#Drug Rehab in MA
At Berkshire Mountain Health, we understand that overcoming addiction is a complex journey requiring a comprehensive approach. As a premier drug rehab in MA, we offer personalized treatment plans designed to address the unique needs of each individual. Our multidisciplinary team includes medical professionals, therapists, and addiction specialists who work collaboratively to provide holistic care.
Berkshire Mountain Health 446 Monterey Road, Great Barrington, MA 01230 (413) 259–0341
My Official Website: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17976229851147199286
Our Other Links:
treatment center Berkshire: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/addiction-treatment-center-in-massachusetts/ drug rehab Berkshire: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/treatment/drug/ alcohol rehab Berkshire: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/alcohol-rehab-in-ma/ dual diagnosis treatment Berkshire: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/treatment/dual-diagnosis/ inpatient drug rehab MA: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/services/inpatient-residential-treatment/ medical detox Berkshire: https://berkshiremountaindetox.com/services/inpatient-medical-detox/
Service We Offer:
Addiction Rehabilitation Centre Addiction Treatment Centers Mental Health Services Alcohol rehab Alcohol detox Drug detox residential drug rehab
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compassrecoveryllc · 3 days
Compass Recovery, LLC is dedicated to providing drug rehab in Feeding Hills MA. Our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced professionals dedicated to helping our clients achieve lasting recovery. We also offer holistic therapies such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy to support our clients’ overall well-being.
Compass Recovery, LLC 975a Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 (413) 861–0680 My Official Website: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=3485904267518409178
Our Other Links:
drug rehab Agawam: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/drug-rehab-agawam/ drug rehabs in Western Mass: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/drug-rehab-western-mass/ drug rehab Springfield: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/drug-rehab-springfield/ substance abuse treatment Feeding Hills: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/substance-abuse-treatment-massachusetts/ outpatient rehab Springfield: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/addiction-services-massachusetts/intensive-outpatient-treatment/
Service We Offer:
Clinic/center — Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Addiction treatment Drug Treatment Alcohol rehab
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ladamedusoif · 7 months
Baking (Dieter Bravo x OFC! Andie Wallace-Bravo)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 2
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar (click for masterlist)
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC!Andie Wallace-Bravo
Rating: Teen/Mature
Word count: ~1500 words
Warnings: Mild drug references, alcohol references, strong language, implied smut
Summary: Although he’d once been more known for getting baked, these days Dieter is more interested in baking of a different kind. 
Author's note: This entry in A Merry Fic-Mas is inspired by the very wonderful Curls series by @farawayfromwanting/@agentjackdaniels and @julesonrecord. It's an honour to have the chance to add my own tiny little scene to the Bravo-Wallace family story, and I hope their wonderful creator likes this humble little tale of Holiday Dandie.
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Dieter Bravo was not what anyone would call a wholly domesticated man. Marriage and kids had encouraged him to embrace the joys of basic family cooking, but he still struggled with anything beyond the simplest of recipes. 
“I’m an actor, Mamá,” he’d protested as his mother tried to teach him a few of her staples. “It’s basically a given that we’re gonna live on takeout and on-set catering.”
But Dieter had a culinary secret. Baking. In the literal, not metaphorical, sense. Though that was a specialism, too. Less so, these days. 
Even at his hedonistic peak, he’d somehow still retained the ability to produce the best cookies - weed optional, though usually a given - anyone had ever tasted. He didn’t have an exact recipe, just went on vibes. It was soothing, all that gentle mixing and rolling and cutting and baking. He’d made full use of the in-house kitchen in rehab, churning out variations on his failsafe cookie recipe as a kind of therapeutic exercise.
Now, Dieter is swiping through holiday baking ideas on Pinterest while the kids dance energetically to the Bluey opening credits. He’s been the stay-at-home parent for the last couple of months, the strike and production delays for season two of When You’re Lost in the Darkness offering him a welcome chance to stay put and just be a dad. 
Andie walks into the family room dressed in her favourite smart casual outfit of stylish grey coat, white blouse and jeans, makeup subtle and dark curls arranged over one shoulder, her purse slung across her body. She’s in demand, these days, and with Christmas fast approaching Dieter wanted to give her a proper day to herself: get her nails done, have a facial, whatever she wanted. 
“You sure you don’t want me to stay? I feel bad heading out and not staying with you guys on my day off.”
Dieter looks up from his iPad and smiles at his wife. “When was the last time you had a day just for you, angel? We’re fine. Go! Relax! Shop! Do whatever!” He stands up from the couch and shoos her affectionately towards the door, barely letting her pause to kiss the kids goodbye.
Charlie and Ezra do not take their eyes off Bluey for a moment.
Dieter sits beside the kids on the big rug in front of the TV. “So…how’d you guys like to make a surprise for mama?”
Charlie shoots him a look so uncannily similar to her mother’s that Dieter has to pause for a moment. “We’re watching Bluey.”
Ezra nods, bright blond hair gleaming. “Boo-ee.”
“Okay, how about this: we make some cookies for mama, we have lots of fun, and then you can watch more Bluey. Hmmm?”
The children turn to each other as if conferring over their father’s offer. Charlie, as the eldest, assumes the role of spokesperson.
“Okay. But we get to eat cookies and watch Bluey.”
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The Pinterest post Dieter had selected as inspiration showed a perfect, well-scrubbed family enjoying a platter of gorgeous, golden holiday cookies frosted and decorated with surgical precision. 
His kitchen, however, had disintegrated into a case of Pinterest versus reality, soundtracked by Dieter’s personal holiday playlist.
Ezra’s wails drown out the sound of Run DMC while Charlie protests that she wasn’t trying to eat Ez’s bowl of frosting. Her dark curls, meanwhile, are streaked with flour, dough, and sugary globs of red and white fondant icing.
They seem to have somehow used every single bowl in the Bravo-Wallace household, the kitchen countertops crowded with mixing bowls of various sizes and coated in flour and sugar. As Dieter turns to comfort Ezra he skids on what he rapidly realises is an errant egg white.
“Motherfuck- sorry, Charlie. And Ezra. Sorry, Charlie and Ezra!”
