#Doxy Deity
xartus · 9 months
On a similar note, I have considered offering a monetary service to help people sort through modern witchcraft/paganism to create a practice that's comfortable for them. Kind of like a witch mentor thing? Purely based upon wanting to use my wide knowledge body for good and try to de-fuck-ify whatever the hell is going on. I know this shit is confusing for people just starting out.
But in today's late stage capitalistic world, I've gotta do TikTok dances and sell spells for 300 bucks or whatever the fuck to be taken seriously. I've got to dress like a hack and keep on consumerist magical "trends"- all are things which will absolutely kill your soul, spirit, magic, and religion.
And I wouldn't be telling people what to do or believe, just where to go to learn and how to use their critical thinking skills. Which is also a terrible business model since most human beings really like being told what to think and how to think it since it makes life easy and a lot less scary.
Business model: grumpy old sage in the bog. "Well what about correspo-" Make your own. "Can I worship (deity A) and (deity B) toge-" Yes, they don't care. "Well the (book of mythology) says-" It's a myth. "What should I offe-" Doesn't matter, have a consistent relationship. "This spell didn't work and I followed (neopagan book) exactl-" There's no orthopraxy/doxy and magic doesn't work that way "(Deep spiritual question")- The mystery is the point, figure it out for yourself.
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro 8-14-20
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro Date: August 14th, 2020 Episode: 439 Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
We are joined by our commentary team Kaitlyn Khaos and Nick Simmonds who inform us that tonight XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver of THE SET will celebrate being champion for 1 full year tonight in the middle of the ring; ahead of his title defense this Sunday against Mr. Case Your Luck Romeo Roselli. Also, All Man has invited Jake Awesome to a dinner tonight "on the house" we have footage of that very event that we will air later in the show. Yes, they brawled at Scott Steiner's Shoney's restaurant in Georgia
- Golden Bryce enters with Alveno La Flare - XPWEW Tag Team Champion Kotto Brazil enters with his partner Myron Reed, Chrissy Rivera & Siaka Lexoni
M1: Golden Bryce (w/ Alveno La Flare) def. Kotto Brazil (w/ Myron Reed, Siaka Lexoni & Chrissy Rivera)
(Lola Starr already in the ring) - Lotus enters M2: Lotus def. Lola Starr in under a minute (Rosemary vows to "go away" if Lotus can banish the curse of her Sunday at Heatwave)
In ring segment: XPWEW Women's Champion: Priscilla Kelly speaks at lengths on potential rumors about her loyalty to XPWEW; Tessa Blanchard enters and calls Priscilla a weakling, Priscilla responds questioning Tessa's morals in a tongue and cheek way as to underhandedly mention how she left IMPACT. Enters Doxy Deity (without Thunder Rosa, who lost her ABA Women's Title last Saturday at The Summerfest). Doxy implies she's the only homegrown XPWEW women's talent, Tessa wants a payday and attention and Priscilla is only famous because her husband is Darby Allin. Then enters The Set's Siaka Lexoni who in tow with Chrissy Rivera calls her the underdog for the match at Heatwave. All 4 women stare off but Tessa comes out of this segment looking like a star.
1 on 1 M3: Champagne Clausen def. Dragon Kid
El Demonio pops a bottle of Champagne and pours it out off the stage to imply he's not afraid of Champagne Clausen when they meet one on one at Heatwave. Champagne screams "Death to Lucha Libre! I AM LUCHA LIBRE!"
Pre-recorded Segment: Jake Awesome pulls up to an empty Shoneys irl owned by Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner in Acworth, Georgia and him and All Man have a very cinematic brawl with food and restaurant furniture ahead of their match at Heatwave, ultimately ending with All Man running away before Awesome can truly get his hands on him. The filming of this brawl was very similar to the pre-taped matches like Stadium Stampede or Firefly Fun House Match from Wrestlemania 36
- Garrett Thompson enters with Ethan Bedlam - The Marauder Simon Gotch enters with Drama King and Mandy Leon
Tag Team Match M4: Simon Gotch & Drama King (w/ Mandy Leon) def. Garrett Thompson & Ethan Bedlam
*Huge win for The Vaudevillians and Garrett is f u r i o u s with Bedlam blemishing his record (Leonard McGraw beat GT last week 1 on 1 which snapped GT's 8 win streak is the significance)
(Audrey Carbine watching on a monitor) - Joe Gacy enters - GG enters
1 on 1 M5: Death Machine Joe Gacy def. GG (The match ends when Joe Gacy ignites a flaming table and powerbombs GG through it to send a message to Audrey ahead of their 'Ring of Fire' match going down This Sunday at Heatwave 2020
* Jordan Oliver's 1 year Juniorweight Title celebration party * Jordan boosts about his record and 1 year title reign, Siaka praises him, Myron and Kotto gift him some random junk, Romeo Roselli crashes the party and says savor the time because it ends Sunday then Romeo looks over and tells Ruckus "same goes for you" Ruckus bucks up to Romeo to which Leonard McGraw runs down and attacks Ruckus but the numbers of The Set outweigh McGraw yet again however Romeo helps and then The Set beat them down but ultimately Golden Bryce and Alveno La Flare come down and now the numbers aren't so much in The Set's favor but a stare down between Leonard, Romeo, Alveno & Bryce in the ring as they respectively stare down (at the stage) Ruckus, Jordan, Myron & Kotto (w/ Siaka Lexoni) as the show ends! We'll see you this sunday @ HEAWAVE
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I am aware that I am about to ask Tumblr for medical advice.
I recognize that none of y’all are my medical professional, and I am responsible for any damfool thing I do no matter where I got the idea.
I got to take a week of doxycycline tablets.
My minimum sleep schedule is 9 hours: a cycle of 5, a cycle of 4. And it usually takes me at least 1 hour to fall asleep. So let’s take ten hours out of the day right off, leaving me with 14 hours of axsa Medicine Calculations.
I need to have caffeine of the non-carbonated, non-tea variety within a certain time frame of uprightness, or there will be So Many Migraines.
Doxycycline gets chemically wrecked if within 2 to 3 hours of it (before or after!) I also consume:
* the milk in my coffee, I can’t do nondairy creamer
* anything else dairy
* anything else with calcium
* anything with iron in it, that lets out my morning oatmeal. Or toast. Certainly pancakes.
* anything with zinc or aluminum in it: whole grains, nuts, GARLIC?!?, any other baked good from a mix so no muffins or cinnamon rolls, oh and my Kosher Dill PIckles also fail this test
What the vithin’ vith do I eat for breakfast???
I’m used to either eating once a day (but 3 cups of coffee) or lots of small meals a day, the latter of which at least makes for a healthier me. Usually. But the Deity In Question has blessed me with All The Lactose Tolerance and I just. y’all. There is no food in my repertoire that is compatible with this stupid chemistry requirement. I got eggs, i got cheese, I have fruit juice, I’ve got iron-enriched bread, I’ve got oatmeal. I got happy calcium opportunities everywhere.
Right now, all Dearly Beloved and I can think is to put my ADHD, sleep-disordered self on a Rigid, Clock-Oriented Schedule for the next 7 days. 
Drag upright whether I’ve slept or not, drink coffee quicker than I usually do while eating a food, 
wait 2 to 3 hours, tablet and All The Water. 
Wait at least 10 minutes, consider Naptimes. 
Late mid-afternoon, 2nd cuppa coffee and cram food in face. 
Wait until another two to three hours go by, 
Everyone else in the house is gonna have dinner, but not me, I’m going to have Stupid Pill. Practice my cussing in fictional languages for at least two hours, take the rest of my prescriptions which includes a Vitamin, go to bed.
If you folks can help me figure out a food I can eat that does not screw up the Doxy nor ruin other fiddly bits of the puzzle that is my biochemistry, I can reduce those “2 to 3 hour” waits to 1 hour before each tablet, 2 hours after it.
But I’m not convinced right now that such a food exists.
I can’t have soy or seafood, even if those were not already ruled out by the zinc restriction.
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silvermoment42 · 7 years
The False Messenger
This is my first time posting something I've written on the internet. Please let me know what you think!
Ah, yes. This was it. The straw that broke the camel’s back. I swung around and immediately extended my leg into his left rib cage. The sweet satisfaction of righteous wrath given release...quickly dissipated as cold comprehension took its place. Damn you, reflexes. I silently cursed all manner of impulses and instinctive reactions to stimuli, the drunkard keeled over in front of me mirroring my unspoken utterances in verbal expression. Discreetly glancing around, I prayed to whatever deity cared enough to listen that my cover was still in effect. The Imminent Commander of the 332nd Battalion of Raegis stood approximately eight feet behind me. I took back all the prayers I’d mentally recited and replaced them with yet more curses at whatever incompetent examples of celestial beings might exist in this world. And then I decided to spend this last moment fantasizing about whatever small vengeances I might’ve had, if my life had lasted just a bit longer. I’m a rather petty person. I thought of the ranked military officer behind me, and fervently hoped for him to be burned at the stake when we win the war. I thought of the 1st Lieutenant Magdelyne Serne, the imbecile who’d recommended me for this mission, and imagined what I’d do to him if I lived through this. Next, I thought of the mess of uncultured filth lying in front of me, still muttering about pain, and saw all the reasons we’d declared this bloody war, personified. The moment ended and a new one began. The enemy behind me drew his sword. I closed my eyes. The inane series of barely understandable comments on my personage suddenly cut off. My eyes opened of their own volition to behold a lifeless corpse seeping fluid in place of the waste who’d been there just seconds earlier. “Can’t say I disagree with teaching such disrespectful urchins their place, but we need to be swift. If the message you’ve just given me is still accurate, we need to deploy nearly half of the forces protecting the capital to the Veryn border. I’d no idea the situation had deteriorated to that degree. You’ve done quite the service by managing to deliver this message to me. Raegis thanks you.” I gave a curt bow, desperately clinging to the hope this wasn’t a ruse to catch me off guard. "As for you lot, rest. We depart for Veryn at dawn." The imposing creature I’d judged to be my demise tipped his hat to me, an action more suited to a gentleman than a military man, and walked out of the mess hall with an air exuding new purpose. For my part, I nonchalantly nodded to a few soldiers who glared from me to their fallen comrade. The sight placed a faint smirk on my features. I left the large tent that had been transformed into a makeshift canteen and began to replay the events that had transpired from within the confines of my mind. I’d been ordered to chase down one of Raegis’ soldiers, a runner who’d managed to evade me for a total of six kilometers. My superior had him pegged for a mere deserter, but 1st Lieutenant Serne had given us orders to capture all the runaways for questioning in the case of any being observers meant to report the outcome of the recent battle. I was one of the soldiers deemed able to take their place as part of a misinformation operation to relay the false intelligence that another neighboring country of Raegis was invading. I was to report to Imminent Commander Daerl Ernia that the seemingly neutral nation Veryn had declared war, and the battle with my nation, Brenn, was going extremely well. The hope was that troops would be moved from Raegis’ capital, allowing Brenn to obtain an easy victory by sending nearly all of our forces to march on the now undefended city. When I’d arrived at the commander’s quarters, I used the name of an observer we’d captured to get in. Ernia had no discernable suspicions of me, and I was dismissed to the mess hall after I’d shared Serne’s lies with him. It was there that I’d encountered a mercenary who’d had far too much ale and thus decided that I must have too much as well, being the sole female in the area. I’d been about to refuse his advances (in a rather discourteous way, I might add) and find an excuse to leave when a messenger entered. He related the information I’d given his commander to the scattered soldiers, apprise us that Ernia was conceiving a strategy, and hurriedly made his leave to spread the news elsewhere. I was pleasantly surprised when the report of Veryne’s newfound hostilities were blatantly ignored; instead, the men roared with delight at having finally gained the upper hand against “the brennies,” and similar slurs I took care not to remember. The drunken sod I’d been attempting to take my leave of nudged me and began to bad-mouth Brenn in ways I’d never heard, giving me prideful glances all the while. I waited a few moments, hoping to glean useful information on defense plans for the capital or the shifts of certain guards stationed there. The uneducated slander continued among the soldiers. I heaved an inward sigh, my assignment complete, and turned to leave. “Wait, don’t we need to ask the commander about stations at the capital?” It was the inebriate who’d harassed me earlier. “I’m sure everything will sort itself out. After all, it’s not as though the Brennians are a threat anymore, right?” I gave him a sweet smile, tasting the bile as it rose in my throat. He grinned back at me.”True, that. Why not have just one drink with me, eh lass?” The soldier winked at me, turning to snatch a tankard off a passing server’s tray. He stumbled towards me on unwieldy boots, put off balance by his sword hilt. And, no doubt, the amount of beverages he’d consumed. I tried to back away before he tripped, but to no avail. The sponge fell directly on me, his clumsy fingers brushing my chest as the ale soaked into my clothing. I turned crimson with both anger and embarrassment, stiffly swiveling around to leave. “Hey, come back, sweet. I thought we were just getting started!” A few chuckles rose from the crowd. I ignored the jibe, knowing it was meant to make me turn back. “Oi, doxy, I’m talking to you.” My back straightened as I registered the insult. That was it.
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (8-7-2020)
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro Date: August 7th, 2020 Episode: 438 Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
- XPWEW International Champion Jake Awesome enters the ring accompanied by Siaka Lexoni, Chrissy Rivera, XPWEW Tag Team Champs Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil & XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver of The Set (GG is already in the ring. this show gets the match going right out the gate.) 1 on 1 M1: Jake Awesome (w/ Lexoni, Rivera, Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver) def. GG
- After the match: Jake Awesome addresses "Ruckus is not here tonight because he's relocating a home for himself and his family after that breathing, walking, sweating secriment bag of trash Leonard McGraw thought it right to burn his home down on national television. My goal has ALWAYS been to rid McGraw from XPWEW and now he's crossed the line with me! he's crossed the line with The Set and now we will eradicate Leoanrd McGraw from this mortal plane, I would take blissful pleasure in squeezing the life out of that... *a red and white truck enters the stage-way and in the front seat is The All Woman: Tenille Dashwood who pulls up and even bumps the ring as she drives into it, The Set (except Ruckus who isn't here tonight) just stare blankly, Tenille honks the horn and then, All Man jumps out of the back of the truck with a water hose that is spritzing milk. YES! All Man is spraying The Set with a MILK TRUCK right now on Friday Night Pyro! WHAT A MOMENT!!! Jake is soaked, Chrissy Rivera behind him avoiding the milk splash, Kotto and Myron are using their tag team titles as shields from the milk and Jordan Oliver and Siaka are sliding and slipping around, All Woman starts to grab cartons of milk from the crate inside the truck and fling them with speed at Jake and Rivera. After a full minute of non stop spraying; All Man stops to point at the Heatwave logo on the screen to signal a match between him and Jake at the upcoming pay-per-view in just 9 days. Unbelievable! What a perfect segment that obviously took heavy inspiration from the Kurt Angle 2001 segment with The Alliance.
