#Drive School Essendon
Local Drive School Essendon & Driving Lessons VIC
Are you feeling prepared and fully equipped to assume control of the steering wheel. Do you want to navigate the vehicle with confidence and skill? So, you must select the perfect drive school Essendon.
It is crucial to understand that this decision holds significant weight. It also has the potential to either enhance or hinder your overall experience in acquiring the necessary skills.
Features to look for in a reliable drive school Essendon 
So, are you ready to embarking on the journey of finding the perfect school? Then it is of utmost importance to prioritise the qualities of trustworthiness, reliability, and quality instruction. Ensure that the driving school you choose possesses established attributes. This will not only guarantee a fulfilling learning experience but also lay a solid foundation for your future endeavours.
We understand that selecting local driving instructors can be a daunting task. There are numerous options available on the market. However, fret not! So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of driving schools and explore the key factors.
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Do your research
When it comes to selecting the perfect driving school in Essendon North, the process can often feel overwhelming and intimidating. Making the right choice is crucial. So, it is of utmost importance to meticulously conduct thorough research. 
Moreover, this diligent investigation will enable you to acquire all the indispensable driving skills. All these driving skills are essential for your future endeavours on the road. Make sure you find a drive school that is registered in the local area. 
Make sure you choose the option to filter schools based on their lesson packages, class size, payment methods, etc. By incorporating these additional filters, you can enhance your selection process.
Choose from a range of driving lessons packages
Let's assume that now you are looking for a drive school Essendon. If so, it is crucial to ensure that the chosen institution can provide you with a comprehensive and tailored lesson plan.
These lesson packages must perfectly align with your individual needs and goals. And that's why you must choose a driving school that offers a well-structured and thoughtfully designed curriculum. By doing so, you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality of instruction and guidance.
So, take the time to thoroughly research and evaluate the available options. Are you considering expanding your driving skills? For example, you may want to explore and potentially master manual driving. When considering which driving school to choose, it is important to ensure that they offer comprehensive lessons in manual driving. 
In this case, you may opt for manual driving lessons. You will then gain a deeper understanding and mastery of the mechanics and intricacies of operating a manual transmission vehicle. This knowledge will enhance your driving skills. It also provides you with a greater sense of control and confidence on the road.
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Refresher driving lessons by drive school Essendon
Do you feel that your driving skills and confidence on the road could benefit from a boost? Then it might be worth considering the option of enrolling in refresher driving lessons. These lessons are specifically designed to help individuals like yourself who already possess a valid driver's licence. But you may wish to enhance their abilities behind the wheel. 
By participating in refresher driving lessons, you will have the opportunity to review and reinforce your knowledge of traffic rules and regulations. You can also practise various driving techniques in a controlled and supportive environment. This additional training can be particularly beneficial if you have not been driving regularly. 
Look for professionally trained driving instructors 
Are you currently in search of highly skilled and qualified driving instructors who have undergone extensive professional training? You must then ensure the utmost safety and proficiency on the roads. It is of utmost importance to have driving instructors who have real experience. They must have successfully completed a thorough and rigors programme of instruction in the specialised field of driving education. 
By placing an emphasis on this crucial aspect, we can effectively enhance the overall quality and competence of drivers. This also helps in the prevention of risks and hazards associated with operating vehicles. So, you must carefully and thoughtfully select instructors who have successfully completed a formal training programme.
By doing so, you can have complete peace of mind. You know that you will receive the most current and cutting-edge knowledge and expertise on road rules. 
The instructor you choose will help you prepare for your driving test
This meticulous selection process is crucial to becoming a competent driver in the future. It ensures that instructors possess the latest information and are equipped with the necessary skills to effectively impart their knowledge to you, the learner. 
With their up-to-date training, you can confidently navigate the ever-evolving landscape of road rules. Then you know that you are receiving the highest quality instruction from qualified professionals.
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Their knowledge on testing routes
Now let's get to know one of the significant advantages of enlisting the services of a highly skilled and experienced driving instructor. It is the invaluable knowledge they possess regarding the multitude of testing routes. This extensive familiarity with the diverse routes ensures that they are well-versed in the intricacies and nuances of each specific route. This enables them to provide comprehensive guidance and instruction to their students.
The fact that they possess this wealth of information is remarkable. These highly-trained driving instructors equip their learners with the necessary skills and expertise to navigate any testing route with confidence and proficiency. 
This advantage enhances the learner's chances of successfully passing their driving test. Only a reputable drive school Essendon can offer you such qualified instructors. 
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drivingschool123 · 1 year
Ready to become a confident driver? Our driving school in Essendon offers personalized lessons to help you achieve your goals. Book your lesson today!
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pokerobbo · 2 years
Week Four - Fuckin Whore.
Well as the weeks go on I was under the impression that shit was supposed to get easier but it hasn’t yet. I guess I’ll keep waiting (like I did when I was younger and I was expectant that my dad would return from getting that pack of cigarettes). Port Augusta is currently a minor with a machete holding up Woolworths away from being Alice Springs and I don’t much care for it (much like I don’t much care for paying $650 a fortnight in Child Support). What’s the solution though? Back when I was 13 I was watching Mr Squiggle and playing my gameboy, these little cunts are smoking darts and playing real life grand theft auto (legit. Witnessed it with my own two eyes.) One night earlier this week I was called a ‘fat white dawg’ because I told a young bloke (probably about 13 or so) that I didn’t speak English when he asked me for a smoke. Anyway I digress. Let’s get on with it.
Health wise there isn’t much to report on however KFC have bought back $10 for 24 Nuggets which I fully intend to support. I don’t give a fuck what anybody says there are three certainties in this world; 1 WTA tennis players do not deserve equal pay they play half as much in grand slams, 2 Liam Jacobson will always lose in a fight and 3 KFC has the best chicken nuggets hands down. End of week weight is 123.2 KG.
Financially things are moving along slower than George Pell walking through a school yard (not cause he’s a pedo but because he’s dead ya freaks!). At this rate it wouldn’t surprise me if Essendon win a finals match before I’ve paid off my debts! After my upcoming trip to see Rick Hernandez and Podge I’ll be able to put more money onto debts.
On the subject of Rick and Podge; all though they both support shit AFL teams I’d like to show them some appreciation. Rick has been with me through thick and thin and is always there when I need him (admittedly a lot of the time it’s when he isn’t in a legal state to drive, but he’s there none the less). Rick has a heart of gold and will drop what he is doing quicker than Edwin Chung on an unauthorised iTunes account to help out any of his friends. He has been one of my closest friends for the last 9 years and despite him supporting the Adelaide Crows I will put up with him for the rest of my life. (Side note: if you every need anyone to break through a door with a knife or hockey stick he’s your man. He’s allegedly quite good at it, he’s also not a bad beer pong player, not that he’s ever beaten me). Podge is a somewhat new addition to my life; and although she apparently can only bear Daughters (like seriously how the fuck else is your child going to excel at sport. Grow up Podge) she is definitely one of the people I want to have in my life long term. Get you a Rick and Podge and life improves immensely.