No sooner has he picked up his son than the oven timer pings, and Charlie is off her stool and opening the oven door - bare-handed - like a shot. Dieter throws himself across the kitchen as best he can, half-diving to get Charlie away from the hot surfaces while somehow still maintaining his balance with little Ezra in his other arm.
Now Charlie starts wailing. “I wanna take the cookies out for Mamaaaaaaaaa!”
Ezra joins in. 
José Feliciano entreats the Bravo-Wallaces to a feliz Navidad. 
Dieter takes a deep breath and tries to summon up what's left of his holiday spirit.
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Andie Wallace-Bravo has had a manicure, a pedicure, a facial, and feels like a new woman. She even managed to get in some Christmas shopping at The Grove, stopping at the Farmers Market for a coffee before heading home. 
The house seems eerily quiet, though, as Andie opens the front door and steps inside. No TV. Just the faint sound of holiday music coming from the direction of the kitchen. She drops her purse on the hall table and goes in search of her little clan.
“Dieter? Kids?”
“Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I made you cookies! Seeeeeee!” 
Charlie collides with her mother and Andie becomes conscious of something sticking to her favourite grey coat: a freshly-baked sugar cookie, shaped like what she suspects is meant to be a Chrismas tree, and dripping in frosting and sprinkles. 
“Oh! Yes, I can see - hey, where’s your brother?”
Right on cue, Ezra toddles around the corner. He is, from head to toe, almost entirely green. 
He extends his chubby arms towards Andie, who shucks off her coat and picks him up. So much for this blouse, she muses. 
“Dieter, why is our son green?”
Dieter is leaning against the kitchen island, sweatpants covered in what looks like flour and tiny white handprints all over his dark grey t-shirt. He turns to look at his wife and reveals a face covered in splodges of red and green frosting, and hair rendered white with powdered sugar and flour. 
“Hiiiii, angel. We, uh… we wanted to surprise you. With cookies.”
Andie’s heart swells so much that she’s able, somehow, to ignore the apocalyptic scene in every corner of her kitchen. “You made cookies, for me?”
Ezra claps his little hands together. “COOKEEE MAMA! COOKEEEEE MAMAAAAA!” 
Charlie joins in with the chant, beating a loud tattoo on an upturned mixing bowl, oblivious to the dough plopping onto the floor. 
“Dee, my love? How much frosting did they eat, exactly?”
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Dieter had protested when Andie insisted on helping with cleanup. She silenced him with a kiss to his sugar-coated lips, tugging on a pair of rubber gloves to protect her sparkling festive manicure.
“We’re a team, baby. Anyway, if we didn’t tackle this together I think we’d still be cleaning it by New Year’s.”
With the last of the bowls finally washed and put away, Andie reaches into one of the high cupboards and retrieves a bottle of Irish cream liqueur. 
“It’s Christmas, after all, and I have been looking forward to this all day. Come join me on the couch? There should be some cocoa in the cupboard if you want.”
Dieter smiles and nods. “I’ll be there in a couple of minutes, angel. Just want to check on one final batch of dough.”
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When Dieter finally emerges, still in his deconstructed cookie-coated clothes, he’s holding a plate of plain cookies and carrying a mug of hot cocoa for himself. 
“The final batch of cookies.” He places them on the coffee table and sinks into the couch beside his wife, resting his head on Andie’s shoulder. “These ones are, uh, a little different. Special.”
Andie looks at him dubiously. “Special?”
He exhales and stretches out, picking up a cookie and nibbling at it. “Weed cookies. For some much-needed relaxation.”
“Oh. Ohhhhh.” Andie giggles and puts down her glass, picking up a cookie. “Well. Holiday cheer, indeed. Thank you, baby.” She takes a bite, chews, and turns to Dieter in astonishment. 
“Holy fucking shit, Dee? These are insane?!” 
He quirks a floured eyebrow and grins. “Still got it. Still making the best cookies in Hollywood.”
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Andie is two cookies in when she starts to get giggly, tucking her feet under her and whispering sweet nothings at Dieter as he munches on another of his creations. 
“Merry Christmas, Mr Bravo. You’re the best, you know?”
Dieter hums happily to himself, a soft, blissed-out smile spreading across his face. “Mmmm. No. You are. You’re the best. The best best.”
She giggles again and rests her head on his shoulder. “We’re so fucking lucky. Aren’t we?”
He grunts in assent. 
Andie kisses Dieter’s broad shoulder through his t-shirt. “Hey, Dee. Hey. Wanna make out on the couch?”
No answer. 
A soft snore. Andie melts a little at the sight: her beloved, still the handsomest thing she’s ever seen even if he’s covered in half the contents of their cupboards. She studies his face, reaching out to gently trace her fingers over his gorgeous features, and leans in to kiss his forehead. 
He tastes of sugar.
Another kiss. More sweetness. Andie giggles, and proceeds to kiss and lick the rest of the frosting off her husband’s face.
Dieter opens one eye, half-awake. “Angel, are you…licking me clean?”
She giggles before standing up and helping Dieter to his feet. 
“Sure am. So let’s go to bed where I can finish the job.” She reaches down to pat her husband’s ass, flour rising in a cloud of dust as she does so. 
“Always said you tasted sweet, baby.”
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Dividers by @estrelinha-s
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wobbly-fluggers · 1 year
"What would I do without you?"
Lenny Bruce x Reader
Summary: you were Lenny's manager could you manage anything more then a dead succulent probably not but when there's a will there's a way... you hope. There had to be cause you're absolutely in love with him and hope that maybe he could be with you.... far fetched if you were being honest but a girl can dream.
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We're you a fan? Yes, yes you were. Was it pathetic how much of one you were? Yes, yes it is. Was it creepy almost? Probably? Did you really care? Not really. You could have a crush and go to his shows and be there waiting with a grimace... it could if been a smile if you weren't so chicken...
But you were, and instead of just going up to the guy and saying he I like you I find you infuriatingly attractive and absolutely hilarious would you like to get a drink with me? You said I uh I want to be your Manger.. yep just like that.
