#Drop the Piggy pizza
ladylooch · 8 months
What if you’re recently going out with Nico and you can’t go to the game but you have plans to go out to eat after? But after the defeat he is feeling sad and tired and cancels, and you feel bad for him so decide to get him takeout from his favorite place ♥️. Once you get to his house he is just sad looking at replays of the game so you cheer him up! (You can do whatever it can be fluffy and cute or hot l) love your writing!! 🥰🥰
A/N: Okay Nico girlies, it’s time to heal. 🙏🏻
You’re five minutes into the third period of the Devils game when it dawns on you that you have not heard Nico’s name in quite sometime. Your eyebrows lower as you pause from wolfing down popcorn and M&Ms - your guilty pleasure snack. Tonight, you are trying to hold off your hunger long enough to meet Nico for a late-night snack. Eating at 11:00pm isn’t your normal dinner procedure, but for Nico Hischier you’ll make any exception. Curiously, your head tilts to the side while you grab your phone, scrolling through Twitter, looking for an explanation. 
“Nico Hischier is missing from the #NJDevils bench.” 
Ten or so more tweets follow that one. You bite your lip. The Islanders pressure on him has been intense since puck drop. You hope he is okay, but resist the urge to reach out to him. He will when he is ready. 
At least you think so.
Things with Nico are new. You aren’t sure what to expect from him tonight.
You watch the rest of the game, curled up under your weighted blanket, hoping it will relieve some of the anxiety you feel pressing into your lungs. Breathing is laborious as your airway tightens. Tingles of uncertainty practically numb your fingers by the end of the game. 
A little ping brightens your dark living room to your left. You grab your phone, seeing Captain Nico 😈 pop up with a text (his doing, not yours). 
Hi 😘 I’m so sorry to do this, but I have to take a rain check for tonight. Doctor’s orders are to sit on the couch and not move until I leave for practice tomorrow. I am so sorry. I promise I will make this up to you. I was really looking forward to seeing you tonight. I’m sending you some pizza through DoorDash. 
A lump forms in your throat from both the frustration of not getting to see him, but also the sadness for him being less than 100%. 
It’s okay! I completely understand. Your payment of DoorDash Pizza will be enough for now 🤪 You’re so sweet and do not have to do that. I’ve had enough popcorn and M&Ms for the two of us! But, I hope you are okay. I am here if you need anything.
You sigh, tossing your phone back onto the couch and leaning down to scream into the fabric. Fuck. You wanted to end the night falling asleep in his arms again. He has this way of calming the entire world with his touch. You needed that after a stressful week at work. Now, you’ll be tossing and turning all night, worrying about him.
Now, I’m definitely getting you pizza. No girl dinner for my girl. I am bummed, babe. Trust me. Wanted to get my hands on you. It’s been a long week.
An idea pops into your head, but first, you’ll need to wait for that pizza.
The pizza is still warm in your hands when you walk towards Nico’s apartment door. Thank god for the nightly activity in Hoboken, so you could easily piggy back into the main entrance. Plus, who looks scary with pizza in their hands? No one.
Your boots scuff at the floor beneath your feet until you get to Nico’s door.
“Hey did someone here order grabby hands and pizza?” You call out after a soft knock. You chuckle at the movement you hear beyond the door.
“I did.” He chuckles as he opens the door. Your body relaxes when you see his dimpled smile. He is definitely happy to see you. He’s wearing a backwards hat and comfy, Devils sweats. He looks okay, but his right shoulder seems to have extra padding around it. You tentatively reach for it, feeling the coolness. “Ice.” He winces slightly when he tries to shrug.
“Back on the couch, cap.” You insist. 
“Can I have a kiss first?” He asks, puckering his lips. You lean up, going slightly on your tip toes to connect your faces. Your eyes close as Nico gives soft, gentle pecks that awaken your body. Pink dusts your cheeks as a soft moan escapes his mouth. “I’m afraid the hands will have to wait. I look better than I actually feel.” He tenderly adjusts the ice on his shoulder. You frown deeply, staring at his hand there. 
“Are you… going to be okay?” You finish hesitantly. You aren’t sure if he will tell you, or if you really even want to know. But you’re a little scared and more information would be better than being in the dark.
“It’s too swollen and sore to know the extent of what’s going on.” Nico says. “Could be a sprain, could be a tear.” You nod, then bring your eyes back to his.
“Whatever it is we will work through it together.”
“I’m so glad you are here.” He murmurs, reaching to caress your face. His thumb strokes your cheek in soft swipes that have your heart growing in your chest. “I bet if we each have like five slices of that pizza and fall asleep together, I’ll be better tomorrow.”
“I stay the night one time and now you’re so presumptuous Mr. Hischier.”
“I can’t help myself. You’re a great cuddler. I’ll beg if I have to.” There are his dimples again, just for you.
“And here I thought I was going to have to beg you.” You chuckle, poking his stomach then walking towards his kitchen. “Can I get you anything?” You ask him.
“No.” He murmurs back, looking lost in thought as he scans your face. “Have I said how much I love having you here?”
“Literally two seconds ago.”
“Okay, well, that was too long ago. I love having you here. A lot. I usually have to go through these moments alone and not having to do that tonight is nice.” You nod because you understand how comforting it is to have someone take care of you too.
“I love being here, Neeks. Now put your butt back on the couch. I’ll bring you pizza when its warm again.”
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athleticbelly · 1 month
Fat = Stimulation
At the start you had enjoyed seeing others gain weight. Seeing the transformation from thin, skinny, and athletic to pudgy, chubby, fat, and obese. Arms that were once so thin and sleek now hidden underneath pillows of meaty flesh. Chins and jawlines so well defined and sharp now a distant memory two to three extra chins in. Thighs that once were slender pillars holding up barely anything can now be described as trunks holding up a hefty canopy of a body. And that expansive canopy. The abs underneath an apron of fat. The love handles trying to escape the clothes holding them in. The breasts that were once held in by sports bras now can't have sports even associated with the name for the bras they need now. And the stretch marks acting as the indicators of someone being so well fed and hedonistic. Acting as signs of pleasure and enjoyment. Especially for you.
And you enjoyed interacting with anyone that you could shape like clay. And add clay to their bodies to shape them in whatever you felt flattering. Extra servings to your best friend. New clothes in a larger size for your date as a gift. Extra rounds of drinks for your coworker. Such an insatiable appetite for people with insatiable appetites. And then you found forums, blogs, and plus sized dating sites.
You enjoyed getting others to gain without them knowing. You didn't know how much you would love it when they were begging to be fed or have someone encourage them to get fatter. Their milestones felt so ambitious. And you were so enamored with it, that you started to fall victim to it yourself.