In ring segment: Mandy Leon along with her client Simon Gotch introduce their friend "The Maestro" Drama King (Formerly known as Aiden English in WWE) Drama King enters and just like that they will be known as Drama King & Simon Gotch "The Maestro Marauders"
Tag Team Match M2: Simon Gotch & Drama King (w/ Mandy Leon) def. 3M3 (3M Ultra & M3 Quintillo)
Backstage segment: Ms. Case Your Luck Lotus is talking to herself looking into a mirror and in a glance she sees a vision of 'Rosemary' haunting her "The devil went down to Heatwave, and she was looking for a briefcase to steal ahahahahahahaha" (very eerie)
- Jake "The Man Scout" Manning enters - Champagne Clausen blindsides him during his entrance and bloodies his nose 1 on 1 M3: Champagne Clausen def. Jake "The Man Scout" Manning After the match - Champagne presses the microphone up to Jake Manning's mouth "Say I'm the best" ...."your" 'SAY IT!" "you're the best" Champagne: Exactly! I am a former world heavyweight champion. Now last week I was rudely interrupted by a promo of a .... [El Demonio promo airs] *lights go black* *El Demonio appears in the ring and kicks the mic out of Champagne's hand* *Champagne goes to clothesline Demonio and misses to which Demonio kicks him and then attempts to grab him but Champagne ducks out of the ring and mocks Demonio* and over commentary Kaitlyn Khaos says it is official these two will go 1 on 1 at Heatwave next Sunday!
Backstage Interview: James Westerbeck is with Garrett Thompson, GT: I know Leonard McGraw very very well, and tonight I'm going to permanently crease his face. Bedlam bucks up at James Westerbeck and laughs when he flinches.
Pre-recorded segment: Joe Gacy and Audrey Carbine of the death machines are told by the psychologist to say something nice about the other (Death machine) Joe Gacy: Something nice? Audrey, you are an overbearing bitch... Audrey: Hmm, Joe..your breath stinks and you're fat and you are the living breathing human incarnation of shit Psychologist: Ok ok ok let's try a different exercise. Joe I would like you to gift Audrey and Audrey I would like you to return the favor? If you could present a gift, what would that be?...Audrey for example you could buy Joe a toothbrush and Joe you could give Audrey um a Snickers bar, perhaps Audrey: I got a gift, how about in 9 days at XPWEW Heatwave. I gift you the ass-kicking that I've been holding back for the past few months... Joe: How about I give you the idea..of making that match, A Ring of Fire match......(camera pans to a 3rd chair in the corner) Troy Clausen: I'll allow it!
- XPWEW Women's Champion Priscilla Kelly joins commentary with Khaos & Nick Simmonds
Tag Team Match M4: Doxy Deity & Thunder Rosa def. Kiera Hogan & Genevalisse
After the match, Doxy calls Priscilla a "lazy champion" so I'll make a challenge to any woman in the world to face me, because I'm the REAL measuring stick in women's professional wrestling today - Tessa Blanchard enters Tessa Blanchard: Doxy, I don't even know who you are and Priscilla you are nothing more than a woman who is overhype and overrated. I'm the best women's wrestler in the world and I'll show Thunder Rosa a thing or two next week when I make my debut. But news flash, ladies the women's division just got better. Because I am Tessa Blanchard and I am undeniable...FOREVER and at Heatwave. I'm the new XPWEW Women's Champion, so stand in my way. I dare you
1 on 1 M5: Myron Reed (w/ Kotto Brazil) def. Alveno La Flare (w/ Golden Bryce)
- Brian Lee enters - Romeo Roselli enters
1 on 1 M6: Romeo Roselli (CYL) def. 911 Brian Lee
- Garrett Thompson enters - Leonard McGraw enters
1 on 1 M7: Leonard McGraw def. Garrett Thompson
After the match a man in a black hoodie that appears to be Ruckus comes out to blindside, McGraw but McGraw snatches him and un-hoods him to be some no-name guy who looks somewhat like Ruckus, but that distraction has McGraw looking at the screen to Ruckus who is in Texas outside McGraw's house with his fiance Ryu inside the home, Ruckus threatens to go inside but says I could be a coward like you a burn this mother****** down right now while you are miles away but I'm a man, I'm gonna wait until you come home. So next week, stay home. and don't call 911 like a coward. Because I'm gonna walk into your home next week on this show and MAKE IT MY HOME. See you next week pimpin...... Show ends with McGraw staring at the tron as Ruckus lurks around McGraw's home miles away in Texas with his fiance Ryu presumably inside
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (7-24-2020)
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (7-24-2020) results "Leonard gets even with The Set" [All or Nothing 2020 Go-Home Show] XPWEW Friday Night Pyro
Episode: 436
Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
- Cold Open: THE SET pulls up in a white limousine to the parking lot. The door opens releasing a cloud of blunt smoke from XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Ruckus, followed by Myron Reed, XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver, Kotto Brazil, Siaka Lexoni, Chrissy Rivera then XPWEW International Champion Jake Awesome steps out last with two strippers on each arm with one holding his title. They walk like G;s through the parking lot area into the backstage curtain and make the entrance into the ring: This is The Set in full force tonight on Friday Nights
(Friday Night Pyro Intro)
Opening Segment: THE SET: Jake Awesome: "Dear condolences to All Man Mike Mondo and The All Woman Tenille Dashwood :) "
Jordan: "On The Gang, On The Team, On The Squad, On God, On THE SET..(Leonard McGraw music blares to interrupt)
Leonard: "I see Ruckus standing there in the background. World Champion is standing behind the Mid Card Sasquatch and The Tag Team Jabron's. Now as much as I'd love to come down there and slap the piss out of each and every member of The Set. I got some business to take care of tonight with 911 Brian Lee. Ruckus, I'm coming for you, Look at me when I'm talkin' boy....You got two days. You got forty-eight hours until you walk into the squared circle with me for one whole hour. Bring your working boots son. Let me tell you something, This sunday it's All or Nothing and in sixty minutes I'm going to single handedly stomp a mudhole in your manlet ass and that's a promise. - McGraw exits (Ruckus stares him down from the ring)
- ALL OR NOTHING 2020 ad
- Golden Bryce enters
- Garrett Thompson enters with Ethan Bedlam
1 on 1
M1: Garrett Thompson (w/ Ethan Bedlam) def. Golden Bryce
- Nick Simmonds: "Impressive as Garrett Thompson picks up his 5th straight victory in a row, Great momentum for the Englishmen going into Case Your Luck This Sunday @ All or Nothing 2020 and wow is that match stacked! It's gonna be Golden Bryce vs Garrett Thompson vs Simon Gotch vs Romeo Roselli vs Jake Awesome & Jordan Oliver vs Alveno La Flare vs Champagne Clausen and the winner will earn a briefcase item that grants them a World Heavyweight Title match at any time of their choosing for a calendar year"
- "The Marauder" Simon Gotch enters with Mandy Leon
- Champagne Clausen enters
1 on 1
M2: Champagne Clausen def. Simon Gotch (w/ Mandy Leon)
- Champagne: "2020 began as MY year, I'm gonna win that briefcase and I will be your world champion. Again."
- Vignette: El Demonio is coming soon | All or Nothing 2020 (Camera then returns back as Champagne looks pissed that the "El Demonio is coming commercial" interrupted him speaking.
- Joe Gacy enters and lagging behind him is a disinterested Audrey Carbine
Audrey: "I'm coming out to the ring for this match but not because you told me to just because it's what I want to do"
Gacy: "okay?"
- The Set enters Kotto Brazil and behind him is Siaka Lexoni, Chrissy Rivera, Myron Reed and XPWEW International Champion Jake Awesome
1 on 1
M3: Joe Gacy (w/ Audrey Carbine) def. Kotto Brazil (w/ Myron Reed, Siaka Lexoni, Jake Awesome & Chrissy Rivera)
(After the match Myron Reed goes to blindside Gacy but Audrey Carbine tramples Myron and grabs his arm threatening to lock in the Art of Ballistics arm bar but during her stalling The Set's Chrissy Rivera taps on Audrey's shoulder and after a lengthy stare down Audrey lets go of Myron's arm and The Set exits the ring walking backward up the ramp staring at The Death Machines. Who will capture the vacant XPWEW Tag Team Titles this Sunday @ All or Nothing?
Interview Segment: James Westerbeck: "Sunday, Golden Bryce you have the opportunity to become Mr. Case Your Luck and add yet another accolade to your long list of accomplishments in a short time here in XPWEW. Your thoughts?
Golden Bryce: "Thoughts? My thoughts are yeah I've accomplished a lot in my two years here but at what cost, I lost the two biggest matches of my career but every cloud has a silver lining and mine is Case Your Luck. I'm going to be the champion again. Whether it be Ruckus or Leonard McGraw. I'll be back"
*clap clap clap* - Garrett Thompson enters sarcastically "Bryce tonight you lost to me Haha, I'd focus on winning matches before speaking on the world title chalice. As far as I'm concerned it's a pipe dream. I've been a long time and it's high time that the world figured out just what I am capable of"
- 911 Brian Lee enters with Kiera Hogan
- Leonard McGraw enters
1 on 1
M4: Leonard McGraw def. 911 Brian Lee (w/ Kiera Hogan)
(After the match Ruckus hits the ring and ashes his blunt in the eye of Leonard McGraw temporarily blinded him, The Set then appears deep (Jake, Myron, Kotto, Jordan, Siaka & Chrissy)
(Myron, Jake & Kotto Brazil hold Leonard McGraw in the middle of the ring as Ruckus grabs a steel chair after repeatedly smacking it on the canvas, Ruckus whams McGraw over the skull with the steel chair causing Leonard to gush with blood. The Set leaves the heap of mess that is McGraw in the ring but as The Set reaches the top of the ramp, A flat laid out McGraw lifts his head up covered in a crimson mask responds with a devilish smile as if to say "Is that all you got?")
- XPWEW Women's Champion Priscilla Kelly and Lotus enter together
- Doxy Deity and Thunder Rosa enter together
Tag Team Match
M5: Doxy Deity & Thunder Rosa def. Lotus & Priscilla Kelly
The match results in Rosa and Doxy hitting a double Mexican Powerbomb on Priscilla for the 1-2-3 victory. Will Doxy defeat Priscilla by herself this Sunday to become a 2 time XPWEW Women's Champion?
(Thunder Rosa picks up her first win on XPWEW tv)
- Romeo Roselli enters
- Jordan Oliver enters with THE SET (Ruckus, Jake Awesome, Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil, Siaka Lexoni & Chrissy Rivera)
- Ruckus & Jake Awesome, Myron & Kotto Brazil join commentary however Siaka Lexoni isn't at the booth with a headset his Jimmy Hart style of yelling he might as well be.
1 on 1
Romeo Roselli def. Jordan Oliver (w/ The Set)
The match results when Romeo and Jordan put on an absolute classic face/heel catch-as-catch-can match ultimately when Romeo counters Jordan's patented "Clout Cutter" into a roll up pinfall for the swift 1-2-3 victory but as soon as the bell rings Ruckus, Jake, Myron & Kotto storm the ring and start clubbing Romeo with blows until on the titan tron we see Leonard McGraw outside in the parking lot near The Set's limousine
Leonard: "You wanna gang up on me? You wanna gang up on Romeo well hell guys if you wanna pick on someone have the decency to pick on them like men and now cowards. Now SET DOWN and watch how I define "Eye for and Eye". I'm out here in the parking lot near you guys's limo, pretty fancy
(You see The Set in the ring cringing)
(Leonard McGraw holds up the very chair that Ruckus struck him with earlier in the night, you even see the crimson blood splatter on it)
Leonard: I'll even use the same tool for the job
(Leonard sizes up and chucks the steel chair accurately lawn darts it through the windshield and runs off)
Leonard: All or Nothing see you there Ruckus, you sorry son of a bitch
(The Set winces in agony and a furious Ruckus angrily stares at the titan tron as the show ends)
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW LOCKDOWN 7 (5-23-2020)
XPWEW LOCKDOWN 7 Date: May 23rd, 2020 Location: Rashid Stadium in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Attendance: 38,444 Weather: Sunny near 100 degree temps with lows of 88 Network: FITE TV streaming media $39.99 Running Time: 3 hours & 40 minutes Theme Song(s): "Blinding Lights" by The Weeknd, "Come And Get It" by I Prevail
The show starts with a video highlight package of the 6 previous Lockdown events. The footage is narrated by the gravy grizzled voice of Masato Tanaka Clips include: Jake vs Jacques at LD4, Slayer vs Chris Johnson at LD3, Ledge vs The Rock at LD1, Kanye West vs Xtreme Giant LD2, Jake winning the title at LD5, Bryce sitting at the ramp after his loss at LD6
Narration: voiced by Masato Tanaka: Tonight. Lockdown 7. Some rise. Some fall. Man is flawed, Humanity is in peril but when family is all you have. Do you have willpower? Do you have grit? Do you have the energy? How much energy can you tap into to? Make yourself famous. Go big. or Go home.
Shreya Ghoshal performs the “Ishy Bilady” ‘United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪 National Anthem to a chorus of huge fireworks of Red, Green and White embracing the colors of the UAE flag as they rain down majestically over Rashid Stadium gleaming in the orange sunset over the water. Huge pyro over the stadium and even fireworks burst at the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa as "Lockdown VII" paints the skyline
A video highlight package is played using the theme song “Blinding Lights by The Weekend” as it touches on Jake vs Slayer, Death Machines vs All Man & All Woman, McGraw vs GT, Jacques vs Jordan, Champagne vs Troy, Doxy vs Prisiclla vs Kiera and then lastly the music changes to serious symphony music as it recaps Ruckus vs Golden Bryce and how important this shot at Lockdown redemption is so important for Bryce and how Ruckus coming out of the trap house to the winning the 2020 Xtreme Rumble is just as important”
We are shown the Lockdown 7 stage and a huge pyrotechnic display is set off as we are introduced to our commentary team for tonight dressed ever so dapper. Kaitlyn Khaos and Nick Simmonds are joined by XPWEW Legend Joey Styles as they introduce us to Lockdown 7: The biggest event in XPWEW history!