You're such an idiot.. you had no clue about the business. Comedy..really? You were an engineering major what would you know about getting gigs you'd have to talk to people you chose engineering so you wouldn't have to.
Here you were though waiting for Lenny. The man of your dreams sorry client to finish his set having just got a call from your mother how she was able to track you down to this bar you would never know but she did. But besides the point you were waiting for Lenny to be done his set to let him know he was on fire only for the cops to come.
They loved to bust him for obscenity...and as his manager you had to try and get him out of it.
"Hey woah what are you doing he has the right to be there." You interject them before they can put hand cuffs on him stepping stright in between so he was behind you and you acted as a wall.
"Get out of the way little lady you shouldn't be in this place anyway."
"Happy we came in before you had to hear anything too unpleasant."
"Sir I think you misunderstand-"
This short conversation was long enough for Lenny to be thrown into their car as the had side stepped you entirety you were fumming after them as Lenny chuckled.
"Goddamn it! I'll see you at the station jackass!" You yelled as you flipped off the police officers in the front seats.
Pulling out a cigarette you muttered how it was just your luck to have to police show up at the one gig that could've been your chance of getting Lenny on TV. Since becoming his manager in 1954 you had first sent him to rehab for his strung out tendencies and then you has taken away any of his abilities to get any sort of drug fix that wasn't weed.
You were able to do this because for some reason he listened to you followed your words to the best of your ability. If you said refine this joke refine he did. If you said get another suit cause it looks like he only had one he got two... total.
But there you were now standing waiting for him to be released. In a very grouchy mood. Paying the bail with the money you made from the gig he was arrested from. You made sure to get the money the minute you two got there. A policy of yours.
A policy. You scoffed look at you thinking like you know a damn thing about this business. You're just persistent and sometimes you offer to fix up anything that needs fixing at the bar free of charge but did you care not really.
Was way better than that dumb office job you used to have. You were glad you saved every penny you earned before your parents cut you off cause you would've been flat broke-
"Hey! Doll! What are you a girlfriend? Or something?"
You said your next words a bit to bitterly in hindsight, "Or something" 
"You his manager?" The officer who had called you little lady earlier asked. You didn't realize Lenny was skipping down the steps as you said
"Nice job officer fuck face you really connected the dots on that one" You're tone was angry.
"Hey watch it lady!" He growled at you. The lady at the front desk decided to interven lecturing you
"You'll catch no man's attention being so fowl." You noticed her signal to your unringed hand.
"Yeah? Well suck a lemon sugar putts." You say in a fake sweet tone.
"Thank god your boyfriends here get her the hell out of here before you have to bail her out" the officer who called tou doll said.
You turn to see Lenny grinning like a Cheshire cat getting to you in a few long strides and locking arms with you.
"Well be on our way" Lenny almost sung in amusement.
"Hey! Woah I'm not done!" you say breaking away from him instantly regretting the lose of contact. But your anger was too high who the hell were they to just violate free speech and then basically say you were Destin to be alone... okay maybe not that.. and maybe you need to fix your priorities abit but it all was the same to you at that moment..
"Aye! Fuck you! Fuck you! And especially Fuck you!" You grabbed there attention again as you procced to flip off officer 'doll', officer 'little lady', and that bitch receptionist in that order respectively.
Lenny laughed as he dragged you out of there. Chuckling he mumbled,"Nice job officer fuck face," shaking his head with light laughter
"More angry than I am." He mused as you two walked down the street.
"Yeah well its been a bad night." You hissed.
"Thank you for informing me I was shit tonight ill try and be shittier the next time your majesty" Lenny joked he had some ongoing bit of you being royalty or something.
"Are you kidding you were in fire tonight-" you said with a seriousness that made Lenny stop joking and look at you, "You are extremely talented and shouldn't need to 'behave yourself' to be up on that stage. That's where you belong." You said it firmly, "Don't worry I'll deal with the court stuff. You go home."
"And what will you do?"
"Go kiss ass at some club to get you to preform there... in other words my job. You get out of here you already did yours."
"Yeah, really? What? Get arrested for the hundredth time? Half those people that come there are there to see if I do or not." 
"Still paying to see you which means money in your pocket... which by the way here you go.. abits gone cause bail cost money these days consider it my cut."
The bail was no were near the cut of profits you normally get but you had money and a part time job that gave you more money you didn't need it like he did. He had a kid to think about.
"Let's eat." He said. You guess he realized as he tried to give it back indirectly
"Maybe in the morning," you offered a slight smile," I have work to do."
"But you're done for the night."
"Says who?"
"Says me."
"Lenny you're really good at your job but I'm better at mine. I gotta keep food on your table somehow." You say with a shrug and a whole load of fack confidence, "besides my day doesn't end till I go to sleep." You grin a real grin a grin you hide normally. You had been walking away from it so he only saw a distant one but he returned it.
"You're gonna be big Lenny Bruce! I'll make sure of it!" You yell as you cross the street a long ways away from him at that point but he still yells back
"What would I do without you princess!" He chuckles as he watches you walk away..god.. did he love you....
First post trying to get better at building chemistry, don't honestly know how to use tumblr yet but if you can let me know? Skimmed for Grammer and spelling mistakes but honestly could have missed alot.
Hope you enjoyed have an amazing day :)
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kleoyeager78 · 1 year
10 things I hate about you | 13
Trigger warning: this chapter contains very dark content such as abuse, rape, suicide attempt, drug use/ being addicted to drugs and mentions of being suicidal. None of this is in graphic detail but still I know it can be triggering so read at your own risk!
The week had flown by fairly quickly and it was now Thursday.
It's been stressful in my house ever since I came back from Annie's. My dad yelled at me for not coming home claiming he was worried which couldn't be far from the truth, my step mom had come back from her girls trip with her friends and wouldn't stop bitching at me to do every little thing, Violet had been out with her friends so I had to do all the chores by myself, not like she helped anyways, and Angie still wasn't talking to me and actually seemed to be mad at me.
Over the last couple of days she would send me dirty looks, make messes knowing my step mom would make me clean them and I also heard her talking shit about me on the phone with her friends. I was truly hurt. I tried to talk to her but she would just walk away.