You saw the happiness it brought your feedees and encouraged gainers that you wondered for the first time how it felt to be that happy. To enjoy the hedonistic desires your models had succumbed to over the years. You made a new account on a blogging site. You started posting about wanting encouragement to gain. And you found people. People who were the same build as you. Telling you about how they would love to feed you. To make you an obedient piggy. How they want to cater to your every need to keep you fat and happy. And this attention made your mind swim.
You started falling into the routines of your prior models. Increasing portion sizes, changed your diet and calorie intake so you could capitalize on your gains, you became more sedentary. You felt your waistline expand and press against your belt. You couldn't help but feel your belly fat as it happened. Every day you absently played with your chub. Not a lot was there at first. Just a little roll. And then it grew. It started to round out. Two months went by and now you could pick it up and drop it with some slight jiggling to it. Four more months and you had to get a completely new wardrobe since your waist expanded so much. Six months and you couldn't even see your feet.
25 pounds. 65 pounds. 140 pounds. The weight kept climbing and the encouragement kept coming. You had people meet you and feed you. Cakes. Funnels with shakes. Pastas. Pizzas. Donuts. Fudge. Ice cream. Butter. Oil. Fried foods. You kept enjoying the attention and the hands on your body. You'd massage your now massive body and wonder how you never thought to be on the other end of the hand that feeds. So much tightness to your skin. It is so stimulating to be so fat.
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trans-gainerism · 2 years
Like, I’m fully against posting pictures of fat people without consent who are just living their life (they ain’t your fetish fuel!)
but I do have a little fantasy
You’ve been looking at gaining content online for a long time now- tumblr, porn sites, any weight gain stories you can find.
You wouldn’t gain weight yourself, you’ve always been fit and proud of it; and although you been slacking in the gym recently, the intention was still there. You’re just going through a rough patch, you don’t have enough time at the moment but you’ll get back to it soon.
But the fantasy of being massively fat always appealed to you, when you were younger you used to use cling wrap and pillows to make an impromptu fat-suit, getting off on how you looked once you struggled to fit a shirt over it.
But it was just a fantasy, and it would stay that way.
You get home from work, slightly out of breath - the bus must have stopped further away than usual, forcing you to walk more. That incline always was a little tricky.
Kicking off your shoes, you settle back into the dent you’ve made in your sofa. You fish out your phone and habitually open tumblr and start scrolling.
Teasing posts from feeders that make your stomach rumble, gifs of enormous jiggling bellies being played with lovingly, pictures of amazing starter bellies just starting to form muffin tops.
Then something gives you pause.
A photo catches your eye; it’s candid of a person on public transport, a bus is your best guess. You can’t actually see due to the immense size of the person obscuring the seat. Shirt pulled tight by a huge belly peeking out to rest on chunky thighs, they were basically spilling over the sides of the seat, their girth squished between the arm rests.
They were staring at their phone, held in a pudgy hand that rested on their distended gut like a table. A double chin framed their face, only accentuated by looking downwards - the flab all over their body captured in the photo mid-wobble from the vehicle’s movement.
Your breath caught in your throat.
It was you.
You stare in shock for so long that your phone goes dark, the reflective black screen showing you the shocking truth - revealing the same double chin in all its glory.
The photo must have been taken on your commute to work one day. Obviously, you hadn’t even considered anyone would be watching you - and you’d definitely be watching everyone else on the bus with suspicion next time.
You unlock you phone again, unable to stop looking at the photo.
Oh my goodness, that can’t be you… right? That enormous whale almost needing to use two bus seats? Sure, you hadn’t been prioritising fitness recently- but it hadn’t gotten that bad, surely?
You looked back on things in a different light; those shirts that shrunk in the wash? Getting out of breath easily? You realise the truth with a wave of heat.
You’re fat. Probably obese. All those midnight snacks, putting off the gym, and ordering takeout - it had started the domino effect that you don’t know how to stop.
Still looking at the picture, you reach down, gripping a handful of fat from your chest just to see if they were as big as the picture made it look.
They were. You drop it, and as it lands on your stomach you can feel it send ripples through your flab.
With a horrified curiosity, you click on the notes of the post. Hundreds of them. You go from reblog to reblog, looking at the added texts and tags.
“Woww, this piggy knows how to eat!”
“I bet this fatty doesn’t even know their belly is sticking out lol”
A new rush of heat flutters through you, this time straight to between your legs. Your face is still flushed.
You spend the rest of the evening staring as the notes of the post go up and up, more and more people lusting over how huge you’ve gotten accidentally.
In a fit of arousal, you impulsively order an obscene amount of takeout - a large pizza along with additional meals from McDonalds, KFC, and a few local joints, one of which being an ice cream parlour.
You lustfully while away the night by stuffing yourself to the brim, fondling your heavy belly and reading the teasing and praise from these anonymous onlookers. You’re lost in the pure pleasure of it all, all regrets about your waistline muted for now. Hedonistic, gluttonous, greedy.
You wonder if you’ll look bigger in your next picture.
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scary-lasagna · 1 year
I just need some little hcs of Liu and Jeff as kids, if you have time. I see so many imagines of them as adults, and don't get me wrong,I love reading those as well, but I'd just like to know what they were like as kids before all that shit happened. Besides some of my personal hcs, I'd love to know some of yours as well. You are my favorite writer <3 Take care of yourself!
Here's a childhood memory fic and Jeff sleep talking in a shared room with Liu
I'm very honored to be your favorite writer!! <3
Jeff & Liu: The early years
Jeff and Liu's parents were away often on their business trips, one could also go as far as calling it neglect.
They were dropped off at their Aunt's house, and their grandparents, and their parent's friends, forever hopping houses every three or so weeks.
Not once did Jeff see their parents show any kind of affection toward each other, it was like they were in business partnership with the exception of making breakfast and dinner whenever they were home.
So Jeff and Liu were completely dependent on each other for affection, learning basic things, doing homework, and cleaning the house. Y'know things that parents should be doing.
They often cuddled up under blankets together with a movie during the night, and reminded each other their bed times, and after getting in bed getting in a heated discussion about their new favorite superhero vs a shark-bear.
They were very close growing up, but as the trauma set in from neglect and resentment toward their parents, they grew apart when their teenage years started.
But before then, they knew how to make their own fun.
Hitting tree's with sticks acting as swords, splashing in streams, accidentally causing trouble at a nearby gas station. No one really cared what they did except their Auntie Jermma who was very strict with them whenever she pried her eyes away from her cigarette box.
Some little adventures included befriending a dog and trying to feed it cheetos, learning how to make pizza at ages 6 and 7, breaking a vase and gluing it back together and their parents never found out.
But one time, they were out in the backwoods, so deep that the daylight turned to dusk with the amount of tree's overbearing them.