Mentally I’ve been doing okay (mentally I have moved from Jeffery Dahmer to Kanye West) but I have started the process of getting the right support (not that drunken phone calls with Rick Hernandez aren’t helping).
That’s all I can muster for now and I apologise for the lateness (although better a blog be late than a period; am I right?).
Until next week;
Be a good cunt.
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m00kieblaylock · 5 years
I was tagged by my looooove @witchywasteland 💞💞💞
1. Name: Molly, never had a proper nickname so Molly it is 💕
2. Zodiac: Leo babyyy
3. Height: 169cm
4. What time is it: 15:43pm
5. Favourite musician or group: Oh God. I once answered an ask of my top 10 and gave like 70. This is an impossible question. If I find that list I should just pin it to my forehead.
6. Favourite sports team: I only follow Australian football because zero other sports interest me. I love my Essendon Bombers 🖤❤️
7. Other blogs: Nope!
8. Do I get asks: Very rarely. Always open though.
9. How many blogs do I follow: 1375. Jesus.
10. Any tumblr crushes: I mean I don’t even know what this means but I kind of love 90% of you so 😉
11. Lucky number: my favourite number is 44.
12. What are you wearing right now: leggings and a uni sweatshirt, kind of my uniform at this point.
13. Dream vacation: anyone who has had longer than a five minute conversation with me knows this answer. Ireland is hands down number one on my list. I’d love to spend a few weeks there and just see every inch. I’d also love to visit Scotland, The Netherlands, Italy and like a million other places. If I went to the US I’d want plenty of time there and go to cultural cities and really live there not just see sights. I’d also love to visit more of my own country too.
14. Dream car: As a kid it was a Lamborghini hahaha but now just a regular car is fine. I really like old big utes but I don’t think I’d be able to drive them.
15. Favourite Food: Greek and Lebanese food are my favourite. I also love sushi.
16. Drink of choice: Tea, specifically Irish Breakfast owns my heart. I love Lemon, Lime & Bitters. Also, a good whiskey with ice. Or a whiskey and dry. Recently I’ve also liked Rosè.
17. Languages: English, sometimes. I also speak a fair bit of Bahasa Indonesia from high school.
18. Instruments: I wiiiiiiiish. I could barely play the triangle.
19. Celebrity crushes: too many to count! So a starter pack: Andrew Hozier Byrne, like duh. Tom Hardy, Andy Samberg, James McAvoy, Ewan McGregor, Michael Hutchence, Lady Gaga and like a million other musicians.
20. Random fact: um. This is where I forget every inside my head.
I tag @vulcanette @wastelandmaddie @nina-skywalker @andrewjhozier @v-i-d-e-n-o-i-r @survivor-reborn 💋💋💋💋
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totalconway · 4 years
Drinks at the Pub, ends in short film opportunity...
So a little back story first, I started performing stand up comedy in 2012 and by 2013 I was lucky enough to win the state leg of Australia’s largest open mic competition Triple J RAW Comedy and headed to Melbourne to perform on the ABC.
Following that experience I was given a lot of opportunities to perform support spots purely based on that RAW comedy credit.
One case of this was performing at Rottnest Island for their Rottofest summer comedy which was held every Friday during the summer. Rottnest Island is a hot bed of local and international tourist, and the Island’s Gov’s Tavern where the gig is held would often sell out (120+ People) the crowd was always a mix of high profile people and obnoxious drunks (most of the time both)
On one particular Friday night, I was performing, and not to brag blowing the roof off the joint and in the crowd was none other then the President of my favorite sporting team the Fremantle Dockers Football Club.
At the time, the Fremantle Dockers board was facing backlash from the supporter base because they wanted to move the Dockers training ground from their spiritual home of Fremantle Oval to a state of the art, purpose built training facility in Cockburn (Yes Cock Burn) which is about a 30 minute drive up the road.
So after the gig on Rottnest Island, I get introduced to the president of the Dockers with the intro line “Hey Sean, tell him what you think of the Cockburn move” and you can see his look go from chilled and calm to “I seriously got to deal with this shit on my holiday”. I just told him “I’m pumped for it” and I was, its been a good move for the Dockers and I started reeling off the benefits for the move etc etc. We hung out had a few beers and the whole night I was spun out that I was hanging with the president of the Dockers.
I went back to work on Monday telling people I got to hang out with the President of the Dockers, with a bit of fake bravado swagger to jokingly let them know I only hang with A-Listers now! After a couple of days I didn’t think anything of it and went back to gigging and working.
A few months down the track I get an email from the booker of Rottofest Summer comedy asking if I’d be keen to Star in a short film for the Dockers. Its not paid but if the film is one of three winners of the competition I’d receive one of the tickets to the USA which was up for grabs. Honestly, they had me at “Star in Dockers short film”. 
Apparently the opportunity was between myself and a Perth duo called Henry & Aaron. Henry & Aaron are film makers/comic actors who pretty much went viral on youtube with every film they made (Talking millions and millions of views) and they lost out to my RAW comedy set that had about 12 views purely because I had a few too many beers with the president of the Dockers. 
When I got the call to go meet them about the project I was incredibly nervous. I had a whole pitch prepared about why I was the best candidate for the job “I fucking bleed purple” because I was still thinking I had to audition for the film but essentially I had already been cast in the film. Their only concern was whether or not I could fit in the costume because I’m a big fat dude they had to see if I would be able to squeeze into it. The whole time I was terrified of ripping it because it’s a $3-$4K costume.
Once the costume fit (just) it was straight to work. It was a great project to work on because they gave me a lot of creative control of my character, and I really wanted to portray a David Brent (The Office) like character, like a really fat black sheep in a white herd.
So we started filming in September of 2013, just after the Dockers had beaten Geelong in an away game in the first week of the finals. So the Dockers had a weeks break before they played Sydney in Fremantle’s first home preliminary final in two weeks time. This was a huge moment for the club because If we win this it will be the first Grand Final the Dockers have ever been in. 