Nevertheless I couldn't just spend all my time worrying about my home life, I had shit to do. I had to take my mom to rehab Friday morning, I had to work with Eren on our project Friday and I also had plans to hang out with Furlan, he texted me about some party he wanted to go to and I said yes. 
I had a lot on my plate so hanging out with Furlan wasn't a bad idea at all.
It was about nine pm and I decided it was time to go to bed so I had energy for tomorrow. I knew I would need it dealing with my mom and Eren.
I got up bright and early, got ready then headed to my mom's apartment. My mom and dad lived very close so I decided to walk.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I hadn't seen my mom in a very long time. The last time I saw her was when I gave her keys to her car back when she got out of rehab the last time. And I literally just handed her keys to her and left without saying anything.
The only reason I'm even doing this is because she told me she wanted to get help again.
I knocked on her door and it took her a while to answer. But when she did she was in nothing but a robe.
"Hi, just give me one second," she said, sending me a big smile and heading back to her room.  
I sat on her couch awkwardly and just waited for her to get done.
She got done and came into the living room. "How do I look?" She asked me.
She was just dressed in plain clothing, no make up on anything, "good considering this is rehab"
"Great, let's go!" She said handing me the car keys.
"Alright" I got up and headed to the door.
"Y/n actually do you have a minute?" My mom stopped me.
"No, I don't" I said in a very uninterested tone.
"Please" she grabbed my arm which i pulled away. "It'll be quick I just need a moment with you"
"Okay." I said giving in.
She went back to sit on the couch and I followed her.
"I uh. I just wanted to say I'm uh-" I could tell she was finding it hard to form a sentence and I really didn't have time for this.
"You're what? Can you get it out already?"
"You're right." She took a breath. "I wanted to say I'm sorry about our last encounter." She got too embarrassed to look at me so her eyes were facing the floor.
"Okay" I said getting off the couch getting ready to just walk away but she grabbed me.
"I mean it, I truly am sorry for the things I said."
"I said okay didn't I? What do you want from me? You want me to say I forgive you? Because I don't."
"No I just-"
"Save it, I don't need your excuses in my life."
"Let's just go ma"
My mom just stopped trying and got in the car. There was an awkward silence the whole way there.
"Were here" I said.
My mom unbuckled her seatbelt and I thought she was about to get out of the car but instead she reached over and hugged me.
I was shocked and didn't hug her back but tears began to form in my eyes as I heard her sniffling. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.
"M-" my voice cracked. "Mom"
"I'm sorry y/n I really am. I'm sorry for all the nasty things I said to you. I'm sorry that I wasn't much of a good mom and I'm sorry that I'm still not much of a good one"
I didn't know what to say. I was honestly shocked and kinda just frozen in place. My mom didn't let go of me and to be honest I really wanted her to. I just wanted the morning to be over already, I already had a stressful day and I didn't need to add more to it.
I pulled away from her and she noticed I was uncomfortable so she pulled away too.
"Mom I want to accept your apology but you've done nothing to show me you mean them. There's been countless times where you've failed me and I don't understand how you expect me to move past that."
"I have y/n I have shown you I mean them." My mom looked at me with teary eyes and grabbed my hand.
I snatched my hand away, "Really? What have you done to show me?" I was getting angry and you could hear it in my tone.
"I'm getting better for you baby" she said rubbing my thigh which I also had to move away from her.
"Do you know how many times you've said that to me and look where we are?" I said pointing at the rehab building.
"I know but it takes time"
"Oh I know that but I didn't think you needed a whole seventeen years mom"
She put her head down in shame and I just scoffed. It's just like her to play the victim in my life that she and my father destroyed. "So what else have you done to show me you mean your apologies? I really want to know mom, what have you done?"
"Well I left Nick. I kicked him out and cut all contact." She said with a gleam of hope in her eyes that I would give her some type of praise or reward for doing the bare minimum.
But I just laughed. "Oh wow mom you cut off one of my abusers and then left me with the other one for my whole entire life." I had to stop myself from laughing because I was cracking up inside. "You are such a good mom" I said sarcastically, sending her a smile.
She had her head down with a look of shame. I could tell she was extremely hurt but I didn't have it in me to stop. "Say mom what did you do when I told you what dad did to me?"
She sat there looking at me with sad eyes, "I-" I cut her off before she could start.
"No, actually I'll tell you. You hung up the phone and the next day I went to your apartment and it was littered with drugs and you were passed out. And do you know what else is crazy about that? You not only traumatized me for life that day but that was also the day you came back home from rehab." I sighed. "And you don't even have a good reason for doing this. Do you not know how guilty I felt that day? I was waiting in the emergency room crying because I was the reason you were there in the first place." I could feel my eyes getting watery.
"I was nothing but a little girl. I didn't deserve that mom and you know that."
My mom began to break down worse and I started to feel bad. "I'm so sorry y/n I remember that day too and I feel like absolute shit for doing that to you. You deserve so much better than me." She said, At this point she was violently shaking and crying. It looked like she was about to throw up so I didn't say anything else and just let the conversation calm down.
After a few minutes of silence I decided to ask my final question. "Can I ask you something?" I looked over to her and she looked at me with puffy eyes but shook her head letting me know I could. "Why did you do that? Why did you overdose that day I told you about what happened to me?" I said in a calm voice to let her know I was no longer angry, just curious.
"it um-" she coughed a little to clear her throat. "It just reminded me of bad times and I needed something to take my mind off of it" she said staring out of the window not wanting to look me in the eyes.
"What? Mom, were you-" she cut me off.
"Yes," she sighed. "I don't talk about my past much, but when I was young, I lived with my grandmother and grandfather. My mom cheated on her husband and ended up getting pregnant with me. The only way she could save her relationship was to leave me behind with them. And my dad already had another family before I was even born, and he wasn't going to ruin that for me either." Midway through her explanation, she started breaking down. "I'm sorry, it's just that..."
I cut her off because I noticed it was getting hard for her to speak. "It's okay, Mom. You don't have to explain if you're not comfortable."
