#rael averross
furious-blueberry0 · 2 days
Oh I was so hoping you'd do this one :D <3 Rael Averross for Big Color Time in "Him," please?
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This is honestly more hard than I thought it would be dear lord. Anyway, here is Rael!
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Hi I have another stupid insane plot idea
OKAY SO. Inspiring facts of canon:
We all remember that Dooku is like 20yrs older than Palpatine, yes? (I have been informed that is is not actually common knowledge as I thought. Dooku's born 102bby and Palps is 84bby. Please do not comment only to express shock at the ages.)
We also all know that Dooku is one of the most prolific masters (not counting Yoda) in terms of Number Of Apprentices Taught, which means that he really enjoys teaching/guiding younger people into becoming the best version of themselves (even if that's sometimes the best Sith possible, like Ventress), despite some Notable failures.
Situation: Dooku time-travels to his own twenties or thirties. Could be physical (Knight Dooku meets The Count) or mental (Dooku wakes up with sixty years of memories), but he's There.
Important Factor: Palpatine is YOUNG. Like, a teenager at MOST.
Plot Shape: Dooku has a New Project. He is going to harass this very young politician/actual child into not being a shitheel, and drag his current apprentice (probably Rael) into helping.
If Palps is sixteen or something, he's already in politics, because Naboo. If Palps is like... four, then Dooku might just Pick Him Up as a new Initiate for the Temple.
Bonus points: Skeevy Sheev is also a time-traveler, specifically of the mental variety, and loathes that Dooku is exerting his age like this. It's Undignified! The man is trying to mentor him! SIDIOUS IS MEANT TO BE THE MASTER, NOT THIS JEDI REJECT.
I just need Dooku's "I can fix him" mentoring energy to smack into teenybopper Sheev at full force.
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padawansuggest · 5 months
Jedi Chat
Dooku: Why? Did you upset another queen?
Qui-Gon: No!
Rael: He’s probably got one pregnant tho I’ve been waiting for him to bring me a niece or nephew for years.
Komari: Can we make this fast, I’m trying to bathe Xanatos’s spawn.
Komari: Yeah, whatever.
Qui-Gon: I am having a crisis here!!!
Dooku: *sigh* What’s wrong this time, Qui-Gon?
Xanatos: wtf
Komari: but he’s only like two years old??????? He’s an infant??? He’s still in the womb this isn’t allowed????
Dooku: He’s fifteen, padawan, he can have a boyfriend if he wants.
Qui-Gon: NO HE CANNOT!!! He’s my baby!!
Rael: lmaoooo who’s the bf?
Qui-Gon: Quinlan Vos.
Dooku: nvm, you are right to panic. Si just got a vision of their first child and he’s a menace. All their worst in one baby. Wait… Si just said that’s just their first baby and they won’t be born for at least 5 years. Worst of luck to you all.
Dooku: Can’t. Bringing my husband to the healers he said that vision hurt.
Rael: Awww, it’ll be okay, Qui, Obi-Wan has at least five more years before he’s thrust into parenthood.
Qui-Gon: this meeting has been so unhelpful I hate you all.
Komari: listen, it might be a bit early to say this. But. I’m not free to babysit that weekend. This applies to all of them.
Xanatos: that’s fair. Komari is my babysitter, I’m the one with blackmail on her.
Komari: :/
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jedi-starbird · 3 months
Broke: Qui-Gon didn't want to take Obi-Wan as a padawan because of Xanatos baggage
Woke: Qui-Gon didn't want to take Obi-Wan as a padawan because he saw this tiny spitfire picking fights and went 'Oh No it's Rael 2.0'
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charmwasjess · 4 months
I legitimately didn't remember how fucking batshit funny some of the Dooku sections in Claudia Gray's Master and Apprentice were. Qui-Gon's remembering his first mission with Dooku in flashback: okay, seems straightforward enough. They land in an ongoing crisis in a battle zone, Dooku goes to talk to the generals. Then, next scene, we smashcut directly to:
"Don't be afraid." Dooku's voice rang out over even the howling winds of Shurrapak. Qui-Gon clung to the carbon-fibre-rope riggings of the Shurrapakan ship, salt spray stinging his face and hands as they rounded the cape to approach the battle from an angle the enemy wouldn't expect. "They're shielded against skycraft and energy weapons. Not against seafaring vessels!" He made this sound majestic, courageous, brilliant -- nothing like the last-minute, last-ditch attempt it really was. Qui-Gon took a deep breath and stared up at the stars. Big mistake. The stars weren't moving and his stomach was, and the queasiness that swept through him made him feel weak.