Leonard McGraw enters (crowd cheers)
Leonard enters first to a great reaction from the Dubai crowd, Leonard aggressively walks out from the curtain to the huge stage and with a cold thousand mile stare peers with intensity looking through the camera at you at home as he makes thundering steps towards the ring. McGraw is all business avoiding contact from the fans reaching for a high five. McGraw steps in the ring and then runs the ropes hard as he waits for the match against GT that he's been salivating over since February when this rivalry began when Garrett and his partner Ethan Bedlam would attempt to break the arm of McGraw so after many games of cat and mouse it comes to a head tonight. Leonard made his Lockdown debut last year in a win over Jacques Dudley
Garrett Thompson enters (crowd boos) Garrett enters with pyro rain effect behind him as he stands still only to bust out with a burst of energy as he knocks the entrance coat off his shoulders to the ground as he makes a intense long walk to the ring for his 4th match in Lockdown history. It was in 2011 he lost a 3 way between Ruckus and Eddie Edwards, 2012 he would lose in the main event between Jake, Slayer & Chris Johnson and just last year him and Eddie Edwards came up short to the legendary team of Takanaka
Referee Johnathan Chambers has been assigned this match
<<Early on before the ring of the bell Garrett hesitates to even step in the ring because of how intense McGraw is acting jumping and running the ropes like a madman. Referee Johnathan Chambers tries to get McGraw to settle down but McGraw runs around him the GT runs around the ring which becomes a chase, they make 2 laps around the ring, McGraw changes direction and then they both run opposite directions in the ring to which McGraw hits Garrett with a classic Lou Thesz Press and gets some closed fists in as the bell rings. The opening contest is underway. Garrett slows the pace with a sleeper hold to which McGraw slams him into each corner turnbuckles which culminates in Thompson catching himself onto the final post and hitting a huge moonsault which McGraw catches the big man mid-air and hits a devastating pile driver that looked quite dangerous. McGraw stomps a mud hole of Garrett in the corner and gives the middle fingers as a huge tribute to someone familiar? Garrett mounts a comeback when he hits a fallaway slam on McGraw that sends him over the top rope. Garrett jumps off the top rope to the floor and connects a double axe handle and eagerness gets the best of him as he attempts it a second time but McGraw catches him with a devastating lariat-o in mid air that damn near takes Garrett's head off. McGraw gets behind GT and lifts him in a Doomsday Device/Electric Chair position, gets a run and go and hoists him into the front row to which Leonard backs up, and gets a run and go off all 3 commentary desks and goes for a Clothesline From Hell over the barricade onto GT standing dazed in the crowd but in a flash Garrett hits "THE GT!!!" Garrett hits the elbow finisher on a raging bull McGraw and is able to drag him over the guardrail and into the ring but it is only good for a 2 count. Garrett hits Wasteland once rolls him up Samoan Drop style by rolling him right up for another and connects against. Attempts a pin-fall but only gets a close 2 count. Garrett feeling desperate goes up top rope for a moonsault and McGraw lying down below moves away in the knick of time to grab both legs quickly and apply a Boston Crab. Garrett fights away the submission but ultimately after McGraw clenches it in for nearly a whole minute, unable to find the ropes Garrett submits>>
1 on 1 M1: Leonard McGraw defeats Garrett Thompson
Video package airs of Jake Awesome's new series "Captain Falcon" with Jaden Smith and Ron Pearlman now streaming on Netflix! Right now!
Backstage, James Westerbeck interviews Ruckus w/ The Set behind him hyping him up and getting him loose and gassing him up for the biggest match of his career tonight. James: Ruckus, tonight is easily the biggest match of your career, How has your game plan altered since The Set will not be allowed at ringside? Ruckus: Are you serious? The Set grabs Westerbeck by the collar and shoves him out Lexoni: What a dumbass nigga Ruckus: I'm a man who stands ten toes down at all times. The Set is the squad but I can handle that pussy ass bitch myself tonight, thank you very much. drops mic
The Devil's Playhouse pay-per-view promo June 28th, 2020 streaming on FITE TV for the low, low price of $19.99 use the promo code DEVIL to get 10 percent off right now
Referee Xavier Beckham has been assigned this next match
Jacques Dudley enters (crowd cheers) (Press box you see his protegé Alveno La Flare watching intently knowing this match could have been his spot however Jacques defeated him for this opportunity two week's ago on Friday Night Pyro)
XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver enters (crowd boos) (accompanied by The Set: Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Chrissy Rivera)
James Westerbeck is set to announce both men's names while they stand across from one another in the ring...
Well. Well. Well. (crowd pops) Joel Gertner enters It is I. Joel, from Shanghai to Dubai the ladies unzip my fly to see my third eye. Last name Rivera. First name Chrissy. Missy do you speak carny? Gizzy on your Knizzys and Gargale Mizzy Lockdown Seven, Jordan Oliver how old are you? Eleven? Yo yo yo Kotto, No homo but you look like bozo had sex with hot cocoa. Joel, all these years later still HARDER than the tree that hit Sonny Bono. but Myron Reed, Can you read? I saw your child on I-G but if you ask me that looks more like Jordan Oliver's seed. The Set wants a rep? Bet? You guys aren't even a threat cause none of you can grow a set. Gertner!
<<bell rings. Jacques and Jordan both high rank skilled in the quick pace, catch-as-catch-can department. Oliver and Dudley is truly a game of the veteran and the young cocky kid as they trade holds, lots of monkey flips, hip tosses and under-throws as the match quickly becomes a game of speed which evolves into a sprint of "can you top this?" offensive display. Ultimately The Set's Myron Reed would make his presence known as he aborts a Jacques 630 splash that could have potentially won the match, moments later when Jacques would have the upper hand he instead opts to crash onto a prone Oliver in the ring, chooses to 630 splash onto all of Reed, Brazil and even Chrissy Rivera outside. Oliver hits a wicked buckle bomb on Jacques on the outside that hits the corner ring post. Oliver then hits a version of the 6-1-9 but Jacques moves and Jordan busts his kneecaps on the steel posts. Myron shoves Jacques's lifeless into the ring, then Myron and Chrissy help Oliver to his feet to avoid a countout, with ref Xavier Beckham distracted Kotto Brazil has possesion of the Juniorweight title and hits Jacques in the back of the head knocking him out but in the corner of his eye Beckham catches the illegal shot and then points his finger at Kotto, Kotto pleads for mercy, Myron and Chrissy jump on the apron also pleading with the ref. After the crowd gets sucked in to the moment, Oliver tries to plead as well. Xavier then rejects THE SET from ringside as they all sigh in anger and hopelessness. Jacques hits a big boot, hits a triangle dropkick on Oliver. Jacques teases going to the top rope. Jacques hits the 630 for the close 2 count. Jacques goes to the apron lunging towards Oliver who hits his finisher "The Clout Cutter" mid kip-up to an amazing pop from the crowd. Oliver hooks the leg with swift speed for the 1-2-3 and STILL the XPWEW Juniorweight Champion: Jordan Oliver because he's young, he's dumb and he reps The Set
XPWEW Juniorweight Championship 1 on 1 M2: Jordan Oliver (c) defeats Jacques Dudley
Myron, Kotto and Chrissy come back and help Oliver up the ramp as he retains. Jordan lifts the title triumphantly as he wins his Lockdown debut
Backstage, All Man and All Woman are doing pre-match workouts like jumping jacks and running in place. All Woman: This is the biggest event of the year and crazy but memorable things will happen tonight All Man: Like us winning the XPWEW Tag Team Championships AND making history by doing it for the first time ever as a man/woman duo All Woman: Well I meant like the weird stuff (Al Snow & Steve Blackman pan into the camera) Al Snow: I have a prediction as AL "The Psychic" Snow ofcourse...Steve..Steve...do the fourth wall thing we rehearsed man that's the punchline Steve Blackman: exhales I'm not dancing to Ke$ha...(looks at camera) winks Al Snow: rubbing magic 8 ball Tonight a woman will win a title typically held by men All Man: Jordan Oliver was already the champion? All Woman: What? All Man: Nevermind, nevermind. Bird chest..thing, I don't nevermind All Man: Al! Do you do questions? Al Snow: Well sure All Man, what is it? All Man: Will I make a Lockdown moment tonight, like a moment that will last forever Al Snow: reading...reading..analyzing....Yes! Yes! All Man tonight will be the best night of your life All Woman: hmmm.... All Man:...well worth a shot
Referee Kevin Madrox is assigned this next match
Troy Clausen enters in a baby blue 2021 Bugatti Chiron Super Sport Car to the song "Bugatti" by Future (smoke pyrotechnics. car drives slow)
Champagne Clausen enters on a camel being walked by two arabian females only wearing underwear and a hajib
Freight Train lags behind and gets a hug from said arabian girls from Champagne's entrance. Champagne rolls his eyes.
<<Troy tackles Champagne and rains down punches and applies a rare MMA-esque Rear Naked Choke on Champagne that clearly surprised him but Champagne is able to crawl to the turnbuckle and ram Troy's head into the bottom turnbuckle over and over, undoing the bottom turnbuckle exposing the metal and pressing Troy's face up against it. Champagne then searches for plunder underneath the ring and finds a bag of what is presumably thumb tacks, a cookie sheet, duct tape, a steel chair and a kendo stick. Champagne then whacks Troy over and over with the kendo stick as Freight Train winces outside. "This one is for you!" and Troy hits a low blow. Troy sets up the chair in a sitting position irish-whipping Champagne into it, sitting him on it proper in the corner. Troy then grabs the duct tape and wraps it around Champagne's torso taping him to the chair, Troy let's Freight Train continue to wrap the tape. Freight then grabs a long piece for Champagne's mouth but Troy says to wait and grabs the bag of thumb tacks, shoves the tacks down Champagne's mouth and then tapes over his mouth for a gruesome spot. Champagne then grabs the chair to the middle of the ring. Grabs the cookie sheet and nails him over the head knocking Champagne backwards. Troy then goes to the top rope and makes what appears to be a Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka tribute as he leaps and hits a diving crossbody onto Champagne still taped to the chair, with duct-taped tacks in his mouth. The big crossbody breaks the tape off. Champagne recovers first and yanks the tape off and then walks over the apron and spits the tacks in the face of Freight Train who is temporary blinded by that assault. Champagne whacks Freight Train with the kendo stick in the face that bloodies Train, Champagne punches Train over and over at the commentary table leaving blood all over the Indian announce table. Troy in the background quietly goes to the top rope and does another crossbody, this time from the top rope to the commentary table down below, Champagne runs out the scene quick and Troy crashes and burns and big splashes Freight Train through the table and Joey Styles is going crazy the 65 year old Troy Clausen just took that crazy bump from the top rope down to the Indian commentary desk. Champagne then looks under the ring and finds a table and shoves it in the ring and sets it up. Champagne drags life-less Troy from outside to the ring. and has Troy on his shoulders for The Chardonnay but from the back appears Regina Clausen who makes her first appearance since Champagne shoved her in the Clausen-Mobile back in December and pushed her off the Friday Night Pyro set. She comes in and uses mace and sprays it in Champagne's face, blinded but not downed Champagne snatches her up and hits a spinebuster on her through the table. Troy latches on a sleeper hold from behind, still blinded Champagne tries not to fade away, he blindly reaches for the nearby ropes once he finds them, he grabs a tight grip of the top rope and back kicks Troy right square in the groin. Wiping his eyes from the mace. Champagne does a cocky pin on Troy and gets the 1-2-3. Son outdoes Father in this hardcore war>>
No Holds Barred 1 on 1 M3: Champagne Clausen defeats Troy Clausen
Kaitlyn Khaos, Nick Simmonds and Joey Styles announce that tonight's Lockdown 7 event in Rashid Stadium has brought out 38,444 fans in Dubai. A skyline shot of the city is shown.
Kevin Madrox is assigned this match
The Death Machines enter Joe Gacy and Audrey Carbine walk at different paces because they aren't a well oiled machine of a team quite like they're opponents tonight for the Vacant XPWEW Tag Titles
All Man & All Woman enter in unison with quart cartoons of milk and matching red chain mails as they cheers together and we are introduced to "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner making his first public appearance since his hospitalization last February
<<"Loud" All Woman chants fill the stadium to capacity to start off. Carbine pie faces Woman during a face-off then a fired up and fed-up All Woman fires up which she's really yet to do and the crowd pops because they like seeing Carbine get her butt kicked by a female competitor for a change. All Man big back body drop on Gacy. Gacy tosses Man out of the ring with some help from Carbine. Gacy whips All Man into the steel steps then slams his head repetitively on the remains of the indian commentary desk that was destroyed in the previous match. Carbine sweeps the leg and sambo slams All Man, Woman tries to intervene but Referee Kevin Madrox stops her to keep order. Carbine double suplexes All Man and All Woman and shows off her super human former marine strength. Gacy hits a spinebuster on All Man on the apron and All Man sells it like he just had all the wind knocked out of him when he comically falls off like a 2 x 4 board. Carbine locks in the Art of Ballistics armbar on All Man, Gacy goes to throw a punch, All Man ducks, but Gacy stops before accidentally hitting Carbine. All Man hulks up and hoists up the 300 pounder Gacy with a gordbuster. Carbine locks the figure four leg lock between the turbuckle on All Woman and Madrox tries to break the hold, even threatens to call a DQ. Carbine obliges then kicks All Woman violently in the head after. Carbine chest bumps Gacy as a sign of disrespect. Carbine lands body shots on All Woman and drops her with one to the gut. The crowd is going nuts for this match because they really like All Woman and really detest Carbine. All Woman powers back kicks Carbine and goes for an armbar on her for a change. Carbine knows her hold and how to block it but All Woman adjusts, Carbine then resorts to cheat tactics by raking her eyes to escape. All Woman recovers lands a knee and a DDT on Carbine. She goes for a pin, but only gets a one count. All Man yanks Carbine out of the ring hard. Gacy steps in and makes the save, Gacy and Carbine start to face off, Fans eat it up. Gacy hawks a lougie and spits nastily in Carbine's face and she lands combos beating up Gacy in the corner of the ringside, and then in one shove Gacy pushes her back but All Woman soars through the sky with a whipser in the wind taking out both Death Machines. Back in the ring, All Man lands three amigos on Gacy. Gacy lands a knee strike. All Man uses a trio of german suplexes, Gacy reverses the 4th one hitting his finisher "Chainsaw'd Off" All Man then gets up right after it essentially no selling it and gets Gacy for an ankle lock, Carbine makes the save, Carbine throws a kick All Man catches it and the crowd wants him to clobber her, He puts Carbine in an ankle lock. Gacy shoves All Man out, All Woman jumps on Gacy's back with wild punches and puts Gacy in the "EMMA LOCK!". Carbine goes to save Gacy but All Man dives and grabs her ankle and has her in the ankle lock, Carbine and Gacy reverse the submissions simultaneously and swing All Man and All Woman into each other bumping heads together. Gacy shoves All Man into the chair he wedged between the ropes before this match even started. Carbine irish-whips All Woman into the corner. All Man counters the "Chainsaw'd Off". All Woman counters Carbine's attempt at that finisher as well. Gacy spits the yellow liquid mist but ducking it All Man grabs hold and hits the Almond Joy on Joe Gacy then jumps to his feet to cactus clothesline Audrey Carbine out of the ring as they both tumble outside, All Woman covers Gacy for the 1-2-3 and the NEW XPWEW Tag Team Champions! ALL MAN and ALL WOMAN!!!!!!!! All Man grabs both belts and they both hold them high! All Woman and All Man share a kiss as fireworks display over the stadium>>
Vacant XPWEW Tag Team Championships Tornado Tag Team Match M4: All Man & All Woman (accompanied by Scott Steiner) defeat Death Machines (Joe Gacy & Audrey Carbine)
Backstage, Golden Bryce is holding his newborn child Stefon in a touching moment "I'm gonna make you proud. I'm new to this dad thing and I'm gonna make you proud. Bryce holds the title in his lap and kisses Stefon on the forehead as you hear him recite the Lord's prayer as the camera fades away