"No, it's fine. It's just that I haven't thought about it in a while, so it's a bit difficult to speak on." She took a deep breath and then continued speaking. "My grandpa died when I was twelve, and two years after that, my grandma died. My mom finally decided to come and take me in so I could stay with her, her husband, and their two daughters. Both of them were younger than me and basically treated me like their mother because my mom was almost never around." My mom chuckled, looking out of the car window.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"It's just that after all those years living with my grandparents, I thought I was missing out on having a mother, but in reality, she wasn't even there for the kids she was with," she sighed. "Going back to the story, I ended up having to take care of them because my mom was never around, and their dad was always at work. My mother and her husband were also alcoholics, so when they were home, I would try to keep the kids away from them as much as possible because they would always be drunk."
"During the entire time I stayed there, my mom would physically hurt me. She would throw empty glass bottles at me, plates, and anything else within reach. She would tell me I was the reason she suffered and that she never wanted me. One day, my stepdad walked in on this and rushed to comfort me. It was the first time I felt like I had someone to lean on for support. After that, he started paying more attention to me. He would buy me things, tell me he was there for me if I needed him, and even defend me against my mom. I started to trust him with everything. He was like my best friend in a way."
"But one day, he came home drunk again, and I was yelling at him because he had promised to quit. He smiled and kissed me. I tried to push him away, but it was no use. That day, he made me feel absolutely disgusting. After he was done, he passed out on the couch, and although I didn't want to be near him, I had to zip his pants back up because I didn't want the kids to see anything."
"That night, I told my mom about what had happened, and the only thing that came out of her mouth were insults towards me. She told me I had seduced him and that I had stolen her husband from her. She left for two days, leaving me alone with him. He tried to talk to me like nothing had happened, but I couldn't pretend. I started crying every time. The girls I cared for would come to check on me every day. They would ask if I was alright, but I couldn't tell them anything."
"I remember he came to my room and asked me what he had done wrong, and I finally told him. He said he was sorry and didn't remember, but he'd never do it again. I forgave him, but I wish I hadn't because he lied to me. A week later, he would come home every day and do it again. I forgave him each time because he said he was drunk and didn't remember, or sometimes he would say he thought I was mom, but I knew he was lying because I would hear him arguing with her before he came and did that to me."
"Around that time, I met a guy. I wasn't into him or anything, but he always gave me drugs. He told me they would make me feel better, and they did. So I followed him around like a lost puppy. It got so bad that I couldn't live without them. If I was without them for a second, I felt disgusted with myself, and my thoughts would start going crazy, telling me I deserved everything I went through and didn't deserve to live."
"I was seventeen when I decided I couldn't do it anymore. I tried to end it all, but I wasn't successful. My neighbor ended up coming to check on me because I wasn't answering anyone's phone calls. He found me unresponsive and called for help," she sighed. "Now do you understand why I hung up the phone, y/n? I'm not good at comforting people because I've never had comfort. Even when I lived with my grandparents there was no comfort, only work. The only comfort I've ever had in my life was drugs so that day you told me what happened to you I turned to them. I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm no better than the mom I had myself" she looked at me and frowned. "I'm not a good mother y/n and I'll never be able to do anything good for you. Even if I try to get help I'll fail every time. The only reason I come to this place is to stop me from killing myself. The only advice I can give you is to never be like me in life y/n, anything is better than me." With that she reached in the back, grabbed her bag and was about to leave but I locked the doors.
I reached over and gave her the biggest hug. I felt like utter shit for the things I said to her. She might not have been the best mom, and her actions most definitely can't be excused, but no one deserves what she went through, not even her.
"I'm so sorry, Mom," I cried. "I'm so sorry."
"Please don't be. This has nothing to do with you and also doesn't excuse how horrible of a mom I am to you," she hugged me back with one hand and took the other and played in my hair. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Mom."
We stayed like that for a few minutes, crying in each other's arms until my mom let me know she had to go, and I had to let go. We said our goodbyes, and she got out of the car.
Instead of pulling off right away, though, I decided to put my head down and think. I thought about what my mom said.
"Never be like me in life, Y/N," her voice repeated in my head. I sighed, lifting my head up and putting the car in reverse.
"Oh, Mom, I already am."
A/n ~ sorry for not updating. I've been so busy and testing is coming up so I don't have a lot of time on my hand but still I love y'all and will try to update more | Also, I finished this chapter a few days ago but I'm just now releasing it sorry but HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNIE SPRINGER!!!
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itspdameronthings · 7 days
Benny The Rookie Cop Ch3
Summary: Here it is! Took awhile to finish this! Here it is! Benny in the hospital. Santi in rehab. With a twist! cant say too much.
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Benny's POV: 
Here I am yet again . In the hospital. Haven't been what? A couple of days since I was being stitched up for a wound while on the job. This latest wound has become the talk of the station. Personally? Rather hide . Benny James Miller hide? Not gonna. Who wants to be shot in the ass?! Yeah! First time ! Look, it happened so fast. Was in pursuit of this dude who was framing top officials for dealing drugs. That's when a shootout happened . Fired first till a bullet hit my ass!  Upper left cheek to be precise. Chris made the call . Great! My wife is gonna hit the fan yet again! Last thing she needs to deal with since Santi went to rehab. We were gonna see him soon as he gets settled. Next thing, telling the others about the wound . Oh the jokes would fly like clock work. Now I'm layin on my tummy while I wait for the doctors to check on me. 
