#Doyoung blurbs
gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 months
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[1:08 pm]
(cw: a baby, parenthood, (gn!reader))
Fatherhood was something that dad!Doyoung never thought he could ever be ready for. He'd never been around babies! He didn't know how to change diapers. He didn't want to change diapers. He couldn't imagine going a day with a 3 hours of sleep. He couldn't imagine your usual calm home being filled with crying and the wailing of a baby. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be comfortable holding such a fragile little thing. It was overwhelming for him to say the very least. He felt as if he'd never be prepared.
But despite all his worrying and anxieties, he'd overcome all that. His and the baby's sleep schedule had slowly but surely started getting back to normal. As normal as it could get with a baby boy waking up at the ass crack of dawn to eat. The diapers also hadn't gotten easier, but Doyoung was more used to it now. He was used to holding the baby now, and he was a complete natural.
The only thing that had gotten better, and subsequently gotten worse after a few weeks, was the crying. There had been a few weeks of pure bliss. The crying was normal, the baby was hungry, needed a diaper change, or hungry. But then, god, god of course you both knew it was coming, but you had hoped it would take a few more months like your friends kids did. The teething.
There was not enough numbing gel, teething rings, teething toys, teething tablets, frozen wash cloths, or teething snacks to sooth your poor baby's sore gums. This was one of the things you'd failed to think about. For the people around you it happened around 8 or 9 months, your poor baby boy was 6 months, today.
You were having a small, intimate group of people over to celebrate your son's half birthday. Just some dinner and cake.
Doyoung was talking to Johnny with his son on his lap, bouncing his son on his knee when the very familiar whining and whimpers started. "Honey! The gel is wearing off!" Doyoung called out to you.
You dug around the freezer, "None of his toys are in here! Did you remember to put them in?"
Doyoung sighed, he had forgotten. He was so busy helping you set up while your son was down for his nap, he had forgotten. He knew he had forgotten something!
You sent him one of your well-known "what did I tell you?" looks and handed him the teething gel before going back to your conversation with his brother.
"Sorry, this will only take a second. Anyway, I was just saying how the book is really well written..." Doyoung continued his conversation with his pointer finger rubbing over the baby's gums.
Johnny stared at the baby with a humorous gaze. The baby hummed and gurgled happily as he held Doyoung's finger in his mouth and gnawed on it. Doyoung was hilariously unphased, forgoing his mission of applying the teething gel and just letting the baby chew on his finger.
"Anyway, I think you'd really like the book. Do you want to borrow it?" Doyoung asked with raised brows.
Johnny chuckled, "I'm sorry I wasn't listening. I was just watching little man go to town on your finger."
"This will hurt a lot more when his teeth are fully out, but they're just breaking through. I don't even mind it- but the drool. The drool is the real problem, I think. We have to change his bib at least 5 times a day," Doyoung explains while wiping up a string of baby saliva.
"You're a good dad, Doyoung," Johnny smiles, clapping Doyoung's shoulder.
You caress your son's wet cheek and kiss Doyoung's , "he's the best."
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cheolcam · 3 months
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꒰♡꒱ avisos: doyoung o maior fiel do mundo, inimigo da orgia e poligamia, menção à orgia(s) thigh humping (?), masturbação (f.), sexo na frente do espelho, creampie, e menção à gravidez, não revisado.
꒰♡꒱ notas da autora: depois de só escrever com homens infiéis vim me redimir com um dos mais fieis.
ele sempre foi mais quietinho, e quando vocês começaram a namorar ele só olha pra você, então quando ele tá sozinho ele mal levanta a cabeça.
doyoung é fiel e ele entra em um relacionamento buscando a mesma coisa da outra pessoa, e por ser fiel você confia nele de olhos fechados, e é mútuo, mas ele não consegue entender você rindo da mensagem da namorada do johnny.
a mensagem sugeria basicamente uma orgia, incluindo você e o kim. doyoung franziu as sobrancelhas enquanto você contou entre risos.
que tipo de convite é esse? ele se pergunta se tudo isso veio da cabeça do suh só pra mexer com ele. logo doyoung, inimigo da poligamia ou derivados.
sem contar que ele provavelmente acharia nojento, e anti higienico.
ele olha pra você indignado, você não consegue segurar o riso, doyoung está incrédulo. e você aproveita pra jogar verde: "que foi? sei que cê não é santo não, doyoung... yuta me falou umas coisas." e ele te olha não impressionado quando ouve o nome do japonês. "e desde quando você acredita nele?"
ele te senta no colo dele. "o cara é mitomaniaco e você aí acreditando nele... era só o que me faltava mesmo, viu..." você sorri. "ele disse que você já participou de uma orgia antes de me conhecer, na verdade mais de uma..." ele ergue as sobrancelhas. "o que mais? disse que eu era sócio de um bordel também?"
você gosta de ver o kim assim todo nervosinho, discretamente vai se esfregando nele, manhosa, não pode mentir que esse jeitinho dele te deixa molinha.
mas seu namorado te conhece, conhece muito bem a putinha que ele alimenta. ele segura sua cintura te forçando a parar, cerra os olhos e pergunta. "você tá com tesão? tá pensando na porra da orgia?"
você nega manhosa, pede carinho e ele te olha condescendente, mas não te priva dos toques. começa acariciando seu clitóris suavemente, te prepara com os dedos e te leva pra frente de um espelho pra te comer.
segundo ele "é pra você ter certeza que eu sozinho já faço um puta estrago em você, e que você precisa de mim."
ele te enche de porra. isso é importante. você é dele e ele vai te engravidar e mostrar pra todos.
plot twist: o yuta não tava mentindo.
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thewonandonly · 6 months
20:42 — what brings you here all of a sudden? crash into a world so still, chill kill enters like thunder, that thrill be makin' my mind ill. | chill kill by red velvet
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the wet squelching of the rug under your feet was enough to make you cringe and give you chills, even more than the water that dripped from your dress down your skin. you walked at a painstakingly slow pace that could only be compared to stephen king's carrie. a shiver rolled down your spine as you walked down the hallway to where your boyfriend laid on the couch in the hotel room with a book in his hand.
a little context might work. it was 8 at night. there was a pool. you didn't have a swimsuit, so you didn't jump in. your boyfriend, who now laid dry on the couch, prim and proper, dry as the sahara desert, pushed you in. then left you there.
you weren't mad at him for pushing you in and ditching you. no, that was just a normal prank for the both of you. you would've done the exact same.
no, you were mad he ruined your dress. the 285 dollar dress you've been waiting months for, that you saved up money for.
as you stood there like a horror character from a movie, doyoung's head laid back on his arm, placing his finger in between the book pages, covering his mouth as he stifled a laugh, "what happened?" he teased.
another shiver and you grit your teeth at him, "my dress..."
doyoung chuckled, "yeah?" he glanced at you up and down, "probably shouldn't have pushed you into the pool while you were wearing white." he dog-eared the page of the book, sitting up on the couch.
you walked around the couch to stare at him, the water echoing between the two of you as you stood still, droplets hitting the floor, spreading your arms, "give me a hug." you whispered, demanding the hug, not even bothering to ask.
doyoung jumped up, holding his hand out, "no, no, i think i'm okay."