Video package of the history and career legacy between Jake Awesome and The Dragonslayer
Referee Johnathan Chambers is assigned this match
Jake Awesome enters (biggest pop of the night)
Slayer enters (huge pop) accompanied by Rosemary
<<During the introductions. Rosemary is setting up tables wildy outside each side of the ring. She sets up 4 tables. As soon as the word "Slayer" exits the lips of ring announcer James Westerbeck, Jake Awesome big boots the mush of Slayer and this bout is on! Bell rings! Awesome then hits the Awesome Bomb and goes for the pin and gets a 1 count! And in the first 3 seconds of the match Awesome has hit his finish on Slayer and after what Rosemary, Lotus and Slayer have put him through the last 3 weeks and really what Slayer has endured him with is a career of hell. Unsuccessful of the pin but Awesome doesn't waste any time grabbing Slayer by the hair and sling him with ease of the top rope and slings him dangerously right into a table Rosemary set up moments ago. Awesome goes outside the ring, shoves Slayer in and picks him for a gorilla press and turns him mid air and again Slayer crashes through a second table merely a minute into the contest. Awesome throws him back in the ring yet again lifting Slayer on the turnbuckle and hits a stalling suplex for 30 seconds holding Slayer for about 30 seconds then slowly falling back and Slayer flips on the Superplex with velocity. Awesome kips up and The Mammoth is unhinged but as soon as he turns around Slayer pops right up and gets right in his face because Slayer will not give up! Not when the lights shine bright. Jake presses a middle finger up to Slayer's forehad to which Slayer does the same right back, Slayer and Jake trade punches until Slayer backs up hitting the ropes, Jake goes for a clothesline, Slayer ducks, still running, Slayer ducks the elbow, Slayer hits the ropes again and head-scissors hurracanranna takes Jake down as he rolls outside, Slayer gets a run and go hits a dive through the ropes, goes back in dives to the oustide again, goes inside for another dive this time Awesome grabs him mid air in Bomb position but Slayer counters it with another hurracanranna. Slayer goes to the apron, climbs to the nearest top rope and a senton connects, Jake is laid out. Rosemary then pulls multiple chairs out from under the ring and throws chairs ontop of Jake until he is buried in lie 9 chairs. Slayer gets a running go and just flings himself over the ropes onto the chairs with Awesome underneath which really hurt Slayer more I guess. Slayer then grabs each chair one by one hitting awesome over the back eight times and then throws the chair Sabu style hitting Awesome it the face, Awesome falls back into the barricade, to which Rosemary come over and gets up in Awesome's face dripping her bloody lip on him to which Awesome shoves her from his face, Slayer grabs Awesome throws him on the apron. Slayer ascends the top rope and hits a 450 splash to Jake on the hardest part of the ring. Jake rolls to the middle of the ring, Slayer follows and applies the Indian Death lock, rare move but Jake is selling it as Slayer applies the pressure on the long legs of 'The Mammoth'. Jake eventually counters with his legs pushing Slayer "sparta" style kick into the turnbuckle and Slayer bounces back collapsing like a rap doll. Jake gets his hands on the rope to get back to his feet but Rosemary sneaks up and bites Jake's hand and will not let go, Jake's hand is now bloody from Rosemary's bite. Slayer goes to dropkick Jake's back, Jake dodges and the kick hits Rosemary and she falls flat back onto the floor of chairs from earlier. Jake kicks Slayer out the way, Jake gets a running go, then goes for a Suicide Dive onto Rosemary who moves and Jake lands crooked onto the pile of chairs and a "You Fucked Up" chant erupts. Rosemary then applies a camel clutch to Awesome who then carries Rosemary on his back as he gets up on the apron, Slayer off the top rope, flips over Awesome standing on the apron, yanks Rosemary off him now inadvertently Slayer is holding Rosemary in a standing power-bomb position, he turns around and Awesome runs off the apron and hits a doomsday device on Rosemary that Slayer was accidentally holding her up for, Awesome decks Rosemary clean off Slayer's shoulders. Crowd pops huge and we get a "This Is Awesome" chant. Slayer then goes to grab Jake, Jake then scoops up Slayer like a child, runs him to the ramp and chucks him onto the last glass panel of the ramp on the way to the ring and just chucks him and drops Slayer and the loud thud of Slayer's weight cracks the glass leaving it shattered and cracked but not broken through. Jake goes into the ring, awaiting Slayer to stand up. Awesome going for the patented Suicide Dive he connects and him and Slayer crash through the glass that was already weakened by that last spot. Awesome and Slayer fall into the cracking glass panel and now the are both drenched but the water at that spot of the ramp is probably only 1 foot deep at best. Just enough to wet the hair, Slayer has blood on his back, Awesome has a cut on his forehead and a trickle of blood running down his right arm. They both stagger into the ring. They both use each other as crutches to stand up. They trade punches. Jake wins that war after the 3rd blow. Jake then applies the Helm Sharpshooter on Slayer for the first time ever! Slayer is locked in his own hold. Slayer finds the rope and Jake breaks the hold. Lotus runs down the ramp. Lotus enters the ring but Jake sees her coming and picks her up and teases the Awesome Bomb, Rosemary jumps in and he sandwiches them together and hits the double awesome bomb. Slayer gets up and stumbles back into the scenario and Awesome kicks him and hits the Awesome Bomb for the 1-2-3 and the NEW XPWEW International Champion is 'The Mammoth' Jake Awesome!
XPWEW International Championship 1 on 1 M5: Jake Awesome defeats Slayer (c)
Jake Awesome is now a grand slam champion! Jake celebrates by grabbing the microphone "Dubai. I've wrestled all over the world but you guys made it special. This International title is for you! The fans! The international fans! I love you (crowd pops)
Lockdown 8 promo video package reveals that next year Saturday May 22nd, 2021 for the first time ever XPWEW will host any event from the most famous arena in the world: Madison Square Garden! New York City hosts Lockdown 8 - 05-22-21. The theme song is playing is I Like It by Grand Puba “And ya say New York City?”
Referee Sandy Mongeau has been assigned this next match!
Doxy Deity enters
Kiera Hogan enters accompanied by 911 Brian Lee (green flames pyro)
XPWEW World Women's Champion Priscilla Kelly enters (turnbuckle pyro is very Kane-esque)
<<Priscilla spin kicks Kiera and Doxy, Kiera and Doxy get technical bridging each other for backside pins trading counters until Priscilla breaks it up with a rolling thunder. Priscilla grabs Doxy and Doxy turns it into and Undertaker old school attack, Kiera double sunset flip on both competitors neither pin works out, Priscilla throws Doxy to the outside, Kiera grabs hold of Priscilla with a "PTO". Doxy hits a superkick to Kiera right on the chin. then Doxy tunes up the band for Priscilla but Kelly twists the foot into an enzuguri spin kick counter taking Doxy to the outside, Priscilla gets a running start and hits a topae sucicida onto Priscilla and still lands on her feet because she's extremely agile. Kiera gets on the top rope and hits a Twisted Bliss from the top to the outside but crashes and burs landing on the hard ground. Brian Lee checks out her leg and knee that made a dangerous thud on the landing. Doxy and Priscilla battle in the ring, Doxy goes for the Mexican power bomb three times and gets a near two count. Priscilla knees Doxy in the back and hits a back cracker. Priscilla and Doxy trade punches on the top rope, Doxy flips Priscilla off her back landing in the ring reluctantly Priscilla lands on her feet then pushes Doxy's bum and Doxy falls off the top rope onto Brian Lee making him a non-factor if only for the moment. Kiera recovers and goes for a roll-up, Priscilla kicks out then grabs Kiera's wig off of her head and shoves the wig down her tights and hits Kiera with 'Murder She Wrote' (Double Arm Facebuster) for the 1-2-3. And STILL the XPWEW World Women's Champion: Priscilla Kelly>>
XPWEW World Women's Championship Triple Threat Match M6: Priscilla Kelly (c) defeats Kiera Hogan & Doxy Deity
Highlight video package highlighting the rough upbringing and insane life of crime and a tale of street life of Ruckus to his 2020 Xtreme Rumble match win last month sealing his fate for the Lockdown Seven main event. Pans into a highlight package of Golden Bryce's quick rise to superstardom, becoming a grand-slam champion in under a year and ultimately losing last year at Lockdown Six to Jake Awesome and how tonight is a redemption story, Then a video package of Ruckus stealing Bryce's air jordan shoes and burning them, Bryce: I have to work, fight and claw for every breath and step here. Ruckus: You wouldn't last a day in my hood. I don't want that belt. I want the money that you are a making and I'm not
Eerie scary hymn music. plays
Jordan Oliver, Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil, Siaka Lexoni, Chrissy Rivera, and Ruckus' 7 kids ranging from ages 20-6 walk out all holding flaming wooden sticks. They stand 6 on each side.
The 4 Dancing Pallbearers enter with a casket perched on their shoulders and they spin around slowly to the music and then they stand still.
-They all throw their flaming sticks into a pile creating a large flame
Thunder bolt pyrotechnic explodes
(Bankroll by Lil Boosie blares) (crowd pops)
Dancing pallbearers flawlessly dance with the casket doing several dance moves with the coffin then gently place the casket on the ground and Ruckus' youngest son opens the casket and Ruckus hops out with all the swagger in the world and hypes himself up walking confidently to the ring.
Ruckus enters (huge pop) The Set and Ruckus' kids walk to the back
crowd cheers even after Ruckus' music ends leaving nothing but pure cheers from the crowd
Lone drummer bangs his drum and behind him another drummer, another drummer, another drummer, they all open up and we are shown 4 very talented dancers and marching band from Alcorn College perform a rendition of "Guwop Home" by Gucci Mane in march form with the "Dega Diamonds" dance troupe in full as Golden Bryce enters at the crushendo of the song
Referee Kevin Madrox has been assigned this contest
<<Golden Bryce holds the title up and Ruckus smirks at him and grabs the title and throws it on the floor. Bryce decks him and the bell rings. Bryce punches Ruckus with strikes in the corner and then hits the 10 punch spot but only gets to about 4 when Ruckus reverses it effortlessly into a Tarantula submission reminiscent of Tajiri. Ruckus breaks the hold to hit a classic drive-by dropkick that damn near took Bryce's head off. Ruckus runs back and goes for a Stinger Splash in the corner and Bryce reverses with the Book-End like Booker T slamming Ruckus down with authority. Bryce slaps his chest hyping himself up and steps on Ruckus' back showing a darker side that Masato Tanaka urged he needed to bring out to defeat a guy like Ruckus. Bryce scoops up Ruckus with ease and hangs him upside-down for the tree of woe. Bryce then gets a running start from the opposite corner runs steps on the bottom rope for elevation and drops a vicious elbow drop on Ruckus who is hung up in the corner. Bryce drags him over for the pin and Ruckus kicks out at one. Ruckus does a roll up of his own and Bryce kicks out quickly. Bryce head butts Ruckus and Ruckus knees Bryce in the groin. Joey Styles points out it was the very same kick in the groin move from Jake one year ago that costed Golden Bryce that Lockdown win, kept him from truly capturing that career defining Lockdown moment and three-hundred and sixty-five days later Bryce is looking to capture that moment. Bryce powders to the outside to regain composure and take a breath. Ruckus runs through the bottom rope and hits a tornado DDT on Bryce and capitalizes in his moment of leisure. Bryce gets up on the apron and attempts a heart attack but Ruckus connects a pin-point perfect drop kick knocking Bryce right back down to the outside. Ruckus hits a corkscrew over the ropes landing on Bryce on the outside and Ruckus is making this look easy. Ruckus kicks Bryce on the head mockingly then shoves him back inside. Ruckus took a little too much time getting up and Bryce on the inside grabs Ruckus on apron. Bryce jerks Ruckus up and over the ropes then picks him up for an T-Bone Suplex much like Shelton Benjamin! Bryce then foot chokes Ruckus in the corner and grabs both his feet and pulls him to the middle of the ring and applies the Golden Cloverleaf and Bryce has it cinched in and Ruckus is in the middle of the canvas. Ruckus can't out power Bryce but he eventually crawls the rope and Referee Kevin Madrox counts 1-2-3-4-5 and Bryce still doesn't break the hold so Referee Kevin Madrox grabs Golden Bryce and forcefully yanks the champion off of Ruckus thus giving him the use of this brief advantage to hit the bankroll out of seemingly no energy but Ruckus is slow to get the fall he gets a very close 2 count but Bryce gets his shoulder up. Bryce irish-whips Ruckus into the ropes, Ruckus stops himself, Bryce gets down thinking Ruckus is gonna jump over but where he stopped himself veteran instinct savviness from Ruckus pays off when he applies "The Gangsta Stretch" submission hold and Bryce is able to out-power him and kick Ruckus back knocking him back into the ropes: Ruckus does an Ambrose like rebound off the middle rope and comes right back with a laser sharp dropkick to a sitting Golden Bryce and goes for the pin and only gets a one count. Ruckus tries to get up, Bryce grabs him by his overalls and hits the Dominator much like Bobby Lashley. A downed Ruckus swings at Bryce and misses wildly. Bryce yanks up Ruckus to his feet and hits The World's Strongest Slam for a two count. Bryce looks flustered that Ruckus keeps kicking out of these high powered maneuvers. Bryce hits a deep corner suplex on Ruckus and Ruckus' legs bounce off the bottom rope looks like a bad landing. Bryce goes for a belly-to-belly, Ruckus goes for a elbow shot, Bryce ducks it presses Ruckus forward into the ropes, Ruckus rolls backwards, Bryce counters the roll up with a heavy german suplex into a bridge pin that Ruckus counters with elusiveness sliding out of the ring avoiding Bryce's grip, Ruckus falls off the apron onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. both men endure a 7 count as they are both down on the mat, Bryce still down but Ruckus climbs to the top rope Bryce gets up to his feet quickly and hits the Goldrush Destroyer onto the top turnbuckle. Golden Bryce hits "Done Deal" on Ruckus and gets a 1-2- NO!!!!! Ruckus kicks out! Bryce then irish whips Ruckus and hits the Low Down courtesy of D'Lo and the pin combo only gets a two but Bryce isn't phased, he gets up quick and takes down both straps of his Black Panther singlet and lies in wait for the 6 Rings spear. Ruckus prone in the corner slowly gets up and Bryce goes for it, Ruckus leap frogs, Bryce misses but then Bryce turns around quick and goes for what appears to be an Awesome Bomb but Ruckus counters by hitting The Bankroll out of nowhere and Ruckus makes the cover for the 1-2 and Bryce kicks out. Ruckus hits the Razzle Dazzle and Bryce hulks up and Ruckus hits the Scissor Kick and does a sweet little break dance move to regain his upward mobility (not the spin-a-roonie though). Bryce rolls under the apron and tries to get up to his feet using the ropes, Ruckus gets a run and pushes Bryce and he goes diving onto the English commentary table and rolling all the way over it onto Kaitlyn, Nick and Joey but they all move safely in time, despite the big crash the table doesn't break. Ruckus goes outside, sits Bryce on the table flat. Ruckus then gets on the apron and without looking back hits a asai moonsault onto Bryce and the table DOES NOT BREAK, they just roll off to the back end. Ruckus and Bryce both crawl into the ring moments later after being sprawled out on the floor. Ruckus gets in first and crawls to the opposite end of the ring, Bryce slowly creeps behind him, Ruckus tries to do a quick Bankroll, he rolls off Bryce's sweaty back, Bryce looks for a samoan drop, Ruckus rolls right back off, bounces back off the second rope and hits a Bankroll off the 2nd rope, easily move of the night and pins Bryce but Bryce is able to get his arm on the bottom rope, If that rope was not there then Ruckus would have won this contest. Ruckus is tired and so is Bryce but Bryce uses the bottom rope and clings to it, pulling himself to the closest corner and Ruckus lays on him basically and when Bryce is in the corner Ruckus chops him slowly just once to the WOOOOOOOOs of the crowd. Bryce slowly slugs him back, Bryce slowly irish whips Ruckus hard into the opposing corner, Ruckus like Ric Flair hits the buckles upside down, brings himself right back up and Bryce picks up Ruckus for the Goldrush Destroyer, Ruckus lands on his feet then vaults up and over at an angle hits The Bankroll for the 1-2-3 and the NEW XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion is Ruckus!!!!
