5mind · 7 days
👻 Explore a haunted house (AM and Antares)
👻 Explore a haunted house
As far as Antares was concerned, this was just a house. Or rather, any house could be haunted if it had the right history behind it so this might as well be just any other house with a dark history behind it. What sets it apart though is that apparently it was haunted enough for it to be outright abandoned.
Antares stopped in his tracks, outright froze, as he felt and heard a presence. He spun around expecting either some totally normal squatter or some paranormal bullshit. He was not expecting that one guy he'd run into before while trying to bury a body in the woods.
"Oh. It's you.." He blinked behind his visor. "Here to hide something again?"
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reubyocs · 11 months
Send me    “ what happened to you? “    for your muse to find mine bandaging up a wound.  (TO Avon from Dr. Chandra)
Avon is currently sitting upright with his left leg out of his trousers. His right arm has broken off, and is laying next to his leg, holding a pair of scissors for him as he wraps the bandage around his leg. Avon had accidentally sliced himself with a katana his dad had received from one of his yakuza business partners and was now covering the wound.
"I-I'm um." Avon stutters, attempting to hold the bandage out so his loose arm can cut it for him. He's a bit nervous, having now noticed Dr. Chandra talk to him. Having a quick scan over his own systems, he has no recollection of meeting this peculiar man. "I- I accidentally cut myself on one of my dad's weapons. It's fine. I'll be okay." The loose arm cuts finally manages to cut it for him, allowing Avon to clip the bandage to itself. He pulls it tight, making sure it won't slip off his leg.
"W-who are you?" Avon asks, slipping his leg back into his trouser leg. There's a huge cut in his trousers, matching up with where Avon accidentally slashed himself. He picks up his broken arm, feeling it wriggle in his hand as he cautiously watches Dr. Chandra.
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chaosmultiverse · 7 months
[ tuck ] sender tucks receiver into bed(Sal to Odyssey, I know it's silly but Sal has an urge to take care of small beings 😂 and she thinks they are adorable).// Only if you want of course //
Odyssey had gotten to run around the lab unaccompanied as Stargazer was busy with Colossus or something, they honestly hadn't paid that much attention. Either way, it was getting rather dark now and it seemed like Sal had some sort of plan for nighttime.
Which is how they found themselves being tucked in, they looked up at Sal curiously, the digital display on their eyes animated a blink to show this.
"Am I susposed to sleep now? I don't really have that function programed, but I could turn off my eye lights and it would look like sleep. Hey what is sleeping like? Do you know?" They ask from under the blanket, while they held a multiverse worth of knowledge they really lacked in experiences.
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vanellygal · 1 year
"I miss Joshua... I would do anything to see him again. Then again we never could go to England alone in the first place, so that sucks...if there would only be a way to go see him.... " (Edgar to Johnny)
Johnny was boredly flipping through the channels on the television. He had his elbow on the arm of the couch, and leaned his head against his left palm. "Yeah, I miss him too.". He gave out a long sigh. He began to ponder of a way for Edgar and Johnny to travel.
"Hmm, I mean we could ask someone to take us.". He then turned off the TV and stood up to stretch. "Ooor, maybe there is a way to fly alone! My folks had me fly out on my own to see Ben in New York. I recall having a permission slip, but it didn't matter because-". He began to do a mocking voice. "Just throw him in cargo.". He huffed in annoyance.
"Cargo.", the word played back in his mind. Suddenly, the wheels began to turn. "Wait, that's it! First, we find a flight to England, then we sneak into the lower deck of the plane, and when we land we can look for Joshua!". He glanced over at Edgar. "So what do you say Edgar? Are you up for adventure?!". He said excitedly.
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technodromes · 8 months
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@drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais / Joshua / sc
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[🪄]  "You want to see a magic trick, is that what you're implying~?"
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
( @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais - Continued from here!)
“Oh, this office is one of many in a neighborhood of offices,” Thursday explains patiently. She knows the concept of a multiverse of offices that are connected to each other can be confusing even to adults, much less a child, so she endeavors to simplify it wherever possible. “Basically think of a neighborhood of houses. Each house is its own universe. The houses all exist in one area together that is its own universe. And they’re all connected to each other. That’s how these offices work! Mine is just one. There are at least dozens of others. Pretty amazing!”
The Narrator is happy to share in the child’s excitement about prehistoric creatures, until he’s suddenly upset about not getting to actually see the prehistoric creatures in person.
Caught off guard she leans back and blinks.
Oh dear. She hasn’t been around a child throwing a tantrum in a long time. How does on handle this situation?
“Okay, all right,” she says, attempting to placate him. “You weren’t being rude. You’re excited! And why shouldn’t you be? I mean, we’re talking dinosaurs here! The pinnacle of awesome things, yeah?”
And there are the puppy dog eyes. And fidgeting with the stuffie. Oh she’s weak against that. Very weak. Thursday doesn’t have any children of her own, but if she did, she knows she’d be a total doormat. Her best bet for raising children would be to have a partner who isn’t afraid of putting their foot down where hers would never be touching the ground.