"come on, doyo, give me a hug."
doyoung made his way around the couch, staring at you as you chased him. "come on, yn, you wouldn't want my nice shirt to — oh, okay, there it is."
you were able to catch him, hugging him tightly with the wet fabric draped over your body. you mischievously chuckled as he groaned at the feeling of the chlorinated pool water seep into his own clothes.
"ah... so warm." you pulled away, smiling as you saw the front of his shirt turning a dark grey, "you got a little something there." you teased.
doyoung matched your look, pecking your lips softly, "i have a wonderful idea on how to warm up." he smiled, his hands lingering on your hips.
you rolled your eyes, "is this your way of apologizing about my dress?"
"maybe." doyoung chuckled.
maybe you could forgive him for his destroying of your dress, even if it wasn't by buying you another.
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copyright © 2023 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
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lonelystczennie · 10 months
It's you
Doyoung x Reader
Summary: Doyoung's had feelings for you for years, what happens when he finally decides to tell you?
Word count: 700+
Warnings: mentions punching someone, mentions of hiding a body in a joke, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!(Also, I set this in winter because I think it suits Doyoung and also because it's hot AF outside rn)
Requests are open
"Are you even listening to me?"
Doyoung blinked, refocusing his gaze on you. "Of course I am."
"What was I just saying then? You asked.
"How you couldn't stand how your professor rambles on about things that don't have anything to do with your assignments." He responded immediately, making you sit back in your chair, impressed.
Of course he was listening to you, he always listened to you, even when he acted like he wasn't just to piss you off. Doyoung couldn't ignore you even if he wanted to.
The two of you were sitting in the same cafe you met at every week, catching up on what was new in each other's lives as the windows fogged over from the frigid cold outside.
"Are you sure you wanna walk today? It's freezing." You asked.
"It's not that bad." He shrugged.
"You only say that because you're built like a furnace." You argued.
"I am not!" He retorted.
"You never get cold!"
"Yes I do!"
That was how it'd been between you since you'd met in school, non-stop bickering. You're friends had honestly thought you two hated each other at first, but that was just how you communicated. But heaven forbid someone else try something like that with one of you.
Doyoung still remembered the day thay you punched a dude nearly a foot taller than you in junior high because they'd called gim a dirty name. You'd gotten suspended for a week, and he'd basically sworn his undying loyalty to you.
You were one of the only people he felt truly safe and comfortable around and who didn't make him nervous. And despite all your teasing, you had always accepted him as he was. It was one of the many reasons he loved you.
Except he hadn't told you that, not yet at least.
You finished your drinks and made your way out into the cold, heading towards the park like usual. You tried to several times to start conversations about different subjects, but Doyoung's responses had become increasingly brief and distracted.
"Are you okay?" You finally asked, tilting your head at him.
" 'm fine, why?" He said.
"I don't know, you just seem... distant today, like you're somewhere else."
He sighed, his breaths forming small clouds in the air. "It's nothing."
"It's not nothing if it's bothering you." You said, nudging his shoulder. "C'mon, you know you can tell me anything. Do you need help hiding a body or something?"
He laughed. "No, It's nothing like that, it's... I like someone."
Your step faltered for a second in surprise before you recovered. "Really, you?"
"Mhm," He nodded. "But the thing is, I don't know how to tell them, or even if I should."
"You should definitely tell them, unless they're in a relationship or something already." You said. "Are they?"
"No, it's just kinda complicated." He explained, keeping his eyes down as you walked, fearing that if he looked at you, he'd lose his nerve. "I've know them for a long time."
"Do you think they'll like you back?"
"I think so, I hope so."
"Well, then you should go for it." You encouraged him.
"Really?" He shot you a quick look.
"Absolutely! If you really like this person, then you should give it a shot. I can't think of a person more deserving of a shot at that kind of happiness than you." You continued walking, but he stopped in the middle of path, taking a deep, shakey breath.
"It's you."
You froze mid-step, turning back slowly to stare at him as he stood, motionless, a few feet behind you.
"It's you." He repeated.
He nodded. "It always has been."
"Youngie." You said quietly, the childhood nickname sending a shudder through him as he closed his eyes, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him and failing.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I-"
He hadn't heard your approaching footsteps, but he hyper aware of your hands catching hold of his face and pulling him down to connect his lips to yours.
For a moment, he stood frozen in shock, before relaxing against you, the warmth of you almost searing in comparison to the cold bite of the December air.
He slowly brought his arms up, finally able to wrap them around you, to keep you close even as you pulled away for air.
"I like you too, in case you didn't get it from that." You said, making him chuckle again.
"I got it." He said, smiling down at you till a sudden breeze drifts through, making him shiver. "You wanna head back now? It's cold."
"Eh, it's not that bad."
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saturnznct · 1 year
dad!doyoung | insta posts 2
nct masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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yongislong · 2 years
[ ncity playlist event ]
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now playing ... KIM DOYOUNG
without you - strawberry guy
morning sex - ralph castelli
seasons - wave to earth
159cm - tank
instagram - dean
alaska - maggie rogers
right where you left me - taylor swift
face to face - rex orange county
punks and poets - elliot root
let it pass - jakob 
now viewing ... // in his airy white and beige room with his crisp, poofy linen comforter is where he indulges in this music mix. he thinks of you of course, regardless if you're asleep on his chest, are in the other room, or even in your own respective space home alone, no matter how energetic or soft the song is, he always seems to be able to pass out a few songs in on his mattress.
glasses still on, pink glitter retainer case on his bedside table and the blueberry muffin candle he left lit seems to lull him to sleep until the sunlight that once caught the speckles of dust in its muted yellow light have now flooded the room with darkness
you push his bangs back from his forehead as a greeting and before you know it he's clinging and rubbing his bareface all on your waist like a puppy. //
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apileofkpop · 2 years
03:24AM The music is booming through the speakers, but somehow it doesn’t make you want to dance like the rest of the people at this party. Your head is slightly hurting from the heavy bass, so you go wandering around the house while waiting for your friends to be ready to go. As you reach the first floor, the music is only a low buzzing in the back of your head. You decide this is going to be your hideout for the rest of the evening, especially the room with the big, soft bed, which you’ve just entered. You start to look around, but freeze instantly when you hear a voice coming from the bed: “What do you think you’re doing?” He is looking at you softly, making you relaxed instead of scared. He motions for you to come closer and when you do, he makes room for you on the bed. “My name is Doyoung and you are currently in my room.” You introduce yourself in return, explaining how you are trying to hide from the party. “What a coincidence, I am too. What do you say about staying here and watching movies with me for a while?” You’ve never agreed to anything faster in your life, this fact making you embarrassed, but Doyoung doesn’t seem to mind, as he just opens up Netflix and starts making conversation about movies.
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catboyieejeno · 1 year
texts ; lee donghyuck (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵)✧
pictures bf! hyuck sends you of himself
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ
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i4oba · 2 months
nct 127 as… / fanfiction aus!? 🏡…
[take the quiz here to see which one you get!]