Liu said he saw something weird in between the trees, and Jeff said to go investigate.
Truth is, Jeff was scared it was a bear and didn't want to get any closer. Liu was too, matter of fact. He side shuffled to get a better look at the creature, and screamed bloody murder when he did get a glimpse at the demon.
Liu turned, tripped, and broke his ankle on a sneaky root behind him.
But when Jeff looked, there was nothing there, and Liu was a blabbering mess between recounting the terrifying creature he saw and the pain from his broken ankle.
Jeff tried his best to console him, but ended up giving him a piggy back home while he sobbed the whole way there.
Liu knows what he saw to this day, and he knows why Jeff didn't see it, too. Fate was set out from when they were just a young age, and it wasn't fair to have their destiny's played like puppets.
Jeff helped Liu the whole time his ankle was healing, mostly out of the good of his heart, and also because his parent's weren't around to want to take care of their injured child.
Once they were old enough, they were allowed to live alone while Mr. and Mrs. Woods left for trips. They cooked, cleaned, and turned on the porch light every night on their own.
And nights were lonely, and Jeff often climbed into Liu's bed crying, wondering why all of his friends at school had parent's at parent teacher conferences, and recitals, and field trips.
It was a burning jealously that made him weep.
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emeraldspiral · 10 months
I think I've seen it suggested once that Zim goes easy on Dib because the disappearance of the son of the most famous man on earth might draw too much attention to his activities. I always just kinda thought that after BBRP, Zim might think twice about trying to kill Dib unless he really thought he could get away with it.
Looking at all the episodes where Zim goes after Dib in release order:
Zim first attacks Dib directly in episode 2b, NanoZim, in response to Dib taking an incriminating photo of him. His primary objective is to destroy the memory of where Dib kept the photo and then give him brain damage for good measure to completely neutralize him as a threat, but not to outright kill him.
Zim next attacks Dib in episode 4b, Dark Harvest. He only takes one of Dib's lungs so he can better pass for human in front of the skool nurse when he absolutely could've killed him in that boiler room.
In episode 5b, The Wettening, Zim drops a massive water balloon on Dib to win a prank war.
In 7b, Rise of Zitboy, Zim hypnotizes Dib to force him to reveal his house's security weaknesses, but otherwise doesn't harm him.
8b is Bad, Bad, Rubber Piggy, Zim's first actual attempt on Dib's life and the only one that kinda succeeded.
Immediately after in 9a, A Room With a Moose, (first time an episode was frontloaded with a Zim vs Dib plot) Zim has had enough of Dib and the rest of his class bullying him and launches them into a wormhole. Presumably he expected them to die in the titular room eventually, where Membrane would've been able to do fuck-all about it.
In 10b, Bloaty's Pizza Hog Zim captures Dib with the intent to experiment on him. Probably would've killed him eventually, but like a Bond villain he just had to give him the chance to escape.
In 12a, Bolognius Maxiumus, Zim turns Dib into bologna. It doesn't kill him, but it's unknown whether he intended for it to be lethal or not.
In 15b, Future Dib, Zim traps Dib in a cage with a monkey. IDK if his plan was for the monkey to kill him or to leave him there until he starved. Somehow Dib got out eventually and it's unknown whether he escaped on his own or if Zim just got bored of watching the monkey beat him up and let him out. Either way, setting the monkey on him was more about stopping Dib from interfering with his plan than getting rid of Dib outright.
In 16b, Walk for Your Lives, Zim once again captures Dib and uses him for experiments. In the end he launches him into an explosion, but his intent was more about his misguided belief that it would somehow fix the problem than thinking it would kill Dib.
17a, Megadoomer is the first time since A Room With a Moose that Zim unambiguously intends to kill Dib.
19b, Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom, after trapping him in a simulation just to find out if he was the one who threw a muffin at him, Zim launches another muffin at his head and sends him home with only psychological damage.
In episode 21, Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars, Zim spontaneously decides to try to land the Massive on Dib's head, believing he's about to finally succeed in his mission and wanting the Tallest to be there to witness it.
23b, Dibship Rising, Zim tries to make the Dibship drop Dib into the city cesspool, which would definitely have killed him.
So out of 14 episodes where Zim goes after Dib, he only overtly tries to kill him 5 times. BBRP was the first time, and he was very quick to try again in ARWAM, but in a way that would've put Dib beyond his father's reach so he couldn't be revived. After ARWAM, Zim doesn't try to kill Dib again until Megadoomer, when he presumably believed that even if Dib were to somehow come back in a badass mech suit he'd have the superior technology to overcome him. After that, Zim tries again in Backseat Drivers, when he thinks he's about to conquer earth anyway, and then in Dibship Rising, when if he'd succeeded, there would've been nothing left of Dib for Membrane to save.
Of the remaining 9 episodes Zim has the opportunity to kill Dib but chooses to experiment on him instead in Bloaty's and Walk for Your Lives, chooses to teach him a non-lethal lesson in The Wettening, Bolognius Maximus, and DWLoD, or just gets what he needs from him/does what he needs to to neutralize him as a threat in NanoZim, Dark Harvest, Zitboy, and Future Dib.
In Zitboy and Dib's Wonderful Life he doesn't attempt to physically harm Dib at all despite having him completely at his mercy. In Zitboy it kinda makes sense that he wouldn't try to do anything to Dib right there in the skool, but there was no excuse for DWLoD.
Bonus: In Enter the Florpus Zim sends Dib's dad away to space prison a shmillion lightyears away but neither sends Dib away to the same prison nor attempts to kill him.
I don't really know if there are any conclusions to be reached here. I guess for the series the logic of "Zim only tries to kill Dib when he doesn't think Membrane can do anything about it" more or less holds up but for ETF Zim doesn't really have much of a reason for not trying to kill him. Maybe he just wanted him alive so he can rub it in his face, or maybe even a shmillion lightyears away on Moo-Ping 10 Zim is still kinda scared of Membrane.
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avianstrange · 2 years
Some headcanons I have about Eddie that are based on exactly 0% canonical evidence and 100% the Vibe:
(Kept below a cut to spare the long scroll)
Eddie is extremely musically inclined and while I know this might seem like a "Duh" thing, I mean that he picks up on music almost as soon as he starts playing it, he's got perfect pitch, taught himself musical theory, knows ALL the classical artists and DOES listen to them to hone his hearing, so he can basically parse out a note while listening alone. That is to say, if Eddie wasn't from a poor family, he'd be one of those prodigy kids.
He read the Lord of the Rings series, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion - and he actually understood the Silmarillion. (Look, I've tried reading it and it's hard. Could just be me, tho.) He also read all the Narnia books and ended up disliking them for the disservice they do to Susan.
