#Dr Brian may
debdarkpetal · 3 months
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rogers-maraccas · 1 month
Random collection of Queen photos
Really, these are random, there's no theme
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annlizzita · 2 years
Peter Freestone private photos from his book "Right Place, Right Time"
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Love John's hair and make up...
Thanks deakycheaky - Instagram
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
It's Sir Dr Brian Harold May's birthday today and I absolutely love and adore him, and I have been posting stuff on my Queen sideblog @rogers-maraccas, but I felt like posting this long rant on here because I FEEL LIKE IT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME AND I WANT ALL YOU FUCKERS TO HERE ABOUT THIS BEAUTIFUL AMAZING MAN!
Out of all four members of Queen, I do not have a favourite, I love them all equally, not just for their music, but for them, because they are all great. But today is Brian's day, so we must discuss him. Next week will be Rogers birthday.
Firstly, Brian's talent is absolutely incredible and playing guitar like his is one of the things that keep me from quitting guitar. I watch him play guitar solos and I see the way his fingers move and how they can just, how the fuck do I say this without it sounding weird, finger the strings and he can move them up and down and jesus Christ this sounds weird but I don't fucking care because it's fucking Brian May.
I will admit that he is not THE best guitar player in the world, there are definitely some, specifically Jimi Hendrix that tops Brian, but to me, in my opinion, he is still one of the best. HE IS SO FUCKING TALENTED. And its not just guitar, he can write songs, he can sing really good, his voice is amazing and so gentle and soft and I love it. He has solo albums that are really good and I definitely recommend listening to them. My fav solo album of his is Back to the Light, and even though I don't have an absolute favourite, I'm Scared and Resurrection are definitely some of my favourites, and Let Your Heart Rule Your Head gives me the same sort of vibes as '39 which is just one of the amazing Queen songs Brian wrote.
Speaking of songs, Brian has written so many hits for Queen, as has the rest of them, but this post is focusing on Brian:
Some great songs he's written that I can think of just at the top of my head:
Fat Bottomed Girls, We Will Rock You (y'know, StOmP stOmP cLaP), '39, Now I'm here, Stone Cold Crazy, Sweet Lady, Tie Your Mother Down, Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together), Who Wants To Live Forever and Headlong.
Plus the, in my opinion, very underrated songs that are fucking great that he wrote:
White Queen (As it Began), the story behind the song is both very sweet and sad on its own, Father to Son, Brighton Rock, It's Late, Mother Love, Dead on Time, Dreamers Ball (absolutely fucking love this song. It's so good), Dancer, Dragon Attack, Sail Away Sweet Sister, Save Me, Tear It Up and Is This the World We Created.
That's not even all of them.
And his lyrics are so fucking great as well, as are the rest of the bands songs, but just look at some of these beautiful lyrics.
"Take me to the room where the green's all green" and "Take me to the room where the reds all red" from Dragon Attack
All of '39
"You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese" from Sweet Lady
"She used to be a woman with a hotdog stand" from Headlong.
Lyrics master right there.
I am aware that all the band chipped in to write The Show Must Go On, which is in my opinion the best Queen song and I could go on and entire different rant about that, but the lyrics and meaning behind it is amazing, and you get beautiful gems from those lyrics like "my wings are painted like the wings of butterflies, fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die. I can fly my friends"
Oh my gosh and we can't forget that he is incredibly smart. He has a fucking PhD in astrophysics for fucks sake, he's a doctor. I remember reading somewhere that his IQ is 180, which is just seven IQ point thingys lower than Sheldon Cooper. If he wasnt a very famous guitarist then he most likely would have been a very successful astrophysicist.
Plus he's fucking knighted.
He has also accomplished so much outside of Queen and his solo stuff. He loves animals is an animal rights activist, publicly speaking against fox hunting and culling of badgers. He fucking loves badgers. And lots of different animals. I have multiple photos of Brian with animals.
He helped open the Mercury Phoenix Trust charity which was opened in honour of Freddie Mercury to help fight AIDS.