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✰ TAEYONG — street racer!au
you hated that taeyong’s hobby has never changed: it was rather infuriating how he couldn’t have stopped with those stupid street races which he couldn’t even miss once; you had known lee taeyong ever since from elementary school, and you knew all too well how his biggest dream was to take part in formula 1, but a poor boy, living on the countryside can only dream of achieving such heights, he would never be able to reach that. you don’t even know how the two of you got to befriend each other, it might have been that chemistry project where you two were assigned to work together in that old fashioned “the breakfast club” way on saturdays, as you couldn’t properly behave. you two slowly became good friends, and then… something you weren’t able to describe, it was way too confusing, and growing up you two realised that the period of time when you were together, as a couple, was more than just toxic, pretty much unhealthy. you left him for good finally, leaving behind this mess of a relationship when you got accepted to the university of your dreams, after taking one year off of studies because of whatever reason you foolishly came up with. since taeyong’s name was pretty well known by then in the world of street racing, you knew fully well that he wouldn’t just quit for school which he despised anyways. after breaking up, you left everything unsolved between the two of you, leaving behind the memories as well, trying to make it easier for the both of you, after all. you weren’t mean. but that’s the first word in taeyong’s mind when he spotted you standing there at the track: it seemed as if your face became skinnier, your eyes were teary, hair somewhat shorter than what he was used to. you had changed, he decided, when you took a step closer to his car, which he couldn’t bring himself to change up. but he hadn’t changed in your eyes: he was still that little boy filled with enthusiasm, absolutely crazy for race cars, the taste of speed and you. especially you. “please, be careful” you whispered gently, as he drove away way too fast, as soon as the flag fell down. and then he disappeared in the night, loud and swift.
✰ TAEIL — teacher!au
when you applied for a job at the elementary school of the new town you’d moved to, you made a resolution in mind, learning from previous mistakes: you won’t be so forgiving with your students, you won’t let the parents tell you how to do your job and most importantly, you will NOT fall in love with someone at work ever again (it seemed fatal by then, since you had to leave your previous job because of that). you didn’t have that much of experience as a teacher, your diploma was pretty fresh, gathering dust on the drawer, but you would never let that make you feel less: you were enthusiastic, very thoughtful, as you brought cupcakes for your class, for example! i mean, on the previous night, while decorating the cupcakes with that pinkish icing, you wouldn’t have thought this would be the first step of the chain reaction – you fucked up a few times before when it was time for the first impressions, and let’s be real, that’s exactly what happened on your first day too: you clumsily dropped the whole tray of sweet treats in the entrance of the teacher’s lounge, half of the cupcakes actually ending up on one of your colleagues, who you had tons of gossips going around in the hallways following shortly. and you couldn’t even deny the obvious attraction you felt towards moon taeil, who you fell in love with on the first sight. he was a biology teacher which… well, made place for a few inappropriate biological jokes (well, yeah, sex-ed) coming from the sixth graders, or! the silly theories coming from the youngest of students, telling their parents that you are for sure pregnant (which would’ve made you furious if it wasn’t for their undeniable cuteness).
✰ JOHNNY — high school reunion!au
the first high school reunion of yours was arranged by the student who used to be the council president of your class, who even sent out handmade invitations to everyone, hoping that most of the class would go, not holding grudges against each other anymore, no matter how the bond between everyone of you was pretty much terrible. you were not that big of a persona amongst your peers, you were rather quiet, much like an outcast during your high school years, sometimes addressed with the ominous word “weird”, so you weren’t even planning on going, since you knew very well: no one would bother to notice you being there, or your absence either. it was in the last possible moment when your mother persuaded you finally, after a very big fight between the two of you, offering a ride as well, because (whether it’s a shame or not) you failed your traffic exam once again. focusing on this mainly, you were afraid you would come off as a total loser, as you always fail no matter what. but, after not much of thinking, you decided that you can simply lie, since you live very far away from this dusty little town anyways, no one could actually fact check what’s actually true from what you tell. even on the ride to your old school, you were thinking of false fun facts you could say when someone asks something, telling yourself that it’s not that big of a deal, not that big of a lie – as soon as you stepped into the school itself, though, the damn nostalgia reminded you how much of a loser you had always been. plus, the sight of johnny seo made the situation even worse. your throat felt dry, palm sweaty as your courage left your body slowly, evaporating suddenly, as a fully random girl from your class showed something on his phone to you, laughing loudly in your ear, adding something witty too; you were in love with johnny for a long time, and everyone who got to find this out sooner or later, decided to turn it against you as soon as they got the chance, like those mean, little girls in elementary. you never knew how johnny felt about you, since he never actually told you, or brought it up either, because he was simply understanding. well, in the dimly lit bathroom of the school, pressed against the cold tiles, you knew exactly what he might have felt, kissing you messily, like someone who had been starving. you two were cowards to tell the truth to each other, afraid of making steps forward.
✰ YUTA — rockstar!au
it was pretty much a cliché to hear the “i’m with the band” sentence over and over again, but when you started using it… no one could ever stop you. you were proud that your boyfriend reached his goals and his biggest dream, and every time you saw the ever growing audience at their concerts, a certain, really warm feeling appeared in your chest, slowly filling the whole of your body, which, let’s be real, got to your head a few times. the band had been a thing ever since you were high schoolers, really active ever since the first practice in that musty basement, not too intense back then, but really consistent, persistence paying off in the end, resulting in concerts, albums, and whatnot, including interviews – both of your worlds turned upside down, and nakamoto yuta, as the front man of the group became a star, bringing you with himself everywhere they had to go, like a lucky charm. he felt at ease whenever he could spot you in the crowd, maybe in the first row, dancing and singing along to their songs, or at times when you gave an intense, adrenaline driven kiss on his lips before their performances, rewarding him with something more after… somehow it all worked out, since you two were insanely, madly in love with each other. but how long is this going to be the norm? you’re afraid of guessing.
✰ DOYOUNG — royalty!au
it felt a little chaotic as you spent your time in the spacious library of the palace, dressed in your newly made red velvet dress and a crimson coloured mask on your face, far from the ball room, and even further from the musicians, the aristocrats and young men, ready to ask for your hand in marriage. you were only able to stay for one dance, not having the patience to talk to complete strangers, to dance with heirs you didn’t even know of, and to let them get the best of you, waiting for the right time to use you for their own good. no, you’re not suitable for such things, even if it sounded a little selfish at that moment. it bothered you anyway, that you had to look for The One you could marry – you didn’t want to decide during one night only, whether they could enjoy your company for the rest of their lives, or not. to decide who’s the richer man, you could envision yourself with. you sneaked out in a second, when no one actually paid attention to you anymore. you only found the library purely out of accident, but it was such a pleasant accident since you felt like you were home there. it was quiet, the room filled with the scent of old books, and you were left alone with your own feelings and wandering thoughts. or so you thought at first, until someone stormed inside the library, following you shortly (you wanted to guess how much time you spent there, completely lost in the world of books but you lost your sense of time soon after entering). you didn’t even pay attention to the new guest, you simply continued with the intriguing, dusty book in your hands. the newcomer, however, decided to take a seat right next to you, with his own novel he got from one of the closer shelves. he didn’t say a word, but you could feel the smirk playing on his face, angrily closing your book, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. he didn’t have a mask on, which made you recoil a little, your breath hitching at the sight of such handsome young man, turning the pages of his poem anthology with a smile on his face. his gaze met yours when he looked up, winking at you mischievously. and that funny, unfamiliar feeling you felt at that moment, couldn’t have been described in any of those books laying around, although there was at least a thousand of them. only the boy next to you would be able to do so: kim doyoung, the prince of the kingdom, the heir of the throne.