Dooku has been on this planet for less than 24 hours. There are already other Jedi there ahead of him with established generals working on the battle plans, which according to the scene just before this, are complete enough that its conceivable Dooku and Qui-Gon will miss the action. So naturally, the plan he then comes up with is "ABANDON ALL OTHER PLANS, WE ATTACK THE FORTIFIED BATTLEFIELD WITH OLD TIMEY ROPE-RIGGED SAILING SHIPS!"
And at his side?? A seasick twelve year old who has never left the Temple or seen battle!!! Who can't swim! And backing them up?? Rael fucking Averross, who Dooku was just nagging for being too eager to get into the fighting. Sure, Dooku. That's Rael's problem.
This is the most disaster lineage shit I've ever read. This could absolutely be an Anakin and Obi-Wan Clone Wars arc.
Bonus Rael and Qui-Gon Content, from earlier in the chapter:
"C'mon, then, let's go talk to the generals." Rael made it sound like the most natural thing for a twelve-year-old to do.
Rael, you crazy motherfucker, never change.
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bolithesenate · 7 months
Halloween at the Jedi Temple is going great
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Rael using his scary dog master privileges for fun and profit
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purple-ant · 7 months
disaster lineage padawans: would you hit your father for twenty credits?
Ahsoka: It doesn't say how I should hit him, so I can just give him a small push, right?
Ahsoka: But who...
Ahsoka: Master Plo, Master Obi-Wan, can you come here?
Anakin: Can I hit the Force?
Anakin: ...
Obi-Wan: No thanks, that's rude.
Obi-Wan: Like, I don't know this man, but it would be rude to hit him for money.
Obi-Wan: but on the other hand... Qui-Gon's nose is already broken and we need credits for the mission.
Komari: LOL YES
Rael: Over my body, you bitch.
Qui-Gon: Listen, none of us can hit him harder than life already did. We can just get some credits.
Dooku, holding lightsaber: Who should I pay?
Sifo-Dyas: After that Count Gora was never seen again.
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ydraiggoch · 15 days
Rael Aveross definitely blasted space country music from his room as a padawan, which resulted in Dooku passive aggressively playing his space opera louder until neither of them could hear anything.
Also just them fighting over the radio during missions.
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Rael and Qui-Gon would have bullied Ventress relentlessly given the opportunity but aren’t high enough level nemesis to unlock her backstory with Ky Narec
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modernepimetheus · 1 year
Disaster lineage's favorite other members (it makes sense I swear)
Yoda: Qui-gon. They smoke weed and talk about the living force together.
Dooku: Obi-wan. That's his grandson. He's so proud of him.
Rael: Nim. He's biased. After she died, he bonded with Anakin over mostly legal podracing
Qui-gon: He says he doesn't have favorites, but it's definitely Xanatos(pre betrayal) after that, it's Ahsoka. She's chill.
Nim: If she were alive, I think Ahsoka would be her favorite
Feemor: Obi-wan. He loves his baby brother
Xanatos: Hates everyone. Bitch.
Obi-wan: Actually doesn't have a favorite, but it's between Anakin and Ahsoka
Anakin: It's a close tie between Ahsoka and Obi-wan
Ahsoka: Anakin. He's her big brother/father figure
Asajj: Ahsoka.
