#Drywall installation- Hanging
drywallbham · 5 months
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buzzbuilders · 5 months
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finn-m-corvex · 5 months
Lightning in a Cubicle Pt. 4
And here it is! At long last! The fourth part of Lightning in a Cubicle! We have finally crossed the halfway marker and are on our way to the finale, which is looking like two more parts away (5 and 6) and that'll be a relief for me, honestly. I know this is quite late, but I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it!
Words: 3.4k
Slight TWs for very very very small wanting to rot in hell instead of the Administration! Taglist @rainofthetwilight @lightning-chicken @i-love-jay-walker and @sir-robyn! Enjoy! Remember if you want to be on future taglists, please tell me explicitly!
Sora was seriously growing on Jay, and it was a problem.
A couple of weeks had passed since the girl first became his intern, and she was probably the best thing that he could’ve ever asked for. She was efficient, on time, productive, and always managed to make him laugh on a day day. Plus, she was always on his side whenever Shitty Sharon decided to try and start shit, as her name implied. Overall, the past two weeks were probably the best that Jay ever experienced while working with the Administration, and he couldn’t think of anything else that would make it even better.
Well, there was one thing, but he already knew that there was no way he was ever getting those memories back.
“...so I told the guy to shove off if he didn’t want pictures of his ass hanging around the office,” Sora said between bites of food that the two picked up from the cafeteria, “because you know that I would’ve put his ass on the copier.”
“Oh, I know,” Jay said, looking at the girl fondly as she stuck her feet up on his desk. He couldn’t find it in himself to be angry about it, especially when his cubicle was as tiny as it was. “Then what happened?”
She continued to regale him with tales of her adventures in the mailroom three floors down, and Jay did his best to listen, but he was distracted.
Every night since Sora had shown up he would have dreams. Weird dreams of things that he couldn’t place, people that he couldn’t remember, and in the morning he would do his best to sketch whatever remnants he could pick out from the haze of his mind. The pictures were hanging up all around his apartment with push pins and thumbtacks, and Jay hoped that his inspection would be delayed. Otherwise he might get sent off to the psychiatric ward, and fined for all of the new drywall that would have to be installed.
Did the Administration even have a psychiatric ward? With how often upper management drives the lower classes crazy, they better have one. And it better not be coming out of Jay’s paycheck.
“Hey,” Sora said, snapping her fingers in front of his face, “are you even listening? Geez, don’t tell me we’ve gotta get you hearing aids now.”
“I’m listening,” Jay protested, “just thinking at the same time. You were saying something about one of the guys sticking his hand up the pneumatic tube?”
Jay’s brain kept working while Sora talked. All of his searches for someone named Lloyd turned up with nothing, unless he was somehow dreaming about the legendary Green Ninja, but there was no way that someone as ordinary as him would have any association with a ninja. Jay didn’t even know that Ninjago had ninja! Which you would think would be something that he would remember considering he was from Ninjago!
And yet, faint memories tugged at the farthest corners of his mind, there but just barely out of his reach. Most of them were of Cole in his black gi, great green scar on his forehead and eyes of charcoal brown, but there were some of a younger man in green next to a taller man in red, a harsh scar over the latter’s eye and irises a molten brown. One in white, with shiny metallic skin that gleamed in the sunlight and eyes glowing icy blue, but the one that twisted the knife is his gut the most was the one woman in his memories. She had beauty greater than the depths of the sea, with eyes that floated between blues and greens that he had only seen in pictures of ocean waves.
They were the Ninja.
He found things about all five of the Ninja: green, red, black, white, and gray or cyan since the articles couldn’t decide what color she officially was. She was the most gorgeous woman that Jay ever laid eyes on, and he knew that he would be thrilled if she ever became his manager—
“What?” he said, annoyed.
The girl sighed. “Alright, now I know you’re not listening. What’s got you so distracted? I know you don’t like working overtime, but I thought the pay was good enough to help you at least pretend to be doing something.”
Usually it was, but even that sweet overtime couldn’t push his thoughts out of his head. “You said you lived in the Crossroads for a while, right? Did you learn anything about the Ninja?”
Sora looked surprised, and Jay knew how much of a risk this was. “I may have heard some things, why?”
“I-I was looking at some stuff about them to try and learn what they were like,” Jay said, but he decided to backtrack. “You know what? It’s nothing. We should probably just be heading home.”
“Wait,” Sora said, springing up after him as he stood and started grabbing up his things, “you can talk to me, Jay. What’s wrong?”
And he wanted to so badly; Jay trusted her more than he trusted anyone else in this place. Their trip to the aquarium had only strengthened their bond into something that Jay never knew he would have. Before she came into his life he probably would’ve said that he trusted Luke the most, but ever since he first met Sora he started acting more and more cagey whenever the two would walk by. He would only talk in short sentences to her, sometimes not at all, and it rubbed Jay the wrong way. “It’s nothing, really. Do you need me to walk you home?”
“Uh,” Sora paused, “I don’t think so. I should be okay.”
The two of them started walking out of the office, Jay bidding goodbye to the rest of his exhausted coworkers as they went. Luke was nowhere to be found, and the man standing there in the security uniform instead of Luke instantly brought a smile to Jay’s face. The shaggy hair was achingly familiar, and the man looked up to see who was exiting. A smile split Jay’s face in response to the man’s, and for some reason it just felt right to drop his briefcase and sprint to the man.
“Cole!” Jay exclaimed, jumping into the bigger man’s arms and hugging him tight. Cole laughed, reciprocating, and a rush of familiarity made him light-headed even though Jay only met this guy once before. Jay stayed there for a minute or two before realizing how weird it probably was to be hugging your security guard, and pulled back after a minute; Cole’s grip made it a little difficult, almost as if the ravenette didn’t want to let Jay go.
His head started throbbing, trying to conjure up all of the fragments that he could remember about Cole, but the only things that came to his mind were the drawings hanging up on his walls. They couldn’t be everything that Jay had from Cole, not when his arms made him feel safer than the Administration security forces ever did.
Smile still on his face, Cole put his hands on his hips. “Guess who got the job?”
“You did?” Jay guessed, and Cole flexed his large muscles as confirmation. Someone coughed from behind them and Jay belatedly realized that Sora was still standing there, looking very confused. Her eyes were wide as they looked at Cole, and Cole’s eyes widened in response.
“Oh! Sora, this is Cole. Cole, this is my intern Sora. She’s great,” Jay babbled, not noticing the tension starting to leak into the air. Instead, all he could focus on was that now he had his two favorite people in the entirety of the Administration in the same hallway. You would be surprised at how hard that was to accomplish in a building with over 300 floors.
“Yeah, we’ve met before,” Sora said stiffly, and Jay caught a brief glimpse of Cole making a shushing motion before he turned to look at his intern.
“Oh shit, really?”
“I saw her in the elevator the other day,” Cole said quickly, and Sora’s face scrunched in confusion before clearing. “We had a good talk about, uh, the printers and everything! Right Sora?”
“Printers?” Jay asked.
“Right! Printers!” Sora said, picking up Jay’s briefcase and handing it to him. “Pesky little things, right? C’mon, we should get going. We still have to get to your apartment.”
Jay sighed, patting Cole’s arm as he faced the now fixed elevator. “She’s right. Sorry man, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow—”
“I can walk with you,” Cole blurted, and Jay paused.
“Don’t you have to stay here and keep watch?”
“With all due respect, Jay, I don’t think anyone’s going to be breaking into the accounting department after 8 P.M. I can walk you to your house and come back. I’ll even walk Sora to wherever she needs to be so you don’t have to worry about it.”
Well, what did he have to lose? His job? Maybe that would be a free excuse to finally get out of this damn place.