The first day of shooting was super intimidating, not because I was meeting some of my football idols but because the night before the first day of shooting I watched a documentary called Catching Hell about the Chicago Cubs fan Steve Bartman who was blamed for the Chicago Cubs not winning a game that would of sent them to the world series. Not the best film to watch when you’re about to work with you’re sporting idols on the eve of the biggest game in the clubs history. To say it made me super paranoid the whole shoot is an understatement, and it didn’t help that the first shot of the day was with the Dockers marquee player Matthew Pavlich. The scene was me jumping on his back, FUCK RIGHT OFF. I’m twice the size of Pavlich and you’re dreaming if you think I’m jumping on his back. If you watch the scene I take the “mark” and I’m nowhere near Pavlich.
It was a great shoot because everything was time sensitive, the players had their other appointments so we literally only had 10 minutes for each shot with the players so we flew through the script. 
I got to meet a lot of the players I was fans of like Ryan Crowley, Nat fyfe, I didn’t get to meet Michael Walters but the scene he’s in, my fat is hanging out of my footy jersey and I did hear him say to David Mundy “That dude looks like a bag of oranges” which was funny, but Ideally I would of preferred he made the joke to me so I could of gained a fan when I busted his balls back, but unfortunately it wasn’t to be.
The last shot of the film was me gate crashing a press conference with Michael Barlow . Barlow did the interview and the CEO at the time did a big speech thanking the media for their support throughout the year and if they wouldn’t mind hanging around for 10 minutes so we could get our last shot. We smashed out the shot in 2 takes, boom we’re finished, I’m told not to tell anyone about the film until it airs the following week, easy enough right.
Wrong, the next day I’m back at work and people are looking at me like I’m the biggest piece of shit in the world, because one of the media outlets had filmed me gate crashing the Michael Barlow press conference, and passed it off like I was genuinely gate crashing the press conference. 
I had to tell people it was for a film which didn’t help the situation because they thought because I do comedy it must have been some Jackass type movie I was doing. It also didn’t help the situation that Radio talk back shows were crucifying me saying how unfunny I was and how big of a dickhead I was for gate crashing the Barlow press conference, but I didn’t care too much because I knew the film was coming out the following week. It didn’t stop my Mum and my sister writing a long scathing letter to the radio station about how they should do their research before they try to shame their baby boy on the radio. Luckily I was able to stop them from sending it out.
The film came out the following week as well as the entries for the other films that we were competing against, the winners would be based on who had the most likes, shares and views. The first film we were up against was by the St Kilda Saints who managed to get Eric Bana to star in their film, it still makes me chuffed to think I starred in a film that went head to head with an Eric Bana film. The second film was by the Melbourne Demons which was a documentary about a child fan who was very sick, third place was us, and the rest of the films were Essendon Bombers which was fucking terrible and a few other teams who I can’t remember.
The film was released the night the Fremantle Dockers played Sydney Swans in a game which would determine who would be playing Hawthorn in the grand final the following week. Literally the clubs biggest game in their history at that point so the game was sold out and 50,000 people got to see me make an ass out of myself and it was humbling how much the Dockers supporters loved it.                     But more importantly the Dockers smashed the Swans and were headed for their first ever Grand Final.
Being the Dockers fan I am, there was no chance in hell we were missing out on seeing the Dockers play in their first Grand Final. I had cousin’s overseas who cut their holiday short to make it back in time for the Grand Final. It was such an amazing experience heading over for the grand final, and thanks to the film I was a bit of a star amongst Dockers supporters. I was flying over with my dad and at the same time One Direction were flying in and all these young preteen girls were waiting for them with signs and screaming for One Direction. I’m chilling with my dad waiting to board our flight and a family of Dockers fans came over and asked for a photo. All of these young preteen girls were looking at me with a confused look on their face wondering who I was and while they were distracted by me, One Direction walked past the crowd of fans with out any of them noticing.
The morning after we arrived in Melbourne we went straight to the Grand Final Parade which is one of the biggest events of the AFL Grand Final week. All the fans line the street to watch the two competing teams drive through the streets of Melbourne and ends with a big speech on the government steps and the captains of each club holding the trophy in front of their screaming fans. When the event finished all the Dockers fans turned to walk away and saw me in the street. Everyone stopped to shake my hand and to get photos, treating me like a full blown celebrity, even a girl who I had a crush on in High school asked me for a photo and I got to experience all this with my family watching. It was a very surreal and amazing experience to say the least.
The next day was the Grand Final, all the Dockers fans met at Federation Square before the game so we could march to the Melbourne Cricket Ground like soldiers marching to war. It was a sight that Melbourne people have never seen by an interstate club, which made me incredibly proud to be a Dockers fan. Being apart of the film, Dockers fans continued to stop and cheer me as we all marched to the MCG. 
When we got to the MCG I was starting to get anxious for the game, my cousins could see me becoming more anxious, which is why they started screaming out "Look it’s the Unsung Docker” every 5 minutes. I had Dockers fans lining up to get a photo with me and then Hawthorn supporters and famous AFL commentators would walk past with a look on their face like “Who the fuck is this guy”
The Dockers ended up losing the Grand Final and we headed to the Dockers after party which felt more like a wake. After the Dockers lost the game I also found out that we also finished fourth in the film competition behind the Essendon Bombers who got the fucking Janoskians to pump out their film amongst their fans and got their views up with comments like “I’m only here because I like the Janoskians” (I’m still bitter about it). In one afternoon I managed to see my favourite team lose the ultimate prize and have my payment for the film pinched from me by some shit head kids, it was a rough way to end what was otherwise a truly amazing experience.
I wasn’t too disappointed though, the film helped me get an acting agent in Sydney which has lead to some amazing acting opportunities. I’ll share some more stories down the track. The Dockers unfortunately haven’t made it to another Grand Final since 2013, but hopefully one day I’m at the right bar at the right time to have a drink with the new president of the Dockers and we can get the wheels moving on The Unsung Docker 2 
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Driving Test Essendon Fields Rates & Packages
Are you about to prepare for the driving test Essendon? You must then enrol in a comprehensive and well-structured driving course. You can then equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully pass the all-important driving test. 
You need the guidance and expertise of experienced and professional driving instructors. With their range of driving lessons, you can gain confidence behind the wheel. You must also learn the rules of the road in a safe and supportive environment. 
By investing in quality driving lessons, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your goal of obtaining a driver's licence.
What is the driving test Essendon?
Becoming a safe driver is a process that involves overcoming several hurdles, one of which is passing the road test. This test is designed to evaluate your ability to operate a vehicle safely and responsibly on the road. Passing it is a crucial step towards obtaining your driver's licence. 
It requires a combination of knowledge, skill, and confidence to navigate through various traffic scenarios. When you want to learn to drive, you must demonstrate your ability to follow traffic laws and regulations.