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vaguely-concerned · 5 months
Thoughts upon finishing Master and Apprentice! A good double read with Padawan; the ending of that leaving Obi-Wan slightly hopeful about his relationship to Qui-Gon makes for a very sad yet hilarious ‘Local Padawan loses last little bit of hope he didn’t even know he still had’ sort of vibe to the beginning of this one, which is set one (1) year later and Obi-Wan is So Done with Qui-Gon’s whole deal by this point (correctly btw). Also if you can’t tell already I will not be objective or free from bias in this because I love Obi-Wan so much and some of the stuff Qui-Gon pulled made me incandescent with rage on his behalf <3 let’s go
- 'oh obi-wan, you're so mature for your age, I keep forgetting you're only seventeen years old,' qui-gon says, word for word, repeatedly, in master and apprentice, apparently willfully deaf to the industrial-sized warning bells about their relationship dynamic that should probably be setting off in his head. qui-gon believes in vibing with the living force and being in the moment right up until the moment requires him to pay attention to the kid he's raising for more than oh, one and a half minutes of self-effacing inner monologue and then he's like 'well unfortunately there is simply no time for that right now there are prophecies to be pondered'. (the fact that the admission that obi-wan has essentially been left to raise himself emotionally and the resigned reframing of that as 'and maybe that is a good thing!' is part of the olive branch they extend to each other towards the end... will my sadness never end)
- most of all it's so heartbreaking to me that qui-gon seemingly never understands just how much obi-wan as a person is rooted deeply in shame. I don't think that's a feeling that's particularly prevalent in qui-gon's own inner world so he doesn't recognize how central it is in obi-wan's psychology and completely misunderstands and misaligns with him again and again and again and then gets annoyed with obi-wan for that, thus making the shame even deeper. doubly painful because he does see the way rael lives so much of his life out of shame now and feels sad about it, but can't see the way he's contributing to obi-wan doing so. this is what fucks me up so bad about the generational trauma in star wars -- no one here meant to be cruel. for all his faults I do think qui-gon does love obi-wan and doesn't mean to hurt him. but the original sin of the prequels as far as I'm concerned is qui-gon tenderly drying away obi-wan's tears as he's dying even while completely failing to see him, his eyes too fixed on anakin's future to actually be with obi-wan, who's there right now and needs him.
these are simply very different people trying and failing to understand each other, and the harm that can still happen in that… 'if you love me, you don't love me in a way I understand', all the way through the disaster line, even when the love is there, it is there, that’s what hurts the most, it just doesn’t reach where it’s needed, there’s a connection that doesn’t happen. (ironically I think ahsoka doesn't doubt that anakin loves her, it's just uh everything else that went down. so y'know family curse broken! new even more fucked up curse achieved now with more child murder. I mean there already was some child murder in this family but anakin upped the game exponentially) 
- a lil guy who's basically tarzan except the gorillas are replaced with protocol droids and then he becomes a jewel thief is one of the funniest star wars concepts I've ever heard and I hope pax and rahara get to pop up in more star wars media, they’re great fun. (also an idea I think would be super fun to make a character/campaign around in Edge of the Empire or something, everyone playing different droids and then one person being robo-parented lol) 
- was not prepared to have rael posit a theory of what essentially seems to be the jedi version of predestination in his despair, but I do love to see it haha. especially interesting since he, qui-gon and dooku must be among the people alive who've studied the prophecies in most depth, and they've all reached different conclusions -- dooku decides to join the war of light and dark on the side of dark for some reason, qui-gon (possibly the stubbornest fucker the jedi order ever produced) 'turns towards the light not to win some great cosmic game, but because it is the light', and rael in the middle falls into the depressed apathy of 'it doesn't matter what we do here, the outcome is already decided; for there to be true balance there has to be as much dark as light in the world so we're fucked'. but in the end he does take qui-gon's words to heart and turns towards the light rather than accepting dooku's offer, even if he might not believe it makes a difference in the long run. man I love rael. hobo-looking sonofabitch living in a castle for eight years will just suddenly fling out some deep jedi theology huh
- master rael 'I'm gonna make up for the big terrible mistake I made on accident by making an even bigger more premeditated mistake on purpose' averross (affectionate)
- the added layer to dooku’s fascination with prophecy after reading dooku: jedi lost — that his best friend in the world was a seer who couldn’t turn it off and it destroyed him……….. dooku you’re not getting him back if you just understand what he saw you know that right
- the more I read of master and apprentice the more I realize that the reason yoda and qui-gon don't get along is that they're two of the judgiest bitches the jedi order ever produced. They’re like two cats scowling judgmentally at each other from opposite sides of the room pretending to live and let live while going ‘you’re wrong tho’ internally. 
