#Douyin makeup for different face shapes
jypsyvloggin · 11 months
How to get the Douyin makeup filter on TikTok?
How to get the Douyin makeup filter on TikTok? @dinsass Эта маска такая 🥺🥺 ♬ оригинальный звук – nixxtyq Tiktok Challenges are a good opportunity to get new followers. By joining a trend, you can benefit from the general interest. I have introduces you to a few of the past Tiktok challenges and given you tips on how to participate. Now it’s time for the Douyin makeup Filter trend. Where you…
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linisiane · 9 months
Cant stop thinking about that time I went on Reddit to ask for makeup advice, hoping to achieve that kbeauty soft makeup look (as in making me look soft, not as in more natural looking) and instead got replies telling me that I looked like a model, that people would get surgery to have eyes that looked like mine, that the makeup in the photo is unattainable.
The thing is that I don’t look like a model at all. I just look like a young Asian woman. It reminded me of when make up artists started saying fox eye make up was in style now and then started pulling their eyes back.
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A dissonance of understanding that they didn’t mean any harm, but caused it anyway because of the system of beauty they work under: one where parts of our body come in and out of style.
From small butts to BBLs. From big eyes to fox eyes. White to tan to black to white again. Our culture rewards them for finding new features to exotify.
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Let me walk it back. Why did someone calling me a model feel like a micro aggression?
Well, the advice they gave me on the subreddit was all very centered around western beauty, so I think it was less a matter of false flattery and more a matter of them having genuinely no idea how to frame my face in western beauty standards.
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The photo I used for my bare face vs the advice they gave me.
Similar to the way people say Asian women date ugly white men and white men date ugly Asian women—it’s not that they’re fetishizing the other for their race (although sometimes they indeed are doing that), but that what they each think of as beautiful is different based on exposure.
So my eye shape is a unique (exotic) feature to capitalize on to them, but to me, I look like a normal Asian person.
This was reinforced by the model they said I reminded them of: Devon Aoki.
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I totally get where they’re coming from with this! I do look similar to her in face shape, but I think it’s really notable that Devon is Wasian. Half white half Asian, which is pairing a lot of people say makes the prettiest babies.
What I hear when they say that, however, is that racial ambiguity is beautiful.
“The Instagram look is racially ambiguous, as it includes many features commonly found in Black women, Indigenous women and other women of color. However, BIPOC women who naturally have these features, compared to rich white and white-adjacent women who have gone through cosmetic procedures to achieve the same features for aesthetic’s sake, are rarely given the same level of acclaim or endorsements for their natural beauty.”
Again, it’s about a system where parts of our body come in and out of style, where proximity to whiteness is really key to determining what part is just an ‘ethnic’ feature and what will be trendy. So although what’s on Devon makes her look like a high fashion model, my features will always read as an un-notable Asian woman.
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Ariana Grande was accused of Asian fishing. I don’t think she was doing this on purpose. It’s just that she likely got a face lift done that, as a side effect of pulling her face back, reduced her upper lid crease, making her look more Asian.
So yeah, I don’t doubt that people would get surgery to get eyes like mine. But that’s a monkey’s paw! One where, even though people are literally getting surgeries to have the “privilege” of having feature like mine, those features on my face will never have the same appeal.
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The last thing is the idea that this makeup is unattainable. I find this very sweet to say, as obviously took my wording to mean I thought she had very little makeup on and wanted to reassure me that she was artificial.
However, most times when people talked about this style of makeup, they use soft to mean “looking sweet” rather than literally a soft amount, so it was really frustrating to see a cultural barrier hamstring the advice I got. Again, most of it was along the lines of the Western Baddie look rather than the more ‘soft’ makeup tutorial I was looking for (which I later found when Douyin makeup tutorials got translated).
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The image I asked for advice on, the "soft" pic I posted for their reference, and a later, more skilled try (that I figured out myself by watching Douyin makeup tutorials).
It also reminded me of the way people jump on anything vaguely positive about China as a ploy by Chinese spies or propaganda by the coerced citizens. The way they pit China against America and use them as a measure of 'real' state propaganda.