“If you’re sure,” Jay said, walking to the elevator. He tried to hide the pep in his step, shoving his lightning down as far as it would go. There had already been way too many close calls with Sora, he couldn’t slip up now. “I’m on floor 275, so it might take a couple minutes.”
“Totally fine,” Cole assured, watching as Jay drew out his keycard and swiped it. The elevator dinged not even a minute later, and the three of them stepped inside as the doors closed behind them with their signature soft woosh. Cole was standing abnormally close to Jay, something that the man would’ve normally minded if it was anyone but Cole. Somehow it just felt right when it was Cole.
Some strange feeling of dread started to creep over him, but he knew it wasn’t from Cole and Sora. Memories tugged at his senses, and his sight started to blur with colors that Jay wasn’t familiar with as sounds pinged off of the elevator walls. What was happening?
Jay started babbling about random nonsense to pass the time, a nervous habit of his, but neither Cole nor Sora tried to stop him. If anything, Cole looked like he was hanging on every one of Jay’s words, and it was a nice change from the constant ignoring or fake interest from Jay’s coworkers. Now that Jay was looking at Cole properly, trying to focus on something he could see and process, he did kinda look like the black ninja from the pictures. His hair was a bit longer, and his face was a bit more weathered, but there was definitely a resemblance.
“Say, Cole,” Jay started, cutting his rant about the horrors of cardstock paper short, “would you happen to know anything about a group called the Ninja?”
Cole choked on air. Sora looked slightly alarmed and quickly whacked him on the back, Cole finally catching his breath and looking at Jay with wide eyes. “What?”
“If you’re from Ninjago, then you should know who the Ninja are, right?” Jay continued. His mouth felt weird from saying the word.
“O-Oh yeah,” Cole scratched the back of his head, “I guess you could say that. I, uh, actually knew them before the Merge happened?”
“What was the girl like?” Jay asked, fiddling with his sleeves. He couldn’t shake the feeling of deja vu, even though he knew for a fact that he had never been in this kind of situation before. “She’s really pretty, you know.”
The elevator whirred as it went up, and Jay noticed that Cole didn’t seem to be feeling any of the normal motion sickness effects. Maybe he was already accustomed to it. “I know,” Cole said, “I think you and her would’ve gotten along really well, Jay.”
“Seriously?” Jay’s face brightened, and Sora made a fake gagging sound in the background. “Shut it, Sora. What did she like? What did she eat? Is she still here? Is she nice?”
He grabbed the front of Cole’s shirt, reeling with sensory input from the memories, preparing himself to ask the most important question of all. “Is her favorite color blue?!”
The security guard looked a little startled at how close Jay had gotten in the past minute, but then he relaxed, chuckling. “Yeah, buddy, her favorite color is blue.”
Buddy. The word awakened something in Jay, and suddenly he was clutching onto Cole for a reason other than to be dramatic. 
Lightning flashed in his head, blisteringly hot and turning his vision white as he gripped onto Cole’s shirt. Cole was saying his name but Jay couldn’t speak, his tongue feeling like a wad of cotton in his mouth as he was gasping for air. The elevator kept going up and up and up, but all Jay felt was falling down-
Crashing onto his knees, Jay kept heaving, feeling Sora’s hand on his back and Cole’s on his chest as his vision blurred with tears. Finally, the elevator came to a stop, and Jay couldn’t help the relief that came over him when he realized that he was finally going to be able to go home. But no matter how much he tried his knees wouldn’t move, and more tears came to his eyes when he realized that the others were going to have to help him get home. They were going to see what was in the apartment.
They were going to abandon him. Who wants to be friends with someone who was losing his fucking mind?
“Get him up,” Cole ordered, and Sora came up on Jay’s other side. She draped his arm across her shoulders and lifted, and the two of them dragged him out of the elevator and down the hallway. Jay was still getting his bearings back, head spinning out of control as the carpeted floor suddenly looked very inviting yet again. Anything was better than having to face them after something like this.
Sora scanned the hallway, looking at each of the numbered plates. “I don’t know which one is his!”
“64,” Jay croaked, and Cole found it almost immediately. The poor office worker tried to give the security guard his keycard, and Cole refused it at first, instead taking up a stance that indicated that he was going to kick Jay’s door down. Jay did not feel like explaining that to the house inspection team on top of everything else. “You break my door down and I’ll break your spine.”
“You could definitely try,” Cole grunted, but he heeded Jay’s warning, instead taking the keycard and swiping it.
A soft click, and the larger man pushed the door open. Sora brought Jay in and set him down on his ratty old couch, the man sinking into the cushions and slamming his eyes shut so he wouldn’t have to look around his apartment. Sora rubbed his shoulder, asking if he was okay, and then she noticed the drawings.
“Jay, what the hell is all of this?” she said, reaching out and touching one of the many pieces of paper. It was the first one he did back in his office, before he ever met her, of the Black Ninja in all of his glory and bearing a striking resemblance to the new security guard. Cole was also examining them, biting his lip as his fingers brushed across the one with the Black Ninja falling into the dark cloud. Jay never did manage to find any information on something like that happening in Ninjago. “Are-are you going crazy?”
“I…” Jay paused, “I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.”
Because he didn’t. He really, really didn’t.
And that scared him.
Looking away from the drawing, he watched as Cole’s hands tightened into fists, his face contorting into something that Jay didn’t recognize. Resignation? “There’s something that I should probably tell you,” Cole said softly, turning to look Jay in the eyes. “You’re not supposed to be here, Jay. You never were.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Jay said bitterly, blunt with hurt. “You think that I don’t know that I wasn’t meant to be here?”
“How much do you remember?”
Jay’s shoulders hitched. “Nothing. I don’t remember anything before this stupid place. All of these, all of them, they’re from my dreams. I don’t know what they’re trying to tell me, and I-I don’t even know if they mean anything.”
There was a box of tissues placed down next to him, and Jay glanced up to see Sora giving him a soft smile. “Here, these might help. Just take a few minutes, we’re not going anywhere.”
Grabbing up one of the tissues, Jay began to try and clean himself up a little, but he felt just as shattered and broken as he did on the first day he woke up. He had woken up in a bed, the same bed in his apartment, with only a note on the nightstand about how he had been in a coma from a workplace accident and that he was expected to be in his office at the normal time.
He didn’t know where his office was. He didn’t know the normal time. All he knew was that nothing, nothing felt right when he woke up and it hadn’t gotten better in three years of working in the Administration. There was always some small voice inside of him, whispering that he was destined for something greater than fixing copy machines, but-but..
Jay was trapped. He didn’t even know what he could say to get him out of that place.
But..but maybe they could help him get out.
Sora picked something up out of the box with his gi, left open on his messy desk, and Jay’s heart sank when he saw the light gleaming off of it. It was something that he only had second-hand knowledge about from his parents, and even that was fuzzy, but it was the only explanation he had to go off of because the Administration did not consider information about Ninjago traditions very important.
His Ying-Yang medallion.
Cole sucked in a breath when he saw it, eyes watering. “You still have that?”
“You know what it is?” Jay asked, standing up and instantly having to sit back down from the dizziness. He motioned for Sora to come closer, and took the medallion when she offered it. “Please, Cole, you have to tell me everything you know about this.”
Please. Please. They—they had to know something he didn’t, something to get him out and to see her—
Sora wouldn’t meet Jay’s eyes, but he wasn’t giving her much of his attention; most of his attention was on the security guard, whose eyes softened, and Jay was startled to see tears forming at the corners. Cole quickly wiped them away with his jacket sleeve, grunting, before looking back up at Jay. Earthen brown on electric blue. Jay had the sinking feeling that this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
Maybe it had something to do with the drawing of the two figures trapped deep in an arena pit, staring each other down from atop a pillar. It was dark, and there was a green blade gleaming in the corner of his vision when he was fighting for his spot on the pillar, but he could still hear the sounds of screaming applause echoing in his ears. Jay knew now who was the one in the black suit, but..he never managed to dream up who the second person could’ve possibly been. Whose eyes he was looking through.
