#Dooku: Jedi Lost
charmwasjess · 10 hours
I always assumed the deal with Count Gora hating Dooku for being Force sensitive went back to the ancient Sith occupation of Serenno, his own house being tainted by association with the very people his family allegedly defeated.
But I was rereading the cursed book and the opening scene where Jenza is robbed, she's specifically going on about how she doesn't care about the money, but she really needs back this special crystal that belonged to her grandmother? And her mother is gonna kill her if she loses it?
How much funnier is it if Gora hated Force sensitives because of a very annoying ex-Jedi mother-in-law??
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ionjuno · 9 months
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illustration for Beat, Resonance, Unison by @purple-ant
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rmstitanics · 9 months
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… and then Dooku went and ignored this label by single handedly separating this set himself.
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purple-ant · 4 months
*somewhere in Serenno Castle*
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king-hsssy · 8 months
It irks me that the Tirra’Taka is potrayed as “dark” bc she’s a victim! She’s a victim of abuse and it’s written off that “oh Dooku being drawn to her is a bad thing” as if he’s not a victim in his own right.
Both of them have been used by people to get to the dark side (love you Lene but that was kinda shitty), and both have been hurt by the House of Serenno.
She woke up bc Dooku was, supposedly, one of the first force users tied to the House of Serenno in a hot second and it scared her. All she knows of force users is fear and pain and that kid has it. Once he was taken off planet she was now awake and got to think, she’s a sentient creature so she was thinking for a good 60 years. Just like they don’t have Jedi therapists (or actual good ones *stares at the correctional unit*) space dragon therapists don’t exist so she, like Dooku, sorta self healed and both didn’t do so well.
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steepedfoxglovetea · 1 year
Holy shit guys, I’m listening to Dooku: Jedi Lost and Rael’s cowboy accent….
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I may be a lesbian but goddamn.
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clonebrainrot · 1 year
So something I just remembered from the book Dooku: Jedi Lost.
In that book there is a Jedi named Arath Tarrex. He’s not very good at being a Jedi using the force or morally. He is addicted to gambling and involved in the under world. He grew up with count Dooku in the temple and was mean to him so Dooku was very pleased to see this all.
Later Qui Gon and Dooku are watching a race where Dooku’s brother the heir to Serenno is racing. His brother agreed to rig the race, but decided in the end to impress Dooku and his swoop racer blows up.
Dooku tracks down the crime boss who tried to kill his brother and learns that the crime boss has a spy on the Jedi Council!
That spy was Jedi council member Yula Braylon. Why was she working with a crime boss? To cover the gambling debts of her son Arath Tarrex. Yep. A Jedi master on the council had a son who she secretly snuck back into the Jedi order to watch over him.
What’s interesting about this other than the drama it causes in the Jedi order. Is Yoda’s response. Dooku asks what they should have done differently and Yoda says “she should have told us about her son” “we would have understood and helped her” both her son and herself weren’t kicked out of the Jedi order.
Do you know what this means? If Anakin came forward about Padme and his soon to be children he would be reprimanded yea, but still totally accepted at the Jedi.
I think this just makes Anakin and the Jedi all the more tragic. They never learned from their mistakes until it was to late.
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A note- I've read most of the Star Wars books over the years, new & old, recently including Master & Apprentice. I was fascinated by the description of Rael Aveross as having a "heavy Outer Rim accent", and imagined different flavors of it- to me, the Outer Rim sounds like Shmi (swedish actress) or Jango (new zealand drawl) etc etc....
Only, this week at work I finally listened to Dooku: Jedi Lost, and discovered that Rael fucking Aveross is a Texas hoss wrangler.
Being from the South myself, I already despise badly done southern accents, and his was perhaps the worst I have ever heard. I will never recover.
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count-doodoo · 8 months
dooku: jedi lost, an aggregated review
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
If they're going to tell Dookus story in Tales of the Jedi, then BY HELL they had BETTER at least MENTION that time he tried to rip Yodas favorite 1,000 year old tree out by the roots when he was 14, with nothing but the power of God and anime on his side
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charmwasjess · 6 months
Jedi-era Dooku is just such a fairy tale trope Disney princess. His evil father hates him and tries to feed him to the wolves because he's born with magic powers. He gets adopted by a cartoon troll wizard. He lives as a servant (of democracy) but is secretly royalty. He has a cast of little animal friends. Okay, his animal friends are convors and dragons and Rael and Qui-Gon, but they love him
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thegeekylady52 · 1 year
every day i mourn the fact that ky narec didn't take asajj to the jedi temple
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rmstitanics · 9 months
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Sifo-Dyas was a human male Jedi Master from Minashee who commissioned the Kaminoans' creation of the Grand Army of the Republic over a decade before the Clone Wars. A Jedi from the Cassandran Worlds, Sifo-Dyas was gifted with the power of foresight, and he earned a seat on the Jedi High Council prior to the Invasion of Naboo. When he foresaw a coming war that would ravage the galaxy, he believed that the Galactic Republic would require an army if it were to prevail. Yet, his peers on the Jedi Council rejected his notions, leading to his removal from the Council. Nevertheless, he pursued his ideas in secret and contacted the Kaminoan cloners, purporting to have the authorization of the Council and the Galactic Senate to raise an army for the Republic. In doing so, he unknowingly entered the crosshairs of the Sith, who set out to assume control of his cloning project.
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purple-ant · 9 months
Jenza: You are gay for my brother.
Sifo-Dyas: You didn't even try to make it a question.
Sifo-Dyas: It's not really correct though. Yes, I'm gay, but for your brother? Let's just say if Dooku was a woman, I would be bi.
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
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Ky Narec to Asajj Ventress - Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott
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skyyworker · 2 years
i have a new obsession and it's called dooku/sipho-dyas
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