✰ JAEHYUN — forbidden love!au
you hated hearing the word “forbidden”, although you had heard it several times growing up. you’re not a monarch, you bear no wealth and you basically have nothing else either, but the always so kind and warmhearted heir, jaehyun, couldn’t stop spending his precious time with you, since he enjoyed your company to the extent that you were ashamed of it. you had been selling flowers on the street ever since you were a little girl, mind filled with dreams and false hope. jaehyun always made you feel important, never getting in your way of achieving what you’d always been dreaming of. he was always following your steps, much like the shadow of you, not wanting to leave you any time soon. you could’ve thought it was because of the close friendship between the two of you, and you had always been a little oblivious of recognizing such hidden signs. you let him hug you, smile the brightest whenever he looks at you, and you let him waste your time which you were keen on sacrificing for him, not once hesitating whether what you’re doing is right or not. maybe it was a waste of time to spend your time at the flower field together, smelling the sweet scent of flowers, gazing at the sky endlessly. the stupid feelings were so blind and deaf, they couldn’t hear the obvious alarms of “forbidden” being shouted time to time – when he kissed you for the first time, you didn’t feel guilty. you deserved that. guilt only arrived when it was too late already.
✰ JUNGWOO — fake dating!au
you were actually serious about that contract and the paperwork, as an all too practical person you had always been, but jungwoo shook his head, declining your offer every time, saying how stupid it actually was… since you two are friends, right, and this is a one time only thing. it’s just one night, where you can surprise your family, to let them know that you’re not suffering from relationship problems or anything. you got bored of them always bringing it up, and jungwoo had enough of hearing you complaining about it, so he came up with this whole “fake dating” idea. you weren’t too optimistic, especially since your whole family knew about him, which could make you both seem a little suspicious. he calmed you down, though, telling you that you’re just paranoid, and you can say, after a good two or three months, that you two broke up through tears. little did jungwoo know, that you were afraid of a different thing… which involves the feeling of love you had been feeling towards him for years. you didn’t want to let him know about this silly crush you had on him, but you clearly knew that this night will change everything, as you two will have to act like a real couple for the whole night, and you weren’t sure whether you would be able to leave it all behind, once you get used to it. selfish or not, you were afraid that after a night where you two have to hold each other’s hand, kiss each other here and there (in the name of pure acting), you won’t be able to resist the confession. well, it’s such a rookie mistake to forget about the reason why jungwoo offered this whole thing, right?
✰ MARK — childhood friends to lovers!au
ever since you've basically known your name, mark has been the boy next door. there was the cheeky, red letters of "lee" painted on the mailbox, the windows were adorned with the same coloured curtains, and the same doormat has been sitting in front of their door for ages. you have loved mark ever since you two have met. there wasn't a day where you wouldn't think of him, and there hasn't been a day when you haven't loved him. it was like a vicious circle which you couldn't get out of, because those stupid feelings would destroy the oh so precious friendship of yours, and you cannot let that happen, right? i mean, that's what you've thought for far too long, since this friendship meant more to you, than the fragile feeling of love – you didn't want it to get to the point where you would rather spit on each other, than talk it out. maybe that's why you pushed him away from yourself? maybe you just did that because you weren't too sure of your own peace of mind? no matter what, you knew the decision itself was wrong, only to realize it way too late. damaging the friendship and crying yourself to sleep was all your fault, after all, being way too proud and scared, stupid even; when you came back to the town where you two grew up, the least thing you wanted was to meet mark lee, mainly because you wouldn't have been able to look him in the eyes after all these happened. but you had to, so soon you even got a little surprised. it's been a while since the last time you have been home, your bedroom seemed way too unfamiliar at that point, just like the vhs tape placed directly in the middle of your bed. one which you haven't seen yet. it didn't have a title, the white label completely empty as you picked it up. you were a little bit cautious when placing it in the system, waiting for it to play whatever is on it, not having such large imagination to expect anything. it was a home video montage, full of videos of you and mark: playing together, getting ready for the first day of school, going to the movies, the way you two got engaged in middle school as a joke, and the omnious day of prom... you got teary eyed, with one thing on your mind - you have to go and save whatever's left now. maybe you're not too late.
✰ HAECHAN — rivals to lovers!au
lee donghyuck's name rushed through the hallways of your music academy just as quietly as a whisper, and you never knew why was it all like that ever since you've stepped foot into the school. you couldn't even hide the way too obvious rolls of your eyes every time you heard it. lee donghyuck was one of the biggest prodigies at the academy, no one could even be considered as a rival for him, this is mainly why he was such a big living legend amongst the students - you couldn't even hide how annoyed this made you, especially because he made sure you knew this ever since you two were little. music played a huge part in both of your lives, and somehow, you two always seemed to be at each other's throat, the first place at being the best always changing between the two of you. you could never get rid of each other either; your dad, always being so positive, once said, on your way to the academy sometime between sophomore and junior year, that the only reason behind this is that you two are equally good at what you're doing. you were pretty much skeptic for the longest of time, and felt as if you were destined to be the forever second next to him. you've had enough of always bumping into walls, since hyuck was the one who could stand at the first place ever so proudly. in kindergarten, in middle school, and even in high school, every. god damn. time. and that infuriating smile was plastered all upon his face even when you two were asked to not perform alone on the annual charity gala of your academy - you two had to perform something phenomenal, putting the childish jarring aside, growing out of the silly phase of hating each other, which was all made up by you, and you only, pushing the poor boy away from you. the boy who had always been so obsessed with you, utterly and completely. he won this time again, isn't it right?
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babiesdreams · 1 month
Hii! Its knighty here! Can i request something? Just a small imagine with doyoung where they're having a playful argument but it turns into smut and cany/nchokehimitsokayifyoudont
Rough but fluff💞
Love you, cutie!
I have been dying to give some powerplay to y'all.
Kim Doyoung: I'll make you listen +18
Warnings: Breath play, degradation, cum control and discipline.
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"What the hell are u doing here?" Doyoung says with a deep voice, his brow raised, reflecting his confusion towards your actions. "I thought you were mad at me" His eyes fix on yours, staring into you deeply. "I am mad" you reply, with an agitated tone, not looking into his eyes at all.
"Then what are you doing here?" He ask, now tilting his head to the side a little, looking at you curiously, his voice had an edge to it, as if he was ready to argue with you.
"I forgot..." You start explaining but stop mid sentence, the truth is you came back because you couldn't bear the pain of leaving things like this. "This is my house too you know?" You simply state. "I do not need to explain what I am doing at my house"
He rolls his eyes at your explanation, not bothering to argue with you as he simply walks past you to find something to drink. "Whatever" He mutters, clearly annoyed by your presence.
"Don't whatever me" You reply annoyed. "After what you did you have no right to do so" He slams the fridge's door closed. "Just shut up" He snaps, he doesn't even bother looking at you.