“Her-her name is Nya,” Cole started, his hands clenched into fists. “She’s the Elemental Master of Water, and my-my sister. You’re my brother.”
“My parents didn’t have another kid,” Jay said. Something wasn’t right. “They were too old. Is your name even Cole? Or was that a lie too?” The idea of Cole lying to him about this was nauseating, and Jay wished that he was still sitting down in the elevator, hitting the bottom floor and wishing that the cable would’ve snapped so he would be plummeting straight down to hell. Maybe he was already there.
“I’m not Ed and Edna’s kid, and I wasn’t lying about my name. I’m not lying to you,” breathing out of his nose, Cole met Jay’s eyes, hardening with a resolve that sent tingles up Jay’s spine. “Jay, I need you to listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you, okay? You cannot freak out on me.”
Jay nodded, struggling to swallow past the lump of anxiety and fear in his throat. What-what was he?
Cole sighed. “You’re a Ninja, Jay.”
Yeah, he was in hell. Maybe he would’ve preferred the high water.
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that-stone-butch · 1 year
I know you're an electrician, so maybe you dont know for sure, but do you know the when you need to use screws vs nails? Google has been slightly contradictory, and I'd rather get advice from someone actually handy.
Thanks in advance <3
building the frame of a house? nails is fine! drywall and shit is gonna go over the nails anyway, so you don't need to worry about being able to access the nails. unless you're hanging up a picture frame and will leave the nail partially sticking out, so it can be removed gently and cleanly, nails will otherwise be a mess.
but if you're, say, putting in a new shelf in your bathroom, you will want to use screws both to put the shelf together (so it can be resized if you move, or decide to add on to it), and to anchor the shelf to the wall.
whenever you're using screws on drywall, install drywall anchors first. go to Menards or what have you and pick up some zip-its; they go in first and keep the screw from just falling/tearing back out of the drywall.
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 22/41
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Chapter  22: Unfinished Business
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, unprotected PIV (play safe ya'll)
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter  22: Unfinished Business
When you wake up, Austin is not in bed with you. You wrap yourself in your robe and go looking for him. You find a note on the table.
“out walking, didn’t want to wake you, be back soon “
He wrote the time, he only left about 15 min ago.
You check the door and find it locked, you smile.
You make a cup of coffee and decide you might as well dig in. You plait your hair into a braid, put on a work shirt, pants and work boots.
Knowing you were going to demo today, you had already packed away the kitchen non-essentials. It takes less than an hour to clear everything out of the kitchen and push all the living room furniture up against the far wall. You cover it all in a plastic sheet and hang more sheeting over the hallway to the bedrooms to keep the dust down in there. You quickly cut the seams on the offensive wall and strip off the trim. You check twice to make sure the power to all the outlets is off.
Donning your gloves, impact glasses and dust mask, you pick up your 10 pound sledge hammer.
“Time to go to work,” you say to yourself. You take swing after swing, breaking starter holes in the drywall between studs. You actually love this part, working up a sweat and swinging your sledge. The section of the wall is only about 10 feet long. When you get to the end, you lean on the sledge, breathing heavily.
“Damn, that is sexy as hell,” you hear from behind you.
Austin is standing by the front door, holding two coffees and a bakery bag. He is staring at you like he’s never seen you before.
“Oh hey! There you are!” your voice muffled behind your mask.
“I brought you breakfast, I didn’t know we were starting right away,” he says apologetically.
“No worries, I just was eager,” your stomach growls, ”and I totally forgot about breakfast!”
You go out on the balcony to get away from the dust. He brought breakfast wraps and pastries.
“I uh, also thought about how your kitchen will be out of commission for a while and um… thought that maybe you’d like to use mine in the meantime,” he pushes a key across the little bistro table, ”I went and had it made, that’s why I was gone so long.” It has a unicorn printed on it.
“Thank you babe,” you grab the key and hold it to your chest, grinning from ear to ear, “I was gonna just eat cold sandwiches for the next three weeks. This is awesome!” You stand up and throw your arms around him, almost spilling the table over.
“You are so welcome, that’s an open invitation to come over anytime,“ he says with a smile.
When you finish eating, you hand him safety goggles, gloves and a dust mask.
“I hope those are not your favorite clothes, cuz they are gonna get messy,” you nod to his comfy jeans and t-shirt.
“Yeah, these are fine, now what do we do?” he says, muffled behind his mask.
Despite him having zero construction knowledge, you guys get the wall down in less than an hour. He follows directions and listens well. He was excited when he got to use the reciprocating saw. Power tools are sexy.
You keep catching him looking at your ass when you bend over to lift debris into the construction chute you installed off the balcony and into a dumpster below. You keep watching him too, the way his back muscles moved as he swung the sledge was delicious. You are a task master, however, and only allowed 45 minutes for lunch with no fuck breaks, no matter how hot he looks.
By late afternoon, you had all the cabinets out and the carpet and outdated linoleum floor up and out.
You are doing the final sweep with the push broom. You bend over to sweep up the pile and you feel hands on your hips.
“Damn, you are fine Kitten.” he says, running his hands on your round ass. ”I’ve been sneaking peeks at this ass all day”
“Why Mr. Butler, are you trying to seduce me in the middle of work?” you say, faking shock.
“I am, is it working?” he slides his hand over the fabric of your crotch, making you clench and suck in a breath through your teeth.
“It is,” you walk over and tip the dustpan into the chute, “and we are officially done working.” You take your dust mask off, “but I for one, need a shower first,” rubbing the lines from the mask that you know are in your face.
He takes his mask off too, he has identical lines in his face. “I believe we have some unfinished business in the shower.” He says, pulling you close, kissing you.
As his lips press to yours, your hands run over his biceps, reminding you of how they flexed when he was working today. Even though you are tired from the day's labor, you still want him.
“Let’s use my shower, I think it’s bigger. I’ll go get ready, you meet me over there,” he says, kissing your forehead then walking out the door.
You finish up and grab comfy shorts and a t- shirt before heading next door. A neighbor is walking towards you down the hall and watches you walk to Austin's. You wave, they give you a questioning look as you put the key in door.
"Hi, I thoguht you lived in that apartment," they ask.
"Oh yeah, I do, but Austin here is letting me use his shower and kitchen while I'm remodeling mine." You turn the key, yay it worked!
"Oh, yeah I just saw him go in there, was he helping you work too?" they say.
"Um, yeah," you open the door and hear the shower running.
You neighbor looks down at the floor inside the door, and then up at you with a knowing grin.
You look down, Austin's work clothes are piled by the door. You look back at them with a raised eyebrow and a shrug
"Have a good day," you wave at them.
They wave back, "Have fun," they murmur. You close the door with a huge grin on your face.
You strip your clothing off at the front door like he did, not wanting to track construction dust into his apartment.
As you approach the bathroom you hear Austin singing Blue Suede Shoes. When you walk in he stops singing, but you can see him washing his hair in the shower. Even blurred by steam, Austin is one sexy man.
“Come on in,” he opens the door, you step into the large tiled shower. He offers you a can, “Shower beer after a hard days work? Well, it’s cider actually, it was the only thing I had in a can. I figured glass in the shower could be dangerous.”
“Yes please!” you pop the top, clink cans and both take a big swig. It tastes like apples and pears. You look at the can, it’s Kopparberg Pear cider. Yum.
“Here, I already washed,” Austin says as he moves aside and lets you into the stream of water. You down about half the can as the hot water cascades over your body.
Austin’s hands are on your back, thumbs massaging up your spine to your neck. You put your forehead on the cool tile and relax into the feel of his fingers and the water. Once at your neck, he starts taking out your braid. He tilts the shower head away from you to wash your hair, fingertips pressing into your scalp. God it feels good. He rinses and spreads conditioner on your hair.