- I dunk on him constantly (not entirely without affection, however grudging), but Qui-Gon is genuinely a really interesting character. He’s so… he’s so. He’s infuriating but he’s infuriating in an equidistant sort of way. You feel me. He’s pissing everyone off equally and he just doesn’t care because again, he’s the stubbornest judgiest bitch around and thinks he’s right all the time. I would be free to just enjoy his ornery ‘no actually I’m right about this’ ass and the chaos he wreaks so much more if Obi-Wan didn’t have to live with the emotional consequences of it lol. 
- poor rael closing in on fifty with his puriteen middle-aged little brother clutching pearls about his getting laid once in a blue moon fhdskjahfas. again a really interesting insight into different ways of interpreting the jedi code, though, I love seeing the jedi not be an ideological monolith. to be fair to rael, having sex sometimes does seem to be the indulgence he has that causes the least conflict with his principles or loyalties so you know what honestly force speed you my friend why not. (and then there's qui-gon 'noooo sex is only okay if you're In Love (implied: like I was)!!!' jinn lmao. I wonder what he'd think of anakin and padme's relationship, would that pass the 'being sufficiently purely in love' test for him) I do like how consistently it’s shown that rael doesn’t mean to be cruel or unkind in anything he says, he always notices something landing too close to home and then pulls carefully back from it instead of pushing on. He seems to be the emotional intelligence powerhouse in this lineage (as long as he doesn’t have his feelings too tangled up in something, at least). 
Dooku: jedi lost also shows us that dooku absolutely knows rael is out there in the galaxy laying pipe and is, at worst, softly amused by it. So in this little family unit it’s only qui-gon losing his mind over it fjsdkafa I’m so used to having qui-gon be the wild card maverick compared to obi-wan ‘*in tears* but what are the RULES master’ kenobi, it’s so fucking funny that within the context that raised him he’s the stick in the mud 
I guess. the book also had a plot and it was not bad! some interesting insights about how the republic interacted with the big corporations and just how fucked everything already was by this point. I'm a pretty character-driven reader so that's what sticks with me for the most part
- obi-wan’s big teenage rebellion here being that sometimes. Occasionally. When he really loses his temper and gets hot under the collar. He’ll say something slightly passive aggressive out loud instead of keeping it contained inside his head. And qui-gon still can’t handle that gracefully AT ALL he snaps right back fdjskfhas. (I guess he also snitches on qui-gon to the council but well, you know, qui-gon was breaking republic law pretty brazenly at that point I think that moves beyond teenage angst and into ‘...master that’s a wholeass felony’ territory). Obi-Wan does go for a couple of low blows, but like. Nothing that’s not actually true, is the thing. And mostly he blames himself for not being good enough, because surely if he were qui gon wouldn’t treat him like this. Augh. hngh. Pain. suffering. 
- I am not one of the people who think everything would have automatically been just hunky-dory if only qui-gon lived and could have been anakin's master (in fact I would have given it a 50/50 chance of going exponentially worse way faster; being more similar as people is not always a guarantee that a relationship will go smoother and qui-gon is an incredibly difficult man to be close to for any length of time), but the way this book basically presents how the dynamic between dooku, rael and qui-gon could have gone on in the next generation too... it would have been incredibly unfair to obi-wan (as always I think that's just an universal constant lmao) but I think the odds of it turning out okay would have been better if you had him in the mix to run crisis control for both qui-gon and anakin, as he does for each of them individually as best he can anyway. at least he could have been free to be anakin's brother and friend purely in that scenario, without all the added mess of grief and having to take on a parental role there so young. he does basically fill that role in ahsoka's apprenticeship, after all.