He bought a bunch of land where trees were going to get cut down to build houses and saved those trees and is now called May's Wood.
He would go on TV after Freddie died and stand up for Freddie and speak up against the press and all the negative very untrue things people were saying about Freddie. (Just pointing out he is not the only one that did this, Roger also did an amazing job on speaking out)
There is a lot more things than I mentioned but you get the point and my brain is blanking.
OH YEAH, he played live at the top of Buckingham palace.
Also when asked by someone if we would ever hear what happened inside of the legendary Queen parties. His response was just a couple seconds of silence and then...
And of course we can't have a Brian appreciation post without mentioning the Red Special. The Red Special is Brian's guitar that he's had ever since he was a kid, and he's used it at most shows (I find the fact that he didn't have it during Live Aid is a fucking crime). He made the guitar with his dad when he was a kid. I can never remember how old he was if he was 12 or 15 or something. Him and his dad made it out of some old furniture or something like that where the wood was really old and pretty much rotting. It's fucking amazing.
And he improvised and experimented and used a six pence coin as a pick and it gives it a unique sound. One time my sister and I was in a car and I was listening to my own music and my sister told me Queen was on the radio so I listened and she had never heard that song before and she heard the bit with the guitar solo and I asked her how she knew it was Queen and she said she recognised the sound of Bri's guitar. If his guitar broke I would cry for him and the Red Special.
And I know this is talking about Brian, but I just feel the need to point how good of an actor Gwilym Lee is. He played Brian in the movie, and he was the most accurate out of the entire cast in my opinion. When Brian showed Bohemian Rhapsody to his kids they thought that his voice was the actual Brian's voice just overlapping and Gwilym was lip sinking. He wasn't, he's just that good.
I've been watching Bohemian Rhapsody while writing this, and I started this towards the start of the movie and now I'm up to the bit where Freddie finally ditches Paul so I'm gonna stop here.
Just remember that Brian May is an amazing man who is extremely talented and kind and has done extraordinary things, even more than on here. If I ever met him I would tell him that and tell him I love him more than I can say and maybe even more than some of my friends and that he has changed my life in ways I can't even understand.
What a man.
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Absolutely adorable
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manyrandomfandoms · 6 months
trying to read Brian May’s PhD dissertation with my high school space class knowledge of spectra, Doppler effects, constellations and other random space features is both incredibly rewarding and also hurting my brain
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petewentzsvaginabones · 2 months
Happy Birthday Dr. Brian Harold May!!!
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happy birthday to my greatest inspiration and my favorite silly guy <3
hope you’re having a great day Bri
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rebelacrobat · 2 months
Happy birthday to astrophysicist, animal defender and rock legend, Brian May 🎂🥳 thank you for all your songs, especially White Queen (As It Began) and Who Wants to Live Forever 🖤
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(couldn't find the photographers names, these are two of my fav pics of Brian)
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the-frog-draws · 9 months
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Freddie is doing his thing. Brian is Done.
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brianmaysleftclog · 3 months
I was going through my blog and realized just how much of it is just pictures of Brian..
I may be a little gay..
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jeffcbliss · 10 months
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Sir/Dr. Brian May (left) and Adam Lambert of Queen - BMO Stadium; Los Angeles, CA (11-11-23). @DrBrianMay @adamlambert @QueenWillRock
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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queenies-bug · 2 years
Brian May Knighted
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debdarkpetal · 1 month
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rogers-maraccas · 2 months
Some photos of Brian because it's his birthday and I love him
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And a bonus with Joan Jett:
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Happy birthday Brian, we all love and appreciate you so much
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 2 years
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I'm so proud!! good job Sir Brian May, guitar legend, Astrophysicist, AND NOW KNIGHT-
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Just a reminder that he is an amazing man who care sand loves for all people and animals, and is a great friend. Along with ultimate rock guitarist, astrophysicist, knight and animal rights advocate. You continue doing your amazing things and making your amazing music.
Brian's a fucking legend.
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‘39 is for the lovers
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