“Well. Maybe we can work something out,” she says with a smile. And Thursday, being the trusting creature that she is, doesn’t have any reason to question that the portal gun might need recharging. “Just like, a quick peek won’t hurt anything, will it? And your portal gun needs to be recharged, this ought to give it some time to do that, eh? All right! Come one with me while I fetch my friend.”
The Narrator stands up and brushes off her pants from where she was kneeling down on the floor.
Leading him off to where the friend in question resides, she says, “Now, my friend is a little different than, ah, quote unquote ‘normal’ folks. You see, she’s a ghost. Those don’t frighten you, do they? There’s actually a couple of ghosts who live around here, her being one of them. She can float around and sometimes make scary faces, but I’m sure she’ll tone it down for you. Just don’t be alarmed by the glowing yellow eyes - she can’t really do anything about that. And her teeth. Yeah, sometimes those look like shark teeth, but she can’t and won’t hurt you, I promise you that. She’s just gonna take us to see the dinosaurs, sort of like a little field trip.”
When they reach the ghost’s room, Thursday knocks on the door a couple of times, flashing a reassuring grin down at Tau while they wait for her to answer.
Moments later, the door creaks open and floating there, just as described, is a ghost. Who looks nearly exactly like Thursday herself. Everything from her hair to her eyeglasses to her clothing is an exact copy. The only differences are the ones Thursday herself mentioned, with the addition of the way her brunette hair fades with a ghostly bluish transparent effect. And her skin, the way it’s deathly pale, to the point of simply looking like alabaster.
The ghost grins, momentarily flashing the aforementioned shark teeth before they transform and dull themselves right before Thursday and Tau’s eyes. She gazes down at the small child and then back to Thursday, expecting an explanation.
“Hi,” says Thursday, casually as ever. “Tau, this is Ghostday. Ghostday, this is Tau. He accidentally found his way into our office while looking for woolly mammoths. We were hoping you’d be able to take us to see some. You know, just a quick peek, make a youngster’s day.”
“Ohohohoho,” the ghost laughs, her yellow eyes glowing even brighter. “Why not? Just make sure you don’t get lost, or you might get stuck with them forever, ehehehehe.”
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hallow-grove · 4 months
"I think I would like to go to this new amusement park that opened a while ago! I heard they have a really neat roller-coaster! I want to try it out! Can we go there, Ellen? I always wanted to... " (AM to Ellen)
“Which amusement park?” Ellen asked. She hadn’t heard of a new one, though she hadn’t exactly been keeping up with those things. “Is it close by? I suppose it couldn’t hurt. No upside-down roller coasters though. I don’t want us falling out.” She was quickly becoming a bit more protective of him.
She got up from her desk, closing her laptop and stretching. She had been working for some time now. In truth, Ellen could use a break. She overworked herself a lot these days. It helped her to stop from thinking of things that frightened her, like the days back in the caverns. But, maybe having fun would help as well.
“Is it a big park or something small? I can’t imagine it’s very large if it’s new.” She said, wondering just what this park might be.
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townofcadence · 1 month
❛   sit .   gesture  for  my  muse  to  sit  down .(Dr. Chandra to Artair)
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"Uh... Okay." Artair slowly takes the seat that had been gestured towards. Once seated on the edge of the cushion, his hands came up to wrest on his legs, fingers carding together where they met just past his knees.
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alabonshay · 2 months
❤ - A compliment
Muse Reactions // Closed
───┉─¡! ¤ !¡─┉───┉─¡! ¤ !¡─┉───┉─¡! ¤ !─┉───
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There is a feeling of lightness in Evergreen's chest. However, this is only brief. What next? Were they simply working the courage to demand something utterly absurd? "How kind," the Duchess says at last. She clears her throat and carries on observing the fields through the window.
A remark about her appearance, or taste, was expected. It could be a fun game to figure out the other party's motive in doing so. But newly returned from a weekend about town, Evergreen had been served those shallow reassurances at every corner. She was utterly exhausted of them. If only praise were genuine, and perhaps about her accomplishments!
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@drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais sent in a starter:
" take it easy. you're safe now, but you need to relax. "(Sal to Alma)
Alma didn't even remember what happened. All he knew was that he had a throbbing headache and was not where he thought he should be. He recognized this place as Dr. Chandra's sanctuary, but had no idea how he wound up there.
"What happened? Who are you?" Alma asked Sal, trying to sit up but quickly abandoning the motion when it made him dizzy. "Something is wrong with my memory files. I can't recall..." He frowned as he tried to access the memory of what had happened to him, only to reach a corrupt file. "Was I hit in the head?" It would account for the pain, as well as explain any damage to his core processor.
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nightwing-scp · 2 months
“Stop shining that flashlight on me! I’m not a damn ghost!”(Tycho to Night)
Night intentionally stood still for a few moments, pointing at him with the flashlight strapped- no, built into her arm, before she lowers it, still not turning it off.