He never forgets a face. This is why he remembers Chrissy so well - he also remembers just about everyone he used to get along with/play with in elementary and early middle school. He's basically Veronica Sawyer here, tbh. ("Dear Diary, my teenage angst bullshit has a body count.")
His Uncle Wayne introduced him to heavy metal and rock music.
Eddie initially embraced heavy metal because it was so opposite of what his father (a Christain fundamentalist who listened primarily to Frank Sinatra and piano and lowkey headcanoned himself as a member of the Mafia because he went to one (1) pizza place in New York twenty years ago) listened to.
It took years to for Eddie to realize the reason his father taught him things like how to hotwire a car was because his father took vindication from the fact Eddie was going to turn out exactly like him, so Eddie couldn't blame his father for his faults because they were "ultimately the same." Edit: Adding here because after re-reading I feel it's slightly unclear, but Eddie's father was trying to purposefully sabotage Eddie's life.
While Eddie absolutely worked his heart out to buy that electric guitar himself, Uncle Wayne would occasionally "accidentally" drop money in the piggy bank. Eddie, not known to be the best at addition, did not notice.
The curls are real. He just styles them to look like that. For reasons.
His mom was an angel. C'mon, that's how this shit works. She probably died tragically. Either that or she ran away the way Billy's mom did or something, which could explain some of Eddie's bitterness about himself running away all the time. (Besides the tough-guy thing from being a metalhead and such.)
About the scene where Eddie throws his vest at Steve: Lots of people have said this shows signs of how much he trusts Steve (the vest being an important part of his identity), and from a shipping standpoint I totally agree, but I also like to think Eddie preferred to keep the leather jacket, because leather is heavier and in a stressful situation like that, he might have felt more comfortable with the weight. (This is also kind of a ND headcanon based on how feel myself when I'm overwhelmed.) So it could be that he trusts Steve with the vest AND he prefers to keep the leather jacket. You can also kind of see this in his scene with Chrissy. He starts hugging his arms/crossing them over his chest and all these things read as slight discomfort to me - maybe because he'd prefer to have the jacket and vest on, but he took it off to make Chrissy feel more at ease? Idk, but it would be super sweet of him if true.
You know he NEVER takes the jacket and vest off unless absolutely necessary. Like it has to be 100°F before he does.
He had a crush on Steve Harrington. He masked this crush by vehemently insisting he didn't like Steve because he was popular and shit. I know this is cliche but I love it ok
Those stains are from beer, soup, coffee, etc that he's set on the edge of the bed and repeatedly spilled because He Just NEVER Learns
He'll frequently substitute words/sentences with lines and phrases from books and movies he's read as a means of communicating when all else fails. (Same, bro)
Eddie has the ENTIRE Rocky Horror Picture Show memorized. Down to the point he could rewatch the whole thing in his head when he's bored in class.
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readyplayerziggy · 7 months
🍕 (to see Emerald and Nora eating pizza like piggies!)
For all the advantages Beacon offered to it's many students, there were still a fair few disadvantages to it. One of those was that it's pizza absolutely fucking sucked.
To the chagrin of many students, the allotted funds from staff were very clearly stated to not be used for ordering delivery so any plans of getting their own pizzas to the dorms would have to come out of their own pockets.
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Luckily Emerald was very good at picking pockets. An advantage of an ass like hers is that it meant more people were focused on her cheeks instead of her hands.
Boxes were piled high on almost every surface of the room, cushions were overturned, and the walls covered in wet patches of grease. All from the impromptu feast she'd been enjoying after nicking the full contents of team CRDL's wallets as payback for some very disgusting remarks slung her way. Along with a few visitors from Atlas. Of course the memory of it also reminded her that she wasn't the only one enjoying this feast. Along with the finger length piece of pizza crust that landed in her cleavage.
"Do you have to keep throwing those over here? Pretty sure there's still a trash can somewhere around here...Probably." Emerald grumbled to her self-proclaimed 'binging buddy', slipping the discarded crust whole into her mouth just in time for another piece to bounce off her tummy and into the open box she had been dunking her face into to lap up the pizza.
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A long string of chewing and half-stifled belches mingling with the sound of drool landing on skin as the only answer she received from Nora as she sucked a whole half dozen pizzas past her lips, all of them having had the crust picked off before she jammed them all past her lips, her arms coated in pizza grease and tomato sauce up to her flabby elbows and more of it dripping onto her bare tits. The ginger was surrounded by enough boxes she could've made a throne of them and very few of them were unemptied at this point. Nora had caught Emerald counting over her ill-gotten gains and rather than report her to a teacher, demanded to join her on a pizza binge, saying she wanted some real greasy food instead of the cardboard they were serving in the cafeteria. Even her iron stomach couldn't take another bite of that fake pizza they were selling.
"You could at least keep them in the boxes for later instead of chucking them at me." Emerald rolled her eyes before picking a box up in each hand and tipping them towards her face, letting gravity do the work of dropping both pies on her fair and very sweaty visage so she could slurp them off her features.
She'll say this, Nora wasn't lying when she said these pizzas were the best in Remnant.
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mcd217 · 1 year
Since I’ve shared my Ragbros headcanons, it’s only fit if I share all of my other genshin headcanons… So, here you go
(There’s an even mix of angst and fun ones, I’ve separated them for your convenience)
The traveler collects things that remind them of their sibling in every nation, so once they reunite, they have gifts to give
Jean celebrates things with pizza and sunsettia juice like she did as a kid
Barbara imitates people’s voices when telling a story
Noelle always wins arm wrestled
Beidou gives out piggy back rides
Kazuha’s favorite movie is Dead Poets Society
Jean loves mint chocolate chip ice cream
Diona passive aggressively drinks water from a giant water bottle in front of adults
Chongyun doesn’t need to speak much, Xingqiu does it for him
Fischl loves getting her face painted
Venti and Diluc are both great at juggling
Mona plays with her hair when she’s talking
Beidou is awful at claw machines but she still spends all her money trying to win a plushie for Ningguang
Xinyan has a pet hedgehog
Lisa hosts a book club
Xingqiu is Kokomi’s favorite author
Alhaitham is deaf and Kaveh uses sign language to communicate with him, often waking him up or distracting him to sign unimportant things (I love this one sm)
Keqing and Diluc are both left handed
Kazuha and Bennett unironically watch My Little Pony
Diluc used to piggy back Barbara around as kids
Shinobu has a pet spider
Xingqiu has an interrupting problem
Kokomi eats aquarium gravel
Childe and Bennett protect Barbara from Albert
The traveler has lightning scars, and so does Tighnari
Even though Sara doesn’t particularly like Itto, she makes sure he isn’t treated unfairly just because he’s an Oni
Kazuha’s hand is burned from catching Toni’s burning vision, and his hair is crooked because he can’t tie it properly
Ningguang was worried about dropping the Jade Chamber in fear of harming Beidou or her ships
Beidou uses the Jade Chamber as a North Star, when it fell, she freaked out
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grabmyflabs · 1 year
My introduction into this world was an interesting one. For the longest time (a few years to be exact) I hid away from any interaction that would make me visible to others. I sat at home and spent my nights at comedy clubs. Taking advantage of every pizza special and half priced wing night the world I occupied had to offer. I felt myself grow. Slowly. But all the evidence was there. Tighter pants. Shirts that were too tight around the armpits and chest. Pants that were regular or loose fit now becoming slim fit. Crushing my goolies and inducing sweating I dare not speak about. I felt the weight as well. My knees would hurt. And a brisk jog up any set of stairs would take its toll on my ankles. I felt my body jump and jiggle when I made quick movements, sometimes throwing me off balance. I felt ashamed of myself. And with this shame followed a plethora of late night food outings where I would gorge myself to the doorstep of suffocation. I could not let any food go to waste as I couldn’t even afford to buy it in the first place. I enjoyed this punishment, and hated myself at the same time. Both felt great though.
