#Dream OC Inspired By A AI Artwork
bluepoodle7 · 8 months
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#DreamOCInspiredByAAIArtwork #Eddie #EvilScientist #Janet #ZableFable #MyDreamIdeasFleshedOut
(This is from a dream I had maybe like a better version of the AI scientist I saw online. 2/3/2024)
I hand drew him myself and I tried my best on what he looked like in my dreams and he did differ from the AI scientist I saw.
I made a sketch of him that I will Ms paint test color later.
What I wrote down It's about a unknown virus that eats up your mind and body that most resort to being part machine and spliced with shifter Dna to keep their memories.
Also this scientist dude named Eddie.
He made the idea of inner bag realms and the crystal realm jumper clickers everyone in the Zerphra Company uses to travel to new realms or worlds.
Zable's boss cheaped out on a broken crystal realm jumper clicker with a crack in it.
Zable randomly realm jump crosses a unknown world and got Janet which is Zable's translator.
Unknown to Janet she doesn't remember her having a husband but vaguely remembers having kids.
Eddie remembers Janet and is shocked to see his robot sloth body is working while still keeping his wife's body in capsule to keep this mystery illness at bay while his body is slowly getting worse.
The illness is like a mix of a disease that makes body parts fall off and a illness that messes with memory.
Eddie has a monocle and few robot parts but it has half normal human hands with a few robot fingers from a mystery illness that affected his realm.
His face was half robotic and half normal with the monocle is on the human side while his robot eye.
His vision acts glasses like. He has a tanish/ginger root skin color and I would make him Hispanic.
He likes to study languages from other worlds and is Janet's husband.
He tries to learn new things each day to keep his mind sharp and to find a cure to this Illness by buying shifter Dna to try to analyze it to see if the adaption gene can curse the illness.
He does grow insane when he is alone with his thoughts & the stress of finding a cure.
While having his wife's body in the capsule started downloading her memories then Zable realm jumped with Zericon to this world to deliver a order then when she returned back her stepwatch acted funny then her fake bootleg ring glowing then out popped Janet.
Seemed the Janet's robosloth body was absorbed within the ring when the downloading process was happening while also not fully downloading Janet's full memories.
Eddie tries to give Janet clues on who he is but these just go over her head and she finds him creepy.
Eddie still loves Janet and still tries to jog her memories with videos.
He text's Zable's phone blowing it up asking if Janet is okay and always wanting to chat with her.
Janet is confused why this person is so determined.
He is 7"5. Eddie Recordar and Janet Lane are the full names of both characters. Eddie is 45 but looks a little younger from the shifter dna. Human Janet is a black woman and is 40. Human Janet is 5"10 and before the mystery illness happened was a normal realm with a city, parks, and a famous theme park with a cave with the gem stones that are in a raw form before cut into realm jumper clickers. Eddie's favorite foods are Torta's with cactus and menudo. Janet's favorites foods are ramen, menudo, fruit salad, and tortas but with runny egg. Janet was working as a cave tour guide while her husband worked in the ideas department of the cave tourism while also making souvenirs.
Later both of them noticed people were not visiting the caves like usually then everyone started coughing real bad then later the both decided to close up shop.
Later Janet got the worst of the unknown illness down to the point of brain fog then later forgetting important thing but unlike her husband her body was mint without the any limbs missing but the husband was the reverse.
Seems like Zable's upside down blue heart necklace may have pulled Janet away from her world to be with Zable.
Janet is curious about this new character they met in that world but is just wants to check it out and finally tell him to leave her alone forever.
Eddie would just fang smile with a hand on his face at that response with his human eye twitching and will try to calm himself down while giving Janet space.
Eddie will plot to finally finish the memory download but will check on their kids and help them out with their future while slowly loosing his sanity in the process.
He even plots to interview with Zable and trap them while taking Janet away.
Seems like the loneliness, insanity with the mystery illness has fully taken over him.
He will change forms when he wants since the orders he buys are shifter Dna genes but are actually from YipYop the villain of the story.
YipYop also made their underlings release a mysterious mist in the air and in the water that affects the people there.