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Obviously it’s not the same—she clearly was wearing filters and they were misunderstanding my language in the first place—but it also made wonder about how much they’d have said had I asked about advice on getting a more Gigi look or a more Kardashion makeup style?
Sure, there would’ve been people calling out their photoshop/surgery/filters, but would their advice also have been more actionable? More understanding that I was interested in the technique of their makeup, like the Kardashian contour or the 2016 brows or Gigi's fox eyes for instance, rather than assuming that I’d been brainwashed by extreme Asian beauty standards?
I understood, even then, that her look would be unachievable on account of my face shape and skin color (and whew boy that’s its own can of ‘Eurocentric beauty standards and colonialism’ worms), but I also knew that my makeup skills were beginner at best, and that I could be achieving more similar results with the right advice, which I later did.
Anyways, I appreciated all of the advice!!!! They were all super nice, and some of the tips I did end up following!
But America's beauty culture makes it impossible to conceive of beauty unrelated to whiteness -- Western/white beauty tips, Wasians are the prettiest babies, I am a 'high fashion' model, surgery to have my eyes, extreme Asian beauty standards -- like the way orientalism fails to conceive of the East beyond a reflection of the West.
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risnabeaute · 1 month
Hi my beautés!! 🫧💗✨
"Be that 3 kind of women You want with Makeup"
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Be that kinda woman you want in your life, Do you ever think about what kinda makeup do I look attractive? So here we are. I want to let you see beautes! What kinda makeup you should try! because we can be anything we want! 🧚✨
Makeup creativity has significantly improved many people's lives alongside their looks. Even so, understanding the many kinds of makeup will make the process of finishing a look challenging. Every face feature, from the eyes to the lips, needs different ways and products designed to enhance beauty, empower those who wear them, and inspire self-expression.
1. Strawberry Makeup 🍓
One of the newest beauty trends on social media is strawberry makeup. Shiny, transparent lips, flushed cheeks, and clean skin are key parts. Strawberry makeup is popular because it supports every style, but even makeup novices can easily pull off this fruit inspired beauty trend! With over 3.6 billion views before Rhode's release of their new Strawberry Glaze Peptide Lip Treatment, Hailey Bieber's strawberry makeup is the most recent food-themed beauty craze to take over TikTok. Strawberry-flavored and together with a berry-centric colours of pinks and reds, are the main features of this summertime fruit, much like Rhode's new lip gloss flavour. Thanks to Hailey Bieber's own step-by-step makeup tutorial, strawberry makeup is thankfully quite easy to do yourself. But don't worry beautes we can recreate the Strawberry Makeup with affordable makeup and its easy;
To ensure that your makeup stays on all day, start by priming your skin with a moisturising face primer. (Although some people might skip this priming step, it will make all the difference in getting perfect skin that glows naturally for a long time!) Next, evenly apply a foundation that is dewy and light. Keep in mind that the secret to strawberry makeup is clean, natural skin.
The key to strawberry makeup is this step. Apply a blush in a gentle 'W' shape along your nose bridge and cheeks using a blush that is a gentle shade of red or pink. Juicy, plump lips are also essential! To achieve glossy lips that look as though you've just bitten into fresh strawberries, use lip products with a clear, moisturising finish.
The finishing touches to the strawberry girl appearance are freckles. By gently tapping along the nasal bridge and fading towards the cheeks, you can get a natural freckle impression. Mark freckles with a liquid eyeliner and tap the area with your fingers before the freckles become permanent. Use light-toned eyeliner for a more understated appearance.
2. Douyin Makeup 🍒
The popular Chinese cosmetic look known as "douyin," which is just now making its way into the West, is characterised by sparkly eyeshadow, pink blush that is pigmented, and lips that are smudged. Douyin coats the lids in an abundance of glitter. Similar to Korean lashes, Douyin cosmetics makes the lashes appear more dramatic by arranging them in clusters, which really empathises with the lashes. This is also a Chinese makeup style known as manhau. And its easy to recreate! heres some step:
The key to a perfect Douyin makeup look is having flawless skin that glows flawlessly! To avoid making your makeup appear "filthy" and drawing attention away from your other features—such as your eyes, nose, or lips—the base must be flawless and free of flaws. The base typically has a matte or semi-matte look.