"What the fuck has happened to us?" You ask, with a hint of dissapointment. "This is not who we are" He pauses, the question surprising him a little, and he sighs. He leans against the fridge, not facing you, looking at the ground now. "...Yeah.." He agrees eventually.
"Look I understand, people express themselves in different ways and I understand that love is a big word and that you don't say it to almost anyone. I do understand that you don't reply my every I love you with an I love you too. I... Understand. But it feels like you hate me" Tears start coming from your eyes. "We've been dating for a year and your reply has always been a kiss or a hug and... I can understand that but today... why did you say okay and ignored me like I asked you to do the groceries?"
The anger he felt before immediately vanished, and he just sighs, before closing his eyes, and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You misunderstood everything..." He says calmly, walking closer to you, eyes now fixed on you.
"Then explain it to me" I shout at him. "Talk to me" His hand punches the wall behind you, trapping you between his body and the cold concrete. "I feel like you deserve better than me" He whispers. "Then be better" Your words are shaky and light, precaucious even.
"Do you love me?" You whisper while your eyes fall from his to his lips, as if you didn't really care about the answer. His lips trap yours in a messy kiss that you manage to pull away from. "Do you love me?" You raise your voice slightly, keeping his body apart from yours.
"I lo..." He mutters. "I love your morning kisses. I love holding your hand, feeling like I'm safe and protected, I love to see you smile..." You sigh, looking to the floor, too dissapointed to face him. "So you don't love me"
His hand lifts your face, forcing you to look at him. "No" He whispers. "I adore you" His words surprise you, making you freeze for a moment. "I... adore" He starts whispering again but you shut him with your lips.
The kiss starts being sweet, but soonly gets replaced with a lustful flavour. He lays his body weight on you, grinding against your body that hits the wall roughly. His hand playfully caress your thigh, moving the fabric of your skirt out of the way.
Your mind is full of unanswered questions, but his hands motions don't let you think clearly. You push his body away from yours. "Why didn't you..." Your heavy breaths force you to stop talking. All your eyes can look at are his lips. "Why didn't you say it earlier" You manage to let out.
He walks back towards you. His hand lays on your cheek, pulling your face closer. "I was afraid" He whispers. "That I would lose you" You look deeply into him, understanding how his past could have conditioned his actions.
"You won't lose me" You reassure him with a whisper. His hands move towards your neck, slowly applying pressure onto it. You gasp desperate for air, while his lips trap yours again. His free hand moves slowly up your legs, caressing the soft skin of your inner thigh.
A goosebump drives through your skin taking a soft moan out of your lips. The sound gets suckd by his mouth. He grunts as well, his grip on your leg gets tighter, pulling you closer to his body. You feel his bulge against your belly. The feeling makes you thrust your body closer to his.
He pulls out of the kiss, breathless. His eyes fix on yours, while he rests his forehead on yours. His hand moves from your neck to the back of your head. An evil grin grows on his lips and a small chuckle follows. After he recovers his breath, he positions both of his hands on the back of your thighs. He grunts while he lifts you in the air.
Your legs surround his neck, in an attempt to get more stability than what his arms can offer you. He passes his tongue over the light fabric of your underwear, burying his head beneath your skirt. You start moaning almost instantly, the feeling you had uncounciously been craving for the whole morning suddenly invades you in an uncontrollable wave of pleasure. He starts walking towards the bedroom, which forces you to bend to prevent your head to hit the doorframe.
Once in the bedroom, he throws your body on the bed, takes your panties off and keep eating you out. He teases your high, changing his pace everytime your moans get too loud. After a while he lifts his head, looking at your heavily blushed face with a smirk. His fingers keep on doing circles over your clit, while he climbs over you and kisses you passionately.
You trap his face with your hands, making sure he doesn't get away this time. His fingers enter you now, causing a series of loud moans to leave your lips following a messy rythm. You manage to somehow get on top of him by turning around. He looks surprised by your sudden actions, although not entirely mad at it.
He pulls his fingers off you. When his hand moves closer to your face you lick his fingers clean, tasting the flavour of your horniness. With his fingers still on your mouth, you start to undoing his belt and pulling his pants and underwear off. Your hand guides his erection inside of you.
You start riding him, keeping your hands on his chest for support. Your eyes don't look away from his face for a second, since you want to enjoy the view of his enjoyment. Something about his blush, his messy breaths and the low moans he lets out makes you feel somewhat empowered. Without thinking too much, your hand gets dragged up his chest. When it reaches his neck you apply the slightest pressure to it.
His expression shifts instantly. He moves so that he's on top of you again. "What are you doing?" He grunts with a slight grin. You're shocked at the speed of his reaction. "I just..." You try to explain yourself. He's still inside of you, but he's not moving an inch. "Do I need to discipline you?" He asks with a raised brow.
"W-what?" You ask while blush invades your cheeks at the thought of him being mad over such a silly thing. "I said" He starts, putting his hand on your sides to support himself. "Do" He roughly thrusts you. "I" He thrusts you again. "Need" Again. "To" Again. "Discipline" This time it goes all the way in, making his tip reach your cervix. "You" The last one is rougher, somehow.
You remain silent, shocked by how much this whole situation is turning you on. "I see I really need to" He whispers, before starting again. His thrusts are wild, really rough, deep and fast. It makes you lose control easily, turning into a horny mess.
"Why are you being so loud now?" He asks with a hint of degradation. "Are you close?" His question makes you realize you're actually on edge, so you nod. He stops so suddenly that it makes you gasp. His hand grabs your face and he gets closer. "If you can moan, you can talk" He whispers against your lips. A wave of heat runs through your body. "Are you close?" He asks slowly.
"Yes" you whisper, making him chuckle. His hand fixes your hair with a softness that makes a huge contrast with his previous actions. "Why are you so quiet now? Are you embarrassed?" He asks with a smile. "A little bit" You whisper with a soft smile. "Do you want me to stop then?" He asks with a smirk.
"No" Your voice suddenly raises. When you hear yourself you get embarrassed again. Being aware of how desperate you were was a first for you. "Oh no, but you are embarrassed I should stop" He says pulling away from you slowly. It drives you crazy how obvious it is that he's enjoying this just by looking at his grin. "No. Please" You say pulling his body closer, though his strength makes you fail at it.
"I don't know you don't seem convinced..." You roll your eyes, which seem to motivate him further. "Oh now your rolling your eyes at me?" He asks raising his brow. "Doyoung. Please" You say softly. "Please what?" He asks "What do you want?"
You breathe trying to get some patience back. "I want you to move" His grin grows. "Out of the way?" He teases. "No. I want to cum" You shout. By the look on his face, he seems satisfied. "That's a shame" He whispers. "I don't think you deserve it" You look at him with a desperate look, trying to guess if he's serious about it.
He thrusts slowly, trapping your face in between his hands. "You cannot cum" He whispers. "Understood?" You nod, just relieved that he's moving again. "Not until I do" His thrusts start getting rougher by every passing second. The speed makes you lose control of your moans easily.