Gracie’s POV: 
After arriving for my shift. Which was kind of dead as a doornail. After the usual nurses meeting we have to deal with the usual shit. Like riding alongs with paramedics.  Oh what fucking fun. Bout to get started on my first task till there was a call about a cop being shot! Heart dropped! Worried about my husband. My heart ,and soul! Try not to get too emotional. Have a job to do. Taking a deep breath marched myself into trauma 2 to Benny! On the table laying on his tummy with a sheet draped to cover his lower half? Okay. Didn't ask why till removing it to see a bloody bandage on his ass! First thought it was a joke! I mean come on! He was known for his jokes. Till Chris told me it wasn't. Okay! Time to go to work on my sexy rookie. At some point he had to be sedated. I stayed with him till he woke up hours later. Looks so beautiful even in his groggy state. Hair so soft to the touch. Beautiful blue eyes that lights up the room. His hand touched my ,and mumbled,” Don't laugh okay?” Kissing his forehead ever so gently whispered,” Not a chance my husband. Got hurt on duty. Now you are my patient.. My duty is to take care of you. First thing. Have to get you admitted. I know I know ya hate that. Have to make sure the wound isn't bad. I'm gonna stay with you kay?” Benny reached for my other hand and kissed it. Telling me he loves me with all of his heart. Blew him a kiss while exiting the room. See my family in the waiting room. Will first hug me close. Could tell he was scared. Told him he is fine that his ass hurts,but still groggy,but they can go to see him. He would love that. Okay girl! Time to get things rolling.
Benny's POV: 
I'm floating a bit. Some point I heard voices from my lovely wife. Such a sweet thang to hear. Telling me stuff I don't recall right away. Hope to get out of here,on account I hate hospitals being here too many times in my lifetime. Want to be home. In my own bed. Not .. on this thin slab of metal with a mattress. Moments later I hear Will and Frankie telling me stuff. Could tell they were worried,and relieved. Hearing them chatting about stuff. Oh great! Doctor is here. Touching my wound seriously dude? Hurts like a mother! Enough already! Close my eyes again. Meds kicked in good! Want to sleep! Want my Gracie ! Oh my baby. Soulmate, love of my life,and reason why I am alive. Didn't care if other people thought I'm too old for her. Age factor isn't an issue for me. Heck! PA is older than ma. Love each other so much to put shitheads comments to bed. Gracie’s friends tried to convince her we weren't meant to be. Since I was in the Army at the time. Though saving herself for so long wasn't healthy. Our first time was so beautiful. Focus on that moment man! 
Santi just got back from another session. To him he didn't belong there talking about his fears with a bunch of strangers. Want to be home. With his family. Promising his mom he would do this for her,and doesn't want to be like his dad. Frightening him to no end. Leaning against the window looking at the view of tall buildings wishing for the quietness of home. Not noticing Gracie entering the room. Turned around,” Glad you are here little bud. Nice to see a familiar face. Don't see Benny.. is he at work?” Taking a breath while sitting on the edge of the bed,” Actually, he is here. Nursing a gunshot wound to the butt. Thought… it would be worse Tang! Worry about him every time he goes out. Thought about y'all in Columbia..” Santi sits next to her pulling her close to him like when she was a kid,” I know you do. We all do. He told me the same thing. He knows your job is dangerous too. I'm glad he has you. I mean it. Sure I was against it at first,but  when I see you with him? Can see why both of you were meant to be.” Moment was interrupted by a knock,” oh ! I'm sorry Santiago. Time for another session. “ Getting up rubbing his face,” Guess you know Dr. Knight. I'll be right there.” Gracie nods at her,” Oh yeah I do. Better go back to my husband. Take care of my brother. I mean helping him with his rehab not helping yourself to break his heart.” That didn't go well with the doctor. Got up to look her in the eye,” Look here I know what you might think of me ,but I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your brother's recovery. I'm just his doctor. Nothing more! It's not like I tried to seduce Benny when you were an intern. “ That did it! As much she wanted to kick Lucy’s ass,she was on duty. Not gonna stoop to her level. Got up to leave,” Oh, doctor? I wouldn't tell your supervisor on your misdiagnosis of a patient. You know? One that almost murdered a few innocents!”  Slams the door behind her. Leaving both of them, okay, one of them speechless. Lucy cleared her throat,” okay, see where she gets her spark from. Okay, ready to go Mr. Garcia?” Getting up from his spot. Glaring his brown eyes at her,” For the record ma'am. You haven't seen anything yet. “
Didn't take long to admit Benny to a private room overlooking the roof garden next building over. Him laying on a doughnut pillow,which it took awhile to get used to. Good he would be here overnight. Followed by resting at home for a few days. Had few visitors from his department. Glad to hear he would be okay. Followed by a few butt jokes. Benny replied as they left,” Very funny assholes if I see anything on my desk that pertains to my boo boo? Make y'all pay. “ Gracie laughed as she closed the door,” Now that we are finally alone. Wanna tell you that I was scared when I heard you were shot. Feared the worst baby. Said a prayer before you were brought in. Oh! Went to see Santi. Had a nice talk till.. that hussy of a doctor came in.” Benny knew who she was talking about. Pulls his wife into his side that doesn't have any wires. Kissing her forehead,” I cringe when I see her. To think she was willin to wreck our relationship. She sent ya on a goose chase. Proud of you what happened next. “ Kissing his chest,” yeah, but I think she might get her mits on my brother . See that doesn't happen.” 
Santi finally went alone to rest. Thinking about the events of the day. Counting down the day till he gets home.About to turn his light off. A knock at the door,” Come on handsome. Help me go to sleep.” 
Note: okay! Hate to leave this as a cliffhanger. Want to have y'all sweat it out oh who it is. Hoping to do an extra scene to this chapter. A sweet one where Benny boy comes home. Wish me luck! 
@rhoorl @romanarose @musings-of-a-rose
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yung-griffyndork0 · 8 months
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*warning. This post will be a memorial post. scroll past if you want*
Matthew Langford Perry. Born August 19th, 1969 (54) in Williamstown, MA. He played in “Friends, 17 Again, Fools Rush In, Serving Sara” & many more.
He gained international recognition in the 1990s for playing Chandler Bing on the NBC television sitcom Friends (1994–2004), for which he earned a Screen Actors Guild Award. In August 2018, it was reported that Perry underwent abdominal surgery to repair a gastrointestinal perforation. He disclosed in a tweet on September 15, 2018, that he spent three months recovering in hospital, suggesting that the surgery had taken place in June 2018.