You smile, thinking of the last time you used conditioner on him. Fuck that was sexy. You take another big drink.
As the conditioner sits, he scrubs the back of your body with a sudsy loofa, even picking up your feet and getting between your toes. You try not to squirm and giggle.
The combination of hot water, empty stomach and 7% alcohol makes you feel tipsy, but in a lovely relaxed way.
Austin rinses the conditioner out of your hair and replaces the showerhead, again pointing away from you. He grabs your hips and pulls you backwards to him. You feel the hardness of his cock against your ass. You set the half empty drink on the ledge next to his almost full one.
You lift both arms and wrap them around his neck, languishing in the feel of his wet naked skin on your back. You feel like some kind of Botticelli painting.
He washes your armpits and down your sides, sudsing up your belly. Soap runs in rivulets down your legs. He drags the loofa across your nipples, making you inhale.
He squeezes soap from the loofa over your front before dropping it to the floor. He starts massaging your breasts in the soap, tweaking your nipples. You can feel the excitement rush from your nipples, dart across your belly and settle behind your pubis.
He slides one hand through the soap on your belly and down to your vulva. The other he slips behind you and down your crack. You step your legs apart a little. His soapy fingers stimulate your asshole as he rubs the surface. Your breath escapes your mouth with an ‘oh’ and you arch back into him, your fingers sketching circles into the hair at the nape of his neck. You feel his cock bounce against you.
Careful not to let any soap get inside you, he rubs his hands up and down on the surface of your crotch, his long fingers meeting in the middle. Your hips move of their own accord, rocking back and forth in his hands. Little sounds of pleasure emanate from your throat.
He grabs the shower head off the holder and rinses away the soap, getting your back side too. He taps your leg with his foot. You step wide, he directs the flow to rinse you off. The hot water streams against you, making you gasp and sigh out an ‘ohh’.
Your fingers curl into a fist, catching his hair. Your other hand slaps down to the side of his thigh, grasping and pulling him tighter into you.
“Mmm, I like hearing your sounds Kitten,” he says low in your ear. Just the sound of him makes you clench, your insides start to saturate.
All soap rinsed away, he puts the shower head back, pointing it to the side. He runs his hands along your wet vulva, pushing his finger between your folds. The other hand on your breast, cupping your nipple in his palm.
He pushes his finger into your wetness making you growl hungrily.
“So wet already,” he murmurs. He trails the wetness up to your clit, tracing circles around it with the pads of his fingers.
Purrs vibrate from your mouth. Your hips start shaking a little and you press your ass back into his cock.
He keeps on teasing your nub as your wordless noises crescendo into verbiage.
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out.
“That’s the plan,” he rumbles behind you.
You lean forward, one hand on the tiled wall in front of you. Reaching through your legs you grasp his cock. Rising up on your tip-toes, you rub his tip against the wetness of your pussy. He angles his hips and pushes, sliding into you.
“Awwww yes” he moans behind you at the same time you rasp out a guttural ‘ungh’.
Grabbing your hips, he moves you back and forth on his shaft.
You love the way he fills you, you are vocalizing long drawn out shaky ‘uhh’s’ each time he pushes into you.
You reach up with one hand and grab the shower wand. The water isn’t quite as hot now. You had better make this fast before the hot water runs out entirely.
You click it to the massage setting and push it onto your vulva, aiming the pulsating stream to your clit.
Your legs start shaking, Oh gods, it feels spectacular. Your hips move faster. He pushes you forward so he has room and starts slamming into you, his fingers digging into your hips. He knows how much you like it when he fucks you hard.
You know he likes it too.
Without much warning, your orgasm spikes through you, internal muscles clenching down hard around him. Your scream starts as an ‘oh’ in your mouth, transcends to a high wail in your nose and ends back down in a throaty shuddering ‘uhhh’ as you tremble on his cock. The water starts to go lukewarm.
“Hah, hah, hah, hah,” Austin keeps up his pace, hammering each explosive sound into your wet and clenching pussy. You drop the wand, bracing yourself with both hands.
He freezes deep in you, inhales then snarls with short jerky thrusts as he spasms into you.
You are both breathless as you pull off him, cum running down your leg. You turn around and lay against him. “Thank you Kitten,” he puffs out, holding your wet body close.
“Uh huh, my pleasure, ” you tilt your head up with a languid smile.
He shakes his head, a little laugh puffing out his nose ,“You sound like you work for CHick-fil-A.”
The idea of conservative Chick-fil-a and fucking in the shower strikes you as so funny right now. The endorphins overtake you and you start giggling uncontrollably, hanging off him shaking.
“Is it that funny?” he says smiling and holding on to you.
“Oh, god, I’m sorry. Now I will never be able to go there and not think of fucking you in the shower everytime they say ‘my pleasure’.” You manage to explain between giggles.
“You are so weird… I love it,” he says laughing only because you are laughing.
“Oh hunny, I’m glad you do, cuz I can only be me,” you smile up at him.
“I just have one question,” he says, kissing your nose, “can it be nap time now?”
You rinse the cum off with the now cold water, shrieking just a little. After drying off you go flop down on his bed. Austin climbs in next to you and puts his arm around you. You curl up on his chest. You both take big contented breaths.
“Sorry about my wet hair,” you mumble.
He is already snoring softly.
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pancakeke · 2 years
I just wanna hang some shit but no I gotta watch drywall installation videos first to make sure I know what I'm doing
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thepropertylovers · 1 year
The Insulation at Holiday House is In!
I can’t tell you how good it feels to look around the rooms at Holiday House and not just see wooden boards everywhere. Yes, the insulation is just on the exterior walls and the interior walls are still just framed 2X4’s, but most everywhere you look has spray foam insulation in. It’s a glorious sight, dear reader!
PJ decided to go with spray foam insulation for the first time in a house we’ve renovated. He’s always wanted to use it and Holiday House seemed like the perfect opportunity. And let me tell you: it really works. It was around 85 degrees outside yesterday, but inside Holiday House it felt so cool. Normally when we’re there, the house is scorching and we go outside to cool down, but with the spray foam insulation, the inside is now the place to be when you get hot. Sounds like great news for our energy bill.
The drywall was also delivered a few days ago and it should be going in this week! We cleaned the entire house yesterday to get it ready to hang. It’s so cool to see this project at this stage, all cleaned and thisclose to being finished. After drywall, it’s time for floors to be installed, and then it’s just the finishing touches!!
We normally go with fiberglass insulation, but chose spray foam instead. And while spray foam is a lot more expensive than fiberglass, here are some of the pros of it:
Significantly decreases utility bills (around 50%!)
Top of the line airtight seal (24 times less permeable to airflow than other kinds of insulation)
Shields against molds, mildew, and contaminants (even if it gets damp, mildew, mold, and bacteria will not be able to grow from this product because it does not provide a food source)
Will not lose R-value over time (R-value measures how well building insulation can prevent the flow of heat into and out of the home)
Better for the environment (a greener option since it cuts down energy use and helps avoid moisture damage)
Also, how cute is Anna’s room below with the tall windows and the vaulted ceilings on the wall where her bed will go? I’m picturing a fun wallpaper on the ceiling and twinkle lights strung above her daybed.
Overall we’re really happy with the results so far, and the house isn’t even finished. I can only imagine how beneficial this will be for our little farmhouse in the years to come!
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
The first thing you see upon entering the Haunted Office is fire. Specifically something that is on fire. Specifically the carpet that’s on fire. The brand new 90′s arcade carpet that Thursday spent weeks installing is aflame, tongues of bright orange licking up the walls, spewing clouds of dark smoke into the ceiling that has been ripped away. Wires and tubing are left dangling down like entrails.
