#Doubting Dean
wigglebox · 3 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 21; Most faithful mirror
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cthulhum · 5 months
and dean winchester thought he was unlovable and didnt deserve happiness he hated himself and thought eveyone would eventually leave him and then a literal fucking angel fell in love with him. like loved him more than anything else in the world.
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deancasforcutie · 2 years
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Foreshadowing is a narrative device in which a storyteller gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, and it helps develop or subvert the audience's expectations about upcoming events.
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sammygender · 4 months
im so serious when i say disliking sam is an immediate red flag. what is there to dislike. what has he ever done
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incesthemes · 5 months
there is interesting johndean subtext and insinuations across kripke era, usually through an antagonist insinuating parent-child sexual violence in order to exert dominance over dean. this type of mockery exploits that ambiguous relationship between john and dean and reminds dean that he never had a normal relationship with his father, and that makes him gross and wrong. it doesn't actually matter in the end whether john was sexually abusive to dean. the core of their relationship was damning enough: dean was made to take the place of john's wife—to comfort john and raise sam—while simultaneously being his son. the codependent nature of their relationship implies the incest that underscores their dynamic. again, this is regardless of what literally occurred between dean and john because there is enough doubt toward the nature of their relationship that multiple antagonists can use it against them.
sonwife, brotherhusband—dean is stuck in a liminal space between family and lover and is unable to put his feet firmly on just one side and instead has to accept both together or abandon both together. he doesn't get to have a relationship with his family without it being simultaneously incestuous. he plays the role of wife to john and mother to sam as mary's replacement; he therefore becomes more than a son and transcends the boundaries of the familial into the incestuous. it's baked into the dynamic and he can't hope to escape the liminality in which he's stuck without abandoning his entire family altogether.
this ambiguous relationship is further acted out with sam, where people perceive them as lovers rather than brothers; where their mutual devotion trumps, neglects, and disallows any other close relationship outside each other; where their physical closeness is viewed through an unusually sexual lens despite no literal sex acts between them taking place on screen. once again dean is stuck in a liminal space, paralleling the ambiguous and uncertain relationship he had with john.
in the end, sex (and sexual violence) is just a symbol of this codependency and uncertainly incestuous dynamic. sex acts in kripke era end up being symbolic: misinterpretations of sam and dean's relationship; accusations of sexual violence; literal, on-screen sexual moments between the brothers and someone else. it's a literary device that highlights the incestuous themes of the show. dean hand-picks women for sam to fuck because it allows dean to be symbolically part of sam's sex life. henricksen accuses john of raping dean because it is a symbol of the unhealthy, codependent relationship dean had with his father. the samulet stays on during sex because sam is symbolically integral to dean's sexual gratification (seen too in the way both dean and cassie in 1.13 appear to kiss the amulet at least once in the dark room). sex is used to signify more than what's literally on the screen, and the connections between the literal sex acts and the blurred lines of dean's familial relationships allow for a reading of incest between both john and dean and sam and dean.
it never mattered whether johndean or samdean had a sexual relationship in the canon because that was never the point. the point is the liminality that permeates the narrative. sam, dean, and john all stand upon a threshold between acceptable and taboo. the point of it all is the doubt and anxiety, the are-they-aren't-they that is never answered. the absence of incest within the text invites the understanding that the incest was, in fact, always there.
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aliusfrater · 4 months
i just realised we never once get to hear dean call sam a good boy in canon. that feels off. like it should have happened or something
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sammybeann · 2 months
I've been seeing a particular back and forth on the spn fandom side of tumblr regarding Wincest shippers, and though nobody asked, I'm voicing my opinion on the discourse.
The amount of time and energy people put into genuinely loathing those who enjoy a particular ship is astonishing.
To say people who enjoy Wincest are freaks, disgusting, and to even wish harm upon them is fucking WILD.
I'm unsure if anyone, especially Destiel shippers have got the memo, but they are ✨ fictional characters ✨
Enjoying the dynamic between brothers in a fictional sense doesn't mean shippers condone or practice incest in their day to day lives. Like wtf are you even smoking?