XPWEW World Heavyweight Title 1 on 1 M7: Ruckus defeats Golden Bryce (c)
Ruckus is so tired and Bryce is so worn out they both just lay there and they do until The Set run down to the ring and help Ruckus up and they put the world title around his waist and Ruckus can barely stand but they carry him up the ramp, Myron, Kotto, Jordan are so hype and Lexoni hugs Ruckus tight as Ruckus becomes a Grandslam champion here tonight at Lockdown. The camera then pans over to Golden Bryce who is staring up at the night Dubai sky as he slowly rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp with his head down. The camera pans back to Ruckus holding up his first world title as The Set has him standing up right. Huge pyro explodes over Rashid Stadium as Ruckus now raises the belt high and he's being lifted up by his faction: The Set. We see Bryce emotionless walking up the ramp in disbelief. Show ends
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xpwewarchive · 3 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (June 12th, 2021 “The Set cuts Jake Awesome”
(fans - full capacity)
Episode: 482
Location: The Berrics in Los Angeles, California
Date: Friday June 12th, 2021
fans - full capacity
Episode: 481
Location: The Berrics in Los Angeles, California
Date: June 4th, 2021
How to watch: VICE TV 10PM Eastern
Opening Segment: THE TRANSITION OF ROMEO - We have rainbow flags, streamers, male dancers.
The All Man introduces his wife Tenille Dashwood and then she introduces the new XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Romeo Roselli
- Romeo comes out carried by 4 chippendale characters like a King.
- The World Champion Romeo Roselli takes the mic and says that, All Man & Tenille and him are in a polyamorous relationship. They are all a couple. Romeo then tells All Man that he is now known as the All Trans!
- Golden Bryce hits the ring, He is very angry and serious. Bryce says that he doesn't care about Romeo, Tenille and All Trans do in their spare time. Bryce says he respects Romeo for cashing in his Case Your Luck briefcase in advance. Sure I got the finally achieve the thing that's been haunting me for three years, winning in the main event of the biggest show of the year, however little did I know 48 hours later you would take that title right off of me. I'm here to say congratulations. However I have to let you know, you already know. I have a rematch clause and I have a choice of when to enact that very clause. So at The Devil's Playhouse I will challenge you 1 on 1 for that very XPWEW World Title. Big celebration, Lotta color, Lotta streamers and I doubt these gentleman were cheap. But Romeo you've been around for over 10 years, You won the title but you'll find it's harder to stay at the top than it is to be at the top.
- - Romeo. Bryce, that was boring to me.
Bryce, I'm not accepting that offer. Not at all, Not until you prove yourself. Tonight you take on the All Trans.
Bryce: Romeo, glady.
- XPWEW Heatwave commercial
6 Person Tag
M1: Exodus, Joe Gacy & Audrey Carbine def. Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver & Chrissy Rivera (w/ Alveno La Flare)
Backstage: Leonard McGraw enters the building angry, as he will come face to face with Troy Clausen tonight to discuss his suspension.
Devil's Playhouse Qualifying Match
M2: Jacques Dudley def. Jay Briscoe (c) (w/ Mark Briscoe)
After the match: Jacques cuts a promo about how he should be considered a serious contender for the devil's playhouse match on the 27th
In ring segment: Troy Clausen enters with Champagne Clausen and before they bring Leonard out to the ring. Leonard is going to try to console Leonard McGraw about his recent suspension.
We learn that Teddy Long has been relieved of his duties and will not return to be the General Manager of Friday Night Pyro.
We then find out that a replacement for Nick Simmonds is in order; and Joey Styles will be returning to the booth with Kaitlyn Khaos. Champagne takes a dig at Simmonds calling him the 50 year old virgin.
- Leonard McGraw enters
- Troy Clausen explains to Leonard why he will remain suspended and won't be competing at the Devil's Playhouse pay-per-view. Leonard can't contain his anger and hits Troy Clausen with a Lariat, then Champagne attacks him, security runs in and the police arrest Leonard McGraw and beat him with billy clubs putting him ultimately in the back of the cop car.
- The Deity enters
1 on 1
M3: The Deity (c) (w/ Tito Santana) def. Ashley Vox
After the match Lotus attacks her and out of anger Doxy FIRES Tito Santana!!!!!
- Backstage: alveno La Flare and Jake Awesome have a heart to heart when learning they will team up next week against The Briscoes. Alveno jokes, don't turn on me now my brother. LExoni laughs eerily a Ruckus is just chilling
Romeo Roselli joins commentary
- 1 on 1
M4: Golden Bryce def. All Trans (w/ Tenille Dashwood)
After the match Romeo sprays mace in the eyes of Bryce and then beats him with the belt he pulled off of a fans jeans over and over. Romeo laughs about it as the show comes to a close!
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xpwewarchive · 3 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (June 4th, 2021)
fans - full capacity
Episode: 481
Location: The Berrics in Los Angeles, California
Date: June 4th, 2021
How to watch: VICE TV 10PM Eastern
Opening Segment: THE TRANSITION OF ROMEO - We have rainbow flags, streamers, male dancers.
The All Man introduces his wife Tenille Dashwood and then she introduces the new XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Romeo Roselli
- Romeo comes out carried by 4 chippendale characters like a King.
- The World Champion Romeo Roselli takes the mic and says that, All Man & Tenille and him are in a polyamorous relationship. They are all a couple. Romeo then tells All Man that he is now known as the All Trans!
- Golden Bryce hits the ring, He is very angry and serious. Bryce says that he doesn't care about Romeo, Tenille and All Trans do in their spare time. Bryce says he respects Romeo for cashing in his Case Your Luck briefcase in advance. Sure I got the finally achieve the thing that's been haunting me for three years, winning in the main event of the biggest show of the year, however little did I know 48 hours later you would take that title right off of me. I'm here to say congratulations. However I have to let you know, you already know. I have a rematch clause and I have a choice of when to enact that very clause. So at The Devil's Playhouse I will challenge you 1 on 1 for that very XPWEW World Title. Big celebration, Lotta color, Lotta streamers and I doubt these gentleman were cheap. But Romeo you've been around for over 10 years, You won the title but you'll find it's harder to stay at the top than it is to be at the top.
- - Romeo. Bryce, that was boring to me.
Bryce, I'm not accepting that offer. Not at all, Not until you prove yourself. Tonight you take on the All Trans.
Bryce: Romeo, glady.
- XPWEW Heatwave commercial
6 Person Tag
M1: Exodus, Joe Gacy & Audrey Carbine def. Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver & Chrissy Rivera (w/ Alveno La Flare)
Backstage: Leonard McGraw enters the building angry, as he will come face to face with Troy Clausen tonight to discuss his suspension.
Devil's Playhouse Qualifying Match
M2: Jacques Dudley def. Jay Briscoe (c) (w/ Mark Briscoe)
After the match: Jacques cuts a promo about how he should be considered a serious contender for the devil's playhouse match on the 27th
In ring segment: Troy Clausen enters with Champagne Clausen and before they bring Leonard out to the ring. Leonard is going to try to console Leonard McGraw about his recent suspension.
We learn that Teddy Long has been relieved of his duties and will not return to be the General Manager of Friday Night Pyro.
We then find out that a replacement for Nick Simmonds is in order; and Joey Styles will be returning to the booth with Kaitlyn Khaos. Champagne takes a dig at Simmonds calling him the 50 year old virgin.
- Leonard McGraw enters
- Troy Clausen explains to Leonard why he will remain suspended and won't be competing at the Devil's Playhouse pay-per-view. Leonard can't contain his anger and hits Troy Clausen with a Lariat, then Champagne attacks him, security runs in and the police arrest Leonard McGraw and beat him with billy clubs putting him ultimately in the back of the cop car.
- The Deity enters
1 on 1
M3: The Deity (c) (w/ Tito Santana) def. Ashley Vox
After the match Lotus attacks her and out of anger Doxy FIRES Tito Santana!!!!!
- Backstage: alveno La Flare and Jake Awesome have a heart to heart when learning they will team up next week against The Briscoes. Alveno jokes, don't turn on me now my brother. LExoni laughs eerily a Ruckus is just chilling
Romeo Roselli joins commentary
- 1 on 1
M4: Golden Bryce def. All Trans (w/ Tenille Dashwood)
After the match Romeo sprays mace in the eyes of Bryce and then beats him with the belt he pulled off of a fans jeans over and over. Romeo laughs about it as the show comes to a close!
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro 9/4/2020
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro Date: September 4th, 2020 Episode: 442 Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
-Intro song plays- and both participants are in the ring already and boom the Number 1 Contendership Match for Leonard McGraw's XPWEW World Title is on! The undefeated El Demonio (3-0) and Joe Gacy (6-9-1) with 4 of those wins being in the last month, Upward trajectory. (Leonard is the world champion and his record is spotty)
Number 1 contedendership Match 1 on 1 M1: El Demonio def. Joe Gacy (w/ Audrey Carbine) ***MATCH OF THE NIGHT***
(Amazing back and forth battle with two clashing styles, Ultimately a Pedrigree Package Piledriver from Demonio put away the death machine for the 1-2-3 and Carbine can't control herself from defending her fellow partner, Gacy (who burned her in a 'Ring of Fire' match just two weeks ago, they gained some mutual respect in that match) - Carbine locks on 'The Art of Ballistics' chicken wing on Demonio to which XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion: Leonard McGraw runs down to the ring and runs at rapid speed with his Buckshot clothesline from hell, Demonio while being choked by Carbine, McGraw clotheslines both of them with a wicked lariat. Leonard is unhinged, However Gacy has the title and he's about to whack McGraw with it from behind, McGraw turns around and has a stardown with Joe Gacy who is holding his world title, McGraw stares into Gacy's soul. Gacy then lets his guard down, holds McGraw's belt out from him and then spits a gigantic loogie on McGraw's World Title and then drops it on the ground. McGraw starts swining wildly and him and Gacy trade punches until Gacy verbally submits with an "okay okay okay" Gacy slides out of the ring in congruence with a stunned Audrey Carbine as they walk backward up the ramp, McGraw helps El Demonio up from the canvas and Demonio grabs a microphone. El Demonio: "LADDER MATCH!!!!!!!!!" ESCALA DE LA MURETA!!!!!!!!!!! McGraw: *extends handshake* Demonio: accepts handshake, McGraw tightens his grip and aggressively pulls Demonio nose to nose with him. McGraw: "I don't speak spanish but..I'm not a afraid of heights but son I'll shove that God damn Ladder up your ass. And Joe Gacy, you big crooked nose bastard! Look at me! You like to spit huh? Next week come on down, spit on these ladders, lube it up so I can stick it up both y'all's asses" - McGraws music plays....What a segment.
In ring segment: Mr. Case Your Luck Romeo Roselli with his new protegé Doxy Deity (Romeo speaks on the importance of his briefcase and that at any time he can become the world champion, Who's to say I don't climb that ladder next week!) - Jake Awesome (c) enters with Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver (c) (Jake speaks on his recent run-in with Milwaukee Bucks player Giannis Antetokounmp and how he is still the INTERNATIONAL champion and Giannis is still not a champion. You wouldn't dare cash in on me, So I'll do one better. Next week. I'll defend the International Title. But if I win you gotta hand your briefcase over to a member of The Set that I feel has earned it. (Myron, Kotto & Jordan stand confidently) Jake: and Romeo, I doubt you'll pass the test Doxy Deity: Jake, I doubt you could pass a piss test, you are on more gas than Citgo..So bring those Spongebob Squarepants blow up muscles next week and my man will become the new International Champion Jake: *chuckles* that's cute, Doxy, is that your name? Doxy? Speak ill on my name and I'll dox you and your whole family. I myself will find every member of your family and kick their f****** teeth down their throat, So watch your mouth (Myron, Kotto & Jordan jawjacking at Romeo however the subtitles can't process it)
The Tessa Blanchard XPWEW Women's Title Open Challenge 1 on 1 M2: Tessa Blanchard (c) def. Kiera Hogan * Lotus' music plays as if to cash in her CYL briefcase, nothing happens. Tessa mouths off, Open Challenge bitch! Open challenge for a reason! I ain't scared of you little girl!
Backstage: Locker room we see Garrett Thompson at a locker looking through his gym bag; when former XPWEW Champion Champagne Clausen waltzes up pretending as if he just bumped into him Garrett: Can I help you? Champagne: Oh.....well I can help myself. Last year in October I was in a sea full of hicks and I won the world title, and Garrett: I said can I help you not can I listen to you, I'm not interested in hearing your bull**** today Champagne: Ah, I see GT. Is it because you've never been a world champion? Hmm Sure 2013 you main evented Lockdown 5 in a what, multi man 4 way dance. And wait you lost, as a matter of fact Garrett you were the first man eliminated. Garrett: stares intensely Champagne: In this industry I am here and you are...right here. You don't measure up.. Garrett decks Champagne and they start slugging it out in the locker room with fiery fists until Ethan Bedlam and 3M3 break them up, Champagne has a bloody lip Champagne: You wanna box? You wanna bare knuckle box boy huh, This ain't Rocky huh, jobbers....... Ethan Bedlam: You got a death wish? Champagne: If he wants to box, then let's box...
- Jacques Dudley enters - Masato Tanaka enters
1 on 1 M3: Masato Tanaka def. Jacques Dudley in a hard fought win between these veterans, Jacques walks off looking defeated... James Westerbeck holds a post match interview with Tanaka at ringside, Tanaka says I am striving to win the world title before I call it a career, I'm far from done. ( Joe Gacy comes out and spits in Tanaka's face, Tanaka goes to retaliate and Gacy just irish whips him into the ringpost, Audrey Carbine holds Tanaka still and Gacy takes a steel chair, scares away James Westerbeck with it then with Tanaka's head of the steel steps, Gacy smashes the chair over Tanaka's head and walks away and when Tanaka rolls over he's covered in a bloody crimson mask. Gruesome attack on Masato Tanaka from The Death Machines
- Anarchy Rules 2020 PPV ad - 16 days away!!!! - VICE TV is free to stream ALL SEPTEMBER ad!!!