In the distance you can hear loud bang after loud bang, like something heavy being thrown repeatedly across the room. Edging past the flames you see that this is actually the case - someone is repeatedly throwing heavy things across the room.
That someone is a black rabbit the size of a car, whose entire face appears to have been ripped off, leaving the skull and other tissue fully exposed. The eye sockets are lacking eyeballs that have instead been replaced with an uncanny bright yellow light, glaring from within. The teeth are uncanny too, jutting out in sharp jagged rows in lieu of the blunt incisors you might expect to see in a rabbit’s mouth.
The rabbit’s head isn’t the only thing that’s messed up and out of sorts. One ear is shredded and hanging flopped over while the other stands tall, although it also bears wounds and missing fur. Tufts of fur have been raked away all along the rabbit’s hide, and spine segments are visible along the back in bony ridges and valleys.
All in all this jumbo sized rabbit looks like it’s seen better days.
And that’s nothing to say of its apparent rage.
As you come up the rabbit, as mentioned earlier it is throwing objects across the room. Whatever it can get into its mouth is lifted and tossed like trash.
The rabbit crunches down on a filing cabinet, crushing it like a tin can, and hurling it across the room with such force it crashes through the wall, sending up plumes of drywall into the air.
Spotting you, the rabbit opens its mouth and the voice of not one but many comes out, sounding like hundreds of Thursdays all speaking over each other. “GET LOST! LEAVE ME ALONE!”
As soon as the words are out, she breathes in and exhales more flames all over the room, thankfully not in your direction.
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I am the way I am because of my dad. But don't worry this is not a daddy issues post.
When mom got pregnant dad decided he needed to build a house for his family. And mom said "yeah, sure honey," And had no idea what she was getting herself into.
So mom and dad brought property. Not a house. They moved in with my grandparents for a month or so, And dad called in every favor he had to help take a foundation. My dad is a lot like me and a lot of people owe him favors at any given time. But building a house is a lot of work.
There was never a contractor anywhere near the original construction of this house. Dad did nearly work all of my grandparents and most of his friends to death.
There is an excellent picture of my mom, hugely pregnant with me, shoveling snow out of the living room, because they hadn't managed to get the roof on before the weather turned.
This is the house I grew up in. The house was finished shortly before my baby brother was born. And then dad decided that we needed more space for a growing family. So he ripped half the building off, And went at it again.
When I was about 12, dad got into a blood feud with the neighbors. We finished the house, solely so we could move.
When I say we, I mean, Me. I can hang drywall, install outlets, grout and tile, whatever you need. I understand these are not normal skills for preteen girl to acquire, But they're also not that hard.
So we moved.
Do you really think this man bought a house?
Do you think it is finished?
Do you think he unbent enough to hire a contractor?
Why would he do that when he has all of this lovely child labor?
So, as a teenage girl, I learned how to pour concrete, bend rebar, hang siding, run pexpipe, install flooring, the basics of framing, the correct way to rivet a sheet metal roof,and yadda yadda yadda...
This house is still not done. It's been over a decade and his child labor moved out.
Why, yes, my dad has ADHD too.
What made you ask?
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brightcorpnyc · 2 years
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Initial Consultation: The first step in any home remodeling or renovation project is an initial consultation with a professional contractor. During this meeting, you will discuss your goals, budget, and design ideas, and the contractor will assess the scope of the project and provide an estimate.
Design and Planning: Once you have agreed on the scope of the project, the next step is to create a detailed design plan and obtain necessary permits. This may involve working with an architect or designer to create drawings and specifications, and submitting these to the local building department for approval.
Preparing the Space: Before the renovation can begin, the contractor will prepare the space by removing any furniture, covering the floors and walls, and installing protective barriers. This will help ensure the safety of your home and the workers during the renovation process.
Demolition: In many cases, the first step in a home renovation project will be to remove any existing fixtures, walls, or other elements that are no longer needed or desired. This may involve demolition of part or all of the existing space, and the removal of debris.
Structural Work: After the demolition is complete, the next step is to make any structural changes or additions to the space. This may involve adding walls, installing new beams, or making other modifications to the existing structure.
Plumbing and Electrical: Once the structural work is complete, the next step is to install any new plumbing and electrical systems. This may involve running new pipes, installing electrical outlets and fixtures, and making any other necessary upgrades.
Framing and Drywall: After the plumbing and electrical work is done, the contractor will begin installing new walls, ceilings, and other components. This may involve installing insulation, hanging drywall, and preparing the surfaces for painting or wallpapering.
Finishing Work: After the walls and ceilings are complete, the next step is to install any final finishes, such as trim, molding, and cabinetry. This may also involve installing flooring, tiling, or other decorative elements.
Painting and Decorating: Once the finishing work is complete, the final step is to paint or decorate the space according to your specifications. This may involve selecting colors, wall coverings, and other decorative elements, and applying them to the walls and ceilings.
Clean-Up and Final Inspection: After the project is complete, the contractor will clean up the site and perform a final inspection to ensure that everything is in order. Once the inspection is complete and all necessary permits have been obtained, you will be able to move into your newly renovated space. More Idea and tips
The steps involved in a home remodeling and renovation project may vary based on the scope and complexity of the project, and may also be impacted by local building codes and regulations. Be sure to work closely with your contractor and other professionals throughout the process to ensure that your project runs smoothly and meets your expectations.
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By taking care of Home Remodeling and Renovation, every minor detail from the cost of a project to the paperwork, including the materials, construction, design, and installation of some fully customized and highest quality standards, BRIGHT CONTRACTING  CORP is a place for all types of Home Remodeling and Renovation needs. Hire us for hassle-free, affordable, and fully effective results, regardless of the complexity of that work!
How much does a home renovation cost? The cost of a home renovation can vary widely depending on the scope of the project, the materials used, and the location of the home.
How long does a home renovation take? The timeline for a home renovation can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, but most projects take several weeks or months to complete. Your contractor will be able to give you a more accurate estimate based on the specific details of your project.
Do I need to get a permit for a Home Remodeling? In many cases, a permit is required for a home renovation, especially if the project involves making structural changes or adding new features to the home. Your contractor should be able to advise you on the specific requirements for your area.
Can I live in my home during the Home Remodeling and Renovation? It depends on the extent of the renovation and the specific requirements of your contractor. Some projects may require you to temporarily relocate, while others may allow you to remain in your home during the renovation process. Your contractor will be able to provide you with more information on this.
Can I make changes to the design during the Home Remodeling and Renovation process? Yes, changes can be made to the design during the renovation process, but it is best to make any major changes before the project begins to minimize delays and additional costs. Your contractor should be able to advise you on the best time to make changes and the impact they may have on the timeline and budget.
Who is responsible for purchasing the materials and fixtures for the renovation? In most cases, the homeowner is responsible for purchasing the materials and fixtures for the renovation, although the contractor may be able to assist with this. Be sure to discuss this with your contractor and review the contract carefully to understand your responsibilities and obligations.
Can I do some of the work myself to save money? You may be able to do some of the work yourself to save money, but it is important to understand the scope and complexity of the project, and to ensure that you have the necessary skills and experience. Your contractor should be able to advise you on the work that can be done by a homeowner, and what should be left to the professionals.
How can I find a good contractor for my home renovation? Call us 718-496-0947 or Email: [email protected] for Home Remodeling and Renovation services.
Our Other Services
Bathroom Remodeling
Exterior Painting
Home Building
Interior Painting
Ceiling Painting
Windows Services
Kitchen Remodeling
Drywall Repair
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indiacabex · 3 days
Fixings and Fasteners: Essential Components for Secure and Durable Installations
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In construction, manufacturing, and DIY projects, Fixings And Fasteners are essential components that ensure materials are securely attached, stable, and capable of withstanding stress over time. From securing heavy structural elements to holding smaller parts in place, the right choice of fixings and fasteners can make a significant difference in the safety, strength, and durability of an installation.