This forces the people to use their shifter Dna to fully control the people to use as reinforcements to find Fable and bring that shifter to YipYop to finally kill it.
While also giving the people false hope with a cure this illness while returning to normal and healing them.
The Ai art that I'm talking about.
[OPEN 2114] Dr. Icarus Ignition // AI ADOPT by TERATOXIN on DeviantArt
If this character had a theme.
Video not mine but link is there.
Gina - NEED FOR MADNESS ? (youtube.com)
Image not mine but link is there.
Comic Style Drawing of a Mad Scientist with a Brain Stock Illustration - Illustration of diagram, frankenstein: 267261163 (dreamstime.com)
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misslittlemisfit · 2 years
Ai art created by Wombo, prompted by me, and inspired by @mooncleaver’s fic My Queen My Sun and My Sea
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Oke so
I need to rant about AI and my mental health and anything that comes to mind while i write all this bullshit bcuz its 5am and i gave up on sleeping
I've been looking for inspiration for another oc redesign on Pinterest. And im not sure if i got in some rabbit hole of ai garbage but ive seen every artwork i checked out being accused of being ai generated
It got to the point where I genuinely cannot tell whats ai and whats not.
Before i didn't like where the ai was going with the chat bots ai art and deepfakes but i didn't really care
Back then art wasn't really good and everyone with basic knowledge about art could tell whats ai generated
And now, sice i started taking art much more seriously the ai progressed so much it got me thinking that ive wasted my life
A skill that ive been learning for years with a dream to live of off it now became useless bcuz anyone can do better within seconds with a use of ai
A dream that got me through the worst times, dream of becoming a character designer and having a fulfilling and fun life with that stopped feeling achievable for quite some time now
And ive always told myself to just push through no matter what everyone thinks (and most importantly no matter what I think) but recently it got really damn hard so i dont know how much longer i can keep going with my ignorance alone
In conclusion
I fucking hate ai and where its going
And also life is getting hard
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feral-coffee · 1 month
I guess it's been long enough since a certain (now blocked) idiot was asking me for my real name and where I lived. Yeah, out of nowhere, they gave a fic of mine I'd posted here a like, which was awfully strange for someone reblogging so much bs about Trump being the holy savior god ordained to drain the swamp of liberals, all of which who groom and sell kids. Strange, when the fic was about a gay man living out his fantasy and leaving half of his fortune to his gay sidepiece and half to his wife and family. Yeah, that like wasn't fooling me, and I've been around a certain working community long enough to be distrustful of people with too many and too specific of questions, especially so early on in an interaction.
And as per my previous pinned post, minors DNI, because the last thing I need is more accusations that I'm grooming a minor/minors with flimsy evidence. (Last time, I was accused of being a pedophile because my 100+yo robot OC was doing things (washing dishes, cooking, etc.) with a 49yo undead cyborg, roleplayed by a minor, but *somehow* dishes and food are 'inherently sexual'. If I 'groomed' the kid to do anything, it was to do his chores, I suppose.)
So, yes, I set my own entire blog to 'Mature', and my fics tend to be set more conservatively, I tag on AO3, even the stuff that's implied in the fic and not spelled out (welp, spoilers), and I set individual posts to 'Mature'.
I also block pornbots and creeps looking to hookup. I may be kinky, but I'm also ace and taken and while some use it as such, Tumblr is not actually a dating app - if it were, I wouldn't be on here. That said, I'm on AO3 as windblownsand.
Tangent (WIP, in the process of a rewrite, I'll get back to it eventually, but probably not terribly soon - was Steam Powered Giraffe, now Original Work)
A Toast to Hell (Fragments) (WIP, currently writing and it's about to get a bit spicy by fan request - mostly Ghost and one OC is inspired by Brian Stableford's David Lydyard trilogy, two other writers' (vennycat and osiris-iii-bc) OCs are also mentioned)
One shots:
Eternally Yours (inspired by a song by the same name, by Spiritual Front)
The Demitasse Out of Time (a much older work of mine inspired by HP Lovecraft)
Reanimatdeer (inspired by a really weird dream I had, Original Work)
Fin (post-apocalyptic, post-humankind, AI, Original Work)
Other writing:
Dream Cycle (permanent WIP until I die, each chapter is a different reoccurring dream I've had)
On my Internet Archive account and track 10 here (free downloads, but give credit where credit is due when sharing)
Drawings and Paintings:
Nothing posted yet
Anyway, be weird (not boring), but don't be weird (creepy). Most of my reblogs will be of Ghost fanart, some of ramlightly's work, mentions of crappy behavior in fandoms, and sometimes other things.
