- with only one wing. it’s kind of a long story >< i’ll be getting into it later ;;
🖤 if i had to describe verity in four words, they would be : gentle , curious , insecure , intuitive.
🖤 verity is usually shy, and is a little nervous around new people. however, she can be easily brought out of her shell. she tends to feed off of others’ energy- so if you are extroverted, she will be more open too.
🖤 verity can get overwhelmed easily! mainly because she isn’t very good at being in the mortal realm. she doesn’t understand the concept of a lot of things. doesn’t know what money is.
🖤 obviously- being an angel (even if she’s technically a fallen one)- she has a really good heart. she is kind, gentle, and very empathetic- and can often tell other’s hidden intentions very quickly.
🖤 verity rarely visits anywhere outside of Withergate. its hard for her to venture anywhere without donovan- as new places make her anxious and she feels clueless. she’s also worried people will perceive her as evil or bad because she’s fallen. she once overheard someone call her ‘spooky’ in Sun Haven- and she hasn’t stepped foot there since. Nel’Vari is a little better- but she feels out of place and judged there too- maybe with the exception of a few people she considers friends- like Vaan, Lucius and Iris.
🖤 Verity was once an angel that lived among the clouds, constantly watching the mortals below. she was so intrigued by them, she begged her angel family and her God to let her experience the world as people do. She was denied multiple times, until she asked one too many times.
🖤 because of her adamancy, she was seen as ‘going against the way of the guardian angels’, therefore going against their God. So, she was banished, doomed to fall from the sky, landing into Withergate. One of her wings was even ripped off of her- in both a form of punishment, and also in order for never be able to fly up back to the angel world ever again. Her halo cracked in a few different places from the fall, and her one wing turned black- as it does for fallen angels.
🖤 verity, now a fallen angel in an unknown place- was just about as scared and as helpless as a kicked lost puppy. luckily, the first person for verity to meet in Withergate was Donovan. He ended up trying to get to know her more- realizing he hadn’t seen her at all before. They got to talking.
🖤 verity became very fond of Donovan, very quickly. he taught her a lot about the world that she was once so desperate to see. she values his carefree attitude and his adventurous spirit, and he truly helps her come out of her shell. she even told him her story, and Donovan promised that he would help her get back into the angel world, no matter what.
🖤 eventually, after a long time away from home, her angel family tried to call her home. the God was willing to forgive her, and offered her a spot back up in her home. however, Verity didn’t go back, realizing that her real home was where her heart was- with Donovan.
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amore-amari · 1 year
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Local wolf underestimates just how strong his tiny fox girlfriend is. He's pleasantly surprised, but also knows she is stupidly ticklish and will soon have his revenge. This is my arctic fox Amari, Allyra. She's a positively hyperactive bundle of trouble even Donovan is having trouble keeping up with, but she's also sweet as can be. I hope to write some fluff for these two soon, they're perfect idiots together.
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[scuttles in here] can i please have. donovan x reader general hcs. I Adore The Wolf Boy Ever
Oh boy, I am so glad you asked. I am a Donovan Enjoyer myself, so here you go!
● He doesn't really know how to deal with physical or verbal affection, especially from you.
For the first bit of your friendship(let alone your relationship) he's very distant and would feel very awkward if you hugged him or said that you cared about him in any way.
After starting to date you( ot if you're platonic just becoming closer), he slowly became more accepting of hugs, but he still doesn't seek them out often. He does appreciate small acts of affection a lot, though. And although it took him a while, he realized he really liked cuddling or laying on the couch together.
●This man is such a tease. He loves having a partner that flusters easily, but if you try to fluster him back, he's definitely swooning. He will turn it into a contest of who can fluster the other first, and he usually wins.
●He drags you along to do dumb shit with him from day 1. He's taken you with him to catch fish because he had a craving and has insisted that you both catch them with your hands, even if you have a fishing rod, because "it's more fun this way". He's a grade-A dumbass, and he makes it everyone's problem.
● He really respects your farming and is scared of messing it up when you hang out on the rooftop together, so He just sits off to the side and talks to you from there.
● Not particularly opposed to marriage, but it's not a thought that he'll think of himself.
● He doesn't spoil you with expensive gifts like Darius would, but he definitely gives you things that are meaningful or that made him think of you.
●He's surprisingly soft in how he loves you. He seems really confident and he is most of the time, but he also needs a lot of reassurance that he's still doing things right. He's very quick to compliment you, but when you compliment him he kind of shuts down for a second or two, mostly because he's not used to compliments.
●Your relationship with him is one of the first he's had where he hasn't panicked and ran away. There are a few times where he feels like he should run and start a new life, but he tells you and you work it out together.
● This man lovingly teases you, but the second anyone else actually insults you, he will not hold back from talking shit to them.(It very rarely resorts to fights, but he would be down to fight for you)
●Not really a jealous person. He's more likely to feel insecure than jealous. If he does get jealous, he tries to get you both out of the situation.
● Likes to watch movies with you and play games together. He can get pretty competitive, but not to an extreme amount.
● Can't cook well, so dinner is usually up to you, but he wouldn't hesitate to help with making food.
●He wants to help you as much as he can, so be prepared to be forced to accept help. He's persistent.
That's all for now, but I would be very glad to do more! Likes and reblogs/comments are appreciated!
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anatern · 1 year
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donovan, the master of disguises
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thesanityclause · 1 year
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One thing I really appreciate about Sun Haven is all the main characters changing outfits depending on the season. It’s a nice tough! Donovan’s enjoying a demon soda.
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oneshimaru · 7 months
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When you first meet Donovan, he gets so excited to use his disguises, it was sooo cuute 🥺🥺 Jun's really sweet too but pursuing him feels like cheating lmao
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h20milk · 1 year
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(★ ω ★) what the dog(s) doing!!!! (★ ω ★)
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cyberaxolotl · 7 months
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i’ve beeeeeeen sunning that haven real hard………
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