Castiel tortured Jimmy Novak, literally got him killed then continued to wear him as a meatsuit and y'all are wet at the prospect of Dean fucking the body of a man who didn't consent.
Tell me how that ship makes you any more moral that Wincest shippers.
People have real lives, families, friends, jobs, and to come on here, a site where people should be allowed to be themselves and enjoy their fandoms, and harp on how they're lesser than because you don't agree with them?
Fucking utterly pathetic, and I'm sorry you're so angry inside. Truly. Here's hoping for some personal growth from some of y'all.
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horrorshow · 3 months
the best way to perceive spn is to be both a bitter sam girl AND a 'dean never did anything wrong' girl btw
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soldierboys · 1 year
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including cas in the family business <3
DESTIEL IN EVERY EPISODE: 5.19 - “Hammer of the Gods”
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
i'm not saying dean hasn't said or done some shitty things but for me. for me. i think if someone said "hey that hurt my feelings" or "that's fucked up man" he would immediately stop, apologize, and cease that behavior in the future. and that doesn't have to matter to other people but it does matter to me.
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wigglebox · 4 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 3; For the first time, I feel
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scoobydoodean · 20 hours
"cas's only crime in season 6 was acting like a protagonist which is why he's punished for it bc dean controls the narrative of early seasons" is a take i've seen and im like. you mean chuck right. like. chuck is the guy who punished castiel constantly. chuck put the leviathans in purgatory. like i know dean is the pov character but like. he doesnt have that much narrative control
What if I said I think that take is insufferable hair brained nonsense that’s transparently motivated by a desire to ascribe a level of power and control to Dean that he simply has never and will never possess in order to villainize him for Cas’s mistakes because Cas simply making a choice that he knew was dangerous and could easily backfire on him and subsequently did is so distressing to deancrit casgirls that they can’t cope with it and have to do 5 rounds of olympic gymnastics inventing entire new worlds of Things That Did Not Happen to find a way to make it Dean’s fault that Cas got teen pregnant
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apocalyypse · 28 days
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s4ep7 // s4ep13 // s10ep13 // s10ep23 // s11ep4 // s15ep5
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golby-moon · 2 months
oh no another submission for @letsdrawcastiel's monthly prompt of Cas as a meme. I just had an idea okay and yeah Dean and Cas are in fact incapable of not staring at each other for all of eternity thank you for asking. Dean is very fond of his autistic angel okay?
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based on that car salesman meme and look I threw in a blankish template. I've never drawn Chuck before so I hope he actually looks like Chuck. also Dean's bi-flannel seriously took forever to make, possibly longer than the rest of the drawing collectively ghfnfhfjf
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deancasforcutie · 1 month
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joke's on you you're sharing eternity with a guy (who rebuilds it into something fair and free alongside the son you raise together because he loves you so very much)
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Allow me a moment to rant (positively) about the subject of my pfp.
Castiel, an actual angel of the lord, rescues Dean from literal hell because Heaven has deemed him too important in the race to stop the apocalypse.
Tell me why, this ungrateful lil shit (I adore Dean but lbr, from Cas' POV, the man aint exactly singing his praises at least in the first half of the season) somehow fascinates this LITERAL ANGEL who has been around for millenia and seen billions of humans come and go.
Yet somehow, he is as fascinated by this one feisty human as a woman is by a piece of cheese (IYKYK) to the point he will kill his own brothers for this man. He will stay on earth, a place he doesn't actually like, just to help this man fight evil. FOR 12 YEARS.
Comprehending this ancient being somehow turning into the Winchesters pet and FALLING IN LOVE WITH DEAN. LIKE!!!? He has gone MILLENIA without feeling anything more than a passing curiosity at humankind and yet. This one man. Just one man whose lifespan would be a mere blink of the eye to angels. Quite literally changed him.
His kind despise humans, viewing them as we view cockroaches. Simply irritating vermin.
His family fucking disowned him. HEAVEN disowned him. FOR ONE HUMAN.
The fuck is he gonna do when this one human dies?? (The finale isn't real, Dean is still alive and well at the beach with Sam and Cas)
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