While passing the road test may seem daunting, it is an achievable goal with proper preparation and practise. By mastering the necessary skills and techniques, you can increase your chances of passing the road test. Ultimately, you can become a safe and responsible driver.
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Driving test rates and packages
Pricing will change significantly based on the driving lesson package you choose. Packages of lessons might last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Packages of any length are available upon request.
Rates might range anywhere from $200 to $500, but on average, they are between the two.
How do I face the practical driving test Essendon?
Individuals who hold a learner's licence are permitted to continue practising driving for as long as they require. This means that there is no set time limit or deadline that they must adhere to in order to obtain their full driver's licence. As such, learners are encouraged to take their time to be fully ready. So, you can ensure that you feel confident and comfortable behind the wheel before attempting to face the actual test. 
You must wait until you feel completely confident in your driving abilities before taking the driving test. Learn everything about the driving test criteria. It is important to ensure that you have developed the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a vehicle on the road. 
Never rush
Rushing into taking the test before you are ready can lead to mistakes and potentially dangerous situations. Therefore, it is crucial to take the time to practise and gain experience behind the wheel before attempting the driving test Essendon.
The route that is being referred to, which is the test route, is also being included in the context of the discussion. It's important to establish a good rapport with your driving instructor. And as such, you will feel comfortable discussing any concerns or questions you may have. 
Don't hesitate to bring up any issues that may be bothering you. The driving school in Essendon is there to help you become a safe and confident driver. By communicating openly and honestly, you can work together to address any challenges and ensure that you are making progress towards your driving goals.
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What if you feel anxious? 
What if you feel anxious or uncertain about the driving test Essendon? It can be incredibly helpful to have your instructor accompany you. You can have someone with experience and expertise by your side, which can provide a sense of reassurance and confidence. And this allows you to approach the task with a clearer mind and a stronger sense of purpose. 
So don't hesitate to ask your instructor to come along; their presence can make all the difference!
You are under no obligation whatsoever to bring anyone along with you. It is entirely up to you to decide whether or not you want to invite someone to accompany you on your journey. 
During the driving test Essendon, you have the choice to have your instructor accompany you in the vehicle for the entirety of the examination. This means that you can have the guidance and support of your instructor throughout the test. And this can help alleviate any nerves or anxiety you may be feeling.
Request a repetition from your examiner if necessary
What if you find yourself unable to hear an instruction properly during your test? Then it is important to remain calm and composed. Rather than panicking or becoming flustered, simply take a deep breath and politely request that the examiner repeat the instruction for you. 
By doing so, you can ensure that you fully understand what is being asked of you and can proceed with confidence and clarity. Remember, clear communication is the key to success in any situation. And taking the time to clarify instructions can help you achieve your goals and perform at your best.
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Get to know your test routes
Nobody can predict road traffic. But you must familiarise yourself with the surrounding area and the test routes. This can prove to be extremely beneficial in helping you feel more confident and prepared on the day of your driving test. 
Take the opportunity to explore the area and become familiar with the routes. You can then gain a better understanding of the road conditions and potential hazards that you may encounter during your test. 
Engage in a diverse range of road practises to ensure that you are well-equipped to handle any situation that may arise. This means that you should not limit yourself to just one type of road. Rather, you should explore a multitude of different road types, such as highways, residential streets, etc.
Driving in various settings requires learning new skills
When it comes to taking your driving test Essendon, it is always a good idea to hope for dry and sunny weather. This is because dry and sunny weather can provide optimal driving conditions. 
However, you must have ample practise sessions with your instructor in various weather conditions, including both rainy and sunny days. This will help you gain a better understanding of how to handle your vehicle in different weather scenarios. And as such, you can prepare yourself for any unexpected situations that may arise while driving. 
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caspiandrivingschool · 9 months
Excel on the Road with Caspian Driving School Essendon
Begin your driving journey with confidence at Caspian Driving School Essendon. Our expert instructors provide personalised, safe, and effective training to ensure you're road-ready. Join us in Essendon for a top-tier driving learning experience!
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drivingschool123 · 2 years
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Maxi Taxi/Maxi Cab Melbourne
Vacation time calls for fun, excitement, and lots of traveling and moving around. You may be planning for travelling to some faraway city or even someplace just around your city or maybe planning to explore the unexplored places within your city. In any case, you would require to hire a cab service that will set you free from the hassles of traveling. If you are traveling with your family or with your group of friends, you would surely look out for a dependable Maxi Taxi/Maxi Cab Melbourne that takes care of all your travel needs.
Maxi Taxi/Maxi Cab Melbourne
With Quick Maxi cab services, all your apprehensions are sorted. We take care of each of your travel needs and what more?  Well, you get superior customer service and everything else, at a very reasonable price!
If you are traveling to Melbourne with family or friends, we ensure you a smooth traveling around the city so that you can make the most of your vacation time. 
Here’s how we can help you:
Around the clock services: Maxi cab Melbourne is available 24/7, which means you don’t need to worry about booking or boarding the cab even if it’s an odd hour. All you have to do is to book the cab online with the provided form on the website or go with the old-school method of calling on the numbers provided on the website and everything is sorted. Once you have booked your cab, you can now relax and plan for your next move around the city!
Easy pickups and drop offs: With Quick Maxi cab services you can rest assured of the easy pick-ups and drop-offs. If you have booked a taxi from the airport, we make sure that our services for Maxi Taxi/Maxi Cab Melbourne are available in the best possible ways. Your cab will reach the airport 10 minutes before your scheduled arrival time and you can check out of the airport and board your cab right away, without having to wait for a taxi to come. Now, isn’t that cool?
Well maintained cabs: Quick Maxi cab services comprise a well-maintained fleet of new vehicles, so you don’t need to worry about sudden breakdowns as well. We know how embarrassing and total waste of time it is to have a vehicle break down in the middle of a journey. We ensure all our vehicles at Maxi Taxi/Maxi Cab Melbourne are in a top-notch condition always, so they run smooth and you don’t find trouble moving around.
Budget-friendly fares: Booking a Maxi taxi can never be an expensive deal with quick Maxi cab services because we offer very nominal fares that are budget-friendly in the truest sense. If you are travelling to Melbourne for the first time or you are a frequent visitor, you will never find any raise in the cab fares and you can truly enjoy your commutes, as Melbourne airport Maxi taxi provides you with the most budget-friendly fares ever! So don’t bother about the bucks, just have a good time with your family when you are travelling to Melbourne.