- qui-gon finally hugging rael before he leaves the planet (and especially since when they were younger he wanted to, but held himself back from it)... that's still his big brother even with all the shit that's happened since ;_____; when someone teaches you how to swim (literally and symbolically) that shit stays with you I suppose
Relatedly: DOOKU getting hugged, and gladly. What the fuck. Are you all seeing this shit. I’m gonna cry or laugh I’m not sure which one why am I emotionally invested in the galaxy's most problematic grandpa now this sucks
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thebrainofocto · 4 months
i know i am biased but Sifo-Dyas trying to teach Feemor some sweet sweet breakdance moves (i am biased)
maybe even in front of a horrified audience
Sifo and Feemor are the sole reasons for Dookus gray hairs
(Rael and Nim are just enjoying the show)
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jewishcissiekj · 1 month
no but actually I love messing with the disaster lineage. like. yeah, what if Dooku was Obi-Wan's master? What if Qui-Gon was Anakin's master? what if Obi-Wan did end up being Ahsoka's master? let's add on to it. Dooku as Asajj's Master. Asajj as Ahsoka's master. Rael as Obi-Wan's master. Anakin as Rael's padawan. Ky Narec as Dooku's padawan. Sabine as Anakin's padawan. Luke as Qui-Gon's padawan. Yoda as Obi-Wan's master. Ahsoka as Yoda's padawan. feel free to keep adding on to it the possibilities are almost endless
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Pirate au for star wars?
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Going for that Golden Age Fantasy vibe that PotC runs on
Padme is a godly entity masquerading as a noblewoman. She pretends to be a fancy rich lady, corsets and panniers and lacy fans. She is not. She is some kind of god and only a very small number of people are aware of this.
Anakin snuck his way onto a pirate ship when he was nine for Reasons. Those reasons are that Qui-Gon's ship stopped by in a Certain Port for the first time in ten years and, all said, 'living on a pirate ship with the bio dad he's never met' was somehow still better odds on making it to adulthood than sticking with Shmi. Qui-Gon did not want to take a kid to sea, because he thinks being a pirate is understandably way too dangerous for a child. Unfortunately, Anakin.
Qui-Gon was actually a Law Man until a few years before Anakin happened. Specifically, four years before Anakin happened, when Qui-Gon kidnapped a twelve-year-old who'd been scheduled for execution for some insane, overblown crime in a town by Telos (turns out Xanatos is 100% willing and able to get preteen Obi-Wan murdered by the government out of pure spite), and was labeled a criminal when he left. Even after Xanatos and his father were removed from power, Qui-Gon's crimes were not pardoned, and so he and Obi-Wan just went full on Robin Hoods Of The Sea since it wasn't like they'd be safe on land anyway.
Ventress and Grievous run actual Historically Horrible pirate crews that do all the classically evil shit.
Mace is technically supposed to be trying to catch pirates, but if Qui-Gon, his apprentice, and his tiny child--what the HELL, Qui-Gon, what possessed you to bring a CHILD with you--escape from his brig rather more frequently than anyone can justify... well, it's not like Mace is the only one to lose them.
Bonus: Rael is a minor sea spirit who just randomly shows up, drunk as fuck, on Qui-Gon's ship every full moon.
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
very enamoured by Rael Aveross somehow being the most well-adjusted, emotionally stable and intelligent member of the lineage.
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charmwasjess · 4 months
For all that Dooku is a future Sith Lord with Daddy Issues and Rael Averross is a literal stack of rabid raccoons in an overcoat, I honestly think that those two are unrated as one of the genuinely most wholesome depictions of Master/Padawan mentorships that turn into healthy, adult friendship when they become peers. 
They give each other constant shit; they have running inside jokes. Rael's a duelist just like his Master. (Doubling down on that first born son thing, huh Rael? 🥺) They back each other up on missions and stick up for each other in front of other Jedi. And the way they emotionally check in with each other!!! Rael corners Dooku about his empty nesting over Qui-Gon and urges him to take another Padawan because he knows Dooku is his best, most stable self when he’s teaching. Dooku offers to kill a bottle of liquor and cry it out together over Rael’s dead Padawan because he knows he’s isolating in his grief and feels responsible over what happened to Nim. Like… the acceptance and love these two very unconventional Jedi and people have for each other… the positive masculinity… the onscreen HUGS?!
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