His hand traps your neck, applying pressure to it. "Control yourself" He whispers. You start breathing slowly trying to prevent your high from taking over. His grunts hint that he must be close as well, so you keep on preventing your climax by controlling your breaths. When you feel the hot cum painting your walls you let go, although the fact that he inmediately pulls out of you stops it from happening.
You look at him, probably looking like an abandoned puppy. He doesn't seem bothered at all by it. His fingers go inside of you, but they don't move much, just enough to collect his cum. "Open your mouth" He orders and you obey, letting his fingers enter easily. The dripping fluid washes over your tongue.
"How do I taste?" He asks, caressing your inner thigh with his other hand. "So good" You say in a desperate tone that is completely new to you. His hand moves from your mouth to your thigh. Both of his hands open your legs while he licks you slowly. "How do I taste?" You ask back, trying to regain some power.
"Desperate" He groans before licking again. "Are you gonna cum on my mouth?" He asks teasingly. "If you're good enough..." You say trying to keep your cool although it's quite hard in your position. His lips trap your clit, sucking it in. A loud moan escapes your lips. "It doesn't seem hard at all" He comments and before you can answer he does it again. His tongue moves in circles over your clit and your high seems closer by every move he does.
When he sucks your clit tighter it makes you crumble. Your legs start shaking under his hands, your back arches and your breaths get messy. His tongue moves along your folds tasting every single drop of your desperation.
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00127am · 4 months
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@ adroitbeloved kim doyoung & gn! reader about mundane love, strangers to the loose term of lovers, snippets of initial meetings and budding affection, crush at first sight, lower-case intended word count 1.4k
💿 now playing ... dancing in the rain meaningful stone
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the first time you ever saw kim doyoung, it was raining.
and perhaps that's why you love the rain. because you saw him. black hair matted and suit jacket catching on the cusp of his nape. the same jacket that was soaked with rainwater, tugging strong shoulders to the ground with every shift in his stature. black dress shoes swamped with water, matching the lens of his glasses--smothered in kisses of droplets, clinging to the glass as they watched him during their dutiful descent. and much like those raindrops, you stared. until your hair was sticking to your lashes and your clothing made an uncomfortable squelch each time you moved.
and then you joined him underneath that arching bus turn out. a companionship met in silence and the ever so slight widening of his eyes as he encapsulated your drenched disposition. a silence only to be consumed by the pitter patter of rain and the passage of passing cars. one only to be broken as you reached your hand out from underneath the overhang and onto the oncoming onslaught of outpouring.
despite being already soaked to your core and despite any prior memory of being caught in the rain, you left your hand there for a few moments. lips caught in a grin, beads of water spinning pirouettes across your outstretched fingernails. in this moment, this partial prominence placed in the latter half of a minute, you began to hope that in your next life, you too would be reborn as rain. so perhaps, you too would also hold the pleasure of consuming each and every detail of kim doyoung.
a thought met with extension of your throat, leaning forward and dipping your head into the shower. hair upon forehead and lashes upon cheeks, corner of your mouth curved into the beginnings of a childish grin. and despite any preconception of politeness, kim doyoung laughed.
a sound nearly drowned out by the rhythmic drum of the rain and a sound to be revisited by you and you alone, until it was all but washed away with the end of the rainy season. you're not sure if he was laughing at the sheer absurdity and nonsensical nature of your actions or something utterly unrelated but it doesn't really matter.
you just really hope that you're reborn as rain. it's only fair, right?
the fourth time you saw kim doyoung, you had one hand clutching onto the grab rails on the bus. the same bus where you met at the turn out, a bus that you both take to and fro work. a bus you have come to appreciate (when it's on time) for giving you the opportunity to run into the black haired office worker not once, not twice, but four times.
it's rush hour. five or six at dusk, with a packed bus and the quiet conversations of co-workers. a bus that slices through the summer heat with a squeal of the breaks and an easygoing push on the pedals. it's crowded, shoulder to shoulder and chest to chest. and you've somehow found yourself pressed up against your new found crush, bowing your head with a sheepish turn of your eyes as you steady yourself on the balls of your feet.
suffocated by humidity and the nauseating stop and go of the bus, you find solace in nothing but the beat of your music. a steady pulse that panders through your ears and lands on the tip of your tongue, mouthing every syllable and every word. pretty lips poised in perfect pronunciation as you bob your head back and forth.
it's only during the bridge that you catch his eyes on you through the reflection of the glass door, a translucent depiction wavered by every bump in the road. his features are soft, lips quirked into a tender smile and eyes pulled into amused crescents as he watches you. the same eyes that dart away when they meet yours, blinking down at his hands as he looks absolutely anywhere but your returned gaze.
it isn't until six blinks later and a nervous gulp from both parties (to be frank, you can't be sure if it came from you or him) that the awkward tension is broken. parted easily with a quiet input, one that could not be mistaken for any such speech from yourself. a series of words, drawn out in a low, hushed intonation that made your face feel hot and your stomach drop.
bottom lip pulled in between his teeth and cheeks dusted a prepossessing pink. a pink that most certainly became your favorite color. each sonant emphasized with the flick of his tongue and the fidget of his fingers, rolling over each knuckle in a hesitant habit.
"i really like that song,"
you're not sure that those would be considered the most romantic first set of words spoken in any such universe. but in this one, one which you find yourself insensibly smitten, they prove to rival any such harked verses taken from romeo and juliet.
the sixteenth time you saw kim doyoung, you finally earned his name. stolen from the minuscule text of his ID badge. a lanyard that hung precariously around his neck, laying against his chest in the manner of a second tie. tight around his collar and loose upon the buttons of his dress shirt. a consummately composed photograph lying in the middle, depicting the stranger in all his handsome splendor. one that you find doesn't come close to rivaling the real thing. you're not sure that any camera could properly capture him after all.
you're leaning over your feet to get a better look at it, hair hanging in front of your face and eyes drawn in a concentrated squint. there's nothing subtle about it. certainly not with the way your pursing your lips, beginning consonants sitting on the tip of your tongue. or perhaps with the way you're tracing the characters on your thigh, each stroke undertaken in a clumsy authenticity. as if the movement is foreign yet softhearted.
he observes you, lost in your own world, with a similar gentleness. one curated with the unbalanced sway of your stature and the unconscious push of your tongue against the inside of your cheek. one that begins and ends with an unwilling and unrelenting affection. an endearment that only solidifies as you nearly fall flat on your face.
but you don't. catching yourself with flailing arms and the repetitive click click click of your dress shoes. and then you straighten up, clearing your throat and avoiding his stare (one that seems to bore a hole straight into the side of your skull). and despite the embarrassing nature of your near accident and the heat creeping up the nape of your neck, the only thing you can focus on is his name.
kim doyoung. it suits him.
the thirtieth time you saw kim doyoung, it was raining.
for the never ending rainy season seems to have set upon you, dosing every being and every thing in a dampened haze. including him, a similar reflection to your first meeting, though this time significantly less soaked. you, however, were preforming a perfected rendition--having forgotten your umbrella and once again finding yourself distracted by the beautiful stranger. thus forth leading to the only conclusion which you seemed to be able to muster, one which involved you being wet from head to toe.
and so, you trecked over to the turn-out, meeting him with the squeak and squelch of your coat and slacks. a noise only accompanied by a hint of entertained laughter coming from his direction, one quickly stifled by an all but obvious faux cough and interrupted by an amused huff from yourself. and then a familiar, but comfortable, silence. shortened only by the slush and slur of the bus wheels as it descends upon the curb.
despite the somewhat state of dryness on his part and the clear, slight resignation of being caught in the rain. it's your counterpart who, this time, outstretches his hand. slender fingers and delicate wrist outstretched beyond the overhang as he takes a single step out into the downpour. this hand, smothered in passive fondness from the oncoming droplets is gestured in your direction. tips of his fingers bent in a natural curve, eyes patient and expression painted with a nervous smile.
and when you take it, hand in lovable hand, you find yourself thanking your lucky stars that you were reincarnated as human this time around. though, you suppose it wouldn't be that bad to be born in your next life a droplet of rain. as long as you got to meet him thirty times over.
