#Drums of Autumn
Get to know you. Thanks @bubblegumflavor for the tag.
Last song I listened to: It's All Coming Back to Me Now, Celine Dion. Yup, I listen to Celine Dion.
Currently reading: Drums of Autumn, Diana Gabaldon, Patience: The Companion Piece, riseofthefallenone, Carry On, Rainbow Rowell, Heartstopper Volume 2, Alice Oseman.
Currently watching: Supernatural, Seinfeld, Frasier, Designing Women, Law and Order: SVU, Law and Order: Organized Crime, American Idol, Young Sheldon, Abbott Elementary, The Connors, Outlander, Night Court, After Midnight, the list goes on and on. I'm a TV girl.
Currently obsessed with: Outlander series, books and show, Destiel, First Prince, Cobra Kai, Frasier, music, etc.
I'm not good at tagging, so whoever wants to do this consider me tagging you.
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catmint1 · 4 months
Forgiveness is not a single act, but a matter of constant practice.
—Diana Gabaldon, Drums of Autumn
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liusaidh-writing · 1 year
Ok, some help?
I've read this bit sooo many times, and it's inconsequential, but it drives me nuts not knowing wtf is happening in the scene where Jamie and co are riding the wagon to the creek with Bonnet hidden in back and Claire falls asleep against Jamie. At some point he shakes her awake and says
"you're craicklin' in your sleep.."
Mumbling? Coughing? Humming? Drooling???
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Do you understand what Claire was saying in the monologue at the end of Ep1? Did that come from the book? It’s not clear to me. Please explain if you can. Thanks!
Hi anon - yes it did come from the books! The prologue to Drums of Autumn, to be precise. Not the whole prologue, mind you - just excerpts of it, some of which are out of order. I've copied below how the text appears in the prologue.
Diana Gabaldon has always said that the prologues for each book are the "voice" of the book. Often they're in Claire's voice - and sometimes in Jamie's voice. This one is clearly in Claire's voice.
It's relevant in the context of that book, of course. But I think this passage is even more relevant in 06x01, in the aftermath of Claire's abduction, and amid a rapidly changing political environment, and a feeling of growing insecurity on the Ridge.
Claire is absolutely haunted by ghosts. She was haunted by Jamie's ghost for 20 years. She is haunted by Frank's ghost. Black Jack Randall's ghost. Uncle Lamb's ghost. The ghosts of patients she could not save. She has found a way to contend with this - to live with this. To not become subsumed by it. For she shares that burden, to some extent, with her husband and daughter - who have the same ghosts.
Now she's haunted by the ghosts of the Browns, and the men who did terrible things to her.
It's almost becoming too much for her to bear, to live with those ghosts. To live alone with those ghosts.
In 06x01, we see her, in her quietest moment, alone, begin to feel subsumed. Because she's right - we make our own ghosts. We haunt ourselves. The scariest ghosts are the ones of our own creation.
I've never been afraid of ghosts. I live with them daily, after all. When I look in a mirror, my mother's eyes look back at me; my mouth curls with the smile that lured my great-grandfather to the fate that was me...
Of course it isn't these homely and accustomed ghosts that trouble sleep and curdle wakefulness. Look back, hold a torch to light the recesses of the dark. Listen to the footsteps that echo behind, when you walk alone...
All the time the ghosts flit past and through us, hiding in the future...
Each ghost comes unbidden from the misty grounds of dream and silence.
Our rational minds say, "No, it isn't."
But another part, an older part, echoes always softly in the dark, "Yes, but it could be."...
By blood and by choice, we make our ghosts. We haunt ourselves.
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octillery · 2 years
So I just finished Drums of Autumn and just wondering, other people who have read the outlander series, does Brianna have no personality or is it just me? I feel like as of this book ending she exists solely for the development of other characters
I’m sure more happens with her in later books but I feel like we know Roger much better than her and it just seems odd
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harryforvogue · 3 years
jamie when he meets brianna in the show: *softly caresses her cheek* i never imagined you grown. i always pictured you as a wee lass. as my babe.
jamie in the book when he meets brianna:
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Remember the time in Drums of Autumn when Jamie stayed up late talking and playing chess with Lord John while Claire lay in bed on her own feeling painfully jealous? 
Oh yeah and she also compared it to her waiting in bed for Frank to return from what she thought were his late night dates with his lovers. And thinks ‘no matter how much they (John and Jamie) talk and play chess I know whose bed Jamie will always come back to’.
Very very interesting.
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loveinquotesposts · 4 years
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Amo, amas, I love a lass,As cedar tall and slender;Sweet cowslip’s graceIs her nominative case,And she’s o’ the feminine gender. ― Diana Gabaldon, Drums of Autumn
#DianaGabaldon, #DianaGabaldonDianaGabaldonLoveQuotes, #DianaGabaldonLoveQuotes, #DianaGabaldonQuotes, #DrumsOfAutumn, #DrumsOfAutumnQuotes
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catmint1 · 11 months
But a man is not forgotten, as long as there are two people left under the sky. One, to tell the story; the other, to hear it.