Perry became addicted to Vicodin after a jet-ski accident in 1997, and completed a 28-day rehab program that year. His weight fluctuated over the next few years, dropping to 145 pounds (66 kg) due to pancreatitis. He entered rehab in February 2001 for an addiction to Vicodin, methadone, amphetamines, and alcohol. He was filming Serving Sara in Texas when he suffered severe stomach pains, and flew to Los Angeles to check into Marina del Rey's Daniel Freeman Hospital. Perry estimated he had spent $9 million to get sober. He revealed that due to his addiction issues, he did not remember three years of the time he was acting on Friends, between seasons three and six.
In 2011, Perry lobbied Congress as a celebrity spokesperson for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals in support of funding for drug courts. Perry received a Champion of Recovery award in May 2013 from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy for opening Perry House, a sober living home in his former mansion in Malibu, California. Perry sold the home and shuttered the rehab center in 2015.
After two and a half months in a private rehab center, Perry finally was able to finish Serving Sara and return to Friends, as well as focus on bettering himself. In 2002, he did a number of interviews, explaining his road to recovery and finally getting to a good place.
“ I certainly wasn't a partyer; I just wanted to sit on my couch, take five Vicodin and watch a movie. That was heaven for me. It no longer is.” Perry said he had been clean for 18 months, which means that he was newly drug- and alcohol-free when the “Friends” reunion aired in May 2021.
“My friends call me Matty. And I should be dead.” So begins the riveting story of acclaimed actor Matthew Perry, taking us along on his journey from childhood ambition to fame to addiction and recovery in the aftermath of a life-threatening health scare.
“Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir” a book by Matthew. L. Perry. - November 1st 2022.
On October 28th, 2023. At the age of 54. Matthew Perry was found dead in his hot tub after apparent drowning.
Matthew want just some addict or someone on a screen. He was a son, a brother, and a friend. He made everyone feel special. When people tuned in to watch “FRIENDS” it was like they were actually living there and actually friends with the characters. Matthew made everyone smile. Matthew made Chandler Bing come to life. Matthew made people smile, laugh & cry. He brought joy to many. He will be missed.
Rest in peace Matthew Langford Perry. August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023. (54)
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perennialrecovery · 10 months
Welcome to Perennial Recovery, the leading addiction treatment center in Westborough MA. We understand that overcoming addiction is a challenging journey, but with our comprehensive and personalized approach, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Perennial Recovery 287 Turnpike Rd Suite 125 First Floor, Westborough, MA 01581 (888) 301–9879
My Official Website: https://www.perennialrecovery.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7900575976178735179
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Service We Offer:
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myadalastdon · 1 year
Evan peters X female reader
Part one
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"When is this gonna end?" I said impatiently. I'm ready to get the hell out of here.
"Demi what did you do this time?" My mom whispered in my ear sternly.
"Mom she was being racist. I promise this time i had reason to hit her." I defended myself. Evan lets out a chuckle.
"You say that everytime you end up in here." Evan joins the conversation. I rolled my eyes.
"I swear you are so stupid some times. Demi you could be in prison. I pray to god the judge lets you off." Mom said with disappointment. I sighed. I really fucked up.
"Where is the judge anways?" I asked letting out a yawn. Judge taylor sat on the bench. The officer announced for all of us to rise.
She started saying some bullshit. While she was talking i zoned out. I'm tired of coming in this ho. I don't be doing anything.
I'm just trying to be a good person.
"So ms.callas it's a pleasure seeing you." Judge taylor says sarcastically. I would say something but that's how i ended in this courtroom.
"Yeah likewise judge taylor." I said sarcastically too. What she thought this was. She rolls her eyes, the officer hands her a tan pendaflex file folder.
She reads through the folder.
"Wow charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct. It says that you snatched a few patches out of the victim head and that you cursed at random people in public." She reads off the paper.
I mentally laughed in my head. If i laughed out loud. I would be in more trouble.
"Demi you have been in this court since you were 14. I don't know if i should send you to prison or what." She says looking at me.
The prosecutor whispers something in the judge's ear. Probably lies.
"Well i'm impressed that you have been checking in with your p.o. That's good. But it's your anger. You have to work on that ms.callas"
"Yeah i know." I said quietly. "Demi have you quit drugs?”
"Yes ma'am. I'm drug free over here." I lied. I just smoked me a blunt earlier. That's why i feel so good.
"That's why i'm sentencing you to anger management classes for 5 months. And that it's mandatory to take a drug test every two weeks." The judge hits her gravel. "This case is dismissed."
"OH HELL-." Evan covers my mouth with his hand.
This lady is tripping.
I don't have anger issues. People should respect me. Or people shouldn’t bother me.
"Shut your mouth. Or she'll send you to prison." He whispers. I rolled my eyes, removing his large hand from my mouth.
"Look at god!" Ma says happily. She pulls me into a hug. "I don't want to see you in here or I don't want to be in this negative environment anymore."
"Yeah i'm so glad you stopped doing drugs dear." My aunt vanessa says letting out a sigh of relief. Evan sends me a look. He knows that i'm still doing drugs.
Oh god.
Drugs relax me. They make me think better and put me in a better vibe.
"Yeah can i go?" I pleaded. Mom nods, pinching my cheeks. See she's always babying me.
I left the courtroom with evan trailing behind me. "Wait!"
"What?" I said checking my apple watch. It was 11:30 am.
"Can i talk to you?" He asked making eye contact with me.
"Uh yeah sure." I answered. "Are you hungry?"
"Yep you know it." I said quickly said. He chuckles.
"I can't believe you ate all that." Evan pointed to my plates.
"Ev you know a girl gotta eat. Food is my love language." I said rubbing my full belly. Eating all that food got me sleepy.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" I said swirling the straw around the cup.
"Oh yeah." He chuckles nervously. "Have you stopped using?" He asks causing my heart to drop to my stomach.
"WW-What no. I." I stuttered like a fool.
"Demi you promised me you'd stopped once you went to rehab."
"Evan relax i don't do pills anymore. I've started smoking marijuana. That's even better." I said patting his shoulder.
"No that's not good. You know you have at least 2 weeks to get cleaned before that drug test. If you fail you're going to jail." Evan warned me.