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taglist. @evilsailorsenshi @firstdonutllamafarm @222brainrot @scinclaitnoir thank you for supporting me! ♡
🗯️ CRIED. i cried. oh, i like him so much! so, so much! oh to be a girl and meet a man like kim doyoung ... (ME WHEN) anyway! hope i did him justice for his birthday. i love writing every day type love (if it wasn't obvious) and i feel like doyoung just fits that trope so well. there's something about him that is so endearingly ordinary, i love him (and the rain) TT
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 6 months
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[7:27 pm]
(cw: alcohol mentions, “assholes”)
You never thought you would willingly be back at work during your time off. Even less, if someone were to tell you the assholes in marketing would be drunk and doing body shots. So here you were standing in the lobby of your workplace, glass of wine in hand, watching your coworkers act like they had never been in public. If you were acting like they were, you’d never show your face in the building again. You were getting secondhand embarrassment just watching them.
You sighed and took a sip of wine from your glass, the clock on the wall told you that you had only been here for an hour. If you went home now, it would be the perfect time to just say the party had been lame, but you were unfortunately a head of department so people would notice you being gone. What was the best way to get out of here?
“I can see the cogs in your brain turning,” You heard someone mumble behind you.
You jumped in shock, the wine glass almost falling from your hand before turning to see who it was, “Oh! Mr. Kim, I didn’t see you there, I’m so sorry.”
He laughed with a bright smile, “Please, I’ve told you countless times. Just Doyoung is fine.”
You blushed and nodded looking at the strobe lights as more and more people began to dance. You saw some girls from your floor taking shots at the bar, the guys you chatted with on your way to the printer were trying to do the worm, and even the head of IT was leading the conga line. And here you were, staring at the crowd, warm and shy with the freaking CEO standing right next to you. From the corner of your eye you could see he was doing the same as you and laughing occasionally at the crazy antics of his employees.
You had known Doyoung for many years now. He had been on the panel you interviewed with and been a major part in your early days of the company. As head of the Sales department you worked very closely with him, which didn’t help you at all. Doyoung was always nice to you, and never acted as your superior in a cocky, holier-than-thou way. He stopped by your office regularly with coffee and “urgent” matters which were never really urgent. Usually he would stop by with that as a cover and you would just chat to get to know each other. How could you not have a crush on him? He was kind, hard working, and handsome. Especially now, he had ditched his suit jacket and was showing off his loosened holiday tie and red cheeks from the wine he had been sipping on.
“Are you having a good time?” He asked you, his eyes still locked on the dance floor. Someone had just started a dance circle by attempting to breakdance.
You pulled on a fake smile, “Oh absolutely! This party has been the best holiday party I’ve come to in all my years here!”
Doyoung laughed heartily, clutching his stomach while some wine splashed out of his glass. “You’re lying, I can see it on your face.” Damn, he was cute when he laughed.
You took a deep pull of your wine, “What gave it away?”
“Before I came over here, the look on your face was one of pure judgement and boredom. You know this party wasn’t mandatory right?”
“I had no other plans on a Friday night, and I really was looking forward to it, but you know how this week was.” The week had been a long one. You had all had to work extra hard to keep a long time client from partnering with a competitor and on top of that you had end of year sales reports due in just a few days. Those were always a major pain, but add your own to checking all the rest of the sales team and you got a stressful, tiring week.
Doyoung nods and stares at silently for a moment, “I really appreciate you still coming despite how hard the week was for all of us. You’re a great head of department and a real asset to our company. I love your dedication and love spending time with you.”
You set your wine glass aside on a table, “One of those statements is not like the other, Mr. CEO.”
“Too much wine I guess,” he cleared his throat, “but I did mean it.”
You smile at him softly, it’s now or never, “I love your dedication and spending time with you too.”
He smiled excitedly and calmed it down after a few breaths and likely remembering he was at a company party and HR is always watching, “Can I get you another drink? Maybe we can walk around and chat for a bit?”
“Yes, I’d really like that.”
And yes, both your assistants did notice you both laughing and flirting in the corner of the room while Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ was playing. They clinked their glasses to that before downing another shot.
A/n: tagging! @nct127balls
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tyongf-nct · 5 months
Hello! Can you write something with Doyoung incubus? That black wings he wore at the fanmeeting just gave that vibe
this is also saurrr late so i apologize 😓 i could not for the life of me find a picture of this despite knowing what you’re talking about so i channeled the energy from these pics instead
‼️ mind the tags folks ‼️
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dynamic: kim doyoung x fem!reader
warnings/tags: smut, somnophilia, penetrative sex (fem receiving), tiny bit of dirty talk, dubcon from the outside but it’s actually consensual i just don’t have time to give an entire backstory okay i have no patience for plot 😔, oral sex (fem receiving), dream/reality confusion
A dark shadow passes through your vision, your eyes cracked open to slits. No discernible shapes are visible as you writhe in pleasure, a second orgasm coiling deep in your abdomen.
Without your knowledge, Doyoung glances up at your half-asleep face, grinning fiendishly as he tongues inside your hole. The heady taste of your arousal spurs him on, his luminous skin slobbered with it. You vaguely hear the wet squelching of Doyoung eating you out, unsure if the wetness between your legs is your dream or reality.
Between your legs, Doyoung nips your inner thigh once before moving to grip your ankles with either hand. He pushes them back until your hips pop from the stretch, relishing in the sight of your exposed core. You unconsciously let out a whimper, shifting in your sleep as the cool breeze from the open window drafts by. Doyoung adjusts the both of you until he’s positioned at your entrance, swollen cock in hand. He pumps himself languidly, staring down at you with dilated pupils.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking needy. Even in your dreams you crave me so badly,” he murmurs. The low timbre of his voice nearly wakes you, but an overpowering wave of calm washes over you, and you find yourself nestled back into a deep sleep. You dream of pale hands running over the dips and valleys of your body, nipples peaking under sensuous touch. You dream of a thick cock fucking you full of hot come, the excess of it spilling out as an indistinct figure wrings climax after climax from you.
In the real world, Doyoung is doing something similar, thrusting madly into your soaking center as he fucks you into the night. Animalistic desire drives him to an almost crazed level, his face contorting in pleasure as you toss your head back and forth in your sleep. Small whimpers leave you in time with every deep thrust, the old bed creaking loud enough that Doyoung is convinced you will awaken. It isn’t enough to stop him, though, as you suddenly cry out and your thighs shake with your second orgasm.
