#Drew Misham
nyaagolor · 3 months
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It’s a zoo out there, Apollo Justice
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penny-nichols · 7 months
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wrightfamily · 1 year
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more here. happy april 19th
[ID: A screenshots of various discord messages, texts, and tumblr posts edited with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney sprites over them.
image 1: Trucy Wright: *sending a meme featuring a picture of a young woman dramatically dying in the rain while another person holds her. the text says "she overdose on yaoi cocaine"*. Ema Skye: can i make a joke about your absent father (note: she is referring to Zak Gramarye). Trucy: yea
image 2: Apollo Justice, disgruntled: Just saw an adult man growl at a qr code on the wall (A translucent Phoenix Wright glares behind him, indicating it was him.) 
image 3: Drew Misham (called "Dad" in this screenshot): Have you ever thought of creating Nightcore anime images? For example: (the rest of the message cuts off here)
image 4: Trucy Wright: *grinning with her hands behind her back* Guess what?? We have a rabbits nest in our backyard. Apollo Justice: *looking at a sheet of paper* ok. Trucy: *angry with her hands behind her back* Does nothing matter to you?
image 5: Magnifi Gramarye: As chair of the wizard- [PARRIES A SPELL] As chair of the wizard counc- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL] As chair of the wizard council, I- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL] As chair of the wizard council I think staffs should be illegal during these meetings. Valant Gramarye: oh i thought this was the staff meeting.
image 6: Trucy Wright (with Phoenix Wright laughing behind her): I used to love ancient pottery until my stepdad bought me my first hammer. Now i smash that shit on sight.
image 7: Ema Skye: Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005. Wocky Kitaki: io che nonostante sia atea dica “grazie agli dei” e simili perché si io non credo in niente ma miliardi di persone hanno religioni e dei differenti ed io non voglio far sentire escluso nessuno . Ema: im frankly lucky the above reblog is about how theyre an atheist because there is nothing more terrifying than saying something slightly blasphemous and seeing a paragraph of italian in your replies.
image 8: Disbarred Phoenix Wright: no context november. figure it out. Apollo Justice: *thinking* what is this in reference to. Phoenix: figure it out.
image 9: Ema Skye smiles and says "your boyfriend fits in a test tube. im putting him over the bunsen burner". Klavier and Apollo have distressed expressions behind her.
image 10: Phoenix Wright, looking off into the distance: were you the one that said 5 year olds should get jaw reshaping surgery. Kristoph Gavin, angry: what i never said that. (Kristoph smiles) i said they should get an eyebrow lift.
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turtlelioni · 8 months
Krisnix has the potential to be so deliciously fucked up hear me out
We always talk about Kristoph's influence on Phoenix, how it drove him to be this secretive, conniving sleazebag that we see in AA4, how Phoenix had to bear this man watching his every move for seven years and put up the friendship front at least every day every week. Can we talk about how resilient that is of him I couldn't stand to suffer that in silence with all my loved ones away from me. And to pretend you're that bitch's friend without bitching about it to anyone later? self inflicted torture.
but also
Phoenix, for however long he suspected Kristoph of ruining his career, never suspected him as capable of murder. And I don't believe that he was capable, not of the hands-on kind that he commited with Zak, but Kristoph was driven to the edges of his sanity with Phoenix as well. We know that he attempted to poison Drew and Vera Misham almost at the same time he got Phoenix disbarred, and while it was vile, it was all calculated. Flawless. Clean.
Which is why the way he murdered Zak is so fascinating. Kristoph Gavin, the coolest defense in the west, the gentleman attorney, hit this man with a bottle over the head. It's messy. It's desperate. It's his last shred of composure being obliterated, because during the seven years that he stalked and manipulated Phoenix, he was under his scrutiny as well.
He knew that Phoenix suspected him to some extent. Aside from the loose ends that he hoped would be resolved in time, he knew that this man had friends with inexplicable "bring back the dead" powers and that his best friend was Miles Edgeworth, whom he most likely has gone up against. He knew that Phoenix was only playing dumb with him, because whoever could best him at poker every single time could not be a complete fool.
Phoenix drove this cold, calculated killer into a barfight murderer. He brought him to the brink of desperation in trying to cover his mess and they only knew half of the shit each other were doing during those seven years.
Just the poison as symbolism for their whole relationship, man. Phoenix trusting Kristoph at first, slowly realizing what he's really done to him, him poisoning himself in return by being around him- the drinking, the dishevelled appearance, the backroom poker playing, Kristoph becoming more paranoid, more desperate, more risky.
Phoenix was aware of the fact that the man he was hanging out with had the potential to turn him and his loved ones out on the streets, but to find out that he was also a murderer? Capable of both the insidious kind and the hands-on kind? the betrayal. the anguish. just when you build a tolerance to him, he attacks you again.
I could easily see Phoenix develop an even deeper paranoia, having all of his house and belongings tested for poison after AA4.