Tag Team Match M4: The Set (Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil) w/ Jordan Oliver (c) def. The Vaudevillains of The Marauder Simon Gotch & Drama King Aiden English w/ Mandy Leon - Myron picked up the win over Gotch in the finish after hitting the clout cutter, Jake Awesome walks out on stage and applauds The Set and then has a chat with Myron (possibly because he picked up the win for the team, If Awesome defeats Roselli next week maybe Myron is who 'deserves' the Case Your Luck briefcase PENDING IF AWESOME successfully defeats Romeo Roselli next week)
- 1/2 of the XPWEW Tag Team Champions: Golden Bryce enters (We see Alveno watching on a monitor backstage, rooting his cousin on) - Former World Champion: Ruckus enters with Siaka Lexoni and Chrissy Rivera of The SET
1 on 1 Lockdown Seven Rematch M5: Ruckus def. Golden Bryce (c)
After the match 1/2 of the XPWEW Tag Team Champions: Alveno La Flare comes down the ramp to console Bryce on his loss, Ruckus and Lexoni with Rivera mock Alveno doing 'crybaby' faces as they laugh up the ramp. The Set is victorious as Pyro comes to a close. Alveno extends his hand and helps Bryce to his feet, As it appears they might be defending those Tag Titles against The Set on the 20th at Anarchy Rules
Show Ends
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro 8/28/2020
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro Date: Friday August 28th, 2020 Episode: 441 Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
Show kicks off without missing a beat, XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Leonard McGraw stomps to the ring to The Set already in the ring consisting of XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver with Former XPWEW Tag Team Champs Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil with Chrissy Rivera behind them. Leonard McGraw enters and then Mr. Case Your Luck Romeo Roselli makes his grandiose entrance to the ring, Kaitlyn Khaos points out that despite Leonard and Romeo being partners in this 2 on 3 melee tonight, Romeo does possess the CYL briefcase that he won at All Or Nothing last July, and that by proxy means that World Champion Leonard McGraw should be weary that they may be partners tonight but might be adversaries in the distant future. So throughout the course of the match Leonard is not very chummy with Romeo as they tag here tonight against The Set.
2 vs 3 Melee Tag Team Match M1: Leonard McGraw (c) & Romeo Roselli def. Jordan Oliver, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil (w/ Chrissy Rivera) - The fall occurs when Romeo hits a superkick from a springboard attempt from Myron Reed where he pins Reed for the fall, McGraw sizes up Romeo like he is about to connect a clothesline but the camera doesn't catch a creeping up Jordan Oliver, the camera quickly shifts and Leonard springs to clothesline Jordan out of his shoes. Romeo turns around in the nick of time just enough to sell the moment that Leonard may have been thinking of attacking him from behind because of Leonard's known 'DTA' (Don't Trust Anybody) mentality. Romeo picks up a microphone from the corner. Romeo: Leonard, I'm not stupid. To you I might dress stupid, I might look stupid, I might even sound un-intelligent but I'm not, I know that I am indeed Mister Case Your Luck! I know that anytime within the next 331 days, I could cash this in on you right now, and I see you huffing and puffing gaspin for air, I'd take you with ease Leonard: (slowly grabs mic from Romeo) LEONARD TACKLES ROMEO TO THE GROUND AND ATTACKS HIM and Leonard starts striking Romeo with a flurry of fists over and over, until Romeo Roselli rolls out of the ring, Leonard kicks his briefcase out of the ring. - General Manager Troy Clausen enters Troy: Romeo, didn't you used to re-store the order around here, You two don't get along but you damn sure are gonna get along next week because next week it's gonna be Leonard McGraw and Romeo Roselli versus The Marauder Simon Gotch & The Drama King Aiden English!
Commentary Desk: Masato Tanaka joins the desk with Kaitlyn Khaos & Nick Simmonds and speaks that he wants to win the XPWEW World Title again and he knows he has a record of 3-8 but he's calling out Jacques Dudley next week who doesn't have the best record either; "Let's both get a W brother, may the best man win"
Tag Team Match M2: The Marauder Simon Gotch & Drama King Aiden English (w/ Mandy Leon) def. Jake "Man Scout" Manning & Bully Jaxon
Backstage segment: Doxy Deity reveals that her 'career strategist' is Romeo Roselli... I guess Romeo has a manager and so does Doxy
1 on 1 M3: Doxy Deity (w/ Romeo Roselli) def. Kiera Hogan
Tag Team Match M4: Champagne Clausen & Garrett Thompson def. Based Fabian & GG (w/ Genevalisse)
Backstage Segment: Giannis Antetokounmpo is hyping himself up with a few of his Milwaukee Bucks teammates, Says he is a real International Champion and Says He's gonna treat Jake Awesome just like his favorite basketball team Orlando Magic (Tampa is only a hour from Orlando, so)
NEXT WEEK! Joe Gacy vs El Demonio has 'World Title Shot' implications Recap: Ring of Fire match between Gacy and Carbine, James Westerbeck shows a mini-documentary video of the burns Carbine suffered at Heatwave 2 Sundays ago. Audrey Carbine says she understands what she got into and she actually respects Death Machine Joe Gacy even more for it. (How does burning your tag team partner help the tag team???)
Vignette: Olivia Whitewater [Current ABA Champion] coming soon
Backstage: New XPWEW Women's Champion: Tessa Blanchard speaking directly into the camera, "When I entered XPWEW the culture immediately changed, and things are gonna change around here and as for Lotus, I suggest your watch yourself freak, because I got eyes in the back of my head"
Tag Team Match M5: Ruckus & Siaka Lexoni (w/ Chrissy Rivera) def. 3M3 (3M Ultra & M3 Quintillo) Nick Simmonds: "Are the greatest tag team (Lexoni/Ruckus) on their way back up the mountain?
<Nick Simmonds asks for a post-match in-ring interview with Ruckus and Lexoni - Golden Bryce & Alveno La Flare come out and go back and forth on the mic saying they beat "their boys" at Heatwave (referring to Kotto & Myron)
1 on 1 M6: Alveno La Flare (w/ Golden Bryce) def. Ethan Bedlam
- Jake Awesome enters with Chrissy Rivera, Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver (THE SET) - Giannis Antetokounmpo enters with a few Milwaukee Buck players and staff members (also Troy Clausen, Micheal Bradford for some reason)
6 foot 9 versus 6 foot 9 XPWEW International Championship on the line 1 on 1 M7: Giannis Antetokounmp def. Jake Awesome (c) when Giannis connects with a samoan drop; The match is very campy as most celebrity crossovers are but it's must watch tv regardless, After Giannis connects the big drop, Jake rolls out of the ring and Referee Kevin Madrox counts to 10 and Giannis Antetokounmp wins by countout but the title does not change hands, Jake Awesome gets last minute heat by saying "Lakers in 4" Giannis ignores Jake and The Set and instead celebrates his...countout victory Show Ends
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro 8/21/2020
XPWEW Friday Night PYRODate: August 21st, 2020Episode: 440Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST +HEATWAVE 2020 highlight reel to the instrumental tune of 'Hot' by Young Thug & Gunna+ Cold Open: (Silence) (Standing in the ring L to R Chrissy Rivera, Kotto Brazil, Jordan Oliver, Jake Awesome, Siaka Lexoni, Ruckus, Myron Reed)Ruckus: I got one thing to say, F*** Leonard McGraw and I got another thing to say F*** Golden Bryce and alright F*** Alveno too. Now I got my money from being world champ, I got it, I had it, I threw a couple racks in the safe for my kids, but I want gold back, In fact me and Siaka Lexoni want the gold backSiaka: Bryce, you bum, Alveno you clout chasing leaching ass bum, Lexoni and Ruckus, the goats is back and we want the gold!Jake: Myron and Kotto you'll live to fight another dayMyron: You right Jake, we will, we will fight back to a championship and unlike the Milwaukee Bucks we'll actually HAD a championship- Milwaukee Bucks Giannis Antetokounmpo comes down to the ring in a "All Man 1-0" green and white t-shirtGiannis: The Set, got set up. You dudes lost the tag team belts. (Myron/Kotto) This guy cheated to keep his belt (Jordan) You just flat out lost. (Chrissy) and you! short stock. Lost bad to my main man Lenny McGraw...(awkward) yeehaw! (Ruckus)Jake: Nice shirt, much like your tenure with The Bucks it's not gonna age well, Giannis I'm only 30, your 25, We're both 6 foot 9. But I'm like Lebron James in the squared circle and I'm just built different.Giannis: Is that so? Well I'm best friends with the All Man and he told me, I should challenge you 1 on 1 next week of XPWEW!Jake: I'm sure you won't be busy with anything else (oooh)Giannis: (shoves his microphone into Jake Awesome's chest and they engage in a 6 foot 9 stare down, until Giannis smirks and leaves the ring looking unconcerned about The Set, who fretted like they were going to multi-man attack Giannis, but they second guessed their usual tactics and Giannis walked away like a badass on his own accord.) - Leonard McGraw enters and fist bumps Giannis Antetokounmpo on his way to the ring (Giannis exist) 1 on 1Champion vs ChampionM1: Leonard McGraw (c) def. Jordan Oliver (c) w/ Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil at ringsidePost match: Myron and Kotto attempt to jump McGraw to which Romeo Roselli hits the ring and superkicks Myron while Leonard clotheslines Kotto, Jordan scampers and Jordan says "Alright, losers. Romeo you nothing but a clout chaser, Next week we make a challenge The 3 of us! versus the 2 of you!Leonard: Hahaha Pack a lunch, p*****s Tag Team MatchM2: Simon Gotch & Drama King (w/ Mandy Leon) def. Based Fabian & GGPost match: A sweaty Marauder Simon Gotch simply says "we are tag team wrestling, redefined!" Drama King SINGS "Re-DE-FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIned!" In ring segment: Death Machines: Joe Gacy and Audrey Carbine engage in a civil meeting.Audrey: Even tho I'm burned, my shoulders and back are constantly swarming with pain every time I toss and turn in bed and every waking moment I',m reminded of you, you are easily the most nasty, vile, disgusting human I've ever met....(Joe Gacy snot-rockets out his left nostril)But I do respect you!Joe: I respect you even though you are the most pretentious, self ego inflating, fake bitch..I have respect for you and together by Anarchy Rules. I want us to be the XPWEW Tag Team ChampionsAudrey: I'm in (handshake) Tag Team MatchM3: Ruckus & Siaka Lexoni (w/ Chrissy Rivera) def. Garrett Thompson & Ethan Bedlam Ad: Anarchy Rules 2020 is September 20th, 2020 only on FITE TV | Use Promo Code: PYR0 to earn 10% off but use this code before midnight to apply Kaitlyn Khaos and Nick Simmonds announce why you should tune in next week August 28th to XPWEW Friday Night Pyro. Yes! You are not going insane or hearing this incorrectly the XPWEW International Champion: Jake Awesome will be taking on NBA MVP nominee Small Forward for the Milwaukee Bucks Giannis Antetokounmpo. It is the 6'9 battle in Jake vs Giannis! Also, Doxy Deity is scheduled to reveal her "career specialist" to the world, 2 on 3 melee as the new XPWEW World Champion Leonard McGraw teams with Mr. Case Your Luck Romeo Roselli as they take on THE SET: XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver & Former Tag Champs Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil; + Ruckus and Siaka Lexoni return to the ring as a team for the first time in over 2 years against Garrett Thompson & Ethan Bedlam! Tune in! 1 on 1M4: Tessa Blanchard (c) def. Kiera Hogan [Priscilla Kelly watches from the commentary desk]During the match: Lotus comes down with her Case Your Luck briefcase which just makes Tessa weary but she doesn't attempt to cash in, only applauds Tessa after her win where they exchange words we can not hear however In ring segment: Doxy Deity wishes Thunder Rosa the best of luck elsewhere (alluding to Thunder Rosa ditching XPWEW for AEW, her first appearance for AEW is scheduled literally 24 hours from now according to online reddit spoilers). I'm going to re-gain my Women's Championship again and I'm going to do it with the help of a career specialist. And next week I reveal that very person, a person who knows how to win matches in this promotion, see you next week for my groundbreaking announcement! Main Event1 on 1M5: El Demonio def. Champagne Clausen After the match: El Demonio on the microphone in his native tongue of Spanish "Leonardo McGraw, ‘Quiero el Mundo’ which translates in english to "Leonard McGraw, I want the world"Show ends
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW HEATWAVE 2020 (8-16-2020)
Date: August 16th, 2020 Location: The Barracks in Los Angeles, California Channel: FITE TV pay-per-view stream for $24.99
- Mr. Case Your Luck Romeo Roselli enters - XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver enters with Siaka Lexoni
1 on 1 XPWEW Juniorweight Championship Title on the line! M1: Jordan Oliver (c) (w/ Siaka Lexoni) def. Romeo Roselli and retains his title [Siaka is ejected from ringside for trying to help cheat mid-way through the match]
- Ms. Case Your Luck Lotus enters - Rosemary enters (dressed in a Slayer cosplay) 1 on 1 M2: Lotus def. Rosemary via submission (helm sharpshooter) [Rosemary vowed if she were to lose this match then she will no longer haunt Lotus thus leaving XPWEW forever]
Promo: XPWEW Anarchy Rules 2020 on PPV | September 20th, 2020
- All Man enters with All Woman - Jake Awesome enters with Chrissy Rivera & Siaka Lexoni
1 on 1 Falls Count Anywhere M3: Jake Awesome (w/ Chrissy Rivera & Siaka Lexoni) def. All Man (w/ All Woman) **BEST MATCH OF THE NIGHT HEEL JAKE VS FACE ALL MAN WAS BLOODY AND GRUESOME**
* James Westerbeck is standing outside The Set's locker room trying to get a pre-match interview with the XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion, Jake Awesome sweaty and bloody storms by and slams Westerbeck through the dry-wall "NO QUESTIONS! GOD DAMN IT"
- Golden Bryce & Alveno La Flare enters - Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil enter with Jordan Oliver
Tag Team Match XPWEW Tag Team Championships on the line! M4: Gold Flame (Golden Bryce & Alveno La Flare) def. The Set (Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil) [w/ Jordan Oliver] ***WE HAVE NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: GOLDEN BRYCE AND ALVENO LA FLARE***
Promo: Golden Bryce BANG! Energy commercial
- Champagne Clausen enters - ABA Men's Champion El Demonio enters
1 on 1 M5: El Demonio def. Champagne Clausen [post-match Champagne swings a steel chair against the ring post in anger he lost a match on pay-per-view to a 'minor' leaguer
- Doxy Deity enters (Nick Simmonds points out Doxy looks lost without Thunder Rosa by her side, ofcourse Rosa lost her ABA Women's Title to Olivia Whitewater at the Awesome Bomb Academy 'Summerfest' last weekend - Chrissy Rivera enters with Siaka Lexoni - Tessa Blanchard enters - XPWEW Women's Champion Priscilla Kelly enters
Four Way Dance XPWEW World Women's Championship on the line! M6: Tessa Blanchard def. Priscilla Kelly, Doxy Deity & Chrissy Rivera (w/ Siaka Lexoni)
+ Tessa eliminates Doxy Deity + Chrissy Rivera eliminates Priscilla Kelly [we are guaranteed a new women's champion tonight at Heatwave] + Tessa Blanchard defeats Chrissy Rivera for the 1-2-3 and Tessa Blanchard is the NEW! XPWEW World Women's Champion here tonight a monumental moment in XPWEW Women's history! What a moment!