This guide will explore the different types of fixings and fasteners, their uses, and how to select the right ones for various applications.
What Are Fixings and Fasteners?
Fixings and fasteners are hardware devices used to join or secure materials together. They come in various forms, including screws, bolts, nails, rivets, anchors, and clips, each designed for specific tasks. These components can be used for permanent or temporary connections and are critical in ensuring that structures and assemblies hold up under mechanical forces such as tension, compression, and shear.
Types of Fixings and Fasteners
Screws are one of the most commonly used fasteners. They are designed to be driven into materials like wood, metal, or plastic with a twisting motion. Screws come in a wide range of types, such as wood screws, machine screws, and self-tapping screws, each suited to different materials and applications.
Common Applications: Furniture assembly, decking, and general construction.
Bolts and Nuts
Bolts are threaded fasteners typically used with nuts to secure two or more parts together. They are ideal for applications where high strength and durability are required. Bolts and nuts come in different sizes, grades, and materials, including steel, stainless steel, and brass.
Common Applications: Heavy machinery, automotive, structural steelwork, and construction.
Nails are used to fasten materials by driving them through one or more layers using a hammer or nail gun. Unlike screws or bolts, nails do not have threads, making them suitable for applications where high shear strength is needed.
Common Applications: Framing, roofing, and carpentry.
Anchors are used to secure fasteners to surfaces like concrete, brick, or drywall, where screws or bolts alone would not be effective. There are several types of anchors, including wall plugs (also known as rawl plugs), toggle bolts, and concrete anchors.
Common Applications: Hanging heavy objects like shelves, fixtures, and cabinets on walls.
Rivets are permanent fasteners used to join two or more materials by deforming the head after insertion. They are commonly used in applications where access to both sides of the material is limited.
Common Applications: Aircraft assembly, shipbuilding, and metalworking.
Washers are thin plates with a hole in the middle, used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener, like a screw or bolt. They help prevent the fastener from loosening and can protect the material surface from damage.
Common Applications: With screws and bolts in mechanical and structural installations.
Clips and Clamps
Clips and clamps are fasteners that hold objects together or secure cables and pipes in place. They are often used in scenarios where frequent disassembly or adjustment is necessary.
Common Applications: Cable management, piping systems, and automotive assembly.
Staples are U-shaped fasteners driven into materials using a staple gun or hammer. They are commonly used for attaching thin materials like fabric, paper, or insulation to wood or other surfaces.
Common Applications: Upholstery, packaging, and light construction.
Choosing the Right Fixings and Fasteners
Selecting the appropriate fixing or fastener for a project depends on several factors:
Material Type: Different materials require specific types of fasteners. For example, wood screws are designed for timber, while machine screws are suitable for metal or plastic.
Load Requirements: The strength and load-bearing capacity of the fastener should match the weight and mechanical forces it will need to withstand. Bolts and anchors are often used in high-load applications, while screws and nails are better for lighter tasks.
Environmental Conditions: In outdoor or corrosive environments, such as marine or chemical industries, materials like stainless steel or galvanized fasteners are preferred for their resistance to rust and wear.
Installation Method: Consider how the fastener will be installed. Some fasteners, like nails and staples, are hammered in, while others, like screws and bolts, require tools like screwdrivers or wrenches.
Permanent vs. Temporary: If the assembly needs to be frequently disassembled and reassembled, choose fasteners like screws, bolts, or clamps. For permanent installations, rivets or nails might be more appropriate.
Common Applications of Fixings and Fasteners
Construction: Fasteners such as screws, bolts, and nails are used to assemble structures, secure frameworks, and attach components like doors and windows.
Manufacturing: In industries such as automotive and aerospace, fasteners like bolts, rivets, and clips ensure the secure attachment of parts that undergo mechanical stress.
Home Improvement: From hanging shelves to assembling furniture, various fixings and fasteners are used in everyday home projects.
Electrical Installations: Fasteners like anchors, clips, and clamps are essential for securing wiring and electrical components in place.
Fixings and fasteners are fundamental to nearly every construction, manufacturing, and DIY project. Selecting the right type based on material, load, and environmental factors ensures that your installation is secure, durable, and safe. With the vast range of options available, understanding the specific requirements of your project will guide you in choosing the most appropriate fixing or fastener for the job.
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inhouseconceptsrsa · 4 days
Benefits of Hiring Drywall Installers in Cape Town
Choosing the right wall materials for interior construction or renovations is essential for both practicality and visual appeal. Drywall, sometimes referred to as gypsum board, has gained popularity because of its adaptability, affordability, and simplicity of installation. However, it is crucial to work with qualified drywall installers in Cape Town to guarantee correct installation and durable results. This article will explore the benefits of collaborating with these professionals and why drywall is an excellent option for both residential and commercial spaces.
Expertise & Precision
The degree of experience that experienced drywall installers in Cape Town bring to the table is one of the main advantages of collaborating with them. Although installing drywall may appear simple, it requires accuracy and material understanding to prevent frequent problems like cracks, uneven surfaces, and improperly matched joints. For a smooth and seamless finish, a skilled installer makes sure the drywall is precisely measured, cut, and installed.
Skilled drywall installers are also aware of how Cape Town's climate may impact drywall's longevity. They ensure that the walls can endure local weather conditions, particularly moisture and humidity, by using the appropriate materials and installation processes. Improper installation can lead to drywall warping or deterioration.
Time & Cost Efficiency
In the long term, hiring qualified drywall installers in Cape Town can save money and time. It can take a while to install drywall on your own, particularly if you have never done it before. Errors that occur during installation may result in higher maintenance or replacement expenses. In contrast, experienced installers possess the necessary equipment and knowledge to finish the task quickly and with the least amount of material waste.
Additionally, because of their contacts in the business, drywall installers frequently have access to premium products at competitive pricing. This may assist in bringing down the project's overall cost. Additionally, they guarantee that the task is completed correctly the first time, reducing the need for expensive rework.
Seamless Finishing
One of the biggest benefits of using drywall installers in Cape Town is a polished finish. To obtain a faultless appearance, these professionals are skilled at appropriately applying tape, smoothing out joints, and sanding surfaces. Both function and aesthetics depend on this smooth finish, particularly if you intend to paint or hang wallpaper over the drywall.
Over time, apparent seams, bumps, or even cracks caused by improperly constructed drywall can detract from the overall appearance of your interior space. To ensure that your walls look great and stay longer, a professional installer makes sure the drywall is not only installed but also ready for the next steps in your restoration.
Hiring expert drywall installers in Cape Town has many advantages that go well beyond the installation process itself. These experts make sure that your drywall installation is done correctly by providing knowledge, accuracy, time and money savings, smooth finishes, and customisation possibilities. Whether you are remodelling a room, building a new house, or upgrading your workplace, spending money on expert drywall installation can improve the general condition, look, and worth of your asset. The greatest solutions for your interior design needs are provided by Cape Town drywall installers, who are knowledgeable about industry standards and local conditions.
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architechts · 9 days
Best Low-Cost Interior Design Ideas for Your Kolhapur Home
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Are you looking to revamp your Kolhapur home without breaking the bank? At Sovereign Architects, we specialize in delivering top interior design services at affordable rates. Our approach often includes crafting innovative solutions using leftover materials and antiques, ensuring that your space not only looks fantastic but is also cost-effective. Here are some low-cost interior design ideas tailored for homes in Kolhapur that can transform your space without straining your budget.
1.Opt for the Right Lighting
Lighting can dramatically alter the ambiance of a room. LED bulbs are a fantastic choice due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. Consider using LED lights to enhance your space by syncing them with music or decorating them around trees and plants for festive occasions. Their waterproof and fire-resistant properties make them a safe and stylish option.