"Fuck!" I facepalmed myself. I almost forgot about that shit.
"Yeah you better get cleaned up. We don't wanna be in court anymore." He says.
"Yeah, yeah. How's that fiancée of yours?" I asked with a smirk plastered across my face.
He chuckles softly. "Good you know she loves you."
"I love her too." I said sarcastically. I hate that bitch with a passion. We can't stand each other. It all started when i o d'ed. Evan and her were celebrating their engagement. He got a call that i overdosed. So he came to the hospital and stayed with me for a few days.
Plus evan and i were friends for a long time. I met him at a college party. After that we clicked. Then when he graduated law school i hired him as my lawyer.
"You know we get married in some months. You guys have to get along."
"Boy i'll get along with her when pigs fly." I said truthfully.
"You're a mess dem." He laughs. "I hope you're ready for anger management classes next month."
"I hate you." I groaned.
"You ready to go? I have a meeting at 1. I don't wanna be late." Evan says, i nodded my head 'yes'. He pays for the bill. And we leave the restaurant.
"Oh yeah demi?" He catches my attention.
"Tomorrow i'm having a dinner. And i want you to come." He invited me.
"Okay i'll come. But as long as there are chicken tenders." I said with a small smile.
"Yeah sure. I'll just text you the details. Wear something casual too. I know how you can get." He shoots at me. I flicked him off.
"I LOVE YOU TOO!" He shouts jogging to his car.
What am i gonna do with this boy?
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compassrecoveryllc · 6 months
Compass Recovery, LLC a professional facility for drug rehab in Feeding Hills MA, will give you the treatment you need to remain drug free. There are underlying issues that you will need to face, but you don’t have to do this alone. A compassionate staff member will answer your questions and guide you through the process.
Compass Recovery, LLC 975a Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 (413) 861–0680
My Official Website: https://www.compassrecoverytreatment.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=3485904267518409178
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Service We Offer:
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substancerehab · 8 months
Explore Drug Rehab & Treatment Centers in Framingham, Massachusetts
Find treatment centers, methadone clinic and drug rehab centers in Framingham, massachusetts. We provide the list outpatient rehab & alcohol treatment centers in Framingham, massachusetts which provides treatment of substance abuses & opioid abuse/addiction
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regulatedchaos · 9 months
Wow he admitted he cheated twice between the last two weeks.
But he has little to no concept of what's real and what's not, do it's possible that it's not true. Idk
His brother is here and asked keenly about what really happened and it's clear now.
I don't need anyone.
1am (10.10) his cousin updated me that they landed to her husband's brothers family and will get medical help asap and also asked me about drugs Cassies been taking and he also said I took weed 🙄 I said that was before I'm pregnant and that I use it for my migraine with aura.
I'm just relieved that he isn't here anymore and he's no longer my responsibility.
She also said that cheating may not be true kasi IBA iba na yung kinkwento nya.
8am. Spoke to Mandeep bout possible cheating and he said di talaga Yun yung goal nila Pag lumalabas sila and never sold him anything other than tiny and never looked for other drugs and said he's never seen him as an addict or cheat. But just really insisting about going out every night, drinking a bottle of tequila which he declined kasi mag drive pa sya and naawa daw sya Kay Cassie kasi parang sobrang broken daw and after mAg bill out sa order aalis kasi bastos daw yung waiter which is napansin ko din like yung instance na may dumura sa court feeling nya it's towards him and nabastusan sya. I don't like the way he said na problema daw sya sakin? Fuck you Mandeep pa tokhang kita eh. He suggested drug test para ma narrow down yung tinake Sana before rehab. I mentioned this Kay ate jing and kuya von but they dismissed it and mention about doing drugs na they found sa phone ni Cassie which is tiny and may recent LSD purchase daw na didn't know about. I told kuya von na those wear out kaya feeling ko di Yun Yun might be cocaine and he refuses to do drug test kasi confirmed daw na nagda drugs but what other kind yung point ko and sAbi nya both him and i are no experts about the matter so hayaan na lang yung specialist mag decide. I just realized na Pag nas facility si Cassie di na nila kelangan I monitor 24/7. Which is true kaso yung facility is andun mga worse pa sa sitwasyon nya eh pano sya gagaling dun????
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ss4814809 · 10 months
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shesabossnewsworld · 11 months
Eliot Community Human Health Services Satellite in Lynn, MA
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Our complete Meta Addiction Treatment in North Reading, MA, guide will review different programs and how they can be effective for you. Read on and learn more about drug and alcohol rehabs in Reading MA! Addiction treatment in North Reading, MA, includes several therapies and interventions that address substance use or co-occurring disorders.
Meta Addiction Treatment 55 Concord St, North Reading, MA 01864 (978) 776–3206
My Official Website: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/our-programs/addiction-treatment-center-in-reading-ma/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16862237899592693054
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Service We Offer:
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metaaddictiontreatment · 11 months
At Meta Addiction Treatment, we believe that recovery is possible for everyone. Our holistic approach focuses on addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction. Through personalized treatment plans, we empower our clients to develop healthy coping mechanisms and make positive changes in their lives. Call us at (978) 845–2235 for more information about rehab in Haverhill or visit our website.
Meta Addiction Treatment 25 Railroad Square, Haverhill, MA 01832 (978) 845–2235
My Official Website: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/addiction-treatment-center-in-haverhill-ma/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=5617794897167484860
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iop program Massachusetts: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/our-programs/intensive-outpatient-program-iop/ Outpatient Treatment Haverhill: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/our-programs/outpatient-program-op/ Medication Assisted Treatment Haverhill: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/our-programs/mat-for-addiction-treatment-in-massachusetts/ alcohol detox Haverhill: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/what-we-treat/alcohol-abuse/ substance abuse treatment Haverhill: https://metaaddictiontreatment.com/what-we-treat/suboxone-addiction-treatment/
Service We Offer:
drug rehab alcohol rehab mental health treatment Residential Treatment Outpatient rehab Relapse Prevention group therapy Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Outpatient Program (OP) CBT for Addiction Treatment MAT for Addiction Treatment DBT for Addiction Treatment
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