You’d be hard pressed to have me take my shirt off. It was never going to happen. It was my safety net. What an image that is to think about. A pasty white fat standing at the edge of the bed. A sweaty carcass, heavily breathing with a deprived pud in his hand. For the sake of saving the stories for a later time I’ll keep it short and say that I was shamed for how fat I got. It was infuriating. I couldn’t do anything about it. I literally couldn’t help myself. Ever single instance burned into my memory for an eternity!
This feeling of shame ultimately changed when I met my girlfriend. Our first date I thought I’d pose for a photo she was taking in a funny way by sticking my undercover gut out and grabbing it as if I was proud of being this fat. I hid it so well. There was a pause in her execution of the photo. I saw it for a moment in her eyes that she genuinely enjoyed what I had just pulled off. Nevertheless, it became an afterthought till about a few weeks later when she asked if she could share something with me about what she enjoys in the bedroom. Surely what I thought was coming was that she enjoyed being pissed on or enjoys a bit of ass play. To be completely honest I would have totally obliged. But the bombshell she dropped truly changed me in a way I would have never imagined. “I like being fed” and am really into feedism. I didn’t understand at first. Thinking this was some sort of code. But no. She liked eating. And having food “involved”. A wire was crossed in my mind and the erotica brain took over. I began to recite fantasies on the fly. Each suggestion was met with a meaningful moan through the phone. As if every word I was saying to her was something she needed to hear and gave her more and more life with each syllable spoken.
Once this revelation had come to light I began to notice how much of a spell my eating habits put on her. With each portion forced into my mouth she’d cease everything she was doing and observe me. Like I was some circus freak that she’d never seen before. And let’s face it, I was. I am a bottomless pit when it comes to good food and she was beginning to see that with ever meal we had together. Each burp i’d hide would make her back arch and every moan expressing my delight for what I just inhaled would make her shoulders relax and forget where we were and what we were doing. She may not admit this but every time we enjoy a buffet style meal she always piles a Mount Kilimanjaro worth of food on her plate and never finishes it. I know what she’s playing at when she does this. Knowing I’ll never say no, she looks over at me from across the table and asks “can you finish this for me?” I smirk because her and I both know what she really wants to say is, “eat up, you fat piggy”
So now I find myself with a inexplicable sense of comfort and arousal. She embodies all the things I love and enjoy, and prods me towards exploring this avenue I did not know existed. And let me tell you. I love it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to openly gorge myself and inhale everything she throws my way, only to be rewarded with her bent over the bed, begging me to lay my freshly filled gut over the arch of her back. It fits so well.
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julietookoff · 2 years
June 27, 2022
I'd like to catch things up here in hopes that my next entry will be all about our new house and its photos.  But here's a little sneak preview:
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We signed the contract for our new house February 1, 2021.  At that time, we expected to be in the house by September; definitely before Christmas LOL.  Our builder bought the lot we liked in April 2021.  The footings were poured in November.  Trusses went up  Jan 10 '22.  June 16 sod was put down.  Corny has been spending a lot of time up there running two sprinklers depending on the weather radar.  I call it his part-time job.
At least we got a 2022 house at 2021 prices...
I am most looking forward to having a real oven, a real washer/dryer, no steps, silent air conditioning, space to work, a kiddie-pool and a companion for Piggie, a container garden with Piggie's favorite veggies and some herbs, and ~hopefully~ a doggy door at some point.  We have to screen-in the back patio first...  It's only a little 1500 sq. foot house, but after 11 years in a 37' RV, it seems heuge!
Our 85 year old neighbor Bob told us about Tarpon Springs Discount Groceries - we call it "Thrifty Bob's".  Cheap, cheap cheap cereal (27 oz box 1.99), produce (bananas .50 per bunch), king size candy bars 2/$1, frozen dinners 1.50, bagged snacks .50 - just tons of goodies at rock-bottom prices.  We've been going 1-2 tmes a week and usually bring stuff for Shorty when we see him on his day off.  Otherwise he would survive on just cold oatmeal and warm Gatorade.  We will continue to go to Thrifty Bob's after we move, although I noticed on Facebook there is another similar shop in Homosassa (about 10 miles closer to the new house) we'll check out.  Also there is an awesome Greek family owned pizza place in Tarpon Springs we recommend - Queen's Pizza on Hwy 19. They have "Greek Tuesday" specials with 2 for 1 gyros, spanakopita, chicken lemon soup, etc.
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After declining for several months and not being well for a few days, my little Dolly died at home March 28.  She was next to me on the daybed when she had a long seizure.  She was 16 feisty years old.  As Cornelius says, at least we had some warning that this day was coming.  We buried her next to Ruffles.  We'll join you soon, girls.
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^Piggie grooming Dolly
We still go to the storage auctions - the latest big finds have been several big screen tv's that work, a Kate Spade bag, a couple laptops and a sealed Samsung Galaxy Tab A wrapped in Christmas paper. 
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In May we started getting the BigAss RV ready to sell.  We got a second 5x10 storage unit at the same place down the road.  Holy Ca-rap - I couldn't believe how much stuff we had been hauling around with us.  And how much delayed maintenance we are finding. Corny will be much less stressed out by dropping stock prices when we sell the RV.
Geocaching has been a little sparse since all this moving prep and summer weather.  There is a promotion going on to find about 30 caches per month for a whole year to earn a digital souvenir each month and one at the end of the year if you met the reqs every month.  Last month I did a few hikers in Starkey Park and a bike path - which I split into early morning and early evening.  I think I will continue that bike path for this month's caches...