2. Revamp Your Walls
Often overlooked, walls hold significant potential for transforming your space. Invest some time in choosing the right colors, designs, and decorations for your walls. Consider hanging:
Pictures or art prints
Dream catchers
Vinyl records
Mini chalkboard portraits
Starburst mirrors
Washi tape decals
Metallic clipboards with inspiring quotes
These elements can bring personality and charm to your walls without costing a fortune.
3. Affordable Flooring Options
Flooring can be a major expense, but there are several budget-friendly choices to consider:
Vinyl Flooring: Inexpensive and easy to install over existing floors, making it a great cost-saving option.
Ceramic Tiles: Durable, easy to clean, and budget-friendly.
Concrete Flooring: Stylish and cost-efficient, with options to polish and colour to suit your design.
Laminate: Economical and visually appealing but less durable. Avoid excessive moisture to prolong its life.
Cork Flooring: Slightly more expensive but offers better quality and comfort.
4. Cost-Effective Ceiling Materials
Elevate the look of your ceilings with these budget-friendly materials:
Drywall: Affordable and widely used, providing a smooth, attractive finish with just a coat of primer and paint.
Wood Panelling and Planks: Lightweight and sturdy, these can be installed using a tongue-and-groove method and painted for a custom look.
5. Stylish Yet Affordable Doors
Doors are not just functional but also add character to your home. Choose from a range of cost-effective designs:
Modern Grill & Wood Doors
Traditional South Indian Main Door Designs
Wooden Bars & Lotus Motifs
Panelled Doors
Multi-Panel Doors
Selecting the right door design can enhance the entrance of your rooms and add a touch of elegance to your home.
Need Professional Help?
While having a good grasp of interior design is beneficial, executing these ideas on your own can be challenging. At Sovereign Architects, we’re here to make your design dreams a reality. Contact us to schedule an appointment and let our skilled team help you create a beautiful and budget-friendly home in Kolhapur.
Transform your space with these low-cost design ideas and enjoy a stylish and functional home without overspending.
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wallboard-anchors · 10 days
The Benefits of Using Wallboard Anchors in Home Improvement Projects
When it comes to home improvement projects, one of the most crucial elements often overlooked is how to securely mount items on walls. Whether you're hanging shelves, artwork, or heavy mirrors, using wallboard anchors can make a significant difference in the stability and safety of your installations. Wallboard anchors provide a reliable solution for mounting items on drywall, ensuring that they stay in place and your walls remain undamaged. Here’s why incorporating wallboard anchors into your home improvement projects is a smart choice.
1. Enhanced Stability and Strength
Wallboard anchors are designed to provide additional support and stability for items mounted on drywall. Unlike nails or screws alone, which can easily pull out or cause damage to the wall, wallboard anchors distribute the weight of the item more evenly. This prevents the anchors from pulling through the drywall and helps to ensure that your mounted items stay securely in place.
For heavier items like shelves or large mirrors, wallboard anchors offer the necessary reinforcement to handle the increased load. By expanding behind the wall or using a locking mechanism, these anchors create a strong grip that holds your items firmly, reducing the risk of sagging or falling.
2. Versatility in Applications
One of the standout benefits of wallboard anchors is their versatility. They are available in various types, each suited to different applications:
Plastic Anchors: Ideal for light to medium weight items, such as small picture frames or decorative objects.
Molly Bolts: Suitable for medium to heavy duty applications, providing a secure hold for items like shelves or large artwork.
Toggle Bolts: Best for very heavy items, such as large mirrors or cabinets, thanks to their robust expansion mechanism.
Self Drilling Anchors: Convenient for quick installations without the need for a pilot hole, suitable for various wall mounted items.
This versatility makes wallboard anchors a valuable tool for a wide range of home improvement projects, from simple decor installations to more complex setups.
3. Easy Installation
Installing wallboard anchors is generally straightforward, making them accessible for both DIY enthusiasts and professionals. Most anchors come with clear instructions, and many types, such as self drilling anchors, eliminate the need for a separate pilot hole, streamlining the process.
Here’s a brief overview of the installation steps:
1. Mark the Location: Determine where you want to install the anchor and mark the spot on the wall.
2. Drill or Insert the Anchor: Depending on the type of anchor, either drill a pilot hole or directly insert the anchor into the wall.
3. Install the Screw: Place the screw into the anchor and tighten it until secure.
4. Hang the Item: Attach your item to the mounted screw, ensuring it’s level and stable.
With these simple steps, you can achieve a professional result without the need for advanced tools or techniques.
4. Prevents Wall Damage
One of the key advantages of using wallboard anchors is their ability to minimize wall damage. Traditional nails and screws can cause unsightly holes or damage the drywall, especially when used improperly or when items are mounted incorrectly.
Wallboard anchors are designed to spread the load across a larger area, reducing the risk of cracking or tearing the drywall. Additionally, they create a secure hold without the need for excessive force, further protecting your walls from damage. This is particularly beneficial for renters or homeowners who want to avoid costly repairs or extensive wall patching.
5. Improved Aesthetic Appeal
Using wallboard anchors can enhance the overall appearance of your home improvement projects. With anchors providing a secure and stable hold, you can achieve a cleaner and more polished look for your mounted items. Items mounted with anchors are less likely to shift or fall, ensuring that your installations remain neatly aligned and visually appealing.
Additionally, wallboard anchors allow you to create more complex arrangements, such as gallery walls or multi shelf setups, with confidence. You can focus on the design and arrangement of your items rather than worrying about their stability.
6. Flexibility in Wall Types
While wallboard anchors are specifically designed for drywall, some types of anchors are versatile enough to be used with other wall materials, such as plaster or hollow core walls. This flexibility makes them a valuable tool for various home improvement projects, regardless of the wall material.
For example, toggle bolts and certain types of anchors can be used with hollow core doors or other nonstandard wall surfaces, expanding the range of possible installations.
7. Increased Safety
Safety is a critical consideration in home improvement projects, especially when mounting heavy or valuable items. Wallboard anchors help ensure that your items are securely attached to the wall, reducing the risk of accidents or damage. Items that are improperly mounted can pose a safety hazard, particularly in high traffic areas or in homes with children and pets.
By using wallboard anchors, you can create a safer environment by ensuring that your mounted items are stable and secure.
Incorporating wallboard anchors into your home improvement projects offers numerous benefits, from enhanced stability and strength to easy installation and minimized wall damage. These versatile tools provide a reliable solution for mounting items on drywall and other wall materials, ensuring that your installations remain secure and aesthetically pleasing.
Whether you’re hanging shelves, artwork, or heavy mirrors, wallboard anchors offer the support and stability needed to achieve a professional result. By understanding their advantages and proper installation techniques, you can confidently tackle your home improvement projects and enjoy the benefits of secure, long lasting installations.
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bluekidvoid · 18 days
Mastering the Art of Picture Hanging: Your Guide to Professional Services in Melbourne
When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics of your home or office, few things are as impactful as well-placed artwork. Whether it’s a cherished family photo, an inspiring piece of art, or a statement mirror, how you display these items can make all the difference. In Melbourne, Picture Hanging Services Melbourne have become increasingly popular, offering residents and businesses a professional touch to ensure their walls are not only beautiful but also safe and secure.
Why Professional Picture Hanging Services?
You might wonder, "Why hire someone to hang pictures when I can do it myself?" While DIY projects are rewarding, hanging pictures, especially large or valuable ones, requires precision and expertise. Professional picture hanging services offer several benefits:
Accuracy: Professionals ensure that each item is hung perfectly straight and at the correct height, creating a balanced look across your wall space.
Safety: Heavy items require secure installation to prevent accidents. Professionals use the right tools and techniques to guarantee your artwork stays in place.