Riding to and from the airports: You may arrive at Melbourne via Melbourne Airport, Avalon Airport, Essendon Airport or Moorabbin Airport and we will be right at your service at all these places. If you are travelling alone or with your family or friends, we ensure you a hassle-free Maxi cab Avalon airport booking so that your commute to the city is smooth and enjoyable.
Well trained and supportive drivers: If you are new to the city or even if you are not, we understand that as a client you would want the services of the best kind. Quick Maxi taxi service provides you with well trained and supportive drivers. They can move you around the city easily as they are very well conversant with the routes and the traffic. They can easily take an alternative route in case there is heavy traffic and drive you safely and on time to your destination.
With Maxi taxi Avalon airport booking or online Maxi taxi booking, you can rest assured of the most impeccable services at your disposal. If you are planning your next trip to Melbourne, book your favorite Maxi cab and feel the difference for yourself.
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ldasbiztips · 3 years
What We Offer You with Driving Lessons in Essendon Fields
What We Offer You with Driving Lessons in Essendon Fields............
Getting your driver’s license requires a significant financial investment as well as a significant time commitment over many months to become test-ready. To ensure that you are getting the most out of your driving lessons Essendon Fields and continually making progress, you must choose the right driving school and instructor. Thus, you pass in the shortest amount of time possible while being safe…
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Well Done Deepali! Congratulations for passing your drive test at Essendon Fields Vicroads with instructor Ali
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Call 0431 336 996 for Bookings
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thehotbiztips · 3 years
Do you know why my driving test Essendon are better than yours? Well, you probably don’t, because not everyone will tell you this little secret. If you want to become a better driver and drive safely on the roads, then you must make sure that you check all the driving lessons that you take. This article will give you the point of view regarding this very important topic.
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bsternberg26 · 4 years
Sports Media Internship [BSM307]
Preparedness prior to commencing the internship and assimilation into the organisational culture
One of the keystones for educational institutions offering students internship programs is the transitional experience from the classroom to the workplace, where interns absorb practical knowledge and skills alongside common workplace skills (Maertz et al. 2013).
As I have stated in previous Tumblr entries for earlier subjects, the internship program at Holmesglen was unashamedly the driving reason for me enrolling in the sports media degree in the first place.
Now that I’ve begun the second semester and internship program is upon us, I’m excited and nervous at the same time.
Following on from the ‘Transitioning to Professional Practice’ subject we had in semester one, I’ve been utilising many of the tips and interviewing skills we’ve learned throughout semester one while applying for the position descriptions (which I have found quite daunting).
I had plenty of anxieties after submitting my CV’s but having secured six interviews from the eight internships I applied for, I am feeling quite confident about myself heading into the internship itself.
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Some of the feedback I have received regarding my experiences I’ve sought outside of the degree has been really positive. In fact, one of the organisations said I was the perfect candidate and that my CV’s was the standout ‘by the length of Flemington straight. One of my primary concerns during my time at Holmesglen has been securing opportunities outside of my studies to set myself apart from the other students, so that feedback meant a lot.
‘When a recruiter receives hundreds of those bulleted documents, that most probably look and read the same, it can be really difficult to know how to make yours, you and your credentials for the job stand out among the masses’ (Blair 2019, para. 3).
I believe I’ve put myself in the best position to perform and succeed as I enter the scary and exciting sports media industry.
It was an absolute pleasure for me to be offered a hybrid internship involving my top 2 preferences: Rainmaker and SEN. It’s an opportunity I jumped at and it has worked out better than getting one internship one or the other in my opinion.
I’ve begun my internship at Rainmaker quite nervously I must admit. The internship was one of the driving forces for me enrolling in the degree in the first place and now I’m here, it’s quite surreal.
The first few days I typically found myself twiddling my thumbs a bit as a look to find my feet, but I really feel like I’ve blended into the culture at Rainmaker. Obviously, I share interests with the employees there (sports and broadcast production), but even still I’ve been made to feel very welcome.
I made some mistakes, but I’ve received great encouragement while being shown the ropes. As I move forward with the first half of my internship, I’m a bit concerned as to how I’m going to get the 114 hour mark. The plan is hopefully to get an opportunity to work in the studio and create a small program myself so that I have something to show for my time, and something to soak up my time.
                                             Reference List
Blair, O 2019, 8 hiring experts on how to make your CV stand out, viewed August 8 2020, https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/worklife/careers/advice/a33054/how-to-make-cv-stand-out/.
Maertz, P, Stoeberl, C & Marks, J 2014, ‘Building successful internships: lessons from the research for interns, schools, and employers’, Career Development International, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 123-142, viewed August 8 2020, https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/46895517/Building_successful_internships_lessons_20160629-7050-1i7jdyz.pdf?1467232230=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DBuilding_successful_internships_lessons.pdf&Expires=1596861812&Signature=H52uEpN4p-tp6qtUld3zeHzcARPyIYFEx1j1MKFuM0FCY-wUlkZorM3TFP3cRiE5eBkiCqcyHeo2TkbM5MEyvZXOww04VY1ZreR00GBNM8z9rfZAEybgbrMUlNwKyHSBEXDO6v6OBfnWwlD9CLjdaoOkamPp9foSgODfRXXJZtnLGJg7TA9hvBxiPac4S5MG1KVDJgqebFx4ckSuevAOo0G8M8l93mvs7nW0Os8ARqjTCOr45wU4fgnFoU8oVpC5yilH-dLQ8tsrfslaD17QA68lGxfnaVdrVY9D9TJ-uOevTtBXfVrMyqpuFf0BpVit87PG2eH4jYzvCf2RX~EJOA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
Finding my feet in the internship and completing initial tasks (i.e. first 40 hours)
The transition from lecture rooms into the workplace can be stressful, as students may struggle to understand their role and responsibilities initially in new environments. According to van der Zwet et al. (2011) while being newcomers to the workplace, students can take time to become accustom to rules, professional hierarchies and interactions within the new workplace environment.  
My first few days and shifts at Rainmaker have been rather enjoyable, if not eye opening. Somewhat surprisingly, I have been working in house as oppose to remotely, which I’ve been grateful for. Having the chance to meet all the crew and be shown where everything happens (tv production, radio etc) was great, including having my own desk.
Most of my first few hours at Rainmaker were spent learning the ropes. David, Kane and Hayden showed me many tricks they do in terms of capturing visuals. My first task was to go through their program and record all the games through the end of the season (from halfway through round 15 to 17) so all vision required for promos/highlights etc where in the system. The guys also put me to task on capturing some goal highlights from Melbourne’s Christian Petracca from a game that previous weekend, which they were pretty happy with.
All in all, the guys I met through my first couple of shifts have helped me settle into the organisation structure really well, and I continue to meet more employees who all seem to be great guys and girls.