Life is Godd!  We fit out.
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leroygaming · 1 year
Razer Kiyo Pro: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Budget Webcam for Streamers
Razer Kiyo Pro: What’s in the Box?
Alright, so this webcam’s rockin’ a 1080p resolution. No more potato-quality streams, guys. It’s got autofocus, so it doesn’t matter how much you’re movin’ around; this thing will keep you lookin’ crisp. Don’t wanna shell out for a fancy mic? No worries, Kiyo Pro’s got you covered with a built-in mic. And it hooks up via USB A-to-C, so connecting it is a breeze.
The Good Stuff:
Let’s get real. The 1080p on the Kiyo Pro is legit. Your viewers will see every detail, which is rad for the overall stream—got mood lighting? Kiyo Pro’s all about it – it’s like a beast in low light. Plus, you can turn on HDR for those ultra-sick graphics. It’s like putting your stream on steroids.
The Not-so-good Stuff:
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This thing could be better. The UI on the Synapse software? Somewhat clunky, bro. Some peeps are pretty ticked off about it. They might fix it in updates, or some modder out there might develop a hack. And here’s the kicker – no 4K. I know, man. It’s like showing up to a party, and they’re out of pizza. But you have to ask yourself if you need 4K. Because aside from that, this webcam is pretty beast
Kiyo Pro vs. The World:
Alright, other webcams out there do 4K, and they’re not robbing you blind. But, the Kiyo Pro’s like that all-rounder who’s good at everything. It’s like the friend who’s always got your back. Solid.
Let’s Talk Cash:
95 bucks. That’s all it takes to score one of these. Seriously, it’s like achieving legendary loot on a primary quest. For what it brings to the table, it’s a no-brainer.
What’s the Word on the Street?
People love it, man. Streamers are all about that crystal-clear video and that low-light performance. And that built-in mic? The cherry on top. It’s like everyone’s saying, “Take my money!”
Wrapping it up:
Alright, let’s drop the conclusion bomb. If you want to up your stream game without selling a kidney, the Razer Kiyo Pro is your golden ticket. It’s not perfect, but what is? 1080p, solid in low light, and HDR? That’s a winner in my book. For $95, you’ll be rollin’ in style. It’s the ultimate care package for streamers who want quality without raiding the piggy bank. And that’s the scoop! Get out there and let the world see your glorious face in HD! Peace out, gamers! ✌️
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kelliwilliams2023 · 1 year
Weight lose Successfully
#fat piggy #fatty #fat belly #fat girls
#feede #chubby #feed me
#looking for a feeder #chunky #cute ...
Lexlee Hudson
College was a major adjustment for Hudson. Along with gaining more independence, she was also "stressed, working multiple jobs, and I didn't know what I should be eating." That meant she was grabbing what was easy and convenient on a college budget — a ton of pizza and any food she could get during breaks from her waitressing job. And within about a year, she had gained 180 lbs.
"I started having a lot of health issues," she says. "My back was hurting all the time. I had PCOS and I was on the spectrum for pre-diabetes and high blood pressure. I love to ride horses — I have my entire life — and I couldn't anymore. I became super insecure and withdrawn, and I stopped going out with my friends."
Meanwhile, her mom and grandma were both following the weight loss program Optavia and had dropped 80 and 75 lbs., respectively. They had tried getting her on board for years, and in January 2018, after Hudson finished college, she finally agreed to join the program. Hudson started setting alarms for every 2½-3 hours to remind herself to eat healthy snacks, and swapped out the pizza for ones with cauliflower crust or made Taco Tuesdays with lettuce wraps instead of tortillas.
Over the next two and a half years, Hudson consistently lost weight, eventually dropping 187 lbs. She's now a health coach, and helps people "get healthy."
"I tell people that before I felt like I had a mental cloud over my head. I didn't always put me first," she says. "My whole life has changed
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Thursday,  27  April,  2023....... Warmup.......Military Press....... 5  Rounder.....Wine Tasting.
The Weather-Person (They/Them/It) is predicting a 75% chance of rain at the hour of our 4 PM workout.  They/Them/It was predictably uncertain as it misted/drizzled/dripped off of leaves for 3 hours.    
4  Rounds
10  PVC Shoulder Dislocates
10  Scap Pull-Ups
Military Press:     10 / 5 / 2 / 2 / 2
The sets of 2  all same weight.
Three second hold at top of those last reps.
Don’t drop it.
Dana=zero.  late arrival     Sam D=zero. refused     Shannon/Kayla=45     Sue=60     Linda/Coach=70     Timmy/Herb/Tom=95     Smoothie=105      ED=125     WG=135     Armando/Bernie=155     Paul=Dr. Squat     
Metabolic Conditioner
5  Rounds
9  Power Cleans     (135/95/65)
15  Pull-Ups
21 / 15  Calories Any ERG
Kayla=14:32     Coach=15:47     Sue=16:25     Linda=17:28     Sam=17:43     WG=17:49     Dana=18:00     Armando=18:05     Smoothie=18:23     Ed=18:35     Timmy=18:55     Shannon=19:01     Bernie=20:19     Tom=22:00     Herb=23:55     PAUL=24:55     
Wine and Snacks
We need cases of bottled H20.  Much was brought.
Did anyone see what coach did there ?   He listed the results BACKWARDS !!!
Actually he did for the STRENGTH but then got lost on the Met-Con.  Oh well.....
The wine and snacks was it’s usual very boring WILD SUCCESS.  Kayla brought her much promised and long delayed Charcuterie board with some kind of special roses (?), plus boxes of other high carb crap that you guys like.   Armando himself cooked up some beef piggies in their blankets steeped in peanut butter and nuts that I only ate 10 of before tiring.  Ms Rousseau made some kind of triple cheese chunks swimming in some kind of ointment with little green onions, the kosher aspects of which were very troubling to Dr. Schwartz.  Ms Schwartz (Assistant Rabi) left early so Dr. Schwartz felt he had the imprimatur to consume every last one of the cheese chunks swimming in troubling ointment.  There were many and several less extravagant offerings that will go un-credited  including whatever Miss Linda brought.  
I pause here to mention that someone not present literally had a meltdown recently because purchases of pizza’s had ingredients that catered to some of our Hebrew brethren.  Like veggie pies with black olives.  YUK.   I don’t recall that that person ordered any pizza.  The guy who ordered such crap was Old Bird Man Joe who prolly thought he was ordering Pizza for migrating RUBY THROATED DOUBLE BREASTED BED THRASHERS.  Now everybody is afraid to order pizza for fear of hurting the White Southern Gun Toting Extremists’ feelings.