- Audrey Carbine enters - Joe Gacy enters
RING OF FIRE Match (Battle of Death Machines) M7: Joe Gacy def. Audrey Carbine
[Finish occurs when Gacy irish-whips Carbine and she slides through the bottom rope completely swooshing past the flames and rolls around until the fire ceases and Gacy sadistiacally smiles and then attacks her post match leaving her in a heap, Carbine still stands up and Gacy turns back down the ramp and attacks her again but EMTs hold Gacy back and he just steps past like he's going to mess Carbine up, then like a little cheat just slaps her hard across the face which is even more insulting]
- Leonard McGraw enters - Ruckus enters [The Set banned from ringside]
1 on 1 XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship on the line! M8: Leonard McGraw def. Ruckus (clean win)
Leonard McGraw celebrates as the show goes off the air with Leonard boosting into the wet camera lens.
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (7-31-2020)
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro Date: July 31st, 2020 Episode: 437 Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
*All or Nothing highlights capture - Lotus wins Case Your Luck - Myron & Kotto winning the titles - Joe Gacy and Audrey Carbine slugfest - Priscilla retains over Doxy - Romeo wins Case Your Luck - El Demonio wins PPV debut over Ethan Bedlam - Ruckus defeats McGraw by 1 point in Ironman Classic Bout
Opening Segment: We see The Set’s limo pull up to the parking lot area and the door opens and usually we see blunt smoke escape from the car but not this time which is odd. And slowly we see the XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Ruckus with a hoodie tightly draped over his head with the title on his shoulder. GM Troy Clausen walks up Troy: Ruckus congratulations last Sunday on retaining the world title. (Ruckus undoes his hoodie) Troy: I just wanted to let you know you should have your driver park this limo somewhere safe because Leonard isn’t here, he hasn’t arrived yet and.. Ruckus: Are you trying to set me up? Troy: Set? Get it? Ruckus: Huh? Troy: Nothing, never mind I’m saying last time he was nowhere to be found he flung a chair through the windshield Ruckus: Maybe that punk learned his lesson, that he couldn’t hang with the champ for an hour and he’s afraid to show his face Troy: Tonight your gonna go 1 on 1 with GG Ruckus: I’ll do that. Boss. Thank you for letting me know Leonard ain’t here. You should fire him for missing work like the office told you when I no-showed Juneteenth. Do the right thing (Ruckus walks away: Troy ponders) (Jake Awesome exits the limo with a mean look, Jordan Oliver exits the limo with a grimace, Myron and Kotto exit the limo with a cocky grin, Siaka Lexoni exits with a serious face and head nods Clausen then lastly Chrissy Rivera exits the limo and doesn’t even look at Troy)
- The NEW XPWEW Tag Team Champions: THE SET: Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil enter with Siaka Lexoni - 3M Ultra & M3 Quintillo enter
Tag Team Match M1: The SET Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil (w/ Siaka Lexoni) def. 3M3
After the match: Myron and Kotto flaunt into the camera and boost that they are the best in tag team wrestling today
Backstage: Audrey Carbine is in Troy Clausen’s office and walks in Joe Gacy Audrey: Look here comes the town idiot Gacy: Shut the f*** up Carbine Troy Clausen: Will you two jagaloons please stop just for one itty bitty second. I saw the match at All or Nothing and damn it you two could be a good team if you tried to like each other a bit now I’ve hired you both an Anger Management Psycholigist Audrey & Gacy: *Groan* (indistinct chatter of disdain) Troy: So welcome your new anger management psycholigist: (Troy Clausen turns around and quickly puts on a white lab coat) Me! Troy: Audrey, say something nice about Joe, and Joe please…please say something nice about Audrey hmm Joe: What the f*** is this Troy: Just one thing, for god sake Joe: (hocks loogie) and stares at Carbine Carbine: Do it…do it pussy Gacy: (stalling)…. (Turns over) spits in potted plant in the corner of the room and walks away (Troy Clausen and Audrey Carbine stare as Gacy leaves) Troy: Believe it or not..I think we’ve already made significant progress Carbine: (ignores Troy)
- Doxy Deity and her protege Thunder Rosa join commentary with Kailtyn Khaos and Nick Simmonds - Priscilla Kelly enters - Kiera Hogan enters with 911 Brian Lee
1 on 1 M2: Priscilla Kelly (c) def. Kiera Hogan (w/ Brian Lee) ((During the match we see Chrissy Rivera watching the match on a screen backstage with Siaka Lexoni)
(After the match: Lotus comes out with the briefcase and fakes a cash in on Priscilla who’s still a bit fresh and ready instead Lotus clocks Kiera Hogan with the briefcase and avoids 911 Brian Lee, Priscilla wipes away the blood off her lip and bows to Lotus who walking uo the ramp gets clotheslined by The Set’s Chrissy Rivera, Chrissy hits that cheap shot and then jets it up the stairs like a coward. Siaka is such a loudmouth here and it’s great classic Jimmy Hart style heat.)
In ring segment: Golden Bryce enters the ring and cuts a promo about he’s upset he didn’t win CYL the other night at ALL OR NOTHING to where he is interrupted by his old rival earlier this year in Champagne Clausen - Champagne calls Bryce a LOSER Garrett Thompson enters with a purpose, he was very close to winning the CYL in fact it came down to him and Romeo at the very end so his promo against Bryce is one of conviction that he’s the one who really lost. Garrett calls Champagne a one hit wonder to which Champagne calls Garrett a “never was”. - The Marauder Simon Gotch enters with Mandy Leon To which Simon Gotch calls all three of them delusional and invalids - Alveno La Flare enters annoyed with Champagne, GT and Gotch all bagging on his cousin Bryce so Alveno defends Golden Bryce his cousin as an actual proven champion and Lockdown main venter, GT quickly chimes in “well me too” (Lockdown 5) and then Alveno challenge them to a 2 on 3 match right now and here we go:
2 on 3 Tag Team Match M3: Golden Bryce & Alveno La Flare def. Champagne Clausen, Garrett Thompson & “The Marauder” Simon Gotch
- After the match Golden Bryce gives Alveno a nod of approval, they work really good together however the trio of heels have no love lost as GT, Champagne & Gotch all equally despise each other and all separately disdain in their own bubbles
Ad: Heatwave 2020 ad
- El Demonio enters
ALL OR NOTHING rematch 1 on 1 M4: El Demonio def. Ethan Bedlam
In ring segment: Romeo Roselli cuts a truly star-making promo about how his legacy was always to become XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion and now that he has possession of the Case Your Luck briefcase that’s a reality - Jordan Oliver comes out with the XPWEW Juniorweight Title and also holding Ruckus’ world title, Ruckus lags behind with Myron and Kotto and Siaka at the ramp Jordan: Lil Romeo, pimp you gonna be the only dude to cash in and lose, How bout you take the junorweight challenge before you even cross the mane Ruckus Romeo: (signals Jordan)
1 on 1 M5: Jordan Oliver def. Romeo Roselli (Interference when Garrett Thompson comes out and hits his patented elbow on Romeo to which Jordan quickly wraps up Romeo for the 1-2-3)
- Garrett then grabs the briefcase while Bedlam holds Romeo Roselli up and nails Romeo over the skull with the Case Your Luck briefcase
- On commentary Kailtyn Khoas announces Death Machines will try to work together as a team as they take on the newly formed team of Golden Bryce and his little cousin Alveno La Flare next week on Friday Night Pyro
In ring segment - Jake Awesome with a bandage on his head enters with The Set: (Jordan Oliver, Ruckus, Myron, Kotto, Chrissy Rivera & Siaka Lexoni) [I gotta mention how THE SET is drippin' in gold here: Ruckus = World | Jordan = JrWeight | Myron & Kotto = Tag | Jake = International Jake: All or Nothing, was more of Something and Somewhat for The Set: Ruckus retained he squashed that maggot Leonard McGraw, Myron and Kotto got the job done against the Malfunction Machines; Good job boys. Chrissy was robbed of the women's Case Your Luck BUT I WAS GOING TO LEAD JORDAN OLIVER TO THAT BRIEFCASE. It wasn't for me, I was there to insure Jordan Oliver: The fastest rising star in XPWEW no in pro wrestling could secure the bag and if THE SET ever lost possession of the world title we would have hope. The great white hope himself Jordan Olvier to snag it right back for The SET Jordan: I have been the Juniorweight Champion for EXACTLY 355 days, that means in 10 days I will have held this title one calendar year because I'm young, dumb and fuckin OVERRRRR Jake: That's right. All Man....Let me tell you something. I thought I crippeled you and your little girlfriend but I guess I didn't get the job done. Because I'm making a challenge. Jake Awesome THE MAMMOTH. will knock Tenille Dashwood's TEETH down her FUCKIN THROAT...... - All Man and Tenille Dashwood appear on the titan tron Jordan: LOOK AT THE COWARDS! LOOK AT THE COWARDS! Jake: Via Satellite real smooth p**** All Man: Jake, you tried to kill me and that was one thing. Now you've threatened my wife. And as a MAN....I'm going to knock your teeth down your throat Jake: laughs it off All Man: I'm gonna be a Friday Night Pyro next week and I'm going to make you a challenge, that you can't refuse. Next week I'm gonna make the annoucement I want the world to hear because I WILL get my redemption and I WILL embarrass you All Woman: ............F**K YOU (Jake Awesome with his arms crossed on the rope in silence exits the ring and The Set follows)
Nick Simmonds: Wow, I'm at a loss for words. What will All Man's announcement be next week?
- GG enters
- Ruckus enters with Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Siaka Lexoni
1 on 1 M6: Ruckus def. GG
After the match on the TITANTRON: We see Leoanrd McGraw dragging a XPWEW camera man around in his truck Leonard: Well I'm here in the city of brotherly love Philadelphia, Pennsylvania aka the home of XPWEW World Champion Ruckus (Ruckus looks perplexed staring at the titan tron while standing in the ring) Leonard: Well hell would you look at that? Ruckus's house. I remember seeing this brick shit house in that VICE tv special. Well Ima just stand here on the porch and I got this jerry can here...ooops I spilt some on ya front porch (Leonard drips the jerry can all over the front porch to the mail box) (Ruckus is screaming at the titan tron like a maniac as The Set tries to calm him down) Leonard: Well hell I ain't much for smoking weed like you do, but hell I'll try anything once (Leonard pulls out a match and lights up a cigarette and inhales) (Zoom in on bug eyed ENRAGED Ruckus in the ring) (Leonard takes a big drag off the cigarette then spits it out "Bad for the lungs I can't go sixty minutes after smoking one of these sum bitches" (Leonard lights a match and stares at the camera "See you in hell Motherfu****" *throws match into gasoline*) (Ruckus' safehouse porch goes up in flames as Leoanrd stares at the camera) (Ruckus screaming and he is extremely pissed) (Ruckus' house in Philly 2700 miles away is engulfed in flames) as the show ends Show ends
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW All Or Nothing 2020 (7-26-2020)
Date: Sunday July 26th, 2020 Location: The Barracks in Los Angeles, California Channel: FITE TV pay-per-view stream
(Theatrical trailer intro recapping Ruckus' title reign into the introduction of Jake Awesome into THE SET and their beatdowns on All Man, All Woman, Alveno La Flare, Golden Bryce then lastly Leonard McGraw and shows where Leonard threw a steel chair tht Ruckus' hit him with earlier in the night and throwing it through The Set's limousine windshield to Leonard defeating Bryce on the July 17th, 2020 episode of Friday Night Pyro where he challenged Ruckus to a 60 minute Ironman match for the XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship. It truly is All or Nothing for McGraw and Ruckus)
Our commentary team for the night is Kaitlyn Khaos as always joined by Nick Simmonds. Kailtyn says: "Tonight at XPWEW All or Nothing we will determining who is the 2020 Mr. Case Your Luck, Priscilla Kelly defends her title against her long rival Doxy Deity but this time will Doxy's new friendship with ABA Women's Champion Thunder Rosa prove the difference maker? Nick Simmonds then adds: "We also will see a guaranteed new tag team champions after the All Man and All Woman had to unfortunately relinquish thos titles 2 weeks ago however As well as the 1st ever women's Case Your Luck ladder match will take place right now!"
- Lotus enters - Genevalisse enters - Kiera Hogan enters with 911 Brian Lee - The Set's Chrissy Rivera enters with Siaka Lexoni
The 1st ever Women's CASE YOUR LUCK Ladder Match M1: Lotus def. Chrissy Rivera, Genevalisse & Kiera Hogan (The Set's Chrissy Rivera was inches away from capturing the briefcase but after a muay thai kick to the skull multiple times 10 foot high upon the ladder from Lotus, Chrissy hits the ropes and Lexoni is enraged at ringside trying to wake her up but it's too late as Lotus unhinges the Case Your Luck briefcase and she is the first ever woman to hold the CYL!) After the match: James Westerbeck: "Congratulations Lotus you are the very first woman to be Mrs. Case Your Luck: Lotus: Thank you for correctly addressing my preferred pronoun James, I've never been the type to mince words I think you all know that (laughs) So I'm also not the type to waste my time. I am going to cash in my Case Your Luck opportunity at Heatwave." James: Wow! What a breaking news headline! You heard it here first Lotus will cash in her Case Your Luck privilege at the XPWEW 2020 Heatwave pay-per-view (Lotus walks up the ramp but has a bit of a "moment" "staredown" with Chrissy Rivera and Siaka Lexoni as she makes her way up the ramp)
Parking Lot Area: (With a fixed windshield Leonard chaired 2 nights ago The Set's Limousine pulls up outside and the door opens and we see blunt smoke cloud the air, Out the smoke enters XPWEW International Champion Jake Awesome followed by Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver, Kotto Brazil & XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Ruckus all dripping swagger and confidence. "The Set has arrived". General Manager Troy Clausen crosses paths with them. Troy: "Good luck tonight gentlemen" The Set: (collectively do the bow to Clausen, except Ruckus who doesn't even acknowledge Troy)
- Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil enter with Jake Awesome & Siaka Lexoni - Death Machine Audrey Carbine enters - Death Machine Joe Gacy enters
VACANT XPWEW Tag Team Championships on the line (Reminder: All Man & All Woman forfeited these titles on the July 10th episode of Friday Night Pyro due to injury when Jake Awesome promised The Set those belts he took matters into his own hands by awesome bomb-ing All Man off the stage, Production airs a replay of the attack and when the camera shows Jake Awesome he smiles at his dirty deed) M2: Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil def. The Death Machines (Joe Gacy & Audrey Carbine)
- During the match referee Mike Chioda ejects Siaka Lexoni and Jake Awesome for causing too much distraction The match ends when a double team effort from The Set pins Audrey Carbine for the 1-2-3 and The Set have captured their 1st tag team titles (After the match: The Set celebrates the title win at the stage ramp (except Ruckus) ) - Left in the ring after The Set's music goes off Joe Gacy helps pick up a downed Audrey Carbine in the middle of the ring and it looks like their finally gonna be friends after having such a topsy-turvy relationship as a team since they were paired together in April by then GM Romeo Roselli, Gacy helps her up, dusts her off with a smile. Carbine holding her neck in pain, Gacy smiles then hocks a loogie and spits right in Carbine's face to which she explodes in anger and they both start throwing forearms at each other which makes the crowd break out into a "Fight Forever" chant. This segmen fades to black after Joe Gacy and Audrey Carbine club each other with stiff forearms.