Efficiency: What might take you hours to achieve, a professional can do in a fraction of the time, saving you both effort and potential frustration.
The Importance of Proper Picture Hanging
Proper picture hanging goes beyond just aesthetics. It’s also about ensuring the safety of your space. Improperly hung pictures or mirrors can fall, causing damage to the items and potentially injuring anyone nearby. Professionals understand the types of walls and materials they’re working with, whether it's plaster, brick, or drywall, and they choose Picture Hanging Services Melbourne the appropriate  hanging method accordingly.
Choosing the Right Spot
Selecting the right location for your picture or mirror is crucial. Professionals take into account factors like lighting, room layout, and the size of the artwork to find the perfect spot. They can also offer advice on grouping smaller pieces together for a cohesive look or placing a large piece as a focal point in the room.
Tools of the Trade
Professional picture hangers come equipped with a variety of tools to ensure a flawless finish. From laser levels to wall anchors, they use the latest technology to achieve precise results. This expertise is especially valuable when dealing with older buildings in Melbourne, where walls may be uneven or made from less common materials.
Custom Solutions for Every Space
Every home and office is unique, and so are the challenges of hanging pictures in them. Whether you’re working with high ceilings, large walls, or tight spaces, professionals can offer custom solutions that fit your specific needs. They can also advise on the best way to hang items in challenging areas like staircases or hallways.
Preserving Your Walls
One of the biggest concerns people have when hanging pictures is the potential damage to their walls. Professionals use methods that minimize the impact on your walls, such as selecting the right type of hooks or anchors. They can also advise on the best way to hang items without causing long-term damage, which is especially important for renters.
The Role of Design in Picture Hanging
Picture hanging is not just about getting the placement right; it’s also about understanding design principles. Professionals consider factors like color balance, symmetry, and the relationship between different pieces of artwork. They can help create a gallery wall that tells a story or ensure that a single piece of art stands out in the room.
Picture Hanging for Businesses
In a commercial setting, the way you display artwork can significantly impact the perception of your business. Whether it’s an office, restaurant, or retail space, the right artwork can enhance your brand and create a welcoming environment for clients and customers. Professional picture hanging services can ensure that your space reflects your brand’s identity and values.
Eco-Friendly Picture Hanging Solutions
Sustainability is increasingly important in Melbourne, and many picture hanging services offer eco-friendly options. This might include using recycled materials for frames or selecting hanging methods that are less invasive and reduce waste. For those who are environmentally conscious, these services provide a way to beautify your space while staying true to your values.
The Cost of Professional Picture Hanging
While the cost of professional picture hanging services can vary, it’s an investment that pays off in the long run. The peace of mind that comes with knowing your artwork is securely and attractively displayed is invaluable. Plus, professionals can often save you money by preventing damage to your walls or artwork that might occur with a DIY approach.
Finding the Right Professional in Melbourne
Melbourne is home to many skilled professionals who specialize in picture hanging. When choosing a service, consider factors like experience, customer reviews, and whether they offer a satisfaction guarantee. It’s also worth asking if they have experience with the specific type of artwork or mirror you need to hang.
Preparing for a Professional Picture Hanging Service
Before your appointment, it’s helpful to have an idea of where you’d like your pictures hung. Gather all the artwork and mirrors you want to be displayed and think about the arrangement. However, don’t worry if you’re unsure—professionals are there to offer advice and help you make the best decisions for your space.
The Benefits of a Well-Decorated Space
The impact of well-hung pictures on a room’s ambiance cannot be overstated. Artwork adds personality, tells a story, and can significantly affect the mood of a space. Whether you’re creating a calm environment in a bedroom or a vibrant  Picture Hanging Services Melbourne atmosphere in a living room, the right pictures can transform your space.
Maintaining Your Artwork
Once your pictures are up, it’s important to maintain them properly. Dust frames regularly, and check the stability of the hanging periodically, especially for heavy items. For more delicate pieces, professional services often offer maintenance tips to ensure your artwork remains in pristine condition.
The Future of Picture Hanging Services
As more people invest in art and home decor, the demand for professional picture hanging services is likely to grow. With advancements in tools and techniques, these services will continue to evolve, offering even more precision and customization to meet the needs of Melbourne’s diverse clientele.
Investing in professional picture hanging services is a smart choice for anyone looking to enhance their space with artwork or mirrors. Whether for safety, aesthetics, or peace of mind, the benefits far outweigh the costs. In Melbourne, where art and design are highly valued, these services provide an invaluable resource for creating beautiful, well-balanced interiors.
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pureresonanceaudio · 26 days
The Many Applications of Sound Masking Speakers
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Sound masking isn’t just an option in commercial environments; it’s a necessity. With sounds and background noises clashing, people in commercial environments often find it challenging to work and perform at their peak efficiency. However, commercial establishments can utilize sound masking speakers to prevent this.
What is Sound Masking?
Sound masking involves adding a low-level background sound, similar to the gentle hum of an HVAC or air conditioning system. This subtle background sound or ambient noise emitted from thesound masking speakerscan help cover up unwanted sounds and make commercial environments more comfortable and private, irrespective of how crowded they are.
Where Can Sound Masking Speakers Be Used?
Sound masking speakers can be used in many environments, including the following applications.
Office Spaces: Bolstering Productivity and Maintaining Privacy
Nowadays, most business owners prefer modern open-plan offices, as they make collaboration easier across the office floor plan. However, employees often suffer from noise distractions in open layouts, and even in closed floor plans, ambient noises can be distracting.
In these environments, sound masking speakers can introduce a consistent background sound and reduce the intelligibility of conversations. The staff can find it easier to concentrate without the intrusive chatter, which can improve productivity. Private conversations can remain confidential, which is crucial for maintaining client trust and corporate security.
Healthcare Facilities: Maintaining Calmness and Patient Secrecy
Ambient noises in hospitals or clinics can be fatal if they are too loud. In healthcare facilities, sound masking speakers can help reduce background noise so patients can have a more restful environment. This aids in faster recovery, reduces stress, and promotes better sleep. By masking conversations between patients and healthcare providers, these sound masking speakers can also ensure that sensitive patient information remains secure.
Educational Institutions: Creating Ideal Learning Environments
Sound masking can greatly benefit classrooms, libraries, and study areas in schools and universities. These spaces often require a balance between silence for concentration and some level of noise to prevent complete isolation. Sound masking speakers help maintain this balance, reducing distractions and enhancing focus. In addition, these systems can also be used in dormitories to ensure that students can study or sleep without being disturbed by hallway noises or neighboring rooms.
Hotels: Enhancing Guest Comfort and Privacy
In the hospitality industry, sound masking speakers can be installed in hotel lobbies, hallways, and rooms to enhance the guest experience. By reducing the impact of external noises, such as foot traffic and conversations, guests can enjoy a more peaceful stay.
Related Products:
Pure Resonance Audio C3 Micro 3" 70 Volt Ceiling Mount Speaker
Pure Resonance Audio C5 Micro 4" 70 Volt Ceiling Mount Speaker
Pure Resonance Audio PD4 4" 70 Volt Hanging Pendant Mount Speaker
Pure Resonance Audio SP8 SoundPlane 2x2 Low-Profile 8" Ceiling Tile Speaker
If you are looking for the best-in-class sound masking speakersfor your commercial establishment, check out the collection at Pure Resonance Audio today! They have a wide range of commercial sound masking speakers and emitters for speech privacy in offices and business environments. Quick and easy to install, these speakers can be configured anywhere, ranging from drop ceiling and drywall to pendant or wall mounting options. These sound masking speakers are compatible with most sound masking generators and are developed with discreet and intelligent designs that add ambient noise for speech privacy and increase productivity in commercial environments.
For More Details:  https://pureresonanceaudio.wordpress.com/2024/08/26/the-many-applications-of-sound-masking-speakers/
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