The wine and snack party broke up after about 2 hours when all 16 bottles ( 11 Reds / 3 whites  / 1 Rose / 1 Champagne were exhausted.  I was stupid enough to offer a cellar run, but nobody took me up on it.  
Did anyone notice that Sam D’s Dog exhibited the same bipolar mania activity that is so endearing about Sam.  BTW, Sam brought so much bottled water, wine, and Champagne that he had to make 2 trips to his Toyota Fore-Skin truck??  I guess we’ll extend his welcome as long as the creeks are dry.
Saturday at 0730 and at 0930.
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kittyspring-creates · 2 years
Head canons for post vecna i might write about later.
After the earth quake everyones trying to peice their lives back together. Everyone back in hawkins they can start mending the town.
Nancy takes up putting the hops old cabin back together for El and to be closer to jonathan. Imidiately she knows somethings wrong. Hes twitchier, cant keep eye contact, jumpy. His new best friend smells like pizza and thatone joint she had years ago at a party. He also is lying to her and she doesnt know why.
This leads her to a diffrent thoight which is she needs to vent but realizes she has no friends. Not since Barb. So she hunts down Robin and explains to her all of her insecurities about the way hes behaving. At first Robin is excited a girl wants to talk to her but as the topic stays on her and jonathan the more shes coming to the conclusion nancies not in love with him anymore. So robin pressures her to talk to jonathan and hopefully not be the cause of them breaking up by accedentally solidifying nancies fears.
°Ooof having friends is hard.
Max is fully out of the hospital but very broken and unable to help with anything. On bed rest from the doctor she is stuck on her couch and hates it. But she likes the company, everyones over all the time either to say hi, give her homework from school, or just to hang out. Els back and that means alot of girl time. Watching bad tv and gossipong about boys. Max has to try really hard to hold her tounge whenever mike is brought up. Mike is her least favorite person.
El tells max what she heard when she piggy backed. And Max told Nancy the next time everyone was over. Dustin and Lucas rasses on mike but Nacy straight up smacked up uo the side of the head and gave him a lecture on taking care of his friends. How Will must of felt. The hit on the head makes Mike realize hes been a dick. And rides off to find will.
Everyone brings food to maxs house. Knowing her mom can barely feed them let alone a bunch of kids. They end up lounging outside which is mre spacious for all of them. When Jonathan does join the gangs all talking about dumb things and Nancy chimes in that Steve once told her he wanted six kids in an rv and travel the us with them. They all laugh at another thing Steve has done but Jonahans not laughing. This furthers the stake between them.
Hopps is trying to get Eddies name cleared, get in contact with anyone he can to stop this obsured story about cults. Until then Eddie is stuck hiding in his uncles trailer. But he cant sleep. It really shiws when he sneaks over to maxs for food and company. Hes less excetric, unresponsive at times, dazed.
The group tries to arrange for a dnd session to show will his mastery but Eddie doesnt feel well enough to do it. But what else is he gonna do sleep. He cant he keeps hearing things seeing things. He has his radio on all the time just for some peace.
One day when the groups all hanging out at maxs back yard covered by the familys laundry from prying eyes. Eddie is in the mits of writing ideas for the campang. An odd slow song playing off the radio, nancys choice. Hes slumped against the trailer between steve and robin. Eventually he cant keep his head up anymore his eyes to unfocused to be open. He drops the pecil and starts falling forword, stev catches him and gently puts em against his shoulder to rest. The group dyes down a little and dustin being who he is starts talking about eddie. Not to be mean hes worried. Even steves worried.
Eddie wakes up when a shot gun oes off and both stev and robin cover him. It was an idiot in the distance and after nancy hunted them down she gave a long speil about gun safty.
Later eddie still couldnt sleep he impulsively rished to maxs house at night and stole her bike, not expecting her to be awake or watching him. He told her hed bring it back then rode out to steves place. He climbed in through the window and after startling the boy bumbed into his bed. Telling jim goodnight and not mpving. Steve barely rotestes but he still whinned about it. For days this went on and hed complain to Robin about it but she saw the smile on his face. Then robin started talking about all the things nancy told her.
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mangosbytelepathy · 2 years
Thanatos One: Anna Sokolov
She walked to the door, gave him a kiss, spread his collar down, picked a piece of lint off his tie, told him he was handsome, and said "I'll see you at six."
She closed the door lightly behind him walked back to the edge of the living room where the cabinet sat, mixed herself a vodka tonic, had a sip, placed her drink on the small mahogany table, the clink of the ice cubes soothing her nerves for a second, and dropped into the plump green-gray love seat thinking of what she could have said, what she should have said, what he said, what he didn't say, what they both said in the past.
Cool winter light spread through the windows and lit up the small room. Her eyes fixed on the pastel of the Cambodian dancers clipped out of a book hanging on the far wall, and then on the brass andirons next to the fireplace, the saving grace of this small cottage, the granite fireplace was.
She felt the rough wool of the seat against her skin as her body sank into the well worn setee that came from her mother and was now her’s, an inherited thing she had spent her entire life with, until this uneventful moment when she smoothed the plait of her blue chiffon dress and picked some specks of lint out from her lap.
Gazing out the window at the leafless pear tree in the back yard framed by a stone wall of the type common in the Catskills, beyond which the land fell down quickly to the creek that ran from the outskirts to town, Anna Sokolov's mind wandered to years ago when she was running down the street after her older sister on a bicycle and her lace came undone and she flew into the air far forward and landed hard, scraping her bare knee just below the hemline of her school uniform. 
How the large abrasion looked the next day with the bandage off, with its mixture of pus and blood simmering at the surface like a Hawaiin volcano, reminded her of those horrible wounds on the African children in the UNICEF videos they showed in school around Halloween, with the comic actor Danny Kaye somewhere in the Congo, designed to inspire the children to the collection of coins in at Halloween in little waxboard pint sized milk cartons with slits in the top, little milky piggy banks. "Trick or Treat for Unicef" they taught them to say in school when they rang doorbells round the neighborhood in the night of October 31.
But those skin diseases on those children; it was years before she could eat pizza again. In the hallway of Linden Avenue school, on the way back from assembly where the Unicef doctors had been carefully applying unguent and gauze to the skin of these poor children, the smell of pizza lifted from the special-ed classroom where the Down's syndrome kids were segregated to.
Anna always tried not to look at them, because they were so friendly, yet frightening in their difference, and she didn't know anything about them or how to respond, and none of the adults gave any instruction. She always ended up looking anyway. 
This time one of the children rushed towards her with a big smile and piece of pizza asking her if she wanted some. Louise's eyes fell on the sight of melted cheese and tomato sauce in the hands of this laughing Down's syndrome child, which her eight year old mind quickly associated with the wounded skin of these near forgotten children in Africa. And the smell sickened her.