Ad: XPWEW Heatwave | August 16th, 2020 only on FITE TV
- Doxy Deity enters with Thunder Rosa - XPWEW Women's Champion: Priscilla Kelly enters (Kaitlyn Khoas points out as of today Priscilla Kelly has held that Women's Title for exactly 3 months when she defeated Kiera Hogan at the 2020 Xtreme Rumble)
XPWEW Women's Championship M3: Priscilla Kelly def. Doxy Deity (w/ ABA Women's Champion: Thunder Rosa)
After the match: Mrs. Case Your Luck Lotus comes out and acts like she is about to cash in her briefcase and then sees Priscilla hype herself up and then Lotus slides out of the ring and it was just a faux cash in attempt: As Lotus walks backward up the ramp down comes The Set's Chrissy Rivera who blindsides Lotus and kicks her while she's down. Chrissy then goes to hit Lotus' with the briefcase but Lotus backdrops Rivera over the guardrail and smoothly snags the case handle out of Rivera's hand mid-air and Lotus walks away. We then see Priscilla Kelly clutching her title then a camera shot of Doxy Deity screaming in frustration with Thunder Rosa trying to calm her down
- Golden Bryce enters - "The Marauder" Simon Gotch enters with Mandy Leon - Alveno La Flare enters - Garrett Thompson enters - Champagne Clausen enters - Jake Awesome and Jordan Oliver enter together - Romeo Roselli enters
8 Man CASE YOUR LUCK Ladder Match M4: Romeo Roselli def. Jake Awesome, Golden Bryce, Jordan Oliver. Alveno La Flare, Champagne Clausen, Simon Gotch & Garrett Thompson
(During the match it looked like Jake Awesome was atop the ladder and was going to let Jordan Oliver capture it but All Woman came out from under the ring and low blowed Jordan Oliver knocking him down, Jake then discombobulated looks around to see down below All Man run in with his halo neck brace but All Man shoves the ladder over and Jake falls and crashes through a ladder propped between the guardrail and the apron and breaks the ladder in half on his fall. All Man then rips off the halo neck brace, he's no longer injured WHAT A MOMENT)
(The match ends with Romeo and Garrett the final two on the ladder and Romeo hanging from the case with his legs dangling, GT goes for his patented elbow smash and it connects but Romeo eats the blow and still hangs on, Garrett tries to adjust his stance atop the ladder but Romeo dangling has the wherewithal to unhook the briefcase and fall to the canvas at the 2020 Mr. Case Your Luck!!!!!)
(Jake Awesome is furious with veins popping out of his forehead as the camera fades to black)
ad: XPWEW Lockdown 8 in Madison Square Garden early bird tickets go on sale Saturday August 1st, 2020 at noon
- Ethan Bedlam enters - Awesome Bomb Academy Champion El Demonio enters
1 on 1 Exhibition Match M5: El Demonio def. Ethan Bedlam in under 2 minutes
- Leonard McGraw enters - Ruckus enters with Siaka Lexoni
XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship 1 on 1 60 minute IRONMAN MATCH Ruckus (w/ Siaka Lexoni) def. Leonard McGraw [Final Score: 2-1]
(Ruckus dominated the first 12 minutes of the match and picked up the first fall with 48 minutes remaining with The Bankroll making it ONE to NOTHING) (The match was a back and forth and Ruckus captured his 2nd fall with 25 minutes remaining making it TWO to NOTHING)
(Interference from Jordan Oliver hits Leonard with the title Ruckus goes for the cover but McGraw kicks out and stays alive; Referee Kevin Madrox ejects Jordan Oliver but bends a bit and lets Siaka Lexoni stay after a moment of pleading and begging)
(Leonard started gaining momentum but time was not on his side he was able to connect a tiresome Clothesline Lariat and pin Ruckus for the 1-2-3 with 11 minutes remaining making the score Leonard: 1 Ruckus: 2)
(Leonard keeps going for pin attempt after pin attempt but Ruckus somehow kicks out and with less than a minute McGraw hits a super fallaway slam off the top rope and goes for a pinfall and Ruckus kicks out with 19 seconds left on the clock, Leonard just lays there tired and fatigues and lets the clock expire as they both lay their tired. The clock expires with both men worn out in the middle of the ring.)
"And STILL the XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion RUCKUS!"
(The Set comes out (Jake Awesome, Jordan Oliver, Chrissy Rivera, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil) and they help Ruckus get back to his feet and McGraw just sits in the corner turnbuckle looking like he just went through hell. The Set assist Ruckus out of the ring as they celebrate yet another PPV win for their leader.) Show Ends
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (7-17-2020)
XPWEW Friday Night PYRO
Episode: 435
Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST
Location: The Barracks in Los Angeles, California
(Friday Night PYRO Intro)
- THE SET enters accompanying Jake Awesome (in ring gear) who's ready to answer the challenge he accepted that All Woman wanted a 1 on 1 match against him tonight under the stipulation he had both hands tied behind his back during the match which he reluctantly accepted to his chagrin. Some may think All Woman is crazy for challenging the near 7 footer to a match even Halo adorned injured All Man was apprehensive to her challenge but here we go. Ruckus, Myron, Kotto, Jordan, Siaka & Chirssy Rivera all join him outside the ring donning the chain pendants Jake gifted to them last week, shining gleaming 24 karat gold chains .
- All Woman enters confidently and defiantly with a Singapore Cane in her hand and she walks to the ring like a samurai ready for battle with her husband The All Man behind her telling her "You don't have to do this, Please re-think this decision. All Woman doesn't break her staredown with "The Mammoth" and steps in the ring. Referee Kevin Madrox will be officiating this unique contest. Referee Kevin Madrox then presents the rope and ties both wrists of Jake Awesome behind his back and Jake obliges with no issue and even asks Madrox to pull on the rope to test the tightness. Jake even hollers "Fair" across the ring towards All Woman and she remains silent. Jake then turns over to The Set all standing at ringside behind Jake snickering a laugh. All Man is at ringside wearing his Halo back brace.
(On the July 3rd edition of Friday Night Pyro in response to Jake getting The Set's Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil a tag team title shot, He effectively threw All Man off the stage which resulted in a spinal cord injury. That explains why he is in the brace. All Man & All Woman had to relinquish the XPWEW Tag Team Titles last week)
The match begins with Jake playing mind games with All Woman for a brief moment but as soon as the bell rings All Woman whacks Jake Awesome with the cane off his chest and off the top of his back. Jake eats the shots and shakes them off with ease all with a sick smile on his face. She hesitates in shock for a second then starts whacking him at the top of his head. Slowly. Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack and after the fourth stiff shot on the head Jake then big boots All Woman over and knocks her backward. All Woman falls outside the ring, Jake with both hands tied gets a running go and hits a signature Suicide Dive over the top rope with both his hands tied which is an amazing site in it's own right as he floats like a Gisele over the ropes to the floor and connects on All Woman. He then rolls back into which she follows and lays in the corner of the ring, Jake presses his boot into her chin downed in the corner bottom turnbuckle and starts violently stomping her stomach over and over until she starts coughing in agony. At a certain point All Man can't watch his wife get trampled any longer and he gingerly walks up the steps all the while wearing his Halo Neck Brace, He is able to stand up right in the ring. Jake salivates looking at All Man who slowly steps forward up to Jake and Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil of The Set roll in the ring at this point surrounding The All Man. Jordan Oliver runs in and with a pocket knife cuts the rope holding Jake's wrists together. Jake then stares up the All Man's brace. And in one of the most shocking moments in Friday Night Pyro history Jake then grabs the Halo and violently shakes it and shoves All Man over, All Woman from behind goes to attack and Jake hits a devastating clothesline then picks her up for the Awesome Bomb and the 1-2-3. All Woman then starts coughing up blood from her mouth. Such a gripping segment. Jake Awesome is a sick bastard for his actions tonight on the former XPWEW Tag Team Champions.
(Jake Awesome has both hands tied behind his back)
XPWEW International Championship
M1: Jake Awesome (c) (w/ The Set) def. All Woman (w/ All Man)
As The Set walks up the ramp Romeo Roselli walks past them and acts like he's about to deck Awesome but The Set stares him and Romeo sees the numbers game is not in his odds, Romeo then runs down to the ring with the EMTs as they assist All Man and All Woman and give them urgent medical attention after that malicious assault at the hands of the XPWEW International Champion: Jake Awesome (what a insane moment)
Backstage: Doxy Deity is complimenting a woman that we can not see because of the camera angle. "You proved yourself as a solo talent the other night but now it's time to give you that Network TV debut. This is gonna be good y'know for the culture haha Viva La Raza"
- GG enters
1 on 1
M2: Romeo Roselli def. GG
In ring segment: Doxy Deity introduces her new best friend! The 1st ever ABA Women's Champion: Thunder Rosa. Lotus enters the ring and says Thunder Rosa can do all that she wants in the minor leagues but here we shoot for the fence, and I'm the best in this ring and on this mic. Doxy, show me what you got
1 on 1
# 1 Contendership Match for the XPWEW Women's Title at ALL OR NOTHING 2020
M3: Doxy Deity (w/ Thunder Rosa) def. Lotus
The match reaches its climax when Thunder Rosa distracts Mike Chioda giving Doxy a roll up victory in which she uses her feet off the bottom rope for momentum in a classic heel tactic and just like that Doxy is the # 1 contender for the XPWEW Women's Championship
- Vignette: ABA Champion: The Mexican Luchador: El Demonio is coming
Kaitlyn Khoas and Nick Simmonds at the commentary desk inform us tonight! Leonard McGraw vs Golden Bryce and the winner will face Ruckus for the XPWEW World Heavyweight Title in a match stipulation of their choosing at All or Nothing. But tonight The Set's Ruckus, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil will be in 6 man tag action against the team Garrett Thompson, The Marauder Simon Gotch & Champagne Clausen! Plus; General Manager Troy Clausen has announced official that at ALL OR NOTHING 2020 there will be a 10 man Case Your Luck Ladder Match
- Audrey Carbine enters
- Priscilla Kelly enters
20 Minute Submission Match Challenge
XPWEW Women's Championship on the line
M4: Priscilla Kelly def. Death Machine Audrey Carbine
Nearly the same result as last week's 10 minute challenge, Audrey dominates the majority of the match but this time Priscilla simply outlasts Audrey and after the match Priscilla goes for a handshake but quickly pivots and grabs Audrey's crotch (reminiscent of Mickie James and Trish Stratus at WM22) then slaps Carbine.
- Joe Gacy then comes down and slaps Carbine in the face, Carbine slaps Gacy, Gacy slaps Carbine, Carbine slaps Gacy and they go back and forth forever until the music of THE SET's Jordan Oliver hits
- Jordan Oliver enters with Siaka Lexoni
Siaka Lexoni: Joe Gacy & Audrey Carbine y'all weird, y'all very very very unusual infact but listen everybody move different all I'm saying is you best move out the way because at ALL OR NOTHING. Those vacant XPWEW Tag Team Titles are coming to Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil so you best stay out the way.
- Gacy and Audrey Carbine leave through an exit over the guardrail. They both flip off Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver
- Jordan "I've been Juniorweight Champion for 341 days, Can't nobody beat the kid and I'm gonna beat Alveno La Flare for the 341st time right now"
- Alveno La Flare enters
1 on 1
XPWEW Juniorweight Championship
M5: Jordan Oliver (w/ Siaka Lexoni) vs Alveno La Flare ends in a tie when they both can' answer a 10 count from Referee Mike Chioda and thus it's a draw however Jordan Oliver is still the XPWEW Juniorweight Champion
Backstage: James Westerbeck interviews Leonard McGraw
James: "Leonard, You've never fought Golden Bryce one on one. What are your thoughts tonight?"
Leonard: *spits in tobacco cup* "What kind of a STUPID question is that, What do you think my thoughts are James? I wanna win, Golden Bryce loses alot, Well I win a little bit more than I lose, I don't care what happens to Golden Bryce. If anything he needs to go away. All he's done for the last 9 months is piss and moan damn son maybe you was the one that was pregnant that whole time. God damn" *spits in tobacco cup
Backstage: Troy Clausen speaking with Garrett Thompson & Ethan Bedlam in his office
Garrett: Mr. Clausen, Me and Ethan have won 4 straight matches why aren't we involved in the tag team hunt?
Troy: I got a plan, You see on the 26th at ALL OR NOTHING it's gonna be an opportunity. Garrett you got 12% chance of winning the Case Your Luck briefcase. It's going to be Garrett Thompson vs Romeo Roselli vs Champagne Clausen vs Simon Gotch vs Jake Awesome vs Jordan Oliver vs Alveno La Flare & The loser of Leonard McGraw vs Golden Bryce tonight, Those 8 people are going to compete for the Case Your Luck briefcase
Ethan Bedlam: Wait..what about me?
Troy: No no no Ethan...
Ethan Bedlam: Bedlam?..
Troy: Bed lump! Yeah Ethan Bed Lump I have a plan for you as well just uh keep watching the vignettes that air on Pyro and that'll be your hint.
- THE SET enters XPWEW World Champ Ruckus with Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil and following them is Jake Awesome, Chrissy Rivera & Siaka Lexoni
- Ethan Bedlam enters with Garrett Thompson
- Champagne Clausen enters
- "The Marauder" Simon Gotch enters with Mandy Leon
Six Man Tag Team Match
M6: The Set (Ruckus, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil) def. Ethan Bedlam (w/ Garrett Thompson), Champagne Clausen & Simon Gotch (w/ Mandy Leon)
[The fall occurs when Myron Reed hits the Hot Fire on Ethan Bedlam for the 1-2-3
Ruckus post match and sweaty cuts a promo "I AM THE BEST! THE BEST! THE BEST! Been the best since C-Z Dub and put that on THE SET!"
- Ruckus joins commentary with Kaitlyn Khaos & Nick Simmonds. The Set sits around in desk chairs too so it's crowded around the booth (Jake, Jordan, Siaka, Myron, Kotto & Chrissy)
- Golden Bryce enters
- Leonard McGraw enters
1 on 1
# 1 Contendership Match for Ruckus' XPWEW World Title and will choose the stipulation at ALL OR NOTHING 2020 on July 26th, 2020
M7: Leonard McGraw def. Golden Bryce
(After the match: Leonard McGraw grabs the mic "I've been thinking about what match I was gonna pick all damn week. So I heard you were the best in ring performer right? Your fast? Your quick? Your spry? Your sneaky? Your built to last? Your Duralast? Well you slick sum bitch, All y'all might wanna SET DOWN for this one. Because at ALL R NOTHING, that's a damn catchy name because you can't run and hide in this one. You versus Me. July 26th. Do you got what it takes to go Sixty Minutes? Well do ya? Do ya you yellow bellied sum bitch? Leonard McGraw versus Ruckus at All or Nothing in an Ironman match. I'll see you there you short prick.) Show ends
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