“Fucking hell,” Doyoung grunts, fingers tight on your ankles as he pushes in and out of you savagely, hot come spilling into you just as it did in your dream. Doyoung shudders and stills, letting his come fill you up and refusing to let a single drop out. He releases one leg to brush his thumb over your lips, feeling your soft breath as you slumber innocently. Doyoung collapses on top of you, letting himself soak inside your tight pussy and inhaling your sweet scent.
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doiefy · 6 months
nct 127 as cursed college profs
very partially based on stupid shit i've had the pleasure and misfortune of seeing in my own classes. happy finals season girlies </3 i rise from my casket of inactivity to bring you the shit post i wrote on the subway on the way to an exam. whose class do you think you'd survive?
cw: cynical college humour because i'm coping, adult humour
taeil: not even that old, but barely knows how to use technology. spends the first 15 minutes of lectures trying to figure out zoom, then the rest of the time poorly explaining quantum mechanics from a textbook written 20 years ago. trips down the stairs two days into the semester and goes on medical leave, only to be spotted on vacation a week later. no one even gives him shit for it.
johnny: originally the cool, chill prof who occasionally went out for drinks with his classes, until he realized he was cool and tried to get even more hip with the kids. now he uses bad memes in his slides and films tiktoks in his lab. the number of students who ask to get drinks with him significantly boosts his ego, but no one tells him they’re doing it just to cross “drinking with a prof” off the frosh bingo card.
taeyong: the sweetest, loveliest, kindest soul you will ever meet—except he’s only taught twice in his life, just got put in as a replacement for a prof who tripped down the stairs, and gives you the most god-awful final exam known to man. he’s also stressed out (on your behalf) at any given moment, to the point where he just passes everyone with an 80 and calls it a day.
yuta: the hip, fashionable prof who only serves looks and random commentaries on society in the middle of his lectures. undergrads fight to the death to join his research group, but the ones who make it eventually realize he spends most of his time partying with the department’s money. yet still, groundbreaking work comes out of his lab every year…
doyoung: retired from research a few years ago to teach full time, but not a single person knows why. he may offer the clearest, live-saving explanations in his lectures—but he constantly looks like he wants to go home and will decimate your entire existence with a single look if you ask anything about the syllabus two weeks into the semester.
jaehyun: the hot single prof. every single freshman girlie has a sickening, concerning, fanfic-esque crush on him. some go as far as nearly failing his class and then booking office hours with him before finals, only to find out that he’s been using Doyoung’s teaching material for years, without credit. he is very much horrendous at teaching on his own. and very much gay.
jungwoo: wanted to go into early childhood education, somehow got coerced into doing his masters, then his phd, then post doc, then— still fulfills his dreams by treating his students like kindergarteners. this includes gentle parenting of frat boys who won’t shut the fuck up during class, handing out healthy vegan treats, and encouraging “mindful moments” while you write the hardest exam he has ever administered.
mark: refuses to teach because he doesn’t think any of the kids will take him seriously, is forced to anyways by the department. as a prodigy so fucking removed from what it’s like to be stupid, he ends all his quantum lectures with “this is pretty straightforward,” and books it back to his lab on an electric skateboard. yes he built it himself. no he won't let you try and ride it.
haechan: shares an office with mark and spends most of his free time figuring out which organic compounds he can mix together to perfectly recreate the texture and smell of cum. if he doesn’t show up to class, it’s because he’s terrorizing pigeons on the street for science. shows gruesome videos of explosions and chemical fires for a chemical safety lecture. has had the fire alarm pulled on him at least twice.
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daydreamingyuta · 1 year
NCT Soft Thoughts #10
127 as Types of Kisses 
Jaehyun and Doyoung’s favorite place to kiss you is your neck. Especially when you are busy doing something, he would come behind you and wrap his arms around you, moving your hair out the way and kiss you. I feel like he would also like to watch you doing whatever you are working on for a little bit while he hugs you from behind.
Jungwoo and Taeil’s favorite placed to kiss you is on the hand. It’s just such a simple and subtle way of showing that he loves you. I think he would also intertwine your hand with his after his kiss so that he could hold your hand for a while. 
Mark and Haechan’s favorite place to kiss you is on the temple. Whenever he feels a lot of love for you he can’t help but to pull you close and give you a quick kiss on the temple. And he would especially like to kiss you here when you two are cuddling. he would see you drifting off to sleep and give you the sweetest kiss on the temple right before he falls asleep himself. 
Johnny would love to kiss you on the top of your head because he is so much taller than you. Especially when you are giving him a hug. He would even hold you into the hug for longer so he could give you multiple kisses as you laugh into his shirt because he’s such a cutie. 
Yuta and Taeyong’s favorite place to kiss you is on your lips. I feel like he would think that this type of kiss is the highest form of intimacy, because you are the only one he kisses like this. He might give his mom a kiss on the cheek, or his grandma a kiss on the hand, but these types of kisses are only for you and he loves that. 
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3raaaachachacha · 1 year
11:02 pm
Lee Mark x female reader / 443 words / fluff / suggestive
Warnings: mentions of nudity, making out, oral female receiving, mentions of alcohol
Disclaimer: contains 18+ content; minors do not interact
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
Mark and you weren’t one to let things get this heated since everything was still quite new for you, yet today, after a few drinks, time seemed to cave in and suddenly, his body was very close to yours. His breath was like an intoxicating drug on your neck that sent shivers down your spine. His body was so close to yours, yet not close enough as his hands caressed your sides before spinning you around and pushing you against the wall. One of his hands was placed firmly on your waist and the other was holding him up against the wall. His eyes glistened with neediness as his Adam’s apple moved while gulping.
You felt intoxicated by his scent like you couldn’t breathe as you searched for his eyes. Once serious now a smirk, plastered across his face as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip.
“You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now,” He whispered in your ear as the hand on your waist squeezed slightly.
Mark pulled you to the bed as he carefully slid your dress straps down your arms so that he could have more access to your skin. You shivered at the sensation of his hands traveling down your spine to unclasp your bra. He slid it off with ease and for the first time, you are left exposed and vulnerable in front of him.
“You’re okay with this right?” He asked with a hint of concern once he noticed your change of demeanor.
You hummed while gazing up at him, “Yes, I'm okay, this is okay,” You spoke softly, feeling your cheeks heat up from the alcohol flowing through your veins.
Mark couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at your cute state before he dipped his head down to kiss the curve of your breasts. You moaned out in content as his tongue flicked over your sensitive nipple. Your eyes shutting automatically at the feeling of his tongue working its magic.
It definitely felt weird, but a good kind of weird. You were usually reserved and shy, but Mark made you feel like you could be yourself without having to change. You moved your hand to grip his blonde locks once you felt him sucking harshly on your flesh in several parts of your chest.
“You look like a work of art baby,” He chuckled against your skin as you couldn’t help but giggle softly from his comment, shying away from his eyes. Mark took a hold of your hands as he placed himself on top of you, "Relax for me baby, just let me do all the work tonight."
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🌶️
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