One of the first programs I was a part of was a pre-recorded program for a technology company called ABB. I played the role of the Electronic Visual System (EVS), playing the visuals and still graphics when prompted. I had to keep everybody alert as to when each clip would end, shouting down from 10, which I felt a little bit silly doing.
The first live broadcast we did was the Healesville Cup, which appeared live on the Greyhound Racing Victoria Facebook page. While I didn’t play too much of a role whilst on air, I did work with the graphics, renaming them so they distinguishable and putting in order to replicate the rundown sheet. Watching the broadcast live and seeing the scheduled rundown get thrown about was quite interesting to watch.
I also got my hands dirty with a couple of other programs, including The Winners (hosted by Jack Heverin) and the Essendon Football Club best and fairest award. During The Winners, my role was as floor manager, where I ushered the talent from ‘the background’ to the plasma when time come for their segment.
The best thing for me was to experience having the headset on and trying to sort stuff out on the floor while having somebody yell at me through my earpiece from the control room.
For the Essendon B&F I was in charge of the teleprompter, which I really enjoyed. Although there was a moment where I forget to prompt host Julien De Stoop that we were throwing to a graphic (which can be seen in the video below at 23:09).
I’m learning more and more and Rainmaker, and I truly appreciate the guys making me feel as welcome as they have. It’s time for me now though to become more proactive and ask questions and keep myself busy to get the best out of the opportunity Rainmaker have afforded me.
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                                               Reference List
van der Zwet, J, Zwietering, P, Teunissen, P, van der Vleuten, C & Scherpbier, A 2011, ‘Workplace learning from a socio-cultural perspective: creating developmental space during the general practice clerkship’, Maastricht University, viewed 24 September 2020, file:///C:/Users/Brent/Downloads/Zwet2011_Article_WorkplaceLearningFromASocio-cu.pdf.                                                       
Being an effective team member, contributor, building confidence & being efficient
Kira & Balkin (2014) discuss how individual identity can make an impact on the organizational environment as employees attempt to achieve alignment between work identity and work environment.
To that end, I have endeavored to portray myself as a willing contributor during the early hours of my internship at Crocmedia. While I feel like I have blended in to the group of people that work at Crocmedia (Rainmaker in particular) well, trying to be an effective team member has been somewhat of a challenge.
Like in most workplace environments there is of course already an established hierarchy, with everybody playing their own role. This is particularly important in television production obviously, especially during live broadcasts. As such, I have found myself sitting on the sidelines a little bit during broadcasts while only performing what I would describe as periphery tasks. It’s not quite an environment where I can use my initiative to do my own thing, in fact sometimes all I feel I can do is ask individuals if there’s anything I can help with (and sometimes there is).
Having said that, I am certainly getting more and more confident with some of the tasks I’ve been set that I’ve done multiple times. The floor management role I’ve had on our Saturday mornings has been great, and I’ve grown in confidence since my first attempt managing where to go.
Becoming more confident in this regard has ultimately helped shape me into a better contributor who can be trusted to do what I have to.
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While I have been shown a myriad of other roles, I feel as though I have not yet really had the opportunity to sink my teeth into them. In all honesty, this has left me a bit frustrated as I do get the sense that the director and producer (Kane and David) want to ask me to lend a hand with something, but pull short of asking because they’re unsure if I can do it (which of course is true when I haven’t had a sufficient go at those particular roles).
One definitive example of this was during the pre-recorded Cox Plate program when I was asked to copy some questions that had come through for the talent via Twitter onto the teleprompt. Once the email come through I chucked them in and was good to go, until I was told to go and collect the pieces of paper from the printer with the questions on them and give them to the talent.
Maybe the producer just thought that was the better thing to do, but I already had them in the teleprompt and am capable using it, so I’m not quite sure what to think.
I know moving forward we’re set to learn some other great skills which we’ll need to learn and I’m excited for.
So far I’ve been punctual, approachable, I’ve done whatever I’ve been asked to do, and I’ve been efficient doing it. Both Kane and David have assured both myself and the other intern we’re doing a great job, which I hope they mean sincerely as I know I’m capable of much more they’ve asked me, Brent, an effective an reliable team member, thus far.
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                                             Reference List
Kira, M & Balkin, D 2014, ‘Interactions between work and identities: Thriving, withering, or redefining the self?’, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 131-143, viewed 7 September 2020, EBSCOhost Database.
Challenges (the nature of the work, working hours, motivation, tabling of ideas)
‘The application of strong measures of time control is paramount for the attainment of our organization goals because it has an inverse relationship with self-management, productivity and environment’ (Rombe 2016, p. 204).
One of the major skills I have developed during my time at Holmesglen has been juggling the degree requirements with personal responsibilities. Early in the degree it become apparent to me that I was going to have to obtain a diary and note everything I need to do on a weekly basis throughout the semester and be organised for once in my life. Throughout the early hours and weeks of my internship, time management has been paramount despite proving tricky.
In recent weeks I’ve been in at Crocmedia for 6 -8 shifts, which of course has meant I’ve had to designate time within a week to nail uni assessments rather than do what I need to do at any time during that particular week. With a myriad of commitments going on late in the semester (internship, assessments and my weekly radio show), my time management skills have been tested during the final semester of the degree.
While in it at Rainmaker, the time spent there seems to be either hectic or mellow. There doesn’t seem to be much in between. Much of the time is spent prepping for the shows and webinars a few hours before hand, and then live broadcasting (that’s the hectic part). There’s been some downtime during my time there where I’ve had the opportunity to tick of some uni stuff, which has been invaluable.
The last few weeks where my internships at Rainmaker and SEN have proven difficult, not just with time management but so many knew things to learn. Unlike Rainmaker, I’m not in the building for SEN, so everything is done virtually including the instructions I receive through their communications channel ‘Slack’. This has proven difficult because obviously it’s not like face-to-face communications where I can be shown and ask questions. This has proven extremely difficult trying to grasp information and I get the feeling the frustration is mutual, which has led to my reflectance of tabling ideas for yarns and overall motivation.
Heryati (n.d.) discusses how positive communication within the workplace is key to employee motivation, not merely relying communications via email but also on a personal level.
I feel as though I’ve given a good account of myself during the degree, achieving great results on many assessments and managing to keep my motivation levels high. However, as we head towards the end of the semester and the halfway point of the internship, my motivation is beginning to wane. I think with the end of the semester nearing, the hectic end to the semester and the way the year has unfolded (or more like unraveled) all play into the fact I feel burnt out approaching the end of the year and degree.