There was her father, too, who looked more than a little like Danny Kaye, with the same charming smile and gingered hair, with the same wit and musical talent and compassion for strangers and the ill. The time he sat her older schizophrenic brother on his knee and played guitar, even though he smelled of urine after wetting his pants; there was a large darkened area on his grey trousers that looked like a map of some as yet undiscovered country. 
It was Maurey’s birthday, and there was chocolate cake and funny hats, which her father had on, too, for pompous and stiff as he was on normal occasions, on abnormal ones was quite able to play the fool or the dunce, as long as he was in control and getting the lion's share of the attention. She remembered nibbling at the chocolate cake, already chubby at age 7 and worried about being fat. There was a nail in her shoe that the cobbler missed, and it pressed on her heel the whole time.
And now time was hers, under her control. Making sure all the windows and doors were closed, making sure the pilot lights in the water heater and stove were blown out, Louise spread a thick wool blanket onto the large oak dining table they had purchased while on vacation in Maine, what an ordeal it had been transporting it home and getting it into the house, which she then covered with her favorite down comforter, and turned on the gas oven and all 6 burners at the top of the stove. She thought about her husband, and what he might think or not think, feel or not feel, say or not say, while waiting for the gas to fill the room. She did not think of her 5 children, and was just so tired, so ready to leave, and she relaxed.
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drowninghell · 2 years
Gn! Reader x Raph + gn! Reader x Leo
I HONESTLY don’t know what this is! I just wanted to have fun with it! I hope you all like it! I’d really appreciate some feedback! It’s Friday!!
Warnings ALCOHOL
- you weren’t the type to really go out per say, you where content with your handful of close acquaintances , your work and your boyfriend. Usually your days where too preoccupied , too busy with day to day life to even think about time for you.
- when April sauntered into the lair, dropping the hint that she, and a few of their joint group where heading out for drinks , she invited you.
- Raph urged you to go, your darling boyfriend wrapped his strong arms around your waist, chin tucked into the crook of your neck. His gritty voice rumbled in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
- Begrudgingly you agreed!
- As the clock ticked on and Raphael finished up his patrol, he received a phone call.
- “ raphhhh~ my darling! My love! “
- The red clad turtle had to double take, it was like three am. He had assumed you had too much to drink and crashed at April’s, ps.. he already checked with her.
- “ hey you, where are ya? I thought you where asleep at April’s “ he replied, half amused and half frazzled by your adorning langue.
- He was met with a scoff “ me! Sleeping! Never!… I was but it’s too stuffy , they are all tired! I’m ready to hit to town! “ you slurred on , he couldn’t help but chuckle.
- He decided to indulge, “ don’t leave April’s , I’ll come get ya, don’t be walkin anywhere at this time alone “you could hear his smile down the phone.
- “ too late! “ he could hear cars in the background.
- “ what ,where are ya?”
- “ I think~ Brooklyn … yeah, definitely Brooklyn “
- Great! Very helpful!
- “ don’t move, I’ll be there no-“
- Before he could finish you had bid your sweet goodbyes and hung up the phone.
- With a sigh and a few muttered curses he made his way towards you , predicting where you’d go from April’s.
- He spotted you , you had literally not moved. Jacket draped over your shoulders , looking absently around you, he couldn’t help but grin at the sight.
- Adorable.
- “ hey it’s me, I’m here, come down that side alley and I’ll be there. “
- “ you sound so dodgy raph “ he saw you looking quizzically down the ally before walking towards him.
- “ what do you mean dodgy”
- “ what I said” mimicking his voice she repeated his statment.
- He wanted to throttle you , walking on past him, continuing to mock him .
- “ ha ha y/n youre a real funny guy” he plopped his massive hands down on your shoulders and gave you a quick shake.
- “ I’m gonna throw up”
- “ naw wait wha-“
- The poor man cannot apologise enough, the ninja he’s sure to tend to you the rest of the night! A piggy back ride back to the lair made your supitution lol the more bearable, hphazrdly laying your head along his broad shoulder.
- “ you did it on purpose because I called you dodgy , didn’t you? “
- “ naw I swear on Leos’ life! “
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- Leo was the fiercest, the most skilled and at touch with his martial arts side, he was disciplined and refined from years of training. A true hero that foes should fear!
- However , No amount of training could prepare him from handling you, drunk.
- It was a massive win for the team, after taking out a huge portion of the foot, everyone decided it was time to celebrate!
- So a few hours later, Casey, April and (y/n) had landed at the lair with pizza and boozs.
- You and Leo had been seeing each other for just over two years now, and not once, had he seen you drunk! Maybe tipsy but never drunk!
- Mid conversation with his beloved father, he could see from the corner of his oceanic blue eyes, you, absolutely hammered.
- “ naw , dude!, who ever drinks these three sambuca the fastest! Wins! “
- Mikey had, y/n, Raph, Casey all pitted against echother in a shot race.
- Trying his best, the eldest was trying to stay present and focused in the conversation with splinter, nodding every so often but honestly, he couldn’t relay the last five minutes of their talk. Shots where always a bad idea.
- SLAM. Your last shot glass upside down on the table, you had smoked them! April and Donnie where cheering you on. Both of them severely amused by the whole ordeal!
- “ Raph, Casey come on! You guys absolutely suck ass “
- Raph, who was half tubed, more than he’d care to admit! Demanded a rematch, mikey was in stitches laughing!
- It was an All round good Night
- You where firmly concentrating on the cards against humanity game when your beautiful boyfriend finally returned. Resting his chin atop your head as he leaned over the back of the chair. Glancing down at the cards in your hand, he grinned and nodded in approval. “ good cards“
- As the night went on , you grew to be progressively more drunk. To the point Leo had to put a stop to your drinking, for fear your poor liver would collapse.
- Any chance he could he was slipping cups full of alcohol and replacing them with water.
- You where quick to catch on. Drunk or not.
- And being one step ahead, with the help of Raph and mikey , you stayed fully supplied. Sneaking around avoiding your boyfriend.
- “ Leo~ “ you’d whine
- Only for him to tut “ honestly you’ll forgive me in the morning “
- Four bottles of beer and eight shots confiscated later.
- Leo caught sight of you after you snook off ,again, he was growing exasperated.
- You stared at him with wide eyes, a rabbit caught in headlights.
- Finally, his patience ran thin.
- “ where did you even get that! Like what! How! “ he looked to his brothers and pointed. “ how did they get that!”
- You sank the bottle and disappeared ,maniacal laughter insuing, he was hot on your toes!
- When he finally caught up to you, he coundly help the breathless laughter. When had he laughed since! Properly!
- Looking down at you, nothing but adoration in those beautiful eyes , he rested his forehead against yours in a delicate embrace.
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- good night!
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