Big round eyes make you look young and innocent, and Chinese beauty trends are all about looking younger! Use a gentle natural colour, such as a pink or brown tint, for the base of your eyeshadow. By applying a deeper hue to the inner and outer corners of your eyes, you can create the illusion of greater depth. You want the entire effect to be soft and natural, so always add a small bit at a time. You could make the eyeliner to suit your own style, whether it's a powerful, sleek cat eye or a small, feathery wing. Your eyes can appear larger and more intense by using shadow or highlighting your lower lash line! Fill in the sparse parts of the eyebrows, but otherwise leave them natural and unaltered! Make sure your eyelashes are curled and stretched since you want to draw attention to their volume! To really make your eyes stand out, consider applying artificial eyelashes!
Highlighting your eyes to make them appear more appealing is the key to douyin makeup! To make your eyes appear bigger and brighter, they employ "Aegyo-sal," a Korean term for baby eye fat! This is a crucial step for those with longer faces in order to draw attention to your best features and reduce any bare spots! Another must-do to make your eyes look brighter and more enticing is to add a burst of sparkle to the centre of the eyelid!
Next, you can lightly outline your cupid's bow with a lip liner or colour before softening the borders. Apply a natural pink or red lip colour over your lips and repeat the process on the lower lip's lower edge! With a final touch of gloss to accentuate, you can create the pout of a glaze doll!
3. Latina Makeup 💋
Styles and techniques vary in the Latina makeup trend, which is influenced by cultural preferences and beauty standards in Latin America. Given the diversity of the countries and cultures that make up Latin America, it's important to keep in mind that there might be wide variations in cosmetics trends. But there are certain characteristics that are usually related to Latina beauty:
The goal of having a flawless complexion is frequently to have a smooth and flawless appearance. To attain a uniform skin tone, this may entail using foundation and concealer. Vibrant Brows: An important component of Latina makeup is bold, well-defined eyebrows. For the purpose of framing the face, this may entail sculpting and fullening the eyebrows.
Cosmetics for the eyes are important and come in two main styles: natural and dramatic. Mascara and eyeliner applied to dark, smokey eyes are popular. In order to accentuate the eyes, one can also use colourful eyeshadows in earthy or vivid tones.
Defining the cheekbones and other facial features with contouring and highlighting techniques helps to create a sculpted appearance. Bold, vivid lip colors—such as reds, pinks, and corals—are frequently worn. For a longer-lasting look, matte lipsticks are frequently used. Using blush, one can give their cheeks a natural-looking colour flush. Chestnut and raspberry tones are preferred. Extended Eyelashes: A common element of Latina beauty styles is the use of mascara or fake eyelashes to create long, voluminous eyelashes.
So be kind of woman you want and love yourself more than anything, I hope you guys have a great day! Be healthy always ✨❤️
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calmingpi · 6 months
I dont post a lot about makeup on here but the trends have been really fascinating lately. Back in the day (2015-2017) it was all the same kylie jenner cut crease business (with some goofy nonsense occasionally), then we got a lot of rainbow metalics all of a sudden, the egirl puppyliner business (incredible imo but thats apparently out of trend now. BOOOOOOOO! LEAVE THE EGIRLS ALONE) now the rise of "douyin makeup" (which is really just chinese and korean makeup trends on their own, i hate that its called douyin like you might as well say pinterest makeup), but theres also SO much editorial the past few years. The cake looks, the writing on the walls, the galaxy look, etc.
The difference between the two is very stark because theyre almost opposites in aesthetic, as one is to look like minimal makeup with neutral tones and some sparkle and the other is to be bold and obvious. Theres a trend reccently to do like, a heat map? On your face? And a lot of geometric shapes these days too. Amazing! People are so creative and cool
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