If you'd like to make fanworks of my writing, let me know so I can reblog it and/or mention it here in my pinned post.
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Abrasax and the ghoul by osiris-iii-bc (Go check out her artwork, it's amazing. She also writes, so please check out her writing as well - links are in her pinned post) - based on a scene in A Toast to Hell (Fragments)
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ronaldanthony4 · 1 year
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Oh dear, guess what? I just finished working on another piece of digital art, and let me tell you, it's all about my beloved OCs Arlon and Liliana! You know, those two are like the epitome of my perfect idea of romantic love. So, here's the scoop: I decided to place them in this amazing lush and flowery garden, surrounded by nature's beauty. You wouldn't believe it, but I made sure to capture them in their most natural state, just being themselves, vulnerable and without barriers and enjoying each other's company. The colours of the flowers perfectly complemented their vibrant personalities, creating a visually stunning and captivating scene. As I added the final touches to the artwork, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness radiating from the image, as if their love had come to life on the digital canvas.
Now, let's talk details! This time, I went for a half-body shot portrait, you know, to keep things intriguing and not give away everything in one glance. I wanted people to take a closer look and really appreciate the essence of their connection. Oh, and there's a little twist – I intentionally left out any hints or clues about what's going on between them. You'll have to really dive into the artwork to uncover all the layers of their story. The composition of the portrait is carefully crafted to enhance the mystery and intrigue surrounding their connection. By omitting any visual cues, viewers are encouraged to interpret and create their own narratives, allowing for a more personal and immersive experience with the artwork. It's an invitation to explore the depths of their story and discover hidden meanings within the layers of the painting.
Oh, Liliana and her love for Arlon – it's just heartwarming! I made sure to depict her wrapping her arms around him in a tight, affectionate hug. It's like she can't spend even a single day without being close to him. I mean, who could blame her? Their love is something so pure and sweet that it's practically tangible in the air around them. As an artist, capturing the essence of their love was a joyous challenge. I wanted to convey the intense emotions they share through every brushstroke and colour choice, allowing viewers to feel the warmth and tenderness radiating from the painting. It's a testament to the power of love and its ability to transcend time and space. And you know what's cool? I took inspiration from an AI-generated artwork for their pose, and Liliana's hairstyle also got a touch of that vibe.
But wait, there's more! To really capture that dreamy and utterly blissful atmosphere, I decided to add this super cool effect. I took a slightly blurred version of the artwork and superimposed it on top of the main image with about 50% opacity. Can you believe the effect it created? It's like a subtle dream within a dream, adding this layer of enchantment to the whole scene. You'll feel like you're peeking into a magical world where their love blossoms like the flowers around them. The soft edges and gentle blending of colours create a surreal and ethereal quality, enhancing the romantic ambiance. It's as if the artwork itself is alive, breathing life into the love story depicted. The overall effect is mesmerizing, transporting viewers to a realm where imagination and reality intertwine seamlessly.
So there you have it, my latest masterpiece. I poured my heart and soul into this piece, trying to balance the serene beauty of their surroundings with the passionate love they share. It's moments like these that make me love being an artist – the ability to capture emotions and stories in a single frame, and transport people to a world where love knows no bounds. I can't wait to see how this artwork touches the hearts of those who lay their eyes upon it. Creating art is a profound way to connect with others, as it allows us to communicate universal emotions that transcend language and culture. The power of visual storytelling lies in its ability to evoke empathy and inspire introspection, reminding us of our shared humanity. As an artist, I am humbled by the potential impact this piece may have on viewers, and I hope it sparks a sense of wonder and ignites their own imagination.
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