I feel incredibly lucky that I’ve been able to be one of the few students allowed to go in to the internship headquarters and work alongside professionals. This indeed has been incredibly valuable, and I don’t struggle for motivation once in the building. But with the heavy workload and the slight underwhelmed feeling I’ve been left with during the internship, I’m longing for the finish line.
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                                               Reference List  
Heryati, R n.d., Why Employee Motivation Is Important (& How to Improve It), viewed 25 October 2020, https://inside.6q.io/employee-motivation-important/
Rombe, M 2016, ‘Effective Time and Self-Management, Environment and Productivity in an Organization’, Science Journal of Business and Management, vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 204-211, viewed 25 October 2020, EBSCOhost Database.                                                            
Achievements and milestones both technically and professionally
‘Recognition often is the fuel to motivation, which in turn creates success for a business’ (Daihl 2018, para. 1).
As I approach the midway point of my internship there have several instances that I consider personal achievements within the organisations I’ve worked with.
With Rainmaker in particular, I’ve received positive face-to-face feed back after a lot of the little tasks I’ve been given have been completed. One of the live streamed shows we did for the spring racing carnival was a show called ‘Ladies Night In’ for the Ladbrokes Cox Plate. My role during the show was to chauffer the guests to the desk but to also place and remove props within the given segments (and there were a lot of props).
There were times when I only had 60 seconds to get props into and out of the shot, so it was imperative that I familiarised myself with the rundown and didn’t muck it up. Afterwards, the director Darcy told me he wouldn’t have been so stressed about it if he’d known how quick and productive I was. It wasn’t a big challenge for me personally, but it was the act of going through the rundown (the likes of which I’d only seen since commencing the internship) and prepping for when it was time to do what I had to.
Afterwards, I was thanked and congratulated by the whole team, which made me feel like it had all goon smoothly (which is the best thing that could be said I suppose).
With the SEN digital team, one of the real thrills of the internship has been having some of my work published and my name appear on the website. It’s bizarre to think that I’ve contributed to a website which I have long been a member of the audience. While I’ve done a bit of work individually outside of the degree that has spread my name a touch, it’s still a novelty that won’t wear off for a while.
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While working with the digital guys at SEN I’ve also been in charge of time coding (for future quoting reference) and tracking our social posts (making sure we hit sponsored content targets). When I’ve completed this, supervisor Nic has given me some nice feedback, telling me how hopefully this has been. I’ve found that doing a good job with something that really helps the team has boosted my confidence to the point where I’m feeling more comfortable engaging with everyone in the messaging system we use called Slack.
Working with a lot of these audio and tech wizards has also benefitted me in regard to creating my own content. There’s been several tricks of the trade I’ve learnt from Kane at Rainmaker in regard to the Adobe programs we use (namely Photoshop and Premier Pro) that have been vital.
As such, I’ve been able to implement some of these tips both for assessment purposes and with my own radio content, too, so that my work I create looks like I know what I’m doing (which might nit have been the case beforehand).
                                         Reference List
Daihl, J 2018, Why is it important to celebrate milestones at work?, viewed 9 November 2020, https://ideas.baudville.com/the-baudville-blog/why-is-it-important-to-celebrate-milestones-at-work.                                                         
Career aspirations including goal setting (and reflections on submitting 2 real world job applications)
‘By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure your progress and continuously motivate yourself to progress toward the vision you have for your ideal work life’ (Berkely para. 20).
My career objection upon enrolling in the degree at Holmesglen has been to become a respected sports broadcaster within the sports media industry. All the decisions I have made during my three years at Holmesglen, from the effort I put into practical assessments, to opportunities taken outside of the degree and internship placements.
I’ve known for a while that the industry I’m looking to work in have two key entry points: knowing somebody who is already established within industry and climbing the ladder (i.e. with an advanced portfolio of work). All of the guest speakers we’ve had confirmed this, so I’ve set about building my portfolio. While I don’t know anybody personally in the industry, my contacts have grown substantially since enrolling in the degree.
One of my first goals was to begin calling the football at a local level to showcase my ability first to the people immediately around me (co-callers, friends and family that might listen etc). Long term my goal will be to build a portfolio of calls I think are good enough draw attention from commercial radio stations.
My other goal to host my own radio program has kicked off this year too with my weekly NFL show on the same station. Again, the idea was (and continues to be) to build a show from scratch that is produced, hosted and disseminated by myself.
To have these two opportunities to call and host are my small steps to bigger opportunities in the future.
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For the purposes of this assessment, I applied for two job applications that are in the realm of work I see myself doing post the degree.
The first position I applied for was as an overnight announcer on the Sports Entertainment Network. Being completely honest, I know I’m not qualified as things currently stand, however this is a position I can see myself doing in the future. Also, I know that if I continue along the path I am with calling football games and hosting/producing my own show, I will have the capabilities to apply again the future. My goal is that at such time I am better equipped and a more obvious candidate to e picked from the applicants.
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The second position I applied for was a journalism position for the paper in my home town of Ballarat (The Courier). Full disclosure, I’m not an avid writer. During my time at Holmesglen I’ve written plenty for both my website and online site The Roar to showcase my writing capabilities, but journalism is not necessarily something I wish to do for a living.
This was another position I wasn’t qualified for, but again I know that I’m going to be qualified for opportunities like these within a year or two. The fact I haven’t heard back (at least not at the time of writing) from the organisations doesn’t deter me. The most important thing from my point of view is to continue to build my portfolio, and applying for these positions, if nothing, is a chance for me to showcase that to potential future employers.
                                            Reference List
Berkely, 2020, Goal-Setting: Developing a Vision & Goals for Your Career Plan, viewed 12 November 2020, https://hr.berkeley.edu/development/career-development/goal-setting/career-plan-vision.                                                        
Supervisor evaluations and future career professional development requirements
‘A positive workplace culture improves teamwork, raises the morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and enhances retention of the workforce’ (Agerwal 2018, para. 1).
One of the most difficult things I’ve experience during the internship has been fitting into the Rainmaker organisation and trying to transition from being a student to a working professional. Trying to find my feet within the organisation was always going to be tricky, but if I’m to be completely honest with myself, there have been moments during the internship where I’ve been a bit like a deer in the headlights.
Some of the feedback I’ve received from David Kennedy and Kane Grimster has reflected this. The feedback has called for me to be more proactive in asking questions in what is obviously a fast-paced environment. I believe this feedback to be fair, although I don’t feel like the environment is conducive to asking questions when under the pump. That is to say that, given how I feel with some of the personalities in the room at Rainmaker, I’ve more content to sit and wait for instructions rather than seek out things to do. 