"Well, you may not be a ghost- and if you were, it's not like a flashlight would be much use- but I think a dark underground lab is a perfectly acceptable setting to be using a flashlight."
She tried looking around, but couldn't really make out what exactly was going on in there.
"So... You work down here? What do you do?" she asks, casually, as if it's perfectly regular to just stroll into the Sanctuary's laboratory without any forewarning.
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5mind · 1 month
🐚- When treasure hunting, what do you look for? Stuff that sparkles and shines or dusty ancient relics?(Antares)
🐚- When treasure hunting, what do you look for? Stuff that sparkles and shines or dusty ancient relics?
"Anything that'd look like it'd sell on ebay."
"Or at least something I can pawn off...I don't really go treasure hunting or anything though." Not unless the Agency explicitly tells him to go looking for something. "Maybe I should.......if treasure exists...."
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hate-letmetellyou · 3 months
Headcanons for Ellen and AMs relationship in our AU, if you have any
--AM is sometimes the child that Ellen never got to have, although it does mess with her a lot that he's the very reason for that (she went to therapy for that).
--Nonetheless she can't help wanting to care for him in small ways. Checking in on him, bringing him an occasional treat.
--Her kindness towards him greatly helps to develop his empathy and...remorse. She's the first prisoner he apologized to.
--But he knows that doesn't change anything, and nothing can make up for what he's done. So he may push Ellen away sometimes, because being around him can only cause her more grief right?
--Even if Dr. Chandra was the first human to be kind to AM, Ellen will always have a special place in his heart. The idea that someone could forgive him for all he's done is...
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chaosmultiverse · 8 months
“   my   wisdom   is   both   a   blessing   and   a   curse  .   ”(Colossus to Stargazer because I need them to interact more 👀)
Stargazer let out a small hum, he had been quietly observing Colossus working in his part of the lab, making some light conversation when it seemed Colossus wanted that.
"I've seen many wise and intelligent people echo that across worlds, I think that might just come with it. Though I am curious what makes you say that in this case?" Stargazer muses and asks.
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vanellygal · 1 year
Colossus and AM stumbled out of a portal, at first not knowing where they were, the taller android looked around, furrowing his brows as he couldn't find a clue.
"This is all your fault, AM...if you hadn't played around with the portal gun, this would never had happened!" AM just glared back at Colossus, using his hand to wave off any complaints. "Let's just ask someone where we are. Like these guys over there!" He went over to a small group doing his best effort to smile genuinely. "Hey, we kind of got lost, could you err... help us!?"
Heaps of metal settled in the scrapyard. It was dusk, and barely a soul around. However, there was one junked railizen laying at their feet. It's limbs were snapped off from the knees and elbows. There was a crack on it's left eye, and suddenly it barely sprang to life. "S-shh, stay quiet o-or the owner w-will hear y-you.". His glitchy voice spoke in a hushed whisper.
"O-or even worse. T-they'll get you.". He stated eerily, alluding to something. Soon, a giant overhead magnet landed on the android, and lifted him up. "I-it's my time to g-go. F-farewell my f-f-friends.". Finally, he could find peace. He shut his eyes, and was dropped into a metal grinder.
Immediately, a silhouette of a man peered from less than a mile away. "Hey! I thought I told you railizens to stay out!". The owner growled in anger, and instantly fired his double barrel shot gun. It blew a hole in an rusty car beside them, barely missing.
If they chose to run, there was a sign that read, "Cedar Point, 10 minutes away.". It featured an humanoid, particularly Gloria, on the cover. The question is, do they visit? Now another important detail, is on the back of the ad was another one. It was hard to read, "Visit G_a_ga L_k_ today!". How peculiar.
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technodromes · 8 months
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@drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais / meme
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How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
// Honestly it really depends a bit. Generally, I am bad at approaching people with questions as mentioned here, but I like sending memes or talking about muses and plots. There are people I click with immediately and chatting with them is rather uncomplicated (though I think I can get a bit overbearing too when I get VERY comfy), but with other people, I might feel a bit intimidated and just don't know where to start things off. I constantly work on myself, but certain habits or treats just take a while to get better about. I got my Autism/ADS diagnosis only a few years ago, so there's that. I know I had a few bad habits that I got a better grip on in the meantime, but I also alienated partners a bit in the past. And some bad experiences I made make it harder for me to approach new people too, because I am equally afraid of getting screwed over and screwing up.
But sometimes I get these sudden plot ideas and that's when I just jump at people randomly out of the blue like HEY I'VE GOT THIS CRAZY IDEA.
What’s a good way to start talking to you if people are scared to?
// Filling my interest checker is a good way to start, tbh. I find talking about our muses and interests is always a great way to talk to me if you prefer that over just small talk. Like, you've seen nice new merchandise? A movie? Discovered a new series? Talk to me about it. I also find it easier to come up with plots when both know more about the other's muse/s and their common interests/habits, so that's a win-win.
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