—Diana Gabaldon, Drums of Autumn
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liusaidh-writing · 1 year
So, they just buried Gavin in Charleston, and it's painful watching them to agree to help Stephen Bonnet, knowing what comes. 😩 Just want to yell at them, "KILL HIM NOW!!"
Also, riverside sex is coming up and that's all I'm here for.
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musicalgirl1998 · 3 years
Found an error in “Drums of Autumn.” When Claire is examining Roger’s foot, she mentions “metacarpals.” Metacarpals are finger bones. Metatarsals are toe bones. I‘m no expert, I only took “Survey of Human Anatomy” because it’s a requirement for a Performing Arts degree. I learned the difference between the two by saying “T for toes.” “MetaTarsals.” Surprised Diana didn’t realize this.
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
From Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone, chapter 2:
“But you could tell us. Those letters ... knowing you were alive. I mean ...” She stopped suddenly and, blinking away the last of the tears, saw Jamie look away, blinking back his own.
"But we weren’t,” he said softly. “We were dead. When ye read those letters.”
“No, you weren’t,” she said fiercely, gripping his hand. “I wouldn’t read the letters all at once. I spaced them out—because as long as there were still unopened letters ... you were still alive.”
From Drums of Autumn, chapter 16:
"All the time after ye left me, after Culloden—I was dead then, was I not?"
"I thought you were. That's why I—oh." I took a deep, tremulous breath, and he nodded.
"Two hundred years from now, I shall most certainly be dead, Sassenach," he said. He smiled crookedly. "Be it Indians, wild beasts, a plague, the hangman's rope, or only the blessing of auld age—I will be dead."
"And while ye were there—in your own time—I was dead, no?"
...He lifted the silky green tuft to his lips and kissed it, then touched it gently to my mouth.
"I was dead, my Sassenach—and yet all that time, I loved you."
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laurrrrrrrrra · 3 years
I've read a lot of people say books 4-6 are the slowest and book 4 is one of the least favored in the series but for the most part I really enjoyed it. I liked it better than I liked season 4, I think.
I've already mentioned that I liked Bree in Scotland much better in the book (but do understand scheduling conflicts 😒).
The pacing was better- there is still a lot of time jumping but the ending of S4 felt so rushed. But on the flip side, the middle part when they were looking for Roger felt so long in the show.
I'm very happy Claire and Jamie were there when Bree gave birth. Bree begging Jamie not to leave her was a highlight on the last quarter of the book! And then the little scenes of Jamie being a proud grandpa 😢
I think the show mishandled the entire BreexRoger relationship - I am not a fan of show!roger and my bias I think bled into the books a bit but he's really not so bad. I like that in the book they were still "together" when she left to go through the stones and that she didnt leave the "don't follow" me note that he didn't listen to. When they reunited in Wilmington, it made more sense that he left to go find the gem stones in addition to their fight, not just because of their fight. Then when they are reunited again after he comes back from his imprisonment with the Indians, I appreciate Bree being kind of untrusting and reluctant about whether she still wanted to marry him. I kind of hated their running into each others arms moment from the show, especially because in the show, as I already stated, I don't like him and dont feel the connection between the two of them.
The only thing I can think of that I enjoyed more in the show was Bree meeting Jamie and seeing Claire again. It was more emotional to see it than read it.
Side note: how can one go 5 months without naming a baby? 😂
Side note 2: Ian is having a child?!?!?!?!?! From the show, I knew there was a girl but a baby???
Side note 3: the gravestone mystery is finally solved! Freaking Frank put it there? I would not have guessed that.
Side note 4: the books also underutilize Fergus. I miss him.
Edit because I forgot originally: I now can appreciate how well the show weaves Murtagh back into the story for a character that actually died 20-some years earlier. I didn't really miss him in the book but I did enjoy his presence on the show. I especially remember the scene when he and Jamie were talking after running into each other and Jamie is all "Claire came back to me and we have a daughter but I've never met her but she's smart and in Boston and goes to university (because women can do they in her time [because Murtagh knew god how did I just remember that?])" because seeing Jamie love his family always gives me the feels 😭
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loveinquotesposts · 4 years
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Your face is my heart, Sassenach,’ he said softly, ‘and love of you is my soul. But you’re right; ye canna be my conscience. ― Diana Gabaldon, Drums of Autumn
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evolving-dreamer · 3 years
When Brianna and Roger travelled back in time and started meeting every single character in the series:
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liusaidh-writing · 1 year
Just this minute finished reading Voyager. Such a beautiful ending. They have freedom, peace, and each other. The thought of the books ending here isnt a terrible one.
Now, into North Carolina and Fraser's Ridge, I go!!! ❤️
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