In the early days within the Rainmaker organisation I really did feel like a fish out of water. Being amongst working professionals who I’ve seen on television and heard on the radio took me a while to get use to. As a result, there were a few tasks I was given early that I wasn’t sure if they really wanted me to do or not.
‘Essentially, confidence is knowing what you’re good at, the value you provide, and acting in a way that conveys that to those around you’ (Kaplan Education 2020, para. 30).
Moving forward as a working professional, I really do feel like this internship has taught me I need to more self-assured within the working environment. Perhaps this was the experience I needed to realise perhaps I can be more confident in a professional environment. I’ve been a capable and high achieving student and it’s taken me too long to translate that to the workplace.
There’s also been a part of me that’s had to be resilient in the sense that I’ve seen the internship supervisors gel more with the other interns as oppose to myself. While this obviously disappointing, I’m using it as a lesson learnt in terms of how different workplace cultures work and how different personalities integrate within established environments.
I don’t think they guys at Rainmaker would agree that perhaps other interns have been prioritised over me, but that’s how I’ve felt at times.
Moving forward, having the chance to intern at Rainmaker, as well as work with the SEN digital team online, has taught me some really great lessons about the profession and how to be professional. It’s also taught me some lessons that I’d rather not have learned (such as feeling inferior and useless at times), but I feel like all these things are lessons I needed to learn.
I do take solace in the fact that the feedback received from David and Kane has noted my positive work ethic and attitude, because these are two things I bring constantly to any situation that I think are baseline requirements. It’s amazing how far these two traits can get you, and I’m sure these, along with professional lessons learned so far in the internship, will serve me well in the future also.
                                        Reference List
Agarwal, P 2018, How To Create A Positive Workplace Culture, viewed 16 November 2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/pragyaagarwaleurope/2018/08/29/how-to-create-a-positive-work-place-culture/?sh=4ff5f90b4272.
Kaplan Education, 2020, What is confidence in the workplace important and how do I improve mine?, viewed 16 November 2020, https://www.kaplanprofessional.edu.au/blog/why-is-confidence-in-the-workplace-important-and-how-do-i-improve-mine/.
Overall reflections on the internship and studies from starting the degree (i.e. how have my objectives/ambitions changed? Or not?)
‘Professional development refers to many types of educational experiences related to an individual’s work. Doctors, lawyers, educators, accountants, engineers, and people in a wide variety of professions and businesses participate in professional development to learn and apply new knowledge and skills that will improve their performance on the job’ (Mizell 2010, p, 3).
It’s quite daunting when I think back to the period in my life when I first contemplated enrolling in the sports media degree, to officially enrolling and entrenching myself back in the education system again. When I left school in 2011, it was never my intention to return to any form of education in the future, and yet here I was moving away from home and enrolling in a degree that I hoped would set me up for a career in the sports media profession.
I remember early on in the degree Sam Duncan told us that there were often students who would enter the degree with a particular goal or career path in mind, and by the end of the three years their goals had changed entirely. I recall pondering if this would happen to me, as I had entered with a pretty clear vision of me becoming a respected sports broadcaster.
As such, all of the decision I’ve made throughout the degree have been with the intention of achieving this goal.
From an academic standpoint, I am extremely proud of what I’ve achieved these past three years at Holmesglen. After being out of school for six years and never having written an academic essay in my life, I feel I become one of the strongest performing students academically of my cohort. Honestly, his even surprised me.
The crown jewel of the degree, that being the internship, has been a great learning curve for me. To work in a professional environment alongside savvy professional, to building connections in an industry that relies so heavily on them has been instrumental. If I was to say I’ve enjoyed the internship as much as I’d hoped from the perception I had from the outset of the degree I’d be lying, but I really have learnt some wonderful things and some harsh lessons about organisation culture and just induvial personalities within cultures.
During the degree I’ve learnt some fantastic technical skills that I’ve always been wanting to do but never really got around to. Skills like using photoshop, premier pro for video production and Audition for audio/podcast creation which are skills that are non-negotiable for sports media professionals of the day. These skills have already been put to good use with individual endeavors outside of the degree coursework.
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Personally, the third year of the degree has been quite a struggle for many different reasons. The main being the fact we’ve gone online and, although I’ve seemed to have coped with that change well, the last few weeks of the degree felt like a real drag. I always feared that I would limp to the finish line and feel burnt, and that’s exactly what happened. I’m disappointed with this only because of the high standards I’ve set for myself throughout the degree.
And now the hard work begins. My expectations throughout the degree have been that I wouldn’t get a job straight after, and that certainly won’t happen now given the circumstances. But the opportunities I have set up for myself post the degree have me in a good position to succeed as a sports media graduate entering the profession.
                                               Reference List
Mizell, H 2010, Why professional development matters, viewed 17 November 2020, https://learningforward.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/professional-development-matters.pdf.
                                 Quarter Times entry 
My internship experience has truly been a blast, an experience that has given me countless moments where I’ve needed to pinch myself to check that I am in fact still in reality.
The internship was probably the driving force behind me enrolling in the sports media degree in the first place, and from the outset I was really keen to work with SEN if the opportunity arose.
And so when I received an invitation to join the guys at Crocmedia to work with the TV production team at Rainmaker and the SEN digital gang, I was pretty excited (the company changed its moniker from Crocmedia to The Sports Entertainment Network while I was there, but I swear this had nothing to do with me).
One of the things I really enjoyed during the internship was the ability to actually go into the building while most other students didn’t have this luxury. To walk into the dining area and see Gerard Whateley munching on his endives with shrimp salad in one corner and Damien Barrett in the other downing his waldorf salad with pickled couscous was quite surreal.
To see how the guys at Rainmaker worked around COVID restrictions was really interesting, including working with hosts and guests coming through Zoom and only allowed a handful in the studio itself.
Personally, I really enjoyed working on the pre-match broadcasts we did for a few teams, including the Western Bulldogs, St. Kilda and Geelong (all of whom lost the next game, but I had nothing to do with this either, I swear).
I also had the pleasure of working on some live broadcasts which were absolutely bonkers hectic, but fun. We did ‘Winners’ and ‘Thrill of the Chase’, with my job being the runner, ushering talent on and off the desk and basically telling people where to go (which I found out I’m good at).
With SEN digital, it’s been a thrill to have my name published on a website for whom I’ve consumed plenty of content over the years. I look forward to having the opportunity to writing more and having randoms on Twitter telling me I’m an idiot.
I’ve loved my time at Holmesglen, I’ve loved my internship experiences at SEN and I loved watching the tiges win the flag again.
Goodbye Holmesglen, I’m off into the real world now.                                
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0 notes