I could see it actually being there.
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laughing-moonlight · 2 months
I love how the culprits of Apollo Justice are:
Kristoph: Obsessed with seeing other people suffer. Meticulously plans everything. Has contingencies set in place. Spies on like six different people for seven years. Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychopath. Has some sort of repressed trauma. GNC af. Whore for nail polish. Skull-scar. Sucks at poker. Failed to kill a child with nail polish. Sleeps with Phoenix Wright. Goes completely insane.
Alita: Yeah I just shot a guy and blamed it in my fiance. Also the guy I murdered strangled me and tried to dump me in the river. My fiance is a furry and the heir to the Kitaki mafia. I like scarves.
Daryan: Yeah I just shot a guy and blamed it on a blind, non-english speaking child. Also I smuggled poisonous cocoons and my hair has anime jiggle-physics. I call my guitar "Geeter". I like sharks.
Though, I gotta say. Honestly? Not even the worst way Apollo could've started his career
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whispers-of-gallifrey · 2 months
*glen elg hovers in the background*
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Maybe it was fear... An omen...
Mr. Misham will return in Turnabout Corner's prologue soon! I just felt compelled to draw him after editing the investigation phase for a while.
If you haven't seen or read it yet, we're working on an Apollo Justice Trilogy rewrite! Catch up here:
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the-bar-sinister · 1 month
Consider: Drew Misham, lifelong career criminal who happily used his isolated, neurodivergent child as a "the sims painting goblin"---
engineered her supposed attempted kidnapping himself in order to terrorize and control her.
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askaceattorney · 4 months
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Dear Super Bully,
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Hey, I can play this game too! Watch!
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You're stupid and I'm going to eat your face!
That sucked.
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No, it didn't! It was awesome!
- Athena Cykes
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malewifedickgumshoe · 19 days
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phoenix: psYchE LoCKs
drew misham: what the FUCK are you talking about
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nyaagolor · 3 months
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I’m running out of captions for these. Little guys round… six? I think?
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aceattorneysafesearch · 4 months
Hyvhvjv I missed two days I'm so sorry
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The mishams are safe!
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spoon-of-plankton · 2 years
—Apollo Justice Ace Attorney spoilers!!—
What each character in aa4 would drink most often (I’m the authority bc I say so)
Beanix: Grape juice of course, man’s a full on alcoholic
Apollo: Black coffee or iced tea
Kristoph Gavin: Water with a splash of lemon juice. he’s pretentious, definitely drinks a lot of water for his skin, and it’s easy for him to get in jail. But not tap water, he’d make them buy like fiji water bottles for him and he’d pour them into crystal glasses.
Klavier Gavin: All the Gavinners have a brand deal for some pop drink like Metal Samurai Soda now with real metal flavour! It’s not great but they get paid for every sip they take.
Trucy: She drinks the same pop as the Gavinners bc it’s popular even though she doesn’t really like it that much
Ema: She wants to seem like a black coffee girl but she’s really a matcha frappe with extra whipped cream girl
Wesley Stickler: Black tea for his image but he desperately wants to put milk and sugar in it
Lamiroir: Lavender tea, not too hot bc she can’t burn her throat
Wocky Kitaki: Monster energy. And way too much of it.
Alita Tiala: Makes Wocky buy her some super expensive frilly shit. Like bubble tea from an aesthetic place.
Machi Tobaye: Milk. He’s a milk kid.
Spark Brushel: Mouthwash.
Drew Misham: Paint water.
Vera Misham: Water with lemon juice bc that’s what Kristoph drank when they met up
also thank you barenakedladies for being a consult on this post 😌
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probablygayattorneys · 9 months
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Here's a sneak peak at my piece, Castles Crumbling, that I wrote for the @aabadendingzine which is open for preorders this entire month! It's based off of Turnabout Succession and absolutely nothing bad happens at all in the entire story which you can trust because when have I ever led you astray, other than that one time we were playing Among Us and I was definitely the imposter?
It's pay what you can with all proceeds going to the Transgender Law Center, and you can preorder here, so please consider giving it a buy!
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laughing-moonlight · 2 months
Fuck it. Vera Misham gets (literally or emotionally) adopted by Valant Gramarye post 4-4 and it's the best thing that's ever happened to the both of them.
(Even if he's still in jail) Valant would be such a good father-figure for Vera and is probably the one she needed all along. And my girl gets to be Fathered by one of the magicians who she has a hyperfixation on.
Valant gets to break the shitty Gramarye-guy parenting cycle that he and Zak inherited from Magnifi, and Vera gets a Dad who helps her get the courage to go outside and doesn't claim her talents as his own. Plus both of them had a large stake over the Gramarye case (and god knows that everyone involved in that shit-show needs therapy of some kind).
Vera goes to cousin Trucy's magic shows and Phoenix bonds with Valant over being a GirlDadᵗᵐ. Yeah, this shit would be so healing for the both of them.
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